Support group - Miscarriages


Unless there is problem with ovulation, otherwise doc dun prescribe that. Otherwise, clomid will be prescribe when doing iui. If u r ovulating well, then there is no need to take. Too much clomid is no good.

Big hug! Understand ur feeling. I also have a couple of friend who marry later then me and now they already 2 kid liao. Each time be with them, they will complain abt how notti their child is. Inside me, it hurts. They have a blessed healthy child n yet they not happy with their life. How i wish their child is mine.

Really hope that i dun need to take anymore clomid.
Also worry that if i stop it, i duno if my body able ovulate itself without the clomid.
Meantime i try not think much. Relax relax myself.... JIAYOU!!

Im on Clomid bcos my Dr suspect im not ovulating too.
After 6 weeks of D&C, my hormones keep going haywire. On and off i still got brown spotting. Dr did put me on hormones pills for 2 times but it dun works. Same time i dun wish to wait any longer to try natural, as previous time we try more then 2 years to strike but sadly i MC. Then my Dr suggest Clomid as it will help my hormones goes back to normal too.

Relax!!! We all been through that. My friend get married one mth before me, had 3 kids now. This year is a tough year, cos everyone wants dragon bb. We will get through it!!

Jiayou at the same time dun stress!!!

Do u use opk? I had been using opk for 2 yrs, cos my O day is unpredictable, as my cycle is 27-32 days. Somemore, back then hb's troops quantity no good, we cannot anyhow use...haha. So, dr ask me to use opk to know exactly which day I ovulate. I had ovualted all these yrs, just dunno why suddenly 1 mth I did not ovulate, so dr put me on clomid. After she stop the clomid, I contd to use opk to ensure I did ovulate without the clomid. So, if u r worried, u can use opk to double check for the time being.
My cycle also very Jialat. From 29 day to 40 days. Haiz!
Are u saying ovulation kit? I'm using those online test strips.
Duno shd I trust it. On the day Dr say I'm ovulating, test strip didn't show positive wor. Wanted to get Clearblue at watson but super ex, can't bare myself to get it. Haha!! Are u using clearblue too?

No I am using online too. But so far ok. I am able to get positive every mth, except for the period when it goes haywire. Its too expensive to use clearblue cos have to start using from CD13-18 for my case.
Celestine, you can get the clearblue thru is cheaper then watson. i kiasu abit im using clearblue opk tgt with clearblue fertility monitor to get even more accurate when i going to ovulate

Ya i agree that clearblue is very accurate.. Buy the fertility monitor from ebay, amazon or blog shops.. Much cheaper.. Do the same when you need to get some more test sticks for the monitor.. I would say it can be more than 50% cheaper..

3 yrs ago, i had this hormonal imbalance prob and didn't ovulate at times.. I started taking omega 3 and epo (for omega 6) regularly cos gynae recommended.. After took for abt 2-3 mths, had no issues after that and felt healthier too.. I didn't want to keep taking medication and was hoping more natural nutrition will work.. Maybe you wanna give it a try too..

Good luck for this cycle!!
hi ladies
i just went to see dr Su, quite impress. just by feeling my pulse, she can tell me i am having sleeping problem. and waist pain... she gave me 1 week med for this problem 1st. i oso look pale to her lol.... hopefuly her med can let me sleep well. no cold drink & herbal drink.

i drag my hb along to see her... she prescribe him 1 mth supply of med. but no stock. will collect the med when i visit her next week
Yes i agree. Clearblue too ex for us to use.
I need to test from Day 12 onward, meaning abt 8 strips per cycle.
Cannot tahan. LOL...

Thanks for the link... *^^*
Im already starting to take Omega 3 Fish oil. For the EPO i was abit reserve, as i read a website. It stated if we are TTC, best to only take it during menses to ovulation period only. So i dun even dare to touch, but will take it if my next menses arrive. Hope it doesn't. Cross fingers.

Fertility monitor does what huh? It works the same as ovulation kit too?
Cant bring myself to buy the moniter. See the website, it cost more then $200. My heart sink.... LOL!

Yes, tat how good Dr Su is. Hehehe!
What i love abt her was, she will encourage us n talk to our hubby if there anything wrong. That save me alot of energy as my hubby doesn't listen to me.
So fast the mens medicine finish wor? My hubby also didnt collect the previous time due to no stock too. But he manage to collect it last fri.

