Support group - Miscarriages

hey tubby,
feeling jittery and nervous is very normal...i remember my hubby & i were in the lift on the way up to my gynae's (17th floor...) and the lift ride seemed so long!!! He just hugged me really tight and we didn't say a word...each knowing what the other was thinking/feeling! Lucky no one came into the lift, if not they'd think we're xiao!
Just try to go confidently. We are all behind u!!!

Whitefloral, as long as you feel u're ready, it should be ok. My gynae said there's no hard & fast rule, more importantly is that you're emotionally ready. If you're not physically ready, your body will tell u. Since you're physically fine, go ahead. Like tubby says, just warm up first lor!
Good luck!

ULN... bit more busy than my last job... but days go by faster. My boss has been outstationed for a week... and another week to go. So that gives me a bit more time to pace myself out. I feel a bit overwhelmed at times with the new house and new job... but the baby makes my day =)

Millie... how have you been? Good luck in TTC. I think all of us here will agree that things happen when least expected... so try and keep your focus on other things... because you never know when you will get lucky. Tried for 2 to 3 cycles but failed and got me extremely down... got preggie last month when I least expected it because hubby was overseas and I thought that we might have missed the eggie.

Miao2... congrats again!!! Please take good care of yourself while on your trip.

TianTian... have a good trip and bring back a made in Japan kay ;)

Tubby... I know what you meant. I just went for my checkup this morning and despite this being my 3rd visit I still can't help but feel worried. Anyway... everything went well and I am halfway through my "danger zone" - the 8th week. Seeing the baby renews my faith without fail.

Whitefloral... TTC when you are ready physically and emotionally. Don't need to stick to the book... because you know yourself better ;) Good luck to you too.
hi gals,
Its 2.06am. I'm tokking to you gals while waiting for the server to reboot. Supposed to be doing this at 10pm, but due to unforeseen circumstances, it stretched to till now. Its still not resolved, hopefully can be resolve soon, then I can go and sleep. I hate IT!!!! This is a really bad idea, I think on Tuesday I will send an email to my boss and tell him not to assign me night duties until after I deliver and come back from my maternity leave.

Feel quite zombiefied now...
hi gals,
i had a bad dream last nite... i dreamt i spotted red... was quite scared by it... when i woke up, i told hubby & asked him to chase away dis bad vibe for me...

i think i must be thinking too much in the daytime liao... yesterday, hubby told me he wanted to go to motorshow on monday... i told him i needed him by my side dis weekend... & started crying... abit weak nowadays...

hi Tiny,
thks for ur support... somehow it does makes things alot easier when someone understands my fear & worries...

hi Odie,
glad to hear everything fine wif u & bb... i'm sure all of us will sail thru' our pregnancies...

aiyoo java,
i can't imagine u working late into the night.. when u usually need so much beauty sleep...
luckily tomoro is holiday, u can sleep the whole day long... rest well dear!
tubby, be strong okie. u will be fine. think it's normal to be nervous. i am not pregnant yet but i am already thinking of all the 'what if' scenario sometimes. it does get me down. but hey, u and ur baby will be okie. we are here to support u and i'll pray for u!

hello folic, ocean, java, tiny and odie, it's been ages. i am fine. just disappointed abt not pregnant yet. maybe too stressful at work. i just had a new boss who questioned me when i took mc!!! she hinted that i was skiving when i took 2 times mc within a mth!! arrghhh....i was so angry inside. fuming mad! i was lying at home with fever and she actually questioned my integrity. wld she be happier if i crawl my way to work even when i am very sick? can't imagine when i get pregnant...wld she take it that i plan to skive with the 3 mths maternity leave? i know i shldn't care less but i think she plays a part in me feeling stress lately.

well, shall continue ttc-ing. i shall dump away the temp taking and just let nature takes its course....hee...
by the way, any of u tried ovulation kit? accurate?

and odie, congrats on ur pregnancy! how envious to see each of u graduate one by one. shall wait patiently for my turn....

whitefloral, ttc when u feel ready. i started abt 3 mths after my m/c. it dpds on individual.

hope that all of u are having a gd break this wkend!
Hi Java,
Waa... You are in IT... Hope your boss will be more understanding towards preggie... My hubby worked more than 24 hours this weekend
. IT is so busy...

