Support group - Miscarriages

hi girls,
I'm back! Today went for the triple test plus other blood tests. Luckily in the morning my mum gave me a bowl of liver soup to drink coz the nurse withdrew almost a syringe of blood from my arm! How much did u all have to pay for the blood tests? I paid $245 which I find very ex! Today I was quite emotional, coz my gynae saw me tearing when I asked her how come I am still staining. She said some ppl's pregnancy stabilise at 12 wks, others at 16 wks, so mine is prob at 16 wks. Anyway had to continue with my hormone pills to be on the safe side. Wow it never fails to amaze me the gift of life within me! The baby has grown so much, got bones already and is very actively tossing and turning. We saw the genitals and saw something sticking out, so gynae said most prob boy. Anyway I'll be going for a detailed scan in my next checkup which is 4 weeks later. Having mixed feelings abt having another boy, scared that the same thing might happen again. Pls continue to pray for me yah!

Hey <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, Congrats for expecting a baby boy!!

Touchwood! This time round, we'll have a smooth pregnancy. Have faith in yourself, ok?

We all so cute, we keep telling ppl dun worry, dun scared, then end up, we were sandwiched between anxiety and the joy of having BB..
Java ah! I wait until neck long long for your posting ah! Now I am having a con call that will last till midnite...
But this good news cheer me up! You and your boy will be fine!!
I have a feeling that I will have a girl though...It will be a few more weeks b4 I know though...

Is the staining still very bad? Don't worry too much... you are in good hands. I will pray hard for you!

Now I am waiting for my own check up tomorrow!

Joyce, I agree with you.. it is easy to ask ppl to relax hor? hahaha But we must all try hard to relax and enjoy this pregnancy!!

hi styloBB (stylobb),

Ya, my triple test result show that my HCG level is higher than normal &amp; rish in down's is 1 in 250. I am now waiting the result for my amnio test. I did not do any detailed scan as amnio test is almost 99% accurate whethere is a heathly baby or not. Doing this test just to make sure that my baby is heathly cos don't wish to have any worry after delivery.


Your triple test price are normal cos i paid $240 for mine also &amp; pay additional $130 for additional blood test for both me &amp; my husband as he Thalassaemia carrier. Luckily, I am not if not baby will suffer.
hi folic, ocean and tiny, i hope to share good news soon with all of you too!
thks for the encouragement and baby dust!

joyce, how are you?

java, don't think so much abt the negative stuff. i know it's not easy. we will all definitely have the feeling of anxiety and fear until our babies are born healthy and safe. you'll be blessed. don't worry and take care during the pregnancy period!
hi folic, joyce, millie
My staining stop liao. Recently my emotions are like roller coaster again, sometimes +ve, sometimes -ve. I think boy easier to detect, coz the penis easy to see thru U/S, my hubby so funny, he said so obvious coz he saw the bb's balls.

hi folic,
Good luck for your checkup today. Do keep us updated when u come back. Yesterday I couldn't post after my checkup coz I went to Plaza Singapura after my checkup with my hubby. He took leave. Its been a long time since I went shopping due to the bedrest. So happy I went to Swensen to buy a crunchie cone to eat! Sorrie ah knowing u have to stay clear of sweet stuff I somemore tempt u.

hi millie,
Really hope to hear good news from you. Will be praying for u!

hi wangwangboy,
At first when I got my bill yesterday, it amounted to $300+ I got a shock! Then I saw the breakdown that the triple test is so ex! Dunno whether KKH is also so ex.
Java... great to know that your spotting has stopped. Went for waxing the other day and the lady who attended to me is preggie with a boy as well. When I asked if she knows the gender... she playfully declared that she has a penis in her. She said it is so boring to say "its a boy". So next time you can do the same too... kekekekek :p Don't worry too much about having mood swings... cos most preggies are like that. Its a right, so flaunt it while you can.

Joyce... I totally agree with you. It is always so easy to console others but when it comes to ownself... it is so difficult. I am getting a bit edgy lately as well... cos I can't even attain one out of my two goals... no baby... no new job. Sianzzz... can't help but feel stagnant... so aimless.... :p

Millie... babydust to you... though I will be keeping some for myself as well... I hope you understand... kekekekek :p
Hi ladies,

Been quite a while since I last posted here. Was feeling quite moody since last week, guess my 3rd AF is on the way liao.

