Support group - Miscarriages

Joyce.... congrats... so happy for you =) The wait is finally over!!!!

So have you called your gynae to schedule an appointment?

<font color="ff6000"><font size="+2">Thank you gals,</font></font> <font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">I still can't believe that
... it's so magical!!</font></font>
Hi dear ladies,

Thank you so much for your encouragement and comforting words.


My road to getting pregnant is a very bumpy one. I started trying six months after I got married. Went for laposcopy to remove an endometrois cyst ome year later and was put on hormonal jab for 6 months. After that, my cycle got haywire liao. Very difficult to conceive.

DID 3 IUI and 1 IVF in 2001. Spent alot of $$ and almost broke liao but still cannot conceive. The quality of my eggs is too bad, doc only managed to retrieve one egg for IVF and it was a failure.

Visited Thong Chai for many months but also no results. We found it very stressful and therefore decided to give up altogher and leave things to nature.

Last year, during a medical checkup, I realised the endometrois cysts came back again and this time, 2 big ones. Consulted 2 gynae and both asked me to go for surgery to remove them and say my chances of getting pregnant is almost impossible and less than 1% chance.

I refused to believe them and did not go for the surgery. AND, miracle happened!! I got pregnant in Apr this year. Although this pregnancy ended up in M/C, I am confident that I will succeed again.

I notice that for most of you, the A/F came 4 to 6 weeks after D&amp;C but mine came quite early, just 3 weeks after D&amp;C. Hope this is normal.

My 2nd A/F is due tomorrow but still no sign of A/F leh. Abit worry.

Sorry for this SUPER lor soh reply.

Hi tian tian,

Sorry to hear of your loss

Some of the girls here got their first AF pretty early as well
I guess its normal that yours came at about 3 weeks

It must be though on you and your hubby
Yes, I agreed that since you managed to get pregnant, you should be able to conceive again

Dont stress yourself, ok
Must take care of your health now ; )
i'm truly happy for u!

tiantian, u've came a long way. yes, be positive. who knows, we may hear gd news fr u soon.

folic, $83k is a gd price hor. thought suv at least $100k. i sat in a fren's suv before and i enjoyed being 'above' other cars and looking down at them. ha.....soon, u'll be high high up there!

curly, do rest well for the rest of the wk. don't dwell on wat happen in the office ok. wait till next wk when u go bk and see how u feel.
<font color="0077aa">Thanks Tiantian.</font> <font color="0000ff">I think you're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.</font>
Hi gals,
Usually I'm quite early to log in to post some messages. But this morning I was hit by the MS VERY BAD!!! I was supposed to go to work today. But I got up feeling extremely giddy, headache and can see flashing lights. I went back to lie down again, after that started the merlion act (Joyce where's your image?). But now feel much better but stomach still feeling abit queasy.

Joyce, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! So when's your EDD? Go calculate leh. Should be quite close to mine.

Happy birthday to all those having their BDs this and next month.

folic, so envious of you, can buy a new car. Me only have 2 "cars".

Dunno how I'm going to work, especially in a new workplace. If I'm going to be so sickish in the mornings, my hubby say temporarily dun work lor.
curly, your boss is an ASSHOLE WITH A CAPITAL A!!! Really hate this kind of anti-family ppl. If the SHIT HEAD continues to make things difficult for you, then no point working for such a person.

Sorry sound so vulgar, ahhhh my head is spinning again... tok to you guys later, if not then tomorrow liao.
Hi gals,

Java, wow you so poor thing. Take a good rest ok?

Today, my office got good news. They introducing maternity benefits so can claim delivery charges up to 3k for normal delivery and 3.5k for c-section. now, I very very motivated to work hard to have baby liao.

afternoon gals,

hw are all of u?

congrat to joyce...

btw,did u all go for blood tests in order when u all trying to conceive?
<font face="comic sans MS"><font color="0077aa">Java</font>,Thanks. The <font color="ff6000">EDD</font> should be on <font color="119911">28 Feb' 2005</font> as in the Babycenter website.

I will be having my checkup on <font color="aa00aa">Monday, @ KKH, Gynae, John Tee</font>. Just <font color="ff0000">pray</font> that everything would be fine. And shall update the EDD again. Can't wait till Monday... argh...

