Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals,

how's everyone?

Ariella, I went for the two tests you mentioned. Both came back neg. But it did give me peace of mind. For ref, first AF can take up to 6-8 weeks to come as well. So, taking the med from the doc to induce the AF in 3 weeks time is not such a bad deal

Hi Tiny, sounds like you had a great gynae visit too! Jia you jia you!!

wendyl, if you are concerned about all the pain, it would be better to seek advice from a doc. We can't really tell why you are experiencing all these symptoms.
I think that would put your mind at ease and let your imagination go wild. Take care!


Some other yoga centres to check out:

La Vida Loft
123B Telok Ayer Street, Singapore 068592
Tel: +65-6324 2728
Fax: +65-6234 3517

583 Orchard Road, #6-05 Forum
tel: 65 6735 2163

Breathing Space
39 Tras Street
tel: 65 98429590

I am also thinking of starting yoga to get in tune with my inner self when I pass the one month of 'rest' after d/c!
Hi Wendyl

I agreed with wat Folic wrote about consulting a doc on ur symptoms. I did ask my gynae about side pain and other abdominal area uncomfort and she just said its normal, she is not too worried about it.

Hi Tiantian,

Thanks for sharing ur views with me!
Btw, do u know the name of the book ur gynae wrote? I m very interested to find out.

Hi Folic,

Thanks for ur info, I guess i will be taking the pills and at the same time give my system some more time to rest before ttc.
Hi wendyl, take care
cos can sense you very 'gan jiong' over every pain and symptoms in your body.
That's why I suggest the doc. otherwise, just relax and make sure you don't do anything extreme that will harm your body. ok? Jia you!!

hi ariella, i waited in btw 3 hrs to take btw western and chinese medication. quite troublesome but u can manage. my gynae doesn't believe in chinese medicine. but sinseh says okie to eat with western medicine as long as not together. he suggested a 3 hrs difference in btw. so i am taking medicine fr early morning to bedtime!

my gynae also said same thing like tiantian's abt the hormone pills and jab. think u must be kind of nervous now waiting for blood test results? don't worry. it shld come back negative and u will feel at ease abt ttc.

wanted to try the milo and egg drink but i chicken out! hee...

sorry ladies, been busy lately. i'm 'dying' fr overloading of work! wonder if there's the cause of my infection? gynae simply mentioned that i may be stress and therefore kena infection??!!

java, glad to know that ur checkup went well!
hope that u will get the job but it does sound stressful! better stay at home and rest.

hope all is well. to those resting fr m/c, rest well! those preggies, take care and eat healthy! as for those ttc-ing, waiting for ur gd news!
Hi Wendyl,

You are welcome! Just dun think too much ok !!

Hi Millie,

Ok I think i will wait for 3 hrs b4 eatin my hormone pill later...and tat will be like 1230am.
ke ke dunno can tahan or not!

As for the milo and egg, i have been drinkin it every morning. Its really make me feel full and energise. Hope u will try one day! Its really good!
Hi there...
mmm...milo and egg was what i had for breakfast every morning in Primary School when I was in the AM session! My mum would make it for me cos it was the easy and fast, and it always reminds me of my childhood.

Hi Millie, haven't heard fr you in a while! Is ur workload very stressful? It could be...stress is often the cause for many things which we may not even realise. Even things like wisdom tooth infection...! (remember mine?) Do pace yourself at work & don't overwork ok?
Thanks girls for the well wishes!

Linda, I can't really imagine 23.3mm...I keep looking at my ruler and it's only's amazing that it's a life, isn't it?
<font face="verdana"> Hi <font color="aa00aa">ariella</font>,
Good to know that your gynae's visit went well. Also happy to know that your gynae says you can start TTC after your 1st AF. Mine says to start after 2-3 cycles. But tempted to start after 1st AF.... but AF still not here leh!

Which gynae did you go to? Mine is at TMC.

