Support group - Miscarriages


Mine was done at nuh too like celest.. But we're at diff clinics as i'm private patient and seeing a fixed doc.. Wondering how big is the price diff.. Mine was natural iui.. The $670+ is for iui procedure only, i didn't include the prior scans.. Yours was done at private right? The cost sounds reasonable..

Hello sisters, I just took Cytotec since yesterday as i was spotting and scan didn't show a fetus. I bled a lot yesterday with cramping the entire day. But today, hardly any cramps. Instead, i think i've got quite bad diarrhoea. Wondering if i should take charcoal pills? Anyone else had a similar experience?
i decided to skip reading ( abt 400 more to read ) and write a post first =)

hi ladies,

sorry that i am missing for the past months .. this pregnancy is not easy .. always seeing gynea and admitted to hospital for suspected water leaking and appendicitis at 20 weeks .. at 23 weeks , was told by gynea i got short cervix of only 2.2cm.. jus return from kkh cos i having cramps for past 2 days.. took a jab and return home ... currently turning 25 weeks soon and i gonna see another gynea on sat for a second opinion on the short cervix ... everyday seems like a nightmare to me >.< i admit i am really stressed up .... next wednesday will be seeing my rheumatologist, so i gonna expect him to take a few tubes of blood for testing ... now i am not allowed to shop or exercise, so gotta have lots of rest( becos of the short cervix ) ...

how are all of u?
Min81 n princess,
For me, I pay $300+ for IUI alone wor.
For the scan n injection, I pay $100+.
Since day 1 of my checkup at NUH, I'm seeing the same Dr. Today the IUI will be done by him too.
Only different is, we can't chose the Dr u want bah or maybe I didn't request for specific dr loh.

Bcos of some work matter, my hubby couldn't apply leaves.
Meaning I need to go for IUI alone. Quite nerve breaking, altot i know it a simple process.

Endure... everything u doing now is worth it.
Soon u able to carry ur bb on ur arm... Look foward to it. Jiayou!!
Celestine, my tmc gynae told me it will cost 400+ for iui. I suppose Min and Princess' case might have all the scans included. So the amount should be thereabout.

Tomomi, takecare of yourself and think positively. Have faith that things will turn out well although the journey might not be easy. Try talking to bb to cooperate with you.. Jiayou!
Godislove, I hope you're feeling better. Were your cramps like menstrual cramps and what colour was the discharge? How many weeks are you past last AF? I suggest going to a gynae for advice.
if you break my record, maybe it is good news for you?

glad that you and your hubby like it !!! my hubby actually say this taste nicer than the original LRD haha..

all the best to you !!! listen to your doc and rest more ok !!


All the best to your IUI today !!
Earlier on, i got this 2WW dos and dons from other forum..
just for your reference..

Do List during 2ww:
- Continue with supplements (folic acid)
- Eat brazil nuts *heaty
- Drink chicken essence *heaty
- Eat durian *heaty
- Drink red dates+wolfberry+logan drink *heaty
- Drink immunocal
- Eat high protein food (fish &amp; egg whites)
- Drink @ 2L of water daily
- Eat more fruits (kiwi) *prevent constipation
- Walk slowly
- Talk to embbies everyday

dont't List during 2ww:
- Do not do any strenous activity that affect stomach muscle (no squat/bend/climb stairs/lift heavy things)
- Turn to your side and push up with hands when get up of bed
- No sauna/hot tub/hot blanket/hot water bottle/hot pack
- No intercourse
- Do not self-medicate if fall sick
- No raw/seafood/spicy/cooling food (no oyster, sashimi, squid, prawn, watermelon, pineapple, egg-plant, banana, payaya &amp; all double-boiled soup)
- No cold drinks

So, those amount are after subsidised?
Dun worry, you can do it!! We are tougher women now to go through simple things like that.


Stay strong!! You can do it, though its difficult but it will definitely be worth it when you first carry your baby after delivery.
Take care and rest more!!

Hug hug.. Stay strong k! I'm sure it'll all be worth it when you carry your bundle of joy in your arms.. Take care!


Hmm the diarrhoea could be unrelated to the m/c.. But i think best to call up dr loh to ask.. Cos i understand charcoal pills absorb the toxic from stomach, maybe will affect efficacy of the cytotec?
Thanks for the list... Will be more aware now. *^^*
Later I might visit the GP for my cough, really couldn't endure anymore.
I will cough til vomit thru out the night. But will let GP know tat I just started IUI today.

