Support group - Miscarriages

Gals, thanks a lot for yr support. i am also hoping that i will strike.Hee! Bt, think i gt to relax a bit. If didnt strike, thn hope AF can report on time and not be delayed.
I dun noe why I am having white mucus discharge now, shouldnt be, unless I O late.

Hi Jappooh, can check with you when did u manage to test positive? Can't rem though I read through the previous post. Is it too early for me to test now?

do u knw when u O. Usually can test 18days after u O.

For me i O late this mth. So when i test positive i think i am only in my 4th wks. But if base on my LMP then is 6wks. After scan gynae confirm that i O late cos cant see anything yet. And it accurate cos i test negative after my AF due. Only 1 wl later than i tested positive loh.
i get sensitive as well.
Yesterday out of sudden i just cry and my hubby got a shock.. Then he ask why u cey i just say i feel that he dun love me anymore. Then he faster hug me and say do lar. After i ok liao he told me he dunno wan to laugh or wan to be angry at me. Out of sudden just cry like that.. Haha
At least ur hubby hug you and say he still loves you. Mine didn't even action! That's infuriating. He only answer me, "ya still love you" and then he continues to play his psp! Sigh.... heartache.
Hi Jlow,
my hubby do that cos he have many yrs of training from me liao. Since we get married (that is 5 yrs ago) i told him straight how to sayang me and how i prefer a man to dote on me how.

So we are very open to each other. So these yrs we seldom quarrel loh. So it take time lar.. Hee..

My hubby also like to play game, computer game, psp, xbox, ps2. and comics.. he is like a big boy loh. Sometime he can tell me i only sayang my small boy and didnt take care of the big boy (my hubby) fainted rite?
Jlow & Jappooh,
U ladies are so cute..was smiling when i read your posts.
I was also very sensitive when pregnant(i m not normally),he told me something a bit louder n i went into the room n cried for 1.5hrs n had suicidal thots,it shocked hor must tell hubby of it ok?
Tell them it is the hormones workin,u cannot control so they have to be very sensitive to ur feelings
happy.gif when u tell them, "baby is craving for...." It is your privilege!LOL
Hi PJ,
after yrs of marriage my hubby knw me in and out now. Now he on auto mode liao most of the time see my face he knw wat to do..haha..
jappooh & Jlow, both ur hb very cute leh. i am always the one to hug my hb first...but the day after my dnc, i hide inside my room to cry then he hug hb is not the romantic type lah. sometimes the things he do for me, make me feel touch only loh. and everyday at work he will smses me alot.

Jlow, u still change bedsheet ? try not to do all this ok..

piyo, u see dr woody at SK clinic before ah ? hehe. so u know the nurse there very friendly right

sheryl, i also very tempted to test last the end i still tested..but is negative loh. but how come i still feel a bit symthoms...hehe

twinangles, 3 month of mc ? meaning 3 months of unpaid leave ? my hb also ask me to rest at home after finish 1st trimester. but i dont think i can take so long leave also...

PJ, running in Jul ? what if we are preg by then ? then cannot run liao...
Jappooh thank u for sharing .. my hubby very MCP. Sometimes reaaly hate to talk to him, he always think he's rite & like to talk loud loud!... when i super sensitive, I can't stand his "action", will confront him very direct., then I will feel tat this man don't know my love language & become very sad. now i so xin ku, he still so not appreciative!!!!!!!!...... sigh...sometimes really feel like stripping his self-centredness away and hammer him real hard!
haha,i know what u mean.My hb oso raised his voice when we hv disagreement or argument.And he didn't bother to pacify him.At times,I feel like leaving him for good.
Jlow & Jappooh, mi in CD28 now. My AF is supposed to report tomorrow, as per my previous 2 cycles after my D & C in Feb. I do not know exactly when I O. Btw, I only monitor my O based on the online ovulation calendar and the egg-white discharge (can't rem the short form for this). Was thinking to monitor for another one more week and then test. Dont want to cause false alarm to myself.

