Support group - Miscarriages


have you done your FET? good luck to you !!!


if you believe in fengshui, Just look out for any Sharp angles pointing towards your bed, if yes, remove them or cover them.... Make sure you don't sleep directly under exposed beam, if yes, move your bed if possible, otherwise, can use a cloth to cover the beam.... at the west corner of your bed room, make sure west corner is Clean and not messy.... this is what i found from books and internet about Fengshui ever since i had m/c...


better to finish up the antibiotics...
i also had natural miscarriage, not D n C...
U can start after your gynae give green light...
for me, i am starting only after 3 cycles... in order to play safe, for my body to recover....
thanks jhw

Did you self learn the fengshui or asked master to come?
I had a friend who ttc for many years...she did many things, from gynae to sinseh, but no news..suddenly, she got this shi fu to come to her house n see fengshui. He helped her did some settings, and in that very week, she got preg..The shifu said the settings will also help to protect her pregnancy.
During her pregnancy, she had a fell and bleed, but the baby was still ok..
After hearing her story, i am quite keen to get the shifu to see my place..sadly, he recently passed away

I self learn from books and internet after i miscarriage.... and i found that there are many sharp angles in my room !! i am trying to minimize the impact now before i start to TTC....
West sector is our Children's luck corner... so it is good to keep that area Clean and not cluttered.... some books even suggested to put "crystal promegranates" or hang Babies pictures at this corner... totally up to you....

Since you interested, how about find another shifu to help you see fengshui? get a reputable one?

that time i shared a link before...
u may want to read it

if you are using Andriod phones or Iphones, you can download Compass Apps.... and Use the Compass to direct you which side is the West sector...

If you are keen, then look for a shifu to go check the place. The place you stay and both you and your hubby eight character must match well for things to go smooth. For me, my bedroom is the most free of clutter place. Nothing but bed and 2 bedside table. No electrical appliances at all. Free of radiation.
Thanks jhw, just found it! Can go c tonight
Princessleopard,we did had a fengshui master to see our place last time..but we didn't follow
As we wanted TV in our bedroom..sigh...I'll do a spring cleaning in my room this weekend to clear the clutter

icic... hehe good luck !!
hope to see you "disappear" for another 3-4 months
and coming back after that to spread baby dust to us...hehehe
Tomomi, congrats! glad tt u found a good pple to help u support ur pregnancy. hope e rest of e pregnancy goes smoothly for u, n of course u are welcome here. i think i will also tell pple on a need-to-know basis if i do get preggy again.
it would b good to hear from u after u deliver also!

jhw, thanks for the advice, i believe in fengshui! but dunno anything abt fengshui n fertility... i haf a printed pict of some babies! was thinking if moving will help, now i will just place it in the western sector. now need to do housekeeping...

just some non-fertility related fengshui i heard; the floor space at e husband side of bed shd be wider than the wife side so tt his career will b successful. after i heard tt i switched sides w my hb.
ladies, just thot tt i would share my children prints pix for fun, how many babies do u see in e print?

p.s. i bought it from china, so its a v cheena pix...
hi everyone i am new to the thread. have been TTC for 2 years, but along the way have had a lot of problems such as endometriosis, PCOS, not ovulating, ovarian cysts, went for operations, hormone injection Lucrin, then by some miracle conceived in Dec, but miscarriage in March, since then have been having recurrent yeast infections that prevent us from TTC again because cannot have intercourse due to pain. Also been having 12-day periods with blood clots 2-3 inches in size, bedridden for a one whole week can't go to work. I'm at my wits end because I've seen 6 KK doctors and nobody has any answers and can't cure my infection problem so that I can TTC again. Does anyone have good and caring gynae to recommend please? I keep leaving each consultation in tears due to frustrations. I'd like a helpful gynae who can answer my questions and get to the root of my problems (and not just keep treating the symptoms and then the problem keeps coming back). Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

