Support group - Miscarriages

Yearly. Even before my wedding my Mum went to pray for her unborn bb. Tik my mil aso did tat for her 2 miscarriage...
Just to share , i visited the temple , he said is called 拜送婴灵 do once only . After pray let the 婴灵 can go back to 投胎 is good for 婴灵 and us as if not 婴灵 will always with us .

Anyone can share your experience on this ?

I do yearly during 7th month.

Actually I heard diff stories on this. Some say chao du can go 投胎, but some say if a person is destined to live 80, due to some reasons passed away earlier, they will still stay in the 3rd dimension till 80. So, we need to chao du yearly to keep them at ease. I dunno which version is correct, I just pray lo.
after my first ectopic , my sis told me your version. Then this round , mc consider second time fail , so my bro advise me to seek for advise. Then the Si FU told me that.

Confuse also. But is ok i will just follow what the si fu said.

He advise me to pray 地蔵 and wrie 地蔵jing to make a wish to have a child next time.

Princess-- thanks for sharing

Ya, I am confused too.

So, just get the chao du done, at least done our part to help the babies. I will be getting mine done at guang ming shan, nearer to my home.
A question. If mc, can I drink bird nest? Not the normal one in can but the pure one. Is it heaty or cooling for bird nest?

What I understand is that after bleeding can start to du. Bird nest with american ginseng is cooling, bird nest with korean ginseng is heaty.
Think bird nest is neutral one, its 滋仁 one. I drank a few bottle type.

Ladies, p.m replied.

Btw, how long after d&c u gals start exercising?
thanks. for me, everything starts after 2 weeks... but this time, i may continue with red dates drink even at ofc.. if hv the time :D
Princessleopard: Oh got diff? ok den i need to see whats mine. Got in the hampher.

teddybaby: before ttc and even after mc, i never did exercise. :p
i read birdnest good for ladies who are preparing to conceive.. dunno true or not. i m gg to eat after week 2. err.. i will prepare birdnest with bao sheng, the heaty type

Ya, so if preggy, good to take bird nest with korean ginseng, so its not liang to the womb. I took those brew type, so my granny always make 2 diff types, for male & female.

My gynae say 2 weeks after mc can exercise. But I think depends on condition. For my first mc, my spotting is on and off for almost 4 weeks, so I did not exercise until the spotting stops. For 2nd one, I start exercise after 2 weeks cos everything goes well.
My Gynae very garung, says 3 days after d&c can exercise, and have intercourse, lol!

pao sheng is American ginseng, not heaty. But Korean ginseng is. Hashima is cheaper than bird nest, but same function, to 滋仁. People like me who is super heaty type and can't take shi quan Da bu, 8 Zhen, is recommended to take more of 滋仁 type instead
Hi ladies,

I had been a silent reader since 2 years ago. Today I finally decide to post something.
Maybe I just wanna rant and simply wanna face the fact that I had lost my babies.

I lost my 3rd angel last month due to premature membrane rupture. Prior to 2nd miscarriage which was due to incompetence cervix, my gynae had stitched me up on week 12. I tot this time round everything will be okay. I even quit my job and go on bed rest.

But after hearing the test results on Monday, something just triggered me off. Result showed that I had an acute placenta infection which was the reason for the waterbag to break. The saddest new was that my bb girl had no issues at all and was growing fine. But her chance of living had to be cut short as there is no more waterbag to protect her. Gynae had no answer to how this acute infection start. Just say I am unlucky. Ask me to try again. Surely one day I will have a baby to hold.

I started to feel emo after the visit to gynae. Once I reached home, I started clearing all the hospital documents and bills and pack up the bb stuffs that I had purchased previously. The bb stuffs was bought since the first bb angel. I din clear it then cos I tot the 2nd one I will have will be ok. Even when 2nd bb angel gone, I still tell myself that the 3d bb that I gonna have will get to use it.

At nite, I started to cry suddenly. I cried and cried til my eyes get swollen and nose get so blocked. My hubby tried to console me but I think eventually he felt that I really need to cry it out. Throughout the whole incident in the hospital till the D&C, I was unusually calm. I think even the nurses tot I was abnormal. Even when I was at home doing confinement, I was behaving "normal". Guess he was anticipating this breakdown.

