Support group - Miscarriages

this thread has been getting many graduates! maybe it's a sign to all of us waiting to ttc soon.

snuffles, hope tt u are able to return soon. dr kowa is a very nice and gentle doc. u'll be in gd hands.
and if u are interested, u can visit the chinese sinseh i am seeing now. i don't know if it will work or not but i am hopeful.

java, i really don't know if the jab wld help in the development of sac. but it's over liao. got to look forward now. still seeing my chinese sinseh. think he more 'gan cheong' than me. every time i go, he tell me not to worry, i will get to be a mother. both hubby and me on medication now. as advised by sinseh, cannot ttc for the time being. must 'tiao' the body well 1st. let's hope i can share gd news with all of u before the end of 2004!

gd luck to your interview! impress them!

Ocean, u are right. i had no idea what spotting was (tho i heard the term a lot) last time! now it's such a common thing.

Java, all the best for your interview! Have u already finished ur last day at work? Oh yes, and for ur gynae visit tomorrow too. Share with us the good news k?
My next appt is only end July. Just pray everything is ok.

hi tubby, yah...we love travelling, that's why i was saying we planned to have kids only 2 years after our wedding. Once we have kids, it will be a while before we can bring them along. Actually my hubby (then not married yet) was studying in England, so every mid year vacation, i'd spend it there, travelling all over England & up north to Scotland. After we got married we made sure we holidayed at least twice a yr, one of which has to be a 'big' trip. In 2001 we went to Maldives (honeymoon), did a driving trip in Thailand, in 2002 we did a boating trip in Australia (down the Murray river) and in 2003 Vietnam. This yr, we didn't have much leave so we only did short trips. I hope to go to Australia before i deliver next yr cos my best friend lives in Melbourne. So you know why we don't have any savings!

For a while, this thread was rather quiet. Now the good news is rolling in! I think it's a good time so jia you everyone!
Hi Jus & Millie, checked for tickets home and found the earliest available only in Sep! But with the doc's appointment, I will prob need to postpone the trip home. hiaz...

My mum consulted this chinese sinseh in Jurong and sent this pack of "Gao Li Sheng". Supposed to be better than Dang Gui. I think I will try that in the mean while. But I would certainly be very interested in sharing notes. Millie, did ur sinseh say that ur womb is weak? They seem to say the same thing for everyone so sometimes I wonder...

Hi Ocean, I used to worry abt spotting a lot too. Even checked every hour while on a plane. In the hospital I met a very nice lady who told me that she had normal periods during her first 5 months of pregnancy and even went hiking. So I guess while u should keep ur doc informed, spotting isn't necessarily a sign of trouble.
Good morning gals!

I did a silly thing yesterday. I still cannot believe that I could actually be preg. So I POAS again yesterday nite. It still beeped 'pregnant'
I feel so silly after the results were beeped.

Hi Joyce, hope you are feeling better with morning sickness. It is not easy to cope with pregnancy with another kid
Yesterday, I met up with my favourite 3 year old niece. She kept hugging my legs but I did not carry her. She must be wondering why!
On Monday, when I went to play with her, my hubby brought a pair of shoes for her. She could not fit in. So she kept mumbling that if her mummy has a baby sister or brother, then can wear. Her mum, if you remembered, went through a miscarriage a couple of months back. So she said, tell aunty to give you a baby instead lah. Then I asked her if she want didi or meimei and one minute she says didi and then another minute she wants meimei
The next day, I found out I am preggies

ok, sorry for the long winded stroy. Just hope that all of you have a fabulous weekend ahead!!

Hi folic,
Haha...don't worry...i also couldn't believe it & i tested 4 times..i told u all i tested twice right? Actually after that i bought another 2 sticks from Guardian Pharmacy (cos they were having a sale) and tried again...and since i had one more stick left i did it yet again!!!
but i conveniently 'forgot' to tell u all abt those 2 times cos i was so embarrassed with myself! (in fact i even took photos of the GP sticks!) when will u be fixing an appt? Does ur hubby know that all your internet friends know already?
u know folic, when i browse thru the US TTC forums, they always talk abt being obsessive abt P-ingOAS...i always wondered why they don't mind wasting we know!
Good morning!

Eh Folic, you are meant to be pregnant lah.
No need to check anymore! ;) ALL the signs point to you being preggie, even the children! You can just rest and take good care of yourself and
your baby/babies!
Hahah Tiny! You are worse than me!
You did it 4 TIMESS???
I think I might do it 3 times.. since I have one more lying in my drawers... hahaha

Anyway, I already booked an appointment for next Thurs. I think I should be about 5 weeks by then. Probably can only see a sac... Trying to recall when I heard my baby's heartbeat the last time. And yes, my hubby already know that u gals know. But you know, besides the two of us, you gals are the only ones who know... priviledged hor?

