Support group - Miscarriages

Oooooh...I enjoyed eating the eggs

Maybe I boil from one big bowl to a small tiny bowl, tat why taste horrible.
I try to boil tiny tiny bowl bcos I can drink faster n lesser.
My hubby alway say I'm like drinking one bowl of dark soysauce. Wahaha!

I try eating the egg too. Dun like it too.
Maybe I'm boiling too thick... Causing the outside egg quite hard. Taste not good.. Maybe I a person cannot endure bitter taste? Hehe!
I haven't try eggs before but last time one sister recommended n say it will be sweeter..
but DOM indeed made most of the soup taste nicer.... it even made dr su's med taste nicer haha

I boil 2 big bowl to 1 big bowl. Sometimes I did not finish all, cos too yucky. How many hours you boil? I boil about 7-8 hours, still so much you make it so thick?
alamak, i'm slow on the zz topic... but just say.
i'm using the tempur memory foam pillow coz got sale at og last time. when i first changed it i felt tt i could sleep v well n woke up feeling refreshed. it helps me zz better still but the price abit steep. i wouldn't have bought it without the discount...

hearsay robinsons has a closed door sale this wed for members, something like 10 + 10% for most stuff...

another product i think is not bad is from origins, they has this product called "peace of mind" its a small bottle of lotion which kinda relaxes me when i really really cannot sleep... can go n try the sample at their counters. but its a bit ex to use every nite so i dun use it so much... buying at e airport is much cheaper thoh
I also boil 7 to 8 hrs in the slow cooker.
I will only boil with 1 bowl of water. If I still see the water is too much, i will switch to high mode. Let it cook more.. Then the Ba Zhen will left the amount I wanted. Maybe next time u can try reduce the water to ur Ba Zhen. If still alot, then u switch to high mode, but ensure tat u need to check every half an hr cos it might dry up.
Anyone taking bai fong wan?
I heard my colleague saying it good for women.
Can take ard 1 week after our AF over...
Got to remind myself to ask Dr Su on Friday. Alway forgot.. Haiz!
jhw, i was thinking abt ur beads pillow, is it hard one? like plastic kind or just soft like e beanbag kind? kinda reminds me of the green bean shell pillow my niece used last time. its like the shells of the dried green beans stuffed into a pillow n feels like beads.

tt one she used was made by my grandma, but i also seen it sold in one of the shops in kk hosp, but its meant for babies n tt was a few years back, dunno if the shop is still selling it.

The staff told me 2 bowl boil to 1 bowl. So I follow lo. I dunno reduce the water, will become too concentrate and overdose anot. You so far OK? I also want to drink lesser.

A lot ladies taking BFW, I never try. My gfs took them for many years, say its good for the womb. Sometimes really wonder if I did not take care of myself since puberty that is why cannot conceive.
last time i tried bai feng wan a few times...
but too heaty for me..
my friend who is also visiting dr su , also take it, and dr su say it is ok to take..

me same as u... been thinking abt it...
i never take tonic since young, unlike my friends.... maybe tts why they had smooth pregnancy... its never too late to start... dun feel bad about yourself... lets jiayou together..

The beads are big and round, and hard...
initially i thought must be not good, surprisingly , its so comfortable ... after wake up, no neckpain... let me sleep throughout the night , next morning wake up very refreshing....
I boiled like that and drink with hard boiled egg, but the taste really cannot make it. Hmm..but i didn't put dom though..anyway can drink everyday not? Thinking of stopping for tonight cos i drank for 2 days already..what's the dosage of bazhen anyone have any idea?

GBOB think the method is with one dose boil with 4 cups water, when boiling, reduce heat to medium, and close lid of pot, boil for 1 hour. It'll reduce to 1 bowl. That's what i did cos i read the recipe book hehe

I think jhw mentioned only drink once a wk.. AF week don't drink.. So abt 3 times a mth only.. Tonite don't drink already k.. I tried the eys with 1 cap dom.. Can taste the sweetness of dom..
Princess n Jhw,
So far nothing happen to me, so I keep doing the method.
Cannot tahan drinking too much bowl, I might vomit out. Ho Ho Ho!
I'm thinking of taking BFW when my next period ended.
Better ask Dr Su for my body.

Dun blame urself. The more we wanted to concieve, the harder it seems. So maybe relax our mind n body, our rainbow will shine onto us again. I also dun care abt my body, even I keep suffering from backache. Until MC, then I realize how terrible my body is. Times pass so fast, notices that it almost 1 year since I discover my pregnancy. When think of my age n almost 1 year, I'm so scare tat I can't concieve again, but im trying my best to hang on stsy positive. As what Jhw saying, nothing is too late. We are trying our bests now.
Nope. Shd not be a problem with ur method.
Suppose my TCM told us to boil over stove for 1 to 2 hr.
But I kaisu... So I boil over slow cooker. Hoping to be more better. Haha!
Thanks gals. Ba zhen inside contain dang gui? Cos if it does, I think better drink it after af clears n before O. Cos dang gui 活血 so not good to take it during 2ww wor... I drink it twice after my af n before O
i see thanks wonder after 2 days of drinking i felt like having a headache know that 'pulling feeling'

you got pillow with beads type? can intro where you got it from? what brand is that?

