Support group - Miscarriages

stephy...cheer up...things will get beta each day de....=) onli the milder activity wif him...of cos have to watch out for his movements...avoiding ur tummy esp...oh right u can see the diff subfolders titled blog, photos etc...if not then u can go to setting & include them in...u can click on add photos in ur homepage to add photos then....

sheryl...if u need sumone to talk to on ur probs...can always email mi at [email protected] hope that things improve for u oso....=)

Hi Stephy,
i have but i only MSN when i at hm. In office cant access to it. when u see me online during weekdays mostly i am either on MC or on leave..Hee.

Will add u in tonite when i reach hm.
it's ok, juz tot msn is easy to chat

hope u "see" u soon
how are u getting along.. Since the gynae say i O late and might only be in my early preg than my edd wont be close to yours already.

Do take care. U have MSN?
so far is keep burp and when brushing teeth like wan to vomite. No much MS loh. Thats why i am worried.

Hope this one is a successful one.
Hi Stephy,
i tested with a very faint positve on 19 April. and on 21 apr test again this time with clearblue and the line get darker. I went to see gynae on 22 Apr so most ppl suggest me to go early. gynae scan and only can see liner gets thicker. SO have to wait for another 2 wks to do another scan.

Now i was give hormo pill and vitamins to take every day.
avocado....i understand from sum mummies taking the hormone pills duphaston is dat one might feel giddy & nauseous...but it din happen to mi right then so could be rather subjective....=)
Hello ladies,
Haven't been here in the past couple of weeks cos I was busy with job interviews and also studying for test for a course I'm taking. (I'm a SAHM for now)

Congrats to you, Japooh! Take good care of yourself!

Had my D&C same day as stephy and exactly 1 mth later I had some slight menstrual-like bleeding. It stopped overnight and then came again on and off, slight spotting here and there, sometimes with slight cramping. Nothing for the last 2 days, and today start again. Is this normal??? Can this be considered as my 1st AF???? Gynae says 1st AF will come between 4-6 weeks. Now it feels as though my menses want to come but cannot come leh. I understand that AF after D&C might be quite screwed up but if after the 6th week still like that, I think I'll give gynae a call.

Just read somewhere in the earlier posts that fertile period is 2 weeks after D&C and so now, I'm starting to wonder... cannot be so lucky wah??? Hubby and I wasn't really planning to TTC so soon after the D&C. Should I do a pregnancy test???? I have no MS or anything woh.
i do not have any side effect after taking the duphaston. So far so good.

maybe u wan to see a gyane regarding the spotting? I do not knw does other gals here have teh same experience. Cos after my MC my 1st AF look very like normal mense.
hi rei-chan, my AF after dnc is very heavy..not like spotting kind...i have heavy flow for abt 4 days then spot for 5 days..after that then completely stop liao. if u keep spotting on and off, i think is best u ask ur gyane hor.
Hello again,
Thanks for replies, Porky & Jappooh. Have more menstrual-like flow today. So I guess 1st AF is finlly kicking in. Hopefully won't dwindle down to spotting again. A bit of a relief cos I just signed employment letter this week! Wouldn't know wat to tell my employer if I'm pregnant now. ^_^

Can't believe how quickly things change. Just over a month ago, I'm a SAHM with a new baby on the way. Now, no baby but have new job.... Of course if can choose, will definitely still take baby over job... ^_^ But sometimes, things are just not up to us hor.

One last question, now that AF is here, I shouldn't take chinese herbal soup right? Cos my MIL bought some Korean ginseng for me 'bu' my womb. But I'm not sure if I can take now leh.
i think folic acid should be able to take. Cos it was found in our food also.

better dun take now wait till your AF stop then take.
hello Jappooh
I'm ok. Eversince mygynea gv me folic with B6. my MS seem to get better now too. Only when i over eat or take in oily stuff. It will hit me real bad.

I'm super busy and stressed at work and sometimes I wonder if the little one can take the stress a not. so worry at times..

