Support group - Miscarriages

Hi <font color="aa00aa">poohy</font>, I have complete confidence that your baby is just fine too, keep us posted, ok?

The angel is with us always...
Jujube.... good for you that your cycle is back to normal. Before you know it you will be able to try again ;)

Hey poohy.... rest well and take extra care. I agree with Folic... most pple will only see the sac in the 5th week. So you are doing better than most =) Don't despair... stay positive kay.

I have gone back to work. bleeding has just cleared, waiting for AF now. Should take a couple of weeks right? Cried on and off at times during my 2 weeks of hosp leave when i m reminded of baby.

Need to check with any of u who started turning to TCM and seeing sinseh about the cost involved. Should be quite ex since it's a long term thing?

do stay in bed n try not walk around if u can.
hi poohy,
You must be feeling how I felt 2 days ago and must have taken the same jab as mine. The reason why it is so painful is because the liquid is oil-based. In case you have to take the jab again (I pray that u dun have to), ask the nurse/gynae to inject on the right cheek of your butt. If u are left handed than left cheek. The after effect is less numbing and painful. Imagine tomorrow I have to go for the jab again, I also scared leh. Try to stay POSITIVE ok? Rest in bed and read some novels or self-help books. I will be remembering you and your bb is my prayers.

hi whitefloral,
Hey haven seen ur posting for awhile. Hope u r feeling better now.

hi tubby,
Hey u r staying in PG21 also? Yes its raining cats &amp; dogs just now, now still drizzling. Good for sleeping.
hey whitefloral,
glad to hear from u... take ur time to heal emotionally okie.. *hugz*

1st AF will take abt 4-8 weeks after D&amp;C... usually it will be slightly delayed than ur normal cycle... let ur body adjust naturally on itw own..

as for TCM.. i went to see Ma Kuang... consultation is $8, given 7 days of medication for $42. my mum says it's considered cheap.. to me, it's ex! i dunno abt the mkt rate for TCM...

i spotted red AGAIN!! Dunno why leh... dis morning is still fine, until jus now.. aiii... damn damn sian!!! hubby suspected the 'herbal bullfrog (tian2 ji1)' soup dat i took last nite..

my AF ended abt 8-9 days ago onie.. so can't be another round of AF mah... my 'patient' mode is ON again.. u know huh.. jus now, when i see red again, my 1st instinct is to lie down &amp; dun move..
hey java,
yup yup... me a punggolite as well... staying at Blk 128.. directly opposite the new shopping complex...

java &amp; poohy,
i oso took the painful jab b4.. wa biang! the moment the needle poke in, i jerked quite badly due to shock &amp; pain.. the doc had to hold me still to finish the jab... now i tink abt it oso shudders... but hor, for the sake of ur bb, must bear wif it okie? JIA YOU!!
Whitefloral... its been a while. Do drop by when you can. It helps when you have like-minded people supporting each other along the way =)

Tubby... I think it is just your AF cycle going a bit haywire. Don't worry too much. We all had abnormal cycles.
tks for all your prayers and support.

I am wondering if i should request for the progesterone injection on daily or alt days?
Somehow I just dunno how effective duphaston is.

Any suggestion?
Thks Odie.. i hope it's a one-off spotting &amp; will not appear during my trip.. dun wan it to dampen my holiday mood.. anyway, i hv dumped alot of pads/liners into my luggage jus now.. jus in case...

guess it's best to discuss wif ur gynae on the best option now.... he has ur clinical history &amp; based on the ultrasounds, he would be the best person to advise u... is he contactable after office hrs?

rest well dear..
Hi All, busy today! This morning i read the postings but have no time to post. Was feeling that today is a good day as there seemed to be gds news with <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> going for holidays and <font color="119911">Jujube</font> announcing that her AF had arrived. Then <font color="ff6000">Cat</font> was teaching us on how to cook "bu" mee suan and <font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font> feeling happier after changing to premier suite!

Suddenly, when i read the postings this evening, things changed! <font color="0077aa">Tubby</font> having <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> and <font color="0000ff">Poohy</font> going to emergency.

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>,
ur hubby might be right that maybe u r too heaty. If u r taking DOM still every night, do stopped for the time being. For me, i do have <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>, but it was not <font color="ff0000">red</font>.