you can try Dr Henry Cheng in Bishan
He has helped many couples with problems to conceive.... and he is very caring....
he always tried his best to save babies before determining that they have no heartbeat and should do DnC ....
Hi ladies,
Just wanted to ask.. How long is it considered as normal to bleed after mc? I'm at my 6th day, bleeding flow had stopped. But whenever I wipe it with toilet paper, it still bleeds...just wondering if its an infection? It's getting painful too
Hi all,
I have been reading posting on this thread since my first miscarriage in 2005. Just to share my long story and bring some hope to anyone out there.
I have a history of 3 mid trimester miscarriage since i was 22 yrs old at 22wks, 18 wks and 22 wks. All my babies were born alive and struggling but there was nothing i can do to save them as they were way too premature to survive.
First miscarriage happened and i was very lost as i didn't know what was happening as i was still very young at 22 yrs old.It just happened all of a sudden at night that i was having very bad bleeding. So my pte gynae recommended that i go back to a govt hosp since i am a healthcare worker and they will provide more detailed and better care. 2nd pregnancy i was very very lucky to meet Prof Mahesh Choolani even when i was under subsidised. He picked up that i had protein S deficiency and anti-thrombin III deficiency ( blood clotting problem) after knowing that i had a midterm miscarriage. He asked me to take aspirin and suggested i see a haematologist and see whether i need to be on blood thinner injections. But somehow somewhere there was miscommunication, I didn't get referred to a haematologist. I was only on aspirin and no further monitoring was done ( regretted taking subsidise as i was seeing different junior doctors every 2 weeks and it seems they do not know what to do). I had my 2nd miscarriage at 18 weeks in 2006. We were devastated and we asked to see Prof Mahesh, he suggested that to have better monitoring by him personally and since he knows about my condition and history, we upgraded to pte. Although we pay much more, we have never regretted this decision. I found out i was pregnant in 2008 while i was doing my advanced dip, i quit my course and stay at home to keep my pregnancy viable from 2 months onwards. I was under very good care and constant monitoring by Prof Mahesh himself, I was warded to hospital at wk18 whn i had preterm contraction, Prof Mahesh even came to check on me on weekends. but "man proposes, God disposes" Although i was on aspirin and blood thinner injection, miscarriage happened again at 22wks. After that miscarriage, we can see that Prof Mahesh was also very sad and disappointed, he shared our pain with us as he really wanted us to go home with a baby.
After so much heart wrenching and tears, we were really afraid to try for another baby,every visit back to Prof Mahesh office will end up with alot of tears and heartache. He comforted us and encourage us to try too, but if its too painful, we can opt for adoption or even surrogacy.

We really wanted a baby of our own so last year, we decided to go back to Prof Mahesh again to try. He referred us to the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Clinic and a series of tests were done, since we were under pte, we did spent alot on the tests for me and my husband. We found out that I had PCOS and diabetes, i was very sad and disappointed, but Prof assured us that thats not a problem to worry.I was started on aspirin since we wanted to ttc.