Not sure wor, tat the amount i need to pay. Later I will ask them again.
Ya, we are all tough girl. Jiayou!

That's like half of what i'm paying.. So there's really a big diff.. Good that u get to see a fixed doc.. But no choice for me cos i wanna see prof.. He only sees private patients.. Best of luck for your iui! Don't worry about ur hubby not being there k.. After the iui, can just lie down and rest


The 600+ does not include scans and consults.. Every scan is $90.. My first consult with prof was $137, subsequent is $90.. Very exp hor.. But he's very nice, sometimes he waives the consultation fee, really appreciate it.. I didn't know govt hosp so flexible.. And gd thing is, not much waiting.. I always reach abt an hr early, wait a while, doc sees me, i pay and go off sometimes earlier than my appointed time.. TMC 400+ for iui not very exp..
Ya, it consider cheap for me. If ask me to pay $600 each session I might go KO.
Heard tat over in Nuh prof Wong is good wor?
Yesterday while I'm waiting for my scan, I saw him. Such a cute fatherly look. So wanted to use him, but I know not cheap at all loh.
Godislove: hope you have gone to visit your gynae. Diarrhea too much will cause dehydration, so top up on your liquid intake.

Tomomi: Try counting down to the birth and look forward to carrying your bundle of joy. Focus on the positives so you'll feel better. Take care and jiayou!

All the best to all the lovelies undergoing IUI/IVF procedures. Hope to hear good news from you in 2013!!!
Finally I'm done with my IUI.
Dr say my passage way to follicle is very confusing. They need to use ultrasound to search at the same time.
For the next cycle I needed a trial session to search the passage way smooth before I do another cycle of IUI.
Sad sad.... Thought clomid work well for me n today shd not be a problem.

Dun think too much. Though the procedure is tough but its completed. The rest just leave it to the troops to swim their way in.
Rest more!
Hi godislove, I agree with min. Think u shd consult dr Loh first before taking charcoal pills cos I understand charcoal absorbs other meds.

Hi tonomi, IVF thread last time got a sister, she got incompetent cervix n dr Loh sewed her cervix for her. She has successfully popped her bundle of joy few months ago... Mayb u can ask your doctor on this. Jia yo!
I'm trying my best to be positive.
Let the nature decide. If not successful, I try again.
Jiayou Jiayou!
Isst normal to have bleeding during the process?
I saw some bleed n dr say I will have spotting for 1 to 2 days.

Don't worry k.. Now your 2ww has started, stay relaxed and positive.. It's amazing how the spermies can find the egg even thru difficult path, don't worry about that.. Watch more comedies during this period to keep ur spirits up
thanks ladies,

gonna see my fren's gynea tml, not mine .. cos her gynea is the super careful kind .. though already sign package with my own gynea, think its worth to seek another gynea cos my gynea seems very busy nowadays.. i cant stand the ' monitor at home' kind of stuff now ... if the gynea tml i see is good and careful, probably i can recommend to u all if u are keen ( but i heard he is quite fierce ) ... the jab taken at kkh last night did helped my cramp quite a bit glad i went there cos my gynea is away till 10th jan and she never mention any standby gynea for me to go ..

and oh ya, my TMC is the one at jurong ~ the one which will refer to dr fong or dr Christopher , but i stop seeing her after i am pregnant .. and i went to neither gynea she said ...

good luck ~! rest well =)

i am not incompetent cervix, incompetent cervix is more to dilation of cervix, and the sewing is normally done is 1st-2nd trimester ... mine is more to short cervix which i completely got no idea how things will turn out ... some are ordered to hospital rest when cervix length is that short ... so i kinda confused also ..
Min n princess,
Right now I'm trying not to think too much.
Only can hope n pray tat the troop able to find the way.
Same time dun wish to put any hope, as from the dr face I can see it not good.
Jiayou Jiayou! Stay positive!!

your 2WW start liao!! Take care and have more bed rest !!
Don't worry ! as long as you know you have already tried your best..... Let nature takes its course.
Oh tonomi, Paisei. I tot its incompetent cervix *choy* Paisei. Anyway, glad u gonna seek second opinion n hope the Gynae can help u. Meanwhile u rest well ya. Jia yo jia yo.

Hi celest, congrats on your 2ww. Stay relaxed n positive ya
rooting for u
Jhw, I really doubt it is good news cos no 'feeling' unlike the last round. My tcm did warn me my cycle may go haywire so let's hope not too far from my personal record of 42 days.