Ask you har. You says that after taking the progestrone pills why must wait for 3 weeks leh?
I feel letting AF come naturally better right? 'cos I feel such medication to sort of induce the AF like kind of not too good for the body lor.</font>

Hi all,
Anyone heard from Tubby? I wonder how is she? Not seen her post for quite a while liao. She should be having her gynae visit leh.
Hi Ariella,

The title of the book is "Doctor I want to Know" by Dr T C Chang. It's available at WC Cheng and Associates in TMC and some bookshops. I got mine from Popular. The price is $17.85
hi all, just like to share a piece of gd news. I had a miscarriage last year Feb and recently conceived again after more than a year's wait.(My miscarriage happened for no reason with just spotting and bleeding and no foetal heartbeat at 7 wks.) It took me so long to conceive again becos mycycle is very long- 41 days and I think I did not bu myself well after my D &amp;C.

I just want to share that I saw the hearbeat of my baby yesterday at 7 wks and it was really very happy when my gynae tell me that the chance of miscarriage after seeing the heartbeat is now 10%..

to gals who is TTC after a miscarriage, I hope the following tips will help u in yur chances to TTC:

1) Eat evening primose oil ( for hormonal balance) and folic acid regularly
2) Take Bai feng wan weekly after menses end
3) Buy Dang Gui and boil water with red dates and Ju zi and drink the soup with hard-boiled egg after menses clears.
4) Exercise regularly ( impt- for blood circulation) and maintain stress-free lifestyle
5) Buy Dang Gui syrup ( available from chinese medicine halls) Take one tablespoon a few days after menses clears to help regulate the menses.

ALL THE BEST OF LUCK TO ALL ttc and I am sure u will all conceive again , just like I did
hi Ocean,

i was paying as 'pte' patient when i walked in to the 24-hr clinic... so i tot u oso the same.. sorrie...

hi miao,
thks for asking abt me... my gynae's visit is dis Sat.. it's been 19 days since D&amp;C &amp; i am still spotting red... i am veri vexed by it.. i know u gals will ask me to call my gynae, but i choose to let it be.. cos i got a feeling he can't do anything abt it... jus like when i am facing a miscarriage, he oso can't do anything abt it! i know he will jus say 'hv to let it stop naturally', so no point calling him... since there's no bb now... when i was preggie, i called his clinic a few times a week &amp; rush down to see him every other few days.. i jus dun feel like calling his clinic now...

last sat nite, i saw the trailer for 'wong lilin's show', so tot of watching althou i know i will feel shitty after watching it.. my hubby happen to walk into the living room &amp; wanted to switch channel, i told him i wanna watch dat show, he was quite pissed off wif me.. he say no point watching it now.. why must watch to torture myself?? i know he meant well.. but mabbe it's his tone... so i ended up crying in my room...

oso, i was reading a 'miscarriage' book, there's a section where they interview the husbands &amp; to my shock, some of the men dun see miscarriage as death.. to them, it's something dat has gone wrong, need to be removed &amp; from there, they move on wif their lives... &amp; to my great disappoint, my hubby feel exactly the same way when i asked him abt it... i cried veri hard while i share wif him dat i visualized the 'tadpole' he saw on the screen (exact words he used) as a real bb.. wif a face &amp; can suck his lil' fingers, i orady imagined playing wif him &amp; hugging him... i hope he see why i am grieving so much after sharing all dis wif him.. but i think he will forget soon..

sorrie.. jus need to let out.. sorrie to write such a gloomy message here..
Hi Tubby!!

BIG BIG HUGS TO YOU!!!! I can totally relate to how you are feeling right now. Don't be too hard on yourself, it has less than 3 weeks since it happened!

Your hubby's reaction is probably the same as most of the other gals' hubbys here. They will not have the same emotional attacment to the baby the same way we do and it is important that you learn to accept it. Even for me, having lost my baby at 23 weeks and the baby certainly looked more like human and less of a tadpole, my hubby will try to comfort me at that time by saying that it's not meant to be or urging me to move on. He also thinks that I should not read too much in the miscarriage forum or hear more "sad stories" etc etc. It is their way of dealing with the loss. However, I am very sure that whatever your hubby says or does, he has your interest in his heart!

Let time be the best medicine to cure your pain. I promise it will definitely get better!

Hello Ladies!

Good Day! Me went to swimming
today, feel really good but water abit cold!

Hi Miao

Regardin the pills, I m supposed to eat for 3 weeks and after tat AF will come. I oso agreed with u about letting it come out by itself but I previously have PCOS so my gynae wan me to start ovulating asap so to prevent the PCOS from recurring.
My Gynae is from Geneagles Medical Centre !