the green bean case pillow you mentioned i saw someone selling the other time in another thread under 'spree'
yes yes Bazhen only can take once a week, as per TCM advice.... cannot take bazhen & DOM during AF... The pillow with beads is not mine... i tried it during my hokkaido trip this year in one of the hotel, but i could not find it anywhere... and i forgot to ask hotel...

so far my TCM say during O can drink bazhen..
but once you got bfp, then should stop....
but i was thinking... if we ttc, then better stop after O.....

ya better ask Dr Su abt the ba feng wan before u take... i rem it is quite heaty for me...
jiayou !! i hope all of us can strike before CNY.... got good feeling hehehehe

I will try to put lesser water then.


I am not sure there is dang gui in bazhen. But Dr Su say ok to drink after O. So, 1 month we drink 3 times.

So, which brand BFW is good?
Wa!! Really hope ur feeling strike. Haha!

Normally I buy BFW from any neighborhood medical hall.
Not really choosing any brand but I do notices BFW contain different type of ingredient that mix with it. Black chicken etc. Got to ask the ppl which is better.. The price almost the same.
actually my tcm told me to hack care, and continue taking bazhen n dom after O... she say its ok one... only when miss menses, tested bfp, then should stop....
I guess maybe implantation period also need tonic to aid in the smooth implant?

But if u feel unsafe, then better stop after O...
Today saw a friend facebook wishing her hubby happy wedding anniversary…. And her bb going to be due 3 days after …
Haiz… if I nv lost my BB, I will also due in Jan 2013, which also coincide with my wedding anniversary
Suddenly feel very down….

sorry for posting pessimistic things here again.

It's ok, we understand.
I feel its easier to move on after we pass the EDD. Back then, my important presentation on infant massage clash same day of my EDD. Very emotional day but I managed to pull through + all the encouragements you ladies had been giving me, I managed to walk through it. Now, teaching infant massage and seeing the babies, does not affect me much compare to the past. I knew "Luz" had bring me out the darkness.

You can do it!!
Hi Girls,

I am an ex patient of Dr Mahesh and Dr Shiela, a subsidised patient at NUH. I have had 3 recurrent losses before and before we managed to find NUH we were just told we were bad luck and to just try again.

My daughter just turn 22 weeks hale and healthy and without NUH help I wonder if I would reach so far.

I am sorry if you have met unsenstive doctors but I can assure you they KNOW in NUH to be senstitive to you! Even the housemens hence just take a leap of faith. I have to spend quite some years before I manage to find NUH as back then they were not so popular.

On another hand if you have had only 1 miscarriage something it is really bad luck.. they probably also will not let you do so much testing unless it is 2 or more mcs.

Keep the faith girls! It took me 4 years to have baby in my arms! We will have our turns =)
Hi ling,

Thank you for sharing and encouraging us

I'm also a patient in NUH and have received very good care there, especially so during my mc.. Agree with you that the doctors i met in NUH have been very sensitive, including the 2-3 young housemen who had also tended to me during my 5 days there.. Never was i told it was 'bad luck' and they told me they will try their best knowing how hard it was for me to have conceived thru iui..

First nite, i stayed in b2 subsidised and i think the quality of care i received was no less than the care i received in the private ward.. I'm going for my iui very soon.. Hoping that i can succeed and have a bb in my arms soon like u.. My gynae is a fertility specialist and if successful, will only see me till abt 20 wks where i have to choose another gynae.. I will definitely ask for prof mahesh..
Thanks for your encouragement,Princess & GBOB.
I will keep myself occupied and not to think anymore.. You ladies really helped me a great deal in getting over all my sadness.... I hope faith will bring me out of my darkness soon

Thanks ling, for sharing your experience and encouragement....
To: All

I am writing my 2nd book now and is calling for co-authors who are keen to contribute an article about their pregnancy journey also to help sponspor some cost of the book. My aim is to help spread the message and let more people aware of such pregnancy complications and hope to avoid such problems in future.

See link if keen or PM me...
Wah this is like a baby week for the people around me.. My friend just watsapp to me a pic of our friend's twins, delivered on monday.. Then another pic of another friend's bb, delivered yesterday.. And my SIL going in for c-sect tmr.. So qiao.. And all got preggy just about same time as me last time.. My edd supposed to be 9 nov.. Well, guess i just gotta grab all the baby luck i can..
Mega hug!
On my EDD date, I was also depress.
Now and then, still will think, how many mths my child will be if he/she is born out.
It still hurt deeply when i look at the room I intend to set up for our baby.
But we got to move on from there... Altot we lost them but believe they in good place n care now ( up in heaven ). They dun wish to see us sorrow forever for them. The more we move on, the more they not worry for us.

