Support group - Miscarriages

hi folic,
she hasn't applied her daily dose today... but i guess it'll be soon... will tok to her nicely... cos dis morning, she was v good to me, helped me bend down to change the papers from the copier..

I will always keep u & ur ah-girl in my prayers.. *big hugz*

hi ULN,
rest well today at home... ur pain cld be over-exertion during PS... so rest for a while & monitor...

as for breasts, mine shrink to pre-preg size after m/c... as for current preg, i dun feel any changes yet thou hubby argued dat there is!!! hehhe....

hi LinT,
Hey don't be too upset abt ur AF. I was also like that before, so upset until I would even take MC and not go to work. Try to be more relax and not give yourself too much pressure. In the meantime, do the things you like to do.

hi millie,
Enjoy ur trip to Turkey. I've seen my fren's Turkey photos, very beautiful!

hi bookworm,
I'm sorry to hear abt your lost! Like wat Tubby said, take more tang kwei and ba zhen to "bu" your body before you try again. Talk to us, we are here to listen and support you.

hi ULN,
What "aosai"? Sounds like "gao sai" (dog shit in Hokkien). Just joking, sorry no offense! You sound like you did overstrain yourself during the photoshoot. Do rest well at home.

hi folic,
Congrats on passing your milestone!

hi gals,
I just came back from my checkup today. I'm in my 27th weeks. Baby is growing well, very active and is 1kg now. He is still in breech position. Without even me telling Dr Tan that I'm reaching my danger zone, she checked to make sure the umblical cord is not around his neck. Looks like she is really careful with my case. I waited 2 hrs for my turn, coz the clinic very crowded today. Seems like end of the year got many pregnant ladies and ppl giving birth. I've gained 3kg this month which is ALOT! So gynae is sending me for glucose test in my next checkup! Guess when is my next checkup? Christmas Eve 24th Dec!!! It will be an intensive checkup, coz Dr TC Chang will be doing my detailed scan again, followed by consultation and also glucose test, which requires me to fast the night before. I hope the cysts in the bb's brain would have disappeared by then, but even if not, I will accept whatever the results.

Hope you have a good day! I took MC from my gynae today, coz all the waiting already took half a day liao. So now resting at home, tokking to u all.
Hugs Folic,
I will pray for you... Hope you will have a smooth sailing pregnancy for 9 mths and have a beautiful princess...

Thank you adora. I will monitor and rest more before I contact my gynae... I dun really like to see doctor one...

Tubby, my breasts have shrunk to smaller size than my pre preggie size... HB oso agrees

I have just uploaded my photos which I took for my photoshoot. The make up artist took them for us, so not very pro. I forgot to take one in my evening bridal gown... I will remove the pictures in a few days... Here it is:

Hey, vote which gown is more beautiful...
hi java,
glad to hear ur check-up went well today... & u hv a caring & attentive gynae looking after u & bb...
i'll continue to pray for both of u...

enjoy ur beauty sleep today...
Hi ladies...reading thru this thread really helps cos I just had my D&C 2 weeks ago.BB no heatbeat at 7wks.

Folic,so sad to noe that you lost your bb at 23wk, it must have been tough on you ll be fine

Hi tubby, hamasaki n ULN...regarding the haemorroids, i have it too. I serve the web, it says that 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper powered mix with warm or hot warm can curb the bleeding...I wanted to try cos my pp bleeding for 2 weeks liao but very hard to find cos not all supermarket sell it. today my hubby just bot it at causeway pt cold storage but my bleeding kind of subside liao but i intend to try if i happen to bleed cos of hard stool.

The website also mentioned about herbs or spice which can strengthen the uterus and for smooth delivery...perhaps you all can serve the site for general info.

After d&c, my pp sore and dry and painful, anyone same as me ??
Hi Java,
haha... It is "ao-sai". The vietnamese traditional costume just like it is the "qi pao" for the chinese.
How is the baby's weight measured? You are not far from the point baby can already survive on its own...
How come you are seeing 2 gynaes? Are you under subsidised patient in KKH? I wanna go see a gynae in KKH if I ever get pregnant again.
Hi ep2004,
{{{{HUGSSSS}}}} Hope you will get well soon. Do have a good rest. I lost mine at 11 weeks - same as you, no heartbeat. Thank you for the website on haemorrhoids. I will have a look... I feel like removing the haemorrhoids and I have read that there are several techniques.

