Support group - Miscarriages

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, glad that ur Retail Theraphy
worked for u!!
But hor, the way u shop remained me that it seemed that we are in Great Singapore Sale with lots of freebies!!

But hor us sis's friend really very insentive, knew that u r crying and still asked how it happened.... sigh...

By the way, today is the 1st day of Lunar 7th month! Whether u belive it or not, pls try to go home earlier for this mth!

hi Tiny,
I enjoy seeing ur pics on your growing tummy and the pic of your bb sucking his/her thumb. U mean ur gynae always print the scan for you? Mine not always printed.
<font color="119911">Tiny</font>, i also see ur BB liao!
So cute, really active changing so many position within such a short time frame!
But ur gynae very nice, printed so many for u. The sonographer at KKH very stingy, only printed a copy each time i went.

<font color="0000ff">Java</font>, y dun u ask ur gynae to print BB u/s for u?
Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, How come your water is clear?? So strange huh... my BB although still got heartbeat, but my water already turned to the pond water(greenish)...(means that BB's already passed away).

I'll be going to KKH again on the 13th... ahh... never mind, I can give you the contact no, you can call up and ask. The number is 6299 3935.

forgot to answer your question about cervix dilating. Usually, one of the sign is that the cervical length is shorter than usual. Can only find out through regular checkup.. no other signs. But don't imagine too much, ok? I am sure your doc will be on a look out for such stuff.

Tubby, you really shopped a lot huh?!
Good for you!

Hamasaki, voice your thoughts here
it will sure help you!

Java, donno leh, feel like she quite act act, even though the show is about her real pregnancy. Actually, also donno why, this time round, I have no urge to watch these babies documentaries or read pregnancy books/magazines... mebbe I have been too bz tyring to keep my food inside me... puked my lunch again

Tiny, saw your pics.
Looks great! I had a printout at week 7, the baby is lying at the bottom of the sac. My hubby says this baby is more relaxed than Baby Jie

mebbe i will go home early today.. can't concentrate at work!

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tiny</font>, I like the picture which your BB was sucking it's thumb, looks like he's really enjoying himself in your womb... so cute!
hi joyce,
Last time my gynae say if water turn foul smelling or turn colour, it means got infection. I remember mine was light yellow. Anyway no point dwelling on it. We just make sure our current pregnancies are ok.

hi folic,
Take care yah. Have a good rest. Dunno lar, maybe I have been in an irritable mood since weekend, maybe due to my sickness yesterday. Just now went to do housework to get rid of stress. Feel better now.
Hi girls! It's a long day at work...Monday blues!

Folic, I also don't like Wong Li Lin. Find her very pretentious. or maybe cos i'm jealous! but i must say she looked v good in the cover of 8 days - hubby says it's all touch up one!!!

java, ur gynae is a private one right? then u should be able to ask for the print outs right? i think my gynae was really amused and that's why he kept snapping the pictures. he is really really nice. i think he really cares cos he delivered both my hubby &amp; i! And after our first m/c, he's really taking good care of me and assuring us that everything's fine. I really thank God for that. Joyce, i also like the cuking thumb one. looks most like a baby
the rest a bit too hyper for me! (exactly like my hubby actually)

Java, don't be angry ok? i guess sometimes people who never go thru what u have will always say the wrong thing, even if they don't mean it. we just have to 'one ear in one ear out' lor! Even for this pregnancy i had some people telling me "this time you better take care of yourself ah, don't do this, don't do that..." and I actually got pissed off with them (tho they meant well) cos it's as tho the last time i didn't take care of myself. i mean, no one wants it to happen isn't it? if it's so easy to avoid then the m/c rate won't be so high!
hi gals,
I m new here. tot of getting some advice from this thread.

Been m/c before.has been ttc since the last incident, almost a yr but still in vain..kind of discouraged.

Now taking chinese med to help speeding up the process.

Was quite regretful dat I didn't actually take tonics to help my body recover at dat time. Nvr noe its so almost a yr oredi still no news yet.. got to noe from sinseh that after m/c,its very easy to conceive again if take gd care of body by taking tonics.

