Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Ocean,

I just want to say that it is good that the levels are increasing back. I saw your readings but not sure how to interpret. Did they tell you how low is low? I am sure things will be ok. Please check in soon so that we know you are ok.

Hi Ocean,
Where are you? How are you? Remember to drink more water ok?

I've been drinking soya bean (reduced sugar, high calcium) Nutrisoy.. it's yummy and i have recently replaced it for milk. dunno good or not, but it's v refreshing! high calcium should be good right? also heard that soy is v nutritious. maybe u can try if u don't wanna drink plain water?
Hi Ocean,
Dun worry so much and stay calm
Just need to be more aware and take note of any signs, should there be any
Take a good rest and do not move about too much

Hi Tiny,
I dun normally end the sentences with ?, just ended with 3 full-stops
Guess I got used to it

Hi Adora,
I understand where you are coming from.
Right now, we are more aware of our body
But sometimes, we could be too sensitive to our body changes and got a little paranoid
I felt the same as well
Just that day, when I nearly fell (cos I tripped on something) and I was thinking to myself if the fall would cos difficulties in the implantation of the fertilized egg
Kekeke my hubby said I over paranoid hee hee

Hi tubby,
Thanks I hope that I would have good news to share too
hi jus, OH! i solved the mystery already! my work computer sometimes has this Chinese software, so if it's turned on, your '...' becomes '?' and there's also this chinese character which replaces something else. but when it's not turned on, then i see the '...' like now! that's why i thought it was funny... haha.
Ocean... take care and don't hesitate calling your gynae when you need to. Read somewhere before that low level of amniotic fluid can be due to lack of water and rest. So try and drink more water and rest more. Keep us posted... in the meantime everyone here will continue to pray and keep our fingers crossed for you ;)
Hi gals, thanks alot for your advice. BTW, how u gals bu after that? I told her to do a mini confinement but not sure what to eat.
Hi Giggler,

I did a mini confinement for 3 weeks, since I lost my baby in 2nd tri. How far along was your fren? For me, I did exactly like confinement for mums who have given birth, including eating all those sesame and ginger flavoured food and not bathing etc.


just saw your posting. Please do stay positive .. I will be praying for your bb that all will be well... *hugz
hi ocean,

Have you thought abt converting to pte? At least as a pte patient, your specific gyne cld attend to you if you need to see him urgently *touchwood*touchwood*

I heard the 24hour emergency service at KKH is not really up to standard. Many encounter bad experience with them.

Just my point of view..

Currently most importantly is have lots of bed rest and drink more water. I'm sure you will be fine. "Guan-Yin-Niang-Niang" would bless you and BB's safety..

Stay positive okie..
hi all,
i just had a miscarriaged last week (abt 6wks preggies)..had a very bad experience with KKH (24 hours emergency service) advise with you all (touchwood)..please please dun ever consider to go to kkh is you wanna to save you bb. i had make the biggest mistake is to go to kkh as i had a sudden bleeding.
the doctor and nurses were very insensitive..and they make you wake..know that this is an emergency clinic and even there is no one around.
pardon me for being so anti-kkh. coz i still remmber how badly i was being treated..and coz of their insensitive..l llost my bb...
Hi Akzo,

sorry to hear about your loss. Your anger with KKH at this point is understandable but I hope you will not let it affect your recovery. I believe there are one or two of us who had unpleasant experience there and they can probably share their experience with you. You can also browse the old postings for more info.

At this point, it is important to rest well and make sure you are physically well again.

Take care!

Hi Giggler,

since it is early stage, then I think one week mini confinement is fine. I think that is what most of the girls here did. Just make sure she take nutritious food during this period to recover.

hi Akzo,

sorry to hear abt ur loss... like wat folic has advised, do not let it hamper ur recovery... *big hugz*

i oso had bad experience wif KKH24Hrs... cos during dat time, they classified me as highly suspected ectopic case based on my Hcg readings & scans... & i'm onie 4 weeks pregnant.... the younger docs there lack the empathy to put the news to u... i was crying loads & buckets there as well.... now thinking back, my heart still hurts...

now most impt thing is to rest ur body well... so dat u hv the confidence to face a new pregnancy in future... do come in & tok to us if u need to vent...
hi Akzo,
I'm so sorry abt your loss. You are not the first person I know who commented in the unprofessional prenatal care that KKH 24 Hrs provided. Its unfortunate that you had to go thru with that experience. I'm sure you have alot of "what-ifs" at this point in time, but rest well, sleep well, okie? Tok to us if you have any worries, need any clarification. We are here to support and listen to you.

hi ocean,
How are you feeling right now?