Hi Java,

Congrats for expecting a bb boy. Don't worry too much, you will be blessed with a healthy bb this time. Glad to know that your staining has stopped. I will continue to pray for you.

Hi Folic,

Do update us on your checkup today.

Hi Millie,

So you have started trying again?? Really hope to hear good news from you very soon.

Hi wangwangboy,

welcome to this thread. The amnio test result is almost 99.9% accurate. Don't worry too much, ok
hi odie,
I was like you few months ago. I was so frustrated with myself, coz I was trying for so long but still no results. Then I was also trying to find a good permanent job, but no results either. you just gotta be patient and continue to be hopeful. Just when u don't expect it, it will come to u. All the best to you! In the meanwhile, do things that you like, coz when your bb comes, you won't have mood and energy to do other things liao.

hi tiantian,
Thanks so much for your prayers. Baby dust to you too!

I think bill from any hospital is the same for such test. My gynes is from G.E &amp; I have been paying alot since the day I started with him. Anyway, my bubby also told me that paying is not a problem as he will work hard to earn it back, just make sure that our baby are taken good care by Dr Chan. He always trust doctor advise &amp; want me to have a positive mind &amp; happy heart that will bring us a healthy &amp; happy baby.

tiantian, thanks for your concern. I better now &amp; as my next doc appointment is next Wed so waiting for good news from my result.
Hi <font color="0000ff">millie</font>, I'm fine!! Now in my 13th week... waiting patiently for my checkup on the 9th.

And my MS seem to subside in these few days... er... better don't happy too early, wait it come back again.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, glad that your spotting has stopped. So must eat more, rest more, think positively. (Applies to all MTB)

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, my neck seem to grow so much, coz keep waiting for all the updates/good news from you gals.

Ya <font color="aa00aa">Odie</font>, said is always easier than done.
<font color="119911">Java</font>, am glad to learn that your appt went well and can even see that you are having a boy!!

By the way, I think there is a huge difference in pricing if you are under the subsidisy rate. For KK under the subsidisy rate, the tripple test is S$29.00 and S$7.00 for the Thalassaemia test. As my hubby had did the Thalassaemia test during my 1st pregnancy, i din go for this test. But I did a Blood Count and Hepatitis B blood at abt $7 per test.

I think the price before subsidise is abt S$80++ for triple test and S$20++ for blood test. Cant really remember the exact pricing unless i look at the bill.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font> and <font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, good luck for your gynae appt today! Will wait to hear from both of you!! Jia You!

<font color="aa00aa">Odie</font>, i also agreed that it is easier to tell others to think positive. But when it comes to ourself, we find it hard to take the same advice no matter how hard we try!
So, here, we need the support from others to tell us that we are ok!
I dont know, but sometimes to hear from you gals here telling me that my BB is alright, I felt more reassure.
I guess this is the support that we give to each other!

<font color="0077aa">Joyce</font>, ur MS subside liao? So nice! I still feel nausea even though at my 17wks! Recently, i tried to feel if can detect any BB movement or not, but still not too sure! So now, i get myself worried again!
Now waiting impatiently for my detailed scan next Mon!
Hi gals,

I am back. Everything went well. The baby is now 3.37 cm right on track for a 10 wk baby
I think this baby is very laid back. Both times that I see on the u/s, s/he is sleeping
Baby Jie will usually dance around so this one is very different. Due to morning sickness, I have lost almost 2kg. The doc and dietitian say I must eat more in the morning, since I usually throw up my dinner. Hopefully, I will gain some weight next visit. Also, I will go to another gynae, Dr Ann Tan at Mt E in two weeks time. I am going to do a first tri scan to measure the neck thickness and also do some blood test. This is the new machine that detects down syndrome at an earlier stage. Keeping fingers crossed that everything is fine.

Tiantian, don't feel moody. Don't give up hope until the stupid AF arrives, ok?

Odie, Hi! I am sure your will hit both of your goals very soon! jia you jia you!!

Joyce, i think your neck grow long long also cos u waiting for your own check up
9th will be here soon!
That is when I am doing my first tri scan as well.