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, do ensure that u have enough bedrest hor!
I remembered during my last pregnancy, my BB heartbeat was unclear too at wk 5 and i was having <font color="ff0000">intermittent spotting</font>. But the stupid doc din see any reason to arrest his attention and just prescribe me with just Folic Acid. And it ended sadly..

What I am trying to say is that <font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, for you, at least ur gynae is looking into it and telling u that the unclear flickering might be due to BB still small and also because of the shedding of ur lining.

For my current pregnancy, I had the oil-based jab too, but not sure if that is the same. For me, it didn't work as i was allergy and i remembered i got <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> despite the jab. So dustphaston is the only medicince that i can take, just that i heard the effect compared to the jab is slower.

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, pls have complete bedrest hor!
Hi there,

Folic, remembering u and baby Jie today. Just said a little prayer for u and the little one. I think a quiet moment with ur hubby is easier to cope with then too many people remembering, and asking about it. Prob will make u feel more emotional, esp now that u're pregnant...with all those hormonal changes.

Poohy, you must have been scared! But it's a good thing your scan was reassuring. Do rest well now. Let hubby pamper u!

Just some good news to share with you. My gynae's nurse called me this afternoon to tell me the results of the blood test. Everything's fine, thank God! Apparently the test for Down's was also done and the risk factor is in the normal range of 1 is to thirty-two thousand and something. A few weeks back, hubby &amp; I decided that even if that test was high-risk, we wouldn't take the amnio test, since we will keep the baby either way. So no point going thru it. Anyway I also heard the results are not that accurate. I guess one good thing is that after going thru a m/c experience, we learn to treasure what we have much, much more. I know now that it's a priority not just for me, but for the both of us, by the way he has given me his support throughout this whole pregnancy.
ok...better stop now cos i can already feel tears forming in my eyes! (I feel so overwhelmed suddenly!!)

Have a good weekend everyone!
Hi Tiny,

I am new here but very happy for you as your triple test result for Down's is 1 is to 32000. I am not as lucky cos my is 1 is to 250!! Imagine how worry i was when i know the result. Lucky i have a very supportive hubby that keep me strong for the past weeks. I hv done a amnio test last week w his company &amp; it was a painful one...
Now I am waiting for the lab result which only be ready in 2-3weeks time from the day I did my amnio test.

Praying is the only things I can do now...I pray every day for my baby &amp; hope the god will give me a heathly boy &amp; that is the only thing that i ask for... I am very lucky to hv my bubby ard now cos he really give me a very positive mind which make me feel so much better now.

Again, really happy for you &amp; good luck to myself.
HI Poohy,

how are you today? I logged in today to see if you have posted. Hope your are resting well and the spotting has stopped. I think it is best to let the doc decide what is best for you. Duphaston can be effective as well.

I just watched the Here's looking at you babe show. They showed the lady who was expecting twins and who had a miscarriage at 2nd tri perviously. I think she is very strong. This week, it seems that she is being monitored for the ppossibility of twin to twin transfusion syndrome, in which one baby is taking too much nutrients while the other day is not taking enuff. I hope this does not happen to her.

Yesterday went well.
Passing yesterday is also a big milestone for me.

<font color="119911">WangwangBoy</font>, good luck! I pray
for u that the results turn out to be a good one! So when will the lab results be out?

<font color="ff6000">Tiny</font>, it is sure reassuring to learn that the tripple test result is good. I had my tripple test on 06/08 and till now, no news from KK yet. Hopefully no news is good news
as i dun think KK will take the effort to inform me cos i dun hv a specific gynae yet!

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, hope u r feeling better
and no longer <font color="ff0000">bleeding</font>. Pls continue to take the dusphaston and have complete bed rest! By the way, if u r reading this, pls.. switch off ur computer and guai guai lay on ur bed hor!