To all TTCians, enjoy the weekend. Do something kinky over the weekend. Engage in pleasurable bedroom activities. Me oso yearning (even got wet dreams!), but must wait until 6 months later.

Very tired today, coz orientation just ended. Hope everybody have a wonderful and restful weekend!
How are you now? Where are you? You are not in the office today that you are not accessible to the net?

Drop us a note and let us know you are okay?
Hi Akzo

Sorry to hear abt your loss.....pls take care. The most impt thing now is to have a good rest and don't too much.

You must take good care of yourself too!
Dear <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, just saw your postings that you posted yesterday. If I'm not wrong, you still have 3 mths before your due date, so

In the meantime, do take good care and not to exert too hard on yourself.
<font color="ff0000">Guan Yin Niang Niang</font> will bless you and your baby. Please have faith in her.
Hugs for you...
Hi Gals

Went Watson to buy the test kit just now....Clear Blue now having special discount, selling at <font color="ff0000">$10.90</font> until 4 Oct. So those TTCing may want to get it now.

<font color="0000ff">Jus, Folic</font>, I'm very tempted to test leh but think I will "ren" until CD past 40days

agreed with u that kkh 24 hours clinic is indeed lacking in their service standards and urgency for the emergency cases.

I was in kkh 24 hours clinic not too long ago and they are slow to respond.

pls do not think too much over the "what-if"s but concentrate on getting well. That is more conducive for your recovery.
Hugz gals,

What did you gals take to bu the body during mini confinement? I got no appetite to eat now so just ate porridge and drink soup everyday. Maybe still quite sad, hence not interested in any food. I will take bird's nests everyday and chicken of essence on alternate days. I drink black dates boiled with longan and ginger everyday to remove wind.

Yesterday I bleed when I went to the toilet. Worried, I called my doctor. He told me slight bleeding is ok cos I just "liu chan". The word "liu chan" makes me very sad after that... How I wish I only went for an operation, that's all...
I think my doctor is very good. He keep reassuring me everything will be fine and he will be there anytime of the day if anything happens and I go to the A&amp;E department.

Before I went to see my doc on that sad day, I already suspected something is wrong with my baby from the ultrasound scan, but I still refuse to believe it. When my doc told me the baby is dead, I was actually in shock. I just became dumb. After a while then I started to feel something and cried. The doc has been very patient with me and keep asking me whether I have any doubts.

Talking about KKH. My GP adviced me not to go to KKH for my case. He said if I go there, I will be their rare guinea pig... I remember a friend who was 24 weeks pregnant and her tummy became hard. The doc in KKH thought she's actually having contractions and giving birth soon. So they pushed her to the delivery room and left her there for a few hours. Imagine being there for a few hours hearing all the screams inside there... Quite scary... In the end, she did not give birth at that time and had a full term healthy baby...
hi U, wow its seems like KKH service standard has dropped a lot. really pity yr friend.. the docs and nurses there so bad.. I have never consider of going to KKH for check-ups and delivery.. dunno why..

most likely i will be giving birth in SGH..
Hi U,

For my case, i did an almost full month confinement, with boiled red dates water, ginger chicken and herbal baths...
err... i remember my mom told me that porridge actually causes more wind, but i m not too sure
you should try to eat although you do not have the appetite cos you need to regain your strength and those food will aid in your recovery
you may want to try the traditional way of boiling chicken essence with ginger soup (old ginger)

i know that you are upset now...
take your time... cry if you need to and you can always post your thoughts and feelings here
you will feel better after voicing out your inner thoughts and pent-up frustration and anger

just remember to take good care of yourself...
rest and eat well...
have a speedy recovery!
hi adora,

i m tempted to test as well... hee hee
but i have used up the test-kits...
would get one tomorrow...
i m trying to tahan till sunday...
quite afraid of getting disappointed...
din want to place too much hope...
Hi <font color="ff0000">gals!</font> tis thread is moving fast!! i'm on CD13 tdy, still waiting for my ovulation, no sign of it yet. i hope the EPO tat i'm taking works tis time. i've started charting again, thot it mite be gd to kip a reference of my temps coz i intend to see a gynae in 2 mths time.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Adora</font> welcome welcome!!! i noe its hard not to test when ur period is late coz i'm one of those who won't resist testing if i suspect i'm preggie. i wish u gd luck &amp; hope to hear gd news from u soon

Hi <font color="0000ff">Jus</font> don't lose hope. as long as 'auntie' is not here, things are still looking gd. when r u planning to test? i'm waiting to receive some baby dusts from u!