Java, glad to hear that your staining has stopped and you even went shopping. Don't worry about tempting me with sweet stuff. Even before preg, I don't have a sweet tooth. So, actually, it is very easy for me to stick to the diabetic diet.

Thank you all for the kind words. This month is flying past really fast... think its because I have stopped counting the days :p

Ocean... wow so fast 17th week =) Didn't even realise that. Don't think too much... you are still a "greenhorn" so it will take a little longer before you will feel the baby's movement.

Folic... good to see that your baby is right on track. Looks like (s)he will be a very obedient little kid =)
hi ocean,
Wow KKH so cheap leh! My MS also subside after Wk 12, but now and then still got vomit.

hi folic,
Maybe your bb is a she, since she is not as active. u say u lost 2kg, I lost 3 kg leh, but yesterday I checked the weighing machine, I gained 1 kg. Maybe because my appetite improve alot recently or the entire sac getting bigger, so heavier. Do u know Dr Ann Tan is my doc's niece? Are u seeing her only for 1 visit for her to measure ur bb's neck and blood test?

hi joyce,
I haven buy the prenatal heartbeat listener. No chance to go to KKH.

Actually yesterday while I was waiting for my turn to see my gynae, I went to walk around TMC. Previously I chose 4 bedded, but I think I will choose 2 bedded, coz the 4 BD is near the entrance of lift. Also conquered my fear of seeing newborn babies when I saw so many cute mini babies, got one bb crying away, can see that he is very hungry coz his mouth open big big.
congrats to all expecting mums to be.. Take gd care of yr body.. Take more tonics to strengthen up yr body..
God Bless All Of You!!
Hi Java, wow you lost even more than me
But I got a lot of spare tyres to lose.. haha! Oh, Ann Tan is your doc's niece? Wow, all these gynaes seems to be all related. I am only seeing Ann Tan for that special scan. Other than that, I will go back to Dr Thong. I really love to visit her...everytime also put my mind at ease.

I was looking at some brochures at RH. I told my hubby I want to stay in the suite
cos the picture very nice, like got separate living room type... then he looked at me like "u think i print money ah?":p

Hi Hamasaki, how are you?

hi folic,
u want to stay in suite? Wah u rich man. I saw the 1BD in TMC, very nice, somemore got writing desk and a spare bed for hubby to sleep. But dun think I wan to spend so much, last time my bill at Mt E already cost a bomb. Chey! i tot can use medisave to claim for predelivery consultations, can only claim another $450 more. So far my total bill already > $2K.
Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, haha... I could imagine your hubby's reaction, must be very cute!
I also ever thot of staying 1 bedded in KKH... but I'm too timid, afraid of being alone in the room at night. Quite eerie... kekeke
4 bedded quite good mah, can chit chat with other mums.
Hi everyone,
I just got a call from my gynae &amp; was informed that my amnio test show that my baby boy is prefectly normal!!! Phew....after all this weeks of worries finally come to the end.

A BIG THANK YOU to everyones here who have given me their blessing.

The price you paid for all your tests in KKH is really cheap. So good to have susbidy from KKH. Unlike G.E, no susbidy at all! Everythings is so ex....
hi folic, I am feeling good now.. You have to take gd care of yr body throughout yr pregancy. Let us know if you have know yr baby sex.. (not tat soon right as you're only in yr 10 wks now)..

I am afraid to stay in 1 bedroom in hospital even though I love the spacious and beautiful room.. Feel eerie and spooky.. Hospitals is a bit dirty if U gals know what I mean..

Congrats Wangwangboy of expecting a little boy boy.. Izzit KKH delievery charges, scans and medicines are cheap.. I am still trying to compare prices of SGH and KKH.. See which hospital is cheaper and good, and I'm off to tat place..