Hi Tubby,
((((HUGS)))) Hope you have a good rest tonite and tomolo... Think positive k? Hug your hubby for some warmth

Hi millie,
Is your boss married? I find unmarried female boss not very understanding one le, esp those very career minded ones... Wish you good luck in TTC. I think I will also do away with temperature taking when TTC. I think it's added stress.

This weekend, I am very happy
. I got the jewelleries for my wedding already
. And brought them for gown fitting... Very nice match.
hi tubby,
I understand your fears. Although, I am on my 3rd pregnancy (1st one miscarriage), and I have a healthy toddler. I still have my fears when I go and see my doctor for this pregnancy. Like my gynae appointment is on this wednesday. Now, I am already preparing myself for the worst case scenario of not hearing the heartbeat or the baby too small size. I think it is very normal, because we know that what could be the worst case scenario.

During my second pregnancy, I delayed everything to the latest, find a CL during my 8th month, start buying stuff only during my 8th month, looked for a sitter after my bb is born. I was damn paranoid, if the baby dont kick at his usual time, I will ask my hubby does he think the baby ok or not. All this very normal, even though I have one live birth, this 3rd pregnancy is not any easier. I still have alot of what ifs. But tubby, tell yourself, this pregnancy maybe will be different. I will have a baby in my arms after 9 months.
Dear Elibaba, same with you, this is also my 3rd pregnancy, am in my 6th months now. Before this, I already had a son aged 2 yrs old and a daughter... and she will be 1 yr old plus if she still alive. My baby girl had a umbilical cord accident in my womb and caused her severe brain damage when she was born.

Like you, this current pregnancy is not easy for me too, as I'm thinking too much 'what ifs'... feeling so stressed out.
Hi girls,
Today was a nice day, hubby & i woke up really early and brought my dad in law's doggy for a walk in Botanic Gardens together with my cousin and her baby. Had a nice breakfast at Cafe Les Amis after that!
But...when I came home, i tripped over some silly piece of furniture and fell! I tried to break my fall (forgetting that my tummy quite big) and landed in a really wierd position on my side. but luckily not on my front. Thankfully baby was still happily moving away so i'm sure she's ok
But damn scary, man!

Tubby, I also had dreams about spotting in my 1st trimester. In fact, on our last night in Hong Kong (I was abt 7 wks then), I had some fresh looking blood and I thought that was it. But the whole night my hubby & I prayed really hard, and my cousins (whom we were travelling with) also prayed for us, and the next day it stopped and when I finally saw my gynae the day after, we saw baby's heartbeat. And the spotting was just a one-off thing...unexplainable. It was really a test of faith and those 2 days were really torture. Now I'm already into my 29th week, and it's the support and strength of all those who care and keep us in prayer and thoughts (like all of u!) that has helped me through. So truly, we will always have these negative thoughts in our minds, but the knowledge that there are people who care will help make the route easier! Just keep believing!

Millie, same for you, don't give up believing ok? I used ovulation sticks (the clearplan ones i think) and it was quite ok. Can't remember if it actually helped me in the end or not. I think it was becos of that i got hooked on peeing on sticks!! What a boss you have. Can't stand people like that!!! Anything you can do about it, like request for change in department or anything? You're prob right, she's adding to your stress!
morning gals..
i am still at home... my appt is at 11.20, jus had my breakfast... as expected lah, dint sleep well last nite... & woke up quite early jus now...
basically, jus dazing ard...

thks for the support... i really really hope i can post good news for u all dis afternoon...

