Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks Gals... Today cd24. My cycle abit haywire after the mc. Last month was a 27days cycle n the one before last (which was the first after mc) was 30days cycle. I Dnt know this month my cycle will b how many days. Bbt dropped this morning to 36.67 from 36.80... So I am quite sure that evil witch has probably board her flight n on her way here n hell yeah, we really live two weeks by two weeks ya!! Geez

not all is lost, till the evil witch knocks..did you tested ovulation? Usually i only monitor the number of days after ovulation..
Hi rian, ya I did. But my opk always shows faint positive thus I Dnt know is it my opk not sensitive enough or something is wrong somewhere. But sisters taught me to test a few times throughout the day so now I know better. My opk had faint lines on cd 11 & 12. Anyway I think I Dnt stand a chance this month cos my bbt went even lower today... 36.55 now... Evil witch shd b on her way!! Hehe
Horsie, i think some pple here have gone to Dr Mahesh at NUH, personally i haven't tried, but some of the others here may be able to help...
btw, i can't help but notice ur nick is felicia tan, n the link posted by trusting him is also an article written felicia tan.

GBOB, hugs, i can understand ur feelings very well, i cried on my third AF after the m/c... we can only do so much, n hope for the best... take care of urself, n really hope tt u will get ur BFP soon.
i think somewhere in the history someone has mentioned e proportion of red dates to longan n wolfberries before but i can't seem to find it, can share the recipe again?

i made a jug w some random amt n i got a bit sick...

is it recommended to take korean ginseng when having m/c n also later when ttc?
i got the same issue...but i bought the digital monitor from a friend.. it works better for me opk can show faint positive on strips for a week!! But the monitor helped to identify and differentiate them into High fertility and Ovulation Day 1 & 2..

Hi Horsie,
a big big hug!!!!!!!!

My gynae told me to test opk using afternoon urine for more accuracy. So, it should be from the 3rd urine. Only pregnancy test with morning first urine.
Thanks dearies for the encouragement n for truly understanding how I feel. I hope I won't need to rant every single month abt this... Hahaha

Princess leopard, I used 2nd urine of the day. But from now onwards i will test 3 times a day so as not to miss any surge

Rian, I oso thinking of buying the fertility monitor but I know it is quite expensive therefore I am reluctant
Actually i also randomly grab a handful of longan and red dates.... however if u want recommended portion..... i found a recipe from other forum...

Dried Longan and Red Date Tea

This is the most common of all confinement drinks. Dried longan is “warm” and very beneficial for the heart and kidneys. You can also consume this if you are anaemic. You will need 50 pitted dried red dates, 2 litres of water and 100g of dried longan that has been washed and drained. you will need to simmer this brew for about 1-2 hours over a small fire and consume it whilst it is warm.
Hi piky (piky),

It depends on individual body as well. I didn't D&C last time, but menses come only after 8 weeks. My body is always the "slow motion" kind, so people take 4-8 weeks, I took longer.. I did see the gynae back then, he said it was alright as long as everything was back in shape and in good condition.
Morning Princessleopard & Felicia

my previous D&C menses come exactly 6weeks so i tot this time round also will be the same but this week 7week le don noe will come anot. Abit kan chiong wanted to faster come so i can proceed my "Test" then can continue TTC
morning ladies,
i suddenly have a question taking supplements prescribed by gynae since my MC, to prepare my body.
1. prenatal forte
2. Florxine (Pyridoxine sustained release & folic acid BP 2.5mg
Any one has idea if i still need to take my own folic acid ?
Hi rian as far as I know, excess folic acid will b flushed out from our body so up to u if u wanna take extra or not dear ☺

Have u seen ur gynae yet after d&C? If not, then maybe can just go have a check.. Don't worry too much k..


Best is to ask ur doc.. Seems like 2.5 mg is sufficient though.. Cos i see prenatal vits only have like 400-600 mcg..


