Support group - Miscarriages

i am on clomid so i expect it to help me regulate my mense loh. SO till date is not here so i wonder wats wrong.

Will wait for a few more days and see how is it.

so happy for u. How i wish that i am like u. But no chance. So just have to wait and jia you.

i have a auto miscarriage means i didnt go through the D&C. After 2 wks i did go back to scan that my womb is clean.

U might wan to wait for a few more days and see how it goes.
Jlow, hope u can see ur bb heartbeat on next visit. i also know that hormones pill is to stablilise but anyway, i dont mind the gender as long can carry my bb in my arms next year

piyobaby, mayb dr woody is very busy that day when u see him. seems like more ppl is seeing him at cck rather then sk clinic wor. last night he seems like ok not so busy. even ask me sit down and chat for a while. after he scan me, he auto ask me whether i am ttc now. then tell me to see him 3 months later

hi Gillian, what did ur gynae suggest ? if ur sac is growing slow may b u are still in early weeks. so there is still hope. are u on hormones pills now to control the bleeding ? for my case, is my sac is growing very fast but no fetus heartbeat. so gynae suggest dnc. cos he say if the sac keep growing and cant hear bb heartbeat means not good pregnancy le. and my hcg is dropping from 2 seperate blood test results. like roxy say, dnc is a super fast procedure, the moment u wake up everything is over liao. and only takes about 15mins..
thanks girls... after reading, i have come to a conclusion. i will wait for my next review next tue. if scan still show unclean, then i will go for D&C st away. my mum has also agreed that D&C will be better, coz she also doesn't want anything to leave behind and cause infection in me
Porky & Piyo..can can ...YOU will carry your bb soon !
Hee hee Porky, sorry...I so sotong. Surely mostly will know what hormone pill is for. Are you trying next week? It will be your O soon right?

Hi Gillian, our body will pass out when it's time. During my time, I actually wanted to wait for a week, but my body couldn't wait. It pass out immediately the night after my check up. must rest care and eat well. Take care
gillian...take things positive meanwhile...u may wish to consult another gynae for 2nd take note of any heavy bleeding & intense cramps it will be classified as emergency case & D&C have to be perform immd....

porky...he's not dat busy dat day...the next patient arrive after 10 mins when I came out...nevertheless...see hw things goes by ear lor...=)
Aileen - thks for the recommendation. Do you have the number for Natal Essentials?

Rei-Chan, Piyobaby - thks for your encouragement.

Just to update, went for my D&C today. feeling really empty right now. but at least, its a form of closure. it hurts bad cause its my 2nd time.

I am thinking of consulting TCM. Anybody got a good recommendation?
khaiwong - the number is 6755 4466...

pinkpixel - yes, the empty feeling somehow still lives inside of me. til now, i still count the weeks if baby had still been in me... sigh... miss my baby...
aileen....same case here...otherwise i would have a big bumo..into my 2nd tri ~ 16 weeks le....cheer up positive & look at the bright side...good luck...=D
i had my d&c on 19 mar, this sat will be 1 month liao and I'm also counting to the weeks, i would be into my 2nd tri too..

btw, anyone known of people that got preggie even before the 1st af come?? and wuth sucessful pregnancy?
hi cynn
Yes he is a miracle child of God and I hope this will encourage many of us here

Aileen, yes, it's finally starting to dawn on us liao... remember to bu your womb and can start ttc again after 1 complete cycle has cleared

hi stephy
Yes my cousin had a chemical pregnancy for her 2nd child, AF never came and she got pregnant and delivered a healthy bouncing bb boy who is now 2 years old already.

hi gillian
Am very sorry to ehar about your case, wait and see wat dr cheng advises next week, if no need to go dnc then dun have to go, coz dnc if not done properly can also affect your womb lining... stay strong gal.. hugs!!
Roxy - that is a good thing to hear about your cousin! so encouraging... at this point, really need alot of encouragement and such rel cases to keep me going... thanks for sharing...

piyobaby - sigh.. ya lor, we have to be positive and work harder for a baby... all the best to all of us, and hope we can all get preg soon
same here. My bb suppose to be 16wks as well. Till now i still cant forget and feel so much on wanted the baby.