What is pp?
hey ULN,
wow... veri pretty U leh...
i like ur bustier gown.. u like veri 'princess-sy' in dis gown..

u r veri fair, looks good in bright red dress...

ur hubby looks like prince charming in his white suit...

i was looking at it twice... pretty pretty...

thks for sharing...

thanks ULN, received your heartwarming hug.PP is private part. that site not particularly about haemorrhoids leh..rather about how to stop bleeding..
hi ULN,
I think u too tired from ur photoshoot lah. I said I waited 2 hrs for my turn to see my gynae, not 2 gynaes!!! The bb's weight is measured by measuring the circumference of his/her stomach. I'm see Dr WK Tan in TMC.
I'm looking at your photos now. You are very pretty and photogenic. I think I prefer the halter neck wedding gown, makes u look more elegant.
dear ep2004,

sorry to hear abt ur loss... *big hugz* i think it's quite impt to 'bu' our body after a m/c... for a better recovery & strengthening our body for future pregnancy...

do read thru' dis thread & u'll gain strength on knowing how each & everyone of us pulled thru' our darkest moments... chat wif us... we'll be all ears for u....
Hi ep2004,
You are welcome. Hope you will feel better soon
.I did not feel sore and dry... My case was a bit different cos I had more than just a D&C. I bled for almost 2 weeks. I was on painkiller, so maybe I din feel any soreness there... I did feel the contractions type of pain when my painkiller wore off.

Hi tubby,
hehe.. thank you
I am blushing... I am on the fair side... I wanted the bright red dress for my evening gown, but there's not much "decor" on it, so I just chose it for photoshoot. My "aosai" is bright red
If there's a chance I will take a picture of me in my "aosai" and show you gals... White suits my hubby too, so will get him to wear white on wedding day
and be my "bai ma wang zhi"
oops Java... I tot I saw Dr Tan and Dr TC Chang.. Maybe I too tired liao.. haven't been sleeping today.. have been surfing web and building my travel website today
Hi Java,
Thank you...
My mother in law bought the "si dian jin" liao. The necklace colour and style fit the halter neck gown perfectly. I brought them for fitting, but not for photoshoot though...
hi ULN,

envy U... not everyone can wear bright red dat well...

so now jus hv to wait for Jan to be a pretty pretty bride... ahhh... u reminds me of my own wedding last yr... it was tiring & stressful, but it's ALL worth it at the end of the day...
thanks tubby for your warm hug..I ve read thru the thread..very heartbreaking but everyone is supporting each other which is heartwarming..I took black chicken tonic once a week..
so happy you are preg again

hi ULN, poor gal,u must have suffered much more than me...hughug...I saw your lovely pics...congrads
hi folic, we will pray hard for U.. rest assured that U will cross this milestone of yrs and give birth to a healthy cutie baby gal..

hi ULN and millie ang, my bleeding is light for the first day then it stop.. it came back abt 3 - 4 days later and was slightly more blood.. it only got worse abt 2 hrs later in the hospital..
after that, dunno what happen.. i just blacked out..

hi java, happy that the scan goes smoothly today.. be happy and god bless U and baby..

hi ep2004, sad to hear of yr miscarriage.. i hope U will be strong and try again when U're ready.. thanks for yr tips as well.. i just take more tonics and rest well during the period when i lost my child.. was told to bedrest for a week or so... though doc told me i can TTC after 3 mths, i did as he said.. in fact, its been so long from the incident that i only manage to start TTC this year only..
Hi tubby,
I think I feel very happy preparing for my wedding and get the house ready for the wedding.
Though I still got a lot to do and my hubby haven't got time to help, I think I will enjoy the preparation process...

Hi ep2004,
Thanks for the hugs
. I am getting better and better now
. But I think my hormones changes still hay wire... I just had my first menses after the D&C.
Hi Java, I'm reaching my danger zone real soon too. Besides, am seeing my gynae on this coming thurs... think I really have to remind him abt my case too. Keep worrying abt my baby and his umbilical cord. Btw, saw that your baby is in breech position, did your gynae say that when he will change his position? Baby kicking actively everyday?
Glad that your gynae is taking good care of you.

Hi ULN, saw your photos, you're pretty and fair.

Hi folic, congrats on stepping to a new milestone.

