Support group - Miscarriages

Jhw n princess,
Oh yes! I'm so looking foward to eat n chills none stop. Lol!
Let look foward to the coming Christmas n new year for the new starting point. Hooooo!!

Good day ladies!

Nice sunny day today... (for a change), my plants at home must b feeling happy... haha

Did a HPT and OPK this morning. -ve on HPT, seems like my HCG levels are back to normal now. 2 lines on OPK, been having some aches on the left side of my tummy yesterday, not quite sure if I am ovulating.

By the way, I have another qn about OPK and HPT, I used the cheapo sticks I ordered online and it says 15IU/ml, is that too sensitive, cos I thought the norm was 25IU/ml?
jhw, min,
thanks for the suggestions, got other branches, but they will also be able to see the record. mabbe i shdn't think too much about it n just go.

melaka is nice! i like the food there, the chicken ball rice n penang laksa n the cendol. yumm.

Enjoy your holiday!!


Thanks for the tips on opk
I was thinking, i drink a lot of water throughout the day so if i test in the afternoon, my urine will be quite diluted.. Is that ok?


I guess it depends on individual, not everyone will share the same thoughts as me on adoption.. It is also something that helps keep me positive.. I'm not giving up trying hard for my own bb, but if at the end i can't succeed, i believe there's still much in life to look forward to


Yup don't worry too much about it.. Just enjoy the nice feeling of having a facial
Hey ladies, I was tempted by all your exchanges on Xmas tree and got one last week! Indeed so happy each time I look at the tree. Btw, how will all of you be celebrating Xmas?Anyone cooking? Me looking for shifu to impart me some skills I'm really lousy at it. On leave this week and tried cooking twice, so far not up to expectations. Luckily DH still quite give face finish the food, pity him...

Has been a month since I lost my little beanie and still patiently waiting for my AF to come. Strange feeling to be hoping it comes asap this round so unlike the past few years when ttc. Xmas pressie this year is hope to see red! :p

I remembered gynae mentioned that first urine to concentrated for testing LH, so its better to use 2nd or 3rd urine. I drink a lot water too, so 2nd still in the morning. So, I test around noon, which is the 3rd urine usually. LH surge come quite fast 12-48 hours. So, if noon I got faint double line, I usually do test again 3-4 hours later. I do get clear double line in evenings or sometimes at night.


Glad to hear X'mas tree makes you happy. It applies for me too! This year I am not cooking cos time is not on my side. So, I ordered buffet. What do you intend to cook? I usually cook western and bake some cookies or cakes.
Min81, opk definitely not test w FMU. There were sisters from other threads who say best tested btw 10am-8pm. For me, I have mild pcos so I may not get a +ve so soon after getting faint lines. I try to test around the same time of the day coupled w monitoring mucus. Then if dark lines, I'll be very KS to test w the exp opk. Prefer to confirm cos a +ve hard to come by for me...

Princess, wow buffet must be inviting quite a number of guests. Me just cooking for my DH and I cos our celebration w friends are on new year eve. I tried cooking Japanese teriyaki chicken yday and the taste was weird. You cooked it before? I may play cheat and just do steamboat for Xmas hehe.

yeah !! so Now you are going to wait for your first AF to come... New AF, New Cycle, New Start, New Hope ! Jiayou Jiayou !!!
hmmm... as for the OPK strips... i thought it is the more sensitive the better ?

Yup... min is right... i guess we should just enjoy the facial... maybe the facial ladies will just feel sorry and don't dare to comment any further... Ok !!! I shall go book my first Facial now !!!!!

My FIL is adopted my hus also never against the idea of adoption... just that its more of the money factor... i think adoption is not easy and not cheap too... But i am hoping to have my own first baby first, then for the second one, if i really don't wish to try anymore, or if i am too old by then, it's nice to adopt too.... (provided i am financially sound by then, dun want the adopted kid to suffer with us haha)


Yeah !!!! you got your Xmas Tree too !!! Decorated already?
Its' really a nice and happy feeling to see Xmas Tree greeting us whenever we step into our home !! it cheer me up and took away much of my stress too... I want to do the same for CNY too, but my hb dun want, he say he dislike CNY haha
I only know how to cook very very simple dishes... too complicated ones i will get very lazy to try haha....


do you know how to bake logcake? I wanted to try baking this year and also gingerbread man... Not sure still have time to prepare or not... have you tried before, is it difficult on first try? I was thinking of using my new oven, my friend say if too long never use will be spoilt....