<font color="0000ff">wendyl</font>, Thanks too. I did not take any <font color="ff0000">blood tests</font> leh. For me, I don't think there's a need.
If a person had a history of any sickness, then should take the test. (My own views)</font>


what if i did not have chicken pox yet,is it advisable to take the jab now?
afraid that take the jab,needs to wait for few mths b4 trying......
Hi java,
Take care ok
Try to eat a little even if you do the merlion act
Must nourish both the mother and baby

Hi folic,
Wah so lucky
Your companys benefits are really good
If only my company is like that as well hee hee

Hi joyce,
I was with Dr John Tee as well
Do send my regards to him
Tell him I m the one with both alpha and beta traits
He should remember cos he said that my case is so rare and that he has not seen such a case in Singapore kekeke
Were you with him previously?
I find that hes very competent

Hi wendyl,
I did my blood tests before my wedding
Just wanted to ensure that I m in good health before trying to conceive
I think you might have to wait a while before ttc after taking the jab
You might want to double confirm with your doc
Thanks ladies for the birthday wishes! I also wish those whose birthday are coming a good and happy birthday!

millie/odie/jus you are right, he is SUPER INSENSITIVE! Always thinking abt himself only! As long as I'm not his wife or daughters, he doesn't give a shit! And that HR colleague who's eyeing my position, I doubt my boss will give her a chance bec to him, image is very important for this position.

folic, no use reporting to HR, bec she's also anti pregnancy....

java, yes he's a SUPER BIG ASSHOLE! I have been tolerating him for a long time.

I have decided to quit! He probably thinks that if I'm not getting pregnant within the next 6 mths, I will countine to work for him and cover my colleague who's going on maternity leave. But I do not need this shitty job to survive!

Joyce, a big hug for you! Congrats!!
Hi Gals, i'm back!!
Here the update:-

Went to AMC, and there is one trainee doc (i think), 1 doc and 1 nurse. All gals so never mind and all look at me with a smile.
I relax abit. The trainee doc scan on my ab.
From the screen, i can't see anything...
So she was saying maybe too small.
My heart sank as 2 wks ago, can see alittle bit of the sac.

Thus i was told have to do v-scan! The problem with AMC is that when u did a V-scan, the view will be blocked.
I felt so worry as trainee doc asked if i got bleeding though she was smiling. Asked if got heartbeat, she asked me to wait and after a pause, finally, she said yes, there is.

But then, suddenly, i saw the doc putting on her glove to check on me.
Start to get worried again. Heard her telling them that here the cord, that is no yolk sac.... Finally, they told me everything is perfectly normal. Whew...

<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, Congratulation!!
So when r u planning to see a gynae? Feel so happy for you!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, at least it showed that your baby is growing and that why the
Merlion Performance!

<font color="ff6000">Curly</font>, Happy Belated Birthday!!
Ur hubby so sweet, still sent u flowers!!
Cairnation is always for mummy. Maybe it is an good sign that who knows, by next yr, u be a mummy!

As for your company boss
, i think he is too much!! You just try to ignore him, dun let him anger u. I think at this point of time, if i will you, i will just stay on. Afterall, you did nothing wrong.

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, i think my AF came quite fast too at abt 3wks time. There i was wishing for it to come, and suddently when it arrived, i was taken aback. Initally i thot i start bledding again!
There shouldn't be any problem.
<font face="comic sans ms">Hi <font color="0000ff">wendyl</font>, What <font color="0077aa">jus</font> had said is right, you may need to confirm with your doctor again.

<font color="0077aa">jus</font>, My sister recommended me to him, glad to hear that he's competent. Thanks.</font>
<font face="comic sans ms">Thanks <font color="119911">Curly</font> and <font color="ff6000">Ocean</font>.

<font color="119911">Curly</font>, hope to hear good news from you!!</font>
dearest Ocean,

big HUGZ to u... veri veri glad for u dat ur checkup went well dis morning.... i can understand the anxiety u went thru' during the checkup... my heart is always throbbing when i'm doing the V-scan...

u hv decided to go to KK for regular checkups? do u hv a gynae in mind? maybe better if u stick to a gynae thru'out ur pregnancy...
Thanks Ocean!! Glad that everything is well with you and bb. My boss is really too much but I can't ignore him..... His exact words were "I need your committment". The fact is I can commit for the next 6 mths but I'm not willing to commit to such a cold blooded asshole idiot!