Hi jujube, yah lor, I also thinking that's a sign! :D But seriously, I don't have twins history in my family, so my long feng tai dream can only be a dream lah


i can still remember all the info u give us during pregnancy. Always give me an impression, u are a hardworking person.

I give all my blessing to the coming one.

U take care ok! Dun overwork.
hi Java,

i've been eating well (3 meals & no cold stuff) & definitely sleeping well for the past weeks.. hopefully it helps in my recovery...

hope dat ur interview went well last nite & of cos! ur ah-dot wil definitely grow well since ur last visit... update us when u r back...

hi poohy,
thks for explaining my spotting from the hcg pt of view.. i dint know dat high hcg cld play an impt role in dis.. i tot after D&C, hcg wld drop tremendously since technically, everything had been removed... i keep on thinking dat there's a hole in my womb, dat's why keep on spotting... at least, now feel abit assured... thks..

hey Ocean,
jus estimated dates will do lah.. dun need to dig into ur diary... dun wan u to go into so much trouble... u shd rest well at home..

ya... i can totally relate to how u feel towards spotting... buey tahan!!! ;p

i will pray for u for ur coming appt nix monday.. i'm sure everything will be OK!! *hugz*

hi folic,
i guess the exhilaration seeing the BFP beats everything else in the world when we r TTC-ing..
i remember walking ard the hse wif the BFP-stick, (after i tested positive) & looking at it brought smiles to my face everytime dat day...

hi Tiny,
wow... so nice... the countries dat u hv visited.. i wish i can go to Maldives someday.. heard so much abt it... *drool*

after my D&C, i've been itching to leave the country for a while, but my hubby is really busy at work.. think will hv to wait till end Aug or Sept liao...

i'm sure ur lil' one is growing well too...
Hi Tubby,
I think my spotting is stopping. There was only a very pale bit left when I wiped after peeing this morning. Is yours still bloody? It's probably like what Poohy said, the hcg levels are still present in your body. I have made an appointment to see a TCM doctor next week just to see what they say. Are you taking anything at the moment?
hi jujube,
so glad for u... *hugz* hopefully, by tomoro, everything wld be back to normal for u...

yesterday, my spotting not onie is it reddish, but has INCREASED.... aaarrrghhh... dis morning, after my 1st pee, is still reddish leh... when i saw the increase yesterday, i tot, for 1 happy moment, dat mabbe AF coming, so last nite i put on my pad to sleep... alamak!!! false alarm.. wasted my pad... now hv to kwai kwai wait for it to stop...

i tot of testing wif hpt last nite after hearing poohy's explanation, but i tot it wld be too much for me to bear to see a '+' still...

sorrie ladies, i think i've been harping too much on my spotting liao... will try to control abit...
oops.. jujube,
sorrie.. forgot to add dat i am not taking anything herbal or tonic at the moment.. i jus wan my spotting to stop first... will wait for 1st AF to come & then i will go to Eu Yan Seng to see wat tonics i can take to 'bu'...
Hey Tubby,

yah,like wat odie says, vent away!!
If it is really bothering you, why don't u see a doc? It felt like forever to me the other time as well, when I couldnt stop spotting. I think mine is 3 weeks+. I know it can be depressing. (you can go check the archives sometime in Sep ...
read all about me obsessing about the spotting!)

Java, you back from the docs yet??

dear Odie & folic,

thks... i really need to vent it out!! cldn't tell anyone abt dis problem except my poor hubby, who cldn't do anything to help me as well..

i told my GP abt it last thurs, she say some ladies experienced spotting up to 6 weeks (touch BIG wood!!) & my gynae oso said the same thing to me... so i dunno wat doc to see now... a new gynae probably... i'll see how dis few days..

i jus read dat a gal posted dat her fren who did an abortion procedure, kena infection & cannot conceive again.. i hope mine is not infection man..
Tubby, yours doesnt sound like infection. Read the link I sent you. I think yours is quite normal pattern. Don't try to think too much and scare yourself ok?

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>,
, i had left my paper at home. But, i try to recall from memory is that i was bleeding for abt a wk after M/C and on off spotting for the next 1.5 wks. The spotting stopped (i think) abt 3 days before my 1st AF suddenly arrived!
That was 3 wks after my M/C!!

