Support group - Miscarriages

\blue(Hi Joyce),

Can I have the link to those websites if it is not too inconvenient for you?? The jokes are really funny. Can't help laughing.
Wendyl, I agree with Folic. I started to feel ovulation pains after my m/c, but i think it was becos i was very much more aware of my body clock and the time of the cycle. it's like an achy feeling on either side and lasted for a whort while only, usually a day. Anyway it's not harmful or anything so don't worry!
Morning Gals!!

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, some of the jokes are quite funny!

Hmm... being feeling sleepy and tired everyday!
My tummy everyday also pain. Was thinking again if i shld go and see doc again! Just see doc last thu only leh!
Hai yah... really can get paranoid
easily nowsaday.

You know something, hubby sis was asking him if i pregnant liao cos i look fatter
recently. Hubby dont dare to tell his sis and mum that i had conceived cos he still felt insecure.

For me, i had already told my mum &amp; family cos my mum last time purposely take leave to take care of me during my last M/C. Unlike my MIL, she was a housewife, but she din even offer to cook for me nor visit me.
Not that i really wanted to, but the 1st call that she called me after my discharge, she grumbled at me for not taking care of my lost child.

Where else for my mum, she only grumble why i din tell her i was admitted as she wld wanna visit me in hospital and comforted me that maybe my lost bb wasn't meant to be mine.
Sigh... guess that's the reason why own mother is always better.

Oh dear, think i shldn't think so much abt the past hor!
Must try to stay positive since now that i am conceived!
Sorry for grumbling!!
hi tiny.....yup....i am worry queen

oceans,dun care so much lah.....just stay happy n positive...

for mi,i also din tell my PIL about it,cos when i gtg to tell them when i reached 3 mths....but unfortably....Sigh......

<font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>,

<font color="ff0000">succeeded liao!!! Thanks</font>

<font color="119911">Ocean</font>,

Don't worry too much, just stay positive ok??
hi gals,

i freaked out quite badly during the blackout last nite... aiii... was all alone at home cos hubby has to work late... already felt veri miserable be4 blackout.. on the verge of crying &amp; suddenly total darkness all around me...

cldn't reach hubby.. so in the end, had to call my parents &amp; my mum immediately ask my bro-in-law to come over &amp; fetch me...

jus felt so useless... in my panic &amp; depressed state of mind.. i totally forgot abt torches &amp; candles.. jus stand shivering by the window...lucky my neighbour came out, i immediately seek refuge wif them...

luckily, it's onie abt 30 min or so.. i was so worried dat it will drag for hours...
hi tubby,
Dun worry abt freaking out. After what you had experienced, its very normal to get paranoid abt many things. Take time to recover emotionally and physically.

Yesterday when the blackout happened, I thank God I was not trapped in the lift. I can be quite claustrophobic. It was quite fun actually, coz usually we are not very close to our neighbours, but yesterday everybody came out of their houses and started tokking and bitching about PUB.

joyce, your jokes very funny!!!

wendyl, I actually experience O pain after delivery last year. First few months, my womb was so sensitive that I can even feel the sensation travelling down my fallopian tubes.
<font color="119911">Wendyl</font> and <font color="0000ff">Tian Tian</font>, thanks! I try not to think too much also. U gals also must keep thinking positively, hor!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, dun be scared!
My hse there also blackout! For me, worst, i was inside the toilet bathing!!
I thot hubby was playing a joke on me at first!!

<font color="ff6000">Java</font>, i was also thinking lucky i was at home liao! Cant imagine if i was trapped inside the lift!! Then after sometime, suddenly, light resumed and we heard children cheering!! It was sort of like very cute lor!
Hi gals,

I just made an impromptu decision to go BKK with my sister next Thurs till Sun
Just the two of us, abandon our hubbys, shop, eat and spa until happy happy.
Claimed 2 free tickets from mileage program and then stay at new hotel which has only 75 rooms.. less than $450 for the both of us!