Joyce, I don't think I will have good news until next year.... I went for my checkup this morning and we asked abt conceving again and my gynae said if we are not in a hurry, we shd leave it for 6 mths.....
Good evening everyone,
I'm so late today cos had a long day at work...super long meeting so no time to come in. so s-l-e-e-p-y!!

Joyce, Congratulations!!! So happy for u! Must take care ok? Finally, your torturous wait is over!
Ocean, glad your check up went well. You must be so relieved! How come you were blocked? Did you get a picture of the scan?

Curly, Happy Belated Birthday! What a horrible man your boss is. Nevermind, I've found the perfect icon for you! *evil grin*
Sometimes the harder we try, the less results we get. Probably the frustration and anxiety has something to do with it. I believe that since you have conceived once (despite what you have been told abt your chances), it will happen again. It's just a matter of time. So take heart! And we are here to cheer u on ok?

By the way, your AF is due already...could it be....???
tiny, i love ur microwaved smiley.
curly, hope tt it brought smile to ur face!

ocean, glad tt ur checkup went well. how come they use a trainee gynae for u?

java, eat well and rest well now. think ur husband suggestion is gd - don't work for the time being. hao hao yang tai.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0077aa">Tiny</font>, Thanks. I will take more care of <font color="119911">myself</font>
and my unborn <font color="ff6000">baby</font>
now. And I'll also pray hard for every MTB have a healthy, smoothly pregnancy and delivery.

<font color="0000ff">Dear Curly</font>, it's only a matter of time, so at this moment, please take care and pamper yourself with more nutritious and delicious food
to maintain your healthy body. </font>
Conrats to you Joyce.....really happpy for you...Must take good care of yourself &amp; BB

Was wondering how long shld I wait b4 trying again....doc said can try after 1st AF....

When I see friends' new born BB, so cute &amp; I am so envious....

What kind of nourishment shld I take to make my body recover fast?? Currently drinking DOM....shld i start taking multivitamins before TTC???

I will make sure my body is "well-prepared" before trying to conceive again....
<font face="comic sans ms">Thanks <font color="aa00aa">Lindy</font>, It's good that you understand the important of healthy body for TTCing coz' it's the <font color="ff6000">future home</font>
for your <font color="0077aa">unborn baby</font>
. <font color="119911">He/she</font> is going to stay there for <font color="ff0000">short and cosy nine months</font>... heehee!</font>
Ocean... glad to hear that the checkup went well. But I think to set your mind at ease... decide on a gynae quick.

Curly... whether to stick on with the job or not... always remember that health is more important than anything. BTW understand from an Aussie friend that over in Aussie (at least in the civil service) the employers will not ask for information like marital status or number of kids when you apply for a job. They believe that an applicant should not be prejudiced because of her personal background. Even during the interview there will be a 3rd party present to act as referee and stop the interviewer from asking questions that are personal and unrelated to work. I think that should be the way. Just because a person is married with kids doesn't mean that she cannot perform... whereas if the person is single it doesn't necessary equate to a sense of responsibility and capability at work.

Lindy, in my case my gynae didn't ask me to continue with multi-vit... only folic acid. Other than that he prescribed me with Vit E.
Thanks Tiny! Hahaha... the icon so funny. Only if I could do that to him.

Joyce, yes it's a matter of time..... At the moment, the most important thing is to get my body and womb stronger!

Odie, yah health is more important than anything else..... You know when my boss does interviews, if you're not married, he will ask your plan abt marriage and if you are married, he will ask abt family planning. When he gave me a promotion, he had required me to commit not to get pregnant within xx years. I really regret now.... I think my decision to quit is the right choice!
Curly... I don't understand how can anyone make the employee agree to such term. I wonder how would he feel if his wife is prejudiced because of her marital status? I am currently looking for better job opportunities as well... going to put upfront that having kids is on my plate... if they cannot accept it then too bad (for them that is kekekekke) :p
Odie, he is one BIG SELFISH BASTARD! He only thinks for himself and doesn't care abt others.... I wish he will burn in hell one day.... Well, lucky for his wife, she doesn't need to suffer from such discrimination as she's never worked in her life.