Hmm... you are still spotting red? But then, i remember <font color="119911">Jus</font> also waited quite long for her 1st AF. I remembered my gynae from KK told me that after M/C, our cycle might changed. It might be from a very regular cycle to a irregular cycle and vice versa. So dun worry too much, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, I'm sure u dun have infection as u dun feel any pain.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font> and <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, abt testing again, not stupid lah! I understand that feeling.
I also cant stand HPTs lying around and thus u noe lah, got chance i will test on it even though i noe that i am too early!!
hi all,
Came back from my mum's place just now. Went for my checkup in the morning, Ah Dot is growing well and is now 19.6mm. No need to do V scan liao, coz scan from the top can see the foetus. I was so anxious and keep asking the gynae to show me the heartbeat. Lost another kg again. After the checkup, I went back to my mum's place to sleep and she cook pork porridge for me.

The interview did not go well, coz they ask me very comprehensive technical questions. I was not very prepared and feel quite disappointed with myself. I think they forgot I'm pregnant, coz they ask me if I can go to US for 3 weeks training in November. Anyway I have another interview for a different position on Monday, so I've got a 2nd chance to get myself more prepared.

Tok to you all again. Going to zzzzz now.
Hi Tubby,

Perhaps you can consider getting second opionion on your spotting issue? Just to have a peace of mind.

My gynae also said what ocean mentioned above. In the email he send me earlier, he mentioned our hormones are still a bit haywire, so cycle will be abnormal. He will not have a concern for bleeding happened for long enough time from the surgery.

Hi ocean, yes my wedding date is also on 21 feb

Speaking about spotting, my colleague told me that girls with retroverted uterus tends to have spotting problem and warn me that I will also have spotting for the next pregnancy. Am going to find out how true is that.

Hi Jus, i didn't go to the gathering.. feel a bit ashamed to say this, but the new tc shop is just across my office building

Have a good weekend
Hahaha, Ocean, now I remember you were the inspiration for me to test so many times!
Anyway it's not often that we see 2 lines, so it's quite fun to test when u already know the result lor!

Java, great news! Happy for u. You know, i can't wait for my next appt cos i'll be doing the abdominal scan for the 1st time. so lousy right? All this while still doing the v-scan. think my gynae very cautious...Ticklish or not ah? When my hubby rubs the stretch mark cream for me evey night i already v ticklish!
Tubby, don't worry ok? Spotting can go on for a while. Why don't u use panty liners then u don't have to waste pads. i remember using it for a long time too! It's only a matter of time before all will be back to normal.

And going away for a break will also help take ur mind off things. it's a good way to relax. plan one with ur hubby if u can!
hi Tiny,
Beginning it feels quite itchy esp when the gynae moves the scanner towards the pelvis. I think I'm already quite immune to it. I was complaining to my gynae, "must still check from the bottom har?", then she said may need to do so until 12 weeks. But luckily A-scan can see quite clearly liao, so no need V-scan. Wah u very kiasu leh, so early use stretch mark cream liao. Actually the most impt is after delivery dun go and scratch your tummy, coz its going to be very itchy as your skin contracts back. I scratch until my stretch marks become red welts, very ugly!

As u can see from my posting, its 5.55am. I was awake since 4am, can't sleep!
Morning ladies!
Was woken up by my dong-dong husband...
now can't sleep back while he's sleeping like a log now...

yup... we can compare and share notes
my chinese sinseh also mentioned that my womb has not fully contracted and that i m still quite weak...
actually, after taking those prescribed herbs, i felt stronger n not as anemic as previously...
don't know if 'xin li zhuo yung' kekeke

hi tubby,
like what ocean says my first AF only arrived after 8 weeks or so...
don't worry so much... it would eventually be here...
my gynae said that it's pretty normal for the delay...

good to hear that Ah Dot is growing well!

never mind lar...
i m sure they can understand since so many things had happened...
snuffles and jus, yup, sinseh did mention abt weak womb and expanded womb, esp after more than 1 m/c. therefore, must really 'bu' well before ttc again. but he also mentioned tt i may hv poor quality eggs or hubby poor quality sperms tt when fused together, can't develop well. our medication all in pill form so i don't know what we are taking. just 'kwai kwai' take them everyday lor.

we can always share notes and suggestions.

tubby, it can be frustrating waiting for the arrival of AF, esp with the false alarms and spotting. don't worry ok. and ur case don't sound like an infection. just let ur body naturally adjust and ur auntie will come knocking on ur door soon.

java, gd luck to ur second interview on mon. but most importantly, glad to read tt ur little one is growing well.
HI gals!