Kind of ignorant at dat time but sinseh encourages that its not too late...can start now.
So now been taking the med n hope gd news will arrive soon.

Oops..Sorry to be so lor its my 1st time here. :p
Hi Gals, good morning!

Tiny, I totally agree with you on those ppl who tell you "this time you better take care blah blah"... my blood will really boil when I hear that!

Hi Jling, welcome to the thread. Don't get discouraged. I am sure you will have good news soon! For eg, I took almost 1 year before I got preg as well. I think some of the other gals also on a similar timeline. It is also good taht you take this time to finetune your body. At least, you got preg once.. so for sure you will again!
Good luck, and do come over to chat often!

Java, I feel slightly better today. I better not speak too soon though. hheee... Yesterday, I was in this blur mode the whole day, cos I threw up my lunch and hardly ate any dinner. At least I have some appetite today.
btw, 9 weeks today!!

hi Tiny, folic,
I also can't stand ppl to tell me that. I had one auntie who told me "Must be more observant ah". Like as if the other is my fault like that. So now whenever ppl ask me how's my pregnancy, I give a "chou lian" and tell them "ok lor", this is to prevent them from commenting further.

hi folic,
Nice to hear u r feeling better. During this time, MS will come to a climax then when u reach after 12th week it will subside abit.

I re-read all the previous postings for the past few days in the other thread. I think I found the culprit
heck her lah!
I think I havent kenna a lot of comments yet cos I have not told many ppl.. will gear myself for that! I am looking for MS climax to be over soon!

hi folic,
Eh u so free ah, must find the culprit! Here I am saying that I have to quit my job to increase my chances of conceiving, then she must say that she just need to think abt having a baby and she will conceive already! Wah liu!

I'm quite worried today coz my hubby having his reservice and going out to sea today and will be back late tomorrow. Somemore today 2nd day of 7th month. He is in the navy. Can't help worrying, somemore just now he call me saying that the waters quite choppy. Tonight I will be going over to my MIL to stay overnight. Scared to sleep alone. I tot of going to catch a movie later.
hahaha Java, not free also must see who makes your blood boil mah
You also pantang 7th month ah?
Don't worry lah.. will be fine one! If you are interested in watching a Japanese movie, go watch this film Hanna and Alice. Quite a cute movie. I watched it on Friday nite. I think it is only showing at Orchard Cineleisure though.

hi joyce,
the temple at race course road dat u mentioned.. is there a veri big statue of buddha inside the temple &amp; u must take off ur shoes when inside one? my MIL will ask hubby to fetch her there occasionally to pray...

hey Ocean,
ya.. shopping does wonders for me... i exceeded the $200 budget given by hubby... hehee... he agreed to absorb the excess as well...

my sis' fren is quite 'straight' one lah... at dat pt of time, i wish she dint hv to ask dat question, but after calming down, i think i must hv given her a shock when i broke down suddenly.. i jus hope i can handle such situations more steadily in future...

i oso reread dat thread &amp; found out the culprit liao... can't help but KPO abit lah... jus ignore her lah... some pple juz hv an easier path in life &amp; they dunno the difficult path taken by others... but I always belif dat Heaven is fair, u gain some, u lose some... jus a matter of when onie... *hugz*

hhmm... sorrie huh.. ignorant abit.. u mean catholics/christians oso pantang abt 7th mth one? so i guess 7th mth is a chinese beliff lah...
Hi <font color="aa00aa">Tubby</font>, there's quite a few temples along that road... mine no need to take off shoes...

Cool down... <font color="ff6000">Java</font> Babe ...
Hi Ladies,

Was busy the past few days so did not log in to chat.

Hi Java,

After reading your posting abt some insensitive comments, I oso go to the other threads and read all the last few days posting and also found the culprit. Just ignore her lah .... I think only ladies in the thread understand each other better.

Hi Tiny,

I also saw all your BB pictures. SO CUTE leh. Btw, your tummy looks small for 15 weeks.