Hi <font color="119911">Akzo</font> *Bug Hugz* sorry to hear abt your loss. do take gd care &amp; rest well.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font> *CONGRATS*! i'm so happy to hear u r having a lil' princess

Hi <font color="0077aa">U</font> muz take gd care of yourself. take more tonics &amp; 'bu' your body back. hope u r feeling better now.
Hi <font color="ff0000">gals!</font> tis thread is moving fast!!

i'm on CD13 tdy, still waiting for my ovulation, no sign of it yet. i hope the EPO tat i'm taking works tis time. i've started charting again, thot it mite be gd to kip a reference of my temps coz i intend to see a gynae in 2 mths time.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Adora</font> welcome welcome!!! i noe its hard not to test when ur period is late coz i'm one of those who won't resist testing if i suspect i'm preggie. i wish u gd luck &amp; hope to hear gd news from u soon

Hi <font color="0000ff">Jus</font> don't lose hope. as long as 'auntie' is not here, things are still looking gd. when r u planning to test? i'm waiting to receive some baby dusts from u!

Hi <font color="119911">Akzo</font> *Bug Hugz* sorry to hear abt your loss. do take gd care &amp; rest well.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font> *CONGRATS*! i'm so happy to hear u r having a lil' princess

Hi <font color="0077aa">U</font> muz take gd care of yourself. take more tonics &amp; 'bu' your body back. hope u r feeling better now.
Hi gals!

Adora, Good luck with testing! I really admire your patience

Jus, Good luck too! Getting excited for both of you!

Ocean, where are you? I hope you will login soon.

Missy Lee, great! I think it's good that you are charting. At least there would be some data for the gynae to review

Hi to everyone else! Hope everybody have a great weekend!

Ocean, forgot to add, if you would like to chat offline or talk to someone about it, feel free to PM me if you are comfortable. Thinking of you and baby and praying hard!

dear Ocean,

i think u must hv taken leave to rest well at home... Ur bb &amp; u are in my tots &amp; will keep u in my prayers later...

do drop us a line or two to let us know u r doing well okie? rest well over the weekend...
Dear All, thanks for all your concern!
Sorry did not log in yesterday as I had decided to go on MC to rest at home. Was given MC on Thu &amp; Fri, but came back to office. Quite stressful as my MC is going to be fully utilised.
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, thanks for the link! Very informative and coincided with what the Consultant had told me.

You know, I felt so touched readings all the postings and prayers that all of you had for my BB!
It is great to have you people around....

You know, on Thu, my boss asked why so long still not stable? I felt so hurt, he din even bother to ask me what happen as i had briefly told him that i b back late as water level was low and high risk, when i was in KK!

By the way, think i just wrote down what the Consultant had told me base on my memory for all of your information.

As mentioned, the sonagrapher had commented that my amniotic fluid was low at 5.4cm. According to the Consultant, 5.4cm is at borderline, not very very low as at 4cm, but still low.

In KKH, the sonagrapher will alarmed the gynae if water level is between 4-6cm. I guessed anything below 4cm will be considered too late or what.

<u>Reason for Low Amniotic Fluid</u>
1) Infection - If this being the cases, no matter what trimester you are in, chances of doctor asking you to terminate the pregnancy is very high.
2) Water Leakage - There is no reasons why this happen. Sometimes, might be the mum-to-be accidently knocked onto something, or maybe have a fall. However, if the leakage is not big, the hole might be sealed up naturally and pregnancy can continue.
3) Sporadic - Some preggie can measured a low index count at one times and then sudden drop in the fluid index.
4) Abnormal BB - The amniotic fluid is mainly make-up of BB urine. Quite a surprise to me as I remembered BB also drink small amt of this fluid, so thought i heard wrongly.
But was confirmed when i read the article <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> posted. It might be that BB's kidney is not functioning properly so not much urine is flow back. But the Consultant told me this was very unlikely as i had already done my detailed scan, triple test and neck measurement showing BB is fine.
5) Abnormal Placenta - Placenta is weak and unable to provide enough nutients and blood flow to BB. The Consultant felt that this is unlikely too as base on all my previous scans, my BB is neither too big or small. Always within the average range.