After I make the decsion, I booked the air tickets and hotel today. Then I went to fertility fren to input my temp. Then it detected that I actually o'd 7 days ago! Cos my temp haywire, I thought no o liao... so now, if I don strike, I will have AF going to BKK with me. If I strike, then I think my hubby will not 'release'me. But I think not much chance as I only BD 2 days before that o date and not much after that.. so I think chances are more that AF will go with me.

Anyway, I am just glad that I did o. I did have a lot of EWCM just that my temp did not rise after that.. so i wasn't sure. keeping my fingers crossed.

<font color="0000ff">folic</font>,
You are a travel bug!
Happy shopping, eating and spa-ing! And good luck on striking!

<font color="ff6000">tubby</font>,
I was typing yet another letter to my unborn baby and crying over it when the entire world went dark! First thought was that it was some kind of cosmic message that I had done something wrong and therefore lost my baby so I panicked and couldn't move. Sat in the dark for a while. Hubby was not home so that added to the scare as I couldn't call out for anyone. Heart beating very fast, finally fumbled my way out of the room and realised that it was a major blackout. You're not alone, dear.

<font color="ff0000">lindy</font>,
I wonder the same thing all the time too. I think it's probably something that all of us here have pondered over, but as long as there is no genetic reason, we can try again. So be positive!
Hi Jujube, yah.. I like travelling for holidays. I hate to travel for work!

I just realised that this month quite a good month.. many good news. Just this week alone, the TTC thread has like 4 or 5 success stories. Really happy for the gals there. I have read their TTC journey for months and I feel glad and relieved for them when they trike. And in our very own thread, we also got Java and Joyce

Hope there is more baby dust spreading around!!

Hi Java &amp; Ocean,

my dad just drove me back fromm their plc at ard 9.10om last nite... imagine if i delay abit at their plc.. i wld hv been stuck in the lift...

my neighbour even commented dat he's enjoying the blackout cos he lighted up so many candles in their plc.. whole hse look so romantic...

hi jujube,
*big hugz* can definitely relate to how u feel last nite... ur letter will reach ur angel, i'm sure...

agree wif folic.. dis mth alot of good news.. for the first time, i tear wif joy when i read dat lilac from the TTC grp got a BFP today!! really veri veri happy for her... been following her journey since last yr...

folic.. cross my fingers for u... enjoy ur BKK trip...
oh ya, forgot to ask...

yesterday &amp; dis morning.. when i squeeze my nipples gently.. there's some white liquid coming out.. like one drop.. no smell... i wonder is dis normal... my D&amp;C is done on my 8 weeks.. my hubby say might be milk.. but i dun think got milk at such a early stage rite?? somemore it's been like 12 days since my D&amp;C liao..

i am more worried like my breasts got problem..
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">TianTian</font>, I don't have the link but you can find them through using the <font color="119911">Search the web</font> from <font color="0077aa">Yahoo webby</font>. <font color="ff0000">Try this: Key Animated gifs then hit Enter.</font>

<font size="+1"><font color="aa00aa">Folic</font></font>, <font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Have a happy and nice holiday!!</font></font></font>
Hi Ladies,

Have been tryin to adjust my own thots b4 joinin u again.

I shld feel happy for my friend that she is pregnant rather than feeling so jealous, angry and dishearted. I think i care too much about her life as there have always been an invisible competition between us..
I shld be more concern for myself on how to get back my health and mentality...

After this so called
"blow" from my fren, those celebrities pregnancy have had no lethal effects on me anymore...

I happened to read something from an aussie mag today on Courtney Cox about her fertility problems.

Its kinda interesting so share with u all !!

Courtney Cox better known as "Monica" in Friends, was suffering from a medical condition whereby her body harhouring antibodies in her blood that attack her foetuses and caused her suffer several miscarriages. She had undergo an IVF program which was successful but ended up with another miscarriage of a twin. After her condition was pinpointed, it was determined that daily injections of drug Heparin along with small dosage of baby aspirin would allow her to bring her bb to term. Right now, she is a proud mother of a bb girl.