Yes, every year I had a big party at home. I loved to gather with family members to add warmth to the house. I am more of a western-cuisine person, japanese food I had only tried making sushi and the curry rice. Steamboat is nice and easy to prepare. Its not a bad idea too!


Baking logcake is the same as the usual cake, just have to get the mould for logcake. I bake the sponge cake inside the same way as baking cake. Then outside, you can add cream or icing (depend on your preferences) and decorate!
Gingerbread man is easy to make. If you have bake before, I think should be able to succeed in the first try if you follow the recipe closely. If you have the time over the weekend, then perhaps you can try baking first before the BIG day.
min, jhw,
thanks, somehow both ur comments made me feel better.

i like cooking! for ang mo food i usually get my recipes from, lots of pple share recipes there. i made teriyaki chicken b4, i mixed e seasoning from scratch, but i think if u r not cooking often, then perhaps its easier to just use the premixed teriyaki sauce bottles.

i have not bake before hehe (unless home econs class in sec sch was considered an experience.. haha)... so i am thinking should i be so ambitious to try logcake for my first experience haha...


have you visited noobcook before?
i love this site..
oops no wonder i keep getting positive on my OPK, cos I use my FMU... now i recall the lady at the TCM said to test before I sleep... haha okok... shall do that again tonight
Hui, I love noobcook! Lots of easy homely Asian food that reminds me of mum's cuisine! Followed a few of her recipes and turned out not too bad! Hubby, who is also a cooking enthusiast was fairly impressed! hehe...

I love Cuisine Paradise too! - for happycallpan recipes.

Oh and the other idiot-proof website when I want to try out Western dishes would be Jamie Oliver, his recipes are super simple and super yummy, I like what he stands: fresh simple nutritious homecooked meals!
Thanks !!! Jo78.... for the links...
i will go try out the link you give... i have happy call !!! my favourite pan for now hahaha makes cooking and washing so much easier..
Jamie Oliver, hmm... okay will go do a search hehe...

by the Way

My Menses is here, My Menses is here, my Menses is FINALLY HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAH !!!!
hui, congrats!! Big whew! Now you can relax and celebrate Christmas in peace! Joy and Peace to the world! I love my happy call too! But hubby not so keen on using them cos he likes his wok better... I like them for fish and it's really easy to make rosti too!
jhw, jo,
thanks for sharing the websites! new bookmarks for me. speaking of happycall, the price dropped so much! esp if u buy from those groupon kind of websites

good to hear tt! haha

Princess, jenny,
is the joke something in the news? din find anything on google...

yes yes !! i can finally fully 100% plus guarantee chop RELAX now !!! Looks like your hubby is a traditional good cook !!! heard that using wok cooks nicer food if the skills is good... but very hard to wash lar haha


ya i bought it from Gmarket... it was $60 then
i am going to collect the rest from the Happycall family... anyone collecting too?


are you referring to the Michael Palmer thingy?
Ooops is it right to mention name here? haha!

Thanks! Think i'll do it around noon then
Can't believe i'm actually excited about using the opk strips.. Keke..

Miloqueen, princess, jhw,

I usually do western since it's x'mas.. I like to cook lamb rack, and pork/beef for those who don't take lamb.. I sear them in pan before putting them in oven.. I usually marinade them 1 night before so it really penetrates the meat and tenderises it..

Not doing anything this yr though cos i did a big one last yr.. And cos was supposed to be doing ivf in dec so we already decided early on we won't do it.. We need to save also cos i'm not wking now, we usually spend quite a lot on quality meat.. Based on the rotation, supposed to be at my hubby's bro's place but they tried to push it to us recently saying they just got baby and we should do it cos maybe next yr we're the one with baby and can't do it.. Think my mil was quite surprised when i rejected baking a cake too cos i always did that previously, fondant-covered and decorated.. I feel bad, but no choice, i willhave to spend so much with ingredients and all.. But hey, i ordered a nice cake (cheaper
) hehe..

Anyway, a suggestion, i always do a trial run.. So you gals have a few more days to try out ur x'mas meal!

I also like happycall cos so easy to wash! But i have many other pots in good condition, so feel sinful to buy new pots.. Only have the steamer pot cos my parents bought the whole set but don't want the steamer, so i take lor.. Hehe..
Thanks all for the cooking tips! I knew I'll get some help if i ask here.

Una, I tried making the teriyaki sauce from scratch too using japanese soy sauce, mirin and marmalade. The taste turned out weird. Don't know what went wrong.

