Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals,
The weekend has been a roller coaster of emotions for me. After the happiniess of discovering my pregnancy, I start worrying abt the "what-ifs" like what Tiny said. Now and then whenever my panties feel wet, I quickly go to the toilet to check, half expecting to see red. Everyday I talk to "Ah Dot" (The term Linda used to use), to grow well and stay happy. I also feel very vulnerable, but in my vulnerability, my reliance of God is even stronger. Everytime negative thoughts come in, I tell myself to trust in God and His plans for me. So Tiny, think happy thoughts! Some things are not within our control.

Morning gals! How's the weekend?

Java, i think what you are going through is perfectly normal. I am sure your ah dot will become ah blob and then ah boy or ah girl

As for me, my BD fest did not get going cos hubby was sick. But my temp is still low and I suspect that I have not 'o'. which means my AF will be late again... anyway, will try to bd before temp rise but this month should not be too hopeful.

Morning Ladies.

Joyce... thanks for the article. I think it is so true especially when we often see ladies getting pregnant when they are leaving it to nature but those trying really hard to conceive taking much longer. So let's relax!!!!

Java... so when are you going to see your gynae?

Folic... who knows what might happen when you let your guard down... you might just strike ya? :p BTW... didn't manage to try the jap place you recommended but we went to Prego instead. You ladies should go try ... cos they are having a one-for-one free during this GSS period. Very worth it.
<font color="ff6000">Java</font>, i know what you mean too. One moment i was feeling very posiive
about my current pregnancy, and the next moment, i start to feel very worry
! Furthermore, my tummy everyday feel painful, which doesn't help at all!

<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, I too wish that i got that ultrascan machine at home, can look at baby development every day! I din went to see the doc last Thu as i jus went to KK 24hr clinic on 10/06 whereby i had that fatal injection.
Thus my appt was change to this Thu.

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, so all these while you din realise it's me. However, i still feel happy that despite that u still think of the old me!!

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, if this time round dun succeed, try again! Must Never Say Die
Dont give yourself unnessessary stress hor! Must relax!

<font color="0077aa">Folic</font>, remember to try the doggie style
since it had been proven by <font color="ff6000">Java</font> and <font color="119911">Tiny</font>.
I am at a loss as to when is the best time to BD if my cycle is around 28 to 29 days?

please help.
<font color="0000ff">Haneb</font>, for those 2 medicines that i was given to reduce pain and flow during my last M/C, i din take since it did mention to be taken if neccessary.

I was given Antibiotic <font color="ff0000">Amoxycillin</font> only when i was discharge after M/C. However, these did not help and i was still feeling crampy. Thus when i went back to KK again few days later and was found that there was still some blood clot in my womb. On top of those 2 med, i was also given another 2 Antibiotic - <font color="ff0000">Metronidazole</font> and <font color="ff0000">Doxycycline</font>. I took them and really, they did help to clear the blood clot in my womb!

How you feeling now? By the way, when are you going for your cruise?

<font color="ff6000">Curly</font> and <font color="119911">Millie</font>, hope both of you are resting well too. Must take DOM, ok! I think it really helps!
Hi ladies,

Hows everybody?
I was away for the last few days
Hence, did not check the postings

A BIG congratulations to you!!!
So happy to hear the news

My gynae gave me augmentin (antibiotic)
I did not take any other medicine other than this
Hi gals,

I am in a meeting now.. 5 hours long and only 1 hour has passed... zzzzzzz

At a loss, you will usually o about 14 days before your next menses. So if yours is 28-29 days, it would mean about day 14- 15 but you might want to start on day 10 to about day 18 on alt days. Maybe you should join the discussion with gals Trying to Conceive and not this thread.

How's everyone else?

Hi Ocean, Tiny,
Prior to the gynae visit where he/she check the sac and heartbeat, did you visit the gynae? I remember reading some posting that some of you visited the gynae to stabilise the pregnancy or something. My first gynae checkup is 6 July, where I'll be around 7 weeks liao. So dunno if there should be one visit before this? My gynae didn't say lor.

Yesterday I couldn't resist telling my sis-in-law about my state. She went to tell my mother and father-in-law. They were very happy for me, but because of the previous pregnancy, they were rather apprehensive. Anyway my MIL told me not to carry heavy things, etc. Then I was exempted from washing the dishes after dinner.

