Support group - Miscarriages


I am taking the same micronized prometrium or utrogestan pills u r taking orally. My gynae told me it can be taken either orally or vaginally. I think its really effective cos while taking 400mg of utrogestan, my progesterone level 7dpo was 265. I hardly see such high progesterone level leh.


agree with tubby, maybe next time you can check whether you can use utrogestan vaginally too. There's another kind of progesterone gel called crinone which is even more effective. These natural progesterone suppositories taken vaginally are supposed to be very effective ..and 2nd to the progesterone in oil jabs.

HI Jav,

glad to hear that you are feeling better and sppotting has stopped. Try to minimise movemet during thsi period ok? HUGS!!! But so cute, can see baby and his/her long legs

Take care!

Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font> and <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, I hope while waiting for my checkup, nothing happens!
My gynae seem quite confident in my pregnancy, so just let fate arrange everything. Meanwhile, I will take care of myself and rest more.
Hi Java, hope you're feeling better, rest well. At least u are under close watch by your gynae and since there's no bleeding internally it should be fine. Just talk to ur baby more ok?
by the way is ur hubby very tall too? good for u, got tall genes! not like me! (tiny, remember?)

ocean, i used crinone for the first 10 weeks. i think after ur first trimester not much use already, something like that. it's for supporting the 1st part of ur pregnancy when the foetus is attaching itself to the uterine wall (if i didn't remember wrongly). i think that's what my gynae told me.
Hi Poohy, thanks for posting your story here and congrats!!!!
it's very encouraging because i also have pcos... still waiting for first AF to come... it's been 8 weeks...

Hi Java, do take care and rest rest rest!!!

Hi Tubby, it sounds like you are getting back into the swing of things!!! Good for you!!!

its been 8 weeks since your spotting ends ? How long normally do you need to wait before the AF comes ? For me, I actually took provera to induce my AF after the m/c. Some pcos people needs to take this to kick start their cycle,... else it may never start (like in my case).
Good morning gals!

Tubby, you very good! Yah, yesterday was a long and tiring day for me. Meetings all day long plus nauseas... threw up dinner subsequently.
Feeling better now.

Joyce, I think your doc is very confident of you!
Mine still wants to see me every 3 weeks, cos she wants to keep a very close tab on my sugar levels etc. Luckily, so far, I have been able to keep to the required levels. Since the doc is so confident, then I think you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the rest of the preg!

Java, hope you are feeling better. Do post some msg today, but also must remember to rest!

Hi to everyone else! I am getting very forgetful these days. I keep forgetting to bring stuff or what I need to do next etc.!:p Hope I will not lose too much brain cells over the next few months!

hi all,
How is everyone today? I feel better today. I have decided to be more POSITIVE from now onwards for the sake of my child. Since God has entrusted another child for me, I must have more trust in Him.

Today I have caught on the flu bug though sore throat is much better.

hi folic,
Take care for yourself and bb. Dun overwork leh. Try to take MC to rest at home. You sound really tired!
Hi Joyce, that's true
Actually, it gives me a sense of comfort that I can see my doc every 3 weeks. I think I will go crazy imagining if everything is ok, if I have to wait 6 weeks
Why don't you ask a for an earlier appt?

Java, good to stay positive!

Tiny, placenta to uterine wall lah... or else baby will be like spiderman??

Tomorrow will be the 1st Anniversary for the day I lost baby Jie. I am not sad nor depressed. Somehow, there is this sense of calmness...I miss him, but I did not hang on to the date and countdown to it like what I thought I would. I have decided that I will go buy a slice of cake (can't buy whole cake cos I watching sugar levels
) and share it with my hubby... to remember and celebrate the fact that we have Jie in our hearts forever!

Hi Folic... *huggies* I am happy to hear that you are taking it well. I hope that I can be this strong as well.
<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, my <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> is too frequent liao and thus i doubt that it is the food that i eat. There was one time that i thot tea is the main culprit and then i realised that even if i dun drink tea, i also get <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>. One of the gynaes ever told me that some pple experienced it throughout full terms... So i just lived with it as long as i dun have servere pain and the <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> turned <font color="ff0000">red</font>.

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, i am proud of u!
I think u had take a big step out yesterday!
I guess slowly, u have became stronger and that is good for you and ur hubby!
Jia You!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, i can assoicate ur feeling too! You know i thought that once i reached 2nd trimester, my <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> shld stopped! But then, it is still there to frighten me! So i just try to relax and talk to BB more often to grow healthy and mummy waiting to see him/her next yr! I always tell BB next year cos i dun want BB to come out too fast!

<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, i dun noe if the doc will give me or not as even now, the doc said i dun need to take duphaston liao even though i still got intermittent <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>. But i think i will ask the doc for the medicines since they are to be considered natural. Maybe my body can take it as compared to the oil-based jab. Also i will ask doc to check my cervix again for the next visit.