Jhw, congrats on the arrival of your AF! I once took a Xmas baking workshop w phoon huat and made a log cake and stollen bread. I find the baking process quite complicated for beginners but it was really satisfying seeing the end product. It looks like those sold by bakeries and I even brought it along for friend's Xmas party. Maybe you can consider the workshop.

Min, wait till you get opk +ve then you will get your hubby excited too! *wink*

Keke.. Ya he anytime of the mth also excited one la :p Was just thinking, lucky i'm not in charge of the x'mas dinner this yr cos it's our crucial period and we'll be busy with bb-making! Keke.. I'm sure my mil won't mind me not preparing the cake if i tell her that.. Hehe..

Hmm actually for teriyaki sauce, i feel can just use store bought ones.. Certain sauces don't need to make from scratch.. Cos i sear the meat in frying pan, the essence of the meats are left in there which i think is kinda wasted to throw away.. So i'll add wine, cream, herbs, mustard, etc to cook and reduce to a sauce.. But i think it's fine to use ready made sauce, less work too, gonna do that next time! I prepare a soup, appetizer, main course and cake usually and it's a lot of wk.. Can try to cut down some of the tedious wk where possible
Mich, jhw,

I do not know the exact story, cos not really interested in scandal thingy. Just overheard colleagues mentioned 2 hot scandals when I am away, Elmo and gingerbread man.


Haha... I think its normal ba. Whether its OPK or HPT, we all hope to see double lines.
whoa min, u sound like Masterchef! haha I've a novice, but it's quite satisfying to whip up a delicious meal for the family.

i also added this alvin & yuki few days ago...
i dunno them, but so many of my friends added them, so i added too.... oh so this is the scandal you guys are referring to.... this guy really heartless siah... but the gal also brave to write her story in facebook...

Min, Princess,

haha ya !! i cannot believe i am so excited to see AF.... !!!


I like phoon huat too.. i heard that if you take their baking course, for $15 or so... this amount of course fee can be used to purchase baking stuff from them... very worthwhile...

you are very good with cooking !! Your hubby is a lucky man !!!
and i think you are very hardworking too... think you really love cooking and baking...
for me, i am really very lazy...
hui, I also only read this story yesterday, someone posted the link here in the forum. Yea the guy is heartless but the girl should consider herself fortunate that the monster showed his colors before they got married.

It's devastating to realise a relationship that we thought is so strong can crumble in the face of such simple temptation, but I think there is also more to the story. Maybe the guy only love the idea of romance, but not marriage. Such people will not be able to survive the reality of marriage, the wedding is usually a preview of how the couple works through practical things. I am saying the guy has no fault, but if a guy can just give up a long time gf for this kinda fleeting infatuation, he is as good as dead to me...


I feel that it is really a blessing in disguise for the gal... she will surely meet a better man in future... Let the other woman be the unlucky one to have that heartless guy... haha who knows she might dump him first...
so worth buying stuff on tt kind of website! much better value for money! i dun think i'll b buying anymore pans till we get our own place. some of the stuff i buy tend to get assimilated in if u know what i mean.

i can imagine ur overnight marinated lamb/beef/pork n ur cakes must b v yummy! ya agree with jo, u sound like masterchef!

thanks sharing the website, my chinese isn't tt good, n in case anyone else has the same problem as me, here's an english version.

Ehh no la, i just enjoy cooking and baking.. Haha.. Like to watch chef at home, laura calder, anna olson, etc.. Can get lotsa ideas.. It's nice when the 'experiments' turn out gd.. But when not so gd, then ermmm.. Haha..


Haha.. Cooking and baking is fun, but not the washing up! I think next time i'll prepare easier stuff if got bb
Or just order roast meats from supermkts like what both our families do..
Min, I also bet you're an expert. Got appetizer, main course and dessert woah. Sounds yummy the way you describe the process.

Jhw, I think the $15 rebate is for demo classes. I took the hands on one and you get to bring home what you bake. So it was 1 whole log cake and 1 bread each the other time. They may pair you up to work in teams and it's like a home econs class where you need to do your own cleaning too. Fun but tiring. Maybe we should organize going for a class together to learn baking CNY goodies.
i haf a teriyaki chicken recipe, its from a japanese cookbook. mabbe u can try it since u bought the bottle of mirin alr.
makes 2 servings, deboned chicken drumsticks (400g), oil (2 tbsp), salt to taste, flour to coat chicken, japanese cooking wine (1 tbsp), seasoning{mirin (2 tbsp), sugar (1 tsp), soysauce (2tbsp), grated ginger (1tsp)}
coat the chicken lightly with the flour, sear both sides lightly in a frying pan, cover the pan for 5 min, then add the seasoning into the pan.
Hi Ladies, I just want to encourage all of you who are waiting for AF and a new pregnancy. Please hang on there. The journey wasnt easy N pple surrounding me were busy getting pregnant and giving birth so easily and i questioned myself why. It was soon i decided to stop TTC then i got pregnant and now the little one is 4 mths old now. I was reminded of this forum because when i was down, knowing a couple of mothers to share the grief and rant it out made the walk less painful. It was also the Christmas period i found out i had lost my first child at 12 weeks.

