Support group - Miscarriages

i am like u have mix feeling regrading of my boy. Cos now i seldom carry him. When he wan me to carry i will say ask "pa pa to carry". Feel sad loh. i use to run with him also but now i dun do that loh.

I think our kids will not blame us loh. So i still try to play with him but differently loh.

ya hope is still eariler thats why no symptons yet. My hubby say when i have very bad MS for my boy i complaint now no MS i complaint also..

hi jappooh, no ms also scard leh...that time when dr woody told me my blood test result no good. after i went home, i feel that all symthoms like disappear suddenly. no more sore breast, no more hungryness, everything feel like a normal person...not like a preggy person its good to have more symthoms. like old ppl always say more ms means the bb is growing well inside. count down to 1 more week. very fast de. hehe.
ya loh that wat i worry loh. For me now if i get too hungry i will wan to vomit loh. So now counting down hope next thur come faster..
aileen, usually the nurse wont know...but i got ask dr woody why must see him again after 1 month loh. so he say is to make sure that AF resume and ok to ttc already. actually he told me to start ttc after 2 cycle leh... but after he scan me, he say i can start already after 1 cycle. so glad to hear that. my hb also happy. cos no need to be temporary monk

btw, i thot most ppl in forum say the nurse at CCK quite friendly leh...i only see him once at CCK did not really see how the nurse there. hehe. but the nurse at SK is very good lah
jappooh, do u know, i think i almost crazy for bb liao. yesterday, i feel very hungry easily and always feel like wan to pass urine very often. so i went to test. negative hb say where got so fast..cos we only try last week only
Hi Porky,
u sound like me lei..I use to be like that and a little bit of things i thought is preg symptons loh.

That why this time when my AF dun report my hubby 1st reaction is i think too much..

I think man and woman are so diff loh..

I feel hungry now.. Like wan to vomit liao..

Yesterday i feel so tired sleep at 915pm. My hubby look at me and say now is only 915pm i told him i am tired.
jappooh, ya loh. cos those symthoms seems the same like my previous pregnancy so i know how is it like. then i told my hb mayb strike liao. next AF will be due in another 10days...i hope it will not come...but i also confuse, cos i BD last week is already after my o days...
like to knw did u tell your hubby when u O?

when i try for my 1st baby i find that my hubby not relax when he knw is my O. And after that i dun tell him anymore. Since i am always the one who make the move he will never suspect that i O when i wan it.. haha.. Then i find he become more relax lei..

Those gals who are trying maybe dun tell your hubby when u O so see how it goes..
JLow, glad to hear that u are doing well. keep it up ! hope to hear more progress from u after next visit ya. take care.

Helpme, i really dunno what to say after seeing ur posting...cos i saw u post in twins due in 2008 before. so sorry to see u here that u lost both...haiz...take good care of urself this time.
Hi Porky,
dun give up hope. I was like u. I thought i BD after my O date. So when my AF dun report i thought my AF goes haywire liao. And that time piyobaby AF also goes haywire so i think no chance at all liao. But we have a gift loh. So now have to wait to see gynae next wk. And i still keep gg to toilet to check any red anot..

I am not like that during my 1st preg.. So this one i really cant relax loh. I dun think anyone can understand my feeling except u gals loh.
jappooh, i did told my hb when i o the week before last week. but i know he got some praying ritual so i understand that he cant have last week we BD. i did not tell him anything cos i also dunno whether i still o or not liao..but we just do it loh..
hi Porky,
that time i suspect i O in Beijing also. But we also do it after i come back. We do it liek 3 or 4 days once only cos i dunno i O late also..

So chances is still there.
Porky - the nurse assisting Dr Adrian inside the room is very nice.. but the one at the counter not lor.. when i had to c him the day i decide to DC, the nurse stil shout for my name and seem so pek chek cos i was sitting outside the clinic crying... and she shld know im upset lor, cos she was bout to give me the pills to take before i head for hospital... so one kind..

Jappooh - the last round i also tell HB its O time.. he was ok except tat i myself felt weird cos its like a procedure and not sometin out of ourselves...

Porky - all the best in ur TTC! hope to get baby dusts from your when i try 2 mths later
hi Jappooh,Porky,
Haha,I thot I am the only one who behaves like that leh.I always tell myself tat I've to relax during my O day..just tak it easy...but somehow,cannot leh...I told myself mayb just let nature takes it course, but when my O days come,I can't help not to tell my hb.

Sometx,I pity my hb's like..just "do" it for the sake of doing it, hehe..
hmm..the nurse was reali so insensitive.which hospital did u go?