Hi folic,
Yeah yeah, no harm trying doggie
When is the date u r supposed to test?

folic, I was reading another thread, under "Cooking recipes required", didn't know u can cook so many dishes!!!
I only can cook a few simple dishes. Just now bought Golden Rooster fried chicken wings for dinner later. My hubby LOVES FRIED CHICKEN WINGS. Anyway who doesn't?
Hi Java, it's good now that they know, you will have a lot of special privileges! After what happened the last time, my hubby doesn't let me do house work anymore!
so far so good, I'm still the Princess!

Oh, and regarding ur question. I made an appt with my gynae the week after i tested. (I tested on CD29) That was really early, but last time he told me that once I find out I'm pregnant I should see him so that he can monitor me from the start. On that day, all that was seen was the tiny sac (a bit less than 5mm) with no visable foetus. Nothing much to see, but he immediately gave me progesterone gel to support the pregnancy. Apparently it is to strengthen the lining of the womb before the placenta takes over (around 9th-10th wk if i remember correctly) It's called Crinone &amp; I'm still using it.

haha ur doggy icon so funny. But seriously, it's purely functional...i don't enjoy it altho hubby does
Folic, let us know how it goes!!
Hi Joyce,

hahahha your eagerness and impatience is really funny.. although I know it must be killing you

hmmm how to overcome such urge leh? Since got GSS, why not just go buy some cheap ones and test for fun? Or else, go eat an ice cream and then pee on the ice cream stick :D Mebbe you can draw a plus sign on the ice cream stick for good luck! hahahahaha Sorry... i am really getting bored stuck in this windowless conference room for 4 hours....

Java, last time, I used to be a good theoretical cook. Cos, I like eating and I can always described how a dish is cooked without actually having cooked it before
So, one day, I decided to actually cook and found it to be therapeutic. You can go to Many recipes that are simple to do. I love chicken wings too!
One suggested recipe:


Chicken wings ( i like to buy those middle section only ones)
garlic, finely chopped
dark soya sauce


1. fry the garlic in some oil till fragrant.
2. Add chicken and potato and fry quickly.
3. Add in soya sauce - enough to make all the chicken and potato black
4. Add water and then simmer till potato and chicken is soft.

very easy and nice. try it one day!


My testing date for
had changed. I got my cycle days confused
. It'll be on 27th if that toopit and fat AUNT
din arrived lor.


What is GSS?? Alamak, ice-cream stick
?! Mai lah... not exciting leh.


BabyDust and Good luck for everybody~!~

Joyce, GSS = Great Singapore Sale.. so I think Guardian got discount for HPT lor. but if you are supposed to test only on 27th, then now,will be too early lor.

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, you are so sweet with all these cute pics!! Kekkee...
Agreed that if you cant wait, maybe u go and buy a pair of test kit. So, u be testing on Sunday? Do you feel any sign, feverish?? I wish you strike too!!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, trust you to ask <font color="0000ff">Joyce</font> to use ice cream stick!!
Goosh, ur meeting must have made you go crazy!!

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, i was the one who went to see doc as early as almost 4th wk. Of cos can see nothing lah during that visit. But one reason for such early visit was due to the fact that my tummy forever painful and i have intermittent spotting!!
So i was given duphaston to help stabilize the pregnancy.

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, if you still feel worry, i would suggest you to see a gynae at maybe around wk 5. At least it would ease your mind for a while.

<font color="119911">jus</font>, u away? For holiday??
Hi Ocean and Tiny,
Thanks for the advice. Yes, perhaps I should push the appointment earlier. BTW how do you calculate how many weeks are you? From the day of your last menses or from the ovulation day?

hi folic, your recipe sounds good, maybe I will try it on wednesday.

joyce, your pics are so cute and funny!
Hi Folic,
Hmm...interesting recipe. I shall ask my Prince to cook it for his princess
What do the potatoes do though? As in, does it become part of the skin?? sorry, me very suaku one...obviously i don't cook (theoretically or practically!) But yummy. i like the middle part of the chicken wing.