I am back from gynae review today. He managed to detect the bb heartbeat and the bb is abt 6w4d now. There were still quite a lot of blood clots inside from the u/s scan and he diagnosed this (plus the bleeding last friday) as subchorionic heamorhage. So its high risk pregnancy. Anyway he said the bb is still in dangerous state and gave me 2 weeks hospitalization leave. I got another progesterone in oil jab and another one next week. I dunno how to tell my boss abt the extended leave ...sigh .. wonder if I shd go back to work ....


glad your gynae visit went well
hi mothers-to-be, so glad to read the gd updates on ur babies! ocean and joyce, waiting to read ur updates!

especially to wangwangboy, really happy to read ur gd news.
take care!

ladies, i hv started ttc liao. this wk going to be busy
hope to hv gd news to share by next cycle. but most imptly, hope that my next pregnancy will be a gd one. pray pray!!

odie, we share the baby dust ok
don't despair abt not getting a job. i'm sure something will come up soon for u! maybe be a full-time mum!

tiantian, thks for ur concern. how are u? can start after ur 3rd cycle? hope ur mood is a better one this wk!
poohy, just read ur posting. i think u can inform ur boss abt ur current situation. it's impt for u to hv complete bed rest now, esp since it's adviced by the doc. to hell with him/her if ur boss thinks otherwise.

i know it's not easy but be positive and relax ok. rest well in bed and u can keep urself busy with watching tv or reading books/ magazines. we are here to support u. don't think abt work or unhappy stuff. it'll be fine. look forward to ur updates on ur baby's development!
Hi Wangwangboy,
So happy for you!!!
Well, I guess this is another example of how inaccurate the triple test can be!
Really can't help feeling so relieved and happy for you!

Poohy, detecting the heartbeat is indeed good news, the first step. Do rest well now that your gynae has advised you and don't worry about your work. At the end of the day, what matters most is your health and your baby's. So make sure you listen to your gynae and give your baby the best possible chance ok? Will remember u in my prayers. My prayer list is getting longer each day, but i'm so happy for that!

Millie, since you have been given the green light to try, i'm sure u will soon be reporting good news to us! All the best, yah?

Odie, I've been there before...feeling lost and directionless. But hey, it's only a matter of time, and when the timing's right, it will happen. I was just thinking that if I had conceived immediately or shortly after my m/c (as I had so badly hoped to ), I would have missed out on the 12 weeks paid maternity!!
To millie ang, hamasaki &amp; Joyce,

Thanks! Finally I am more ready to talk more abt my pregnancy. I am in my 20th weeks now, put on abt 4.5kg fr my pre-pregnant weight, but my breast is really huge!! So big that I hv to purchase bra from Mark &amp; Spancer under C to D cup!(Before was B). Can feel slight movement last few nights &amp; understand normally they are more active during the night. Start wearing since 10th wk cos breast is too big, cannot fit in my normal clothing!! haha.... male friends even joke that I shld go for Breast Reduction after my birth!!!

Dont worry!! Stay positive &amp; you will have a good pregnancy!! Trust me, I am a very good example. Wonder are you a Buddhist?? If yes, try chanting to Guan Yin Liang Liang. I did that everyday since I know my pregnancy problems &amp; she really help me alot this few weeks. I will continues chant for the benefit of good health for my little boy. Even you are not a Buddhist, try praying to your God, believe very strongly that your sincerity toward your praying will help you go thur all your problems.

Do keep us update for any good news!!
<font color="119911">Poohy</font>, so happy to learn that there is a heartbeat detected now!
It is a milestone reached!
However, please, please stay at home and dun go to work! Tell your boss what is happening and rest well at home. Continue taking ur dusphaston! Guai hor, must not go to work,ok!

<font color="0000ff">Wangwangboy</font>, happy for you too that test results proved to be good! It is really a sign of relief hor!! By the way, u already know the gender of ur BB?
Oh, so that is why u give urself the nick <font color="ff0000">Wangwangboy</font>?

<font color="ff6000">Hamasaki</font>, dun think KK delivery and medical are cheap unless u r under the subsidisy rate. That is u r not allowed to choose a doc and usually the gynae that u see r medical officer. By the way, if u r under the Premier charges whereby the waiting time and svc r as gd as pte, then the charges is almost the same as pte or sometimes, can be higher!

<font color="0077aa">Millie</font> and <font color="aa00aa">Odie</font>, dun share baby dust lah!!
Both of u must have more more BB dust!! Then we will all received our BB bonus of S$3000 from our very kind govt!! Kekkee...
But hor, u must enjoy yourself hor!
Heard that stress is no good for the "Olympic Race"
So, enjoy the night!

