Support group - Miscarriages must b pretty traumatic for u...sorrie to hear abt ur loss....**hugz**

jappooh...check wif dr woody directly...the nurse at cck dun allow while SK say can...

porky...u are absolutely rite...wen preggy time seems to crawl by....but now times flies...the irony of life....hope u are lucky on ur 1st try ya....

jo....sorrie to hear of ur loss....we are all here to lend each other a helping hand since we have the unfortunate experience....pour urself out if u need to...u will feel beta in due course....**hugz**

twinangels...things will improve for u...jiayou!!!

piyobb, hows work n things for u at hme? i am pretty stressed up recently too.. at work n at hme. arghhh!!!! so many things on my mind that i do not know which to settle first. sigh sigh sigh!
sheryl...thanks for ur concern...not too much of improvements...we try to avoid one another...machiam transparent to each other lor....=(

relac...stress not veri good for ttcing....hope dat things will look bright for u too....=D
Hi jo,

I agree with twinangels. It really depends on individual. So many people have told me that it is very easy to get pregnant after mc but look at the ladies here. Only a small fraction here are blessed with good luck and got preggy in less than 1/2 year. For me, after my 1st mc, i got preggy only after a year. Then i lost my bb again and it's been 5 mths since and i'm still childless.

My advice is dun get your hopes too high becos if it doesn't happen, you might get frustrated/scared and wondering if there's something wrong with you. I know cos i used to feel that way. Hiaz .....

Anyway, we'er changing our strategy ... we'll BD earlier instead of waiting for my so-called fertile period to arrive. Who knows maybe all the while i tend to ovulate earlier?
i think its good to use the ovulation tests when ttc. it works the first time for me! at least the chances are increased. i used CLEARBLUE the first time round but cannot afford to keep buying that (so ex!) so decided to use the ovul test strips bought online from the babydust blogspot website.
Hi gals

Need some advice from you all. I will be doing my D&C tomorrow. Would like to check when can I start taking chicken essence, DOM and those tonic soup to "bu" myself. Tks
hi moody77, i think u can take the stuff after your bleeding stops. for me, my tcm doc ask me not to take the meds during my period. once bleeding stops then continue. perhaps its the same theory.
hi jo, so sorry to hear that u actually m/c before dnc...yes, this is a wonderful thread. i have been hanging around here for the past 2 months already. i also understand sometimes is difficult to explain to frens & relatives abt our loss...they will feel disappointed but at the same time, they also give comments that might seems sensitive to us. at this moment u will feel like tearing when anyone talks abt it again. all of us here have gone thru this difficult times together. and now we are coping well. alto sometimes i still look at my scan photos of my unformed bb...however, i am already ttc again this week. be strong and take good care of urself this time
hi moody, i started to take the tonic soup the day after my dnc. but for chicken essence, i took after the bleeding completely stops 2 weeks later. i did not get to take DOM cos my MIL say no need....remember to take lots of ginger, sesame oil food and longgan redates water
hi jappooh, mayb u want to check with the nurses at cck...just ask them why sk nurse say can deduct and see what they say loh. btw, last week i went for follow up, i still heard the nurse telling the new comers to keep the receipt as they can deduct for the next visit leh...cos dr woody might not know also. hehe. btw, did u tell dr woody abt ur m/c history ? so he can know what is best for u loh
piyobaby, i think wont be so fast to strike at 1st try lah...btw, i ask u ah, can still BD after i ttc on monday ? or must wait for results first then BD again ?? i very confuse leh...cos i dunno if the sperm will catch my egg at first try or not...if have, then BD again will cause any harm anot ? sorry for my stupid question ah...btw, any good news on ur side ? try to relax and dont bother too much abt ur issue at home. just take it easy
Congrats to Jlow n Jappooh !

Hi Jo & moody
Sorry to hear abt ur MC. we can understand it cos we have been thru it ourselves.... do have a gd mini confinement n bu urself...

Hi Porky
dont be so stressed up lar, dont think abt it n just enjoy BD..hehe...
hi, porky, the more frequently u BD, the higher the chances. Even if you strike the first time, the body knows what to protect the fertilised egg. good luck ok!

also lots of good luck to piyobaby and Jlow!!!!

for the other ladies with recent loss, stay strong and take good care of yourselves!
Hi Porky,
yes i did took Dr Woody abt my MC 2 mths ago. Therefore i was ask to rest alot and avoid excerise and intercouse. Was given the hormo pills and vitamins to take as well.

Actually i told him abt my worry since my last mense is in 10 Mar but he assure me that since i test negative on 12 Apr that show that i O late so i am not 6 wks yet (base on LMP) so likely i am only 4wks plus loh. Hope that is true. I think i cant stop worry till the 3 mth over.