Ya i also read some info that epo should not be taken after ovulation.. But there are also studies that refute that.. So i showed my current gynae who is a fertility specialist all the supplements i'm taking and he told me no issue and up to me to continue.. He only said to stop epo during ivf program as they need to suppress certain hormoneswith injections and epo might interfere with that.. But i understand your concern, anything not sure, best not to do
yes. so fast finish.. i tink alot of mens see her oso. my hb was telling her he no need see la. den she say, who say no need.. lolx.. eat the med liao will make u powerful and handsome. o.o

Ya, same same lo. My previous tcm dr also ask me to use cheap ones. He say no prob de. So long use afternoon urine for accuracy.
Thanks!! Guess it time for me to start taking EPO.
Althought now, no longer having brown discharge but my hair keep dropping. I mean really alot, make me so freak out. The next visit to TCM, will tell her abt this too.

Did u test the strip on the same timing?
I'm alway so busy at work n forgot abt testing it. No time ro sit there n wait for 10 min. Lol... When I have the time it ard evening liao. Maybe I shd try on the same timing now.

Ya best to test at same timing.. I still remember when i was working, i wake up every morning at 5.45 to get ready.. Just in case i oversleep and too rush to test, i set my alarm at 5 am, get up to test, slot into fertility monitor, crawl back to bed.. Hehe.. I'll check the result only when i get up at 5.45..

Good that no more brown discharge.. Better check with her about the hair.. Last time young, complain hair too thick, now i just wish i won't drop so much hair.. Old already.. Haha.. No choice gotta buy better shampoo also.. I heard that quality of hair is closely related to the state of our health, another reason to tell the men to eat healthily.. Hehe..
I ever read at somewhere, that opk is not to be test with 1st pee. its to be test around noon time. I had nv test my opk with 1st pee, only for pregnancy kit.

Below is the link i found

"First morning urine is usually not the best for OPKs since your LH surge usually begins in early morning when you are still sleeping and may not be apparent in your first morning urine. If you test in the early morning, you may miss your surge entirely since LH levels may already be reduced by the next morning. Late morning or early afternoon is usually best unless the instructions suggest otherwise. "
Duno how clearblue monitor works, but I know that OPK shd not use during the first morning pee. It shd be ard 10am onward. Ur timing really very tiring wor. Remind me of my basal test too. I use to wake up 6am to test n alway doze off half way, only aft the beep my hubby wake me up. Still need to hold my hp to add the temp. Terrible!! Lol....

Ya lor! Younger times I even puck my hair to reduce the amount n natural curl! How crazy i get. Hahaha! The older I get, the more my hair getting thinner. Cry also no sound.... Lol! Hope my TCM able to help my hormones too.
I also dropped alot of hair lately... collect together can make into a wig liao... yesterday should tell Dr Su hor but never. She say my body accumulated wind so she give me medicine to prevent the wind from entering womb... after that then continue her tiao yang medicine...

Was emo yesterday then she made me happy by telling me that my hb's health improve!!!
Windy, celestine, GBOB,

The clearblue fertility monitor is slightly different from the usual OPKs.. It acts like a little computer, monitoring your cycle over the months that you use it and tracking your levels, so theresults are very personal..

On the first day of your cycle, you just input the info into ypur monitor.. This will establish a 6 hr testing window.. For eg, if i input at 7 am, it means for this mth, i can test between 4am to 10 am.. It is required that you use the 1st urine of the day.. Every day you turn on the monitor within the testing window and it will prompt u to test on certain days.. Usually 10 tests a mth..

When prompted to test, you just pee on test stick, put the cap on and insert into monitor.. Results will appear in about 5 min..There are 3 bars on the screen.. Usually is 1 bar, when the LH level rising, will go up to 2 bars.. When see 2 bars can baby dance already cos it means ovulating soon.. When 3rd bar appears means ovulating.. Normally i see 2 bars for 2-3 days before seeing the 3rd bar..

All these info are stored in the monitor so it understands your personal hormone levels and can give a more accurate reading..


Just a note, i just read through the manual briefly.. It says when on clomid, OPKs and the monitor might not be so accurate.. Clomid elevates estrogen levels and may result in high fertility being declared early in the cycle..
Same here too. I alway wanted to tell Dr Su but alway forgot. Argg...
Got to write it down.. or i blur blur again. LOL...
On wed i be going there again. Anything that u like to ask?