Min, yah I also think 400+ by tmc sounds reasonable. Unfortunately, iui won't help much in my case as I've a blocked tube so ivf will be the next option if no good news after trying for awhile again.
Thanks Ladies,
Aft resting back home, felt lot better.
Now i dun place any hope is better then disappointment. *^^*
I feel for you... really understand how u feel when the cycle length become so long... the anxiety all these... try not to give yourself too much stress like me... now my record is also 42 days..

Sometimes by not pinning hope bring u unexpected surprise
rest well and stay happy!! And take note of the 2ww rules
Dear sisters, thanks so much for your advice on the diarrhoea. I emailed dr loh and he said it may be related to the antibiotics and that i could try charcoal pills if i wanted. But the following day thank God the diarrhoea cleared and I was ok already, so didn't take any charcoal pills.

MiloQueen, the cramping was more severe than menses cramping i think.. and very long drawn.. i was cramping from afternoon till before i slept. Plus i was watching movie in the afternoon. Within 2h, big blood clots came out (sorry TMI!)..hope everything cleared alr.

Celestine, all the best for your 2ww! No need for strict bedrest after but it will be good to just rest and relax after the procedure. Going to church is fine but just try not to sit near people who are flu-ey.. u don't want to catch germs. Maybe try sitting in the corner or sthg.

Tomomi, do rest well and try not to overexert yourself. Take care!

Chris, hope you get well soon! God bless!

Don't worry, there are many cases of ladies who had blocked tubes and conceived successfully naturally or with ivf.. We all jia you together k


Hope you're feeling better today.. If the pain gets bad, better to go and see doctor to set ur mind at ease.. Take care and ger well soon!
Godislove, if scan shows uterus is clear and bleeding stops after 1-2weeks then it should be fine. Takecare!

Min, hope so one step at a time bah. Let's jiayou together!
Happy new year ladies!! A new year, a new start!
Wish all of us a blessed healthy bb the coming new year.
hi chrisL,
pls have close monitor for urself at there....

happy new year to all ladies! hope our wish can come true in 2013!!!
hi ladies,

it's confirm i got short cervix and he say its high risk for pre term labor ... so i am not allowed to go shopping and no exercise as well as all the heavy stuff plus household chores in case it will cause the cervix to dilate >.<

this gynea is not bad .. he offered some solutions which are not cure though ... what he propose is to jab twice a week ( that hormones jab ) .. gonna be so costly and painful, but hubby say jus go ahead cos according to the gynea, it can reduce the risk by 30% ... on top of it , i need to take 3 other medicines to relax the uterus to prevent tummy going tight ... but the medicine making me very tired , and i got to take every 6hrs , was instructed not to skip the middle of the night dose as well... he is really a careful and detail gynea , and can see he trying wat he think can be done rather than jus monitor first then decide ...

2 more days to see my rheumatologist ...hopefully the test he gonna run are gonna turn out fine ...
Hi all ladies and 2013 mummies-to-be, happy new year and hope baby dust spread to all the ladies here and we all be blessed with a healthy baby in 2013! Jia you Jia you!

For those who managed to get the LRD from Taka, the counter is just outside cold storage from a stall call yes natural or yue yi? They carry longan drink but sold out not sure if it is the same as what you ladies shared.
i have not been to taka ..buti called them the other day
They say its at taka basement 2, near cold storage... the booth is together with Ricemate
Thanks Jhw, the one I saw was on the right hand side of ricemate but the name seems diff from the teabox you gals mentioned. Their outlets are at clementi and geylang so I suspect it might not be this one.
Hey sorry gals, forgot to post last night.. I recommended another lady to buy, when she went yesterday, was told it's sold out.. Apparently, a lady bought 40 packs at 1 shot.. The boss said cos the shelf life not very long so they don't bring in too much at one go.. Not sure yet when the next batch is coming..
the outlets are in sembawang shopping mall and jurong point 2... so geylang n clementi may not be the one... maybe its the left hand side stall?

wahhh!!!! 40 packs in one go!!!!! Looks like we got to grab fast in future....
jhw, I cant seem to find any other stalls selling LDR date leh. The one I asked LDR also sold old but the pamphlet only say longan tea without mention of ginger, dates etc. Anyway also sold out.

Min, thanks for the update. If possible, can post a picture of the box or send the pic to me for reference? Thanks much.
