Support group - Miscarriages

wait for 1-2 weeks more and seek other opinion, don't give up hope....
i m shocked your gynae made such rash & hasty decision for u when ur hcg is still so high....
Wish u best of luck for next detailed scan... bring us good news !!

good to hear good news from your scan
as for myself im not sure if im day2 scan? what's that? Anyway, i got a surprise yesterday..both hb and me lah..our doc is retiring(didn't know he's 70 already!!) and thus another one took over our casefile..hmm..this doc told us that my lining is still very thin and will need to go back next wed for a 2nd scan to monitor. And also he said have to prescribe me medication should my lining is thin next week..hmm..

yeah ladies..don't think about whoever or whatever you did or not do for 'an chuang'..for me i didn't have any guo da li, an chuang etc..and still things thoughts if one keep thinking and thinking about it you'll never going to have peace and that's not going to do you any good furthermore, utmost importance now is to build up body and mind, and next, receiving another new life into your womb
all our rainbow babies are coming ok!!? *come come positive tots
shoo shoo negative tots!
Jhw, princessleopard,

Ya will definitely hide in the other room during 2ww.. Today didn't hear any drilling.. Hope they're finishing up cos already been like a mth.. Know wat u gals mean abt things happening last min.. No choice, just have to 'sui ji ying bian', so many things out of our control..


Ya just continue with the duphaston and folic acid.. 6 wks is actually still early.. Wait and see what the next gynae says.. All the best ya..


Thanks! Oh cos doing ivf gotta go for scan on day 2 rite? I tot fet also need.. Not sure, oops.. Hehe.. If ur lining is thin, maybe u wanna try taking red bean soup once or twice a wk? I know the ladies on iui and ivf thread take that to try thicken their lining.. Hope it all goes smoothly for ur 2nd scan! Jia you!

Did your gynae measure the thickness of the lining?


I did not know red bean soup can thicken the lining leh. I long time did not drink red bean. Used to drink after AF.

That's normally the advice given by the ladies doing iui and ivf and have thin lining problems.. If u don't have that problem, think don't have to.. Cos lining cannot be too thick also.. Must be just nice.. So difficult rite.. Too thin no gd, too thick also no gd.. For my case, doc didn't say i have lining probs, so i didn't try this red bean soup method..
Talking abt red bean soup, I just cooked one small pot this morning... I added 莲子, 陈皮and abit of 南杏北杏... Yum yum
its friday agaiN!! Whiew....
Once again, thanks ladies for the support week by week! Love reading all the threads here

Enjoy your family time in the weekend, and hopefully our rainbow bbs all come soon!

I see. Then just eat in moderation ba. DO u know how gynae define thin / thick lining? I remember gynae say my lining was good, its 11mm, during one of my iui scan.

The lining will change throughout the mth.. I think i read that after ovulation, lining at 8-13 mm is gd for implantation..

My bil just announced the arrival of their bb.. We're going tmr to visit.. It's ok rite? Since it's not a bb 1st mth celebration.. I also haven do iui yet.. Tmr 2nd scan..
I just finish see Dr Su. Shown her the recipe tat u show us.
She said tat the herb is okay to drink if u want, but she say as long we take her medicine n the Ba Zhen, tat is already very Pu. Dun need to waste enegry onto all this. Hehe!
coincidence, my friend also announced the arrival of her bb.... my other friends also come announcing to me, as if scared that i don't know what is happening.... i know i am very bad to feel this way... but can't help feeling crappy...

but i would advise you not to visit .... since you are doing your iui soon... better play safe.... let your hubby go bah... and maybe send an sms over...


really THanks alot for asking !!! yeah !! let's concentrate on her medicine and ba zhen and shi quan da bu tang !! jiayou !!!


Happy Weekend to you too !!!
my tots should be ok to visit lah since you've not started anything yet..then by the time when their bb's 1 mth, your iui will be here so till then don't visit..
oh i see..hehe yeah red bean soup is already on my menu for tomorrow hehe..

Yes he measured but i didn't ask how thick is that..but think as seen on the scan screen, it seemed really thin like 2-3mm only..

oh!? didn know can add so much 'liao' together! Tot only some added orange peel or lotus seeds ..didn't know the almonds can also add..will try with that too, thanks for the tips!