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>,agreed with <font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font> that it is good to have regular checkup! Oh <font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, preggie tends to be more forgetful. Dun noe why... i also kept forgetting things!

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, chay chay... this time round, all of us will be having a good pregnancy followed by a smooth delivery!
<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, enjoy the quiet moment with ur hubby while missing ur little Jie...

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, why u still cant see BB? Cant u asked for an Ultrascan? Otherwise, asked the doc to use his dolpher to let u listen to ur BB's heartbeat!
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, can see baby liao but that day I don't have a U/S session... I ever ask the attached nurse whether can request one anot, then she said doctor will arrange me a U/S and blood test for my next visit. Very confused lah...

If I know procedures are all like this, I'm sure I'll go back to private clinic.

are you seeing gynae in kkh and doing scanning at AMC ? If you are a private patient, can go TPS or AMK clinic, then gynae can do u/s as and when u request in the same consultation room when you visit him each time. My gynae has a u/s machine in his room in TPS where I visit him and it seems he will scan whenever he want each visit..
hmmm.. thought I posted something...

Joyce, so sian, cannot have u/s every visit? I think it is Kk's policy... any reason why you arent seeing a private gynae?

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, ya, I'm seeing Dr John Tee @ KKH. Both location are too far for me, guess I have to stick to KKH. Btw, I'm staying @ Telok Blangah.

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, I thot of sticking to same gynae throughout my pregnancy will be better. Doctor will know my progress more clearly...

As I have decided to give birth @ KKH, so, even if I'm seeing a gynae from a pte clinic now, I have to go back to KKH again when I'm 7 months, so why not I stick to KKH in the start?

Changing a gynae is such a hassle.

just saw your msg. I am sure you will be strong!
If not, then come in here and lean on all the shoulders here, ok?


TPS is located inside KKH itself. Its called The Private suite. Its just beside the 7-eleven. The prices charged there is slightly higher but, there is a u/s machine in each consultation room. The service there and waiting time is excellent too
Especially good for working people like me ...
Alamak <font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, I thot the package can be only start on 20th week? Me so blur now... so I'm counted as subsidized / private patient?

Can I asked for a transfer now?

Btw hor, I thought TPS is Tampines... haahaa

you can see your gynae in the TPS as long as you are a private patient, even without taking up the premier package. I had been seeing my gynae in the TPS all these while. Maybe you shd try it there ... the experience is really very different from the rest of kkh.

er i dun think u need to inform your gynae leh. All I do was to ask the nurse when is my gynae's available appt date/time in TPS and they will check it up and fix the appt. Its just a change in venue
<font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, Oh I see... so I just have to called up and ask, right? How expensive is expensive
?? My checkup over that side is ard $94... And how regular is the checkup?

Sorry for the trouble.

ya just call up
However, I cant share with u the charges yet cos I have not been there for checkup since my pregnancy. So far, for my so-iui cycle, I was transferred to the KKIVF centre.. now still under that centre untill my next appt. Next friday is my first pre-natal checkup .. only then can I tell u how much it will be and how regular the checkup is. Will share with u once I come back next friday
<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, actually i thot u r under the premier type of rates. Maybe urs is the normal pte rate cos i understd from one of the very nice gynae that KK had 3 types of rate that cater to different grp of pple.

So, do u meant to say that u actually do the scan at AMC/ADC too?
Oh <font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font>, then what u can do is when u see ur gynae, ask him to let u have a scan. This is because i had read that AMC accept same day request form. So, do ask ur gynae for that.

My last visit to KK was the tripple test. The doc also did not schedule me for a scan, but i requested for it and thus i was given the form. To me, personally i find that going to see gynae without scan is waste of time! Well, maybe at lest if ur doc used the dolpher to allow u to listen to BB's heartbeat, at least that is one form of assurance.
folic, hee hee...spiderman indeed...
i also thought of that after i posted my message, so i quickly posted the next one!! Haha, but i think my baby really a bit like spiderman already.

Ocean, i have a colleague who's also been spotting througout her pregnancy (now 6 mths) but baby is growing fine. it's very xian lor, but as long as u monitor the baby's growth and all that, and no abnormal bleeding, it will be fine. Big hug to u!
Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, thanks for your info. Greatly appreciated!!

I also find that gng to see a gynae w/o a scanning is waste of time. That's the reason why I want to change to TPS. Too troublesome @ Clinic A.
hi gals,
How are you all this morning? Yesterday afternoon didn't have a chance to post here coz hubby came back early from reservice.

hi folic,
How are you feeling today? Just want to tell you that I remember that its Baby Jie's Anniversary today. Be strong yah (I know u will). If I can get thru that day, I'm sure you can too (maybe even better than me).