Porky, Did you ask the sinseh if you can take? May be like Jappooh says it's ok .
hi porky,
i'm taking tcm med and also folic acid and vit c pills in my diet right now. was advised to take them at least 2 hours apart, not together in one mouthful.
Hi ladies...

been busy at work lately.. sigh, even got to bring home to do, so sianz....

Jappooh - can ask how many tabs of hormone pills u taking a day? for my girl, i had bleeding scares and first gynae ask me to take 6 tabs a day before i switch to my second gynae who oni ask me to take 3 tabs a day. for the second preg, my gynae ask me to take 3 tabs also.. im just wonderinng if taking 6 tabs cld have helped to save my bb... sigh, tinking too much again... but then, there must be a reason to use hormone supp, cld be cos my body cant produce tat much of hormone to support in first tri... so confused...
oh, want to ask if its normal to hav yellowish discharge? i started taking folic again this week and realised at times i have tis bright yellowish discharge tat does not smell or itch.. is it due to the folic? i drink enough water every day i think... just hope its not any infection... dosage for hormone pills was increased from 3 tabs a day to 6 tabs a u can guess it....still lost the foetus in the end....

cant help on the discharge part but im oso on folic acid yet no such discharge....=)
Hi all..
wondering if anyone has heard that taking centrum tablet will help to be more 'productive' . My friend, who had a miscarriage last year, went to see her gynae( not sure who ) with her hubby and the gynae told her hubby to take Centrum tablets. And after some months, my friend is pregnant now. Anyone heard these before? Cos i thought centrum are actually multivitamins.
Oh, one more thing. I actually underwent mid term termination of pregancy in aug 2007 and a miscarriage this feb...i am planning TTC again but wondering if i should change my gynae to Doctor Fong Yang? Is he good? Expensive? Ps help, tks.
Tarynn - Centrum is a multi vit.. i guess why the gynae asked the man to take is cos norm men do not pay as much attention to diet when its TTC time, unlike us women... my husband and myself are also taking Centrum prior to TTC... but unfortunately i had the MC early tis month... but stil, i tink its good to take vits to prep the body in case our diet doesnt encompass all...

Piyobaby - oh... so u had 6 tabs also... i was tinking here n there and non stop tinking somemore... wondered if 6 tabs cld have helped... anyway, its over now... oh, my yellowish discharge now no more liao, siao siao one.. ytd n tis morn have,then til nonw clear le... waiting eagerly for AF... never been so desperate for it to come haha...
PJ,Sylvie, Twinangels,
I experiened 3 m/c in the past 14 months. Once in Dec 06, once in May 07 & the most recent one in April 08. I have cried buckets and went through many rounds of depression. If its not for my very supportive hubby, I would have thoughts of dying. But life still have to go on. Our plan is to try one last time, if it doesn't work out, then we will adopt a baby.

With my lastest m/c, I started on the hormone pills & injection as soon as I realize I was pregnant. My hormone jab was also increased to 3 times a week, but still no chance, I still couldn't save baby. Anyway, heard from a gynae friend that all these hormone pills & injections have not been scientifically proven.....
aileen...dun get too stressed up otherwise it will cause delay of AF reporting oso....mine gone a little 2nd AF (excluding D&C bleeding) delayed for abt 10 days...make it even harder to monitor for ovulation....even more sianz lor... sad to hear abt dat....guess hormone pills & jabs might increase the chance of a viable pregnancy but the issue is oso no tests recommended for cause of m/c and so far there have not been much clinical studies done on miscarriages....
Hi Aileen,
i was on 3 tabs per day.

i guess i was stress as well that why course my AF to be haywire also. Cos when calcualtion i should have O when i am in Beijing. From the preg test show that i have O very late. Like 1.5wks later loh..Thats is how i strike i think. Cos i also dunno which day i BD. we usuallly do it 3days or 4 days once loh.

