Support group - Miscarriages

hi jujube,
did u ask ur gynae why u had prolonged spotting? is the explanation given same as wat my gynae told me? somehow i've orady tell myself dat I will spot until my AF comes.. which will be delayed... aiii...
Hope u'll feel better wif a new look...

Hi Ocean,
u have come so far... dun worry... jus keep remembering the lot dat Guan Yin gave to u... have faith...

Hi Folic,
how's the interview yesterday??

Do anyone of you have very light spotty type first AF?

I have mense like lower ab cramp since yesterday, no sign of red, except for 2 tiny spots this morning. I'm wondering if my menses is really here or not.
I'm coming to 5th week since d/c
Pageup... not in my case. But the 1st AF after D&C is a bit "abnormal" as compared to usual. Maybe its the symptom of your AF coming... should be about time.
<font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, for me, i had very light 1st AF, but not as light as just 2 tiny spots.
It is more or less like i had reached my last day of my AF instead of my first day.
As compared to my previous cycle b4 M/C which is very irregular and usually i had heavy AF on the first 2 days, my first AF is very light!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, not to worry lah! Once you r confirmed pregnant, then u are pregnant!!
Eh, sounds silly huh, the way i phrase it!!

<font color="119911">Odie</font>, how r u? U have fully recover from ur sickness liao??? YOU are now in your WAR ZONE, is it?
Work hard hor!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, thanks!! Just hope things are alright!!
Ur AF here liao?
Hi Ocean... much better but still coughing a little. I think the haze makes it harder to recover. Thanks for asking

Yup yup... just entering war zone... so must jia you jia you :p
hi Pageup,

i wish i can advise u on the 1st AF situation, but mine is still a long way to go... i think it's spotting be4 ur actual flow.. so get ready those pads!!
I used to spot for a day or two before my actual flow.. for my normal menses..

hi Folic,
it's confirmed dat u r preggie!! i saw those digital clearblue b4, quite ex.. but veri clearcut, dun hv to squint eye to see whether there's a line or no line..

hi Ocean,
nope, AF not here yet.. but yesterday &amp; today, my abdomen got veri mild cramps... &amp; my spotting is slightly heavier jus now... aii... i think my system all go haywire liao... i dun feel 'normal' at all.. wif dis prolonged spotting..
Hi gals!

Tubby, my interview went quite well yesterday. 3 hours of interviews with 3 different people! geez! Anyway, I might not take the new job now since I don't think I want to chiong in the job now... I still quite like my current job, just that I donwan to get too complacent. But now, like got reason for complacency.

At first, I also thot the digital ones are very exp. Yesterday, bought from guardian. After 20% discount, it is about 38 bucks for 3 tests. So roughly the same as the normal ones lor. Anyway, bought it just for fun. Now I have 2 more tests left. Maybe give to my sis as present to encourage her to TTC

Hi ladies,

Just came back from gynae's clinic. Did a scan for me but can't really find out wat's the cause for the delayed AF. However, he managed to see a samll folicle which meanss that my AF should be on the way in two weeks time.

He ask me to wait for it to come naturally as he does not want to force the AF to come by giving me fertility pill. However, if AF is still not here 2 weeks later, he will have to give me fertility pill.

So, I am keeping my fingers crossed now.


A BIG BIG HUG to you. I am so happy for you. So, when are you going to see your gynae?? In the meantime, pls take care, ok??

Hi Jujube,

for my case, I also have on-and-off spotting for almost 3 weeks after D&amp;C. I think it should be normal. Don't worry too much ok. Like you, I also rebond my hair after the D&amp;C. Thought of colouring my hair too. Better do all these things now, otherwise when u are pregnant again, cannot do liao.

Hi Jave,

Hope you are feeling better now. Any more vomiting?? All the best to your gynae's visit this fri, I am sure you can see you bb growing bigger. I will pray for you.

Hi Ocean,

Try not to think too much ok?? Be positive.
hi Ocean,
ur war zone pic very cute.

hi folic,
u very funny leh, like buy so many test kits, normal kind, digital kind. did suggests an EDD date for u?

hi tiantian,
Thanks for your concern. On off still vomiting. I think its seems to become a habit that once I see the toilet bowl, my gag reflex auto comes on.
I notice that some of u gals have been posting in SingaporeBrides forum for some time liao. Did u all previously post on bridal stuff, then move on to post on MTB stuff, etc?

Same like me. When did u gals get married? I got married last year Mar 2003.
Yup same here. Came in here to search and talk about the wedding prep initially. I just got married in Feb 2004... in fact Ocean and Pageup are my kakis in the Feb 2004 bride-to-be thread (or should I say used to be bride-to-be) ^.^ v

Java, no lah, this month quite good liao. Used 1 leftover and then bought this digital one.
I just went to fertility friend to check on EDD. 3/21/05 it says... sounds nice huh?

I got married on 21 Sep 2002. 6 mths ahead of you. I did post under other names before but not as often as I do right now.

tiantian, thanks! I will prob go see the gynae next week. The last time I was preg, I went too early and the test at gynae showed neg. So demoralising. So I will just wait till next week. I intend to go to Raffles Hospital. I went there for annual checkup and liked the hospital quite a bit. I heard there is this experienced lady gynae there and I will probably go look for her. My hubby is dead against going back to my previous gynae or Gleneageles... he says too much bad memories there.

hi folic,
Yeah, u can join us at the Feb/Mar 2005 MTB liao!!! I also never go back to Mt E and my previous gynae, not only my hubby is against it, my mum and MIL also violently object!!! Ur EDD is coincidentally 1 month after mine, mine is 2/21/05!!!