Did anyone watch Ch 8's Room in my Heart yesterday? Jiankang cooked for Aunt Mudan a bowl of mianxian or her birthday. For no reason, I've been thinking of eating mianxian since yesterday. When I saw the mianxian cooked with soup and eggs, make me feel so hungry. Anyone got recipe for cooking mianxian? Esp for the soup base. My soup always taste tasteless leh.
hey jujube,
i can imagine ur frustration while waiting for AF to come.. *hugz* may i know wat is ur usual length of time for AF to visit u? or perhaps u can visit ur gynae to check on ur uterine lining, it's a gd gauge to see when AF will come..

hey Ocean,
my hubby hor.. he neber train for his IPPT dis time round due to work &amp; ME! so i dun wan him to over-exert himself lor.. fail neber mind one lah.. he's given a time frame to retake as many times as he wan until his nix birthday... so now i will pester him to train up liao..

my mum oso told me dat some ladies experience spotting thru'out their pregnancy... ya.. for ur nix visit to KKH, hv a check on ur cervix (if it's worrying u) &amp; oso discuss wif gynae on getting dat gel...

thks! hehee...i am proud of myself oso for stepping out dis week... was quite apprehensive while waiting for my fren.. wanted to crawl back home.. but he gave me a reassuring smile &amp; i oso greeted him wif a broad smile (as suggested by folic).. things jus continue from there..

hi java,
my hubby oso returned from reservist yesterday, looking like a pc of charcoal... spent the day wif him running errands &amp; visiting MIL.. i remember my mum told me mianxian is quite salty on its own.. did u separately boil/cook the mianxian? mabbe u can cook everything using the same soup base? put in mushrooms &amp; some pork.. i tried once.. taste quite good..

hi Odie,
i oso hope dat i can be as calm as Folic when my turn comes... will pray dat we'll be strong to ride thru' dis okie? *big huz*

hi Folic,
Baby Jie is in my tots today... enjoy ur quiet moments wif hubby, hv a good rest at home ya.. *hugz*

hey ladies,
i'll be going to tokyo wif hubby (he's on 2-day bizness trip to yokohama), leaving early tomoro morning &amp; coming back nix Sat... we'll extend 3 more days on our own to comb parts of tokyo &amp; go to 'kamakuran' (mabbe wrong spelling) to pray at the temple which houses Asia's largest Buddha.. will keep everyone in my prayers..

i've been wanting to get out of s'pore for awhile, so i hope dis trip will do me good... dunno why.. i shd be feeling excited but i'm not leh... hubby's colleague's wife will oso go &amp; hubby told me she's pregnant.. ard the same time as my last pregnancy... it will be difficult for me to face her... they knew abt my case, so i hope dat they'll be sensitive enuff...
Hi gals!

My hubby and I decided to come to work. We have fire drill in the morning and he is fire warden
(we work in same company) For me, my boss decided that the whole team will go for 'offsite' meeting at Macs, so I just came back after having a big meal!

Hi Java, thanks for remembering this day. I am ok. Just that somehow, I feel a little sad that no one else besides me and hubby remembered this day. Yet, I also want this special day to be just a secret between me and hubby.. contradicting hor?
Talking about mianxian, I had a sudden craving for the taiwanese version of the oysters mian xian. You tried it before? It is thick soup with mian xian all mashed up, oysters and flavoured with vinegar, chilli and corriander leave :p I saw a recipe for that in a magazine and realised that they have it in packs at coldstorage. I bought one about a month back but havent cook yet. For the normal mianxian, I usually do what Tubby did... just boil the soup with minced pork balls. I usually add in the mushroom into the pork balls itself and season the pork balls a little, so that the soup will be sweeter. btw, i prefer the 9pm show on channel u

Keep smiling! It really helps. Enjoy your trip in Tokyo. I love going to Japan
Well, one advantage that you have over your pregnant fren is that you can eat all the sushi and sashimi to your hearts content!!
There is a bright side to everything hor?
I seriously MISS eating sashimi... my colleague was telling me about the JApanese buffet at Riverside View hotel. 32 bucks for ala carte buffet.. free flow of sashimi, fresh oysters, teppayaki, tempura etc etc... :p Usually, I woudl be so excited about it but yesterday, all I can do is say sounds good, I will try next time :D btw, just checked with my hubby, the temple is called kamakura.

Hi to everyone else
I am glad today is Friday. Have a great day ahead!

Hi Folic... thanks. You be strong too kay =)

Tubby... thank you to you too. Have a good trip. I love Japan too... all the innovative stuff... nice packagings and great food. I'm sure this will be a good break for you.
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Poohy</font>, I've sucessfully changed the venue to <font color="ff0000">The Private Suite</font>. The staff there will arrange for me all the necessary procedures. And I'm so happy now as I've also brought forward my appt date!!

