Support group - Miscarriages

Hi gals,

so sad, no gd news to share with u all
AF just came this morning but i'm not upset abt it coz had expected AF to show up. i'm going to put my ttc plans on hold for the time being, will start to try again 1 or 2 mths before my wedding day. hopefully can hear some gd news by then. at least for now, i can focus on my wedding prep. this is already my 10mth of ttc, feeling quite beaten up by this fact. i'm so worried something might be wrong with my body, so hoping to return to Spore soon to see a gynae to get everything check up. pls pray that everything goes well for me.

hi <font color="0000ff">tubby,</font>
i'm so happy to hear that everything is going well for u &amp; bb. bet u must be very excited to see the sac, i'm sure u will hear your bb hearbeat
in no time. keep us update. the ribena must have attributed to the sugar cotent in your urine. i'm a nurse myself, used to handle these urine testings too. so don't worry too much, try to avoid eating sugary stuff on your next appt.

hi <font color="ff0000">millie,</font> i totally understand how u feel on the stress of ttc. i'm already into my 10mth of ttc but as u can see from above, i'm going to stop ttc for the time being. don't mind me asking, how long have u been ttc? coz i see most of the gals here succeeded aft ttc for a couple of mths. guess i'm the only one who's ttc-ing for such a long time

Hi all, funny the way you describe yours only 5th floor. But good also, less anxiety! Actually I've been taking a lot of sweet stuff, i also have a sweet tooth. luckily so far my gynae never said anything abt my sugar levels...but that prob explains why my bb is so active and always kicking away.

Hi Hamasaki, hee hee..actually i'm in my 3rd trimester edd is early Feb...the week before Chinese New Year.

and Adora, 2 June is my wedding anniversary!
What a good day! And I only found out the sex of my baby at 21 wks during my detailed scan.
Hey Missylee,
don't you concentrate on your big day, later then worry abt ttc ok? The break will prob do you good. Maybe you can really enjoy your wedding night!!! You will prob be v tired during your wedding if you strike now, cos during you 1st trimester you'll just feel like sleeping the whole time. so it's prob a blessing in disguise. I took a while to conceive too, the 2nd time round after m/c. as my cycles were long to begin with, i only got pregnant about 8 mths after my m/c.
hi all,
I have not checked yet.wanted to buy and check yesterday but in the end tarek.
Got very crampy yesterday evening. so crampy...
but AF not here leh..but feeling tired and aching all this while.

Don't know y like that.
hi gals,
Yesterday had no chance to log in at all, coz my company's internet connection was down the whole day!

Yesterday attended a good friend's funeral. He is only 40 yrs old, but died of sudden heart attack. The hospital did a post mortem on him and discovered 2 bloacked arteries. So scary right? How life is so unpredictable. I truly believe that only God decides our birth and death. We just have to treat everyday like its our last and treasure the ppl around us.

I was very sad to hear of his death, coz we met him only 3 weeks ago to attend a fren's wedding. He is a very funny person and I even joked that I will name my son after him. He is studying to be a priest and you know Catholic priest takes 9 years to be ordained. He only left with 2 more years to be ordained. I remember the last thing I told him was to pray for me and my bb. You know last night I dreamt of him and he said that he will pray for me. I really feel that I and my bb will be blessed with his prayers.

Hope everyone will have a good day today!
Sorrie tubby for being so blur, mix up your LMP and your EDD!
Hi gals,

been bz all morning!

Ocean, sayang lah! I will write to Min of Health. Ask them to make the "Ocean Gender Prediction test' as a compulsory one for all MTB. Once confirmed preg, all MTB must buy 4d to confirm whether carrying a boy or a gal, ok?

Missy Lee, don be disheartened. You are not alone in the long TTC journey. I tried for at least 4 long cycles (comparable to usual 6 cycles). It's a good idea to go for a check up when you are back in Singapore. Didnt know you are a nurse
That's why you are called Missy is it?? :D

Java, sorry to hear about your fren. Life is indeed unpredictable. That's a nice dream you had about him though. BIG HUGS!