hi Elibaba,
i'll pray for u dat ur checkup tomoro will bring u good news...
do come here & chat wif us if u needed an outlet to vent it out... the gals here r a wonderful lot!!

hi Tiny,
must be more careful in future.. i read dat as our tummy grows bigger, our centre of gravity changes & we tend to lose our balance... so must walk slow slow okie...

i'll remember all ur support when i'm in the clinic later..

hi blur_green,
it's best dat u see a gynae as soon as possible, as they will be the best person to assess ur situation... & oso to allay ur fears..
Hi gals!

hope everyone has a great weekend! I ended up spending 3 days in JB, at my MIL's house. Her new maid came earlier than planned and my BIL had already made plans to go for holidays. So, we had to go over to 'babysit' my MIl and the new maid
It was a relaxing weekend and I enjoyed going to the Malay kampong to buy all sorts of malay food for dinner
So, that is my 3days 2 nites JB tour

Tubby, it is inevitable to worry and I can understand the on-off panic attack that you have. This week is my 'danger zone' in my last preg. I am quite a nerve ball these few days. I try to take my mind off and think of other positive thoughts instead. I know it is tough to ask you to look at the bright side, but it is important for this new life that is growing inside you. so be strong ok?

hi millie
I am sure you turn will come soon. Don't let work stress get to you. It is just a job afterall!

hi elibaba (i like your name
) I can relate to what you mean by delaying everything. I am currently 22 weeks. I have no plans to buy any baby stuff or confirm a name for my little girl till much later. It has become a paranoia as well as a superstition of sorts..

Hi to everyone.. I am so lathargic today.. need to work but totally no mood! Hope you gals have a good week at work!


Hi elibaba
hi gals!! I'm back

today gynae's clinic is rather quiet... reached there on time & only waited for abt 10-15min for our turn... we managed to see our lil' sac inside my womb, via abdominal scan...
to me, it's a major hurdle crossed!!
gynae was reassuring, she said based on scan, i was abt 5 weeks, which coincide well wif my LMP... she said to continue wif the pills.. no injection required..

my next appt is 3 weeks from today, on 7 Dec.. she's going on holidays for 2 weeks starting nix week... i hope i can confidently countdown to 7 Dec to see/hear bb's heartbeat...

ladies, thks so much for ur support & encouragement...
hi tubby,
Glad to hear your checkup went fine. In the meantime rest well and sleep more. Then your sac can grow faster and you will see the bb's heartbeat in i weeks time. So far are u experiencing any MS? I also dreamt I saw red during my 1st trimester, seems like everyone had similar dreams and fears.

hi millie,
How come ur new boss so bad! Taking MC is your entitlement wat. You know I have this colleague who works with me, he is married but no children yet. That Sat night I reported these problems to him, ask him to help me to take over, coz itr quite late and I want to sleep, it was abt 12.30am at that time. You know what he said? He said "So many problems you still dare to sleep?". Later on he found out that I didn't bring my laptop back, then he ask me why I never bring my laptop home to work. I was quite pissed off at that time, so I told him "My tummy so big you expect me to carry my laptop home?" I just wish ppl are more considerate and sensitive towards pregnant women.

Its a busy day at work....
hi java,
so far, my appetite is still good... jus dat i cannot eat until too full, else i will feel queasy.. but other than dat, i dun hv MS yet... shall not think too much on dat, else i will lose sleep again... ;p

yup.. will rest well... me going to sleep later..
shiok man... raining in punggol now..
hi tubby

i understand that you are 5 week rite now. may i know when is the first day of your last menses? so whens your EDD? cos i yet to visit gyane so wan to know me at which week now.
Wow, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, glad to hear that ur little BB is growing well.
So nice, ur gynae can see ur little one via ab scan at wk 5?
Wah, for me even at wk 8, i still have to see my BB via V-scan cos ab-scan is not clear!
Hmmm... was thinking hor, maybe if do V-scan, can see ur BB's flickering heartbeat liao!
Felt so excited and gan jiong for u!!
Do rest well hor, since it is raining in Punggol!

