Support group - Miscarriages

min81, celest,

I also married for 5 years. So coincidence!!!
I had a gf who married 1 year later then me, she is malaysian. She is here in SG, hubby in KL. She only go back 1-2 times a month. Yet she can conceive twice. We start ttc together. Sigh...its fated.

ya i totally agree with you.
in fact, i am a pantang person, after this incident, i am going to be even MORE PANTANG !!
i will do whatever i can to protect my bb too !!!
Not gonna take for granted again.

Princess, Celest, Min81
you all mean Customary or ROM?
hehe if ROM, i also married for 5 years.
if Customary, i married for 3 years.
Jhw, princess, celest,

Ohh we all got married in 2007! Haha.. So qiao.. Jhw, my hubby and i view rom as the actual date of marriage.. But anyway, rom and customary only 3 mths apart.. Hehe..


Like u said, fated i guess.. We just try our best lor.. In a bit of a panic mode leh.. Will be doing my iui probably ard sat or mon.. Suddenly the study room ceiling light break down, and toilet light also spoil, need electrician to fix.. Then also need to remove old sofa from guest rm to throw cos my doggy was sick and wee wee on it.. How ah? Can do these things during 2ww??

I also view ROM as actual date of marriage. So, its 2007. Customary is months apart but fall on different year.


Dun panic, you have to stay relax!!
If you are trying to be cautious, then dun stay around when they are fixing the stuffs. Of course, dun do them yourself, 2ww very important.

Good luck!!!
ya i ROM-ed in 2007 May @ age 26 , yeah !!

Better get your Lights Fixed ASAP.
In Fengshui context, Lights, Water Pipes, Stove etc, electrical equipments better all be in working condition when you TTC and When you pregnant.
And Better Not Drill things or Shift thing when you are Pregnant.... if you really have to Drill or Shift, please let your hubby do it and you must not be in the house.
Cheryl, jhw,

Same! I was 26 too! But rom sept.. Really so qiao hor.. Haha..


Ohh okie okie.. Trying to find electrician nw but gotta be careful also cos scared get cheated and get charged exorbitant prices for fitting 2 lights..
Wa! U girl marry quite young wor.
I held my wedding in my church, so altogether settle in one day. Haha! It in 22 Dec 2007.. At age of 29. Guess I'm the oldest then... Hehe!
Hi Ladies, I am going through a very bad time now. Hope someone can give me some advice..

I self-tested positive on 30th Sept and went to gynae on 01 Oct. My first 3 BHCG blood test results were fine until I started bleeding on 08 Oct. Then my results dropped from 1500 to 1400 on 11 Oct. Could only see a small sac then. On 16 Oct, i revisited to find out that the sac did not grow and did another blood test to convince myself that it is not a viable pregnancy. However, the results increased to 1600+ and my bleeding also subsided. This gave us a ray of hope but the doc says that it is almost 100% that I will have a miscarriage. I am now scheduled to have a D &C tomorrow morning.. Should I really give up or seek a 2nd opinion?
YES Lily!!
You should seek 2nd or even 3rd opinion! Cos can see small sac and also bleeding subsides and also hcg level increase! So might be a chance!! How many weeks are you supposed to be now anyway?
Hi lily,

I think u shld go for a 2nd opinion quickly today.. It's not common for hcg to go up again after dropping so could still have chance.. Hope everything goes well for you!
Lily, please please please go for second opinion....
If your hcg nv increase, i got nothing to say... but since it increase, pls do not give up yet... dun leave any regrets in your life... my colleague also was advised by kkh to do D and C bcos no heartbeat but she seek second opinion and her bb was saved

Hope u've managed to make an appt to see another gynae..


Went for my scan earlier.. Have 2 follicles, 1 on each ovary.. Right 11mm left 8 mm.. Growing slower than last iui but am relieved there are follicles growing cos doc was initially concerned might not have cos of recent lap.. Hope continue to grow well, got another scan on sat.. Gives me a few more days to settle the fixing of lights..