May God bless us...
hi epi2004,
i heard black chicken is veri bu... good for nourishing ur body back to health...

thks for ur blessings.. as i'm still quite early in my current pregnancy, i'm taking each day as it is... will continue to be positive...
hi ULN, yr wedding pics is great.. like all the gowns i saw.. hehehe.. pretty and sexy lady U are..
take good care of yr health coz yr wedding is coming soon and u are also quite busy with wedding and house things to do..
I was taught to use the black chicken thigh without the skin. Then must eat the meat oso... Debone the thigh oso cos the bones will absorb the goodness of the herbs, and a bit wasteful cos cannot eat the bones...
Wow, so many postings.

Thanks for the well wishes. I am feeling more upbeat since yesterday. I am now looking forward to my next appt on 2nd Dec. My hubby is going to Japan tomorrow. I will be lonely next few days
Last time, we are used to be apart cos I travel a lot. Now, whole year never travel, feel so strange that he is going away for a few days.

EP2004, welcome to the thread. I am sure you will be fine soon!

ULN, nice pics! Both you and hubby both have high cheek bones

Java, glad to hear that your visit went well. I am sure your baby will be fine. So fast hor, next week you will go into 3rd tri liao

don't worry too much.. I am sure you will pass the 'danger zone'! Jia you! I know it is easy to ask you not to worry, when I myself was worrying so much in the last 2 weeks.. but it will pass! take care!!

hi ULN,
I love black chicken soup. Thanks for the info on deboning the chicken before cooking it.

hi joyce,
I think for us, we will always be in our danger zones until we carry our screaming babies in our arms. Till then, everyday I'm doing my fetal movement count. My gynae said I'm still early, so its hard to say when bb will turn. But my previous gynae said that usually second pregnancy onwards, the bb will take longer to turn and be engaged. The thing is the bb does not kick actively everyday, his pattern is like every aternate days. So during the days he is not so active, my imagination will start freaking out! Then I will get very lor sor and ask bb is kick me hard hard, after that he will kick me liao. At night, I will sing to him, so that he can calm down and not turn so much. (Hopefully he likes my singing, scarly he calm down not because he likes my singing, but want me to stop my horrible singing. hehehe) Yes, perhaps you can tell your gynae to check your bb's umblical cord position. Do keep me updated on your gynae visit.

hi folic,
You will also reach 3rd tri soon. Yes, its been a long journey, still got 3 months more. Feels very long.... In the meantime, enjoy the last few months of couplehood!

gals, guess what I'm watching right now? SMURFS!!! I love the show!!! My favourite smurf is smurfette and greedy smurf! Really brings back memories of my childhood.
You are so pretty....I like the bustier gown with the hair do...very NICE!

ep2004 have come to the right place...everyone of us here been thru the same ....I lost mine 1st bb at I am pregnant again, now 12week plus.

I am sure you will be fine soon. Regarding sore PP, I did not experience that. In fact I felt nothing at all after D&C, just tummy cramp & some bleeding. I think you better consult your Gynae.

Glad that BB is fine...whow 27weeks still long way to go...btw what is breech position? Did you do the Triple Blood Test? It is optional according to my Gynae. Is it recommended?
HI Java, yes, I am looking forward to third tri and then the delivery as well.These two days, I suddenly feel more 'brave' and dare to think ahead more than one week. On Sat, my hubby said he cant wait for Mar to come, to see the little girl. That is also the first time he voiced something about the baby beyond the next week/visit. I think it it had been a weight on both our minds. I like smurf too!

adora, breech position means that the baby's head is not facing downwards. You are doing well too and have passed week 12. You will sure pass this preg with flying colors! Just look at Java, 27 weeks, Tiny 29 weeks, etc etc.. :D

Hmmm I think stay at home quite boring... keep coming here to check if any of u posted.

hi adora,
Yes, folic's explanation on breech is correct. I did the Triple Blood test, but did not get good results for it. It really depends on personal choice. I have a fren who directly went for amniocentesis, coz she wants to be very sure that her bb does not have any chromosomal disorders. Triple blood test is merely a screening test and not diagnostic. If you are determined to continue your pregnancy despite the outcome, then I recommend that you not do the test, coz its not reliable and gives you unnecessary stress and anxiety. If you are still interested to go for the test, but dun wish to go for an invasive test like amnio, then you can go for the one folic went, nuchal translucency test. Its more accurate than triple test, but its also a screening test and not diagnostic.

hi folic,
I think as your pregnancy progresses, you will feel even more 'brave' to think further ahead. Imagine our dear ocean will be the first to pop, then Tiny, then me, then Joyce, then you. Thanks gals for journeying with me.
You looked very pretty with that bustier gown. If I am not mistaken, there were two bustier gowns rite? I prefer the two pc one (is it 2pc or just the waist area is made of translucent mat'l?)