Feeling lazy today. Woke up at 8+, went for breakfast and had wanted to come back to sleep. But somehow, cannot sleep, although feeling tired. I can't believ it... but I am actually feeling nauseas all day long since yesterday. In fact, I did my maiden merlion act yesterday nite. and I didnt even pray for morning sickness!!

Java, never mind about the job lah. If you get it, then good. If not, just rest well. Glad to hear that Ah Dot is growing well
I logged in today specially to check on this

Millie/Snuffles/Jus and anyone else seeing sinseh.. I think they can be quite good in analysing/reading body conditions. I told you before about how I went to a chinese sinseh for my backache and when he took my pulse, the first thing he asked was whether I had irregular menses and whether I had miscarried before. Says I got weak kidneys, which the chinese sinseh believes "manages" the production system. But I have no patience to eat the medication, so I gave up treatment :p

Hope everyone have a good weekend!

hi jus, millie, folic,
Thanks for the well wishes.

Wah u also so early got MS liao. I remembered I also got it during my 4th week. Dunno izzit for second pregnancy, it usually comes earlier? At least you know your pregnancy is kicking to a good start.
Hi Java, I don't know if it is cos of 2nd preg... mebbe joyce might know
Anyway, I also donno why, I really feel very positive this time round.
I was bored today and went to re-read the postings I did more than a year ago in the MTB thread. I realised that I had spotting a few days after I discovered my previous preg. So far, *touchwood*, it had been smooth. So I am glad I am feeling upbeat about it. Although I did have a heart sinking moment when I feel that I am wet or when I go toilet, but other than that, I just keep wondering how come I can feel nauseas all day long...

I just came back watching Supersize me. I think it will keep me eating healthy for some time

Good nite gals!

hvn't had the chance to loggin since my last post on fri evening..

hi folic,
thks for the link... the article oso suggests something similar to wat poohy has told me.. i cld still hv a small substantial amt of hcg inside me to cause the spotting.. but i really got no guts to test wif hpt..

i told my hubby dat i wanna seek a new gynae's opinion &amp; to my surprise, he actually agreed.. i tot he wld say dat i am over-reacting or being paranoid abt it... was veri touched... but i dun hv a a new gynae in mind...

gals, i need a gynae who understands my present anxiety &amp; advise me on wat is exactly going on in my body rite now.. &amp; a gynae who can see me thru' a 'paranoid me' for my new pregnancy in future.. if u know a caring gynae, wld be veri glad to get ur recommendations.. thks...

thks folic, will try not to think into 'bad' tots... will try veri hard...

hey Ocean,
thks for ur info... it helps alot.. so i dun hv to stop spotting for at least 21 days to wait for my 1st AF... dat's a great relief... will see how things go dis few days... Will pray for u for ur appt tomoro... update us ur good news when u r back... *hugz*

hi java,
it's always happy to hear healthy developments of ur bb...
for me.. i find v-scan done by my gynae quite ok... guess he's v gentle.. my 1st v-scan done in KKH, wa biang... dat guy veri chu-lu, my face twitch abit here &amp; there while he's doing the scan... for a-scan, i always find it veri ticklish when the gel is applied on my tummy.. veri cold oso...
all the best for ur interview 2moro... i'm sure wif better prepared-ness, u'll breeze thru' the interview one.. good luck...

hi pageup,
will seek a 2nd opinion soon.. thks.. u mean ur gynae told u he will NOT be veri concerned abt prolonged spotting after D&amp;C?

hi Tiny,
i used liners all dis while for the spotting... it's jus dat last thurs, i experienced increase spotting &amp; oso some crampy sensations, i tot AF coming.. so i put on pad... come to think of it, for the past 8 weeks, it's either pad or liner for me 24 by 7!!! wa biang!

hi jus &amp; millie,
thks for the assurance... but hor, i'm not even at the 'waiting for AF' stage, i am waiting for 'spotting to stop' stage... without seeing those stains, i think i'll feel alot more normal.. now i feel like i am a 'patient'... dare not anyhow do/eat anything... for fear of aggravating the condition...
hi folic,
sometimes I'm also tempted to read back my past postings as 'snowcat'. But didn't want to think of the past anymore. Actually this forum is like my diary where I penned most of my thoughts here. I also feel very phobic whenever I feel wet and will quickly go toilet to check. Actually I'm opp from you. Last time everything was too smooth until I let my guard down and think that all pregnancies have a good ending. Now I dun even let my guard down. Until now I haven take out my maternity clothes to wash to wear later on. Everytime I walk past the baby section in departmental stores, I still feel sadness rather than anticipation. Few weeks ago my SIL ask me usually when you will know if boy or girl, coz she is very excited and want to buy clothes for my bb. I told her don't buy anything until the bb is out. She tell me why I so negative, must be more positive. To me, its still a long way to go, and I have created milestones for myself. Now I just look forward to past the first trimester.