Yes u can BD as many times as u like. Dun worry. Good luck.
Jappooh - dun worry too much now, just try not to carry your boy now! for me, i will stop all the bao bao of my gal if i get preg again.. no risks taken the next time... not til its past first tri i guess... u take good good care okie!

sorry to hear ur lost
what do you mean by scarred womb?
Does having endo/cysts/fibroid considered?

But ladies here, any of your gynae specialist in infertility (eg: endo/cysts/fibroid/PCOS) and scarred womb?
Hi Bubbleteahut & lovelove

Maybe u would like to consider seeing my gynae? He's Dr Peter Chew. He's charges is abit steep though.

You can pm me for his contact details.
Hi ladies,
I just had a D&C last fri,this is my 2nd M/C in 9mths..the last one was in Jul last year.
Feel soooo frustrated that I wanna pull my hair out....I wanna get out of the country to destress yet I cannot cos I dun wanna my hubby to be without my support...grrr...
Yet at the same time,I feel so inadequate that can i ever be a mother!!???
Do u ladies feel tat way?
Hi,Fong2,wondering if Dr Chew handles high risk pregnancy (I've had 3 mcs in a row now) & if he has a 3-d scan(as I hv a weakness in c-sect scar). Thank you for sharing!
piyobaby - just read the old posts and hope everything is better for u at home now...

PJ - sorry to hear of ur loss... did ur gynae mention anytin or say wana do any check? how many weeks was ur bb? meanwhile, do a mini confinement to bu ur body ok...

Bubbletea, Moody, love love - sorry to hear bout ur loss as well.. so take care and rest well during tis time... take more tonic soups to bu ur health back and try again..
Hi, PJ, sorry to see u just join us.I understand how you feel.I'm in & out of depression myself. But we have to stay hopeful.U need to talk to ur hubby abt how u feel now and what u want to do to help get-over this difficult time... do take care
Hi Sylvie

I'm not sure if Dr Chew handles high risk pregnancy but as far as i know he specialises in fertility. He's a senior consultant O&G at gleneagles and chairman of aLife. He has also written articles every fortnight on Mind Your Body.

You can check up alife's website:

He doesn't have 3-D scan but his clinic is always crowded as he's quite popular.
Dear PJ and moody,

Sorry for yr loss.. I also had a d/c yesterday but my bleeding has stopped, some spotting only.. I think im recovering fast.. Definitely mux take good care of yrselves so your next babies will be strong and healthy..

Hi Jappooh,

Hv bin reading the past posts since I lost my bb.. Hv bin quite encouraged by yr story too.. Pls take good care of yrself n bb.. Looking forward to yr updates!

I've bin avoiding all calls and possible home visits.. esp. from those kapo relatives.. burst out crying in the morning when my aunt called.. I jux dun understand y r they so super insensitive! Some more she went thru' the same situation! I tot she wld b more sensitive.. Haiz..
Hi porky,

i think u r very brave to look at yr bb's fotos again.. for me, I have oredi buried them away.. anyway, good luck to yr TTC.. hope to hear good news from u soon..
Porky - u trying after ur first AF? good lucka nd hope to hear good news fr u too... u and Jappooh making me tempted to try aft first AF tho i sort of settled on waiting for the 2nd... hee..

Jo - same here, i was cutting out home visits and not taking calls for bout few days aft the op... but things were better once time goes by.. it still hurts now when i tink bout my lost bb and the emptiness just wells up in me.. but then, we all have to brace ourselves to get ready for the bext blessing to come
hi Jo, i am not brave. but thats the only remains of my bb. so i still choose to keep and look at it sometimes.

jappooh & sylvie, thanks thanks. so i know i can BD more frequent. else i have to stop my hb from entering me liao. lol

babyatom, once my gynae give me green light to ttc again, i seems like quite stress up leh. one moment scare of the pain, the other moment scard of preggy again and wonder how is bb doing inside much worries !
aileen, actually i also thot of waiting for the 2nd cycle. but my gynae say i am alright now and is best time to ttc already. so i decided to go ahead loh.
hi jo, avoid all calls, sms or visits if u really feel uneasy...cos i know how is like to withstand all those insensitive comments ! somemore my MIL is staying with me...if u read my previous posting u will know how i suffer during that my MIL still can ask me, did my doct say when i can try to have another bb...i dont feel like answering her...just say i dunno...
Hi PJ,

i was in the same situation as you. my first m/c was in end June 07, 2nd m/c on 25 march, also within 9 months.i was devestated and lost. but after wiping up the tears, i decided i need to be more proactive about it.

2 things i did:

1) order tests to investigate the cause ($1.5k)
2) start on tcm to strengthen my consitution ($300+ so far)

gynae didnt want to investigate until its 3 times in a row. i told her i do not wish to go through another round of burning in hell for me to find out that it may have been preventable.

as for tcm, i feel my health has improved.

so with these 2 actions, i managed to lift myself up from depression and moved on in life.. although sights of pregnant women still plunges knives deep into my heart. i still look at pretty maternity clothes and hopefully one day i'll be able to wear them.
Hi Twinangels
Same here. I also started TCM Medicine to bu my body cos no point TTC while im still weak n may MC again, sigh... Must strengthen myself so that will have higher chance of successful preg next time. I also feel betta after taking TCM, (dunno if its just mental n psychological effect ?? hee). Hope to TTC 2-3 months later..