Today I very free to post on this forum, coz today is my last day working here. After that I intend to rest until after first trimester and if God's Will I can find a short-term contract job after that.
Hi Java,

that's great that you can be tai tai for a while
altho it is not so fun to be a merlion tai tai!
Take time to rest well!!

hi folic,
No its merlioness tai tai. Told u I'm very free, can even come in here every 5 mins.

you know something, actually me and hubby drew 2 lots.The first one he drew was a few months back ( I think I shared this with you gals) and it says that he would have a baby girl soon. At that time, we didnt really want to try yet cos of the Italy trip. Then I went to the temple again, I think after the Italy trip. I drew the lot this time and it says I will expect a boy. So you think I will have long feng tai??
So greedy!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, Long Feng tai is wat is wish for too!!
So, wish u luck!!
If not, then i think the latter lot will be most accurate one as it is the latest lot drawn!! Hmm.. but then, the most impt is both are good lots!!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i saw that u been pampered by your family so well with good food!!
Make me so jealous and hungry!!

Like what <font color="aa00aa">Odie</font> said, <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font> and myself, we three had our customary on Feb this year! Things happened so fast for us hor!! I find myself sometimes wondering what i been doing this year!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i also have on off spotting before my 1st AF. Quite tired to go toilet and see those <font color="ff0000">red dots</font>. Guess no choice lah, cos our body had been scrapped clean and is trying to recover. Must have faith hor! Remember to eat "bu" thing ok!
If u have already finished taking ur western medicine and not taking DOM, try to take 2 tsps each day. I found that it warm up my body!

<font color="ffff00">Tiantian</font>, i hope ur gynae r right. Let's wait for 2wks first to see how! Must relax and take care!
Hello all!
I'm also a 2004 bride. I had my customary in January, then got pregnant in March and started to lurk in the forums.

Hi Tubby,
When i went for my post d/c check after 2 weeks, my gyane did a v-scan and said that everything is very clean and clear. I asked her about the spotting and she said it should go off soon, since there's practically nothing left to come out. Tiantian says that she had on/off spotting for almost 3 weeks so I'll wait till then and see... how long has it been for you?

Hi Folic,
What is "long feng tai"? Issit twins? Oooooohhhh! So exciting!!!!!
hi ladies,

think i am pretty sure my AF is here.
However, it still doesn't look like what i used to have.. it has more brown blood clot that red blood.. and the flow is not heavy as the first 2 days of normal menses. Anyway, since it is expected to be 'abnormal', then I won't worry too much about it. Relieve that my body is getting back to normal again.

Hi Java,
Yes, I started joining the forum when preparing for wedding. Chatted with odie and ocean in Feb 04 bride-to-be, if memory serve me right, ocean's and my wedding fell on the same day
Hope that very soon we will 'meet again' in another thread, but this time is to exchange ideas on babycare.
Hi Pageup,
I remember when my 1st AF came, I had v light spotting the night before. I was so excited! Then the flow came the next day...with a revenge! Heavy flow, man... But that's good news, cos it signals the start of a new cycle...and then before u know it you can ttc again.

Folic, I'm really so happy for you. Today I kept smiling at work, as tho i'm the one who tested +ve like that! I dunno why, I think it's cos since i joined this forum, you've given me a lot of good advice and encouragement. I'm so glad you struck this soon!
Hope to see u in the other thread soon! Actually I'm quite lazy to post there...i think my friends &amp; loyalties are still here.

I only joined the forum after my m/c last yr. Before that I only read some threads for info, but never posted. A good friend of mine whom I spoke to abt my m/c told me that I would find support here, and indeed I have. I got married in June 2001. Just celebrated our 3rd anniversary on Folic's bday, remember?

Wow, all of you ttc so soon after marriage huh? We waited 2 years first cos we wanted to travel first! Actually I'm hoping to do a last trip to Australia in Nov, but I dunno if i'll be too huge by then! When's the latest one can travel when pregnant?
Hi Folic,
CONGRATULATIONS! Very happy to read ur good news -dun abandon us hor? Keep us updated on how u're doing daily.

Hi Millie,
Yeah.. will bite the bullet and do what is necessary. Just received letter from hospital saying earliest available appointment is mid Sep. Oh man! Am hunting for cheap tickets home so maybe I'd even get to see a gyn in S'pore and come back in time for this appt.

Will be fun to meet up, won't it?
How come no one wants to visit London huh?

Er... does anyone have good gyns to recommend? I heard a lot abt Dr Kowa. Can someone provide me with his contact details? Many thanks!
hi Ocean,
Does it help if u drink more water? Perhaps more fluid can help to cleanse any leftover stale blood from the endometric lining? Are u still taking ur hormone pills?

hi folic,
Yah lor I also very happy for you since both of us went through so much together and now we are pregnant just 1 month apart. Really look forward to journeying the pregnancy together with you. I also told my hubby abt your pregnancy. At first felt quite bad posting on the other thread while my good frens here still TTCing. At least now u can join us there. Hey, why dun u come over to TMC? Recommend u my gynae lar!