Java, I also dunno how to calculate anymore. In theory, I was so clear the 1st time I visited my gynae. He explained to me that since I was on CD35 when I first saw him, it meant that I was 5 weeks pregnant. Technically, I had conceived on Week 2 (around O time), which means that even before you BD you are already considered 1 week pregnant! (understand?) Cos the way they count is from the LMP (ie the beginning of your last cycle) and that is the Menstrual Age of the baby. That would give u the 40 weeks period.

However, he said the baby is too small to be seen cos it's Gestational Age only about 3 weeks old (as in, from the time it was conceived). But for their calculation purposes they normally use Menstrual Age.

But then when I saw him 2 weeks later, the scan was dated 6Wk 4days! So I also became confused lor.

And I read somewhere that the earlier you get a date on your scan, the more accurate the age of your baby! Apparently it's less accurate as the months go by.
All that has been making me so confused that I've decided not to read too much and just enjoy every stage I'm at!!

Hope i haven't confused u as well!!!

Joyce...i wonder where u have the energy to look all over for the icons to represent ur expressions and feelings! So cute!
Hi Java, the medical world uses the fisrt day of the LMP to calculate the baby's age cos that is the date that is more likely to be known or remembered by the mother. O dates or conceived dates is a bit difficult to know unless you do charting etc. So to standardise, everyone use first date of LMP. However, for folks with longer cycles, the gynae will adjust the age of teh baby accordingly to reflect the longer cycle.

Princess Tiny, no lah, the recipe is a bit like chicken wings stewed in soya sauce. So the potato, you peel the skin and cut it into big cubes, like those you see in curry chicken. So when you stew the potato in the soya sauce, it will turn very nice and fragrant. Also, the potato will 'melt' a little bit when cooked, so the sauce will be a little bit creamy. Yummy.. now i salivating.

ok.. gotta go do work. These days, I quite bad... I actually check this forum before I check my work mail! I will be going for an interview for another job in another dept this afternoon. Wish me luck, ok?

Morning ladies!

Was on training last week
And went for a short trip to genting during the weekend
we stayed at first world hotel... -- totally horrible! the bathroom and toilet were mini sized!
Overall, it was a good break, but was so tired by
just noted that my posting was truncated!
here's the continuation...

by the time we reach Singapore on Sunday!

Joyce and all who are ttc-ing,
Good Luck!

All the best for your interview this afternoon!
What kind of work would you do in the new department?
Hi Tiny,
Yah you got me all confused. hahaha, anyway I hope to push the appt to next week, but WK Tan is a very busy woman, so dunno if can get an earlier time slot.

All the best for your interview this afternoon. Remember to prepare for the standard questions like "What are your strengths/weaknesses?" Why do you want to transfer to that department? What's the diff in job role compare to your current?
<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, for me, before i went to see the doc, i use the LMP as a guide to check on my EDD and hence the number of week i am. However, LMP can be not accurate as some of us had irregular AF. As for O date, it really depends if you know the date. For me, i dun noe.

Ok, next is the scan that will help to determine on the age of our baby by the size. I had read from KK ultrsound records, it stated that the date given will not be very accurate during the first 8 weeks, if i can remember. Reason being some baby grow faster (maybe you eat durians
). But i find that the ultrascan as compared to LMP and O, is the most accurate one.

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, so you just returned only lor!! Glad that you enjoy your trip. Any winings in Gentings
So now, u better give yourself some rest.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, good luck in your interview!!! You give me an impression of being a young confident lady. So i am sure you can make it!! But... interview... i hate interview!

Wow <font color="0077aa">Joyce</font>, u can still resist the temptation of seeing those "seducing"
HPT lying around your house!!
Ok, so u must guai guai and wait till this coming Sunday!! In the meantime, hope ur AF go shopping!!
Good morning ladies,
Thanks Folic...sounds more delicious after u described it!! Mmmm...i mentioned it to my hubby last night, but he didn't get the hint leh!

And all the best for your interview later! Hope u get it (if u want it of course!!)
I'm going to confuse u a bit more hor...
Here's what I read:

<font color="0000ff"><u>Source 1</u>

Menstrual Age versus Gestational Age: Menstrual age refers to the first day of the last normal menstrual period preceding pregnancy. Clinically, the last menstrual period is used for pregnancy dating because it is an identifiable landmark (whereas, conception usually is not). Gestational age is based on age from conception and therefore usually lags menstrual age by 2 weeks. In reality, most clinical texts use the two terms interchangeably while purists will use the terms correctly.</font>

<font color="119911"><u>Source 2</u>

Gestational age, or the age of the baby, is calculated from the first day of the mothers last menstrual period. Since the exact date of conception is almost never known, the first day of the last menstrual period is used to measure how old the baby is.