Hi Wendyl

U are welcome !

Hi Tiantian

Thanks for the info on the book! I will go look for it later in Popular.

Hi Lite Breeze

Thanks for ur tips!

Hi tubby

Huggies for u! I too can relate how u feel ! Give urself some time ok !

Let's fight off this hurt and sadness together, U ARE NOT ALONE
Hi Litebreeze,
Thanks for your encouragement and the tips!
I will definitely try them. Just wondering, do you take the BFW every week after AF until the next AF? And the EPO everyday? I read on another thread that they should not be taken after ovulation. Or maybe I misunderstood? *blur liao*

Hi Tubby **big hugs**
I am still spotting too, it's been 13 days after the d&amp;c. I am seeing my gynae tomorrow and will ask about it.

If it helps, my hubby only thought of the baby as 'real' after he saw it waving its arms and legs at us at 13 weeks. Before that it was just a blob.

Folic is right. Our emotional attachment to our babies is a lot stronger than our husbands', that is something that we have to accept, and also understand that it's easier for us to feel this way; after all, we are the ones who experienced every step of baby's growth in our bodies, it is our bodies that responded to every need from our babies.

The men have none of this. Isn't that a pity as well? Because I am sure they would love to experience and understand exactly what we went through with our babies as well. After all, each baby is a creation of BOTH man and woman.

I am sure that after going through this he will understand better what you feel. Just share your thoughts and feelings with him, and discuss his as well so that you both understand each other's perspectives -- it's amazing how differently men and women think about the same thing!
<font color="0000ff">Tubby</font>
, guys are always like that.
My hubby told me that the bond b/w the baby is stronger for mummy as the life is slowly developing inside our womb. We can feel it. So although they might feel sad, but they can get over it faster than we are!
Maybe, come to think abt it, might be good cos at least there is one party who is stronger!
But sometimes can be very annoying!!

Even till now, i still think of my lost little angel.
But as days passby, you will feel yourself just a little bit stronger, not much, but definately better than yesterday!!
Hi LiteBreeze

Congrats and thanks for the encouraging news! I too have long cycles and I can to your situation.
Now you are my source of inspiration!hahaha!

Hi <font color="0000ff">Lite Breeze</font>,
Thank you so much for your tips and congrats to you too!! Definitely another successful living example to encourage us to move on.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tubby</font>,
The guys will not understand the emotional and physical impact of our loss 'cos we are somehow bonded closer to our bb. But that doesn't mean they don't care. It's just tat they don't show it out like how we do. They don't tear and breakdown easily like us. Nonetheless, I agree with wat Folic said "I am very sure that whatever your hubby says or does, he has your interest in his heart!"

We will definitely think and grieve for our loss at times but don't let these unhappy thoughts pull us down. We have to be strong as it's not the end of the battle yet.
Several of the graduates here has made it, so we have to tell ourselves that we too can do it. Let us encourage one another on this.
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, u must <font color="ff0000">"work hard"</font> u noe!
Cannot always fly here and fly there leh!!
Kekee... Actually me jealous cos u always go travelling!

<font color="119911">Odie</font>, how's things now? U also must <font color="ff0000">"work hard"</font> too!!

<font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, how are you now? Have you been faithfully eating those Chinese Herbs!!
hi Lite Breeze,
U same like me, I also in my 7th week. I also got long cycle, abt 36-37 days.
hi jujube for the BFW, I stop taking after my ovulation ( the waiting period). Taking daily basal temp is a good way to find out if you ovulate or not. Dang Gui soup take once a mth enough. the syrup also take a few tablespoon enough for a month. I take the EPO every day even after/during ovulation. It helps to keep skin radiant too. But after I discovered my pregnancy, I have stopped taking it.

surprised that many of us have long cycles, maybe due to hectic lifestyles or lack of hormonal balance. for me, dang gui helps to shorten the cycles for females &amp; increase the chances of conceiving.
Hi ocean, yes ma'am! I will work hard. But now is the wait and see period.. nothing to do, so travel lah!
No need envious lah.. most of the time, I travel for work and it is really not fun!

Lite Breeze, I just added EPO to my daily pill popping exercise.. Hopefully it helps!