How was ur scan yesterday?
Was it a day 2 scan?
Hi ladies,

I'm ttcing, tcm suggest me to go for bloodtest for hormones(estrogen & progestrone) n TSH thyroid level, anyone can advise me when is the suitable time to do (which cd)?

I post in this thread as i have been reading abt thyroid topic u ladies mentioned above. Thanks in advance!

Is 2 follicles unusual? I'm not too sure.. The other time i had only 1.. This time 2 but smaller.. Today is CD11..
Hi gals, thanks for your replies and encouragement. Yes we cancelled the D&C and decided to go for 2nd opinion. I should be 4-5 weeks due to late ovulation. Any gynae to recommend in TPY or Bishan?

No, iui is common. usually more than 1 follicle. The more u do, the higher the chances. My first iui, 1 follicles, 2nd, 2 follicles, 3rd 4 follicles. And the size of follicles also increase every time. But the 3rd round, all 4 on my right ovary, so 2 of them not sizable. Too


No prob!
Lily, I think best u wait and go for 2nd opinion as 4-5weeks is still early to see heartbeat. All the best to u...

Haha.. Thanks!


Ohh.. I always tot with no stimulation from clomid or jabs, a woman will generally have only 1 follicle a mth.. Okie hope 2 follicles will up the chances a bit


Hope things will turn out well for u k..
Hi ladies, sorry for intrusion as I need urgent advice.
I need to go for termination next week due to medical condition and it came as a very last minute shock for me and hub.

Am thinking of doing a mini confinement.
Anyone knows if the food is the same as normal confinement?
Any good caterer to recommend for tingkat? I suppose don't need fish papaya soup.

Many thanks,

Normal circumstances also can have 2 follicles but rare. Take clomid may not give 2 follicles every try but there is possibilities. IUI most of the times can have 2 follicles minimum. But I do hear of some ladies have 1 follicle after clomid and jabs. Sometimes its our body dun response well to clomid or jabs, that's why.

Anyway, hope your 2 beautiful follicles grow well and big.

Sorry to hear that.

Mini confinement is the same as normal confinement, just that the duration is shorten to 2 weeks. Caterer I am not sure cos mine was done by MIL.
wah u all married so young... i only married at 29, almost 30 alr, still rem tt rom put the year n month age in e registration documents. like so exact liddat. my edd oso same month as my rom anniversary.

the date is coming soon... gbob, i also keep wondering how i would look like if i'm still expecting... sighs would have been due ard 1 month+ later... every time i see pregnant women or children around i just keep thinking of wat might have been...
sometimes i think abt the fengshui thing n i wonder if it was coz the couple who did the 'an chuang' when i got married also had m/c... they r doing v well overall n have their own children now, but they had to see a lot of doc n take a lot of meds before they could.

then the first time when i was pregnant, the dun-believe-in-fengshui-pil just continue asking pple to drill n hammer everywhere when i m at home. sometimes feel like its their fault, but then they oso dun believe all these. dunno how to tell them to stop. sighs...
min recently i checked abt the electrician fitting lights cost, from 2 diff electricians, 1 is $20 per light fitting regardless of how many lights u fit. then another one i asked quoted $35 for the first light n $10 for all subsequent ones. mabbe ur bill shd b ard 40-45 whereabouts, but then mabbe u can find cheaper one also lah.

People who do an chuang for us also matters? I dunno about it. Its my PIL who do an chuang for us. MIL dun have mc before but she got an abortion.
Mich, we just try our best not to let our "imaginations" run too wild ok... whenever I c preggy woman and my mind starts wandering, I will try to distract myself with other things like look elsewhere or call people on the phone to chit as to bring my attention away....easier said than done I know but life goes on...we have to move on too... sigh (HUGS)

Hi Leo
Sorry to hear about your termination. Please take good care of your health n mini confinement is a must. To nurse your body back to health very impt.
Ours was An chuang by my hubby relative.
They are happily marriage wit 2 filial son n daughter wor.
But I duno my mil got touch my bed, bcos she MC a twin before.
Heard ppl saying after an chuang, nobody can touch or lay on the bed. Or will affected too..
me Worst... my An Chuang is done by my Husband
and the day before wedding, i even accidentally off the Nuptial lamps which is supposed to be kept on until Wedding...