Haha Chrisl, the almonds is to help cough (止咳平喘,润肠通便) cos I got bad cough lately... But then again cough or not, I oso like to add abit to my soup cos I like to eat it... Crunchy crunchy de... Nice

Have a great weekend too sisters!
ChrisL, jhw,

I have decided to go visit.. Since have not done iui yet.. Wanna go there bao bao baby for some luck.. Hehe.. Saw the photos, she looks sssooo much like my SIL, all of us agreed.. Haha.. We all jia you k.. We'll soon have our own bb who look so much like us too

Enjoy your weekend, babes!!

Yup let's stay positive and push ahead!!

Went to visit bil and wife just now.. bb ssssooo cute.. Hair already so black and thick.. She was sleeping soundly but when i sayang her, her eyelids started flitting.. Looking at her, i tell myself watever i have to go through now will be worth it when i have my bb.. Let's all stay positive and work hard for the day when we can hold our own bb in our arms!
All our Efforts will be paid off !!!
and Very soon we will see our rainbow babies !!
i am looking forward to the day that i will get to use the term "my daughter" or "my son" !!!
I see GBOB haha

But one thing ladies on red bean soup, DON'T ever put sugar before the beans are ready cooked and soften cos i think sugar somehow reacts with the beans and if you put sugar before the beans are cooked, you'll never ever (no matter how long you cook it) the beans will never get soft! Tried and tested by me LOL LOL
Dr su say if we don't feel safe drinking dom after ovulation and during implantation stage, then better don't drink. She say in her context, she feel it is ok to drink but many tcm advised their patients not to drink dom after ovulation, to play safe... so her advice is, it is okay not to drink dom after ovulation.

However she advised me that it is ok to continue bazhen and lrd tea after ovulation.
Jhw, thank q so much for helping me to ask! U r such a dear! Love u to the bits! ((Hugs)) yeah! Can drink ba zhen after O! Yipee! I rather drink ba zhen than Dom! Haha

Thanks! Then I think I am within the range. That time measured was 11mm.


Really 2-3mm? Its very thin. SO, is the gynae going to do anything about it? Done a few times iui, sometimes I am also worried about the clomid thinning the uterus lining.
Princessleopard Im not sure cos my Af was just over on the 9th oct and taking into consideration that my cycle is on average of 40days now. So doc say to scan again this wed to see how far im are taking clomid now? How long have you been on clomid? Is it one of the side effects of clomid-thining of the lining?

Ladies- just to share:
I read this link that don't eat peas as they are natural contraceptives and also to eat soya/tofu with caution. Cos too much not too good either..

have a good week ahead jie meis!

That's gd, don't have to worry
Did u take clomid for all your IUIs?


Which day of the cycle did u scan? If just after AF will be thinner cos we've just shed the lining of previous cycle so it's ok.. All the best for ur next scan!

Perhaps AF just over, usually tested around ovulation period. Dun worry, hopefully wed scan is better.

No, I am not taking clomid now. Hopefully, I dun have to take. Last year, discovered that I am not ovulating, so I was on clomid for about 3 cycles. Then I took clomid for the iuis, sometimes even after iui, cos got extra clomid. After that, then realise there is side effects to clomid, one include thinning of uterus lining.


Great!! Wed your follicle should be at least a good 20mm. Hope to catch some baby dust from you 2 weeks later.

I had done iui, clomid-iui and so-iui. So, the last 2 I took clomid. Sometimes after iui, I took clomid also, cos dr gave extra for me to try with clomid if iui failed.
Celest, jhw, princess, gbob,

Thank you gals!! I will jia you!


I can start trying home pregnancy test 2 wks after the procedure


I see.. As long as ur gynae is monitoring ur lining shld be ok.. Now u're taking tcm, i think shld be better too.. I compare this round of iui with the previous.. Previously my follicle grew much faster and bigger, maybe cos i took 6 mths of tcm just before that..

I now you are not taking tcm? Last time I actually did not see any tcm when doing iui. So, I noticed results of follicles gets better everytime.
Hi ladies

i posted 2 weeks ago abt my natural mc. Thanks all for the hugss and supports...