<font color="ff0000">FACTS</font> on her condition
1) Antibody that causes repeat mc is called an antiphospholipid antibody &amp; it causes blood clots to form in the placenta
2)Drug Heparin, which inhibits formation of the blood clots
3)Once drug is administered, a patient shld be able to move forward with healthy pregnancy
4) Subsequent pregnancies will oso require this treatment
I agree that this month is a good month... hopefully next month will be the same as well.

My AF is finally here... after this can start trying ^.^ v Have a question though... anyone of you have heavier flow after the miscarriage. I noticed that the flow on the first day is much heavier than normal. Got so pek chek last night because after showering and even before I could dry myself and put the pad on... blood was already trickling down my legs and ended up dirtying the washroom. It has never been this bad before.

Tian Tian you can try searching for "kao ani" if you like the blobs or you can also search for "smilies". Here are a few sites which I have bookmarked... happy searching ;)
Tubby... not too sure but if you are worried do check with your gynae.

Ariella... that's the spirit. Ya... read about this condition before... now I know why I had an ex-colleague who had to have a jab everyday when she was preggie :p
Hi Odie &amp; all,

Thanks for the pat on my back
I took a huge step out today, I sms chat with my friend.
After that i feel so much better.
We encourage each other and i told her after i recovered i will try again then we will be able to share more about bb.

Still have abit phobia though, wat if I cant conceived or if the same thing happened again
Shoo Shoo!! Tryin hard to drive away such thots as much as i can now
<font face="courier">Hi <font color="aa00aa">ariella</font>,
Me too. I have lots of mixed feelings initially about really sharing my tots and worries over this media. But having read thru' the postings during my mc at home - it kind of boosed up my confidence. And I start stepping out of my circle...and start smiling again.</font>

<font face="courier">Hi <font color="ff0000">tubby</font>,
Yah. I agree with Odie. Prob you can call up your gynae if the breast thing persist lor.</font>

<font face="courier"> It has been a busy week for me as I have just gotten back to work after my 2wks mc on tues. Piles of work in my tray and tons of emails to clear. Just got a short break after lunch to read thru' your postings</font>
hi Odie &amp; miao,

i am monitoring it closely... tot of like bringing forward my gynae appt... supposed to be nix Sat... (3 weeks after D&amp;C, hv to check my hubby's schedule 1st... thks..

u reminded me of last week... a few days after D&amp;C, after i bathe, while searching for my panty, i was dripping all over the floor of my bedroom... veri gross... from wat i've read so far, yes.. post D&amp;C AF seems to be heavier than our normal ones...

glad to know dat u had ur mind occupied wif work.. keep up the good spirits..
Hi all,
It has been a LONG time since I have been last posted. Busy at work and no access at home. Saw a number of new names. Hi to all.
Hope everything will be fine with all of you.

And saw Java is preggie? CONGRATS!!!

I know all abt the worry for next pregnancy. All of us will experience it. Like jujube mentioned, as long as it is not genetic, we can only leave the matter to God and i believe that you will be blessed with a healthy pregnancy soon.

Yeah... My first AF after d&amp;c was also much heavier than normal and also lasted longer. I stain and soak my bedsheets and even with a mattress protector, I stain the mattress also.... had to sleep with a towel on my butt for the next few days.
Hi Tubby and Linda... thanks for clarifying. At least now I know it is normal.

Hi Wendly... I'm having my 2nd AF after the miscarriage and its heavy for both the 1st and 2nd AF. In my case, it is exceptionally heavy for the first 2 days thereafter the flow is quite normal. How are things with you? Have you started TTC?
Hi everyone,

been busy today.

odie, my first AF was not heavier than norm. I think it varies from people to people. As you can see from the experience from some of the other gals, it seemed to be expected.