Calculating Gestational Age
Last Menstrual Period:
If the mother has a regular period and knows the first day of her last menstrual period, gestational age can be calculated from this date. Gestational age is calculated from the first day of the mothers last menstrual period and not from the date of conception.

The baby can be measured as early as 5 or 6 weeks after the mothers last menstrual period. Measuring the baby using ultrasound is most accurate in early pregnancy. It becomes less accurate later in pregnancy. The best time to estimate gestational age using ultrasound is between the 8th and 18th weeks of pregnancy. The most accurate way to determine gestational age is using the first day of the womans last menstrual period and confirming this gestational age with the measurement from an ultrasound exam.</font>

So how's that for a morning read? Heavy going, huh?
I guess the purists will always make things a little more complicated!
wow so many postings.

tiny, i am okay. back to work liao. so much work stack up. looked like that yesterday!
that's why i have time to come in only today.

joyce, pray that you hit it this time!
update us on sunday ok.

folic, that's a simple yummy looking recipe. i am quite hopeless at cooking but i shall give it a try. impress my hubby...haa...
good luck to your interview!!! you can make it.
Hi Millie,
I can imagine...sometimes after being on leave I really dread going back to work. In tray always overflowing! But don't strain yourself ok? Must take care still. Glad to see you still so cheerful. Really admire you, girl!
Folic... wish you luck luck luck luck luck luck(enough?? kekekekke :p)

*waves to millie and jus* Glad that both of you have bounced back. Wonder how is Curly doing. Haven't seen her around for a while.

Tell you gals something, this morning I went through my <font color="ff6000">Apr and May</font> calender. To my shock
, I was on <font color="0000ff">26/27</font> days cycle one, that means this month my period already due on <font color="ff0000">18th/19th</font> but I dun expect much hope for it.
These few days, I kept running
to toilet just to check if my AF arrived anot. Until now... no sign of AF yet.

<font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, Bo bian... must <font color="119911">tahan</font>

<font color="aa00aa">millie</font>, I really hope I can strike this round
Wow <font color="119911">Tiny</font>, that's lots of information to digest!! Hahaa...
Will be going to see doc this coming Thu. Hope everything is ok. This will be my wk 8. The last time i went was 2 wks ago where my baby is abt 1 cm tall... Really seem like very very long time!

<font color="aa00aa">Millie</font>, glad to learn that you are being quite cheerful. Even though there is lots of work, you still dun tired yourself ok!!

Hmm..<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>... Maybe she is a good girl doing her homework. To eat
, sleep
&amp; rest
Hi ocean,
We did not have the courage to play table games ; (
The stakes are too high hee hee
Hence, only played slot machines

Hi Tiny,
Thanks for the info
Sounds chim

Hi millie,
Mustnt tire yourself overly, ok!
Must still get enough rest!

Hi odie,
how have you been?

You must be really kan cheong now
Since your AF is due a few days ago, you could actually test for it!
Now, I m feeling kan cheong for you as well!!!

I have similar exp with most of you here
My AF was heavier (esp the first few days)
Now, only on-off bleeding
I am still taking those yucky herbs as prescribed by the Chinese sinseh
Must really have the determination and perseverance!
At times, I am too lazy to boil the herbs hee hee
Hi Tiny,
Thanks for the info, really enlightening. Anyway I managed to make appt with WK Tan next Tuesday. Gals, pls pray for me, yah?

Joyce, I'm so excited for you, hope you also strike this month! If you need to buy test kits, remember to buy from Watsons, they got 20% discount.

Hi Ocean,
How come you see your gynae 2 weeks from the first checkup? I thought usually its monthly? I dunno about checkups during 1st trimester, coz last time by the time I discover I was pregnant, I was already in my 19th week. Usually the first checkup they will use the vaginal probe right? Yucks, hate those things!
Joyce... all the best... keep us posted.