U make me so keen to grab the monitor. Hahaha!
Gosh... if only it abit cheaper! My hubby also think it over the price. (**)

Yes, Clomid will makes my ovulation super early.
Last time it takes 15 to 18 days. On Clomid, im on the Day 12.
So Dr wanted us to start TTC on Day 12 for a week.
So i duno isst bcos of the early ovulation that make my OPK strips dun works.
Hi min81

Thanks for your detailed info. Also makes me so keen on getting one... It cost $100+ hor? Mmm... Wonder if shd invest on one.... The strips u slot in r those cheapo opk test strips right?
GBOB, the test stick are from clearblue too.

If u want can get it at they have 30stick pack as local only sell 20stick and cost alot cheaper

Ya can understand, not cheap to use on regular basis.. All the money my hubby and i have spent on ttc, to be honest, we don't even dare to calculate.. But i think it'll be really useful, especially for someone like me whose cycle is a range (31-36 days).. It takes away the stress of guessing when to start testing.. And the screen is clear, no need to stare at lines and wonder if they're clear..


No prob, glad to help
I hope it really can help any ladies here.. I recommended to my fren and she conceived in 3 mths.. Actually, maybe you can see if anyone selling this 2nd hand onthe threads where people advertise things they wanna sell.. Many ladies sell them after having their bb, can grab their baby dust

Another option would be ebay, amazon.. Way cheaper.. I also buy stuff from this local blogshop selling ttc tools when i wanna receive it more urgently.. I find it's the cheapest for local buy and service is good.. Not sure if i can paste the link here.. Don't wanna get mistaken for advertising and get kicked off the thread.. Hehe.. If you're interested, can pm me
Hi Snoopy,

Ya is a US website. They have bundle sale monitor + stick.

My set i got it from a seller in Bp as she had ready stock so don need to wait so long. after that i order my stick from spree

I usually test around 1-2pm. Around my lunch time. Cos gynae told to have around 1-2 pee after the morning pee, for more accuracy.
Min81 & princess,
Thanks again. I'm alway using it on the evening, could be not that accurate anymore. This time will try on the early afternoon. *^^*

Talk to my hubby abt this monitor, will search thru amazon for this when times come. Now I'm on clomid, dun think the monitor able to work as good now. Search thru eBay, realize nobody letting go of theirs.
Morning Celest,

The monitor works for me when i on clomid and got pregnant. Worth to invest.... :D

Anyone noes after D&C when can we start taking clomid? Im so tempt to try clomid again....

It still seemed to be pretty accurate for me when i was on clomid.. AF always 14-15 days after ovulation.. I think i didn't get preggy cos of my dh issues.. Maybe can check with your doc whether worth investing on the monitor
If it won't be accurate then no point..


Do you have ovulation problems? If not, maybe better not to take clomid?
Hi min81,

I also not very sure if i ovulate cos gynea din monitor. last year he gave me 1 round of clomid also din manage to have the chance to take and preg so this year i tried on my own din conceive but i do get CBFM (peak). Until i decided to try on the clomid and manage to conceive so not sure whether i can ovulate myself anot.

will there be a possibility that opk we tested positive but nv ovulate???

If there is no ovulation issue, then dun take clomid. Better to be natural. That time when I preggy also cos of clomid. Cos its a leftover from iui. Then after the mc, doc say its chromosome issue, perhaps its clomid. Cos clomid helps us to ovulate but it does not choose a good egg to ovulate, unlike our body naturally choose a good egg to be release for ovulation. She told me this is the side effect of clomid.
I told my Dr that I wanted to start clomid aft my D&C bcos I dun wish to wait anymore. Dr suggest i wait til 3 cycle aft the D&C. Maybe u can voice out to ur Dr then he able guide u. For me, I keep having hormones problem n then dr start me on clomid so at same time I can regenerate my hormones back to normal too.

Yes, plan to ask my Dr abt this monitor too. Hehe!!

Ya, u try to test a bit early, I am not sure if evening urine is too dilute for ovulation testing anot.

When u see Dr Su this wed, can help me ask if her medicine can have lapse in between. I keep forgetting to ask her this question, cos her medicine for a week is only for 6 days, 2 wk medicine is 12 days. So, if I was to go every sat, I will miss 1 day of medicine. So, not sure if its ok.