Haha...i oso feel like doing it like a "SOP"procedure...actuali,i didn't wanna tell him...but if I don't tell him,he'll do his own things like reading newspaper or watch soccer after my boy slept.But once i told him,i oso find it funny bcoz no more "atmosphere".
your decscription so funny "SOP procedure".. For me i find that if i dun tell him then we enjoy more. Cos i am someone who get "hot" easier. Cos last time when i tell my hubby i O i think he stress till he cant perform at all. And we are very open to each other. So he did tell me he feel stress when he knw i O. So feel then onwards i wont tell him already. Only after that then i tell him..haha
avocado, is like our hb do for the sake of making us preggy right ? no wonder our hb will feel the stress. is quite true loh. for my previous preg, we tried for less then a month without stress. cos that time we din even thot of ttc, only do as we like. then scarly strike at 2nd try only. after this lost, both of us also feel stress. my hb stress that his sperm is not good enough for my next pregnancy...and i stress that i cant protect the fetus when i got preg again...haiz...
Hi Porky,
Ya lor, 3 cycles is damn long. But that is what my gynae advise lei. Cos' maybe of my mulitple m/c history, so better to let the womb heal. The days are passing by so slowly. Its not even 2 wks since my D&C & seems like forever waiting for my 1st AF to come. The last 2 times, my AF went haywire after the D&C. Took long time to come and when here, was super heavy.

Hi Helpme,
I also made apppointment to see Dr Tan tomorrow. Will keep you posted of the outcome.

Hi Jappooh,
Fully understand how you fee. When I was pregnant, I keep going to the toilet to check whether got any spotting or not. I used up 1 roll of toilet paper in one day. Dun worry, stay positive and things will work out fine
Hi pinkpixel,
yes that is exactly how i feel loh.

we have the same worries as you and your hubby. So now every day is like 1 yr loh.. To wait for 2wks is already so long.. Dunno how to tahan till 1st trimester.
hehe...SOP=std operating procedure...ya..
Me too leh..i am oso the one who gets hot easier,hehe..My hb is a reserved type.He can perform beta when he "needs" it, hehe...but I oso can't leave to his mood bcoz he won't know when is my O-day.
But sometx,i pity him leh.Feel like he is my "sex slave" when comes to TTC.

ya lor,do it for the sake of doing it.something like.."sperm donator",hehe..
Me too leh,my 1st preggie with my boy,oso strike at 2nd try!Same for the 2nd preggie too(which ended up miscarriage).
But don't know why for this time,I've tried since Feb & Mar,but cannot strike.I was thinking either we were stressed or sick(we were both having flu & on medication).Actuali,not very good to TTC while we r not in health but i reali eager to hv rat baby.

hmm...i know wat u mean bcoz this kinda of nobody fault.My hb oso used to worry his sperm which caused my miscarriage n wanted to go for sperm count.But I feel it is unnecessary bcoz there r many factors which contribute to m/c.Chances r my eggs r "aged" oso bcoz i was leading a hectic lifestyle & didnt reali tak care of my health since my 1st preggie.We actuali oredi sort of decided to stop at one child but later realise my son shld hv another sibling.
I drank a lot of coffee/tea when i was stressed up wf my job.I oso nid to manage my hsework w/o any helper.
For ladies who r TTC, it is reali impt to stop all the caffeine drinks & reduce stress in job.Sound difficult but reali hv to try.I stopped drinking coffee after my M/C.Now eat a lot of fruits & vege & tak multivit.
I've a frd who has been TTC for 5yrs.She has 2 operations to remove her cysts & her gynae told her tat she has no chance to conceive.Just when she has gave up hope,she got preggie!Now a proud mother of a 8mth old baby boy.
for my hubby not too bad lar.. Cos he is very easy turn on by me also. So no problem but must give him few days rest day. When we try for my 1st one he dun ahve to rest so many days. I think is dun to age and job loh.

Wow u are so lucky to strike easier for your 2 preg. For my 1st one i tried for 1 yr plus. then take clomid at the end..My 2nd and 3rd one all with the help of clomid.
As for caffeine,
i use to drink 3 cups of tea everyday. I reduce to 1 cup per day when i knw i was preg for the 2nd one. Now this 3rd one i totally dun take tea anymore.
try to distract urself with other activities,then u won't keep thinking abt it...

I can understand how u feel...i oso kept counting down for my 1st AF after my m/ was tough initially,kept looking at the calender & counting down.After tat,i tried to distract myself by doing other things such as shopping,playing wf my boy...
Hi Aileen,Sylvie & Piyobaby,
Thank you for ur encouragements
It is so true tat only ladies who have gone thru this will understand wat we are going thru.

So sorry to hear abt ur case..let's be strong together ok?We also went for all the tests..and spent a bomb and I read online tat the exact reasons may not even be known.So i m taking the stand that we will keep ourselves healthy and then see how cos each pregnancy is different.The reasons for last 2cases may not (rather think WILL NEVER) happen again.