Hi snuffles,
Yes. I heard alot abt Dr Kowa. His clinic is at Mt E. Not sure abt his contact details though, perhaps u can create another thread asking abt Dr Kowa's details?
hi Tiny,
u very loyal hor? no wonder I seldom see u over there. Yes, I also agree with u that most of my good frens are over here. Only u all can understand my paranoia and anxiety.
CONGRATS , folic!!!
Happy for you!
Your long-awaited moment is here!!!
Now, would be waiting to hear your long feng tai news!!! Hee hee

Page up,
My first AF only came after 8 weeks!!!
What a long wait for me
First day was quite ok
Second day very heavy flow
Overall, the first AF was a bit lighter than my normal flow

Actually, I have seen you in other thread (were you with TC? Or was it Everbliss? me, lazy to check)

I got married in Oct last year, pregnant after ~2 months
It was an unplanned pregnancy, but nevertheless, we were filled with joy

First joined the forum exchanging ideas on wedding
Guess most of us joined the forum during our wedding preparation

Would you be coming home (Singapore) soon?

Ocean, Java,
Take good care of yourself and baby, ok
Eat well and keep us updated!

I am now waiting for my second AF
About 30+ days, still no sign
Getting a bit paranoid again
Hey Ocean... felt the same way too. Was telling hubby that even though we are only married for a few months it felt as though its been a long while because alot of things had happened since Feb.

Pageup... good to hear that your long awaited AF is here. In no time you can start trying again ;)

Tiny... I believe that you will be in your third trimester by Nov? I think it is not very advisable to travel then... but I guess that your gynae will be in a better position to advise you. Anyway there are other options... like going to Malaysia for a short trip or Sentosa for a 2 night stay :p
Hi gals! good morning and thanks for all the good wishes!!

Jujube, yes, Long feng tai means twins - but one boy, one girl. Long= dragon and feng = phoenix. greedy hor?? hahaha

Pageup, congrats on the first AF! It is definitely a signal of things returning to normal.
And after this, may you suceed in your TTC journey and that it will disappear for 9 months when you are ready!

I think I am like a big sister here ... since I am the oldest!
Actually, it really makes me happy to see each of us growing stronger each day and getting happier. New folks join us but they too become good after chatting with us

Yah, you are like my buddy in this whole thing. Cos, you lost baby Jordan in Jun and I lost Jie in Aug. Now, we are one month apart with our second child.
It feels so right!! I told my hubby about your pregnancy too. He is happy, especially since we went to your church that day
And I have made an appt next week to see Dr Joan Thong W.P at Raffles Hospital. Thomson is a bit far for me.

millie/snuffles, You two are buddies just like me and Java. I am sure both of you will succeed soon. I will definitely continue to post here. I think it is different to post in a MTB thread after what we have all gone through. We are sort of paranoid yet hopeful at the same time. Only those who have journeyed through the same path can fully appreciate the fear and joy that we go through for each pregnancy.

Snuffles, Dr Kowa's number is 62351151. He is Linda's gynae for baby Tory

jus, my AF came only after 6 weeks. Be patient, it will be here soon.

Hey jus, just realised that it was your second AF that you are waiting for! sorry. What is your usual cycle?
Hi Jus,

Not to worry. I am already in my CD52 and 2nd AF is still not here yet. I have posted my story above. My gynae also cannot explain why I am so late for the 2nd cycle.

Give yourself another one week or so. If by then your AF is still not here, then maybe you can call up your gynae and check with him.
Hi folic,

Actually, before my m/c, I had never really keep track of the length of my cycle
Only now I m more aware
Hee hee

Hi tian tian,

Oh, you r also waiting for your 2nd AF?
Yup, would take your advice and wait patiently
Anyway, I cant really do much
Hee hee

I m still taking those yucky herbs
But sort getting complacent
Use to boil everyday
Now, boil only alternate days
See-lar, getting lazy liao
Hi Jus and Tian... maybe it is the stress that is causing the delay? I realised that I counted every single day the other time when I was waiting for my 1st and even 2nd AF... and making it felt like its forever. After the 2nd AF... sort of more relaxed now... just counted the days again yesterday and realised that I am already halfway thru this cycle. So the best advice I can offer is to just relax.

Folic... keep us posted and good luck on your wish for twins... anything is possible ;) If you feel doubly tired, and your abdominal shows much earlier than normal than chances are there. My tummy started to show rather early the other time (looked as though I was in my third month even though I was only in my 7th to 8th week). So keep a lookout for all these signs.
Hi Odie,

Thanks for the advice

I had a mild infection (after my first AF)
Had some antibiotics and should have cleared up by now (the gynae did not follow up on this as it was a very mild infection)
Dont know if this has an impact on the delay

You are right in saying that I m super kan-cheong now kekeke
Looking at the calendar and counting the days frequently
Hi gals,

My gf just forwarded this touching story to me. My eyes are wet after I finished reading.....It's very long, take your time to read.......

Part 1...

Cruel misunderstandings one after another disrupted the blissful footsteps
to our family. Our original intend of having Mother enjoy some quiet and
peaceful moments in her remaining years with us went terribly wrong as
destiny's secret is finally revealed at a price, every thing became too

Just two years after our marriage, hubby brought up the idea of asking
Mother to move from the rural hometown and spend her remaining years with
us. Hubby's father passed away while he was still very young. Mother
endured much hardship and struggled all on her own to provide for him, see
him through to a university degree. You could say that she suffered a great
deal and did everything you could expect of a woman to bring hubby to where
he is today.

