Support group - Miscarriages


Dr Su told me 11.30pm can already. 11pm was her hubby's theory. Still very difficult to keep up with that. She said her medicine had improve my right kidney, but I am not getting enough sleep, so left kidney still very weak.
Princess n Jhw,
Ya! I find it so hard to deep sleep on 11 wor.
Often by time 11, I only start to close my eyes. Haha!
Got to made an habit... My hb will try to switch off all light n tv sound by 11, so I able sleep faster. Still dun works.
sometimes, even if I lie on bed at 12, i will also get into deep sleep around 12.30 or 12.45
so, really very hard...
dunno why i am getting harder and harder to fall asleep

I think that is insomnia. Have you tried drink warm milk or camomile tea? I am not sure ttc can drink camomile tea. I tried this 2 methods years ago when I had insomnia, that is before i start ttc. Dr gave me sleeping pills before but I never take. Dr say lying in bed more than 30 mins is insomnia.
I have the habit of laying on my bed once I done with everything.
Meaning ard 9 plus, I start laying down n watch tv so i can rest my body.
My head already got a clock n need time to slowly sleep earlier.
Dr Su also told me, try laying down as much possible, sit down doesn't count. As we need our lower part if body to relax.

Yes, I believe our brain had been programmed to a certain routine. My insomnia had been around many years. But after I got married, slowly it went away. Then I realised the differences. Back in my niang jia, I had tv, radio etc in the room. So, I could stay in the room very long before bedtime. After marriage, I insist I dun want any electrical applicances in the room. That is when things changed. I finish my stuffs then went in to the room and sleep. So, that bedroom is only for sleeping. Insomnia had said bye bye to me for 4 years now.
Agree! Tv etc is the cause of it too.
I can't live without any tv in my room, I'm so use to lay down n watch tv.
Bad bad habit I know... But hard to change.
Nowaday my hb will switch off the sound n lights, so I able to slowly sleep faster. But notice the more I try, the harder it seems. Lol

Cannot try hard to sleep, you will be more awake. That is what happened when I had insomnia. Keep telling myself need to sleep, if not tomorrow no energy to work etc. It only make it worse. If not, try using aroma diffuser to help relax.

Last weekend, I slept real late, fri 1am, sat 2am, sun 1am. Gosh!! Going to see Dr Su this weekend, sure ganna scolded...LOL
Jhw, princessleopard, celestine,

Feel so paiseh when i read abt u gals having difficulty sleeping.. My hubby and i can just plop on the bed and sleep till next morning.. Keke.. So piggy rite!

But i think like wat princessleopard said, it's abt trying to get our body to adjust to a diff routine.. Continue getting urselves to bed early, in the beginning will be difficult to fall asleep immediately.. Give it a wk or so, it'll slowly get better..
11 is too early for me too! sometimes me n hb try to sleep earlier, but lie down n end up just chatting until past 12. other times, he just fall asleep n i'm there wide awake n just playing games... its so hard
actually how long after the m/c did u gals start taking the tcm? i was thinking of starting tcm, but my gynae told me tt i'm still bleeding so better not take any yet.
Ya!! My hubby also.. He can knock out within mins.
Maybe on the day times, he really busy with wrk.
Once back home, very easy to rest cos no more energy.
I shd learn... Over tired myself on the day time.. Lol!!

Nowaday I'm using sheep counting. Imaging the sheep on top me n start counting very very slowly. It really does work sometimes. Haha!
No harm to visit a TCM n get a check up.
Tell ur TCM that u are still bleeding due to MC, he/she will know wat to do.
For my TCM, she stop giving me any medicine once my AF started. Unless I feel headache or wind goes in my body.

that is Good !!! its best that you can just pop down on bed and sleep.... how i wish i can like that too..

Princess, Celest

My hubby also... he can knock out within seconds in fact.... for me... no matter what time i lie down, i will still knock out at 12 plus.... it had become a habit... for the whole of last week, i had been sleeping around 1 am too.. i think My "Qi" accumumated is gone case liao...


ACtually I started visiting TCM One week after my m/c. TCM say no problem at all.

Haha.. Glad sheep counting works for u sometimes.. Actually, i think wat u said is true leh.. When i was still teaching, get up 5 plus and the day ahead is very physically and mentally draining. . Hubby and i struggling to keep eyes open at 9 pm.. Sometimes we take quick nap at 8 plus to rest our eyes.. We can sleep easily, but not sure it's a gd thing to be so tired out in the day.. Haha..

I can sleep at 11pm. Cos I used to sleep at 11pm before I start my night classes. Now I cant cos too many things to do after come back from work. I will start my routine in Dec when everything is finally over.


Sheep counting dun work for me. The more I count, the more awake I am, cos I am keeping track of the number. Oh, I used soothing sounds sometimes if I cant sleep. I download the apps for mobile. I put on the raining sound, can sleep quite fast.

Ya hope ur course go smoothly and all completed by dec.. It must be very tiring to wk full time and attend night classes.. Then still have so much wk and studying to do at night.. Must take good care k!