Hi LInda, long time no 'see'! Hope all is well for you!

Hi to everyone else. Just wondering where is snuffles... where are you hiding?

<font face="Comic Sans MS">Hi <font color="0000ff">gals</font>,
All these about exceptionally heavy flows for AFs after D&amp;C sounds so scary... I haven't had heavy flows since my sec school days liao.
Is it also depends on individual or is it definitely will be heavy for first and even the 2nd AF?</font>
hi Linda,
Nice of you to drop by and see us, ur old frens!

Today I came back to work after a week of bedrest. Still quite groggy. During lunch, some of my colleagues say why I look so sian, blur blur, somemore didn't finish even 50% of my lunch meal. I just told them that I'm still recovering from my flu. I think I can't hide from them for long, esp those who are mothers themselves. Tomorrow is my checkup with the gynae. Pls pray for me that all is well.
hi odie....

i am fine.....i not TTC yet...maybe wait for few mths later...then start.....

u leh?gtg to try after ur 2nd AF?

miao2....i not very sure....
Hi Folic... you have a point there. Guess that I will just have to take all necessary measures from now on to prevent making a mess.

Wendyl... yup I will be trying after this AF ends ^.^ v
HI all

check wif you all after your D/c did your gynae ask you guys to go back for checkup after your first mense after D/C finish? If yes, what did they check?
hi java,
Don't worry lor. Everything will be fine. You'll have blessings from all of us here.

Hi Odie,
Good luck to your TTC. I'm counting down to mine too lor. Meantime, have to
- exercise to upkeep, get body boosted up for next battle.
<font color="119911">Mao</font>, it depends on individuals. Actually i read that most of the gals will experienced heavy flow on their 1st AF after M/C. I sorted of worry too cos even for my normal AF, my 1st 2days will always be very heavy!
But alas, when i had my 1st AF, it was lighter than normal.
So not to worry!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, yap, agreed with <font color="ff6000">Odie</font> and <font color="119911">Mao</font> that it is better to chk with ur gynae. Maybe u wld just like to give a call and chk first?

<font color="aa00aa">ariella</font>, glad that you have sorted out your feelings and are trying ur best to think positively!

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, jia you hor! Must take care of your body to get ready for the War!!
Hey folic,
Nowadays can't really follow the thread liao. Just found out that you are going to BKK, have a nice trip! Remember to buy more floss crackers and "gao sai" for us!!!! Yah I also read that there are many successes in the TTC thread. Maybe the angels in heaven also very kan chiong to come to EARTH, so that's why JUNE was a good month. I believe JULY will be a better one. So jia you!
HI all

check wif you all after your D/c did your gynae ask you guys to go back for checkup after your first mense after D/C finish? If yes, what did they check?
Hi apple,
For my case, when I went back for my gynae's visit after D&amp;C, my gynae did not tell me to go back to see her after first AF lor.
HI all

check wif you all after your D/c did your gynae ask you guys to go back for checkup after your first mense after D/C finish? If yes, what did they check?
Hi ladies,

a bit lost with so many new postings.

I think like you ladies here, there is lots of 'what if' questions in my mind. Kind of worried that when I do get pregnant again, how am I going to conquer the fear of losing the baby again.

Guess we must encourage one another to stay positive and never give up ok?
<font color="ff0000">apple</font>, i think it depends on gynae. But logically speaking, ur gynae should do a scan to ensure that ur womb had recover back to its normal condition and there is no bleeding/infection.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, when r u going Bangkok huh?
U really been travelling alots hor!!
Enjoy ur shopping trip hor!!

Once a while, i did browse the ttc thread too. And i also realised that quite a few had graduated!!
Feel happy for them. Hmm.. July shld be a good mths too!