Hi Tubby,

I am like you. Sometime when I am in a foul mood, I will oso go shopping and end up buying things that I don't need. But feel very shiok after spending $$$. ha ha....
<font color="119911">Java</font>, i also went to re-read the thread and know who u referring to. Maybe she is trying to say that she is lucky though i must admit the way she put it is like, just wanna BB, BB will pop!
It is true that she is very insensitive! Sigh.. U jus ignor abt her hor!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, ur hubby so sweet, absorbing all the excesses somemore!
Think ur hubby is really very nice to u!

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, abt the dilated cervic, like that meant no systoms lor!?
Sometimes, i just cant help not worrying!

<font color="aa00aa">Tiantian</font>, how u been doing? U very cute, can still feel shiok when buying thing u dun need? Or maybe like me, happy for a moment, thot it was a good buy and later regret? Usually i like tat.

Today just bought a M Size dress at Future State in Wisma. They having a storewide $9 Sale. I know that i cant wear now, but it is having sale at $9 and the dress look so sweet.....
So i buy lor! kekee...

me too kpo and go read the posting and now I know who is the culprit
Its true some people have a more smooth sailing life ... tribulations in life makes us stronger though...


as suggested by folic, I wanna share my ttc after m/c process so that hopefully, it will bring encouragement to u..

I had PCOS and seldom if ever have my AF at all. 2 years back I start ttc and hardly ovulate at all even with medications (LOTS of it). Then this year March, I finally see a very faint line on clearblue and I thought I have finally succeeded. But the joy was short lived as the test kit turn negative and then positive for the next few days and at the end of my usual luteal period, my AF came. My gynae said its chemical pregnancy. I bleed very badly for 1 week and when I did a blood test at the end of that, it was positive and a 2nd blood test confirm its doubling. Well I was once again filled with lots of hope... but the spotting and bleeding continues despite the hcg reading and a week later when I was scheduled for u/s, they cant find anything and the blood test shows that hcg has decrease. Well, its confirm non-viable and I went thru another few weeks of bleeding as my gynae feels that a d/c is not necessary since I am already bleeding on my own. It took more than 6 weeks for the bleeding/spotting to stop finally. Its really the greatest rollercoaster ride I had taken all my life ...

I induce my AF cycle few days later and for 2 cycles, I was not successful... either with ovulation or pregnancy. It was devastating. I finally went for superovulation-iui at kkivf. After daily injections and ultrasounds and blood tests etc, I finally got my BFP. I just got my 2nd blood test result that the hcg has more than doubled today. I am cautiously happy as all of you know that, after going thru a loss, we just cant take things for granted anymore. I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for a healthy and viable 9 months that will have no more heart-breaking news.

You gals will soon succeed again and we will be together here to offer the support that we all need in this journey.
actually i am like u... cos hubby is at reservist now.. &amp; last nite, he got outfield overnite activities.. &amp; being the 1st nite of the 7th mth, i jus felt uneasy abt it... until dis morning, he called me after the activity ended, then i felt like a rock being removed from my heart... dun worry okie.. i'm sure s'pore govt know how to take care of their men one..

wow Ocean!!! $9 for a dress veri cheap leh... i guess it's those moments when u got a really good bargain, the shiok feeling is simply 'undescribable'!!!

tiantian... i dun shop veri often lah... cos me not working.. so dare not anyhow spend... eversince april, i neber buy anything for myself until now.. so i tot pamper myself dis time round..
Hi Ocean,

Don't worry so much lah! Now I wish I never say about that symptom here
As I said earlier, one of the signs is that the cervical length is shorter than norm, so it would be something that your gynae will keep a look out for. You very good leh, go and buy a dress that you can't wear now! But that would be good motivation to get back in shape after delivery!!

Poohy! So happy that you post here. I am sure that will motivate the rest of our TTC-ians here!

Poohy... congrats!!!! Take care and enjoy your pregnancy =)

Java... my kaypoh mode was on too so I went to read the other thread. Don't get yourself too bothered by insensitive comments... alot of people can put it so easily becasue they have no personal experience. My last pregnancy came just after I got married for 1 month. I took it for granted that as long as you relax it will work out fine. But the miscarriage made me realise that it is definitely not as simple as I thought it is.