I cried cos I feel so sad for my girl. I wonder whether she was in pain during the whole time. I cried for my girl who was developing well but cannot live due to the stupid infection. I cried cos when I packed away the bb stuffs, I wonder whether I will have a chance to buy them again.

My heart ache still while typing this. I had lost 2 bb angel boys and 1 bb angel girl within 2 years. All of them were gone at week 16. Will I have to courage to try? Will I eventually be able to have one to call my own. Currently I have no answers.

I think I had rant enough. I guess I just have to pick up my life and get on with it.

All ya sisters out there. Stay strong and most importantly healthy. Being alive and positive means a chance to fulfill our dreams.

You are a strong woman. So stay strong, for yourself and your dh.

I am so sorry to hear your story, so sorry for your angels.

Perhaps you are grieving now, so you don't know what you want to do next. Give yourself some time. Concentrate on your health at the moment. Trust me, you will want to try again. We all want to hold our rainbow baby one day. So, dun give up!!

Take care!!


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Alison, so sorry to hear your loss. My heart aches for u & and angels. Pls take care of your health and stay strong. If u are open to tcm, would highly recommend u to try it to strengthen your health then try again.
Alison, I feel you. I lost my boy at 23 weeks due to this stupid infection too. gynae keep pumping me with antibiotics, hope was there until my waterbag started to leak, I knew it was a closed case... I requested to be taken off med to stop my contractions. Its been 1mth plus & not a single day I dont think of him. I miss him so much. I am trying again. Dont give up!
Thanks all for the encouragements. I believe when there is a will, there will be a way. Right now I will just focus to pick up my life and chillz a bit since past two years my focus was mainly into TCC.

Yeah I am into TCM. I am with Dr Zou opp NYP. I will need that since during my time in hospital, I am injected with tons of antibiotics and eaten all kind of medicine. I still believe TCM is better esp with the healing.

Sorry to hear bt that. It just suck manz. Asked my gynae why it happen to me and how to avoid such cases but he can't tell me. Just told me its just like a flu. Some get it mild some get it serious. I was just unlucky. Dangz.
My gynae told me to try again after 2nd cycles but I will ignore him for now. 3 miscarriages within 2 years is no joke. Physically I still can see TCM.....mentally is a big challenge. I will definitely try again but later. For Now need to pick up my life and start going back to work. Need to divert attention elsewhere and also ensure enough funds for the next pregnancy. Btw, did you do a full confinement?
Hi Alison - I asked my gynae the same qns too, she was also unable to give me an answer. Only thing she can do is to closely monitor me for my next pregnancy & do extra tests to check for infections... Sigh. She told me to wait 3 cycles but Im not going to wait tt long. Im feeling well enough now. I did confinement for about 3 weeks.
yoz chanel..
you may like to consider tcm to tio your body while u tcc.
in fact my massage lady already suspected my placenta got issues before I even got my report. She mentioned massage during 1st trimester is helpful.She advised that when my first cycle come, call her for massge so that she can massage the uterus for better future pregnancy.

Nevertheless hope the baby dust will go to u soon...cheerz..
I thot i have got over my miscarriage but its constantly hunting me. Making me depressed n it got worse when i heard my x colleague is pregnant whom i m closed to..
She found out she is pregnant the day after i went back to work after my hl leave. She din tell me until we were suppose to attend a wake last thurs then she said she cannot go.
Happy for her but sad when i look at myself. Then she still watsapp me said we can gun together for maternity together, n i din reply her.
Hi dolly...
It's normal bah. But just tell yourself you will have your chance again. No doubt time will heal but I m sure the memories will remain. Be strong. Wish the best for others n hope the best for yourself. I am constantly telling that to myself too.

<3<3<3 n hugs for you!!!

Its normal, really. You may find how come so many pregnant women around you or wherever you goes. Its the mentality. You will soon get over it.