Now I feel really sleepy after lunch. And tonight, I have to bring some overseas guests to have seafood dinner at East Coast. Feels tired thinking about it..

ok, gotta get back to work. chat later!

hi missylee, dun be upset.. i'm sure yr wish to be a mummy will come true one day.. Continue to work hard and i'm sure all yr hard work and effort will be paid off one day..
God Bless U..

Sad to hear a gd friend of yrs have passed away Java.. anyway, i'm sure he is in Heaven looking upon U and praying hard for U and yr baby to be safe..

Folic, sometimes i feel so sad and sorry for those pregnate women.. Big and heavy still have to work and Entertain people..

take gd care and also eat more seafood later.. heard that East Coast have a few restaurants that served good seafood.. Ermmm never tried them before so wondering if its true..
Now feel hungry and craving of Chilli and Black pepper crabs..
Oh BTW I've spoken to my boss, ask him not to put me on night on-call. Also told him when I'll be taking my maternity leave, so that he can find a replacement for me when I'm not around.

folic, I know how you feel abt having to "entertain" your guests, I dislike going out after work as I always feel very tired. You can't ask your colleague to fill in for you?

I also like crabs, but I find the black pepper crabs cannot eat too much, coz very heaty.
Hello gals...

I am back from Perth!!! Just arrived this afternoon. It was brrrrr.... cold there... Wondering how's miaomiao doing there... Last week, I saw on the news that temperature there will be 28degC. Then when I was there for the past few days, it was less than 20degC during the day time... It was so windy and cold yesterday when I was shopping around. Din bring enough clothing and spent quite a lot on my shopping, so decided to bring forward my flight home

missy_lee, maybe it's a blessing in disguise
Now I am thinking that my miscarriage is a blessing in disguise
Still gotta settle the wedding and settle what I want in life.
Maybe you can shop shop around for the jewellery or shoes you want for your wedding.
I bought 3 necklaces, and a pair of earrings for my photoshoot this Saturday
. haha.. shopping for the wedding is quite fun too... While you are overseas, you can shop for wedding gowns also. There are nicer designs and cheaper overseas. I went into a bridal shop in Perth and the gowns are so nice... but I already got a package liao so gotta "ren" cannot buy... Also bought a bottle of VSOP Cognac for my "guo da li"
sign hubby's plastic...

I stayed in my mum's friend's house. She told me she took 8 years to conceive her one and only one daughter!!! She told me her experience... It was a very bad one for her. She suffered spinal injuries till now since her delivery cos the doc tried to insert epidural on her 5 times!

Hi tubby,
Congratulations! I am happy for you that everything is fine

Hi millie,
Good luck on a Turkey baby
. Turkey is a place I always wanted to visit, but haven't got the chance yet... Enjoy the food and sights there. It gonna be cold or snow in Istanbul in Dec, so wrap warm...

Hi Lint,
Pray for you that you will strike... In my last pregnancy, starting from the week when I missed my period, my breasts were so sore. More sore than usual... I tested very positive one week after I missed my period.

Gals, I am a bit worried I will get pregnant now... I BD with my hubby one week after my period. This is the first period after my D&amp;C. My doc said I should not conceive within 3 mths. Did any of you experience shorter cycle after D&amp;C? I dunno why my appetite has changed... I scared scared le...
Hi Missy... don't worry and keeping thinking that something is wrong with you. Likelihood is that you are too stressed out. I always believe that everything happens for a reason... even if it is something which we perceive as bad right now. Usually when you look back... you will realise that what had happened... had actually done you good. Seriously, if not for the miscarriage... I will still be stuck in the same job and I wouldn't even think of moving into my own place and I wouldn't have treasured life even more. The failed TTC attempts after that gave me the chance to focus on my job hunting. Somehow... things will work out eventually. That's how strange life can be at times.

Java... sorry to hear about your friend. There's a saying that goes like this "Life is measured not by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away". I think your friend has lived a full life getting to do what he wanted to do... and most importantly... having friends like you who misses him when he is gone.