Oh yah Java, you also my idol!

ok, gals, I am off to Bangkok tomorrow. See you next week and take care!!

Hi Ladies,

Have been very, very busy since I came back from my Hong Kong trip two weeks ago
Juggling a few projects at this moment and worse of all, the deadlines are all very close

Hi Oceans,
Thanks for your concern
Yup had to guai guai eat the herbs
But, could feel myself getting a little complacent
Has to have more determination

How are you and baby?
Any MS? Must take care and eat MORE!!!

have a good trip!

Miao2, pageup, jujube, tubby, ariella, (hope I did not miss out anybody)
I m sorry to hear of your loss
It is understandable for us to feel hurt and anger
Things would be better given more time

My hubby seem to be able to get over things quicker as well
For myself, though it has been about 3 months, once a while I would still feel the hurt
So, give yourselves more time!!!

My SIL just had her amnio test and its a healthy baby BOY!
So envious!!!
The feelings came rushing back to me (in terms of the hurt, anger)
Felt that my baby was somehow robbed of all these joy and happiness
Hi Ocean... been away for a (boring) training outside the office for the past 2 days. My sore throat made a comeback on Monday evening... came down with slight fever yesterday and has been coughing *cough* *cough* *cough* away due to phlegm. Friday is my birthday so really hoping that I will recover by then... otherwise probably can't have a big birthday meal... and yes gotta ensure that I am well physically... ah boh how to go to war right >.< So how are you? I hope your spotting and pain have gone off.

Folic... have a good trip. BTW... any signs of possible good news? :p

Tubby... men grieve differently from us women... so don't take it too hard. I'm sure your hubby feels the pain too but just that he expresses it in a different way.

Hi Jus... you baby was, is and will never be deprived of joy and happiness... because you will continue to love your angel for the rest of you life.
Hi Tubby,
Don't be so sad ok? Men are like that one...that's why they're not women!
Take heart, you're not alone. All of us here face the same kind of situation, and we just have to accept that guys take it from a different viewpoint. No point trying to make them see our point of view cos they will think we're being petty. And it really doesn't mean they don't care or bother. The other thing is, I realised that when I kept harping on it, my hubby got upset and it didn't do much good in terms of ttc when we are upset with each other. What you can do is come here to 'vent' cos we all understand!

Folic, where r u going this time? Work again?

Me got long &amp; irregular cycles too...only until 3 cycles ago! So girls, there is hope! I used to get upset cos people had 12 tries a year, and I only had about 8! But I guess it's only a matter of time, when it's time, it's time.

By the way, where's Snuffles? I know she's always 'late' (being 8 hours behind..) but she seems to have disappeared!! Snuffles...where r u?
Hi everyone,

I've not disappeared... merely taken some time out to convalesce. You see, after the m/c in Feb, we started ttc again in May. I got pregnant in May but lost the bb, this time at just 6 weeks. I spent a week in hospital because of some pain prior to the m/c which led to an ectopic inquiry. During my daily observation, my beta hcg level remained stagnant with minimal increase so I was basically just waiting for the inevitable. But I'm still so surprised at the whelm of emotion that overcame me when I was told abt the hcg results. I cried for two days &amp; nights, so I think the nurses put me on "special care". Anyway, it's been nearly two weeks now and I feel alright. Will be seeing two consultants in a month's time to initiate an investigation. I only hope it's "bad luck" as the doctors are so fond of saying and not some systemic problems with myself or my hubby.

For those of u who have had detailed fertility tests performed, can I ask what was done and what the tests were for and how invasive the tests were? Please share in some details if u can. I'm feeling rather lost here but will need to pressurise the docs into treating my case as an important one. My concern is that they will do a half-hearted job since it's public healthcare afterall. I'm wondering if I should pack up my bags and head home to S'pore... wish I could cuddle myself in my mum's arms again but I'm no longer a child...