Tdy im back to wrk. Few thing to ask all of u, may sound silly but ...

1) after the natural mc, when will menses resume? (my gynae say 4week i shld expect my mense, is it true?)

2) i have bleeding like 1 week after natural mc, is it normal?

3) i realised after mc, my left hand (my master hand) keep shaking.. is it normal?

Thanks for answering my qns.
Ur period shd be arriving in 4 to 6 weeks.
More then tat go back ur gynea n check ur hormones.
For me, my period arrive 6 week aft my D&C, but soon I notices in middle cycle I still see spotting, it lasted for a few mths. Dr suspect I'm having hormones problem n not ovulating, so he give me clomid. Cos same time, I didn't wish to wait longer for ttc.

No! U shd not feel ur body shaking. Better go n check with ur gynea.
Regine, i asked the nurse how long the bleeding lasts after a natural mc, she told me it varies by pple. some stop bleeding in a few weeks, others may drag on for months. she said some pple whose bleeding continues for months may end up opting for a d&c. ideally the amt of blood should be decreasing n not be bright red. my dr gave me a jab to cause my uterus to contract n expel the remaining blood.

the dr told me tt a hcg level of <5 indicates that the mc is complete n the menses shd follow soon after. not sure of the actual time frame for natural mc thoh.

shaking i haven't heard before... mabbe u need to check with ur gynae?

Thank you!
I'll stay positive for good news!

bb Regine,

Don't think your hand should be shaking.. U might wanna check with ur doc if it persists..


Not taking tcm now.. Wanted to see after my spotting after lap stops but it never did.. Spotted all the way till AF came.. Since gynae said ready to try for iui, decided to just go ahead.. My first iui, i was seeing tcm for 6 mths and stopped 2 mths before iui.. I felt that the tcm was really doing something for my hormones.. I'm actually thin and kinda shapeless.. Haha.. But after taking his tcm med, i put on weight in all the right places.. Keke.. My hubby was obviously very happy.. Hehe..

Your tcm so super!! Which tcm? I try to put on a little weight too, cos I used to be underweight due to hyperthyroid. But the weight gain seems to go to the wrong place leh....
dear all, i was recommended by mini81 to join here. I gg to have my miscarriage procedure done soon. I have to wait for a week before i can arrange for the procedure. I like to ask all sisters here what is your best recommendation for me to do after the procedure. I hear essence of chicken is very good. What you think?
Best to drink red date, longen drink everyday.
U can add a few slice of old Ginger too.
Now do u hv a TCM? I duno if u can drink Ba Zhen.
Hi eli,

Did not expect to see you here in this thread.

After the procedure, do a mini confinement. Eat more nutritous food, can cooked with ginger, more warming effects. Drink LRD tea everyday to replace plain water. Remember to wear sock at home too, keep yourself warm.

Take care, dear.
Hi Celestine, Mich, min : thanks … ya I tink I will consult my gynae the next time I see him again. I did the blood test last fri to ensure my hcg level went down. Now awaiting for result.

eil: I drink chic essence everyday for 2 week. Is good. I feel more energy after taking it every morning. Do a mini confinement for 2 week too. Eat ginger and sesame oil stuff. Btw, im was in May 13 forum too but no longer active in there as I cant bear to share my news to rest of them.

Any gd TCM to recommend in NE area?
Morning babes,
wanted to check..did any ladies start tracking their ovulation after mc? I started tracking this mth (1st mth after mc), and realised i didn't ovulate (been tracking for 2 wks).. I wanted to track as i want to know when my next cycle will be..i know its too ganjiong and wasteful..but i cant help used to testing!! haha
Already beginning to wonder if there is something wrong with my body


If u don't have anyone to help out with food and don't feel up to cooking, can order confinement tingkat.. For longan red date tea, can put in longans, red dates, ginger and black sugar.. Better to cook a new batch everyday, try not to eat leftover food from previous day.. I also took chicken essence daily.. My mum also told me don't let urself get hungry, anytime in betw meals when u're hungry, grab some biscuits or bread or can drink milo.. Although normally pple say don't drink water, i still drank cos all the food very heaty, i didn't wanna get sick, so i guess it's up to u depending on what ur body can take..

Take care!