Jus... I am doing ok. Waiting for my next menses to come around end of this month after that I can start trying again. Time seems to be flying but in between alot has happened so much so that the days seem to be crawling as well :p

Java... I will keep my toes and fingers crossed for you *cross toes cross fingers*. Hmmm... maybe it is time I go shop for test kits too... since there is discount now... anyway I need it sooner or later :p
My pregnancy started off on a bumpy road... the veri next day after i tested positive, I experienced slight brownish spotting... rushed down to KK at midnite, given hormonal pills to stabilize the pregnancy... went thru' a series of blood tests &amp; scannings &amp; results came out to be 'suspected case of ectopic pregnancy' (pregnancy outside womb which is highly dangerous, because the fertilized egg could cause a rupture which can lead to severe bleeding, shock &amp; infection of the blood) KK wanted me to be admited immediately, even ask me not to eat any solid food as I might need to be operated veri soon... for ectopic, pregnancy has to be terminated at once...we refused to be admited, we were made to see several docs who said the same shit to me repeatedly!!! dat I cld be in shock any moment... I mean, what the hell!!! Here I am in my veri early stage of pregnancy &amp; all they can say is I can go into shock anytime!!!

We were made to sign an indemnity form be4 we can be released there.. went to Gleneagles to see a senior gynae &amp; after scanning, he say mine is a highly normal pregnancy, sac cld be too small to be detected.. as i'm still spotting, was given a hormonal jab &amp; advised to hv lotsa bedrest... but things didn't improve, my spotting changed from brownish to dark reddish, &amp; the final blow was an episode of fresh blood bleeding for 1 whole day on 5th June (6 weeks pregnant then)... was advised complete bedrest... 3 days later, I saw my bb's heartbeat flickering away on the ultrasound screen... tears flowed from my eyes.. A new life is pumping inside me....

However, due to the episode of bleeding, there's a huge blood clot just beside bb's sac, gynae did dropped a subtle hint dat I cld miscarry or go into another episode of severe bleeding again... i pretended not to hear &amp; kept my spirits high... was advised lotsa bedrest again... i was in bed the whole day, except toilet visits &amp; mealtimes for whole 2 weeks.. things dint improve... spotting increased again... went to see a new gynae for 2nd opinion on 18th June (friday) but it was too late... bb's heartbeat stopped... &amp; it dint grow well from the last scan taken less than 5 days back.... immediately we went back to our own gynae &amp; his diagnosis is the same... I had miscarried... went for an operation to 'evacuate my womb' on 19 June (Sat)... After the procedure, I felt a huge part of me being taken away forever...

I am supposed to be 8 weeks pregnant on 19 June, but according to ultrasound, bb left us when I was 7 weeks plus 3 days pregnant... bb has been a good child, knowing that mummy is afraid of pain, I didn't suffer from any spasm &amp; cramps thru'out my pregnancy... When I tapped lightly on my womb &amp; tell bb cannot be notti, dun let mummy vomit out the food cos need to take medication, I vomitted only gastric gas &amp; juices... I can really feel the communication between us...

I hope that by penning down some of my feelings &amp; sharing it here, I can hv a proper closure in my life... often there's no reason why miscarriage happens, even wif the best care &amp; bedrest... I was advised to let go &amp; tune my body back to pink of health...
<font size="+1">Thanks</font> <font color="ff6000">odie, java and jus</font>

I'm now very <font color="ff0000">Kan Cheong</font>
indeed.. <font color="0077aa">To test or not to test</font>; still running through all over my mind.
I am afraid that if I test liao, the result appeared
, then the <font color="0000ff">HPT</font> wasted, haha.. better wait for few more days before <font size="+2">into action</font>.

Hi Tubby... glad to see that you are taking the first step to give yourself a proper closure... slowly by surely. Continue to drop by for a chat... we are all ears
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>

Sorry to hear your loss. Please do take care of yourself. I can fully understand your feelings whilst myself had gone it through also. Mine was full term one, survived for few days and died(But she was on a unconscious condition).