Porky, which CD are you in now? what symptoms are u feeling now? Have yr AF reported yet?
Jlow, my hubby is also the same as yrs too. He is a MCP as well, can't take it at times. Everytime we argue, he will shout at me also. Over time, I am used to it and don't bother. Instead, I diverted my attention to my boy and he will try to pacify me when he has cooled down.
Don't take it to heart ok? I think maybe coz you are preggie, so a bit mood swing. You can try telling him to be a bit understanding since u r preggie now.
for the 1st time since our m/c....hubby sort of think abt our baby....he commented dat if otherwise our baby will be into its 4th mth le & another 5 more mths to delivery....

jlow...aiyo...ask u to rest at home u sweep the floor & change bedsheet **spank backside**...oh if u are selling ur OPK....would like to get from u if still avail.....=)

porky...ya lor we kan cheong after tested +ve so the next day go all the way to SK to see him cos it's sat noon ma....

at least u ladies have nice hubby who noe how to pacify u...mine is the worst out of the whole lot....i was crying non stop after knowing abt my m/c which left him helpless & all he could say is okie lar...dun be sad...keep telling mi 'forget it' in mandrain "shuan le ba".....seriously can faint lor....
hi porky,
3 months of mc means PAID leave. i'm going to fight for PAID leave all the way man. i guess its a bit better in a sense since i'm a civil servant, dont think i can do that if i'm in a private sector.
Hi Twinangels

U dont need 3 months lar, 2 months enuf liao. Cos by the time u test +ve already 1 month liao, so 2 more months to finish 1st tri lor...

Hee.. actually i also think the same as u. I was telling my hubby if i get preg, i will take 2 months of no pay leave till i finish my 1st tri. Just stay at home rest n take an tai yao....but dunno when that day will come..hoho....
Hi Twinangels,
will gynae give u 2mths MC just like that? I think unless high risk if not wont be able to get rite?

BTW where are u working? I am in SB but here MC boss also not happy and end up i wont get my perforamce bonus next yr..My hubby also ask me to take lots amd lots of MC..haha
maybe u tested too early cos i find some brand kit not that sensitive. Clearblue is the best..

Can test again this sat.. Maybe u have good news to share with us.
hope your AF not gg to report for 9mths.

my hubby is "trained" to pacify me hor.. I used to tell him that when i angry with diff things how he going to pacify me differently..haha.. After yrs of training then he become more auto. My hubby is also those but romantic person loh. I can see that he did put in effort to be a good husband and good father loh. So contented liao.. Hee..
u should rest more. Dun do any hse work.

it was abt time to change bedsheet alerady i will ask my hubby to do it.

My MIL offer to help me wash toilet.

BTW my MIL did most of the hsework for me except cleaning my rm and washing the master bedrm toilet. sometime feel so paisei.
U muz be treated like a princess now. Hee! Let them do the housework la, mus treasure the time now. ;p The other time, when i was preggie, my hubby and in laws also treated me like one. Missed those moments manz.
Hi Twinangels,
then u might be diff from me.. I am doing for techincal job so involved physical things and soemtime need to go site as well.

actaully i was more or less the same lar.. Just that now i cant carry my boy. Hubby keep asking me am i hungry. As for MIL, so far she is a nice lady to me so still ok lar..Even b4 i am preggie she already good to me liao.
hi lovelove,

i just called my gynae, they say results are out and on my doc's table. but she is very busy right now and has left the office, will only let me know on friday, since its holiday tomorrow. how agonizing is this man...
sheryl, i dunno how to count my CD...u also did dnc in feb ? which date ? mine is on 21st feb. then 1st cycle came on 3rd april. now i dunno when the next cycle is coming..but my gynae told me will be quite same as my last cycle...i still symthoms are : very hungry every 2 hrs, pass urine very often esp night time, bloated at tummy and constipation...mayb is also like AF coming loh...