ULN... welcome home!! don't worry if you should conceive. In fact you should be happy. 3-month wait is only a theory in the textbook. There are many pple who conceive before the 3 months are up and gave birth to a healthy baby. Most importantly is that your body is back to normal and emotionally you are ready for the next kid ;)
hi java, yup the crabs are heaty and its been some time since i lasted tsted crabs inside my mouth.. feel sooo hungry now..
yes that's good to let yr boss know tat U will be going for maternity leave soon so he have some time to alloct yr work to others or find a temp worker to replace U.. that's good..

hi ULN, welcome U back to S'pore.. like what Odie said is true, i agree with her.. so dun worry and enjoy yr photo-shooting this Sat.. Be a happy beautiful bride..
Hi Odie,
I know I should be happy. I am worried if I did not listen to the doc's advice, I might face problems. I think I am not emotionally stable now to take another blow of miscarriage or abortion. Physically, I still feel weak sometimes though I'm taking an energy booster drink everyday...
hi ULN,
I'm glad you had a fruitful trip in Perth. Dun worry abt your appetite changing, maybe its just your imagination. BIG HUGS!

hi Odie,
That's a really nice saying. Yes, my friend is one of those who will never be forgotten by his friends. As he did alot of work with the youth, many young people attended his wake. I have never seen so many teenagers and young adults attend a particular funeral before. He has touched so many people during his life on Earth.
welcome ULN.. in the mean time, get more rest as photo-shooting is a long and tiring process.. i remember when i took my photo shooting last time, it started at 11am till 7 pm plus. wow so tired, glum and sleepy the whole day..
welcome ULN.. in the meantime, rest well and take some hot food before heeding to the photo=shooting..

when i done mine the previous time, we only able to take our lunch at 3.30 plus and have to eat fast too.. no time for us to take our own sweet time.. really so tiring and tired..
hi adora,
rest well over the weekend to get rid of ur cough/cold...

hey Ocean,
u oso hor... must rest well... hope fever go far far away from u from now on...

hey missy!!!
glad to hear from u!! *big big hugzzz* i'm glad u straightened out ur thinking... take dis period to spend quality time wif hubby &amp; prepare for ur wedding nix year... it can be quite stressful when TTC-ing... i guess it's only 'human' to hv doubts abt our body &amp; it's definitely good to pay gynae a visit when u r back... to clear ur doubts.. i'm sure nothing is wrong.. u juz need the additional assurance from gynae..

hi java,
sorry to hear abt ur fren... but it's oso touching to know dat he has touched so many pple's lives during his stay on Earth...
i often wonder how many pple would cry for me if i leave dis world... hhmm....

hi ULN,
hmm... u sound like u shopped alot in Perth... it's quite thereapeutic isn't it??
enjoy ur photoshoot tomoro... i enjoy dis experience veri much... cos it's something dat i dun get to do in daily life... bring ur digi cam along &amp; snap some shots for us to see lah...
remember, dun bring water after 8pm tonite... jus sips onie...

hey folic,
it's end of the week liao... hurray!!!
u've passed dat major hurdle!!! *big hugz for u*

i am feeling veri sleepy &amp; tired dis few days.. seemed like no amt of sleep can perk me up... &amp; oso, i had the worst constipation last nite.. cried to hubby after half an hr in the toilet... but hor, he luffed at the way i described how hard my stool is... buey tahan!!! i can take Fybogel rite?
hi tubby,
Tok abt constipation, just now I went to lao sai, the shit so hard, I had to force it out, then my anus bleed liao.
Sorrie tok abt this just after lunch. u quite emotional hor? Can cry to ur hubby after shitting.

How come today the thread so quiet. Just when today I got time to chat with you all, nobody comes in.