<font color="aa00aa">Whitefloral</font>, please take care of yourself and eat more "bu" thing at this stage. Give yourself sometime to grieve but dont cry so much hor!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, hope u r feeling better today and that ur <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> had stopped!

really thanx for all your concern!! After the jab yesterday, the bleeding gradually becomes lesser.... this morning its spotting (not bleeding) and the color is more brown already. I dun really dare to feel relieve yet cos it may just be the effect of the jab.

still keeping my fingers crossed and praying.

folic/ocean.. ya I tried to lie down as much as possible. Cant resist surfin the web a little though cos its just so bored lying there whole day doing nothing. And it makes my whole body ache...

but i think its worth it lah... hopefully the spotting/bleeding will stop and never come back again !

u gals do take care and have a niceeeee weekend. ;)
<font size="+2"><font color="0000ff">Have</font> A <font color="119911">Nice</font> <font color="aa00aa">Weekend</font>!!</font>
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, good to learn that yesterday went well for you! Think u r very strong too!

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, happy to hear that the <font color="ff0000">bleeding</font> had stopped and now u have some brown spottings!
Yes, i know that it is very boring to be on the bed with nothing to do!
But hor, u must still rest more and dont move about too much! Treat yourself like a princess with ur prince serving you with breakfast, lunch and dinner on bed!!
Then he does all the cleaning for you too! Keke..
Hi Ocean,

Thanks for your prayer. My result will be out by eariest by next week or latest by next following week. Didnt want to think so much now cos it will only put on more pressure to myself. Seeing Poohy, Folic &amp; the rest are doing well this few days make me feel that there are still hopes around so long you are blessed by people around.

You guys here done a very good deed for people who need supports!!

God bless everyone who have good hearted!!
hi poohy,
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that your spotting will stop completely! This morning I just went for my second jab. Just as I deduced, I let the nurse jab my right butt and its not painful at all!

hi wangwangboy,
Do let us know the result yah? Have faith!

hi Tiny,
Congrats on the good result.

Sorrie can't really say much. Feel quite sleepy after lunch, going for a nap now. Have a great weekend everyone!!! Have a good preggie rest!
Here's old hippo again.

my wife just had a miscarriage. cannot detect anything after 4 weeks ... had severe bleeding and cramps ... had to send her to the hospital yesterday ... gynae confirmed it's threatened abortion .... I think she passed out the sacs yesterday thus she didn't opt for D&amp;C ... decided to wait and see ... and let nature take its course ....

now back at home ... still abit emotionally down ... but better than yesterday ....

btw, doc says supplements can be taken ... so can she continue with her EPO, etc?

please advise.
Hi wangwangboy,
don't worry too much. i know people who had such 'scares' and apparently it's rather inaccurate. in the end, they now have perfectly lovely children. Just continue to pray, and have faith ok? we're also taking one step at a time.

Dear Barracuda, right now you have to be strong and supportive for your wife. by posting here, i can see u r already doing that! if u have read what we have posted here, u'll see some of the concerns and feelings we have gone thru, which ur wife will prob go thru too. Take time to grief together. sorry, i dunno what EPO is but the other girls may be able to advise. but she should still continue with her folic acid.
dear tiny,

Thanks for your words"...apparently it's rather inaccurate...", it really make me feel that I am now carrying a perfectly heathly boy!! Is so wonderful to have such a feeling now.

Millions of thanks...

Java &amp; the rest, will let you know my test result once is out from my gynae.
Thanks tiny.

I think the grief phase is near the end for my wife ... just need some time to tune the body back to original condition and strengthen the body so that we can try again ...

I tried reading the threads but the history is rather long ... so have to post again ... paiseh ...

i tried resuming my EPO 1 week after my D&amp;C &amp; the bleeding seem 2 be worse, duno if it's due to EPO. Anyway i stopped taking for another week. Now i have resumed taking supplements and it's ok. Do continue to support ur wife and be strong yourself. My husband's positive support and seeing so many ladies here know picking themselves up and know what it feels like helped me a lot emotionally.

ladies, i have been taking 'bu'. turned to TCM and the sinseh said if i decide to build up my body constitution, cost may run up to $1000
so i still thinking about it.
Hi barracuda,

I read that EPO is not suitable during pregnancy. But I guess it suppose to be ok now. I resumed my daily EPO and folic acid 1 week after d/c.

hi whitefloral, I think it depends on how long you want the TCM treatment to be. I know most TCM treatment high charge are due to the herbs we consumed daily.
I have total of 40 days treatmemt herbs (5 days to 'restore' and 35 days to 'strengthen' womb). My chinese sinseh charged me about $200, which means each pack of herbs cost $5.He give me the option of either going back for follow-up check after the 40 days herbs or just stick to daily folic acid. I'm still deciding.....