Ladies... I'm going for a job interview this evening. Wish me luck!!!! I hope I get through it smoothly =)
Sorry <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, actually it's my fault lah. It's me who started this topic... don't worry so much... it'll stress yourself and BB.
i wish i cld hv said something more to reassure u cos u really sound quite worried dis few days.. but then, i put myself into ur shoes &amp; cld understand why u r feeling so jittery as well.. *big hugz* i wld suggest for ur nix visit to KK, can ask gynae to check on ur cervix? i was checked there quite a few times for my last pregnancy... i'm sure there's nothing abnormal one... but dis is just to put ur mind at ease..

hi poohy,
i've been reading the other read abt PCOS &amp; i draw strength from ur determination... i hv to say dat u r a veri focus lady... thks for sharing it here wif us... CONGRATZ on ur pregnancy... *hugz*
hey Odie...

u really put ur mind focus on finding a new job now hor?? so happy to hear dat u've secured interviews liao...

ALL THE BEST later ya...
GOOD LUCK... *hugz*
WAH PIANG! U gals really went to kpo the other thread. hahahaha. No lar didn't mean to single her out. Must forgive and forget.

hi folic,
So touched that u so concerned for my emotional state of mind! See lar, u tempted the other gals to kpo the other thread. hehehe.

hi tubby,
As a catholic I shouldn't believe in 7th month pangtang stuff, but growing in a chinese environment with all the superstitions, sometimes also can't help it. u know old ppl always say 7 month dun go swimming, etc, somemore my hubby go out to sea. Not that SG govt dunno how to take care of their men. Imagine the accident that happened to RSS Courageous. U know wat I told my hubby? I tell him if "choi choi" something happen, dun "gey kiang", just run or escape first. So selfish of me.

hi ocean,
Wah u must be the small petite size kind. I can never buy things from Future State. Their L size is my XS size. Their pants even lagi smaller for a tall gal like me.

hi poohy,
I'm so happy that u finally got a BFP. Do keep us updated with ur progress! So which gynae are u seeing?

Wah today I eat alot of junk food.
9am 2 slices of kaya bread.
11am 1 bowl of maggie noodle with crab meat
12nn sweet corn ice cream
12.30pm F&amp;N cherryade drink
1.30pm red bean mee cheng guei
4pm Egg and Sausage Sandwich

u know I love snorkelling alot! Whenever I watch the show featuring the new Downtown East water playground, I feel like going for a swim. Maybe my next checkup I will ask my gynae if I can go swimming. I scared the chlorine water will cause me infection.

ok I must go pack my bag, going over to my MIL's place at SengKang to sleep overnight. Ta Ta

no lah!!! u r not selfish at all.... i keep on telling hubby during his reservist... if need to 'chiong' mountain... jus act act will do... ask him to run last...

then for his IPPT, i oso tell him... dun over-exert himself... fail neber mind.. in the END, u know... he dropped out of his 2.4km run... hahaha.... old liao... cannot run...
Orhh <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, now then I know, so you are busy eating your junk food!! No wonder din see your posting the whole noon...

your list makes me salivate!! I had a craving for instant noodles yesterday! But I was vegetarian yesterday, so cannot eat the one I really wanted to eat, Tom Yam! :p

Speaking of swimming, my previous gynae said it was ok for me to swim after first tri. I did that. In the end, after all that happened, my mum thinks it was the swimming that caused it
So, I am totally banned from the pool, which I really really love.. for this entire pregnancy!

Hi <font color="ff6000">Java</font>, I had instant mee in the morning too... Spicy kimchi... mmmmmmmmm..... delicious....

Hi <font color="119911">Folic</font>, I like the flavour, Tom Yam also!!