Just saw my gynae today.. Menses finally came, a little late this time.. It's the first after lap.. Have registered for ivf in dec.. In the meantime, will try iui this mth.. First scan next thur.. Hope all ok.. Doc said the only concern is whether i'll ovulate since just had surgery, but told me not to worry and just see how the scans go..
sorry for the delay, but vac reading your story i really just felt so emotional, like in turmoil, i don't think i would have survived what u have gone thru, u really are amazing...

yesterday i went to KK for my appointment and the doctor that was seeing me was pregnant. it was so demoralising. they should know better than to put a patient who has trouble conceiving and still coping with loss with a doctor who is pregnant isn't it? so strange... i guess that's the difference between being rich and poor? if you are rich you can go pte and choose which doctor you want...
Best check with ur gynea.
For my dosage of folic acid is 5mg, I bought from unity housebrand.
It the cheapest folic acid I can find from the market.

Congrat! Dun over stress urself during this period.
The more stress, the more u not able ovulate better. Jiayou!

Normally in gov hospital, they wouldn't care nor hv any hearts for us. Maybe due to see those cases too much n numb?

Yesterday we went polyclinic n get a reference letter to Nuh to check for any problem for both of us. As we trying for so long. Inculding clomid. A female dr attend to us. The moment I sit down she ask me why I need the tests. We explain to her tat I had a MC on feb n ttc til now. So we wanted to check if there any problem. Immdently she laugh loud at me. Saying I MC in feb, okay what! Why so Gan chiong! I was in shock. How can a Dr telling me that a MC is okay! I ctr my temper n walk out the room to collect my reference letter. I scolded my hubby to make me go thru all this again, bcos he only wan to save money. Hate going to those gov hospital or polyclinic. Those Dr got no hearts at all.

Congrats!! Good luck with the iui this month!! Hope to hear good news


Cheer up, ok?? Its unavoidable to get this kind of nonsense in govt sectors. So, when is your appointment with NUH?
Yeah... Not badly affected by that Dr.
That what I expect from gov sector, expect more nonsense from Nuh too. Haha!
My appt is 5 nov.. Consider quite early for a gov hospital. Hehe!
Oh dear...sorry to hear this celest! Can't believe they are so insensitive!!! Hope NUH is better, do share with us your experience with NUH next time
Hi Karzimitzi, i've had a horrible experience in kk too
Instead of helping me save my pregnancy, i think i was merely a guinea pig..sigh! They were completely emotionless when i mc, and told me to just treat it as i tested wrongly and that was normal menses!
Nah. It what we will expect from gov sector.
Didn't pin better hope on Nuh too. Might be worse. Lol
Will sure share with u girl... *wink*
Since it only a test, will force myself to do it when result out n will say goodbye to them. Haha!
last sat i see gynae, he oso give me the florxine. the dorsage seem to be lower den the normal one i ate. but will switch to tat once my one finish.

wapiang, the doc so blunt one.. she shdnt have say all this. it really hurt to hear tat.
Min81, all the best to your iui n bless u with bfp

Hi celest, wow! That dr is terrible!! U shd complain her!! Goodness! How could a dr make such an insensitive remark! I wld have F her straight! Tsk. I'm so irritated by what u experienced. oh ya please do share with her your experience with NUH ya
Cherly n GBOB,
Oh yes she is... Such a insensitive Dr. Still remember her nasty face toward me. Like I'm a joke to her.
The moment she blurt out, felt like telling her to try the feeling of MC. Hehe!
Didn't complain bcos I know it will be my first n last trip there.
Wouldn't see her anymore, so what the point of arguing with her etc. Waste my energy. *wink*
Celestine, princessleopard, gbob,

Thanks! I will jia you! Have been keeping myself in a positive mood lately.. Hope it helps

Was checking the calendar, most prob my 2ww after iui will clash with my hubby's bro's baby 1 mth celebration.. Told my hubby i can't go but i feel paiseh.. Cos dunno whether they'll take it like i'm being rude.. My hubby said don't have to care so i guess i'll not worry about it for now.. Can my hubby go though? Was thinking it won't look so bad if at least he goes..

Ya that was a horrible doc you've met at the polyclinic.. Hope u'll have a better experience at nuh.. I've had very good reviews abt nuh so far, but i'm a private patient there so i don't know if there'll be a diff in the doctors.. If u've had tests done before, u might wanna bring the test reports along..
hugs for you..i understand during this time esp when our emotional wounds are still sore, it's difficult to see others who are preggy and young children..i too had to get away (im working with young children)for a long period of time to let my wound day time will better i am sure, meanwhile focus on other things that makes you happy

Gosh! How insensitive can she be! I would have shot her an angry question back doubting her professionalism before i get out of the know 'suan' her.. But you know you can make a feedback to that polyclinic's customer service department/feedback department..but hey 5th nov is pretty fast though!