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Life is no straight and easy corridor along which we travel free and unhampered, but a maze of passages, through which we seek our way, lost and confused, now and again checked in a blind alley. But always, if we have faith, a door will open for us, not perhaps one that we ourselves would have ever thought of, but one that will ultimately prove good for us.<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Hi odie,

You are waiting for your 2nd AF before ttc-ing?
Thats what my gynae advise me as well hee hee
But, the Chinese advise me to wait another 4-5 months

Yup, I understand how you feel
I wanted to ttc almost immediately kekeke
But, I guess better to wait as advised by doc and wait for our body to recuperate

Hi tubby,

I am sorry to hear the news
Yes you would definitely feel better after releasing some of your emotions
We are here to support one another

Do take good care of your health now
Do a small mini confinement if possible (to bu your body and get rid of the wind)
Take a rest

If you need someone to talk to, we are available
Afterall, we have been through the experience and may be able to relate better
Take care
<font color="119911">Java</font>, that was not my 1st check-up! It was my 4th check-ups liao!!
Cant help it cos everyday, my tummy is painful and even till now, i still have on off spotting.
Guess that arrest the attention of the gynaes at KK. And also, they know that i am quite fearful and scare towards this current pregnancy! Let just wish that u, me and <font color="ff6000">Tiny</font> will have a smooth &amp; safe pregnancy, followed by the delivery of a healthy baby!

Aiyooo.. <font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, since your AF is due and you have <font size="+2">2 seducing HPTs</font> lying around, wanna test???
Wait for your good news hor!!

Hmm.. so officially <font color="ffff00">Odie</font> will start trying next cycle liao!!
How exicting!!

<font color="aa00aa">Jus</font>, u mus guai guai eat those herbs hor!! Must not
be a noti gal, ok!! Wait <font color="0077aa">One Big Ocean</font> will flood ur hse with water if you noti!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, glab that you have pen down your thoughts.
Yes, do rest more and more and more!! Have your bleeding stopped liao?
HI tubby,
good to see you here. Hope you find solace in chatting with us.

Joyce, ok lah, since you supposed to have AF a few days ago, give you license to test lah!
Hope to hear your good news!

Thanks for all the good luck and wishes. The interview went pretty well
Now waiting to hear from them. Ocean, I am usually pretty confident.. but not young anymore

Java, thanks for the tips.. I got asked all the questions

Jus, the role is similar to my current job - a Project Manager. However, I am currently working in an Operations center and the new job is in my company's customer service dept.

I have a 11pm con call tonite... zzzzzz Talk to you gals tomorrow again!


I just read your other posting. Thanks for remembering Baby Jie.
Actually, the name is very special to me, cos besides my huuby, you gals and some of my close frens, no one else knows his name. I have some gals sending me mail telling me that I am very brave. I don't think I am particularly brave... just that I build the courage with the support of my hubby and the gals here and at another discussion forum. Just like me and the other gals, I am sure that one day, you will start to feel better and come to terms with the loss. I cried so much in the first few days that my mum issued a 'warning'.. say if cry too much during confinement will become blind!
But I can understand the feeling of unable to control tears. About 2 weeks after my miscarriage, my hubby had to go to Malaysia to attend a wedding. I felt so lonely cos he had been with me almost everyday since the miscarriage. I remembered lying in bed in the dark, and my tv was turned to discovery travel channel. They were showing the top 10 hot dog stands in the US. All the hot dogs look so delicious and all I can do is cry throughout that whole show

But now, almost one year on, I am trying for another baby again. I am also able to relate to others calmly if they asked about my baby. I think of my baby ALL the time but it is no longer with intense sadness. I pray that you and your hubby will soon find the same strength too.

Hey gals, I just realise something, will my <font color="ff0000">AF</font> delayed due to <font color="ff6000">tireness, heaty or stress.. ??</font>

<font color="ff0000">Msg to <font size="+2">Fat Aunt</font>:</font> <font color="aa00aa">If you wanna show your face to me, please show quickly hor, <font size="+2">STOP</font> torturing <font size="+2">ME</font>!!</font>

<font color="119911">Me going to <font size="+2">CRAZY</font> liao.......... <font size="+1">
me ..... </font></font>
Hi all

I wld like to share my painful experience too.......just terminated my pregnancy almost a mth was 12 wks then.....

At that time, I went for my 2nd check up, could see bb hands n legs already....and my
Doc told us that there are some complications n need to terminate the pregnancy..really devastated when we hear that.....

Just when I feel that a litte life is growing in me......suddenly it is GONE....

But I am ok now just that I will still miss my little bb sometimes.

Now waiting for my 1st period to come....hope everything will be back to normal.....