So this time i hope my egg and hubby sperm will be healthy to be able for me to have a healthy baby.
jappooh...luckily u O late & did BD even when u thot u have miss ur O day....perhaps we shd try alt days tis cycle too....i have tried to use OPK tis 2 days but so far no signs of O as yet....
HI Tarynn,

Multi vits, according to my doc fren, boosts healthier sperm..

HI Pinkpixel,
Sorry to hear about your loss.. I, too went thru a M/C this week.. This week, I've given a lot of thought plus the stories from this post n i think we must have courage to TTC.. I know it hurts n I even told my hubby tat if I really MC again, den he should get another wife.. Jus depressing tots, i guess.. Dun give up..jus keep trying..
Hi Piyobaby,
this time i thought i have already O so after BD i immed wash up.. When i try to use OPK for the mth i cant see the O after i back from Beijing. So now i also dunno when that i managed to catch the sperm.

If u try alt days then the chance will be quite good lei. Good luck.

Yesterday i still ask my hubby that seen gynae cant see anything yet could it be i am not Pregnant at all? So i went to buy th HPT to test again this morning. This morning the came up very fast and dark. So i hope everything will goes fine.
Piyobaby - ya, me tryin not to get so stressed up.. i wld tink AF coming soon bah cos just last week i got those O kinda sticky discharge... hope to start TTC soon.. currenty now pumping myself and HB wf soups, multivits...

Jappooh - u reali so heng to get preg unknowingly! dun worry, im sure the next checkup u will c ur bb's heartbeat le
hope to hear more good news fr u soon... me now also trying to slowly not carry my gal so much , leaving her to the maid to handle her..oni play light activites wf her.. hoping to get her used to it so that when i get preg later, she will be used to me not carrying her liao.. sigh, so heng xin rite... but then, no choice lei.. my frens and sis felt tat i carried her too much the last time. co am takin all precautions necessary...
Jappooh - talking about the deductibility of your bill at CCK right, i tink shld be ok.. cos i also heard of forum mates signing up package oni at 2nd visit and using the first bill to deduct.. of cos got to take out those expenses for hormone pills.. that's all...

Dr Adrian should be able to let you deduct la, hes very chin chai.. hes reali a nice nice gynae.. he din charge us for the follow up visits aft DC liao, so i wont tink he is tat calculative...

Oh, those seeing Dr Adrian also.. how often do u go back and see him? i already went back for 2 review aft DC and he ask me to see him in a months time. suppose he want to check that things are fine after first AF came? hes reali very nice.. when he asked if i went back to work already, he asked if i feel tired or not.. so nice of him...
My gynea also ask my hubby take centrum silver. She says this one has higher anti-oxidant component than others, can improve sperm quality.

Hi Jappooh,
SO far any ms yet?

I've the same thoughts as you too. when I mc, I told my hubby to look for another wife becos I can't bear him any child. Sigh..Don't loose hope, get well soon and you can try once you are comfortable with it. Jia you!
hi aileen, i am also seeing dr adrain but at SK clinic. he want us to see him one month later. is to make sure that our AF resume and everything is fine then u can start ttc again. after that he will ask u see him 3 months later. me & piyo has went thru the same process already. hehe
so i should ask Dr Adrain directly? cos the nurse already told me cannot loh.

Now i try not to carry my boy loh.. Hug him and play with him loh. Nowadays he like to play "shopping". Wanted me to sit in front of the PC and use the mouse to "scan" the toys that he pass to me. Tell me that he go market. So i am the cashier loh.

so far still ok just keep burping and fart loh. Like my stomach so much wind like that. Yesterday i took my dinner late at 830pm after visit my grandma in hopsitial then i feel like vomit and giddy. After the dinner then ok liao.

How abt u any MS so far? Now u are how many wks already when is your next check up?
i am really lucky this time that i strike without knwing. It a gift for us. At the same time very worried. So i try to be extra careful hope everytime goes well. My hubby cant believe it also cos this mth we really didnt do as frequently as last time cos i have a overseas trip and his job have a change in shift as well. So both of us are quite tired loh. When i 1st time test i negative i really thought i am too stress this mth. When i see the faint line 1 wk later i dunno should be happy or sad cos the line is so faint like the mth i tested from the previous MC. So i tested another 2 more times ( mon and today) and see the line get darker. My hubby say i siao.
can I know how long you waited after D&C before TTC?