Today I felt my bb hiccupping.

constipation is a common problem for pregnant women... I also take fybogel to help... and it does help. But u must accompany it with lots of water... the more water u drink, the better for this.
hi tubby and java, though i'm not pregnate now.. but these few days, been expericing pain when shitting.. same as U java, my anus bleed these few days too..
despite drinking lots of plain water, still the same.. will observe a few more dyas and if no improvenment, will visit a doc then..

so we must drink more water and take fybogel.. its helps..
hey java,
lao sai is not hard stool, it shd be watery stool... hehee... ;p

i think u shd try Fybogel leh... cos jus now i drank 1 glass after lunch... 1.5hrs later, i managed to do my bizness liao... hehee... was so happy i smsed my hubby abt it...

actually last nite, i spent half hr sweating out in the toilet, can feel the stool coming out BUT it got stuck in between... then i dare not squeeze too forcefully fearing i might hurt my bb... worst still, finally got abit fall out &amp; the rest remained stuck inside... so when i told hubby abt it, my anus felt so uncomfy.... so i cried lor... &amp; hubby luff lor... ;p

hi poohy,
long time no hear from u... thks for telling me fybogel is OK... felt assured...
Hi gals,

I finally got some time to come in!

Yah Java, how does baby hiccup feels? I just know there is movement inside, cannot differentiate.

Tubby, thanks for remembering that I have a milestone to cross. I am glad it is the end of week. But I will only reach that milestone officially next tues
But all the same, I am happy with myself this week. A bit paranoid, but still ok generally.

Ocean is sick meh? Hope you get better soon!

Tubby/Java, my doc gave me this sugary syrup thing for constipation. Very effective. But I don have the name of it now. I will go back check and then post again on Monday or something like that.

ok.. gotta do something for my boss. chat later.

hi tubby,
Hey I know how u feel when I read your description. I hate it when the shit stuck halfway, and then only half of it drop out leaving the rest inside. This morning, the toilet aunty was waiting to clean the toilet, so I paiseh to use too long also, so no choice but to shit halfway. After lunch, the urge to finish up the toilet business was so strong. Not really lao sai lah, I mean the urge is like lao sai like dat. I dun really like to drink fybogel, coz very filling, I prefer to drink prune juice.

hi joyce,
The hiccup feels like a rhythmic soft kicking from the bb.
remember i told u gals i got dis female colleague sitting jus opposite me using Belair?

now she neber lights up Belair, but she constantly need to apply peppermint essential oil on her forehead &amp; shoulder to ease her headache.. i really dunno wat to do... sometimes i can siam.. i siam far far away.. but cannot be everytime one mah... she's quite a difficult person... so how do i tell her tactfully dat i can't take essential oil at all?? she knows dat i am preggie &amp; can't take essential oil but yet, she constantly hv headache one... aiyoo...
hi tubby,
Why dun you pass her a bottle of "feng you", ask her to use that instead of peppermint essential oil? Tell her that its more effective, maybe the essential oil is the one causing her headache!
take good care Ocean.. wish U get well soon..

tubby, maybe try to tell her nicely.. put in nice words and hope she will understand yr pregnate state now..
hey java,
she's damn pro-essential oil one lah... cos her hubby is distributing dis product &amp; she has attended 'lessons' by Belair be4... but i guess if i buy her 'feng-you', the hint is quite clear.. thks!!

hi hamasaki,
the problem is, i can't think of any nice words when i smell Essential Oil... cos veri fed-up wif her... she knows dat i m preggie &amp; she knows EO is not good for preggie liao, yet she still apply infront of me... &amp; the scent is sooo strong... *humph*
alamak tubby, U're facing a problem now.. she is a bit not automatic in her thinking.. a bit selfish and inconsiderate woman..

if for me, i can't stand her.. most likely will talk to her nicely and if she still like her own-self, will complain to my boss and ask him/her to help me talk to her...
hey gals can i join in. need some advice.

had a natural miscarriage i think the bb not even 6 weeks. had bleeding. can i know how long shld i wait before i TCC again? and u gals knwo what is natural miscarriage
Tubby, maybe there is no need to be over paranoid about the use of essential oils. I believe that report only mentioned some flavours, and I remember lavendar. I don't recall peppermint. I think she is quite conscious of the effect since she already stopped burning the other oil. I think she is quite sure that it does not affect you, that's why she continue with the peppermint. How about you ask her politely if it does affect, rather than make guesses and getting worried?

Hi Bookworm, welcome. Sorry to hear that you had a miscarriage. I believe the term natural miscarriage means that the embryo got dispelled naturally and there is no need for you to go through additional operations process to remove the embryo etc. So, you will just experience bleeding while te body discharges the tissues etc.