Not very sure whether opk will test false positive.. Maybe you wanna suggest to doc that you wanna try a natural cycle? What my gynae told me was, 1 cycle try all natural, on around day 12, start going in for scans so he can estimate ovulation day and also to check whether i ovulate.. Like what princessleopard say, if can ovulate naturally, it's better not to rely on medication.. I understand the anxiousness to just try rightaway, but tell yourself that 1 mth will really help you understand your body so much better..

I ask Dr Su before, she ever told me it is okay to skip one to two days of medicine.
because that time i was having Wisdom tooth surgery.. i ask her if i should skip her medicine.
She say " No Need to Skip, can continue, but if you dun feel good, Skip one or two days will not go wrong too."

In fact, every time before i visit her, i will skip one day of medicine because my medicine always finish before visiting her.

Sometimes completion was on Sat itself.. but i will usually skip that day, and Start on a fresh day
<font color="0000ff">Chrisl, i order my stuff from them Dreamz Spree &amp; Jxmum Spree
There's even more organizer open amazon spree u can check it out SMH Spree</font>

Princessleopard, that time i went to Dr Irene Chua i ask her will it becos i took clomid thats y affect the baby she say no leh. Maybe i should check again witih my gynea. And for Dr su med usually her 1 week med is only 6day. she lets us rest for 1 day so we wont be so stress everyday must rmb to take the medication.

<font color="0000ff">Celest, Think i must discuss with my gynea cos i don noe what problem i have cos they like don wanna do anything. Bloodtest also say no need to check for the anti-bodies just next pregnancy they will give asiprin and duphaston. Arghh thats the prob don noe which gynea can help me.</font>

Min81, my gynea nv even once ask me to go back and check whether i ovulate anot. And say i got pcos. why my gynea so diff -.-"

May i know which gynae you are with? Are you at nuh too?

My previous gynae also kinda bo chup, that's why i changed gynae..
Thanks jhw for clearing my doubt


Nowadays we have to take the initiative, gynae may not tell us everything. We need to do our own research and ask them. Then they will share with u. After my gynae say clomid may have cause the mc, I google and did find some possibilites on that though they dun state clearly.
Min81, i go back to my gynea at TMC (Dr Beh Suan Tiong) cos i only see Nuh Gynea once. I so confuse....

Princessleopard, then i must quickly do my research n ask him on wed....
I did ask Dr Su abt this too. She say skip 1 to 2 days without medicine is alright.
That time I'm at bkk n my medicine could not last til I see her, so I asked her.
Piky ,

Dr beh did my amio during my first pregnancy .. I heard from my gp that dr beh is very good in scope test .. My gynea is dr sim , but she don't encourage abortion, thus she refer all the amio cases to dr beh ..
tomomi, ya he very good in that but not very sure if he's good in handle high risk pregnancy anot. all my previous 3preg all go to him all ended up m/c maybe i need to change gynea change luck haha.

Do u intend to change to Dr Irene Chua? My gf's bb was saved by her, luckily she go to Dr Chua for second opinion, otherwise will have done d/c with her gynae.

Ya good to clarify your doubts with your gynae.. Anyway, we already paid for consultation.. I always go in with all these questions written down.. Hehe..

My gynae was the one who suggested monitoring a natural cycle when first went to him.. Cos he also prefer that if we don't have issue, best to try out the more natural and less invasive methods first..

My gynae emphasised to me that a pregnancy is a pregnancy, regardless of whether it was conceived naturally, or by assisted reproduction methods.. Every pregnancy has a 20% risk of mc.. He told me that at my first review a wk after my d&amp;c.. i was still quite down and wasn't in the mood to talk.. I was gonna go off after he checked and told me all was fine.. He actually sat me down and talked to me.. Told me that my mc was not due to anything i did or didn't do.. Said it was kinda like nature's way of letting us know our bb not healthy enough to make it all the way.. Just try again when my body is up to it..I felt so much lighter after the talk..

Did anyone still visit gynae?
Can help me ask gynae if it is safe to eat bovine colostrum when trying to conceive and after preggy?
I heard that colostrum includes igg, iga and igm antibodies. I ask dr su, she said it is ok to consume. But earlier on, heard from some ladies that antibodies cause miscarriage. So just wanted to b sure before i buy to eat.
thanks in advanced