All the best for you oncoming IUI and subsequent ivf..hopefully you can strike iui then no need ivf already hehe..

hmmm..i was at work today and the small 2 year old ang moh girl is soooooooo cute!!!! I can't help but feel a tad sad again...
maybe call them to wish them instead, at least a phone call or means at least something if you're not there personally i feel..well i would have done that
Jiayou... Stay positive is the key to success.
All best to ur IUI... Hope to hear more baby dust here. Wink!
Hopefully I dun need alot of test... Will be scary to see the price tag.
My Dr didn't done any tests for me. Only scan... Even we keep demand, my Dr insist we dun need it. Bcos he felt we pregnant before, so shd not be any problem.

Yes the moment I'm very upset n wanted to give her a good scolding n log a complain.
My hb saying wait til we get the reference letter bcos he dun wan anything wrong.
After that I'm too tired n wish to go home asap bcos in the morning I was in hospital the whole day. Due to fetching my dad for a urology. What we felt is, the most they will settle the complain inside their dept. The most a apologize from the staff. Then what the point of wasting my energy.
Send ur hubby there with a gift. That shd not be a problem
For me, until now I still haven't attend any gathering at my inlaws place.
I hack care what they gona saying behind my back, I just wan to avoid myself getting hurt again.
Now every few week my hubby will go back to visit my mil.
For any gathering, I will push my hubby to attend.

Asked your hubby to attend to avoid any gossip. Anyway its his family side. Should be ok.


You know I had not been visiting my mil since mc. Lately they had been calling and calling. Keep on questioning what's wrong. Why we did not go back? My hubby still go back once in a long while. But he try to cut back cos of all those questioning. My mil dun understand where went wrong. She thought that my hubby quarrel with siblings that why not going back. She also asked if she say wrong things to make me angry. She even guess if I am preggy again that why dun want to go back. I am very sick of all these. I cannot face her now, if I do, I know I will talk things straight to her. I am not going to be the one to shallow all those unjust things anymore. By then, only 2 outcomes, cry and patch back or sever ties. My poor hubby will suffer.
Omg... Ur mil had the gut to ask that question.
She shd know much better then anyone. Ur hb can tell them, once u ready u will go back. But it wouldn't be anytime sooner.
Yes, we must treat ourselves better. I dun see a point going there n make our life miserable.

Last week, my hb went back to visit my mil.
He told her that we now going to TCM n tiao our body back.
U know what she said? Why waste this money... As telling ne that I'm wasting her son money. Com on, today I'm facing this is party bcos of her n it my own money. Ever since my MC she not even concern abt my health. My hubby saying my mil now suffer from high sugar n blood pressure due to her endless softdrinks. Now trying to gain pity from my hb. I wouldn't give a Damm... Bcos she also not there n concern abt me too. Sorry I'm heartless... But it a way I'm protecting myself now. I wan to continue n enjoy the two person marriage life then to keep clinging on my mil every weekend. *^^*

Ya, after my mc, they only know how to push the blames to me, whole family did not show a single concern. Not even a sms. Now that I am not going back, I became the guilty person again. Going back to face my mil is one thing, another one is my sil's newborn, 2 weeks after my supposed EDD. How am I going to face the kicking and alive baby? Thinking that mine is no longer with me. Cos they are so heartless, I cant help but think this way. Every week I conduct my infant massage course, I see the babies growing every week I saw them, I feel happy for them. I had let go of the pain I had in me, but just cannot forgive my mil.

Your mil also one kind. Health no good of course must tiao what. If not how to get preggy and give birth to a healthy baby?

I am indeed happier now that I dun have to face his family every weekend.
We almost in the same boat. Believe they are saying how bad a DIL am I...
Know what, I let them be. Most imp is now we are happy with the life we having. If they got guts, come to my face. I will sure shoot them off. Talking to my hb, he say I think too much. Coming here, u girls then able understand what I'm feeling.

