Support group - Miscarriages


u break my record !! hehe just joking but congrats on your AF!! i know that happy feeling when AF reported.... new cycle new start new hope, and it is new year too !!
Feel so heartache lately and having to hear abt my colleague's baby due really upset me and yet i have to show a brave look.
Hi all

I was in this thread earlier in July 2011. Miscarried at 7 weeks. Refrained from trying in the 1st 3 months. Lucky to get a BFP in Feb 2012 and now my bb is 3 m old.

I started taking vitex fruit pill and raspberry tea leaf pill from in Nov to make my luteal phase more normal as it was previously too short (which was strange I got pregnant that time when luteal phase was ranging from 4-8 days). It made my luteal phase normal (11-12 days) after just one month of taking and in month 2, luky to strike BFP.

Check it out if u can.

The supplements I used were mentioned in

good luck to all and god bless.
Happy new year, ladies!! New year, new start!! I had a feeling this is gonna be a great year. There will be tons of good news following. Cheers!!!
your post made me smile... and suddenly i feel hopeful about 2013 too.... afterall we survive the end of the world thingy... jiayou gals!!
Una, thanks as if not right now I will be busy with the baby... my edd is 7 Jan and mine will be c section so baby already out....thought I am fine but no the ache is there...

Ya, let's all start anew!!

I understand.
My bb had the same edd as your bb...
but let's both be strong and jiayou together...
and yes, as per what princess say, Let's all start anew !!! New year new hope !!
i understand how you feel only too well... I went for my facial appt e other day, n happened tt if I had my bb, it wud be just nice man yue.
The therapist asked me how my bb is doing coz i din go since the mc. then just tell her tt I mc, then she asked when my bb came out. Just repeated myself again. Somehow made me sad again.

I agree with princess, new year new start. Lets try to let go of the negative thoughts and focus on positive thoughts. The law of attraction will attract our positive thoughts n make them happen.

Ya! Haha we survived 2012! Wat doesn't kill us will make us stronger!
Hi ladies, it's been 25 days past my natural MC and I have been experiencing pain in the left side of my abdomen for a week, it lingers but the intensity goes up and down. Sometimes it feels like gas, and sometimes it feels like ovaries, I am getting all confused, when I had my vaginal U/S, the gynae said it's clean inside.

But this pain is really unnerving, my GP says it's not the uterus. I have also read online that many women experienced this kinda pain after MC, was wondering if anyone here has experienced the same thing?

Getting sick of calling clinics for an opinion and all I get from the receptionist is "It's better that you come n see the doctor yourself", the money, the time, the wait... and all the pregnant women and children running around...
jo78, during the past 25 days, did you see anything passing out? I had a natural mc in aug. For me, prior to the lumpy thing, I got a very painful cramp which was warned by the gynae beforehand.
twinkle, yes, the clots and blood has been passed out and I had a scan after that, showing that the M/C was complete. It was very painful but now I am having a very distinct pain on the left side of my abdomen, no special discharge.
i had cramps and slight pain/pulling symptoms feelings on and off after on my right..weeks or mths after as well as now sometimes im feeling pulling sensations near public area..dunno if im paranoid not..

i supposed that is where the uterus is on the right but you pain left then could be irritable bowel syndrome if you also hv bowel movements problems or these few weeks got any problems in the loo not? Else you might want to consult 2nd doc opinion? understand the part on preggy women/chn and waiting time but then if you continue to pain and thoughts running would be better off getting to know the reason asap. Maybe book appointment and go there ard same as apptm time..shorter waiting time
ChrisL, thks for sharing abt the cramps u hv, i think uterus is in the middle, ovaries r on both sides bt i think i usually only ovulate from my left ovary, the gastric meds my gp prescribed made no diff to the pain n my bowel movements r perfect, nothing unusual at all... Bt yea i will prob try to gt an gynae appt next wk just to b sure like u said
hi gals,
i jus had a 8 wk miscarriage cfrm yest. jus wondering if we need to do massage to push back the womb? i'm making red dates tea and having herbal soup once a while to "bu" cos my body is heaty & cannot bu alot.
Hi juju78, so sorry to hear that. In my case I did not do any massage. Mine was m/c induced by cytotec at 7weeks. I just did a mini confinement for two weeks ie. no Liang food n drinks, no cold stuff or bath, ate lots of sesame oil n ginger cooked food... Drank longan red dates tea everyday. Take good care of your health ya n u can try again soon. Hugs
Oh ya juju, I ain't too sure abt the herbal soup cos if I m not wrong, when having the bleeding better to do away with herbal. Wait till the bleeding clears then take herbal. Hope other sisters here can help u on this