Jhw, celestine,

Could it have anything to do with the pillows? Previously our contoured pillows were like gifts that came with the mattress, feels so-so.. Abt 2 yrs ago, we bought new pillows, memory foam but not contoured.. Very comfy! Hubby and i head touch the pillow eyes feel like closing already.. Mm or is it just us?? Haha..

Thanks!! I also hope Dec to come soon.

I believe pillows plays a part as well. I used to change pillows very often, cos just dun feel right. From $9.90 to $499, I tried them all. The best I had tried so far is KL Eastin hotel. The pillow is fantastic. The moment you hit on it, you dun want to get up. But I cannot find the pillow anywhere
the only pillow that can make me sleep immediately and throughout the night is when i went for Hokkaido holiday in March this one of the Hotels.... the pillow is made full of Beads.... i can't find anywhere which sell this pillow... even my tourmates find that they sleep well throughout the night with that pillow
It seems difficult to find the pillows hotels used. I even email them to ask for the exact materials used in there. But I just cannot find it. The hotel is so nice to give me the percentage of each material that is in the pillow. Too bad.....
Could be while we oversea, mentally will be more relax n sleep better?
I agree tat pillow play a good part.
My hb keep having neck ache but there was once he went KL n it pillow make him totally relax. But cannot steal or buy the pillow from them ma. Hehe! Come home also can't find the same pillow.
Jhw, princessleopard,

Ohh i think some hotels sell their pillows and linen leh.. So far for us, we find hotel pillows very soft and plush.. We actually prefer firmer pillows..

My hubby used to have neckache too.. Much better after changed to current pillow, i think is king koil brand.. Still remember very funny, the promoter very nice, ask us to lie on the bed and give us many pillows to try out.. I was paiseh so i got my hubby to do the testing.. Hehe.. You guys can try it too!
King koil got branch ma? Where huh?
My hubby wanted to get a good pillow, but mostly shopping mall dun allow try.

Is it?? I remember we bought at robinsons leh, but can't remember centrepoint or raffles city..
Only allow to touch n feel bah.
Lay on the pillow on the bed, dun remember any promotor allow him too. Hehe!
Thanks! Will ask my hubby go king koil n try it out.
U guy bought very ex?

Ohh.. Haha.. Maybe we met a very enthusiastic promoter.. We were kinda embarrassed to lie down and try but she kept telling us must try then will know whether it's suitable.. It was abt $200 for 1.. But that day just nice was buy 1 get 1 free so was good deal..

Hope u get to try too before deciding
Meet such a good promotor is good wor.
Least will consider for our health n pocket money. Haha!!
Some promotor only care selling as much possible.
Use my hp apps, seems like only marine square n Thomson plaza got kingkoil stores. Will push my hubby there asap. Hehe! Such a price, he might back out...
ladies i've just drank my bazhen soup from eu yan sang..taste is soooooo bad!! I highly don't recommend's much better bazhen from the normal medicated hall i think..and much cheaper&bigger packet too from normal medicated hall! The taste is so different! *YUCKS*
My Hubby is a side sleeper so when he slept on the memory foam pillow type his neck aches. Realised that he needs to sleep the cheap lum lum (soft) pillow. Then need to hug a hard pillow/bolster to prop up the other hand that you are not lying down on.
Some of those branded hotel showcase which brands they use on their webby. Like hiltongarden, love their mattress. But only sold in USA.
For sleep - anyone tried melatonin? Helps to regulate your sleep to change ur sleep pattern. But I dub think its recommended for pregnant women. This helps me get by my jet lag.

Maybe u wanna check out departmental stores cos got wider variety of brands? Think they might have more generous offers too


Oh really huh.. I drank that once a couple of mths back.. Although yucky, i tot it tasted similar but slightly better than the tcm med i was taking last yr.. Haha.. Did u add dom? Think will make it sweeter leh.. The lady said can add chicken to taste better.. But i think the quality not bad.. Cos double vacuum packed and eys got aircon, better environment for the herbs..


The memory pillow we bought was the flat type, no contour.. Think it's really way more comfy than the contoured ones.. Good that ur hubby also found comfortable way to sleep
Is melatonin some hormone?
Hi shoppixe, ttc can take melatonin ma? If can, I Dnt mind trying so as to help me sleep earlier. Hehe.

Chrisl, like what jhw say, try brew with hard boiled eggs. I tried that n with black chicken n I actually like it! I'm sick in the mind I know... Hahaha

I think DOM can make the difference. I tried adding a little more DOM on sunday, it does taste sweeter. Not as bad as before.

Anyone knows if there is a limit to DOM in bazhen?
Princessleopard, I Dnt know got limit or not but I always add only one capful to whatever I cook. At night also drink one capful of it till after O I stop.

Same same, now no matter add in to whatever soup or medicine, I add one cupful. I was just thinking bazhen portion is a lot, and its sweeter with more DOM, so dunno can add more? I think I will check with Dr Su. Thanks!
Yesterday I added a boil egg inside my Ba Zhen, felt no different wor.
Yes! Add DOM does make a different. Each time I only add 1 tablespoon.
I will add DOM into Dr Su medicine every night too.


I add one cup as Dr Su said. I will ask her again what is the limit to add. Cos I really dun like the taste of bazhen, more DOM is nicer.


I also feel with egg also did not change much of the taste.