piyo, wow so excited ah. see him when u first tested positive. no wonder i was thinking why u stay cck area then u see him at sk, my hb also one kind loh...after come out from dr woody clinic (hearing the news that must do dnc liao) he striaght away move to one side and keep puffing away...then i was crying behind him...somemore keep saying is ok lah...we try again next time like so easy...

jappooh, i am, using those cheapo type to test leh..only 50cents per test dun want to spent so much to buy clearblue lah...cos i have alot of those cheapo type at home now..but if i tested positive liao then i must buy clearblue to double confirm...hehe
Hello Gals,
Just found out something from the TCM doctor that I saw yesterday. For those who are TTCing, please advise your husbands not to shower/bathe in hot water. No sauna or soak in bathtub either. Best is to bathe with cold water. He also advised during the TTCing months, men should stay out of the sun as much as possible. Basically, keep body temperature as cool as possible

when i try for 2nd baby didnt buy clearplan anymore too ex..haha.. For my 1st one 1 buy 1 box only. Only test on the day when i see egg white dicharge to confirm i O.. To save $$ loh..hee
Jlow - PLS PLS leave all housework aside!!! should reali take extra and plenty of care.. not when u haven passed 1st tri! i almost fainted when i saw u went to wash ur toilet... mabbie meantime get ur HB to help out or part time help to do the hsework.. bb is top priority now... remember ok...

Sheryl and Porky - all the best on ur TTC! hope you catch the baby dust and spread some to us when its our turn k

Jappooh - haha.. i think u r quite similar to me... i also need my HB to dote on me alot and i always ask him if he loves me..hee...
jlow....did not received any PM from u thus send u a PM....=)

porky....perhaps men had veri diff way of handling their emotion....anyway where did u get ur test strips?? so cheap wor 50 cents nia....any good news to share wif us ar....=D
Dear gals

I am having a miscarriage today at 5 weeks plus. I shouldn't have tested too early. Now I am faced with the disappointment.

Can I check with you? Must I go to gynae to do D&C? I am having menses now as I used to be. Not painful.

I don't wanna go to gynae to have him tell me i am miscarrying..

How to do a confinement after this? When can i try again? Should I go tcm?
dear magpie2, so sorry to learn of your m/c. pls do go to a gynae to scan. your body might not dispel of the remains thoroughly and its not good to leave 'residues' inside your body. if gynae cant see any sac, then u do not need to do any dnc. my 2nd m/c was at 4 weeks plus and nothing could be seen so i need not do a dnc.
dear ladies, my AF is finally here after 37 days!! what a long wait.. can finally start TTC in a few days more! now i just need to get that damn report from the gynae tmr.... grr..
Dear Twinangels

Thanks for your reply.

I was scheduled to go back to see him on Saturday for pregnancy now it becomes miscarriage.

If I am having mense now, he will still do a scan? Can I wait till my so-called af is finished then go back to see him? Say next week?
Aileen, yes yes...know already.. only lightweight housechores such as wash dish and cooking..other chores will ask cinder-fella to do it.

Piyo..ok, I will check mail and post over to you by next week.

Hi Magpie2,
Sorry about your loss. Take care and rest well. For most of us here we will go to the gynea to check and make sure that the womb is clean. Even If you are sure you have flushed out completely, it is best you do the same still. Normally gynea will give a week of hospitalisation leave for you to rest at home.

In most cases, we boil red dates & ginger with dansheng to drink. Take plenty of ginger with the main dishes to purge the wind within our body and "bu" our health back with the herbal soup (Ba Zhen). If it's possible rest as much as possible.
We advice you to check with your gynea on your situation when you can try again. But if you seek tcm's advice, then they will advice if your womb is strong enough. Everyone will have different condition.

I know some of the gals here are seeking TCM to help correct and rebuild the womb and even the overall health. They will be able to advice you further if you are interested to know.