Hi Porky
ya, can understand the mixed feeling of "want to try but still scared.. but if dont try then dun have bb, so bopian have to try, but still stressed cos hope to succeed"......

At times, I will take out my Ultrascan pics to see n will just weep...cos i can see the facial features of the bb already....
Hi PJ, Moody, love love,
sorry to hear abt your loss. Do take care and do a mini confinement.

Hi Porky,
when i am trying for baby i am not so stress. But once i test positive i become so stress. Last nite i have a bad dream that i was bleeding again and cry in my dream. Scare my hubby loh.
hi BabyAtom,

i really feel ur pain.. may i know at which month did u m/c if u dun mind me asking? mine was 8 weeks (heart beat probably stopped earlier) and 4 weeks and 5 days, respectively. think the pain will be deeper and more intense when the pregnancy has gone further.. sigh.
Hi Twinangels

Mine was at 11 weeks. At 8 week scan, all was still fine, size ok, heartbeat strong,n can see the facial features if i look carefully at the scan but everything just went downhill at 11 weeks. Gynae guessed that bb stop growing at 9 weeks according to size n structure n heartbeat was very soft n weak by 11 weeks already...
hi lovelove,

i went for blood tests only last thursday, will know the results in a week's time or so.

tested for quite a wide range of things:

1) blood clotting disorders (huge profile of them already)
2) chromosonal disorders
3) autoimmune dunno what shit thing (think it tests whether or not ur body will treat bb as a foreign object and reject it)

and some other names, too technical to remember. when i get my lab results, i will share with all here.

i asked the lab technician if my tests are just the tip of the iceberg, she says it is about 50% of all tests possible to investigate EARLY m/cs. at least i know i have covered quite a wide range already..
porky...dun need to wait lor...sum BD on alt days upon O while sume BD everyday which is fine too....mayb mentality is higher chance if BD everyday lor...kekeke..mi no good lei...last cycle delay 10 days waiting for tis cycle to O then BD again....=P

moody & PJ....**hugz** take care of ur health ya...

thanks much progress at home...taking things one step at a time....=)
thanks jappooh....u too take care okie...have faith dat all will turn out well...noe it's tough & easier said than done not to ur attention to ur boy..mayb decorating ur multiply lor...kekeke
today, i'm feeling quite down for no reason at all.. starts to think back about my miscarriage. It has been more than 1 month liao, my menses has not returned, maybe coming soon that's why having pms now. No mood to go for my workout too.
Hi piyobaby,
i do like to pay all attention on my boy but at the same time i do not wan. Cos my boy play very rough so my hubby ask me to keep a distance loh. So now i will sit down and sing song with him instead. Then my hubby and mil will play other balls all that loh. I try to avoid the physical one.

Talk abt the multiply, i dunno how to use lei..
Maybe i dun have patient loh. Dun even knw how to create folders for pic lei.. Can help?
jappooh,hows zoophonics? which branch is he going to? my boy is attending gug currently, which is also covering zoophonics. i am thinking of changing school, but maybe not now coz of the hmfd. Furthermore, he loves his classes n teachers at gug. I have just swopped from wkend to twice a wk class on wkday for him.
hi piyo,u take care also ok? seems like both of us r having a rough time now. i am trying to relax 2. anyway, I am not TTC much these days, only tried last week during O period. Not sure if will strike. Was tinking to go colour n trim my hair, bt dont know if its okie a not. Have to wait till next month n see if AF comes. any views on this?
jappooh, yups try to avoid all those vigorous activities with yr boy. hee! kids at their age r active n play quite rough. my boy is also like that. do take gd care n dont think so much. perhaps u cn take time to watch tv, surf net on pregnancy etc etc. i am sure everything will turn out well for u.
2 weeks will pass by soon.
stephy, dont worry. i am sure u will be alright soon. do take yr time to grieve and get over it. btw, our AF is supposed to return between 4-6 weeks after our D & C. however, some may take a longer period. U might want to try to relax and monitor for the time being.

i am at bukit timah branch. i find the material are ok lar. But i dun quite like the teachers cos they repeat the same song over and over again for 4 wks liao. Specailly the english teacher. I didnt change school for my boy cos at 1st he have problem adapting to school cry for 1 mth then finally settle down. So now i will let him continue 1st. He since to enjoy the class cos now he can sing most of the songs liao and do the action too.

Today like have sligh cramp on my left side but it only a few secs. Hope i am too sensitive loh.

Hope the 2 wks pass soon and i can see my little one.