Oh <font color="ff6000">Millie</font>, really felt that ur boss very bad!
Maybe cos she is a new boss so she still blur!! I know it can be quite frustrating especially when u r suffering and yet the boss think that ur illness was not that serious!! Dont be so angry hor!

Jiat luck, now i start to worry too!
My current boss leaving too. So i be having a new one soon, hopefully, he/she is more understanding!!
hey Ocean,
i'm surprised the scan turns out quite clear as well... the moment dat sensor touches my tummy, gynae said 'dat is ur bb's sac' &amp; i was still like 'where?? where??' my hubby immediately stand near me &amp; he's impressed by the clarity oso...

somehow, not doing a v-scan sort of gave me the confidence for dis pregnancy...
now i hv to kwai kwai rest &amp; eat well &amp; wait for 7 Dec to come..
praying real hard to see bb's heartbeat then...

u'll be going on maternity leave soon... think of cuddling ur lil' one in ur hands rather than ur new boss lah... hehee...

hi blur_green,
my LMP is 10 Oct... gynae dint tell me my EDD cos she said to base on foetus' size is more accurate, rather than my sac's size... i oso dun intend to find out on my own until confirmation from gynae... hope u understand...
hi tubby,
So nice! Your EDD is so close to my birthday. 5th Oct. hehehe. Your bb will be as smart as me. hehehehe
hehee... java dear...
guess u r veri busy today... my LMP is in Oct, not EDD lah... but i'm sure my bb will be as smart as u...
cos dis lil' fellow receives alot of blessings from alot of pple liao...
How's everyone?

Java... I think it will be a good idea to speak to your boss about working odd hours... and hopefully he or she will be more understanding.

Hey Millie... if I remember correctly, you have complained about the amount of stress you get from you job. Like what Folic said... a job is just a job. But I know some times its hard to ignore what your boss said. For me... I can get stressed out too when the work piles but usually it will pass. However I will get damn pissed when the boss abuses me verbally... because I believe that nobody should put up with it. Everyone deserves to be respected no matter how junior.

Tubby... I'm sure you must have been very relieved =) Looks like your next checkup will be near mine. I'm seeing my gynae again in 3 weeks time too. That will be 4 Dec. Currently I'm 8.5 weeks preggie and my EDD should be near the last week of June... around 20 to 23 June. So your baby should be due mid July =)

ULN... hmmm... me so envious of you. I really miss those days of gown fitting... shopping for shoes etc :p

Blur green... its hard for us to determine which week you are in because some pple might have ovulated late. Best for you to see a gynae soon esp since you mentioned that you have brown spottings. Check with your relatives or friends for recommendations for gynae... or do a bit of reserach around this forum and read the comments of the MTBs
hi gals, how are everyone doing..

yup, java what folic said is true.. do take some time to talk to yr boss abt the wking hours..

its true that some people are insenstitive to pregnate women esp they did not experience the hardship of carrying a baby in our tummy for 10mths..

how folicand miamiao doing now..
miao miao, how are u doing.. have u gone for the gynae check-up yet and what did doc said..
hi gals, thks for support. my husband always scold me abt being stress abt work. but i can't help but get disturbed by work and i can't relax at hm. i'll try to de-stress myself and remain positive.