Yesterday my boy sing a chinese song with the content " mei mei sleeping, i keep 1 sweet for her". Everyone in the family is so happy cos my boy is learning singing now. When he sing that sonfg though i am happy but my heartache as well. How nice if i still have the baby with me. No matter is a mei mei or di di, i think he will be excited also.

Now i feel like crying.
jappooh, ur boy is so cute & ur story also makes me want to cry........ Like u & piyobaby,I feel so down whenever I think my bbs shld be this many wk old or how old if I had not 3 mcs... :-(

Hi, Roxy, it's very sweet of u to come back here to encourage all of us! Thank you! I am sure your bb will engage properly and u can soon cuddle your healthy and loveliest bb! All the best!

For the others who just joined,sorry about the loss. hugz**

I've started exercising daily & watching my diet.but weight doesnt shift. but I know I cant give up as I am so overweight!my gynae advised me to turn vegetarian to lose it faster but I find it so tough. sigh!I dun know whether I shld stay with him as he is not keen to give jabs or hormone pills(said not scientifically proven) but he is a top c-sect expert (which I have to go c-sect coz of my history)....very confused!
Hi ladies,

Thanks for your answers to my questions. I am glad to know that D&C is most prescribed way to treat a miscarriage. I am just very worried about the side effects of it including Asherman's syndrome and if it will result in a incompetent cervix. I said that because this is about the 5th day after my D&C and when I urinate in the morning, I could feel a strong senstivity in my cervix area which I never felt before. Will be going back for checkup in another 2 weeks anyway.

Porky, yes, am doing a mini confinement including eating confinement food, drinking red dates tea and bathing with herbs. Its very tough having to do confinement without a baby but still must do. To all the ladies here, pls take care of yourself and try to do mini confinements as our bodies really lost a lot of iron after miscarriage according to my gynae. It don't replenish well, it could result in iron deficiency the next time.
Hi Sylvie,

Can I check with you something if you think its convenient to reveal here. Did you do a D&C under the same gynae after all your 3 losses and all three healed nicely is it? Thanks in advance.
Hi all

I think all of us will always have a space in our heart for the baby(ies) that we've lost...I read that we don't just lose the baby, we've also lost a whole future with the would-be child...hence even as time passes many times we will always wonder what it will be like if the baby has lived..he/she would have been this age..

Im also depressed now cos of my abnormal bleeding....from day 1 to day 16 non-stop...yesterday turned to very heavy torrential choice my gynae have to put me on hormone pills for next 2-3 months to regulate.. so all my TTC plans have to be put on hold...sigh!
jappooh, can understand that when ur boy sing tat song, u feel hurt inside..i also feel like tearing when i read ur post...

piyobaby, i will also be 16 weeks (4 months !!!) if my bb is still alive..then i can happily fit in those pregnancy dresses liao. everyday open my wardrobe can only see those dresses, dunno when can have a chance to wear them proudly

reddate, good to hear tat u will be doing a good confinement. we have to do that cos i know we must have lost a lot of blood too during the procedure. btw, after few days of my dnc, i also feel urine flow very slow and little. then i feel so scard...but after 1 week it is back to normal loh.

hi stephy, JLow is one good example. she got preggy before 1st cycle reported.

Jlow, actually i am having my o already. but cant BD this week cos hb is involved in some praying rituals...

pinkpixel, i dunoo whether i am consider on TCM or not..but now i am taking TCM pills. the TCM doctor (in yishun) ask me to take this pills to stable my womb. cos i told him i got mc l month ago and now ttc loh
hi,jappooh,it's ok 2 be sad but do be strong.Pls remember to be positive and believe that your next healthy bb is ready to come back into ur life!