I have super long 1st AF, which last for 2.5 weeks. I am waiting patiently for the 2nd one, which I really don't know when it will come
Hi gals!

Poohy, glad to hear that the bleeding has stopped. Do rest well. Do you have a tv in your room? I rented tons of dvd (hk drama) and watched when i had to lie in bed for extended period. or you can lie on the couch and watch tv
It is boring but definitely worth it! Just think of the indian lady in the wong lilin show for motivation!!

Barracuda, sorry to hear that your wife has gone thru a miscarriage. My personal opinion is to wait a while before adding too much supplements. Most important is to take good food (would be good if you can do some mini confinement- taking food with lots of ginger and sesame). I started on supplements such as baifengwan, Evening Primrose oil only after about 1 month.

whitefloral, wow! 1k sounds a lot... I thought average visit cost about $30-40 bucks...

I have not been watching my diet today! :p Went to eat prata at Upp Thomson (the one that Java went the other day) and then went for a walk in the nature reserve next to it. Turned out, sugar level is still quite ok!
Then came home and slept till 1+ and mum cooked curry chicken... I am curried out today!

Java, glad to hear the jab is not too painful for you. Maybe your threshold for pain has increased?

ok, I have a feeling I am going to take nap soon :p Talk to you ladies tomorrow! I am looking foreward to next week. I will have my gynae visit on Wed! YIPPEE!!

Hi gals, thanks for the 1st AF cheers! It is definitely very heartening to have pased this milestone (it seems like a milestone to me!) and to have friends who understand and to share it with!

Hi Poohy and Java, hang in there!!! **sticky vibes**sticky vibes**sticky vibes**

Hi Tiny, congrats on the test result!

Hi Tubby, yup, will be taking BFW. The sinseh gave me two ping pong ball like things with the BFW in them and told me to take half in the morning and half at night after AF. Do you know what it does?

Hi Whitefloral, I am taking chinese herbs to 'bu' my body too. Only started properly about two weeks ago. I was given three packets to brew per week. Each pack can be brewed twice, so that's six days of drinking the 'soup' and one day's rest. The cost came up to $35 for three packs, including consultation. I think it is quite worth it because I felt much better after taking. Dunno if it is psychological, but I do need something to 'cling' on like a security blanket right now so I am going to continue!

Hi Barracuda, I think it is probably better to concentrate on the mini confinement right now, and only start on the supplements after that. I have only just started EPO now, 8 weeks after d/c. Btw, I think it's really admirable of you to come in here to seek support for your wife. Way to go, man!
Thanks ladies.

I think she's emotionally quite stable now. Just trying her best to concentrate on getting her body back in shape and to boost up the constitution.

I think her experience in the hospital and the gynae was quite bad ... but nevertheless, objectively, i think it's just a spell of bad luck ... so i guess she'll be looking for a new gynae and hospital to deliver ...

Btw, can anyone give me some recommendation of good gynae who're in private practice but can deliver in govt hospitals?

most private practice gyane can only deliver in private hospital. Which hospital did she go to?
Gyane in Public hospitals may not be better than a private hospital.It would be better to get those who have clinics at the hospital itself.
I myself went through 2 miscarriages before I had my son.. he is 5mths now. 1st time went to NUH.. the gyane didn't help..had the same symptoms as your wife.. 2nd time went to gyane with clinic outside.. had D &amp; C then.. Then 3rd time went to one gyane..recommmended at Glen E.. then okay..
I think that it is best not to pump her with too much tonics.. second time.. just took folic acid supplments.. more chicken soup.. and take things easy.. than in would be easier to conceive.
hi gals,

was down with a real bad flu virus over national day wkend and was busy with work. slept through almost the entire weekend. now feel so energetic and decided to come in.

hubby is watching pm lee's speech. all those perks for expecting mothers and mothers seem attractive. i wonder if it's with immediate effect?

poohy, sorry didn't read the previous postings but i gathered that u must have gone through a bad scare. i pray that all is well with you now. rest well in bed. if you are bored, besides watching tv, can get hubby to buy u magazines or books to read. take care!