ULN and hamasaki, the worst is that she herself is a mother but her children are big liao - 10 &amp; 12. sometimes, i think male boss is better. my ex-boss is male. then again, some of u hv bad experiences with male ones rt?

i'll be going to turkey in dec. maybe i'll make a made in turkey baby? hee...

ocean, miss ur cute smileys. don't worry abt ur new boss. be happy and look forward to ur baby.

java, sometimes, colleagues can be so insensitive and mean. i'm sure all of us hv our fair share of such horrible pple around. don't understand why these pple choose to act like that.

odie, remember to place priority on ur baby. don't strain urself too much at work.

tubby, very happy that u have a positive checkup today. remain positive and i'm sure you'll hear ur baby's heartbeat in 3 wks' time.
Hi tubby,
so happy when i read your post. i only did the abdominal scan when i was 13 weeks! before that it was all v-scan. i'm sure u will see ur baby's flicker very soon! Keep smiling

Java u very cute. i was looking for the post where tubby mentioned her baby's EDD cos i thought she must've counted wrongly in her excitement. but then i realised u're the one who counted wrongly!

millie, that's nice...have a break far away from that crazy boss of yours, and take the opportunity to make a little Turkish delight!
hi millie ang, i'm looking forward to a baby turkey.. hee hee.. hope to hear yr baby news soon.. keep us update ok.. enjoy yr trip and relax..
dun worry so much abt yr work.. like what U said, try to stay positive.. I'n sure U can do it..
i'm also feeling a bit stress up at work coz i think its becoz i'm sick for a week liao and so everytime at work, i feel so fed up with all the things ard me.. but when i get back home, all i want is 2 switch myself to silent relaxing mode..

yup, so sad that we can't have the best of world.
not all female or male bosses are good nor bad.. it all depends on our luck.. Maybe its becoz her children is big liao, so she can relax now, thus forgetting those people around her that have young kids etc etc..

in the meantime, dun think of so much things around U.. take things easy.. Learn to relax yrself and yr body.. in this way, life will be more meangingful..
halow tiny, hows U and baby.. everything going great for U.. hehehe i forgot if U are in yr early stage of pregnancy or coming 2nd trimister..
I'm old liao so a bit forgetfull.. Pardon me..

when is yr EDD date..

I started action already
let's see if there's good news this cycle. Just started taking my basal temp today. Any of u tried temp taking after M/C, is the temp fluctuation pattern about the same as before M/C?

excited abt TTC and yet worried at the same time like all of u. Lot's of what ifs going on in my mind. I had cramps throughout the last preg for the entire 10 weeks till D&amp;C. So now even though I just started BD, the slightest thing I feel in the abs sets my mind off on wild thoughts.
Morning ladies...

hehee.. in my excitement to tell u gals abt my bb's sac, i forgot to mention dat they detected sugar in my urine leh... was quite worried over dis... yesterday morning, i drank a glass of v diluted ribena... the nurse told me might be cos of something sweet i took earlier... she said to test again in the nix visit...

java &amp; folic,
does it mean dat tendency of me getting GD is quite high? dat means i kenot eat sweet stuff at the moment?
hubby used dis opportunity to scold me for hvg such a sweet tooth... basically i had to eat sweets everyday one leh...

hi Odie,
yup... our gynae's visit quite close... hhmm... i am beginning to feel dat time passes veri slowly now... ;p hopefully my confidence will not wear off as i'm approaching 7 Dec...

hi Tiny,
I was thinking abt u when i am in the lift to my gynae's clinic yesterday &amp; i hugged my hubby damn tight... but hor, before giving him another tight squeeze, lift reached liao... cos onie 5th floor... hehee.. ;p

for ab-scan, it's impt to do it wif a full bladder.. dis is wat i read in pregnancy books... the full bladder sort of pushes ur womb out for a clearer view...

hi millie,
wow!! exotic holidays huh... we nearly chose Turkey as our honeymoon, if not for the hot weather in May/June... now it will be cold.. quite shiok... post some nice pics for us to drool over when u r back!! *bb-dust to u for a Made-in-Turkey*

hi whitefloral,
my temps-pattern r quite consistent... if u notice any difference, mabbe it's ur body still adjusting back... monitor for a while first ya..

cramps or slight pains during pregnancy is veri normal... cos ur uterus is expanding... dat's wat gynae told me yesterday...

some ladies oso experience some pain or suan-feeling during O-day... which is oso normal..
Morning Gals!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i very gan jiong and excited, so i went to see ur EDD. Base on LMP, ur EDD will be 17 July 2005!!
So, u might try buying this number tonight!!
Hi gals!