You know, when one of my pregnant colleagues was on hospital leave, all he asked abt was whether if the bb was still there!
Hi Joyce,

I was from other thread and congratulates to you. Do be extra careful and take good care of yourself esp. the 1st trimester. I would like to check with you how you book the appt with Dr John Tee at KKH? Is this appt referred by the GP/Poly or you hve to call KKH to book direct.
Curly... get out from there asap!!! My boss did something insensitive after my M/C as well and it made me feel that she is only concerned about the department being down with one staff. I was damn pissed off after that. It's not as though I want to be caught in such a situation. I think that a working relationship... both the employers and employees must give and take. As an employee if we give in to their requests... the boss must extend the same treatment to us as well. If he or she is so inflexible I don't see the need to be loyal to them.
Hi Tiny,

Although my AF is already due, I think it is gonna be BFN becos we only BD on the week b4 my AF is due, so it is not possible to be pregnant, rite??


I also think that your boss is really a big asshole. Just ignore him and eat more "bu" things in the meantime. You will succeed again oneday.

If you read my story above, I got pregnant even when the gynae only give me a less than 1% chance but I am determine to fight the battle.
hi gals,
Last night while urining, I discovered slight staining in my discharge. I was paralyzed with fear, immediately I called Dr Tan, told her what happened, she told me to see her immediately early next morning. My hubby tot I was paranoid, but I told him that I'm not going to take any chances already. The entire night was filled with fear and anxiety. Almost every 2 hours I will touch my panties to see if its wet. I couldn't catch much sleep as I was very worried. Luckily this morning when I checked again, the red stains were gone, but still Dr Tan did a scan for me. I saw the sac!!! Thank God in the right position in the ulterus! I was afraid of an etopic pregnancy. She gave me a prostegone jab to stabilize the pregnancy and to improve the blood circulation around the sac and placenta. I was also given ultra "dunno what" tablets to follow up with the jab and 1 week of bed rest. Anyway felt much better after hearing Dr Tan's reassurance. My next appointment is next Friday. Please continue to pray for me. Thanks.
Odie, in my office, cases like this is quite common..... One of my colleagues (from another dept) was called back to the office just 2 or 3 days after her m/c! Another one was called back before her maternity leave ended! And my same dept colleague was asked to resume her duties after 1 mth maternity leave! Thank god she insisted to come back after 2 mths.

Well, my ASSHOLE BASTARD BOSS only expects to recevie from me but never bother to spare a thought for me.... The good thing is I won't be seeing much of him next mth as he has a few biz trips and a family vacation. So by the time he comes back in Aug, I would be long gone.....

Thanks Tiantian!! I read your story and know you have been through a lot. Be patient and one day this gift we are all waiting for will be ours. Take care of yourself too.

java, I understand your fear and anxiety. Thank goodness everything is ok. So now, you must "guai guai" rest in bed.
Hi everyone,

I had been busy this morning and could only come in now.

Java, glad to hear you have seen the gynae and things are looking good. Do rest well
Will pray for you and your ah dot.

Curly,RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN! what kind of company is that? I am sure you can look for jobs elsewhere. What kind of jobs you looking for? [I am beginning to sound like headhunter

Hope everyone else have a great weekend ahead!

Curly... looks like it is the company culture... not very pro-family. Time to ask your boss to go fly kite.

Java... rest well kay ;)
folic, I had already made up my mind to resign! I don't think it will be difficult to get another job. I am looking at secretarial.

Odie, not everyone in my office is anti-family.... My colleague told me that my boss announced my pregnancy to one of his subordinates and he was really happy for me, so much so that my boss felt very disgusted and told my colleague that as if he was the father.... This guy is very pro-family, one of his staff had take 7 weeks hospital leave and all he said was not to worry abt office and rest well.
Just woke up after a nice afternoon nap.

tiantian, thanks for praying for me. You are a strong gal!

Curly, I'm glad you made up your mind to resign. Do u intend to quit first then find a job, or find a job first then quit?

I'm just thinking that most jobs are not very pro-family. I mean what do you think are my chances of finding a permanent job now that I'm pregnant? I know of a friend who is offered a job at IDA knowing that she is pregnant. The employee will only hire pregnant ladies only if they have difficulty finding ppl to fill the position.

Guess for the next 1 week, I will only have u gals for company.

Today I weigh myself in the clinic, wow, I actually lost 2kg as compared to 1 month ago. I never could shed off the extra weight from my previous pregnancy.
<font face="comic sans ms">Hi everyone!