Wanted to watch Supersize Me, but I guess I won't be watching movies for awhile until my nausea goes away.
Hi gals,

Tubby, I can tell you are really worried about the spotting. I think you should see a doc early to put your mind at ease. Having HcG now doesnt mean that you are preg or you are abnormal. As the article suggest, the numbers are supposed to go down gradually, just that yours are a little slower, perhaps. Don't test with a HPT anymore. It doesnt make any sense and will only make you panic more.
BIG HUGS! My previous Gynae, Dr Tanny Chan is a very caring gynae. She is based in Gleneagles. The first time I had spotting, I saw her on emergency on a Sat evening. She actually called me up at my house on Sunday afternoon to check on me. Too bad my family doesnt want me to go back to Gleneagles, or I would still have chosen her.

Java, yah, I know what you mean. This site is also like a diary for me. I can also understand your parnoia. My sister has quietly packed away all the baby stuff and maternity clothes while I was still at the hospital. Till now, I have no courage to go near those bags. I am still wondering if I want to wear the same maternity clothes as well...but that could be my excuse to be frivilous! Let's break this pregnancy into smaller milestones and celebrate each as we pass. I know I will hold my breath somewhat till week 23... and for you, week 35? I am sure we can we do it this time. Sometimes, I feel sorry that I am robbing this new baby of the innocence and joy of a worry-free pregnancy, and that it why I try to feel happy and positive. You should be in week 8 by now? We will countdown to your first tri and then we have a mini celebration here ok? Hang in there my fren!!

Hi Tubby,

that is not what my gynae mean.
I tell you what, I will give you my gynae's email address. Ask him for a general comment on the prolong spotting. Don't worry, he will be prompt in his reply
[email protected]
Hi Java,

I feel so happy for you that your Ah dot is growing well. Good luck to your interview today.

Hi Tubby,

You are worry abt your pro-long spotting and I am worry abt my 2nd AF. Still waiting, it's almost 60 days liao. Anyway, I am going to see a chinese sinseh soon. Hope she can help me to regulate my AF.

Regarding gynae, if you don't mind male gynae, I can recommend you my gynae from TMC. He is Dr TC Chang. Quite a patient and approachable guy. Let me know if you are interested. I will give you the tel no.
Hi Java,
Good Luck for your interview!

Hi Tubby,
i had mild infection after my first AF and right now, i m still waiting for my second AF
Could it be your delay is due to an infection?
maybe can check with your gynae...

i was with Dr Brenda of TMC...
very caring lady and does not rush thru her consultation...
if you need her contact, do let me know

tian tian,
i am also wrought with worries...
after reading info provided by folic, also a bit scared that my cycle may have gone longer...

today, had mild spotting...
don't know if it's period...
sigh, after the m/c... get so paranoid about almost everything...
Hi Jus,

the article describes general situations and may not necessarily apply to you. That is why I sometimes say that we should not read too much into articles and try to be our own doctor.
Do you used to have irregular cycles? You might want to try taking bai feng wan. I took it for 2-3 months, after my first AF arrive. I find that it was very regular at 34 days, which is common for me. After I stopped, it went haywire and became about 40+ days for the last 2 cycles, including this current cycle which I got preg. Consult a doctor if you are worried. Take care!!

Aquarius, thanks!!

hi aquarius_888,
I think I chat with you before long time ago. Forgotten which thread, have been in this forum for too long liao. Now and then must change my nick if not many ppl will know where I stay, which bridal shop I went to, which hotel I held my banquet in, when I had my first pregnancy, and now my second.... quite scary coz met some ppl in this forum in the bridal shop before, so some ppl know me.
hi Folic,

the problem is i never really take note of my menses cycles previously (b4 my pregnancy)
hence don't know exactly the length...

just to check, how often and when do you take the bai feng wan?
everytime after your menses? and whole bottle?

i have had a talk with my gp...
she thinks it's pretty normal for the delay...
afterall, it's only the second cycle...
but, well, me being me, so paranoid and always reading too much into articles (kekeke... that's what both my GP and Gynae told me as well), tends to get worried easily...

i think my AF has arrived...
went to toilet just now and saw red...
guess i should relax more... hee hee

how are you feeling? any MS?
must take care...
Hi jus,

congrats... now u can relax
I do know the feeling of anticipating AF during a long cycle. It drives me nuts all the time!!
But I think I agree with your docs.. you too gan jiong liao!