So sorry to hear about that.. Are u seeing any tcm? Maybe will be gd to get some advice with regards to herbal soup.. I did the same as gbob but i did bathe everyday.. Not sure about the massage though, i didn't do it.. Personally, i don't feel secure putting pressure on womb area during recovery..
sorry to hear that, I didn't do any massage either. i think a tcm would be able to prescribe suitable herbal soups to bu your body. not all herbs are suitable.
Previously I did wanted a massage too.
Call the Malay lady, she say best is wait til 1 week later aft bleeding stop.
For the confirement, try not to take any herbal. It might make ur bleeding flow more etc.
Now drink LRD with old ginger. Try to take those food with lots of ginger too. It help to expel the wind inside our body.
i was just surfing around n found this article written by Oprah Winfrey, thought it would be nice to share. i pasted an excerpt from there:
This, too, shall pass.

Because everything always does. Until finally we do.

No matter what you're struggling through -- no matter the pain or anguish -- you can go inside behind your mind and observe it happening to you. Whatever it is, it isn't you. You are the observer.

When you come to know this, you realize that even though the canvas of your life is painted with daily experiences, behaviors, reactions, and emotions, you're the one controlling the brush.

the full article is here.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

If you are talking about those special techniques to push back the womb, I dun think there is a need. Whether we go through natural miscarriage or D/C, we did not go through the pressure of pushing in natural birth.
hi all
Glad to found this thread. I just had miscarriage on 1st Jan 2013... what a way to start the new year. Mine is very early miscarriage. Now am into my 9th day of MC and all bleeding and spotting clear. I am carrying on my usual activities and diet as normal. I did not do any confinement and dare not take any heaty stuff now as am running a cold and cough. When can I resume to BD? Gynae mentioned to wait after next AF cycle then can start try again. I am getting on in age (hitting 40 soon) and with this MC experience, I am really thinking should I just try again or not...
Hi mouseaction,

Sorry to hear that. Usually gynae will advice to wait 1-3 month to ensure everything goes back to normal before BD. For me, after my first AF arrived, I went back for scan and checkup, everything is ok, then gynae give me green light to start ttc again. Since you said all bleeding had stopped, if you want to resume BD, its better to use condom till your first AF arrive. This is what my gynae advise, for fear of infection.

Take care!
For my case it was slightly diff. the gynae checked and cfm everything had been cleared before giving green light to start bd immediately. there was no need to wait for menses to come. I took chix essence and seen a tcm as a means for my body to recover properly.
Hi Mouseaction,
Sorry to hear that.
What my gynea advise was wait til my AF started too.
First he did a scan to ensure everything is in good condtion before giving me the green light.
So best tat u go back and have a scan aft ur AF to ensure.

This year i'm hitting 35 year old. I also been thinking of giving up.
Imaging if i ever get pregnant now, when i reach 45 year old, my poor child will only be 10 year old.
I was thinking of giving it a shot for 3 times of IUI. If it didn't strike, then i will give up.
Altot having a child was the best thing in life, but if i ever not meath to be a mother. I still can be a wonderful wife to my husband. *^^*
Hi mouseaction,

Sorry to hear about that.. My gynae said can have intercourse after spotting has totally stopped, but must use protection.. My 1st 2 AF after m/c was erratic so he only gave me the green light to start trying after 3rd cycle.. Best that u check with ur gynae.. Take care!


How are you? How many days has it been since your iui? Stay positive k
It has been Day 13 since my IUI.
Normally my period arrive on the Day 30, so it be next week.
I dun feel any symptom at all, so try to not place any hope. Avoid disappointment. Wink.
I been coughing for 3 weeks, seen all Dr, doesnt help. Now im trying to rest my body from those medicine.

How u doing? Long time i have not come to this thread.
Quite lazy to scroll the way up. LOL..
Well said... indeed although having a child was the best thing in life but it is not the only best thing in life. Definately I believe you are a wonderful wife to your husband. You are definately younger than I am. One of my friend encouraged me that I should try until I hit 40.

Actually have not been using protection for a long long time liao so much so that the protection expired .... hee hee. My gynae only said to go back if my spotting did not clear. He checked for me previously and commented was quite clear and clean. I will just wait for AF to come then try again.
The chicken essence can just buy those from the supermarket? I got not time to make it on my own. I will start to take DOM as well.

Oh so it's been abt 2 wks from your iui ya.. Hope you'll have gd news next week
Looks like we're cycle buddies, 12dpo for me today but i have no plans to test la.. Haha.. Take lotsa water k.. Cough usually takes quite a while to go off.. Make sure you have enough rest.. Take care!