Gynae will give one week hospitalisation leave? No one knows about this actually. With this leave, I blow the matter big. I feel sad to have to handle this alone. I feel like telling my mum about it. But hubby thinks it will cause her to be worried. How?
hi magpie2,

yes, even if ur bleeding now, its ok to do a scan. i was also scheduled to see my gynae for pregnancy but ended up as a m/c. sigh. dun need to wait till it clears.

rest well and let the healing begin..

we're all here for each other.

Hi Twinangels

I asked my hubby to keep all the duphaston, fish oil and anmum milk powder. He's not so affected and now watching tv and laughing away. In a sense, its good cos he already said it's not even a fetus yet.
Hi magpie2
You have to be strong yourself. If anyone ask you why hospitalisation leave, you can tell them, you had food poisioning and Dr wants you to rest to recuperate. Not mean to teach you to lie, but I understand how hard it is to let others know, But if you do not want to, then don't bother to tell anyone. I only told my HR and no one else in my office, when they ask, I just say apply leave to stay home sleep.

Are you staying with your mum? If you need to ask your mum to do confinement, you must let her know lor. Otherwise maybe you can cater confinement food like the rest of the gals here. They have the contact.

But if you can tell her and assure her that you are alright and tell her no need to worry for you lor. My mum also worries alot, I have to tell her becos she knows I was preg and she comes do mini confinement for me....She keep sasking why this happen to me, why I look so big and yet so weak....all her question sometimes really kill me.. But mother is always so caring, once you let her know it's out of your control, she will stop.
Hi Jlow

I see your message I feel very touched. You really understand my situation.

I have no mood for anything... just sit here and stare at the screen. I find it very difficult to keep it to myself.
hi magpie, we all understand how u feel. as we have went thru it ourselves. i did not m/c naturally. but forced to do d&c cos gynae could not see anything after i bleed for 1 day. hubby also seems nothing serious to him. he say the bb has not form to a human shape so just it go to heaven. at first i feel angry at wat he say, but after a while, i dont really mind now. as most of the gals here have said that men dont really understand how we feel as they dont carry the bb inside them. anyway, now u must do a good confinement like Jlow has mentioned above. i did 2 weeks confinement as i got 2 weeks hospitallisation leave from my gynae. i did told my mum abt this cos she keep asking me how is i told her i lost it...she also ask a lot of questions...then i just keep crying away..btw, if u have time, come in here to chat with us. take care gal
Hi Porky
The bleeding stopped but cramps continue now. I guessed my body is trying to expel the thing out. Once it's done, I will see a full flow. Thank God tdy is public holiday. I can rest at all. Tmr as well.

I tot being pregnant is a natural proces and since God has given me a baby, He will not take away. I feared miscarriage will happen to me cos I have heard people having miscarriage. But I still tell myself I will be ok. Who knows? I become a victim of miscarriage. Many question marks in my mind. Why this happens? What's going to happen next? Did I really test too early? Why give me already yet take away?? No answer..

I have tried for more than a year.. so first time pregnant sure ok.. who knows? it's still ended in miscarriage.. Just feel o disappointed and sad.
hi magpie, i know what u mean. i also thot pregnant is very easy. and m/c has never come across my mind cos all the people around me always have successful pregnancy. never hear anyone telling me that they got m/c. i am the only one among my frens and relatives...thats why i had a hard time when i have to explain to them my stituation. even my own mum dont understand why i can m/c so now, i hope u will feel better after everything is being expel out. if excessive bleeding, better call ur gynae. take care.

Hi magpie,
Pleasesss visit ur gynae assap, I knw how u feel cos i was unexpectly pregt when I've a IUD which was due for removal. i had to terminate my pregnacy within the next few days,I was sad thou I've 2 older boys but whenever it comes to this issue , the saddness is alway there.
Do Take care of yourself.