Very relief indeed!! Finally over liao....I know the gender of my baby at my 15th wk cos he open two legs big big &amp; show us his penis!! hehe... Ya, named Wangwangboy hope for Wangwang luck on my test result &amp; happy it really come true!!

Regarding the $3000 bonus, they will not immediately credit to our account after baby is born. My sister told me that they will divide into 2yrs &amp; you hv to open a baby bonus acc. cannot withdrawn the cash out, only can use for childcare fee or others susbidy usage!! Sad....
thanks Ocean for yr advice.. I think i will go to SGH for check-ups in future..

Yes wangwangboy, I find that after praying to Guan Yin Nian Nian, I found myself at ease and relaxed.. She had a calming effect on her.. Keep on praying..
Hi gals! So many postings overnite

Poohy! Excited to hear that you can detect the heartbeat!
rest at home, don't think about work... COMPLETE bed rest is important.

WangWangBoy, congrats! glad that all is normal!

Java, no lah, impossible to stay in suite lah... so expensive! But most probably will choose single room cos I want my hubby to be with me.

Joyce, yah, I think his eyes almost pop out! hahaha

Odie/Millie, no need to share baby dust!
We will sprinkle plenty for both of you!! :D

hi girls,
Seems like quite alot of good news this morning!

hi wang2boy,
Congrats on learning the good result of ur amnio test! Now u can put your heart to rest. Now I'm waiting for the results of my triple test. I hope the doc dun call me, coz if she call me then got prob liao. *cross fingers* Sometimes I think I shdn't have gone for the triple test, only give me additional stress. Wah so u must be looking like a sex bomb now, now when u walk on the streets, got man ogle at your breasts? hahahah. my breasts still small small leh. I only wear my old bras which are more loose that's all!

hi poohy,
Go ahead and take the 2 wks leave, this is your entitlement. If ur boss dun understand and insist that u come back, then he is not a boss worth working for. I mean u dun have to follow my advise coz my decision has always been very clear. Baby 1st priority, job 2nd. Although I feel quite wasted not getting the 3 mths ML, but being able to carry my own bb is worth all sacrifices. That's why I agree with today's ST readers' comments that having a baby is a personal decision that no amt of tax reliefs, money can buy. Do have complete bedrest, ask ur hubby to stock up food in the fridge so that u can cook simple dishes for your lunch, or if better still, ask ur mum or MIL to look after u.

hi odie, millie,
Hope to hear good news from u two! Maybe u can try doggie style! *growl* hehehehe

hi folic,
So u intend to stay in 1 bedded? Good thing abt that is that ur hubby can sleep with u. For me, most prob I will ask my hubby to go home and sleep. Last time he accompany me and he sleep on the couch. So poor thing!
Poohy.... congrats for reaching another milestone. Yes I think it is best for you to tell your boss... you need all the rest that you can get. And don't lose faith in yourself and your little one ;)

WangWangBoy... good to hear that all is well. See mother's instinct works all the time =)

As for me will try and catch as much baby dust as I can :p Doggie style??? Ya the one position that I am must familiar with ... muwahahahah :p Hubby going outstation soon... so if this cycle no strike... next 2 months will have to put all my heart and soul in my job hunt liao :p
Glad that you are also praying to Guan Yi &amp; being blessed &amp; protected by her. This also applied to all of us here. Seriously, when we hv problems in our pregnancy, there is nothing much we can do but sit &amp; wait to hope for good results. No special foods or med. to improve our condition. However, if you do pray hard to your God, you may able to see how miracle your God can help you!!!

Sorry my breast to much bigger than my stomach although mine already in my 5th mth. Not sexy at all!! Look so ugly cos too heavy top liao. Ya, better dont recd call from your doc cos if your result is negative, they will not call you &amp; only show your result in your next visit. Is good to go for the triple test cos is better to know that both your baby &amp; yourself are healthy! You may worry for result but is better to know early than in later stage. Dun worry, just pray hard for good news. I will chant for you.
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, I was just saying my MS had subside a bit, not soon after it came back again. Nvm lah, it's a good sign.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, I'll ask for you when I go for my checkup.

Hi <font color="aa00aa">poohy</font>, your baby is progressing so well!!