For all the new girls here, my heartfelt condolenscence at your losses. But u know what, we can support each other. I pray that one day our tears will be joyful ones.
Sorry, one more question: when did u girls see the gestation sac/foetal poles? I had various scans, all around the 6 - 7 weeks but there was always nothing to see. So I've really never seen my bbs before despite being preg twice.
I dunno how many of you watched Wong Lilin's show last Sat. There was a short story of Baby Jakob who was born with a rare illness. Yesterday when I was reading the newspaper, I chanced upon the obituary and saw that Baby Jakob passed away on 5th July 2004, he was born on 2 Oct 2003. I was filled with great sadness and decided for that moment to pray for him. Later on, the 10pm news showed the funeral of Baby Jakob and they interviewed his parents. As his mother was explaining that already last Sunday he was not doing too well as his organs had failed and the unavoidable Monday came with the news of his impending death, tears rolled down her cheeks. I was crying as I listened to this strong lady. I felt deeply for her because I understand her grief. Coincidentally, they stay very near my house in Punggol 21 and attend the same church as me St Anne. I just pray that may God give her strength and comfort during this difficult period just as He comforted me during mine.
hi Snuffles,
I was too caught up writing the story of Baby Jakob that I forget to read your thread. I'm sorry to hear about your lost. Hope the gals here who went through similar tests can share their experience with you. Be strong okie? Do not lose hope and try again.
Hi Ariella,

This is my 4th week since d/c. I'm expecting AF to come anytime from now but still no sign of it.

I started going back to gym just this week. I didn't do any streneous exercise as I'm worried my body won't be able to take it. I only go on brisk walk on threadmill and cycle machine.

Hi jujube, thanks for the list of yoga centres.

I'm quite disappointed with western medicine which can't give a definite reason why we have to go through this fate. So I want to take all kind of holistic approach like chinese medicine and yoga to help myself. I have been reading a book on chinese medicine and some case reports, felt quite hopeful after that

Hi ladies,

I heard from the chinese sinseh that not all girls are suitable to take dang gui, esp for girls with endometrosis problem. Although most girls like us have problem of 'lacking of blood', not everyone is suitable for 'replenish blood to raise blood'. For my case, the sinseh said I got endometrosis (though not confirm by gynae), he said eating highly 'warm' nature herb like dang gui will worsen the condition, he advise 'replenish qi to raise blood', in such case, herbs like dang shen and dong zhong are more suitable.

hi snuffles,

Sorry to hear about your lost. Do take care of your health now and don't give up hope ok.
did you do a v scan? During my last pregnancy, my gynae can only see the fetus and the sac when doing v scan.
Hi Snuffles,
I was really wondering where u were, but not half expecting to hear your news. I'm so sorry. Do you have many friends over there for support? It's important to talk about your feelings and not bottle them up, yah?

I think no matter how 'prepared' we are for the worst, when it happens, a loss is still a loss and those emotions would naturally follow.

Please take care of yourself and if you have to, take time off work to recover bothe physically and emotionally. God bless u, dear friend!
Hi Snuffles,

so sorry to hear of your loss
now, must bu your body first
and concentrate on getting well soon

actually, its not a bad idea to come beck to Singapore for a while
let your mom pamper you

regarding the scans, we can see our baby via vaginal scan at about 6-7 weeks
I guess, if thru the normal abdominal scan, would not be able to see so early
My doc switched to the normal scan when I was about 9 weeks or so
Hope this helps!

Take care
Pageup... be patient before you know it.. auntie will come knocking at your door ;)

Snuffles... I'm so sorry to hear about your lost. I agree that it will be a good idea to come back home... it might do you good to be in a different environment be it for good or just as a holiday. BTW... usually you will be able to see the sac by the 5th week (using V scan) and heartbeat detected by the 6th to 7th week.

so sorry to hear abt your loss. I agree with the others that it may be a good idea to come home for a little while. It will give u a nice break. Do take good care *hugz
dear ladies,
thanks for all ur warm messages... i felt better after letting it out here yesterday.. all dis while, i know dat men grieve differently from women &amp; i oso know dat especially for my hubby, he will find it difficult to express his grieve.. but wat hit me is the fact dat he dun consider our bb as a 'real bb' &amp; he dun consider it as 'end of life'... after reading thru' wat u all hv written, i think i hv to come to terms wif dis difference...

dear snuffles,
i'm sorry to hear of ur loss... in the meantime, hv lotsa rest &amp; no cooling stuffs... dun lose confidence in the public healthcare over there, see wat they hv to say &amp; wat tests they will initiate for u first... if u can't sense they sincerity to help u, u can choose to come back to S'pore &amp; decides wat's next... a change of environment might do u good... take care...
Hi Snuffles,
>>sending hugs across the oceans to you!!!>> I hope you are healing well physically and emotionally. Don't brood on it too much, if you can. It does sound like a good idea to come home to mummy for a while, or even to get an opinion from your own gynae here in S'pore. Do take care!