<u>Effect of Low Amniotic Fluid?</u>
1) Miscarriage
2) Premature Labour

<u>What can be done?</u>
There is actually no medication to help to increase the water level. Therotically, drinking more water does not really help to increase the level but recently, there are studies that reveal it might assist in increasing the level abit higher.

If it is a water leakage and the hole is small, what the doc can do is give u some antibiotic to prevent infection. But there is nothing doc can do to seal up the hole as the womb is inside the body.

So there is basically nothing i can do except to drink more water and rest alot! Will try to stay positive
and monitor myself!
<font color="119911">Adora</font> and <font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, hope u strike this cycle and spread
in this thread. Yes, i also read that the Pregnancy Test Kit is onlt $10.90(think so) for 2 Clear blue test kit. Those of u who is currently ttc-ing might consider buying it!

<font color="aa00aa">Akzo</font>, I am sorry to learn about ur loss!
Well, i did had very very bad experience in KKH and even wrote to KKH CEO. But her reply was very disappointing and till now, i din wrote to her yet! I can understand your anger and sadness, but at this stage, try to nourish your body first.

<font color="0000ff">U</font>, try to have a 2wk mini-confinement. That was what i did during my loss at wk 7. Eat lots of food cooked in ginger and seaseme oil. It helps to reduce the wind in our body.

For me, i only drink plain water when taking those medicine and other than that, i drink those Logan Red Date drink boiled with zhang sheng.

By the way, for bathing, try to bath in those herbal pack sell in those chinese medical hall. Dont walk around too often and lay down as much as possible. Please take care!

Lastly, just wanna thks <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, <font color="0000ff">Tiny</font>, <font color="ffff00">Mao</font>, <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, <font color="119911">Java</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, <font color="ff6000">Jus</font>, <font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, <font color="0077aa">Poohy</font>, <font color="aa00aa">Elle</font>, <font color="ff6000">Adora</font> and all for your concerns! Have A Nice Weekend!
went to see the gynae today. My spotting lasted for 3 days then stopped for 2 days &amp; today there's pink/orange discharge again.

he did a viginal scan, everything's ok. He also don't know what could have caused it, told me not to worry and observe for 3 mths then go back to let him know how things are like. If need be, might put me on fertility medication when I TTC again, but he say it's not necessary now. my period has always been irregular and the doc say this might affect how well I 'hold'the pregnancy.

U &amp; Giggler, i did a 2 week confinement &amp; followed the advice by the ladies here: not washing my hair, drinking water boiled with red dates/ginger/longan instead of plain water. Eat a lot stuff w ginger and sesame oil. Drank ckn essence in morn and DOM at night. Bought herbal bath too.

Giggler, u might like to recommend your friend to read the postings. I found it very comforting to have the support of many whom have walked the same path and share their experiences.

wishing all ladies who have conceived a smooth pregnancy.

glad to see you online again! I logged in specially to sse if you posted anything.
Yah, what you doc told you is what I heard from my previous gynae. By the time I was in hospital, I think I only had 1 cm left, or hardly any. Anyway, I don't think your case is similar to mine, and I think you are fine. My fren told me that some people just have less amniotic fluid. That is what her gynae told her. She had it for BOTH her pregnancy and her two boys are already 6 and 4.
Just make sure you rest well and drink lots of water.

hi ladies,

My AF came yesterday...

felt so disappointed yesterday...
not to mention frustrated...
guess would have o try again this coming cycle...
hubby couldn't really understand my disappointment...
he just said to let it come naturally...
guys.... never mind...

hope you strike!

yup... keep your spirit up...

and be optimistic...
rest well, ok...
Hi Ocean.....,
Happy to see your post. Don't worry. We are all here to care and share.

Need a "hearing ear" or "reading eye", just post. So meantime, take good good care and rest more ok... keep us posted huh.

Don't worry. Just like you, I've had my late AF and disappointment in my previous cycle too. Never mind luh - Try again coming cycle... I'm now learning to relax during my TTC cycle. I was so stress up and disappointed in my previous cycle that I cried in my hubby's arms..
Good morning girls,
Feel quite tired this morning. Whole night didn't sleep, dunno was it the Coffee Pork Ribs that I ate yesterday. Last night went out with my in-laws to celebrate my birthday.

hi ocean,
I'm glad to see you being positive. We were so worried when you didn't post anything on Thurs/Fri, coz usually u are quite a regular here.

hi whitefloral,
Its prob nothing to worry about. Your uterus is just trying to shed all leftover lining and tune itself back to previous state.

hi jus,
Dun give up hope yah! You can try again this month!