After a few chemical pregnancy, We found out i was pregnant for real this year and since then i was under constant care by both Prof Mahesh and Dr Sheila Vasoo. I did my homework on finding out more about my condition as it is considered quite rare in asian context. We discussed our pregnancy management with them and they are very open to it. I started aspirin way before my pregnancy, and once i get a very faint positive, i went to see them. I was 3 wks pregnant, they could not see any sac so we waited, but we didn't want to take any chance since i have clotting problem, so Dr Sheila started me on blood thinner injection right away. I went back every week for blood test to make sure my HCG rises, scans every wk, i was warded for suspected ectopic at wk 5/6 since there was no hearbeat and sac but thank God my baby's sac appeared. After i was discharged, I saw Prof Mahesh every week at his clinic for scan and every few weeks to have my blood drawn to monitor my clotting problem. I also continued with seeing the Recurrent pregnancy loss clinic every month as that was when we get to see our haematologist Dr Sheila Vasoo. We continued to monitor my bld results. At wk 12, i broke down and cried because my bld results were really quite bad and the possibility of losing my baby hit us again. Prof encouraged us and told us not to we give up now, he really wanted us to go home with a baby. My husband was very supportive all these while. I stopped working the moment i knew i was pregnant.We discussed with Prof Mahesh and we will get admitted for observation from wk 18 or wk 20 onwards, as he knows its going to be a long stay, he even suggested we downgrade to subsidise during our stay. After constant and regular monitoring and adjusting of my injection dosage with the weekly and monthly clinic visits, we made it to week 19!@W saw Dr Sheila Vasoo, since our bld results not getting any better, we asked for a increase in dosage. We knew the risks involved like having a stroke, internal bleeding, losing my life just like that. I was admitted from wk 19 onwards which was last week of july. Staying in the hospital for the first week was hard, i was constantly crying,worried about the coming wk22 where i lost 2 of my babies, will i also lose this one in me when i hit that week? my husband was with me everyday comforting me and assuring me everything will be fine and we are in good hands. Prof came to visit me a few times a week to make sure i am alright and good, he also instructed his team doctors to inform him of my progression and make sure everything is good, He told me anything i can just call him directly on his handphone. With tears and fears, ups and downs from all the bld tests every week. I passed wk22, wk24, wk 26 and wk 28.Keep telling myself that everyday passed is a extra step to safety for our baby. Our primary target was to pass wk 28 as that will be when if my baby was born he will have a good chance of survival. Our prayers were answered, Now we are at wk 30 going to 31!, another 9 more weeks and our precious son will be arriving. Prof Mahesh even bought me a box of chocolate to celebrate me passing wk 28 marking! Now my husband and I are aiming for at least wk 36 so that our baby will not need a incubator when he is born. I am currently still staying in the hospital since july and am glad i am here as we fight on for our son. Yes, thats alot of money spent and hospital bills will haunt us after our discharge. But money can be earned again, its tough but all these are worth it.Nothing can be compared with holding our son safe in our hands. We are really so glad and grateful that God let us met Prof Mahesh and his team. Without him we won't be here where we are with our son. We are going home with a healthy baby in our arms alive and kicking safely in our arms soon.

All those trying for a baby out there, please don't lose hope, I have been through despair and even thought of ending my life too when i lost my babies one after another,blaming myself that its because of my blood clotting problem that cause the death of our babies. We kept telling ourselves, maybe God doesn't want us to have our own baby or its not time yet.
There will be light at the end of the tunnel, we must keep ourselve hopeful in order to have a chance!
Hi VAC, keep it up! I wish both you and baby healthy. I m planning to visit Prof Mahesh next week and your sharing comes right at the time. Take good care ya..
Hi vac
thanks for making the effort to share with us about your experience ... i truly appreciate that... congrats to you!!!

Hi princess n gbob
care to share how u manage to see six?
Hi Vac, thanks for sharing your story with us. You've achieved many milestones so far, and hope you'll cross over 36week smoothly.

Frankly, I had phobia after my mc in Aug. Till now, my AF hasn't reported yet. I was very worried of my chances of conceiving again, and yet was unsure if I should try again. Read too many negative news lately, but your story has motivated me. Thank you ya!
hehe yes i do really hope so!

your story made me pause and reflect on my ttcing's nothing compared to you. I applaud you and here cheering you on..i hope you'll be able to hold your rainbow baby in your arms soon
You'll be a great mother to your child i am sure of that!

hugs for you..i have heard of some KK docs who are not that good..well apart from a few of them. Many of the sisters i know in forum goes to Dr Loh at Thomson Medicial..he's much sought after from what i might want to try..but be prepared to pay a tad more cos it's pte doc..
Hi Vac, as I read your story, I can't help crying. Cos I can imagine the kind of extreme anguish n sadness that hit u when u lost your babies. I feel for u dear. Please accept my sincere salute! U r really a very very strong n determined woman. Thank you for sharing your story with us... Really encouraging.... I hereby wish u all the best n will pray for you! Jia yo!!! Please come in n chat with us if u r feeling bored at the hospital.... Hugs