Tubby, congrats for a great visit! Detecting sugar through urine test is not really a conclusive test that you are diabetic. YOu will prob need to do a blood test to confirm that instead. Try to take less sugary stuff. It is also good for you in the long run- put on less weight
Even though I have high risk for diabetes and have been doing blood test on a weekly basis, the dietitian also allow me to have some ice cream or cakes once in a while. Just that I need to time when I eat (like mebbe for tea time, instead of after a main meal).

Millie, did you say you are going Turkey? That is so nice! Enjoy yourself there! I been on Turkey/Greece holidays a few years back and I have beautiful memories of that place!

Ocean, you mad woman!
So fast encourage ppl to go buy 4D!

Hamasaki, thanks for asking. I am fine

Hi gals

Went for my chcek up yesterday. BB is now 11w6d. Glad that everything is fine. We could see the tiny hands &amp; legs but BB was not facing us so can't see the face. So disappointed....

Saw something that looks like "little birdy" but Gyane still can't confirm boy or girl. Think by next visit I should be able to know.

Has any of you done the Triple Blood Test? How is it? Is it necessary?

So your EDD is 17 July? Mine is around 2 Jun...

Maybe I should buy 4-D too...
but EDD changes every visit leh....
hi ladies...

wow... how come my EDD so 'hot'? &amp; Ocean, if u buy 4D &amp; really strike, u must treat me huh.. i dun buy 4D one... ;p

actually, i cld hv easily found out my EDD, but i choose not to do so... cos i dun wan a date to remember... i am veri happy for each day dat dis lil' one is growing inside me safe &amp; sound... until now, i dare not look far cos it's still too early... mabbe when i reached the end of 1st trimester, then i'll share my EDD wif u gals okie?

hi folic,
thks... makes me feel assured after hearing from u.. i will cut down on all sweet stuffs from now.. today there's no sweets in my bag..

hi adora,
glad dat ur visit went well as well... hehe... so early can see a tiny birdie liao?? ur gynae's scan veri good leh...
nix time be4 ur gynae's visit, tok to ur bb &amp; ask him to turn his face ard...
wow, adora, i think u might be having a boy boy.. anyway, glad to hear that baby is doing well.. all the best..

ocean, i too thought of buying 4-d too.. but not tubby edd number.. hehe

folic, glad to hear that u N baby is doing well..
Adora, 2nd Jun is my birthday
Isnt it fast? You will be 12 weeks tomorrow!

Tubby, don't worry
You can also try those sugar free sweets if you like!

Hi all,
I am kind of new in this thread. Have been trying hard to conceive for the past 1 yr or so..

Can anyone who can still remember how they felt when they 1st conceived? Any cramps? is it normal to have no breast sore/tenderness? What the basal body temperature like in celsius?

Sorry for being so lor soh..Pls reply as my menses is 1 week late and I am praying hard I will strike this time.... Tks!
hi LinT,

seems like u r taking ur basal temps... everyone temps will be different, so no point asking..

look at ur chart &amp; if u hv 'high temps' for abt 14 days... u can test wif preg kit liao... preg kits r quite sensitive nowadays...

wish u good luck in advance...
Ai Yoooo....
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, how can u scold me Mad Woman!!
I very sad now! Sob sob sob..
I only ask <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> to buy mah, cos i remembered at one of the earlier postings, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> said she tempted to buy numbers to see if there is "sign" to tell if hers a boy or gal!!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, no, i din buy tonight 4D cos too lazy to queue! Moreover, it is your luck, u c!!
Talking about the sugar level, i was tested twice with "Traced" too in my routine test. But according to doc, it is just mild one, so not need to wory!
True enough, next visit, my level is okay!!