I immediately agreed and started packing the spare room, which has
balcony facing the South to let her enjoy the sunshine and plant some
greenery. Hubby stood in the bright room, and suddenly just picked me up
and started spinning round and round. As I begged him to put me down, he
said: "Lets go fetch mother." Hubby is tall and big sized and I love to
rest on his chest and enjoy the feeling that he could pick me up at any
moment put the tiny me into his pockets. Whenever we have an argument and
both refuses to back down, he would pick me up and spin me over his head
continuously until I surrender and beg for mercy. I became addicted to this
kind of panic-joy feeling.

Mother brought along her country-side habits and lifestyle with her. For
example; I am so used to buying flowers to decorate the living room, she
could not stand it and would comment: "I do not know how you young people
spend your money, why do you buy flowers for? You also can't eat the
flowers!" I smiled and said: "Mum, with flowers in the house, our mood will
also become better." Mother continues to grumble away, and hubby smiled:
"Mum, this is a city-people's habit; slowly you will get use to it."

Mother stopped saying anything. But every time thereafter, whenever I came
home with flowers, she would ask me how much it costs. I told her and she
would shake her head and express displeasure. Sometimes, when I come home
with lots of shopping bags, she would ask each and every item how much they
cost, I would tell her honestly and she would get even more upset about it.
Hubby playfully pinched my nose and said: "You little fool, just don't tell
her the full price of everything would solve it." There begins the friction
to our otherwise happy lifestyle.

Mother hates it most when hubby wakes up early to prepare the breakfast. In
your view, how could the man of the house cook for the wife? At the
breakfast table, mother facial expression is always like the dark clouds
before a thunderstorm and I would pretend not to notice. She would use her
chopsticks and make a lot of noise with it as her silent protest. As I am a
dance teacher in the Children's Palace and is exhausted from a long day of
dancing around, I do not wish to give up the luxury of that additional few
minutes in the comfort of my bed and hence I turned a deaf ear to all the
protest mother makes.

From time to time, mother would help out with some housework, but soon her
help created additional work for me. For example: she would keep all kinds
of plastic bags accumulating them so that she sell them later on, and that
resulted in our house being filled with all the trash bags; she would
scrimp on dish washing detergent when helping to wash the dishes and so as
not to hurt her feelings, I would quietly wash they again. One day, late at
night, mother saw me quietly washing the dishes, and "Bam" she slams her
bedroom door and cried very loudly in her room. Hubby was placed in a
difficult position, and after that, he did not speak to me for that entire
night. I pretended to be a spoilt child, tried acting cute, but he totally
ignored me. I got mad and asked him: "What did I do wrong?" Hubby stared at
me and said: "Can't you just give in to her once? we couldn't possibly die
eating from a bowl however unclean it is, right?"

After that incident, for a long period of time, mother did not speak to me
and you can feel that there is a very awkward feeling hanging in the house.
During that period of cold war, hubby was caught in dilemma as to who to

In order to stop her son from having to prepare breakfast, mother took on
the "all important" task of preparing breakfast without any prompting. At
the breakfast table, mother would look at hubby happily eating his
breakfast and cast that reprimanding stare at me for having failed to
perform my duty as a wife. To avoid the embarrassing breakfast situation, I
resorted to buying my own breakfast on my way to work.

That night, while in bed, hubby was a little upset and asked me: "LD, is it
because you think that mum's cooking is not clean that's why you chose not
to eat at home?" He then turned his back on me and left me alone in tears
as feeling of unfairness overwhelmed me. After some time, hubby sighed:
"LD, just for me, can you have breakfast at home?" I am left with no choice
but to return to the breakfast table.

The next morning, I was having porridge prepared by mother and I felt a
sudden churn in my stomach and everything inside seem to be rushing up my
throat. I tried to suppress the urge to throw up but I couldn't. I threw
down the bowl and rushed into the washroom and vomited everything out. Just
as I was catching my breath, I saw mother crying and grumbling very loudly
in her dialect, hubby was standing at the washroom doorway staring at me
with fire burning in his eyes. I opened my mouth but no words came out of
it, I really didn't mean it.

We had our very first big fight that day; mother took a look at us, then
stood up and slowly made her way out of the house. Hubby gave me a final
stare in the eye and followed mother down the stairs.

For three days, hubby did not return home, not even a phone call. I was so
furious, since mother arrived; I had been trying my best and putting up
with her, what else do you want me to do? For no reason, I keep having the
feeling to throw up and I simply have not appetite for food, coupled with
all the events happening at home, I was at the low point in my life.
Finally, a colleague said: "LD, you look terrible, you should go and see a

The doctor confirmed that I am pregnant. Now it became clear to me why I
threw up that fateful morning, a sense of sadness floated through that
otherwise happy news. Why didn't hubby, and mother who had been through
this before, thought of the possibility of this being the reason that day?
At the hospital entrance, I saw my hubby standing there. It had only been
three days, but he looked haggard. I had wanted to turn and leave, but one
look at him and my heart soften, I couldn't resist and called out to him.
He followed my voice and finally found me but he pretended that he doesn't
know me; he has that disgusted look in his eyes that cut right through my

I told myself not to look at him anymore, and hail a cab. At that moment, I
have such a strong urge inside me to shout to my hubby: "Darling, I am
having your baby!" and have him lift me up and spin me round in circles of
joy. What I wanted didn't happen and as I sat in the cab, my tears started
rolling down. Why? Why our love couldn't even withstand the test of one
fight? Back home, I lay on the bed thinking about my hubby, and the
disgusted look in his eyes. I cried and wet the corner of the blanket.