But take it once in a blue moon to satisfy our desire, not really nutritious though...
hello there girls,
Java actually after ur message the other day i also went to look for the culprit. but after ur message to folic i think i may have identified the wrong one!! oops. better not say!! but i also know which one u're referring to.

poohy, reading ur 'testimony' again i feel so happy for you. i pray that you will have a safe and smooth pregnancy. Keep us posted and do take care.

thanx for all your good wishes! Yesterday my gynae emailed us that judging from the rapid doubling rate and high level of hcg as this point, we may even be expecting twins. That really sound too good to be true but I am not putting too much hope for it. I heard that bb gal tends to register higher level of hcg... so I guess we will find out soon in our 1st u/s next week. Will be praying and keeping u gals in prayers too ;)
Poohy, hope it's twins, if that's wat you want
I think got chance also, cos 4 days apart, the HcG really multiply donno how many times liao! :D Keep us posted and I will pray hard for you!

Hi Ocean,

I am faithfully taking the chinese medicine from my sinseh. She seems quite confident that she can help me to conceive. Hopefully the medicine works. Pls pray for me.

Talking abt spending $$$, yes, at times I did bought some items that I don't need and regret after that. Well, I think this is woman's nature.

You seems quite worry lately. Don't stress yourself too much. No gd for you and BB.

Hi Odie,

How's your interview?? Keep us posted, ok?

Hi Poohy,

Congrats!!! If you are having twins, then it is really double happiness!!! Read your success story from other thread and thanks for posting it here too. Thanks for your encouragement and hope all the ladies here will succeed one day.
Hello all,
I am so sad today. This morning when I woke up at my MIL's place, I discover I was spotting again. As I'm already reaching my 14th week, my gynae say I dun have to continue with the utrogestan pills liao. So I went to see my gynae this morning, and she gave me the jab again and have to continue taking the utrogestan pills. Sat I have to go for another jab. But she scanned my abs and the bb is very active moving and checked that no bleeding from the placenta. So I'm again prescribed bed rest. Luckily I'm not working, so most of the time I'm at home resting. But this incident make me very sian, kept praying that the bb will be ok. Pls pray for me okie?
<font color="0000ff">Poohy</font>, it is a long jounery for you. But I am really happy for you to learn that u had conceived again!!
And best of all, you might be having a twin!!
Remembered that time we are talking abt wishing to have twin even though the risk is higher!?
Ur appt is which day of next week?

<font color="ff6000">Folic</font>, i actually bought a "L size" long pant, 2 "L" tops and 1 "M" dress all at $9 each!!
Last nite, still tried on the dress, goosh,
tummy big big, managed to squeeze in the dress. Top look ok, but bottom look like a drumstick, with tummy round round and my leg fat fat! Hahha...

<font color="aa00aa">Joyce</font> ah, dun feel bad lah... Sometimes, i just cant help feeling worry. Recently tummy seemed to be no good with diarrehia and pain. Now waiting anxiously for my next vist on 30/08... Felt that it was very long!

<font color="119911">Java</font>, u had a good snack eating yesterday hor!! Your F&amp;N cherryade drinks
is very tempting!! Keke.. so it is <font color="ff6000">Folic</font> who made us all take a peek and a second peek at the thread lor!!

By the way, i dun considered myself petite lah...think i more round and short rather!! Now, the "L" pant i also cant wear!! So sad!!
Think i can only buy their tops now!

<font color="0077aa">Tubby</font>, how can ask
hubby to fail IPPT.
Think they must re-take one leh! So just pass can already!! But he dropped out the 2.4km run? Then how? Must run again?
Hubby also going for IPPT soon. Think he also like cannot run and for the past few mths, he kept getting rashes! Wondered what happened to him!

<font color="ff6000">Tian tian</font>, i will pray
for u. Wish u success in ur ttc-ing
!Enjoy the process hor!!

<font color="0000ff">Odie</font>, how's ur interview yesterday? Hope it went well for u! Jia you!

do rest well... I will be praying for you ..
btw, are you taking the utrogestan vaginally or orally ? I took it during my luteal phase and my gynae say taking vaginally is more effective.