Tks for the encouragement. will try again nxt cycle.

dun worry, everything will be fine with you & bb.
Just rest,eat & sleep well ok?

maybe I really gave myself too much pressure. Got to remind myself to relax abit..but somehow not easy.I get very anxious especially at the time where AF is expected to come but didn't..I will always be very hopeful that it will strike but when AF comes...disappointed again.

hi gals,
care to explain the symptoms of haemorrhoids?
I am quite worried abt my AF this time round. The bleeding is too much..never experience this before. The whole toilet bowl can be all red kind and tends to stain my pants quite easily. Got to change pad quite often.
Wow, <font color="119911">Java</font>, ur BB is 1kg at 27wks??
So nice!! I still dun noe how heavy my BB is. The last i noe abt her weight was at 23wks whereby she is only abt 450g!!
Anyway, glad to learn that ur BB is growing well inside u!

<font color="aa00aa">Bookworm</font> and <font color="0000ff">ep2004</font>, sorry
to learn about ur loss! I had also lost my BB at wk 7 in early part of the year during my first pregnancy.
Yap, saw BB's heartbeat at wk 5 and suddenly, i was bleeding at wk 7. It was a missed miscarriage. Although my body had already dispell out the BB
, i was still advised to go thru D&amp;C to clear whatever left-over tissues!

<font color="aa00aa">Bookworm</font> and <font color="0000ff">ep2004</font>, do remember to do a mini confinement &amp; rest alot for at least 2wks. It helps to remove the wind from your body and at least recover.

<font color="aa00aa">Bookworm</font>, as for ttc-ing again, there is no hard and fast rule, but at least wait till after ur 1st AF. Take care hor!

<font color="ff6000">ULN</font>, u look so pretty!! Glad that u had enjoy ur photoshoot! Must always stay happy hor!
Hello gals...
wow... I just to have a nap, so many posts already... I am not feeling well today, dunno why so tired and giddy
I just woke up to eat though I am not hungry... Just forced myself down a bowl of cereals...

Thank you for the compliments Oceans, LinT, adora, folic

Hi LinT,
Yes there are two bustier. Did you prefer the bustier with my "bai ma wang zi"? That bustier is one piece with a long pink, big ribbon behind.
Haemorrhoids at the anus is also known as piles. It is caused by straining too often when removing the bowels. It is basically an enlarged and engorged blood vessel around the anus. The symptoms include lump protruding from the anus opening, bleeding of fresh red blood on toilet paper after removing your bowels, itching and soreness around that area.
Maybe you want to see your gynae regarding your heavy bleeding? Hugsss....

Hi Java,
I love black chicken soup oso.. Or rather, I love any herbal soup.

Hi Ocean,
Yap I will try to stay happy as much as possible
Thanks Java and folic. Yes, will update you gals on my coming thurs checkup. Besides, my baby has no kicking patterns, only some days the movements quite soft while some days very 'chor lor', keke.

Java, we have about 13-14 weeks to go only. Looking forward leh...

May God bless us again
hi gals, i think i am paranoid but i decided to surf the net less often at work. so i only come and read the forum at nite. and goosh, so many postings!

ULN, i love the photo where u r in a bustier and sitting down with ur hubby. agree that u look gd in red!
and u r so fair....i am so jealous! hee...and u lost so much weight! erh, too stress from planning wedding?

folic, java and joyce, all will be well throughout ur pregnancy period! i will keep u in my thoughts when i pray.

hi adora, never 'speak' to u before. congrats on ur pregnancy!

tubby, i don't know how much is the cruise. went with my in laws who are members - they deduct points from their card. wkend cruise is actually very short. the cruise departs world trade on fri nite and arrives at world trade on sun morning liao. there's entertainment and activities on board but didn't join. basically, we just ate and ate and rot. they got buffets (covered in the fare liao) from breakfast to lunch to tea to dinner to supper!! haa...

hamasaki how r u now?