Me too, my new house keep drilling and hammering due to renovation when i was Preggy... and I was even there watching it !!! Thats why i told Min81 yesterday that if drilling has to be done, let her hubby do it and Not to be in the house when the thing is in process.
Jhw, princessleopard,

Trying to relax these few days and hope follicles will grow well..


My hubby and i did away with all such things for our wedding.. We were actually 'forced' by my parents to hold the dinner.. Our rom was what we were focused on, a cosy affair for 30 pple.. So we didn't have this an chuang thing too.. Well, it's already past.. So you gals also don't think too much abt it k


Thank u so much for the info! Luckily we bought the new light just now and the shop actually has electrician service.. Gonna fix it this sun.. Definitely before iui


My next door neighbour reno in progress leh.. The wall right behind my bed some more.. Everytime they drill into the wall, get a big shock.. My hubby told me after iui, i rest in the guest rm (or can i call it bb room..hehe) which has no contact with the neighbour's house.. Wait till reno done for the day then go back room.. Bad timing rite..

Dunno why things always come up during 2ww. I dunno if you ladies realised that, but for me, esp when I do iui, something definitely come up during 2ww. Sian...

Luckily, there is alternative, so you rest in guest room during the day.

yup , better play safe by moving to another room !!! this kind of thing better be safe than sorry.... especially it is So important...
Do everything we can to protect our little ones....


I dunno about 2WW
but when i say I want to TTC this month, Something cropped up
So I got to resolve it before i TTC.... because i dun want any pantang issue to come out.
just like i intend to TTC in Oct, then i fell sick.... and realise i need to resolve a Crack wall in my house, then i postpone to Nov....
Today I really got a shock. I see the Gynae, as he can't detect hb via vscan he Ask me to go d n c. I really breakdown. I didn't wan thing to happen again. My hubby oso wan me to do d n c today as not to spoil my mood at holiday after Wat Gynae say. I hesitate. Den he say let go kk and see another doc. Den we go kk. I show the doc the scan. The doc say I might be still early as I only Ard 6w1d. Ask me to wait till I come back den see another Gynae. She oso took my bhcg which is 29000 which she tink the lvl is good.

I really it because it still early
Hi Cheryl, erm... U r only 6w1d how come your Gynae cnt detect heartbeat straightaway ask u do D&C? It's still early leh! Some heartbeats can't b heard till 7 weeks or late 6weeks. Your Gynae shd ask u come back scan again in one week's time instead of rushing u into a D&C leh!!! So unethical! Sorry I made such comments abt your Gynae but really lor! Wa lauz! Lucky u smart u go for second opinion at KK. I suggest u change Gynae! No offence dear but I'm just speaking my mind. Feel so upset for u. Your Gynae must have had given u such a scare.... Tsk
actually i oso dunno an chuang got effect or not but i was told tt it might affect... regret oso too late coz cannot undo the an chuang or anything. just feel a bit dui only

min, jhw, ya i agree better stay far away from the drilling n renovations if possible. after 2 m/c i think i will really try to follow everything
last time when the gynae couldn't find my baby's heartbeat, he told me tt its likely to b a m/c, but also informed me that in such cases its better to seek a second opinion to confirm, which is just wat u did, tt's good. btw, rem to ask the dr for a copy of the ultrasound scan so that u can show the second dr to check.

for 6w, there is still hope yet, i read in some forums about women whose babies' heartbeat was detected at a later date. hope it all goes well for u.

yes i did. when i show kk doc the scan, she say maybe it still small. cos she oso see the scan on monday. but she din do scan cos most prolly it will still be same. she oso say if it will to m/c there oso nth much we can do. just cont with my dusphaston and folic acid. really pray hard