Last weekend, had some ppl (mum and MIL) making plans for my bb. Tell them that I dun wan to think of all that until the bb is out.
Hi Tiny,

Actually my bday is tomorrow. But celebrated last weekend. Thanks!!

How come today this thread like so quiet. Must be everyone busy at work....except me! ahhhhaaaahaha
dear Ocean,
i'm glad all is well &amp; fine on ur side... so HAPPY for u...
thks for sharing information on ur findings...

i remembered ur amniotic level has increased to 6.8 liao rite? so it's out of the borderline case..
drink more water, it's good for health anyway... i am down wif sore throat dis morning.. &amp; running nose... veri sianz....

dear jus,
*big big hugz* u can buddy buddy wif Odie &amp; Miao to RELAX for ur TTC attempts...
i guess sometimes, our hubby will advise us to take things easy so dat we will not be too disappointed when AF visits...

hi miaomiao,
it's good to cry it out... especially in hubby's arms... hehee... last friday i jus got another crying attack... his buddy's wife has given birth.. when he told me the good news, a sense of jealousy jus overcame me &amp; i started crying, right inside IKEA's restaurant.... silly me hor?

hey gals,
happened to read dat my gynae kena sued by one of his patient.... his patient wanna claim total of 700K from him for negligence to advise her to go for scanning &amp; blood test for down's syndrome.. in the end, she gave birth to a down's syndrome child... the lady is 46/47 when she gave birth... i felt veri agitated after reading the news... i felt i entrusted the life of my bb to the wrong person...
veri shitty feelings!!!
hi all,

guess what...i received a sms from KKH to remind me to go back for my appointment....
feel that they are very "BUSINESS MINDED"..
dun think i will be back there anymore..already went back to my own gynae for through checkup..make sure that will is no blood clod.
Hi Gals,

This thread is moving real fast. I was on leave on fri and now are still trying my best to catch up with the postings.

Hi <font color="ff0000">Ocean</font>,

Like Folic, my heart was pounding so fast when I read your posting.

I had a friend who also had low amniotic fluid during her pregnancy but she has given birth to a healthy bb boy two months ago.

Her gynae also cannot explain what cause the low fluid level and she wasn't given any medication to increase it. She has to go back for scanning every week to monitor the fluid level. I will try to get more info. from her and update you.

In the meantime, pls continue to remain positive. You and your bb are in my prayers.
hi whitefloral,
can understand ur frustration wif ur spottings... since ur gynae has scanned &amp; found nothing unusual, u can rest assured now...

for me, i attributed my spottings to the chinese powder i got from Ma Kuang... mabbe one of the ingredients not suitable for me... i steer clear of all chinese stuff for dis cycle... even my mum made ginseng stuff, i refused to drink... jus wanna give my body a break...
hi tubby,
Where did u read abt the news of ur gynae? Now I know why some clinics are kiasu to offer compulsory triple test to all patients. Its to protect themselves from such legal lawsuits. You know when I decided not to go for the amnio test, they made me sign black and white.
Hi gals

Finally, did the test yeterday, think I am pregnant!! But the line was not very not 100% sure!!

This morning got light spotting, dunno if this is due to implatation or not. Btw to what extend is spotting cosider dangerous?? A bit worried.

<font color="0000ff">Jus</font>, don't be disappoined. Try again this mth...JIA YOU!!!


I read abt the news report too. The gynae in the report said that the woman had visited him after wk24 (if I din remember wrongly) and it is already past the week that she can abort the bb legally. Thus, accordingly to the gynae, this is the reason why he/she din advise the woman to go for down syndrome screen/diagnosis.

I am just curious why the woman's gynae in japan also din advice her to go for down syndrome. She was working in japan during the first 20plus week of her pregnancy and had seen a gynae there. I thought for someone her age, an amniocentesis would have been advised.


the sms from kkh is an improvement to their service published in the media last year. It is supposed to remind patients of their appointments so that they wont forget. Actually most people find it a good service... cos last time my appt for infertility treatment used to be months away from each other, and its actually a reminder service for us.


congrats!!! Do take care ok.. dun move too much and rest more.