Jiayou dear... We will reach that day to carry our bb soon.
thanks !!!
... yes ! i believe we will reach that day!! and it will be before CNY !!!!
Our bbs are blessing us.... or maybe even better, they come back to be our next bbs ....
Big Hug to you too !!!

ya !! last two weeks, a friend just delivered, and 3 days later another friend going to deliver.... in FB, everywhere can see friends posting their newborn bb photos... seem like there are many sept + oct babies.... Next mth, another friend going to deliver too.. Got to get all those preggy friends to touch our tummy asap before they deliver.

Thanks! I will!

Jhw, celestine,

Ya u know the feeling.. Happy for them but feeling crappy for myself at the same time.. Haha.. Contradictory rite.. And i'm already married for 5 yrs but they only married like 2 yrs.. My bil only 8 mths! Everyone tell me 'you'll be next you'll be next! Wanna see ur bb soon!'.. But honestly, i hear that for few yrs, no feeling already.. Haha..
Sisters, since u all on the topic now. I also wanna rant!! Lolx... I can totally relate to what u gals r gg thru. Feel so imbalance as in I know I shd feel happy for friends who got pregnant or who just popped, but just can't help feeling crappy n miserable, as if I am a schizophrenia patient...
Everytime I c a pregnant lady I can't help but ask myself, I could b, wld b, how many months by now... I cld b, wld b, have a baby bump as big as hers.... It's really saddening. The mental anguish just keeps coming back to me now n then but then again, on the rational side, I know v well that life goes on n we all have to move on.... But I guess we r all just humans... N being emo is humans nature... A BIG BEAR HUGS to all the sisters here! Lets all cheer up, look forward to the future n our rainbow babies r coming back to us v soon! We have to have faith ok! Gambete dearies

My opinion:- unsubscribe news feed from certain friends on fb that u know r just newly married, gonna have babies soon or just popped... Or even better, deactivate fb account totally! Ignorance is bliss

Totally understand! Haha.. Well i guess like u said, we're humans.. My hubby was taken aback when i cried a little a few days ago.. He had thought i had gotten all over it after all this time.. I'm not even active on fb leh.. Got acct but only go in once in a blue moon to confirm all the requests.. Haha.. But frens watsapp me personally hard to ignore also.. Well i guess just gotta try to be as positive as we can! Jia you to u gals too!
Jhw, min81 & GBOB,
I also marry for 5 year now.
Fren n relatives ard me, whom marry later then us. They already have 1 or more child.
Each time see their happy bb photo, make my heartache. Same time can't help to think my womb is so useless.
When I got pregnant, my pantang mil goes ard telling everyone n stress me up. End up I really MC. Now my hubby relatives think I'm wrong for blaming my mil for the cause. What I can do is to avoid those negative ppl. *^^*
Gals, just b kind to ourselves lor. Whatever u think that makes u feel depress, avoid. I shun away from some friends too cos I know I will feel upset n miserable. I know I shdnt cos ppl living happily with their babies or pregnancies we shd feel happy for them. I know. I do feel happy for them. But can't help feeling demoralize n miserable for myself so I try to avoid lor... C nothing hear nothing = happy
Oh... Even my visit to Gynae upsets me. Cos see soooo many big tummies ard me n always never fails to remind me of my mc... Geez.... I hope I can survive my supposedly edd day!!
Min81, Celest, GBOB

i married for 3 years....
and true enough, many friends had given birth...
occasionally, i will cry too.... whenever i am reminded of sad things... i am easily emo one...
my hb dun like me to cry over this..... so i always hide a corner or in toilet to cry.....
I totally understand how you gals feel.....

Good Idea.... Any idea how to use Smart Phone to Unsubcribe newsfeed of certain person?

I want to avoid all those who mistreat me... and all those who are insensitive to my feelings.

Oh so we got married in the same yr.. Hugz.. Know how u feel cos i come from huge family, even cousins who married older at like mid 30s also had baby so fast.. And i got married younger at 26.. I'm like u, also avoid negative pple.. Keke..

But i got confession to make.. Sometime back heard a superstition abt not gd to have 2 pregnancy in the family at the same time.. It's like, 1 will get 'overpowered' by the other.. Logically, i know it's really silly and just a superstition dunno who in the world came up with.. My hubby and i never believed in superstition.. But in my heart, i felt that i'm blaming my sil for getting preggy at the same time and why couldn't they just wait till they get officially married when i've waited 5 yrs.. I'm so bad and stupid rite
.. I told my hubby that superstition but not my feelings.. I expected him to scold me but he was actually very quiet.. I guess he still feels the pain too.. I feel very guilty for thinking such stuff and i try not to but sometimes it just comes up..

Jhw, I Dnt think using iPhone can leh. I'm not too sure. What I did was I sat in front of my pc, log into my fb, go thru my friends list one by one n unsubscribe from whoever I think may "cause me unnecessary duress" lolx

Min81, Dnt blame yourself for thinking that way. We are all humans not saints... Given the agony n "situation" we've been thru, it's natural to sometimes let our "imagination run wild" and have such 想法. I used to b totally not pantang at all de but given what I went thru (mc), I told myself if I ever have a chance to get preg again, I'll do whatever I can to try to protect it. Be it pantang or not... 小心驶得万年船 预防胜于治疗 宁可信其有lor...