Hi Jappooh,
Ur boy is so cute to play tat cashier game with u.

My menses aft last MC was also like yours,all haywire and very heavy,the period bet each period is also off.I used to be super accurate and on the dot accurate type.But gynae said as long as it is within 35days then no worries.

I also worry whether i can colour my hair now tat i m only 1wk plus aft d&c,but i went for it last Fri as a "perk up treat" for myself and also did pedicure.So it is really up to whether you are comfortable doing it.

Gynae also told us to wait 3cycles the last time but aft he examined me after 1mth after D&C,he gave the green light to go ahead.
I m soo waiting for next mth's appt cos my SO dun let me go to gym whereas i m aching to go exercise!!!

Anyone keen to take part?
Today went to work as usual, but when go toilet I see red! Almost stay in the toilet to cry...then went to see Dr to examine. Dr gave 1 week hospitalisation leave and progestrone pill. Though now no bleed..I wonder if I can go back office tmr, got so much work due this wed..
Hubby says homebound but I am so worried being alone at home. SO scare to see another time.

avocado, you are amazing le.. so busy @ work and still do house chores and got to take care of your boy.. hw u managed so many things in a day?? pei fu pei fu.

PJ what's SO?
Jappooh me too le. before, I took 3 cups of coffee, somemore my cup super huge type..went thru cold turkey to cut coffee, but after my mc I resume back to coffee...but a cup a day. But after got preg 2nd time, i stop too. And I took Milo almost everyday. I know still caffeine but really no other drink to take liao...
Jlow, see red ! scary...u take care ok. must rest rest and rest. dont move around too much !!! not even do housework. the first time i see red, i still go to wash my toilet...

PJ, what is SHAPE RUN ? sound interesting leh. hehe.

pinkpixel, the days after D&C can pass very slowly. after u recover, u will keep worrying that AF goes haywire. i also got this feeling. i feel very bored and fustrated at home. especially i have my MIL who is always saying sensitive remarks to me. finally i went back to work after 2 weeks. then time pass super fast liao. everyday i count down to my AF. and finally it came exactly 6 weeks after my D&C. now is over 2 months already. like very fast. hehe. just sharing my thots.
u very cute leh...give him few days of "rest days".Me too, i oso give my hb few days to rest to "replenish".hehe...

U can drink soyabean or milk. For me,I'll drink soyabean(in powder form) coz i quite scare the taste of milk.Once a while,i drink tea..I am a "teh si" lover.
Sometx, i tink...older ppl like my mum or grandma oso drink tea/coffee & they gave birth to healthy babies oso.My mum said she was so poor tat she ate "kiam chye",salted egg with porridge during her pregnancy;but me & my sibling all very healthy.
haha, u very too leh,the 1st time i saw red,i still do hsework & played wf my boy.I rememb it was Xmas day when I saw red.I thot it wasn't big deal bcoz i heard it is quite normal to c red during preggie.But end up m/c.
hi gals,
my menses came at last after 5 weeks of wait. before that, i tot i was preggie again. i think i was getting paranoid, might have self-created some ms symptoms. so far it seems fine, didn't have any crampy feelings nor heavy flow. I still can go back to do my workout, juz had 2 hrs of super power cardio classes, now, my butts are aching.

oh dear, i hope u are ok. don't think too much, have plenty of bed rest. if u need someone to talk to, can always call me, u know where to get my number from ;)
thanks ladies for the encouragement.
i am still trying to get by day by day...wanted to get preg soon but also scared of the same thing happening again.

yes, i did post there when i was expecting the happy then...sigh

pls do PM me the outcome of ur appt with Dr Tan.
Ya I m better bed rest after the check up..
Keeps wondering what could be the cause...I was washing the toilet last night and wonder is it becos of doing housechores! Erggghhh..hate to think of it. Dr did says it's norm, becos mine was CM with blood streak not really fresh red..she says could be implantation. Any mommies here encounter before? Pls advice

Stephy you do workout when you menses? Tot should avoid too strenous exercise first.
i have been quite active, before i had my boy, rain or shine, will surely be at the gym. Moreover, i used to have crampy periods, but after exercising, it seems to be fine.. no cramps and heavy flows, so i think shd be ok. When I went back for my review after dc, I did ask my gynae whether is ok to swim and do high impact exercises, he said ok. Especially, i'm on the heavy side, i really hope i can lose some weight before preggie again.
avocado, ya loh. i also thot normal mah. cos that time sept mtb also a few see red then in the end is fine. and dr woody also say is nothing serious. ask me eat 3 hormones tablets 3 times a day. so i thot shd be ok. so i went home wash toilet, after that still do vacuuming for my whole house...cos is CNY chu 4. got ppl coming my hse visit...anyway, i think is best to avoid all this household i scare liao...and also blame myself for keeping my house so clean and lost my bb in the end...