That night, sound of the drawers opening woke me up. I switched on the
lights and I saw hubby with tears rolling down his face. He was removing
the money. I stared at him in silence; he ignored me, took the bank deposit
book and some money and left the house. Maybe he really intends to leave me
for good. What a rational man, so clear cut in love and money matters. I
gave a few dried laugh and tears starting streaming down again.

The next day, I did not go to work. I wanted to clear this out and have a
good talk with hubby. I reached his office and his secretary gave me a
weird look and said: "Mr Tan's mother had a traffic accident and is now in
the hospital." I stood there in shock. I rushed to the hospital and by the
time I found hubby, mother had already passed away. Hubby did not look at
me, his face was expressionless.

I looked at mother's pale white and thin face and I couldn't control the
tears in my eyes. My god, how could this happen? Throughout the furneral,
hubby did say a single word to me, with only the occasional disgusted stare
at me. I only managed to find out brief facts about the accident from other
people. That day, after mother left the house, she walked in dazed toward
the bus stop, apparently intending to go back to her old house back in the
country-side. As hubby ran after her, she tried to walk faster and as she
tried to cross the street, a public bus came and hit her...

I finally understood how much hubby must hate me, if I had not thrown up
that morning, if we had not quarreled, if...

In his heart, I am indirectly the killer of his mother.

Part 2 and end...

Hubby moved into mother's room and came home every night with a strong
liquor smell on him. And me, I am buried under the guilt and self pity and
could hardly breathe. I wanted to explain to him, tell him that we are
going to have our baby soon, but each time, I saw the dead look in his
eyes, all the words I have at the brink of my mouth just fell back in. I
had rather he hit me real hard or give me a big and thorough scolding
though none of these events happening had been my fault at all.

Many days of suffocating silence went by and as the days went by, hubby
came home later and later. The deadlock between us continues, we were
living together like strangers who don't know each other. I am like the
dead knot in his heart.

One day, I passed by a western restaurant, looking into the glass window, I
saw hubby and a girl sitting facing each other and he very lightly brushed
her hair for her, I understood what it meant. After recovering from that
moment of shock, I entered the restaurant, stood in front of my hubby and
stared hard at him, not a tear in my eyes. I have nothing to say to him,
and there is no need to say anything.

The girl looked at me, looks at hubby, stands up and wanted to go, hubby
stretched out his hand and stopped her. He stared back at me, challenging
me. I can only hear my slow heart beat, beating, one by one as if at the
brink of death. I eventually backed down, if I had stood that any longer, I
will collapse together with the baby inside me.

That night, he did not come home, he had chosen to use that as a way to
indicate to me: Following mother's death, so did our love for each other.
He did not come home anymore after that. Sometimes, when I returned home
from work, I can tell that the cupboard had been touched - he had returned
to take some of his stuff.

I no longer wish to call him; the initial desire to explain everything to
him vanished.

I lived alone; I go for my medical checkups alone, my heart breaks again
and again every time I see a guy carefully helping his wife through the
physical examination. My office colleagues hinted to me to consider
aborting the baby, I told them No, I will not. I insisted on having to this
baby, perhaps it is my way of repaying mother for causing her death.

One day, I came home and I saw hubby sitting in the living room. The whole
house was filled with cigarette smoke. On the coffee table, there was this
piece of paper. I know what it is all about without even looking at it.

In the two months plus of living alone, I have gradually learned to find
peace within myself. I looked at him, removed my hat and said: "You wait a
while, I will sign." He looked at me, mixed feelings in his eyes, just like
mine. As I hang up my coat, I keep repeating to myself "You cannot cry, you
cannot cry..." my eyes hurt terribly, but I refused to let tears come out
from there.

After I hung up my coat, hubby's eyes stared fixed at my bulging tummy. I
smiled, walked over to the coffee table and pull e paper towards me.
Without even looking at what it says, I signed my name on it and pushed the
paper to him.

"LD, you are pregnant?"

Since mother's accident, this is the first time he spoke to me. I could not
control my tears any further and they fell like raindrops. I said: "Yes,
but its ok, you can leave now." He did not go, in the dark, we sat, facing
each other.

Hubby slowly moved over me, his tears wet the blanket. In my heart,
everything seem so far away, so far that even if I sprint, I could never
reach them.

I cannot remember how many times he repeated "sorry" to me, I had
originally thought that I would forgive him, but now I can't. In the
western restaurant, in front of that girl, that cold cold look in his eyes,
I will never forget, ever. We have drawn such deep deep scares in each
other's heart. For me, its unintentional; for him, totally intentional.

I had been waiting for this moment of reconciliation, but I realized now,
what had gone past is gone forever and could not repeated! Other than the
thought of the baby inside me that would bring some warmth to my heart, I
am totally cold towards him, I no longer eat anything he buys for me, I
don't take any presents from him and I stopped talking to him. From the
moment I signed on that piece of paper, marriage and love had vanished from
my heart.