tubby, take care and have a good trip!

whiteforal, i am taking chinese medicine now. one month supply at $130. not cheap. and i checked with the sinseh. seemed like his medication is to be taken for pre-pregnancy and throughout pregnancy period. that would come out to be more than $1000 for me. but i firmly believe that if it helps, it's worth the money. and i agree with jujube, it's something real that i can 'cling' on to now. it makes me feel more positive and that i am doing something to help me have a smooth pregnancy next time.

barracuda, u sound like a caring husband. just give your wife lots of tlc and make sure that she eats and rest well. sometimes, guys tend to be a little insensitive about miscarriages, so be more sensitive about it, especially when she brought up the topic. do bear in mind that having a miscarriage is an incident that is forever going to remain in your wife's mind. time helps to heal but we won't forget the joy and pain we felt.

wangwangboy, i will pray that you will receive good news!

ruffy_happy, who's your gynae at glen e? i have gone through multiple miscarriages myself. trying to be positive and look forward to having babies. lots of babies if i can - pm lee should be pleased!

folic, java, ocean and tiny, how are you? catch up with you later.

going to watch tv now. have a gd wk ahead everyone!!
Thanks ruffy_happy and millie.

She went TMC ... her gynae is one on the 5th level, which was recommended by my friend ...

We sort of freaked out when we saw the hospital bill for the 1 day stay ... cuz they didn't really do anything ... so I was thinking of getting a private gynae that can deliver in govt hosp ... at least the subsidies can cushion part of the costs ...

just doing my part to provide support ...
Good day to everyone. Its only Monday but I am already looking forward to the next weekend :p

WangWangBoy... have faith ya and stay happy for your little one. Keep us posted =)

Pageup... how have you been? 2.5... wow that is long. Did you tell your gynae about it?

Barracuda... send my regards to your wife. Am glad to see that she is doing better now. Stay strong... she needs you to help her through this difficult times. You can try reading up other websites to help you understand her better. There is a phase that she will go through. She will start blaming herself, wonder if she can conceive again, if she can carry the next baby to full term. She will have mix emotions.... she will grief, feel upset, anger, unfairness, jealousy, emptiness etc. Sometimes she can even hate people around for telling her that she is young and can try again... or that her baby is abnormal therefore the miscarriage. Then she will feel anxious about having another baby so that she can feel complete again. She will feel worried about when her first menses will start again.... when she can start trying again. It will be a roller coaster ride for her. Even if she should conceive again, she will be worried if she will experience another miscarriage. Therefore you need to be strong and patient with her. It won't be easy on you either... but if you hang on and pass through this period... you will find that the relationship will be stronger than before. Take care.
Hi Gals!

How's everyone this morning?

Barracuda, if you want to try a public hospital, why don't you try being a private patient at KKH? That way, you see a fixed gynae throughout. I know what you mean about the hospital bill... I almost flipped when I saw my bill as well!

Millie, glad to see you well
Jia you ok? When are you gonna try again? I am well. Going for my next gynae appt on Wednesday
Would be 10 weeks tomorrow and it felt like a real achievement!

ruffy_happy, hi!

poohy, feeling better today?

ok... gotta go find some food ;) talk later!

Hi Odie,

Yah.. I called up my gynae after end of 2 weeks, but he said there is nothing to worry about..He also asked me to go to the clinic for a scan to assure me that the flow is tailing off.
I am now discharged until I have good news.

I'm trying to monitor my cycle by measuring BBT every morning. But my cycle haywire liow, don't know how to read/interpret my chart

my spotting stop today... so hope this wed scan will be good news and no bad news


do take care hor
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, glad to hear that ur spotting had stopped! Do rest well for the time being and keep us posted. And try to think positively!