Hi, reddate,all my 3mcs by diff. drs. (1st mc while I came back for break in spore ,2nd mc overseas, 3rd recent in spore) But I realised u do nd an experienced gyn even for dnc.My 1st mc was natural miscarriage but the gynae recommended dnc which gave me an infection but at least I didnt get asherman.this last 2 mcs done by 2 very gd gynaes.The lastest not painful nor heavy bleeding. As I suffered fr depression,I m overwt & i dont know for sure if it's wt or due to my mcs, I now have slight prolapse but not incompetent cervix. Bottomline do take extra care after dnc and any abnormal discharge/bleeding, go to see dr. and if still not ok, must seek 2nd opinion. **Cynn, have u checked with another gynae to confirm the 1st diagnosis? do take care
we should all pray hard and hope for a smooth pregnancy next time round.

its easier said then done, the waiting time before ttc is terrible

anybody know how long have to wait after D&C before can resume sex with hubby?
stephy...sorrie to hear dat...i have been told by my gynae b4 of such cases and yes the mummy carry baby to full term so definitely possible...=)

porky..i have jus kept away the maternity clothings...dun wish to look at it untill opportunity arises....i was at kk the other day & was in a state of mixed emotion looking at preggies....babies...children....
stay positive and happy, it will speed up your recovery too...
normaly after d&c Dr advise to rest 2 wks before intercourse. hee hee I actually started after the 1st week.
Porky sorry for kpo-ing what ritual is that? cannot touch you during this period? Then start immediately after the ritual can? may be can still catch up with the egg if not too long wait le?
Hi Porky,
Thanks for your reassurance. Today seems to be a little less sensitive. Just hopes it progress well everyday.

Hi Sylvie, thanks for your information. Yeah, I am thinking of seeking 2nd opinion as although my current gynae is very skillful, everytime when I notice some strange developments, she will just tell me I am alright. It is only after I insisted on more tests that the problems are detected. So if I telling here I am worried about scarring of the womb, she will not investigate for me again.

Sylvie, thanks for sharing with me despite having to deal with your own issues. Appreciate that
Pinkpixel - HB and i resumed BD close to 2 weeks aft the DnC... told him to go gentle on it in case it cause me pain...

Til date, my girl sometimes still points to my stomach and say baby baby... at first i will cry but now always take it easier and tell her, next time ok...
hi, can i check.. for those who has m/c naturally, how long will your bleeding end? today is my day 4 and im still having bleeding and still alot of blood clots...
piyobaby, cos i love all the nice maternity dresses so i dont bear to keep them away..just hope i can have a chance to wear them real soon. is hard for u that u have to always go hospital bcos of ur job scope..

Jlow, ya..1 week before the ritual, cant have SEX ! we will try next week loh

reddate, u will feel better after 1 week bah. of cos few days after dnc is normal to feel worried if any sensitive feeling down below..i also very scare to pass my 1st urine when the nurse ask me to try then can go stress !

Aileen, so did u feel any pain when BD ? i also scard leh...mayb ask hb to insert finger in first. haha

Gillian, how come u bleed got alot of blood clots ? have u went to scan ? how is ur bb ? hope u are fine
porky, i haven go back for scan. my next appt is next tue. not sure why so many blood clots. BB ar.. duno, i guess im still miscarriaging now
gillian....i would suggest dat u call up ur gynae & check on wats going on now to be safe...if i din remember wrongly, ur next visit is to identify the viability of the baby rite...since the situation is different would be advisable to seek ur gynae's advise if it's a norm or anything need to be done...take care ya....=) choice lor...juz have to stare blankly at them & let my thought drift for a moment b4 clearing my mind again....i have not seen my baby's u/s film since then till now....appear to be abit like ostrich's approach - still avoiding....=)
Porky - there was no pain except tat it was a little not so easy to get it in... gota go vy gentle on it, or prob cos i was fearful thus not so easy... shld be ok if ur HB doesnt get too rough ;)

Gillian - ya, i also tink its better for u to seek gynae's advice since u r passing blood clots... take care!
Hi Gillian,
I did my D&C on Wednesday. Today is Saturday and I am still having bleeding