Sometimes, hubby will try to come into the bedroom, but when he walks in, I
will walk out to the living room. He had no choice but to sleep in mother's
room. At night, from his room, I can hear light sounds of groaning, I kept
quiet. This used to be his trick; last time, whenever I ignore him, he
would fake illness and I will surrender and find out what is wrong with
him, he would then grab me and laugh. He have forgotten that last time, I
cared for him and am concerned because there is love, but now, what is
there between us?

Hubby's groaning came on and off continuing all the way till baby was born.
Almost everyday, he would buy something for the baby, infant products,
children products and books that kids like to read. Bags and bags of it
stacked inside his room till it is full. I know he is trying to use this to
reach out to me, but I am no longer moved by his actions. He has no choice
but to lock himself in his room and I can hear his typing away on his
computer keyboard, maybe he is now addicted to web surfing, but none of
that matters to me anymore.

It was sometime towards the end of spring in the following year, one late
night, I screamed because of a sudden stomach pain, hubby came rushing into
the room, its like he did not change and sleep, and had been waiting for
this moment. He carried me and ran down the stairs, stopped a car, holding
my hand very tightly and kept wiping the sweat off my brown, throughout the
journey to the hospital. Once we reached the hospital, he carried me and
hurried into the delivery suite.
Lying on the back of his skinny but warmth body, a thought crossed my mind:
In my lifetime, who else would love me as much as he did?

He held the delivery suite door opened and watch me go in, his warm eyes
caused me to managed a smile at him despite my contraction pain.

Coming out of the delivery room, hubby looked at me and our son, his eyes
tear with joy and he kept smiling. I reached out and touched his hand.

Hubby looked at me, smiling and then he slowly collapsed onto the floor. I
cried out for him in pain... He smiled, but without opening that tired eyes
of his... I had thought that I would never shed any tear for him, but the
truth is, I have never felt a deeper pain cutting through my body at that

Doctor said that by the time hubby discovered he had liver cancer, it was
already in terminal stage and it was a miracle that he managed to last this
long. I asked the doctor when did he first discover he had cancer? Doctor
said about 5 months ago and consoled me saying: "Prepare for his funeral."
I disregarded the nurse's objection and rushed home, I went into his room
and checked his computer, and a suffocating pain hits me.

Hubby's cancer was discovered 5 months ago, his groaning was real, and I
had thought that... the computer showed over 200 thousand words he wrote
for our son: "Son, just for you, I have persisted, to be able to take a
look at you before I fall, is my biggest wish now... I know that in your
life, you will have many happiness and maybe some setbacks, if only I can
accompany you throughout that journey, how nice would it be. But daddy now
no long has that chance. Daddy has written inside here all the possible
difficulties and problems you may encounter during your lifetime, when you
meet with these problems, you can refer to daddy's suggestion... Son, after
writing these 200 thousand words, I feel as if I have accompanied you
through your life journey. To be honest, daddy is very happy. Do love your
mother, she has suffered, she is the one who loves you most and also the
one who loves me most..."

From play school to primary school, to secondary, university, to work and
even in dealing with questions of love, everything big and small was
written there.

Hubby has also written a letter for me:

"My dear, to marry you is my biggest happiness, forgive me for the pain I
have caused you, forgive me for not telling you my illness, because I want
to see you be in a joyful mood waiting for the arrival of our baby... My
dear, if you cried, it means that you have forgiven me and I would smile,
thank you for loving me... These presents, I'm afraid I cannot give them to
our son personally, could you help me to give some of them to him every
year, the dates on what to give when are all written on the packaging..."

Going back to the hospital, hubby is still in coma. I brought our son over
and place him beside him. I said: "Open your eyes and smile, I want our son
to remember being in the warmth of your arms..."

He struggled to open his eyes and managed a weak smile. Our son still in
his arms was happily waving his tiny hands in the air. I press the button
on the camera and the sound of the shutter rang thought the air as tears
slowly rolled down my face...
hi folic,
Eh Thomson where got far for you. I remember you got car right? somemore change from 1.6 to 2 cc type of car. Anyway so long you are comfortable with your gynae and is confident of her skill, then its ok.

hi millie,
Have u been seeing your chinese physician? Sorry for bringing this painful subject up, but while I was taking the bus just now, I remember you saying that everytime u could only see the sac and after that it never develops further. Is it that? Last time my gynae gave me a proluton jab to improve blood circulation around the sac and placenta, so that the embroyo can develop better. Dunno if this could be a solution.
hi Folic,
glad dat ur interviews went well, dis is indeed ur week..
ur EDD sounds great!! i like the way u put it.. 3..2..1.. BABY!!

hi tiantian,
guess it's better to go au-natural.. guess ur body is taking the extra time to recuperate now.. since a follicle is detected, ur AF shd be on the way soon... take care in the meantime
dat's a veri touching story dat u've posted.. my eyes were wet as well...

hi java,
enjoy ur last day at work.. &amp; welcome to tai-tai hood...

i was introduced to dis forum back in 2001, &amp; since then i was like addicted liao.. i enjoyed reading the various stories posted in 'Matters of the Heart' &amp; the advices given out.. when i started my hse reno &amp; wedding preps.. got some good lobangs from the shops being recommended by helpful pple there... i am a May 2003 bride.. since then i've been reading all TTC-related threads.. so, i felt i've known some of the gals here for a v long time liao.. following their developments closely.. sharing their happiness &amp; anxiety.. sometimes, when a particular gal strike, i will be so happy dat i'll tell my hubby as well..

me onie started posting when i'm actively TTC-ing, &amp; i striked on the mth dat I posted.. but dat happiness is shortlived... now i am finding strength to move on my life from a wonderful grp of ladies here...
hi folic and odie,

yes, glad to be able to start ttc again. The loss seems to make us yearn to have a baby more.