As for seeing the sac/foetus: during my last pregnancy we were able to see everything -- sac, as well as blob with a pulsating heartbeat -- via abdominal scan at five and a half weeks and also at seven and a half weeks.

Hi Pageup,
At my two week post-d/c checkup this morning my gyane offered medication to help me get my mensus, but I said no because I'd rather have it come naturally. Am also trying to go 'au naturelle' as I believe the body can and will heal itself, given time and organic -- not synthetic or chemical -- help. Which book on Chinese medicine are you reading?

Hi Tubby,
Good to know that you are feeling better...

Hi Java,
I saw Baby Jakob's story on Wong Lilin's show but missed his obituary. The family has been so strong through their trials! I am sure that they will be blessed with strength and peace as we all have...
hi snuffles,

it's a horrible feeling to get pregnant again and then get 'robbed' of it so soon...i understand. so cry all u want. letting out my emotions did help me in recovering.

for my 1st and the last pregnancy, i can't really see the sac. the gynae pointed it out to me but i can't see it. i sort of assume that wherever he's pointing at shld be where the sac is. i did see a sac clearly during my second pregnancy but it's still a small sac.

i don't know if ur case is the same as mine. i got blighted ovum. where the fertilised embryo can't develop.

the tests that i did included blood tests, pap smear, urine test and chromosome test. blood tests including testing for some 'abnormal' antibodies tt may attack foetus growth (this is the main one) and others. sorry i can't remember the terms. but think ur gynae wld go through the blood test results with u.

pap smear and urine test are tests for abnormality in our cells and infections respectively. chorosome testing is to test for genetic disorders.

for my husband, he did sperm test and chromosome testing.

i don't know if the doc in uk will be doing similar tests but hope this can be a guide to u. the waiting time for the results can be quite agonising but at least, if some problems are discovered, the doc can help us accordingly.

our tests came back normal except tt both hubby and i hv infections. according to gynae, this cld be a reason for the undeveloped embryo.

i guess ur work must be very hectic but if u can, i wld strongly encourage u to return to spore for a break. it's better to hv the comfort, love and support fr ur family members, be away fr work and rest properly.

for now, most impt is to rest well. no cold stuff and don't go out too much. better rest and relax. our bodies are very weak at this stage. no baths no swimming no exercising no carrying of heavy stuff!

be strong!
now tt the inevitable happened, we hv to make sure tt we are in tip top condition for the future. i am sure we will be great mums one day
hi tiny,

i work in the finance line. so can be busy and stressful. i am trying to take things easy but still, can't really relax and get paid right?
Hi Odie,

ok.. I will tried to be patient with AF
Sometimes just can't help to be eager to get the cycle back to normal.

Hi jujube, the book is call the infertility cure: the ancient chinese wellness program for getting pregnant and having healthy babies. It is written by an ang moh doctor who also practise chinese medicine. Got this book from the national library. I think there have another 2 copies which have yet to be loan out.
<font color="119911">Snuffles</font>
, so sorry to learn about ur loss!
Pls take care of yourself. I really do hope that u have the times to fly back to Singapore. It is good to have ur mummy to pamper on you.

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, sometimes it is not that we do not know that guys think differently. But at times, they really can be so insensitive! Like that time, i asked if my hubby still feel sad for our lost baby. His answer is no more!
Sigh... what to do.... can only grumble...

<font color="ff6000">Odie</font>, Happy Birthday!
You must stay extra happy today hor and hope u fully recover liao!!
May all your wishes come true!