Dun care abt ur inlaws n let them say whatever they want.
They are just selfish n heartless, no point wasting our energy on them.
Most imp is US now.. Realize my life is more full n happier after my MC. Alway I believe thing happen for a reason. Maybe god wanted our marriage to strengthen before giving us a child.
jhw, thanks for sharing the recipe

jia you for ur iui, hope u get a bfp soon! i think i would make the decision to go/dun go based on wat i can live with long term... (tt differs for everyone i believe) if it makes u feel more comfortable knowing tt ur hb was there, then ask him to go; else just send ur regards to them in other ways.

i'm just shocked tt the doc actually laughed at u! u eq is v high, still can hold it in, i think i might just cry or scold the doc on the spot. chris, suan-ing is a good suggestion!

just give urself the time n space u need to feel better.. btw, did they realise tt its coz they keep talking abt the mc? mabbe it might help if ur hb told them?
Chrisl, celestine, princessleopard,

Thanks for all the advice!
Yup will definitely get a gift for my hubby to bring over and send my wishes to SIL thru watsapp.. In fact, i started shopping for gifts cos i like to look at bb stuff.. Hehe.. But my hubby say just give voucher more practical..

Actually i just don't like my bil.. Hehe.. But my hubby knows la, cos he also feel his bro attitude getting bad to worse after getting richer.. Beginning of the yr, had big argument cos of him.. Cos of small disagreement, he came for weekly dinner with big black face and complained non stop rudely.. My hubby and mil nvr lose temper and tokked to him calmly.. He still veryrude and continue when my hubby and mil stopped tokking so as to let the argument die out.. But he still went on! I got annoyed cos i felt he kept attacking my hubby with words and my hubby is the big bro.. So i told him that everyone has stopped tokking and let's just leave it as that.. He shouted and said who am i to tok to him that way.. At this, my hubby totally lost it and told him to apologise to me.. He said i'm the one who should apologise.. My mil stepped out and told him to pipe down, said he's there shouting at my hubby non stop, of cos i as his wife gotta step out and defend him..

Anyway, we left immediately.. Hubby forbade me to tok to his bro unless he give me personal apology.. Following wks, weekly dinner was as usual but awkward cos nobody tokking.. Couple of wks later, his bro started chatting with me so i just chat also lor.. Just let it go.. No point prolonging also..

Aiya oops.. Sorry i realised i just ranted on non stop.. Hehe.

Its already 10 months since mc, and they are still holding onto me on this. Hubby already talk to her many times but she just couldnt listen. Just like when I told her its cos of genetic problem that why I mc, but she could immediately said it must be I din eat my meals and starve my own baby to death. They dun have EQ, I dun want to talk to them. Frequency cannot match.

What a thing for her to say.. Sorry but i just feel it's not just low eq, but also low iq.. It's really nonsense.. I think ur hubby can see for himself and will protect u from all that..
Stay positive... We will meet our goal one day.
I learn to take care of myself more then focus on others.
Jiayou... Wish to hear ur good news too.

Could be that day my energy level is zero. Haha!
What most matter to me is to go back home for rest asap.
My hubby was the one tat control my temper too. He doesn't wan anything goes wrong with his reference letter. We are consider the mild couple. We dun attack ppl if we think not worth it.. Wasting our time n effort. End up, being mad n affect my health. Haha! She just a passby in my life... Lucky I dun need face her anymore. Wink!
We can't ctr with others think or do, but we can ctr it to affect ourselves.
Just think. The more they attack u, the more they wouldn't leave good impression for her son. Then ur hubby will side with u even more. Overall u are the winner. Dun need to attack them back, bcos it will reflect u as a bad DIL. They might be waiting for tat day.

Ya, luckily my hubby did not expect me to go back. He say whenever I am ready then go back.


I am trying very hard to stay positive. If they dun come to haunt us, I live very happily. Really thank GOD that I made the right choice not to stay with them after marriage.

Thanks ladies for listening
Understand wat u saying...
I hate those so call concern from the inlaws.
Focus on the now... U know wat makes u happy, continue wat u doing. Hack care ur inlaws. Since ur hb doing a great job, supporting u. *^^*

min81, ranting here is ok lah, tt's wat support groups r for isn't it? but ur bil sounds like a really unpleasant character to b ard... luckily only need to face him once a week, he will have to face him unpleasant self everyday

wah tt's a v bad thing for them to say. ok understand y u dun want to visit them. then in tt case keeping away is a good thing... luckily ur hb is understanding.

good tt u think tt way! my hb is the mild one, sometimes i want to scold pple then he will tell me nvm lah it will pass...