Hi <font color="0000ff">wangwangboy</font>, think I also want to give my BB a nick... kekeke...
My breasts same like yours, big and heavy now. And the nipples so hard and pain... bathing time must cautious, haha...

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, oh, so you wanna stay in 1 bedded room, good for you.

Dedicated to <font color="1aaa5c">millie</font>, <font color="ffff00">Odie</font> and other TTC-ians
Dear Wang wang boy &amp; Hamasaki,
I had a miscarriage last year in Feb but conceived again in June. Now I am a mother of a coming-to-6 month old boy. I was devastated. I also had problems during my 1st trimester but I prayed to the goddess of mercy and chanted daily during my second pregnancy. It gave me strength and confidence that I was able to have a smooth delivery. Religion will help you through difficult periods. Do continue to be faithful.
This current pregnancy made me so emotional, I even cried when I saw the newborn baby on the news. And also cause me remind of my late daughter.

I really really hope that this nine months can flies away quickly so that I can see and hold my baby.
My breast is not so hard now just huge!! Your breast now is very tender &amp; sore, just be more careful during changing of cloths. Your pain will stop somewhere 10th wk. Ya just trying a 'lucky' nickname for your baby, it will bring good luck &amp; good news!!

I also chant daily now to ask for smooth pregnancy &amp; delivery. Just leave my pregnancy to Mercy of Goddness as I trust her will give me a prefectly healthy baby!
Hi Wangwangboy,

So relieved to know that your baby boy is perfectly normal. Now, you can "ang xi young tai".Talking abt breast, I very "malu", mine like the airport runway. ha ha ha.

Hi Folic,

Do update us on your detailed scan. Ann Tan was my 1st gynae. Din really like her at that time, very impatient one. Last time she was only a consultant from SGH. Think now her attitude is much better.

Hi Poohy,

Glad to know that the gynae can detect the bb's heatbeat. Rest all you can by all means and forget abt your boss. Your health and bb is more inportant.

Hi Odie and Millie,

Lots of baby dusts for you .


My AF is on the way. Quite sian. I intend to start trying only in Oct as I am still taking chinese med. to 'bu' my womb. btw, how's your SIL now?
how come today whole day never hear from folic? She must be busy going for meetings.

I just want to tell all the girls here, whether you are in the stage of TTC or having another pregnancy after a loss, to always be hopeful.

Just want to share something with you. This book which I bought many years ago, yesterday took it out to read. Its called "Chasing away the clouds"

<font color="0000ff">Hang in there</font>

<font color="0077aa">Difficulties arise in the lives of us all
What is most important is dealing with
the hard times, coping with the changes,
and getting through to the other side
where the sun is still shining just for you

It takes a strong person to deal with
tough times and difficult choices. But
you are a strong person. It takes courage.
But possess the inner courage to see
you through. It takes being an active
participant in you life. But you are in
the driver's seat, and you can determine
the direction you want tomorrow to go in.

Hang in there... and take care to see
that you don't lose sight of the one
thing that is constant, beautiful, and
true: Everything will be fine - and it
will turn out that way because of the
special kind of person you are.

So... beginning today and lasting a
lifetime through - hang in there, and
don't be afraid to feel like the morning
sun is shining ...just for you.</font>
Hi java, actually I posted earlier than you in the morning lah
But yes, I have been out of office - went to Suntec for meeting, now just came back.

That's a nice poem. Joyce, I think one tends to feel emotional during a pregnancy. I tend to think about my baby Jie too. Each time I see a new scan for this baby, I will think, how was Jie at that stage. But remember to stay positive.. I think u have done a great job so far...

Yes, this is my first baby. 13th wk shld stop pain liao but maybe yours is super big so still painful as too heavy to carry. hahaha...
<font color="119911">Folic</font>, thanks for the comforting words.

Oh <font color="0000ff">wangwangboy</font>, maybe I can put them in a basket to carry... haha

Aiyoh Poohy, don't work from home! Don't work at all. concentrate on resting well!

Haha you girls so funny the way you talk abt your boobies...mine have seemed to stop growing for the moment!!! besides being very round and hard (same as my tummy) i think it's slowing down for a while. but good lah, i've already spent so much $$ on bras &amp; panties...sigh...