<font color="119911">Millie</font>, long time din see ur postings! Was wondering where r u and how u getting on! Pls take care of yourself and dont tired yourself with too much office work!
Hi girls,
just wondering how to measure CF etc? thinking of planning for the next bb at the moment.. but cycle still a bit erratic since birth of my son 5mths ago.
hi poohy,
I'm also happy to hear your spotting stopped. I hope your wed scan is good news too! Me seeing gynae tomorrow to review my condition, I also hope its good news.

hi pageup,
We are rather experienced with measuring BBT, so if u got any queries, u can ask us! Or u can go to for help too.

hi millie,
So long never hear from you!!! Did u go to Ngee Ann TCM or other TCM clinics? coz I remember last time u ask me for their contact. Chinese medicine is very ex, last time every visit I paid $40 - 60 depending which part of the cycle I'm in. I only tried TCM for 2 months then gave up liao. I think all in all I spend $200+. u know now my gynae fees even more ex. I'm in my 3rd month, so far I think I spend almost $2K liao. Of course including paying abt $1K for the package, every unscheduled visit will cost me abt $120. The hormone pills I'm taking is so ex. One pill is abt $1. When I eat the pill outside, I also scared to drop the pill, scarly wasted $1.

hi ruffy_happy,
wat is CF?
Hi Poohy,

glad to hear that your spotting has stopped. Good luck to your visit on Wed
I am sure it will be alright!

Hi Java, good luck to your visit tomorrow as well. Will be praying hard for you

Hi ruffy_happy,are you thinking of cervical fluid, or what is usually known as cervical mucus?

was thinking of cycle flow .. want to try for another bb.. but cycle still quite erratic..even though have stopped BF for my boy.
Hi Millie,
It's been a while since you last posted. Glad to hear from you! Must be busy at work as usual?

Poohy, all the best. Hope the gynae will be able to put your mind at ease after Wed's check up. Meanwhile do take care.
hi all,

so nice to 'see' u gals again. i am well. been trying to lessen workload and stress but somehow, still so busy. so, i try to relax over wkends lor.

folic, i got green light to try again. i am both excited and apprehensive. but will definitely try from now on. hope to post gd news here!

java, i went to a sinseh recommended by my mum's fren around serangoon area instead. i am seeing my gynae once a mth. so in total, quite a lot of money spent. wow, ur hormone pills so ex! still, if it's for the best for the pregnancy, every cent is worth it!

since on the topic of cervical mucus - is it clear or milky? i can't remember!
Hi gals! Good morning!

Millie, hahah, you actually forgotten??
Egg White Clear Mucus!! Glad to hear that you are given the green light. Anticipating your good news soon!

Hi Ruffy, If your cycle is not regular at the moment, it would be best to use the Basal boday temp method to monitor your fertile period. The temp taking, together with the the monioring of the mucus, will probably let you have an estimate on when your fertile period is.

I am excited about my doc visit tomorrow
Wonder how is Java's visit today!

Millie, so excited for you! Do keep us posted. I'm sure the short break you have taken has done you good, prob also less stressful now - until u forgot what EWCM is!!
so cute lah, u. Nevermind. got EWCM or don't have also can enjoy
less pressure like that!
<font color="119911">Millie</font>, glad that u r now given the <font color="119911">GREEN</font> light to ttc again!
I agreed with <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> that this time, we will hear good news from you!

<font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, good luck for your appt today!!
Keep us posted!
dear barracuda,

With your supports given to your wife all this while, she will recover very soon. Trust me, I have been thur this two year ago &amp; with my bubby supports it really make a lots of different to have a very positive mind. If you do read my previous post, i am now 5 mth pregnant but waiting for my results as my blood test show that my baby Down's is higher than normal. I was very lost &amp; worry cos I dun understand why my pregnacy is so difficult as compare to the rest. First is my miscarriage than now is this??

However, is my hubby positive attitude toward our baby make me feel rest assure although the result is not out yet. He felt that if we are so 'lucky' than TOTO one million long time ago will be won by us!!! hahaha.... So with his positive mind &amp; encouraging words, I am now more relax &amp; believe that we are carrying a perfectly heathly &amp; normal baby.

So i know that your wife will be bless too with your supports &amp; soon both of you will have a heathly baby in the future.

Take care &amp; God bless both of you &amp; myself.

WangwangBoy from the other thread. The result is from the triple blood test? Dun worry, that's not accurate, it's only an /indication/. Are you going for detailed scan soon? FYI I did not have a favourable blood test result either but now I am the mummy of a healthy, normal, active, chubby bb boy. My detailed scan was perfect. So hang in there and stay positive and may God bless you.

I wanted to write some time back but here it is, Congrats!

All the best to all mummies-to-be too.