<font color="aa00aa">Folic</font>, have a good holidays in Bangkok and since u r now in the waiting period, hope u came back with a good news for us!
hi ladies,
tomoro will be my gynae's visit post D&amp;C.. somehow i dun look forward to going there.. cos i will definitely see pregnant ladies in the clinic.. aii.. guess i hv to face up to reality somehow... anyway, hv prepared questions to 'bomb' my gynae liao... hehee...

hi pageup,
i think AF likes to play mind games wif us.. everytime i keep thinking of when my AF is coming, it will sure be delayed one.. so dun think so much &amp; i'm sure it will visit u soon..

hi Odie,
Happy Birthday to U!! Hope you'll get wat u wished for this year...

Hi folic,
enjoy ur shopping &amp; spa treatments in BKK.. i'm sure u'll be glowing wif radiance when u r back!

Hi Ocean,
last nite, me &amp; hubby hv dis 'crazy' conversation.. we asked ourselves wat's the purpose of hving kids.. both agreed dat it's to hv a complete family &amp; for companionships when we grow old.. then we started thinking of nasty situations whereby our kid may die before us, mabbe kenna disease, mabbe kena hanged for criminal charges.. so in the end, it's still left wif both of us when we grow old.. i felt veri sianz after the conversation...
all my stupid hubby's fault for starting dis bo liao topic wif me!!
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, hey, that discussion i also had been sharing with my hubby just a few nights ago. Coincidentaly, we talked abt do we have to have kids. Same thing, we too agreed that a family is not complete without children and can get boring with just the 2 of us!

We are saying that it is not easy to have a baby
and then, babies are only cute from 3mths old to abt 3 yrs old.

0 mths : Inside our body, everyday worry if baby is growing healthily. Very stressful!

1-2mths : Too delicated, must be extra careful. Worry too...

3mths to 3yrs : Start to grow and can play with them. They look so small, adorable and cute.

3yrs &amp; above : start to get naughty and grow big.

Older: Start to worry if their studies is ok, got bf/gf or not, when getting married, etc..

Then, we find that this is not easily and do we really wanna get ourself into this situation to have more than 1 kid cos hubby hope to have 3. At the end, we just decided that this is only part and parcel of life! Just take things as a pinch of salt.

But then, ur hubby is so negative taking about children left us earlier... But i guess that is just true facts of life too!
Lets take thing one step at a time! <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, for now, u have to nourish ur body well and take gd care of yourself. Try to relax!!
Hi Ladies,

Good Day to u!

Hi Odie,
Happy Birthday!!

May all ur wishes come true!

Hi Pageup,

Me started with cycling and treadmill too. I also went to swim. I guess I overdo it
coz yesterday, my muscles were aching till I almost die
Today, I take it slow with a lesson of yogalates, then some light cycling and swimming.
I bring along some hot longan with ginger water to keep me warm before and after swimming.

I feel really good after starting my exercise regime. At least for these few days, negative thots are lesser and I m starting to feel good about myself again.
Thanks to all for ur kind words. It made me feel so good to have pple I can share my feelings with. Most of my friends here are either hard-core singletons/married with no desire to have children or are new parents. So it's kind of hard to pour out my poor story to them. Also, I guess we all feel more comfortable being annoymous in a forum like this? So a big THANK YOU to all my sisters here.

Have spoken to HR and will be taking a sabbatical (maybe a few months)? Actually, that probably means I have to start looking for a new job cos' it's not a tolerant industry I work in and being out of the team for a period means virtual career suicide. But I think I've finally gotten my priorities right. Am definitely thinking of taking an extended trip home! Ahhh.... am thinking of all the food I miss. What else is there I should be updated on???

When u girls say 5-7 weeks, is that 5-7 weeks following ovulation or LMP? I had all v scans around 6-7 weeks following LMP and have not seen anything. Very disheartening cos' then I think it might really be ME that's causing the m/c.

Hi Millie,
Dunno why but I feel especially close to u... maybe cos' we have very similar experiences? But u know what they say abt "third time lucky". So i'm still hopeful for us.

I've had the cervical and virginal swabs done during my week in hospital and they didn't find any infections. The docs couldn't even tell where my preg was: ectopic or inter-uterine cos' the v scans didn't show anything at all. So I don't know if it's a blighted ovum or a non-viable embryo.

Am prepared for more blood tests. What abt chromosomal testing? What did they do? I read somewhere that some docs even take an endometrial sample to test for hormone levels and other abnormality. Did u have that done? Very scared cos' I'm a coward at heart! Heh heh.