<font color="aa00aa">Everybody good?</font>

Hi <font color="119911">KC</font>, I booked the appointment by myself. You can find all the <font color="ff0000">contact list/numbers</font> at KKH website.</font>
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="ff6000">Java</font>, glad that you are fine now. Take more rest, ok? Now we are pregnant already, we tend to think a lot of negative things but since that thing may not happen to us, so stay as <font color="119911">positive</font> as we can. (I always tell myself though I worried too)

<font color="aa00aa">Curly</font>, if you have strong financial and your hubby is able to support you, then quit and be a housewife... not need to see <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">"HUMAN HOUSE FACE COLOUR"</font></font> heehee..</font>
Hi ladies,

I just had my d&amp;c yesterday morning. It's the 17th week of pregnancy, but my baby had stopped growing at 13 weeks. I found on during my routine visit on Monday, but could only do the d&amp;c yesterday (Thursday) because I had to work on Tuesday and Wednesday.

During those days I chanced upon this forum and started reading from the very first post in the archive.

It's been so helpful, learning how all of you went through your m/cs and knowing that so many of you have conceived after. Thank you for sharing your stories. This is a great thread, there is a lot of hope and love in it, and it all comes from you ladies!

I am trying to be strong but it's so hard. I can't help thinking about my baby. But I am inspired by all your experiences and I hope to have good news to share when the time is right!

Just to add a bit about insensitive bosses: my boss is a woman in her late 40s or early 50s, with no children. The very next day after I told her about the miscarriage, she pulled me aside and asked (not in a concerned way, but in a disbelieving manner), "You really want to get pregnant again? Are you sure?" I didn't know how to work after that.
Hi all,
Ive been following this thread for many days. Read abt happy postings from Linda, Bebechic, Tiny, Ocean, Joyce and many, many morehappy and sadmost of it has made my tears come back.
Would like to share my painful experience too:
I had a missed abortion at my 8-9wk. That was during my 2nd gynaes visit we discovered tt our little precious has not grown and there was no heartbeat detected-susp has stopped at 7wk. We were at a loss and I cannot accept it. I had no pain, no spotting or any kind of symptoms tt notion to me that my precious is gone.
Over that weekend, I almost cried my whole heart out. Deep inside me I know its already the fact but I cannot help it. Im lucky to have my hubby with me to listen to me, to comfort me and to hug me. I had my D&amp;C done on 15/6. Had bleeding after tt-until 2day its already 11th day but Im still having spotting and occasional brownish red discharge. Anyone know if this is normal? I have read several postings tt it should end after 1+ wk but not sure when. I will be gg back for next gynae visit on 28/6. I was given 2wks MC until then.
The initial knowledge of our loss was indeed painful but having read thru so many postings for the past days, Ive learnt a lot and its rather soothing also to know tt some has successful tries after the loss. I am slowly gathering up my broken pcs and start afresh all over again. Has been married for 2yrs now and its in our 2nd cycle of try when I successfully got pregnant. So Im gg to buck up myself, nurture my body back to health, eat well, sleep well wait patiently for the bleeding to be gone then my 2-3 cycles of AF to come and to start TTC again.
Hi miaomiao,

I understand from my gynae that it is common for women to have bleeding for about 2 weeks after d/c. This is to get rid of the remaining blood clots/tissues which was missed during the process.
If you are not taking any other western medicine (other than pain killer), it is good to visit those TCM doctors, they will prescribe you with a one month supply of 'confinement' herbs. I'm taking those herbs dutifully, and I felt that it does help to strengthen my body.

I have my d/c just 3 days before you. I guess all you ladies here understand how I feel then so I don't wish to elaborate further. But I'm lucky that my family, friends and colleagues are very supportive of me. In fact, my in laws were more concern about helping me to recover rather than getting upset over the loss of their very first grandchild. I was really grateful. It is the support from them that help me and my hubby to get over the incident quicky. Now we just want to focus on getting well and try again.

Hi all,

I was introduced to this thread by Odie.. Thanks Odie, this is really a good place to be encouraged and share..

Hi Miao2, My case was very similar to urs..I did my D&amp;C on 18/6 and my bb then was 8 weeks.I saw my bb heartbeat on the first scan when its only 6 weeks...din expect within 2 weeks its gone..
I have been tryin to near 2 yrs, went thru procedures to increase my chance coz i was diagnose with PCOS..

I m not sure if i m normal coz i only bleed for 2 days then its cleared..only have some light brown discharge here and there...??

Im hoping to start tryin asap when i m ready not sure if its too harsh coz i afraid my cyst will come back again..

Hope can get some advices ...Thanks in advance!!