My gyane asked me to wait for 3 normal AF cycles before trying again. Personally, I thought 3 cycles seems like a long wait.....
Hi pinkpixel,
i have a natural MC didnt go through the D&C. My gynae told me can TTC right after that if i am ready.

My 1st AF report in Mar then i strike. So now just pray hard dun see another red for the next 9mths.
hi ladies,
just wanted to share abt my mc. its been almost a mth since my mc and i am still counting down to every week of my pregnancy and the birthdate of my lost baby.

this pregnancy is quite eventful for me. i had of them was diagnosed with abnormalities n i did a selective fetocide when im abt 5 mths and 4 wks later when im abt 6 mths preg,i had a mc.

i lost 2 babies within a mth which is devastating for me.

went for a doctor's review and was told that i can start ttc after 6 mths. i heard that its not good to get preg fast after a mc. is it true?

i just made an appt to see a Dr Tan in clementi for some tcm to boost our health before ttc. anyone been to him before? u are dr woody patient too...after ur 1st AF report & complete...u will have to go back for a review to ensure that the womb is back to normal.....i was then asked to see him again after 2 mths...when checked wif the nurse...she's not too sure & say dat it's for a general review....

helpme...sorrie to hear is indeed veri hard on u which is realli sad esp losing 2 babies in a mth...**hugz** have not heard abt getting preggy fast after a mc is not good...diff gynae will advise a waiting period of 1-6 mths b4 ttcing again...for my case...after my review...given the green light to ttc oreadi....=)
Hi Jappooh, I also not sure hw to count liao. If based on mc I should be 9 weeks since I no AF. Based on scan, it's almost 7 weeks now. My ms is getting better but I normally feel like vomit after meals and I have sore breast, it feels like it's punched many times

Helpme, sorry to see you here. We understand how painful it is for you..Pls take care.. normally gynea would recommend us to recover fully before we ttc. I got preg immediately after my mc and I was very worried too. I seek my gynea's advice and she says it's ok, I just have to avoid sex and monitor closely to ensure no severe cramps and bleeding during this period. She also ask me not to take those An Tai soup becos we do not know what's in the concoction, but if you are a believer in tcm, make sure the Dr is reputable and trustworthy.
so sorry to hear that. It indeed not easy to cope when u losing 2 babies. Do take very good care of yourself and bu your body 1st b4 TTC again.
i also dunno how many wks i am now. Maybe only 5wk plus. Actually get a bit worried that i do not have sore breat. Maybe just feel slight heavier. Cos when i have my 1st one. My breast very sore loh.

Yesterday i go and test with the HPT again to make sure i am still preg. I have to wait for another wk + to see gynae lei. Hope to hear bb heartbeat by then.

helpme - am so sorry to hear bout your losses... i understand how heart wrenching it is for you.. at times when take the bus alone, i also will 'talk' to my lost bb.. stil recovering fr the ordeal but am also gettin stronger and ready to try for a next one... u take good care and try to take more tonics meanwhile to bu your body first...

piyobaby / porky - i see... i also ask th enursse why see me again... she said she dun now, mabbie Dr just wana check... hopefully aft AF comes, Dr Adrain will give me green light to ttc again

Jappooh - good tat ur boy is lettin u play such light activites with him.. mine is quite a sam seng girl, always on the go.. so i did a lot of chasing wf her previously. now tat she is gettin used to me not carrying her, feeling sad n glad at the same time.. sad cos i reali hope to carry her more, glad cos it means i could take it easier when i get preg next time.. sigh...

btw, preg symptons norm will start bout 6-8 weeks so u r still early, dun worry so much.. about the offset of bill for the package, i think u ask Dr Adrain directly and say you heard that some forum pple do tat.. see what he says. as for the nurse, i find her to be quite rude at times...