For Bai Feng Wan, I take one whole bottle after the last day of my menses. Supposed to take one whole bottle each week after menses until near ovulation. But I cannot tahan all these medication, so I just take one bottle once a month after AF
No harm trying lor.

As for me, yes I am getting a bit of MS now. Keep wanting to throw up. and really sleepy.. slept the whole day yesterday.. mebbe awake for 4 hours??

You take care too ok?

Hi Java

Yup we chatted before
...really happy for you and folic...Knew how much you all went's a new wishes and wishing you and folic a smooth pregnancy. Take care!
Hi Tubby,
My gyane is Dr Eunice Chua at TMC. She is very nice, but the wait to see her is not! Even on normal days it can get to 30-45 minutes. I think she did a good job with my d&amp;c, she even brought a scanner into the OT after the procedure to make sure that everything was clear inside. I had no pain and no cramping at all. She may seem a bit rushed during consultation, but she will make time to answer your questions if you have any. Let me know if you want her number.

Hi Tiantian,
The TCM doc whom I went to see this morning asked me to chart my BBT when she found out that my mensus is irregular. So strange right? Never thought a TCM doc would ask that!

Hi Jus,
I guess we are all alike in reading up because we want to find out what went wrong. My gynae also told me not to ponder too much into whatever I read online! But I can't help it! It's like I need to find out if there is a reason why it happened, what exactly is happening to me right now, etc etc etc. In fact, I think it would be great if I could get an update about every single thing that is happening in my body every day! That's what I also thought when I was preggy -- I wanted to know how the foetus would be developing each day, the more info, the better!
Maybe we are all information junkies, I know I am!

Folic and Java,
Your postings (and all the others here) are what have helped give me strength and hope after the mc. So thank you for sharing this 'diary', because it has made a difference!
Hi all, here's an update. Today had the longest queue at KK AMC scan.
Imagine there was abt 40 pple in front of me waiting.
Finally got chance to see BB.
Today is wk 12 and thus had to measure the neck to check on abnomality.

However, BB is quite naughty today lying with buttock sticking up.
So the doc cant measure the neck and ask me to cough so that BB can move to lie flat on my womb. But still dun work as BB dont even seem to bother. Buttock still sticking up high.
So i had to wait outside again.

So i went to buy some drinks and eat bread as it is lunch time and talking to BB telling BB to lie flatly on my womb. When i was back, BB is lying but head sticking up. Goosh, i had to turn and cough and finally the doc managed to take my BB neck measurement.
Oh <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, what is retroverted uterus?
I dun noe abt this but till today, i still having on off spotting!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, glad to learn that u had perform the Merlion Dance
as it just show that ur BB is growing well. Dont worry about the doubt that u still have. I still have that doubts too, but when i still feeling nausea, i told myself BB is growing!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, so happy to learn that ur little ah dot
is growing well!
When is your next apptment?

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, yap, no need to stop <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> for 21 days before ur AF came lah! I also did read that we had to stop <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> for quite sometime before the 1st AF was considered normal. I remembered i got quite worried as my <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> was on off one. But alas, suddenly, my AF came. Initally, i thot <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> again. But then, on the next day, i noe that it was my offical 1st AF after M/C.
So pls dun worry so much, ok!
Hi Odie, folic and tubby,

Not sure if this forum is what you told me to come into..

Thank you for all your support and kind words. It really mean a lot to me..

Folic and tubby, I'm so sorry to hear that both of you have lost your precious child just like me.. Just hope that time will heal all our pain. I believe that both of u children is in Heaven now.. Jusy hope that God will be kind enough to bless you with another baby in future.. Though I know its hard to forget the heartbreak of losing your child, which I have been through it, but try your very best..

Just hope that time will heal all wounds.. Take time to do and enjoy all your favourite sports, shopping etc to forget all the pain and suffering..

God Bless all of you..

Hi <font color="0077aa">FOLIC</font>,

<font color="ff0000">CONGRATULATIONS</font>.... not sure if u still rem me
....but i do rem u
. juz want to say "GOD BLESS"....I'v been waiting quietly for this good news. Enjoy ur MS heee