Jhw, I actually cnt c 6's my dh who can spot n he showed me how he spot it...I dnt really know how to explain leh....basically, it's a matter of seeing it at different angles.... u try to cover portion of the picture n u shd b able to c 1 baby that is crouching n 1 which is 趴ing....pardon me if my explanation confuses u....took me quite awhile to understand too. Hahahaha
vac, thanks for sharing your story, gives me more courage to try again... dunno y success stories r not so easily found online, n so far the 2 frens who i know who had m/c r still trying. hope u can carry ur baby to full term n everything will go smoothly for u.

jhw, gbob, princessleopard, chris, haha yea, there's supposed to b 6 babies! i thot it was quite cute, tt's y i thot i wud share it...
jhw, the obvious one is the baby on lying on the stomach right? then u cover the stomach n kind of look at the pict at the 30degree tilt, then u shd see the baby (overlapping head) lying on his back this time. tt way shd b able to see 6. like one side has red stomach, one side has yellow stomach.

can see?
Wah u all very smart leh, can see six in first glance... i could only see it after mich explained haha!!! I even enlarge and check out whether those gourds or fruits happen to be babies or not... stupid me.... i ask my hb to see... he say he see 10 babies which confused me further, then i realise he is just joking

U are a really strong and brave lady ... Jiayou ..! Actually I was also being referred to a haemalogist , but my haemalogist referred me to the rheumatologist .. But constantly my rheumatologist will write to the haematologist abt my condition though I don't see the haemalogist after he refer me to him.. Still confused why do we need a haematologist in the first
place ?


My kind of discharge is brown .. Light -middle brown? But Everytime I wipe after pee , I will see it .. Even without pee I will stain my panti liner .. Yes I do have cramp .. But it's nt as severe as the previous time I had my miscarriage , it's bearable..

Talking abt fengshui stuff .. I know there is one master in Singapore which is a disciple of sababa ( dunno his spelling ).
I lost my first boy at 23weeks. Suspected cervix incompetence. Just lost my twins at 21weeks after my stitch up in 13weeks. Now not sure is the weight or the stitch that caused the mc. Can refer the recurring pregnancy loss clinic so I do a check? Thanks in advance...
Hi Vac
your story is truly motivating!!!!!!!! thanks for sharing with us, we really feel your pain but see the light at the end of the tunnel with you..
Do do continue to update us !!!
hello ladies,
been cooking LRD tea everyday..wanted to check if i got the way right..i cooked 3 cups into 1 it too thick?How many cups do you gals drink everyday?
Can we drink everyday including ovaluation?
If hubby drinks, will it be too heaty for them?Understand that guys cannot be heaty during ttc periods..
Rian... i never measure by cup ... i simply fill my slow cooker with water nearly full, then let it boil for few hours... every day i drink abt one litre haha
i let my hubby drink one cup per day as instructed by tcm... to let him detox
Thanks tomomi hehe

Rian if you boil say alternate days with just red dates(remove seeds cos seeds heaty) and wolfberries is ok. But if you everyday boil with longan is heaty and might not be suitable for your husband or even you--depends on your body consitution. But then if he drinks says once a week kinda should be no problem. As for the boiling part..i normally will boil from 2liters to 1.5 liters say for abt 30minutes..they are not considered dried chinese herbs in general so no need to boil for long..some ladies even just put a handful of dates and wolfberries into a termos flask and add boiling water and let it seep like tea. No need boil..hope this helps
i ask dr su last week... she say its ok...
just reduce all the ingredients , lesser than the qty u normally put especially ginger.. for safety sake, check with her tcm again
thanks ladies!!!!Will try it with wolfberries too..i think logan is rather heaty.
Definitely learn alot from you girls

We have some good news here already
Hopefully there be more and more, and all of us will graduate