Will made an appointment with my gynae after the end of AF. Initially I feel reluctant to go back there because of the unpleasant memories of that clinic. But my mum pointed out that it is better to stick to the same gynae as he will know about my condition better than others. Moreover, he has been a good and caring gynae so far.

Hi Jus,

Yup, I hang around in everbliss and ted collection thread too.
I had my red cs done at tc

I also don't monitor my cycle closely before the pregnancy. In fact, we didn't do any planning for that pregnancy, just let nature take its course.
I just started to chart my basal body temperature through the website
Still trying to understand the whole charting thingy though.
dear Ocean,
hope u r feeling better
as i am still spotting, i dare not take any herbal stuff.. i even stop taking chicken essence a week ago... i jus wan my spotting to stop first then i will 'bu' my body.. but it seems like eternity for the spotting to stop!! i tot of going to Eu Yan Seng to buy some tonics &amp; 'bu' myself after my 1st AF... my sis gave me 'bai feng wan'.. but i think there shd be more that i can take...
i took antibiotics twice after D&amp;C, one to take after D&amp;C, one is for my bad sore throat last week, so i guess AF wld be delayed.. thks for ur advice, i will see whether my mum has DOM anot.. is Yomeishu the same??

hi jujube,
i had bleeding for abt 10 days after D&amp;C, then it's spotting either brown or red continuously until now.. today is 26 days after my D&amp;C liao.. aii... i think i broke record liao.. nobody has spotted so long here leh...

pageup!! congratzzz!!! AF is finally here... pls pass some of ur AF-dust to me hor..

hi Tiny,
u oso another one who travelled quite frequently leh... went to Vietnam last Dec, then BKK (issit??!!), then to HK rite?? then now planning for Aussie trip... envy envy leh... guess it's best to check wif ur gynae on ur health status since u'll be in ur 3rd trimester in Nov.. or u can bring forward the trip??

hi Odie,
hv a wonderful time bonding wif hubby dis few days...

miaomiao... hope everything okie for u dis week... when ur AF comes, pls announce here so dat i can get some AF-dust oso...
Hi pageup,

Same here as well
Initially, wanted to change gynae too
Kind of pantang and also the bad memories

My mom n hubby think otherwise
The gynae is pretty good and had all our historical medical records (esp where the genetic problem is concern)
No need to explain to another doctor all over again
Hee hee

We just had a gathering at TCs new place
Have you been to their new shop?
Very similar dcor as the one in bugis

Tian tian,
The story brought tears to my eyes as well
So sad and tragic
Hi Everybody! Lunch time now!! Eating chicken rice!!

<font color="ff6000">Tian tian</font>, that's a very touching story! I was reading it just now and i just teared!! Lucky, no one came to look for me else they might thought what happened!
Well, this story just to tell us to treasure life always!

<font color="0000ff">Pageup</font> and <font color="119911">Odie</font>, isn't it amazing! Remembered we were chatting away talking about preparation for our customary and sharing photos... Then suddenly the three of us are here!
Sigh! <font color="0000ff">Pageup</font>, is ur customary on 21/02 too?

Not to worry, I am sure u and <font color="119911">Odie</font> will join me very soon in another thread to share ideas on babies! And together with the rest of the gals here!
But first, u must not tired yourself and take care of your body!

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, ok lah, as long as u remember to take those medicine.
But hor, i know wat u meant abt getting lazy. After my 1st AF, i started to drink the Nestle No Fat Milk enriched with folic and iron every night. Even when i had conceived, it gave more reason to drink that. But as times go by, i also get lazy. Think the last time i drank the milk was 2 wks ago!!
Oh dear....

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i feel happy to learn that you are now having strength to move on!
Jia you, ok!!
<font face="verdana">Hi Tubby,
I'm ok. Real busy month for me at work. Quite stressed too. Okie! If my AF come... I will "qiao(1) luo(2) da(2) gu(3)" tell you immediately.

As for your prolong spotting, if you are feeling uncomfortable abt it, prob. can give your gynae another call and see if there is anything he can help? 26 days is almost 4wks liao leh.. Mine took about 14-16 days.</font>
Pageup... yup I believe that everyone here will tell you that after the miscarriage the urge to have kids are stronger. Maybe because the mother instinct has been awaken :p

Hi Tubby thanks... will be working hard. To me I feel that it will take a while before I strike so not having high hopes... but hubby seems to have alot of faith in my fertility... he feels that we will be hearing good news after one try >.<

Ocean... excited about your visit next week? Any improvement in your condition? I hope you have decided on your gynae. Ya I hope to be booted out from this thread soon too... but like what Folic, Java and Tiny mentioned... I think only the ladies in this thread will be able to fully understand each other. Being preggie is something exciting and happy but because of the miscarriage it will be mix feelings for us... and others won't be able to feel what we feel.
<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, Ya lor!!!
I agreed too that here, we understand each other more!
You know at one hand, you will feel happy and excited that you know that u r preggie again. But on the other hand, the dark side, the shadow of past failure always managed to linger in your mind....