LinT, my menses tend to be heavy for the 1st couple of mths after m/c. subsequently, it's back to normal again for me. if u r having heavy bleeding which is not normal for u, better see a doc. take care!

ep2004, welcome! it's not easy emotionally and physically to heal after a m/c. we are here to support one another. so join us often.
i had a d&amp;c before. but my case quite different. i didn't bleed much after the op and i didn't have any pain or soreness. if u still hv discomfort tomorrow, why not give ur gynae a call?
Hi hamasaki,thks for sharing

Hi ULN, u ve to take care,preparing for wedd'g can be very exhausting

Hi Joyce, stay cool...listen to relaxing music

Hi tubby, hee...after blac chicken tonic with 'chi'came back but can only last 1 day then my chi deflate like a chicken wing 'lau hong' and ache..this shows that i very weak..

Hi folic n ocean ..thanks for ur encouragement.

thanks glad to noe tat ur bb 12wks + liao..envy u all preg now, my gyane gave me cream to apply pp

thanks whitefloral...ok will take DOM religiously.

Just share with you all my MIL pregnancy long time ago...she was carrying my brother in law, during her regular checkup they found no heartbeat...then she was warded 2 days later in hospital in preparation to remove the bb then suddenly they found bb got heartbeat. Then during the next round of check up it happened again, bb no heartbeat but a couple of days later it came my poor mil went in and out of the hospital many times, stayed in hospital for 70 days on and off and on top of tat he sits on the extreme left side of my MIL's tummy thru'out 9 mths and thus result her having servere vericose veins till now...but very lucky my brother came out alive and normal.

So I think it is good to wait a while before a D&amp;C is performed and maybe request a 2nd scanning 1st.
thanks millie for your warm welcome n so good no side effects after d&amp;c...I saw doc today liao, doc gave me cream to apply
<font color="aa00aa">Hi gals!</font>
wow! i was only away for a couple of days &amp; there's so many postings to catch up.
i finally got the chance to spend a white Xmas. me &amp; hubby drove up to flagstaff yesterday to see the snow. its was snowing quite heavily &amp; i was acutally 'eating' snow as i walked. had lots of fun playing with the snow but too bad we had to leave early due to the heaving snowing, otherwise i will stay longer .

i have a question
to ask, i'm planning to see a gynae in KKH, will i be under subsidy rate? i'm quite confused abt the payment &amp; the rates. can i used medisave to cover the costs?

Hi <font color="ff6000">LinT,</font> {{{hugzz}}
i'm sorry to hear AF came. don't be disheartened, u can try again this cycle. i can understand your frustation, your situations sounds similar to mine. i had my mc last Aug &amp; i've been ttc since Jan. there was 1 cycle when i thought i was preg, my menses was late for 7 days. when my menses came, i realised i might have ovulated late for that cycle. u mentioned abt temps, were u taking temps for last cycle? maybe your ovulation was late, that's why your menses was delayed?

Hi <font color="ff0000">ep2004,</font> i'm sorry to hear your loss
do take care &amp; 'bu' your body well. feel free to come in here, all the gals here are very supportive &amp; will definitely help u along the way.

Hi <font color="0000ff">ULN,</font> thanks for sharing your pix. u look so pretty
is that bustier gown your actual day gown? i love that gown a lot, so beautiful. and wohhh.... red gown... looks so pretty on u. my tea dress is also a red colour gown
u actually went to 3 different locations for your PS? so gd. i'm thinking of going to sentosa &amp; mohd sultan for my PS but then when i think of the admission fee to sentosa, like a waste of $$. probably i will just go to east coast or some other beach for my PS, any gd suggestions?

<font color="aa00aa">To all the mums to be, folic, java, joyce, oceans, tiny, adora, odie, tubby &amp; miao</font> <font color="ff0000">have a happy &amp; healthy 9mths and a smooth delivery

<font color="119911">To all the ttc-ians, hamasaki, ULN, millie, tiantian &amp; LinT, let's jia you
Hi Java

I dun think I will be doing amniocentesis. It is very high Gynae told me for my age (28) no need to go 4 this test.

That's why I am considering whether to do the Triple Blood Test ot not....

Test for the advice...I will find out more abt nuchal translucency test tomorrow.