By the way,
<font color="0077aa">Happy Birthday to All the July Babies</font> May ur wishes come true!!
hi Ocean,
thks for ur concern, &amp; help at the other thread (jan mom-to-be)... when i saw my name in the EDD list, my heart aches big time...

hi miao,
good to hear dat u r veri positive in TTC-ing again... when do u intend to try? good luck in advance first..

for me.. it's veri much sitting on a fence.. sometimes the urge to try is veri strong, sometimes i tell myself neber will i get preggie again... hhmmmm...

hi apple,
i guess if ur gynae ask u to go back after ur 1st menses, it's to check dat ur uterus has gone back to normal size.. checking using fingers by pressing ur abdomen area.. may or may not scan...
usually scanning is done on the 1st visit after D&amp;C to make sure the wash is complete.. no residual tissues left.. dis is wat i gather from reading various websites.. my first visit after D&amp;C is nix week..
<font color="119911">Pageup</font> and <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, yes, must not give up hope, ok!! Look at me, i am still stumbling and trying to be positive. And the problem is my tummy everyday is painful and i still experiencing spotting.
Last night i just feel so sad and negative that i just cry out!
And that was the 1st time i thot i dun wanna get preggie again in future.

So today went to KK again. Lucky BB is doing fine, but doc said something like got bleeding near the placentra (tai pan}, and this is normal.
It gets me worried again but still i thank my baby and tell baby to grow healthy.

My point is, we cant help it at times to think negatively. But still, we must try. If we never try, we would not know the results and keep pondering on it. So be brave, ok! We are here to support each other!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, pls dun mentioned that(Jan Mum2b). I din really do much! I know how you feel. For me, during my last pregnancy, i din even got the chance to be up the EDD list and my BB gone. And now, only today, then did i ask them to include my name. The fear is there, but we must be strong. Take Care hor!

<font color="aa00aa">Snuffles</font>, how have you been? It been sometimes since we last heard frm you? Hope u r not as busy. Any news?

<font color="ff6000">Linda</font>, glad to see you here again. How's ur little angel?
Hi there,
I'm so lost, there's lots of activitiy in here! But I remember that there are a lot of JULY babies here, so to all of you, hAPpy bIrTHdAy!

July will be a good month too. GSS still on right? AFs all gone shopping r'ber?

Java, all the best for tomorrow's check up. i remember urs is a day before mine! Will say a prayer specially for you before I sleep later. You'll be alright!
hi all, been busy over the past few days. so many postings that i am lost too!

ladies, don't be too worried about heavy menses after d&amp;c okie. think it as a way our uterus is cleansing itself. just think positive that the arrival of AF signifies a return back to our normal cycle and we can ttc again when the time is right.

linda, nice to 'see' you again

tiny and ocean, thks for birthday wishes

ocean, be strong and positive thinking yah!

java, good luck to your checkup. All will be well!

folic, enjoy your trip to bangkok!
i am on wait list to bali.
really hope i can take a break over the national day weekend somewhere.

curly, have you gotten your results? chromosome testing came out normal for hubby and me. we are relief by the results. but sperm and pap smear tests revealed that both of us have infections again.
now on medication again. now, i am worried about the recurrance of infections in the future. didn't get to see gynae when i collect the medicine. got to see him only after my AF arrives.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">Java</font>, everything will be ok. We'll pray for you.


<font color="119911">Ocean</font>, we've been forcing ourselves to stay positive whilst our mind keep thinking the negatives.
I wished all these months passed quickly away and to see our baby sooner. (er... a bit torturing though it's joyful to get preggy and to watch our tummy getting bigger and bigger)
What can we do beside waiting, waiting and waiting? We always looking forward to every appointment just to check if the foetus is growing well/healthy or not, after checkup, we got worried again. This routine keep recycling for 9 months until the day we see our pretty healthy baby.
For me, I still can't stay positive unless I saw my foetus in the U/S and Doctor shall tell me, "Your baby is growing well, rest assured."
I'll be seeing my gynae in two weeks time, and the time seem flying very slow


<font color="aa00aa">Odie</font>, since you trying after this AF, be aware of your O date and strike next month.

To all...