My next appt is next friday 27th aug. Hope that day come soon. I am happy and contented be it singleton or twin. As long as healthy can liao.
<font color="119911">Java</font>, dont feel so sad, ok!
Since the gynae had scan and found nothing, plus BB ok, then shld not worry too much hor!!

i also got <font color="ff0000">spotting</font> yesterday! Had been living with it since long long time ago....
Sometimes, the u/s scan just cant track if there is any bleeding, and yet, still got <font color="ff0000">spotting</font>. Now i was not taking any dupshaston liao as the doc said no need!
I also cant have jab as i am allergy to the medicine!!

Will pray for u and all the MTM here!
As for those who is ttc-ing, i also pray
that u will succeed too!
My gut feeling tells me that it will be a flop again. Not sure... but the vibes I got was that I didn't perform up to standard. Oh well... : /
HI Java,

don feel sad! At least the doc cant find any internal bleeding. What color is the spotting? Just make sure you lie in bed the whole day ok?

Hi <font color="0077aa">Ocean</font>, I have to wait longer than you. Mine on 13th of Sep... so sian... Do you ever need to wait until 6 weeks for your checkup?

<font color="ff6000">Java</font>, will
hard for you and your BB.
Hey Java... take care and rest well. Your baby is doing well... so the last thing you should do is worry ;)

Poohy... double congrats!!! Learning that you are carrying twins is as though you are told that you are pregnant twice in a roll. It is indeed an exciting experience. Do take extra care... you will find yourself ballooning faster and getting heavier faster. There's a lot more to prepare yourself for since its "double dosage". Enjoy your pregnancy twice over =)

thanx.. but its not confirm... just a guess-timation from my gynae. I will keep u all informed if its confirmed next week ...
<font color="0000ff">Joyce</font>, so far, my appt was ard 3-4wks, maybe cos of my frequent visit to the 24hrs clinic if i cant wait!

The last time i had a 6 wks appt waiting time, was my last pregnancy. And before the 6wks waiting time was due, i had lost my BB!
So now, i dun really cant tolerate if the appt time is more than 4wks!

<font color="119911">Poohy</font>, just think it postively. At least if the HCG level is high, be it single or twin, BB is growing!
hey poohy,
*double hugz* for u in advance!!! high level of HCG is a good indicator dat bb is growing well..

dear Ocean &amp; java,
sorrie to hear abt ur spotting... *hugz*

java, hv a good rest at ur MIL's plc... i beliff u r in good hands of ur gynae...

Ocean, mabbe u can recall wat u do/eat yesterday &amp; for ur previous spotting episodes? then try to avoid it completely &amp; see how? mabbe u can ask ur gynae to give u the vaginal gel dat java is using?

today i met up wif my fren for lunch... finally i am meeting pple! guess he's veri considerate.. dint touch on anything sensitive... after dat, went to CityLink &amp; look up another fren... had a nice chat wif her as well... it's not easy to take the first step out for me... but i'm glad my frens made it easy for me...
hey Odie,

i always tell myself.. if the co. dun pick me, it's their loss, not mine.. hehee... always remember dat for interviews, it's not jus the employers who r the chooser, the interviewee oso gets to choose mah... there will always be a better job dat comes along..

Good luck &amp; Jia You!
hi all,
Thanks for your concern and encouragement! The bleeding is pinkish red. Now stop already (cross fingers), but my butt still aches due to the proluton jab.

hi poohy,
Do keep us updated on your progress yah? I'm so curious if u r carrying twins. I didn't know utrogestan can take vaginally, coz mine came in the form of pills.

hi odie,
Will pray for you that you will be blessed with a little angel soon! Hang in there...

hi ocean,
Although gynae checked that everything's ok, still feel rather apprehensive. Can't help worrying lor. Now I just can't wait for my hubby to come back.

hi tubby,
No I orehdi come back to my own house liao. My mum went with me to see the gynae, after that she came to my home to cook black chicken soup for me. Still feel more comfy with my own mother.

hi Joyce,
Wow your checkup is quite a long while later. I'll be seeing my gynae again next Tuesday to followup.

hi all again,
During the scan, I saw the bb's legs stretching. His/her legs quite long like mine. Already learning to kick mummy liao. u know when I discover I was spotting, I kept tokking to my bb not to scare mummy and that he must sleep well, eat well and grow well.