You have yet to tell your colleague about your mc? I think better find a chance to tell her, else she might be updating her pregnancy with you, still thinking you are in path with her. This will hurts you further.
Dun be upset by it. I m sure she dun mean it. Share her joy and ask her pass you some baby dust! See things positively...twist things abit...She maybe overwhelmed by her condition n overlook yours...hugs for you....stay strong....
Nvrm, just shut myself off for time being. Got few tenders to follow up so no time to think n ttc for time being as well
Hi ALiSon

I am so sorry to hear about your story. I unfortunately have had 3 miscarriage too and only manage to give birth to my babe last year.

Grieve is such a complicated process and you think you got over it but it is like a healing scab. You itch and you pick at it... it bleed again exposing the skin raw. I know what you are saying totally.

My only advise is to seek a good gynae. Dont bother with those cheap gynae who see a patient every 5 minutes. Sought after a high risk gynae that will have time and attention to shower on you.

I highly recommend Dr Mahesh Choolani at NUH. I have a few friends in this forum with recurrent miscarriages and manage to see a live birth finally. For my case it was complicated as a result of antibodies but he see women like you with placenta issues etc.

Hi Jolyon,

I must also say the above cause and effect of why one is childless and having recurrent miscarriages is subjective. It is insensitive of you to put that article. If it had happen in the past live I guess there is nothing that we can do since it is in the past. If you say God is forgiven why is he making us repay it in our current life. Putting this article is a prick to the ladies who have not only most recently have had a miscarriage and in the grieving process. While I enjoy reading what you wrote in another thread but I do think putting that printout give me a being mock feeling. Please exercise some sensitivity in this thread as a respect to the grieving ladies here.
Hi Jolyon,
Understand u wanted to find the reason of ur miscarriage &amp; i respect ur believe, but it doesn't give anyone the reason to pour salt into others wound.
Hope u could be more sensitive toward this thread &amp; us mothers here.

God is forgiving and loving, we shouldn't doubt on him when things wasn't in our way.
When the time is right i'm sure he will give the best to us. Only He will know what is best for us.
Hi Celest,

How are you doing, gal?

Hi Alison,

Sorry to hear about what happened.. But glad to see you still have such a positive attitude.. Like Ling suggested, maybe you can see Prof Mahesh at NUH when you think you're ready to try again.. I'm seeing him now after i bfp with my ivf cycle in feb.. He's a very careful and detailed gynae and both hubby and i feel reassured that i'm under his care.. Hugs to you and wish you all the best!
Princess &amp; Min!,
How are u girl doing?! Actually on &amp; off i still read the forum here. Just no time to reply.
Im doing great, recently been so busy wit my mother.
As she fell down 2 times within 6 mths, alot of doc visits and surgery. BUT thanks God! She still able to function properly. Hehe!

Im now stopping my IUI for 2 mths now.
My recent scope show positive, meaning there totally nothing wrong with my womb etc. Only have the wait for miracle to happen now. Hehe! Been thinking shd i still continue the IUI/IVF. Felt so tiring of those injection etc. A sign of giving up...

Tomolo be going Penang for a short hoilday break. Relax relax abit from all those hospital visit etc.
Hi Ling,

I had plans to visit NUH for further checks but not now at the moment. Need some healing physically and mentally plus financially.

Research online indicated that it will not be an affordable journey.

I am not sure whether my gynae from KKH is a hi risk one cos he was recommended when we called up requesting for hi risk gynae. No doubt he is experienced but me and hub feel that he just treat me as a normal pregnancy case. From the cervical incompetence surgery till miscarriage happened, he din really gave me the attention that I tot a hi risk pregnancy should be entitled to.
But once again, everything over. I just hope for my next pregnancy, I will be blessed with a good gynae who can help me.

Now, My question is that all my past records are with KKH. If I go over to NUH, does that means everything have to start afresh? Medical reports, tests etc. Wonder whether I can request my medical reports from KKH.

I am having my first cycle of menses which is going erratic. Is that normal? I am drinking red raspberry leaf tea but it's still the same. Any ladies having such experiences?
Hi Celest,

Glad to hear that your mum is fine now.

Good to hear everything going well on your side!
Well, its good to take a rest in between too. Who knows, at the verge of giving may give you good news...haha. Probably got a rainbow baby made in Penang? LOL

I am still on tcm now, was given green light to start ttc this month, but I will probably not go ahead cos thinking of going overseas for a break in Sept.