Fast forward 2 years, i looked back and is amazed at how i went through the period with people cheer for me to fight on, do take time to thank and appreciate your family and love ones who is also equally hurt when you go through the lost. May the Lord bless you all with a healthy baby and the year 2013 be a blessed and fruitful one for you! Remember keep thinking beautiful and positive thoughts!

Thanks for the encouragement.

I too, lost my baby just before Christmas, yesterday was the exactly one year. I tried to concentrate on the preparation of Christmas, try not to grieve over it anymore. I knew my rainbow baby will come soon!
Re: the Yuki & Alvin story - I really feel for Yuki. Glad that she is slowly finding back herself and her life. The third-party blogger still claimed that the whole matter was not true, but her 'trail' like instagram and blog for the past few months are a total giveaway. And it was widely known that this was not her first time destroying people's relationships knowingly. This incident was reported in Wanbao/Shin Min before in Jun and again just last Thu.

I just had my first period after m/c. I usually get bad cramps for my periods, but this time it was so painful until I could only stay in bed most of today. I couldn't take the pain until I broke down and cried. Was it because my womb had not totally healed? Hope it won't be like that again the next month =( I want to restart my tcc efforts after my 2nd period leh. Paracetamol did not work, so had to take ibuprofen instead...which seemed to ease the pain, thank goodness.

Ok, enough of the unhappy stuff...I still need to go wrap my Christmas presents. Wishing everyone a merry Christmas in advance~

dun feel disheartened... tell u... my AF came this time round and is painful than the previous rounds... dunno is it because of the hormones imbalance thingy and AF delayed till CD 44... but just try your best to rest as much as you can... Drink Black Sugar + Red Dates + Ginger Tea daily during your Menses, it will help to ease the pain and regulate your menses.... next round will be better...

About the Yuki & Alvin, i know who is the blogger liao, she really very bu yao lian...


Thanks for sharing your story and Encouragement...
I am happy for you that you got your rainbow baby now.... it is also a form of encouragement to all of us that we will also get our rainbow babies soon !!!

Merry Christmas to Everyone !!
went for my first TCM visit after mc on Sat, Dr Tan felt I have a small follicle on my left ovary and won't be ovulating for until 3-6 days later. But strangely I have +ve OPK for past 2 days and -ve OPK last night. And I have been having pretty bad tummy cramps on the left side, it hurts to stand up. Not sure if it's ovulation pain, hopefully it will go away soon...
Hey babes,

Merry x'mas to you and your loved ones! Best wishes to all of you and hope all of us will be blessed with loads of babydust soon!
Dear ladies,
merry christmas!!
Just want to share to those who are drinking LRD..
there is one convenient product , popular in taiwan which compresses all natural ingredients in cube form..(dried longan, old ginger, red dates, wolfberries, black sugar)..
No need long hours or overnight brewing anymore.... put a cube to dissolve with boiling water, u can make about four cups of LRD.... it is easy, convenient and instant while not losing the natural benefits... i ask dr su and she say this product is as good as the LRD that we brew from scratch... it is called 黑糖系列, with the above mentioned five natural ingredients.... but so far, we will only manage to find in sembawang shopping centre taiwan food shop... u can take free shuttle service from yishun mrt to reach the shopping centre.... this is for sisters who are busy to brew LRD from scratch...

They have website too.

I tried to upload picture but keep failing...
but u can see the picture in the website..
when u go to the shop, make sure u buy the right 黑糖系列 with 黑糖, 姜母, 构杞, 桂圆, 红枣。。 packaging is red color

One packaging consists 10 cubes..which means can brew 10 days..
one cube can brew four cups depending on how much u want to dilute it..
One packaging of ten cubes cost $10
Dear sisters, wishing all of you a spendid and blessed Christmas with your loved ones. And may all our dreams to receive our rainbow babies all be realised soon! Happy holidays!