Good Night Everyone
hi millie ang, I'm great.. thanks for asking and yr concern.. so great to know U here in this forum.. how are U too..

hi ep2004, do come to this forum anytime to chat with us.. share whatever problems etc etc that U have with us and we will try our very best to help U.. take gd care of yr body..
wow, yr mil case a bit special.. luckily yr bil manage to have heartbeat on the day she is scheduled for an operation to take him out..

hi missy, so good of U to play with snow.. me never see snow before less eating them ... hehehe
So i'm sure U have a great wonderful trip..

wow, yeah missy lee, indeed we Jia you together.. left only abt 7 of us TTC.. we jia you for one another.. hope there will be baby news coming from us soon..
Hi millie,
That bustier with me sitting with hubby was my outdoor gown. Actually I dun feel stress about the wedding preparation.. cos I am not working. I thinking of starting my swimming routine soon to maintain... I have lost 7kg after the operation. Hubby said a very expensive slimming...

ep2004, I think the medical technology and ultrasound technology have improved tremondously as compared to your MIL's time. But it's no harm getting a second opinion. For me, I went for scan at 9 weeks, no heartbeat. Then another scan at 11 week, no heartbeat still. So confirm gotta go through D&amp;C the next day. Mine was an emergency case I guess... Everything went very fast... My gynae told me my baby already rotting inside me liao
In my gynae's point of view, cannot wait too long cos there's a risk of infection which can lead to infertility.

Hi missy,
Wow... got snow fights? It was snowing heavily in UK too a few days ago and my friends showed my some photos and described to me their snow fights... So fun... but must wear thick thick gloves though...

From what I have gathered, to be a subsidised patient at KKH, gotta go to the polyclinic first and get referral. As a subsidised patient, you will not have a fixed gynae, so you will be seen by any doctors. Subsidised patient pays $20 per consultation. I dun think the normal consultation charges can claim from medisave.
In normal hospital stay, subsidised patient goes to the class B2 ward and medisave can usually pay for all the expenses cos the subsidy is 80%. I find KKH's private patients' rates the same as other private hospitals. I haven't seen any advantage in terms of costs going to KKH as private patient.

Thank you for your compliments, millie
. Are you referring to the bustier sitting down one? That one is outdoor gown. I will be choosing between the halter neck one and the bustier standing up one. I like to wear red also
My bridal shop did not say I gotta pay for the entrance to Sentosa. Lucky my hubby's credit card got free admission and we only paid for the car entrance. We only spent half an hour on that island for the photoshoot. I think it's not very worth it... I realised that my bridal shop charges $150 extra for nite scene. Lucky I got it written down before I pay my deposit
. If you like lalang or bushes, can consider Ponggol. Changi beach also not bad - got grass, trees, and beach.

Okie gals.. I gotta go to bed liao... Hope you all have a good rest for tonite... Good nite
hi ULN, i didn't realised u r wearing 2 different bustiers gowns. both look pretty on u but i prefer the one with u standing up, i like the designs &amp; it shows off your figure well. thanks for your info, i'll probably go to the polyclinic &amp; get a referral letter to see a gynae in KKH. actually my main aim of going KKH is to get everything check up, if nothing is wrong, i will see a TCM physician. i heard TCM works quite well for some ppl in terms of getting preg.
Good morning gals...

I din manage to sleep well last nite... I dunno what is wrong with me.
I woke up a few times in the middle of the nite feeling very irritated and uncomfortable. I dun feel pain, I am not thinking negative, I did not have nightmares, I dun feel hot cos I have air-con, I dun feel cold cos I got blanket, I just feel uncomfortable
Hubby asks me to see doctor, but I dunno how to describe this discomfort... Any of you experience what I am experiencing after miscarriage???

Wish you all a good day ahead
Good morning ladies,

I am <font size="+1">BACK!!!</font>

Too many postings, really need to find some time to finish reading.

Sorry gals, I have no good news to share. My AF came knocking at my door on the very night I arrive at Hokkaido!!!! I was shocked as it was 1 week earlier!!

Bye for now as I still have many emails to clear. Will come in and chat when I have the time later on.