Ohh if wanna use protection must buy new one ah.. Hehe.. The chicken essence if u have no time to make, just buy bottled ones, it's fine..
Wa! Such a high hat, will tat be too big for me. Lol... Wish I can be too. Hehe.
We had try our best to concieve, everything just leave to hand of god.
Since we couldn't force to be pregnant, so wat the point of stressing.
Believe tat miracle happen when less expected. So stay on what we doing n lay all on fate.

Wa! So qiao... Hope to recieve some bb dust from u!! Wink!!
Meantime I also didn't thought of testing, disappointment is terrible.
So I just wait for my menses to knock my door. *touch wood*
If it didn't arrive by next week. Then I will jump... Lol!

Yeah I hate cough. It will take mths to recover.
Stupid voice... I sound like a man now. Even my colleague can't recognize my voice thru the office line. Lol..
Thanks... guess I will buy bottled ones.

Yeap... miracles do happen, just believe and have faith in God. This is what DH always told me too... but sometimes my mind just like to keep thinking which I know I should not...
You take care too... I too had cough and flu but it is much better now... I took Manuka honey and it helps in my cough.

haha... sexy voice huh... :p
Yo ladies, the cough virus is going around seems like alot of us affected. I just saw doc for 2nd time time too. Takecare everyone!
Mouseaction n miloqueen,
Leave it to the hand of Lord. Trust tat he has a plan for us.
Maybe he wanted us to focus well being a wife itself. Lol...

Piang... The virus is so strong. Everyone ard me also having cough.
I finish the whole bottle of Manuka honey & seen 3 times of Dr.
Doesn't help at all... So now I'm resting my body from all those medicine now.
A colleague telling me, i shd caught the 100 day wind cough.
Omg... First time hearing such a sickness. If it true, then I have endure another 70 days! Faint!!
Celest, miloqueen,
my colleague told me last time tt I had the 100 day cough, but dun need to really cough 100 days la. tt colleague suggested steaming the big korean pear kind with the chinese almond or something like tt to help. in the end i went to see tcm to bu my respiratory system for quite a while n then seldom cough after tt.
Thanks for ur recipe.
My TCM dun dare give me any strong medicine to heal my lung.
She knew tat I started IUI, so she scare to affect it.
Right now I can only rest well n drink tons of honey.

How long has it been? Every cycle?
I experience spotting aft my first period ended, it almost for 3 cycle. My spotting only stop after 5 to 7 day.
My Dr suspect it was inbalance hormones. He gave me clomid to regulate my hormones.
After the course ended, I dun experience anymore spotting.
Same time I'm taking EPO for my hormones too n started my TCM.
Aft taking that, my menses alway arrive on the 30 days.
But anyone who has cysts, I wouldn't recommend EPO, as it will tigger the cysts to grow bigger.
Hi, wanna get some advice here for insurance claims for d&c.

I went for d&c in late aug 2012. Only to realize now that my hubby's co group insurance actually provides a coverage for mc. Is it still ok for me to proceed with the insurance claim?
Hi just wanna checked if anyone had any missed miscarriage before? im suppose to be 8 weeks but us look like 6 wks n no heartbeat so doc say to wait for 1 more week to c how. Till date no cramp no bleeding and preggy symptom is there (food aversion n tender breast) but bloatedness has gone down..
Not sure what happen..

Been ttc for 2 yr aft my 1st ger, no luck even aft medication frm gynae till we sought help from tcm which my hb took brew medicine for 1 mth n strike. sigh tot can hv a sibling for my ger to play with. .
Celestine, yup, checked and spouse are covered too.

CJC, I had similar experience too. Scan at wk 8, and baby measured at wk6plus, with no hb. Waited for 2 was plus, still can't come out naturally, so went for d&c instead. At least, after doing mini-confinement, can try again.

For my case, I saw my baby and heard the heartbeat at 6 weeks. When I went for my 9th week checkup, there was no heartbeat anymore and the size of foetus was at 7 week. So doctor predicted foetus stopped growing at 7 week. I had no cramp and bleeding as well. I waited 1 week still nothing, so doctor did one last scan before proceed with d&c.
sorry for the late reply, it was just this cycle tt i noticed it. thanks for sharing your info, was hoping tt it might be due to ovulation. I didn't see any gynae as I'm still on tcm for this cycle. hope tt the tcm can help if mine is also hormone inbalance.

I had a missed miscarriage before, i had minor spotting, the cramps came around 3 weeks after my baby stopped growing. The gynae recommended a d&c. I was told its easier to conceive after the d&c too. my symptoms faded away after the d&c.