<font color="119911">Millie</font>, ur lady boss hor
, i think since her children big liao hor, would not be able to empathise one!
Just try to ignore her not job-related comments!

Well, try try
at your very best to leave ur work/problem in office once u step out of the building!

Turkey? Sounds nice!!
When u going?

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, good luck!
Hope u strike tonight!

<font color="aa00aa">Adora</font>, dont be disappointed lah!
Ur BB wanna be "Shen Mi" mah!
If let mummy and daddy see little face, then, no more mysterious liao!
Hmmm... really fast, u r almost 12 wks liao! Glad that things r going well for u!

<font color="ff0000">LinT</font>, i remembered that when i first tested preggie, my temperature was higher than normal. I din really do any testing, but i just had fever and felt myself warm.
Hey, have u tested yet??? Good luck!
thanks ocean for yr well- wishes.. but i did not buy juz now coz the Q is sooo long..
maybe i buy tmr or when.. see if no Q, then i surely jump in and buy..

take care dear ocean..
hi ocean,
my temp was higher than usual.actually, wanted to test but thought I should wait till end of the month. Not sure whether it will be accurate if tested too the same time also afraid the result is not what I had anticipated..
sayang Ocean... dun be sad lah... folic doesn't mean it dat way...

i think it's my fault lah.. cos i so sensitive over my EDD... shd let loose abit... ;p

i will buy 4D when i enter my 2nd trimester... jus to test water abit.. heehee...

nix time before my gynae's visit, i will not drink sweet stuff... &amp; see how my urine is..

yup... dat's considered quite high..
thks for ur blessings...
hi LinT,
i can understand the anxiety &amp; the fear of disappointment for u rite now.. all of us went thru' dis stage... if u can tahan, u can test in another week's time.. no need to wait for month-end..

if hor, the last time u had sex wif hubby is 19 days or more, then u can test now liao...

since u mention u got higher temps dis few days.. can TEST liao... hehee... i rather test than to go thru' the agonizing wait...
actually hor, hubby &amp; myself tried(tried very hard) to BD at least 3 times per if you were to ask me is the last time 19 days ago...hee..I can't answer cos we quite frequent these two months leh.... :p
<font color="0000ff">LinT</font>
I think you can test now. I was like you before....waited for almost 2 weeks b4 I tested. Folic &amp; the rest was saying I very patient, can "ren" for so long....

Good Luck!

<font color="0000ff">Tubby</font>
Actually not sure if that's a "birdy"....just saw something in between the legs....Gynae says that could be a gal too!

<font color="0000ff">hamasaki</font>
Too early to confirm the sex yet...will update again after my nx visit.

<font color="0000ff">Folic</font>
So you are a my EDD kept on changing so not sure if BB will have the same b-day as you....but definetly is going to be a Gemini Baby like you!!

<font color="0000ff">Ocean</font>
Yep I think you are right, BB trying to be mysterious. I am so glad to know bb is growing well as least one hurdle crossed.

As I am having quite a bad cold + cough, quite worried virus will affect BB. Taking medicine from my Gynae now. Hope I recover fast!!

Yes, <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, got angry
and sad
! Wait hor, i got depression hor, then u noe!
How can u say i Mad Woman
Sob sob sob...
Said i win 4D also useless! Wait i din buy how???

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, thks for sanyang me!Kekek...
This <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> wanna be mummy soon liao hor, still so noti hor!!??

<font color="119911">Adora</font>, i also down with flu on Mon. Then yesterday worst, having fever. Now fever subside liao, but still having flu!
U must take care hor!

<font color="aa00aa">Lin T</font>, i really pei fu
u! Can wait so long to test??
I hor, tested very very early u noe!!
Good luck to u, okay! U and <font color="119911">Adora</font> really got patient!
Hope to hear from u good news!!