It should be ok to try again once you get your next menses, since your miscarriage happened at a very early stage. But most important is to ensure that you are prepared both mentally and physically before your try again.

hi bookwoom, welcome U to the thread.. for my case, my doc advised me to start TTC after 3 mths to let my body recover well first before starting..
also to let me grief first before starting.. mentatily well-prepared to begin a new charpter of life..

so i think that its best to start after 3 mths.. let yr body fully recover from the miscarriage.. and also to build up yr body well and strong for yr 2nd baby in order to avoid a 2nd miscarriage..

U can ask for more info from yr gynae if u have any doubts..
Hi hamasaki,
I think I will enjoy the photoshoot.
It will start at 11am tomolo
. Dunno if my hubby will enjoy the session. I had one done in China which started at 11am and ended at 9pm, and that's all the indoor shoot. Hubby face black black after that...

Hi tubby,
Yap, shopping and buying is therapeutic...
hehe... but not for my hubby cos I sign his plastic.. kekeke... Oh yes, I will bring my digi camera along. We will be going to our new home for photoshoot.
For constipation, maybe you can ask your gynae to prescribe "senokot" or something else. I have been taking this so called vegetable natural laxative since I am on high dose of iron supplement. It is very effective though. Most important is drink lots of water...

Hi bookworm,
Sorry about your loss. You are certainly welcome to the thread.
Like what folic explained, natural miscarriage is when your body expel the tissue without the need to go through a surgery. I think your gynae will be in the best position to advice you when you can TTC again.

Ok, I gotta go pack my things for tomolo and then get my beauty sleep...
hi ULN, hope U and yr hubby enjoy the photo-shooting tmr.. yes get beauty sleep now and drink plenty of water esp taking iron pills.. very heaty..

hehehe yr hubby a bit like me.. we had indoor and outdoor shooting and hubby was quite happy on that day while me was complaining and sucking a black face.. hubby have to pamper me and sayang me a lot.. but i still dun give in coz the photographer ask me to pose so many photos until my whole body ache.. so unhappy and tired the whole day..
Morning ladies...
raining the whole of last nite &amp; early morning.. quite shiok to sleep man...

hi folic,
i found dis link from one of the MTB threads &amp; checked out liao...

&amp; she did told me b4 dat she knows preggie have to avoid EO... i oso dun wan to make a big fuss over dis matter, but it's just dat she has to apply it daily for her headaches &amp; it's veri tiring for me to siam her everytime...
she applied quite alot &amp; the scent is veri strong...

told hubby last nite &amp; he ask me to quit... i am quite happy working there, it's quite a waste to quit jus like dat.. but i dun wish to take unnecessary risks... i guess i hv to tok to her personally &amp; or send her dis link...

dear bookworm,
*big hugz* sorry to hear abt ur loss... as wat folic &amp; ULN as advised, use this period of time to heal urself physically &amp; emotionally... wait at least until ur next regular AF comes before u consider TTC again.. do discuss wif ur gynae on ur decision &amp; see wat she/he has to advise u... do come in &amp; chat wif us shd u need an outlet to vent it out... we are all ears for U...
hi gals,
I tested 3 days ago and its -ve..hubby &amp; myself so disappointed.However my temp is still quite high leh..37.7 degree c..I really hope its still early to detect thus -ve.

1 question..Will there be egg-white like CM when pregnant? I am experiencing that.
ULH... tell us more about your photoshoot when you get back. Now when I look at my photos... haiz... think its the only mei mei photos I have of myself niah :p

So many pple sick? Me too... *cough* *cough*. Caught it from my hubby... and I refuse to see a doc for medication. Just going to rely on drinking more water :p Was coughing so hard last night that I was aching in my tummy... so was a bit worried that it will affect the baby.

Bookworm *huggies*. I hope you will feel better over time.

Tubby... I agree too that you should try and talk to your colleague nicely. If she can stop burning Belair... I don't think she is that unreasonable a person.

LinT... having egg-white CM is one of the sign for pregnancy. How long overdue is your AF?
hi all,
AF came this morning. so much bleeding..I hope its not miscarriage...I had miscarried once last yr...sob sob..