Take care.
ULN, *hugs* how are you feeling now? i don't recall feeling uncomfortable. but i have my moments when i felt irritated and low. is it your PMS coming or you are falling ill unknowingly? go out and shop/eat/play and see if you still feel uncomfortable. don't worry okie!

love you wearing a bustier (either one looks gd). let us know when you make your selection yah.

tiantian, welcome back! have a good trip? funny how our body system works. maybe your body don't want you to worry and think too much and decided to let AF come!?! well, think it's time to ttc again soon right?
we 'jia you' together.

hamasaki, are you ttc-ing already? sorry...but you know i so long never come to the thread. thought you are postponing till your mil stops nagging? i blur....hope to hear good news from you soon.

missy, how envious! enjoy your trip! hope we will have good news to share on the thread soon. i am seeing chinese sinseh now. although i am not pregnant yet, i have been faithfully eating the medication and be positive. i believe tmc can help to 'adjust' our body. been hearing stories from people and on tv about how tmc helps them to conceive.

ep2004, you feel better with the cream? important now is for you to rest well and eat well. take care!
<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>,
So, did u eat lots of sashimi??
Nevermind that ur AF came, cos i noticed that few of the gals here actually come back without any news, but subsequently come out with a Made In Singapore "new product".

<font color="ff6000">Missy</font>, like what <font color="119911">ULN</font> stated, u just need to go to any polyclinic and get a referral letter to KK.

As for the claiming from medisave, i understand that now, for those gynae visit relating to pregancy, we can actually claim from CPF. Just need to keep all receipts and submit a form. But at the end, whether can u claim upfront and how much, it is all up to the CPF board!

Hmmm..<font color="119911">ULN</font>, i think maybe there is too much things in your mind!
Sometimes, i also like that. I remembered during the earlier period after i first lost my BB, i can woke up in the middle of the night and cant fall back to sleep. Sometimes, it was not as if we are thinking about the loss, but maybe subconsciously, I'm actually still grieving for the loss!

For your case, i suspected maybe cos recently too many things had happened and u r getting bizi with wedding preparation. Maybe, just maybe, u just dun have time to rest well.

<font color="0077aa">Millie</font>, hope things are better for u at work and that ur lady boss dun make things difficult for u!
Must try to take things easy hor!
Hi gals,
Me feeling so sleepy now zzzzzz....

I'm counting down to Wk 40...
hi gals,
i jus woke up from my nap...

hi folic,
great to hear dat u r so upbeat!!

hi java,
sounds like veri sweet to sing to ur bb everynite...
i'm sure he'll love ur singing lah!!

hi ULN,
dun think too much into ur sleepless nite... cld be ur mind is veri active be4 u slept, mabbe wif all the wedding &amp; reno stuffs... then u become restless even when sleeping... happend to me when young... before my exams... i'm the veri kan-cheong type... hv to resort to eating sleeping pills then... so be4 sleeping, try to relax &amp; put everything aside first...

h missy_lee,
ULN is rite, never walk-in to KKH, they will classify u a pte patient immediately... u got to go polyclinic for referral to KKH... since it's sort of like a routine check-up for u, like blood tests &amp; scanning, shd be quite OK to be attended by junior docs...

wow... an early white x'mas for U!! i've neber seen snow falling down b4... must be veri beautiful...

hi Tiantian,
welcome back!! aiya.. sometimes AF is like dat one lah.. they wanted to join in the fun in Hokkaido mah!! *hugz* JIA YOU for dis cycle ok!! nonetheless, i'm sure u had fun there!!

hi millie,
sounds like fun oso leh... jus eat, sleep &amp; 'nua' onboard the liner... i'm sure now, wif the sch holidays, it'll be packed... guess i'll wait until nix yr to try it out...
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, initially, i was thinking u r on leave
cos u mentioned that u just woke up frm a nap!
Then, think u must be taking a short break during lunch time.

So, have u spoken to ur collegue abt the essential oil thing? Sometimes, i find that it is abit difficult hor?
She is also not feeling well, but maybe can ask her to use other fragrance that is safer.... U must take care, ok!!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i also feeling sleepy!
Very tired and body acheing. Felt that tummy is very heavy!
Every nite will ask hubby if tummy got grow bigger and that if BB got weigh 1kg or not!!

<font color="ff6000">Joyce</font>, ur BB also have no kicking patterns? Mine too! But my BB is always so gentle. Recently, have been feeling lots of movement at the left hand side near the joint to my upper thigh.
Wondered what is she doing there and have she turned already or not...

<font color="0000ff">Hamasaki</font>, i wish that u and all of the gals who are ttc-ing have good news for us soon!
Jia You, ok! We all be here to support each other!

hi millie ang, dun worry.. i never blame U or what.. U are not blur lah.. juz a last min changes coz MIL at least stop nagging me now so i start now.. but so far, no gd news yet..

thanks so much Ocean for yr well-wishes..... i also hope got gd news coming from those TTC-ing gals .. we will try ti Jia You..