I'm not moody anymore... yippie!!
You can cook the soup base by adding the usual stuff like minced pork, mushrooms etc. Add in mian xian when soup boils, then add in a bottle of chicken essense. It is very 'bu'. That's what my confinement lady cooked for me sometimes during my confinement.
Hi Cat! Long time no 'see'! That sounds really bu!

Java, I just thought of another way of cooking mee sua. You can buy those bak ku teh soup base and cook bak ku teh. Then instead of eating rice, just cook mee sua and add the soup, bak kut, liver

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, although it's 4 days earlier only, but I'm still equally happy coz I can see my BB that day!!
Hello gals! I am extremely happy to announce that the witch has FINALLY arrived!!! Yes!!! My first AF after d/c is here!!!
I feel normal now!!!
Poohy, it's 8 weeks after d/c, not after spotting ended.

Tubby, thanks for the positive words. Have a wonderful Japan trip! You and hubby cab go explore on your own, no need to be with the other couple all the time, if you feel uncomfortable. I am sure your hubby will understand.

Folic, Baby Jie is in my prayers today.
hi jujube,
Congrats on ur AF finally here!!! Yeah.

hi folic, Cat, tubby, joyce,
Thanks for all your recipes on the mianxian. I think most prob I will try Cat's recipe. Can I ask for the soup base, if I put in minced pork and mushrooms, must I put any other seasoning like sesame oil, salt, etc? My MIL bought for me some dried mushrooms that is very gd quality, can't wait to add them into my mee sua! u know now at home I got 4 boxes of birdnest! My MIL ask me to every 2-3 days drink 1 bottle! I told her I will drink weekly, coz drink too often will caused bb to have phelgm.

hi tubby,
Wahhhhhh I'm so envious of you!!!! Can go to yokohama. For someone like me who is bedridden for a week, it sounds like HEAVEN!!!!

hi joyce,
Do let us know the bb's progress yah?

ok tok to u again, I go eat my lunch. I cooked ginseng chicken soup with rice.

I just came back from emergency at kkh. At 11plus, I went to the toilet and found myself bleeding with blood clots! I was so shocked and scared. There was no warning/spotting only some cramps before that. My hubby came and pick me up and we went to the emergency.

I am not sure why but it take ages to register at kkh 24hr emergency. Dun seems to have a sense of urgency there. We were worried sick just standing there waiting to register. Thank God, my gynae passed by the emergency clinic and offered to do a scan for me first ... I felt reassured at the moment... Anyway for some stupid reasons, I cant do the scan at the emergency if my gynae is doing it (Else gotta charge extra for 1st consultation... i dunno what that means
)... So I was taken by wheelchair to TPS. There my gynae did a vaginal scan for me and found the gestational sac..etc He said he seems to see a flutter of a heartbeat but its still very young at 4-5 weeks from u/s... so not clear.

He told me my bleeding could be due to the thick uterine lining caused by my so-iui injections and the lining is shedding.

Anyway I am given hospitalization leave to bedrest at home now till next wed for review. My gynae said needs to see how whether the bleeding stop by then. Was also given the most painful injection of my life..:p

Anyway, I must have caused quite a stir in office cos I was crying like no body business....

gals, keep me in prayers... rite now I am still bleeding and having menstrual like cramps.

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, your lunch sound delicious to me... yum yum... I'm so hungry now as I ate a bit of porridge only.

Will let you ladies know of my BB's progress.
Yeah jujube!!!! finally AF/witch is here!!! ur wait is over!! *big big hugz* remember to take BFW when everything clears up...

me &amp; hubby will bunk in together wif them in tokyo cos they hv relative there... so it's hard to avoid lah... oso, most likely to tour tokyo together cos they dint plan anything... whereas me &amp; hubby planned our schedule liao... hubby felt abit paiseh to tour on our own...

our plan dis time round is oso to eat to our hearts' contents on fresh sashimi, if time permits, we even intend to visit the 'Tsujiki' fish market... dat is if we can wake up at 4.30am lah...

it's raining damn heavily in punggol now.. wif dark grey clouds in the sky... hope rain stop soon.. going to mum's plc later...

wow!! u ate such a 'bu' meal for lunch... i got nothing at home.. cos we cleared our fridge be4 hubby goes reservist... onie ate crackers for b/f &amp; lunch... hhmm... the recipe given by Cat is making me salivate liao... hhmm...

Hi Poohy, that is quite a scare!! You must have been given the progesterone jab on the buttock! I had that EVERYDAY for one week during the last pregnancy. Just make sure you do COMPLETE bedrest. That means lying down, not just sitting in bed ok? Don't worry too much now... I only saw a sac with nothing in it at 5 weeks. So yours is a big improvement
Will keep you in my prayers.

Jujube, congrats!!
Now it's back to norm and back to business!