At first I also have high hope that I am preggie liao cos got CM and menses late for 10 days. Furthermore, bbt is on the high side for 13 days.
Temp range = 36.6 to 37.7 deg C.
All the above signs gave me so much hope that I am preggie finally..told myself can stop TTC-ing at last liao...but who knows...sob.
So disappointing...
Hi LinT,
Hugs... I think 37.7degC is fever already le... cos when I was hospitalised 37.8degC considered fever and the nurse keep monitoring my temperature then. Maybe you had a fever that's why cause your menses to delay?

Tubby, I think your colleague might understand if you talk to her nicely...

Odie, take care oo... and have a good rest...

Hi gals,
I enjoyed my photoshoot yesterday
. Hubby never face black black... We went to collect our wedding cards from the hotel after the photo session. For outdoor shoot, we went to my new house, Sentosa and Fullerton. Lucky my hubby got UOB credit card with free entry to Sentosa... Otherwise gotta pay for just for half an hour on the island, not worth it. I hope the night scene at Fullerton will come out nice...
hi bookworm, yes mine is natural miscarriage but i only get to know it after i was admitted into the hospital when i fainted on that day i lost my child..
so both of us have to be strong and try to overcome the fear and sadness..

be strong to try again for another child..

that's good ULN.. hope yr photos will turn out Great.. at least U and hubby is happy on that day.. Me was unhappy and glum the whole day during the photo-shooting..
hi ladies, went for a gd break on star cruise over wkend. actually there's nothing much to do on board but being away from s'pore was a gd break for me.
how was ur wkend?

ULN, glad to read that u had a gd time during ur photoshoot. must be interesting to have shoots in ur new hse and sentosa.
sorry i blur...when is ur wedding day?

LinT, don't be disappointed ok. don't worry, don't think u hv a miscarriage. ur pregnancy tests showed negative sign rt? i dare say that pregnancy tests are accurate. did u take ur temp on the day of ur AF? my temp always drop when my AF is to come that day. so before my menses arrive, i already know to expect it. let's try together next cycle

bookworm, sorry abt ur loss. i had a natural miscarriage before. my doc gave me the green light to try after 1 cycle. but if u not in a hurry, no harm resting ur womb for 3 mths 1st. do rest well for now.

missy, regarding how ur question. i hv been ttc-ing since aug. not that long. i rested 3 mths after my miscarriage. we 'jia you' together okie!
when is ur wedding?

whitefloral, u hv started ttc-ing? gd luck and hope to hear gd news fr u soon!

hamasaki, i also suffer from hamorrriods for yrs. how bad is ur bleeding? once i bled so bad that the entire toilet bowl was red in colour. i so scared and went to see doc. doc gave me something to insert into my anus. my bleeding stopped after 2 days. so better see doc if ur bleeding is quite a lot and that u have been bleeding for days.

hello to mums-to-be tiny, folic, tubby, odie, ocean and java! i am going to turkey on 8th dec for 10 days. quite excited abt it. turket looks so beautiful from pictures. actually my trip coincide with my AF and so i may hv to try 'made in singapore' afterall! haa....

another wk of working. hope all of us will hv a gd wk ahead! talk to u all tomorrow. gd nite!
Hi Odie

I think you better see a doc to get your cough cured. I was having nose block n cough for the past 2 weeks...I also cough so badly that my stomach hurts...after eating medicine from Gynae now feeling much better.

Don't be disappointed...try again next time...Jia You!

Glad you enjoyed your PS...I am sure your photos will be GREAT!!

I also went Sentosa for my PS too...hee hee just took out my album last night to 'admire'...I was so slim I had put on so much weight!!!

Ok...going to sleep now GOOD NIGHT
Hi Millie,
My wedding will be on 21 Jan
. A public holiday.

My sis just came back from Vietnam. She tailored two "ao-sai" for me. Really nice and something different. Definitely nicer than the "kua" my bridal shop offer. I will be wearing that on my actual day also.