Hi PiyoBaby, Aileen,Jlow
Any idea if in my case, how long will bleeding take to stop? My next appt with gynae is coming Tuesday.
Khaiwong, it depends on individual on the bleeding issue. for me, it only bleeds for 2 days and then after it was just occasional spotting for almost another 4 days. of days of bleeding oso differs from individual....mine was abt 7 days (same as AF) while i have understand that for sum gers....bleeding / spotting can go up to 2 weeks....guess u dun have to feel alarmed unless there's intense pain (a norm according to my gynae) then perhaps have to ask for painkillers...if ur bleeding doesnt stop by tue then check wif ur gynae if there's a need for rescheduling of appt which usualli will be nec.....=)

jlow...hows everything on ur side....=D
hi pinkpixel,
like they say the bleeding depend on individual. initially i also veri worried like u but my stop after about 12 days then with some spotting. so no worries.
pinkpixel - i guess the bleedng is fine so long as it doesnt come wf bad cramps or pain... if they do become unbearable or coming out in clots, u might wana seek your gynae's advice.

ya jlow, hows the little one doing?
pinkpixel, mine also last abt 2 weeks. but the 2nd day after dnc, i feel terrible cramps which is quite unberable so i took 2 days of painkiller. after 2 weeks then totally clear. my gynea ask me to see him 2 weeks later for the scan which he told me everything is ok. take care.

piyobaby, i still look at my bb u/s sometimes.

Jlow, how is everything ?
hi ladies,

thank you for the advice. I am thinking of seeking a 2nd opinion from a different gynae since I had multiple m/c. Sigh....

Anyone heard of Dr. Suresh Nair at Mt E or Dr. PC Wong?

Or anyone can recommend a gyane who specialize in treating m/c?
hello gers..Me still trying to cope. I am feeling nausea most of the time but in general I am still functionable. Today vomitted for the 1st time, some says tis are fine becos it shows bb doing well inside.
I've to wait another 2 wks before I can know the progress, actually I am quite anxious to go see gynea whenever I lost this "nausea" feeling or even when I feel sudden twitch inside..sigh..Think I am getting very sensitive and annoying already.
hi ladies, just to share.

i just went back to my TCM doc for a review after taking 3 weeks of her medicine. she said at my first consult that i will be free from flu once i'm on her medicine and so far its been true. i use to fall ill every weekend and seems that i'm a little stronger now, havent got the flu (*touchwood*). i got the clearance from her to start ttc after my AF reports this month. also got the clearance from my gynae. really hope for a strong bb the next time round!
jlow...dats good cos i read an article b4 dat say morning sickness is an idication dat baby doesnt agree wif certain food intake dat u have....dun get too paranoid & stresses up okie....everything will be fine...=)

twinangels...good luck on ur ttcing...=D
JLow, to have the nausea feeling is good symthoms that bb is doing well. not to worry too much. when is ur next visit ?

Jappooh, hope to hear good news from u !
Jappooh - tats a great piece of news! is this bb conceived aft ur first AF following the MC? all the best, cant wait to hear more good news from your!!!

Jlow - ya, my colic told me tat nausea and morn sicknesses are good symptons tat bb is doing well... relax and enjoy the pregnancy... i know how its like, im sure i will feel anxious n jittery too if im pregnant.. afterall, we had a scary experience before.. however i believe God is good!
Hi Porky,
i tested this morning and the kit show the word "Pregnant" but i am still worried loh.

Hi Aileen,
after my MC my 1st AF come on the 10 Mar after that didnt come liao.

But i do not knw how many wks i am in cos i test on 12Apr cos my AF due but it negative. So i guess now is still very early. Dunno when should i see a gynae?

Hi gals,
do u all think i should see a gynae soon due to the previous MC?
Jappooh - i wld tink best to see gynae, you could well be 5-6 weeks pregnant now... do take extra care fr now on! hope to hear more bout ur little on
Hi Aileen,
cos i test negative on 12 Apr so maybe i am only 4wks? I dunno. Will see how is it.

My hubby suggest to go in 2 wks time. Cos when i have my No 1 we go at 4wks nothing can be seen only 6wks then manage to see the heartbeat.
Hi jappooh, that's good news!! congrats. i suggest u go to see gynae soon. probably he or she may give you duphaston or other medicine to stabilise your pregnancy. its alright even though you can't detect anything when its early for you.

Girls, my flow has lessen and seems like its getting darker brown. do u think i can take this as my first AF?

Hi Gillian,
actually i have duphaston with me but i dun dare to take lar cos i havent see my gynae.

The next AF then count as 1st AF. This one shouldnt be counted.