Jlow, glad that u are better now. have a good rest.
stephy, wow u really like sportswoman leh. hehe. my first AF also did not experience intense cramps. just slight cramps but heavy flow for first 4 days. after ur AF completed, u will see ur gynae again for follow up ?
keke, ya man.. my nickname used to be energiser, ever ready..
my gynae didn't ask me to go back to him, so i think the next visit will be next year, for pap smear.. but of course, i hope to see him asap lor.
see red?? U better rest when and dun go back office to work. Rest as much as possible.

must have rest day meh. if not how to replenish? Hee hee...
Hi jlow, pls take gd care n dont strain yrself too much ya.
maybe u can lie on the bed n watch vcds.

Hi guys, my AF is supposed to be due in 2 days time. I am a bit excited, hopping that my AF do not report and I be preggie soon. But, guess its just wishful thinking on my part. Hee! I have been feeling tired recently, dun noe if its pre-pregnancy syptoms or due to work. I was tempted to buy a test kit and test. But, was thinking maybe I wont be able to detect so early n it could be just me being a bit too sensitive. ;p
porky...the nurse @ SK is veri nice & frenly....agree wif aileen dat the reception nurse @ cck veri bo chup & rude sumtimes....babydust to u...kekeke

jlow...gota be veri careful & take care of urself okie....but no worries...all will be fine for u de....=D

sheryl...good luck to u....=)
thanks gals for de encouragement,
me will move in slower motion mode to make sure no more stress to de womb,at least all of u very comforting. so angry my hubby so insensitive at times...or is it me too sensitive le..
hi Jlow,

do take it easy. the next time i'm preggers, i will take at least 3 months of mc for bed rest. not going to risk it. scolding the children is very bad for health, can really feel the strain.

Jlow, how many weeks are u at now?
last Mon scan says 6w4d after yesterday's scan dr says 8 weeks, I also very confused now, but the bb inside has grown twice de size since last wk. so amazed.

I can't take 3mths le....just got promoted, if take 3 mths I scare it will affect my work greatly. I can only ask my reporting boss to lighten my work load lor... but now tat I on hospitalisation leave, I also very lazy to go office....hee hee...
Sheryl & Porky, hope to hear from you good news soon!

Today stay home don't know what to do, end up sweep the floor and change bed sheet....Taking breakfast now..

Baby Dust to all..
Is ur hb skinny type?My hb is very skinny.So not vert strong,nid to "replenish"hehe

U muz be careful,not to overstrain urself! try to get a PT maid to help out until ur preggie is stabilize!

Though there r a lot of articles state tat it is alright to do hsework or simple exercise during preggie,personally,I feel it is still beta to rest as much as u could during 1st trimester.
In TCM perspective,our womb is nt strong to sustain the preggie.And we r now "manufacturing" the baby n shld make sure the engine is functioning well.hehe...
I was pretty pressurized during my 2nd preggie(which ended up M/C).Stressed up of job,hsework,taking care of my boy,looked for maid...etc..I wanted to get everything settled(quit my job,find a maid & confinement maid,etc)then I could rest.But ended up i m/c.

Somehow,I feel stress does contribute to m/c;since we heard a lot tat ppl cannot conceive due to stress,blah...blah...I always ask my hb how come my 1st preggie was ok,despite i was oso very stressed;then he said now we r older,different story liao...Last time,i used to shop at Orchard Rd the whole day w/o feeling cannot liao...after 1hr,muz find place to rest..
u r nt the only one,i was oso extremely sensitive when i was preggie,ended up quarreled wf my hb over small matters.and my hb is ego type,don't give in to me one.At that moment,i felt so sad coz i am carrying ur baby,oredi so "wei ta", so tired & worried,yet,u can't seem to understand..

u r not the only one!! I was paranoid during the "waiting period" oso.Last mth,i thot i strike coz i was tired n moody.I was oso sensitive to smell & appetite was very good.I even asked my hb to help out in hsework,just in case I preggie.Very tempted to test but oso worried abt disappointment...Then my AF reported..sigh

It is so normal to feel fearful and at the same time full of too.hugz

Shape run is held in Jul.Check this out.
I was thinkin scarli preggo how? But dun wanna think abt it,wanna get back into shape first then let it come naturally.

SO = Significant Other (taught in this forum)

What is OPK? Just wanna find out,did any of you use those ovulation strips or use thermometer to see when u ovulate?

Do take good care ok? Watch some comedy dvds,it helps to distract u n keeps u in a light mood.We watched the cantonese "fan tin hei xi",the one where myolie put on wt to act,quite funny la.