I also have haemorroids... I have bled till the entire toilet bowl red before, just like having menses. But I din see a doc for that. The condition gets better when I eat more vege and drink more water. I feel like getting rid of it, but haven't got the courage to see a doctor about it yet... Maybe will ask my gynae, but I shy...
hi LinT,
*big hugz* Could be u r hvg a fever plus stress over TTC dat ur AF is late... since u hv tested &amp; it's BFN, it's veri unlikely dat u hv m/c... dun think too much over it... wait for ur AF to clear &amp; start to battle all out again okie? we'll all be here rooting for u!!!

hi bookworm,
u r a veri strong lady...
take chicken essence or DOM to warm ur body now... must at least 'bu' urself for the time being...

wow ULN!!
i believe fullerton is veri nice at nite... actually we oso wan to take some photos of our love nest, but during dat time, it's not fully furnished yet... good to hear dat u enjoyed ur PS..
any photos to share?

hi millie,
i've never tried cruise on a luxury liner b4... sounds good for a short getaway...
how much does cruise-to-nowhere 3D2N cost now? &amp; u'll be travelling again in 2 weeks' time... envy envy...
yes!! turkey really looks good from brochures.. i remember there's 1 plc 'all white one'... looks like salt lake... remember to take some scenery shots for us to drool okie?
Hello gals...
I wanted to go to the library to do my work today, but I am not feeling well, so decided to stay at home and rest. Last nite, dunno why I felt pain and a lump in my lower abdomen. But today no more liao. This morning woke up very tired and giddy...
I might have strained myself during the photoshoot cos I already started to feel the pain in my lower abdomen since the outdoor shoot... A bit worried... Hopefully can tahan till my next gynae's visit this Friday...

On the positive side, I have lost weight in a week! I went for fitting a week before the photoshoot. Apparently the gowns were altered and they were loose on my photoshoot day
... Cannot believe it I can lose weight in a week though I have been eating quite a lot for that week. Maybe it's the cold in Perth...
make me burn more fats... The "aosai" my sis tailored for me are quite big when I tried yesterday. I took the measurement two weeks ago before she went. So confirm I losing some inches here and there... I am oso losing inches around my bust line
My brother even commented I not enough "feng man" now.

I find my breasts smaller than before my pregnancy. Any of you experience that as well after miscarriage? Dunno why like that...

Take care and hope you will get well soon. Sometimes it's nice to admire the wedding photos. I had another PS before in China and sometimes I will take them out and admire
Really different...

Fullerton is nice. I have some photos, but I have yet to find somewhere to upload them. I did not take a lot, only after the change in make-up and hairdo. Looking at the photos now, I am quite satisfied with the make-up. I did not have any trial make-up before.
Hi gals!

looks like quite a bit of comnversation over the weekend!

Tubby, actually, after my posting that day, I went to do some search as well. It seems that peppermint should be avoided during pregnancy. I wanted to post the link but had to leave office, so I did not post. Now, I cannot find the link anymore. Hope you manage to talk to your colleague.

ULN, glad that you have a good photoshoot and the weather cooperated!
I am sure you will be very pleased with the results. It is natural that the breast will shrink a little after pregnancy. That is because, during preg, the body is preparing for breastfeeding etc, so breast actually become bigger. But it will shrink after delivery or miscarriage.

millie, hope you enjoy your holidays! Maybe AF will not visit but a little somone will follow you to Turkey leh?

Odie, If you cough persist, it would be better to see a doc. There are medications that are safe for preggies. No point suffering from the cough without medication.

LinT, sorry your AF came. It always play a trick on us. In the month before I got preg, my AF was also late for 10 over days. I was irritated by that as well. I am sure you will get preg soon!

Hi to everyone else! today is a big milestone for me. I lost my baby Jie just before 23 weeks. I will reach 23 weeks tomorrow. I am sure I am further along this pregnancy than the previous time
It is a big relief to me somehow and I am glad to have passed it. Hope I can pass through the rest of this pregnancy peacefully. Thanks to all who have been remembering this milestone for me and praying for me


If you still feel the pain...better see your Gynae immediately....TAKE CARE and be a Beautiful Bride....

I am sure you will be able to pass thru the rest of your pregnancy smoothly &amp; give birth to a healthy princess....

We will support each other thru' out this 9 mths okie....