Wow, <font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, ur hubby so confident!!
Ok then, so must work hard

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, thks!
I am feeling better, just that my tummy still got the pain. I have already learned to live with it and see, it is abt 3 wks since i last visit KK. But then, can be quite worrying too!!
Now waiting patiently for Monday to come!

Have you finished ur antibiotic, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>? I was thinking if u had a bad sore throat, then maybe it is not feasible to drink DOM. Cos u c, when u drink it, u can feel a burning sensation in your throat. But when it reached ur tummy, u feel very warm! I really like that final warm feeling!

Oh, there is one medicine KK given me after my M/C when i went back complaining abt pain and spotting. That is to stop spotting and heavy menses and also to stop pain. But I never took them cos it said to eat when neccessary. If u need them, let me know, can mail it to u cos they are no use to me and since already paid huh, might as well give u if u need them.
But i need to chk back the thread to search for the name of the medicine.

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i will try to drink more water and see how. Recently found that i got more yellowish discharge. Spotting stopped but dun noe if it will come back. I am still taking duphaston currently. How u feeling today?
hi Ocean,
coincidentally i had chicken rice for lunch as well... my mum bought back for me... yummy!!

i think bad sore throat is due to the heaty stuff i took after D&amp;C, dint drink enuff water &amp; crying too excessively... now okie liao.. flu oso almost gone.. i started tearing when i told my GP abt my m/c cos she asked me whether i am preggie anot... so she took time to console me instead.. veri touched...

thks for ur offer on the KK medicine.. i dun hv pain (touchwood! heehee..) ask u, u mentioned u hv occasional spotting prior to ur 1st AF? it's like once in 2-3 days? when is the last time u spot b4 actual AF comes? cos my gynae told me i cld continue spotting until 1st AF comes, but i read from other websites dat i shd not spot/bled for at least 21 days, then it's considered actual 1st AF... *blur liao*

hope to see ur loud announcement here!!
i saw my gynae last sat... he did internal check &amp; told me there's quite abit of spotting inside &amp; helped me clear out.. but he say it's normal.. althou i told him dis spotting is hampering my emotional recovery, he jus told me sympathetically dat there's nothing he can do.. except to wait for 1st AF... so i dun think i will call him liao.. will monitor dis 2 weeks, if no improvement, i will go to new gynae..

seems like ur hubby is quite confident of himself as well... hehee... i think guys r like dat.. before we start TTC actively, my hubby tot as long as hv unprotective sex, will bingo!! haha.. i proved him wrong liao... ;p
hi tubby,
I'm sure you will not have problem conceiving again. In the meantime, take care of your body. Eat well, sleep well and your body will recuperate by itself and ur AF will naturally come.

hi ocean,
I'm ok. This morning went to McDonalds to eat Big Breakfast, but after that stomach quite bloated, so drank some ginger tea. Felt much better. How about you? I also have yellowish discharge. I will pray for you that your spotting will stop. How many weeks are you? If I'm not wrong, u are reaching 2nd trimester soon right?

Tonight I have a long distance phone interview from US. This company knowing that I'm pregnant, but still short-listed me for 2 positions. I'm grateful and hope I will be able to impress them through my conversation with them.

Also, tomorrow is my checkup with the gynae. Pls continue to pray for me and my bb, that Ah Dot is growing well.
Hi Java,

good luck for your interview tonite! Sounds like this is a great company to work for!
Was that the one that you went for interview and thought the portfolio is great for you? Hope this is it for you!!

Also, good luck for your checkup tomorrow. Tell us how much Ah Dot as grown ok?


just like to share that you may still be spotting after the d/c, maybe due to the fact that the hcg level in your body is still not zero or v low. Some people takes longer time for the hcg level to drop to pre-pregnancy level.

I also bled/spot for 5-6 weeks after my miscarriage. I took hpt to test and it was faintly positive right to 6-7 weeks.. I notice that as it drop, the spotting slowly drop too. It may be the case for you too...

Do take care ;)
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, let me go home and check on my spotting before and after my 1st AF. Come to think abt it, ever since my last pregnancy, the word <font color="ff0000">Spotting</font> became a very common word in my dictionary!! Last pregnancy, also got on off <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>. After D&amp;C, <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> too. Then after 1st AF, <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> too. Now preggie again, still <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>!! Goosh... headache!

<font color="119911">Java</font>,
Will pray
for u and little Ah Dot
too!! I am currently 12wks, still got 2 wks more before i reach 2nd trimester. Now, just hoping all is well on my next appt on Monday!

Hmm... <font color="119911">Java</font>,
for your interview too. Sounds like a good company to work with!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, <font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congratulations!!!</font></font> Wah, a lot of graduates in this month huh? Sorry, me having my MS and not in mood for anything... sigh... so a bit late to congrats you... We're in the same boat leh... both due in Mar!!!

Hi <font color="119911">millie</font>, my mum say my boy will cling on me until I given birth hor... perhaps he's really jealous over his little brother/sister.
