Support group - Miscarriages

No, its normal to feel this way... dun say frens, even some preggy ladies on the street , i oso v scared to face... very soon we will have our bb de

Its really good to have u all as fren. as i try to tok to my other fren they don understand. i don even dare to tell my hb too... lets jia you tgt... thanks

Some ppl will avoid going to all these 'red' ceremony during pregnancy .. I am not as 'pantang' when I have my boy , me and hubby still attend this and that .. But my recent miscarriage happen on the day I went for a birthday party, had terrible cramp and pain , went hospital and call my gynea down , end up she told me probably I will miscarry ..

Maybe she thought telling u the truth is the best reason? Maybe she don't mind coming but those around her ( like her family , in laws , or hubby ) don't allow her to go ? I believe she mean no harm ..

We will sure have to face things like ppl getting pregnant and giving birth .. Just need to slowly adjust our mindset .. Not easy and takes time .. I still can't forget , but at least I am not as affected knowing they are pregnant or gave birth now .. If u don't feel like seeing those picture , then don't see .. Don't feel like talking to them abt their abt to due baby , then don't talk .. There is nothing wrong it when u are ready =) my sister in law is pregnant, so I cannot choose not to see, not to talk abt it cause she always ask me stuff ... So somehow I tink she helped me a fair bit to overcome this problem ..


There are a lot of nutrients are in the milk , and it all come from the mother .. Some older folk often refer breastmilk as '血水' .. Breastfeed can lose weight fast also ..

What kind of eczema is urs? I stop using all steroid base cream , bad for skin in long run ( if u use those cream for long term, u will realized ur skin will be easily bruised when u scratch it .. Physiogel AI is quite good , cos no steroid , but not sold off the shelve at guardian ) under control with proper body wash( I use QV). And physiogel works quite well to keep it hydrate .. No hot bath ..

When i was very young, my skin will have itchy and painful blisters if i'm in the sun too long.. Was on steroid medication for a couple of mths in my teens and it became better.. After that, managed to keep it under control with good diet of fruits and vege.. Use hypoallergenic skincare and moisturising lotion.. I started using bio-oil this yr and found it pretty good.. Have had occasional flares on my legs the past few yrs but still controllable.. Not much issue now.. Oh and dermatologist told me to take evening primrose oil..

Oh so that means we're kinda like losing our nutrients to the baby? I see, then really gotta take care of health..

I even need to go to the extend to pack my son's stuff to lend them.. Go shopping with them for their abt to due baby .. And every week I get to see her growing tummy , naked growing tummy ... Advise her on stuff .. Ask her abt her and the baby's health ... Help advise my brother on what to do and what to expect after baby is born .. If u remember , our edd is only suppose to be 1 week difference .. My brother is older than me , his wife also ... And my son pd is at tmc .. Walk in , walk out are all pregnant women or newborn!!! The feeling is like ~ speechless ..

i face the same situation as u before.. i plan my wedding and have my 2 besties as my sisters.. the worst thing is both end up to be preggie around the same time hence.. i need to make another plan. At that moment i was so upset but still i am happy for them.

The feeling is bitter, now that i am the only one who is left with no child but and many times i dun share the same common topics as they do. But i open up to them that i had been trying and when i MC they are the one who knows too.

And ytd i met my hb's cousin wife who is now preggie, she only got married this year and i lose of words to talk to her. Now i see preggie women i just hope they have a smooth 9 months.. i am happy for them.. but sad for myself too.

Guess its really something we can choose, the only thing i hope is that i will be preggie soon.
Maybe now most impt is time cannot stress up things will get over soon...

Tomomi, may i ask why r u taking baby aspirin???
my gynea say my next preg needs to take this as well.
Hi girls,

I have the same thing, my colleague who knew what happened to me kept sharing with me her happiness and telling me she found out the gender baby boy. Actually I am ok about gender but not in depth like how excited she is and all. it's just an emotional torture to me.
Piky ,

Cos I got ANA positive before .. A kind of auto immune .. But it became negative .. So probably I am at those boarderline stage .. Had all the test done and I am safe actually .. But they wanna play safe and put me on baby aspirin aspirin is to dilute the blood , cos if the blood is too thick and clot ,it might affect the baby and cause miscarriage .. But normally is for ppl with auto immune background ..

Don't take after u are pregnant , take before u ttc.. If they want u to take baby aspirin, probably u will take before pregnant till u pregnant and all the way till u give birth .. But basically baby aspirin got no harm .. Can be bought from guardian , though I got mine from the rheumatologist ( same brand , same thing ) ..
Hi piky,

i think its really normal for you to feel this way. after my MC, every time i see preggies or mummies with new borns on the street, my heart starts to ache like crazy and sometime i will tear.. i always look at them and said you really dunno how lucky you are and how envy i am to walk ard with a big tummy. but in heart i also wish them all the best with their pregnancy coz i dont wish anyone to go thru the same thing like me.

As for your fren i guess maybe she doesnt wana upset you on your wedding so she chose to absence herself from your wedding. i guess she doesnt know what to say to you.. for me, even when my best friend came visiting me, she also dunno wat to say and we just kept quiet. but in my heart i know she really care for me... so dont be upset with your friend.

i believe our rainbow baby will come back to us soon.. i have to keep telling myself that everytime i feel sad and heartache when i think of my little angel.

all i can do now is get my health back and hope to ttc again before my edd (it was act jan 2013, can imagine when jan come how will i feel), the worst thing is my edd date is very near to my elder girl's birthday. she is born 1st jan and my supposed edd is 5 jan 2013.
Wendy, Piky, Hugs to you !!

Me same as you, we had the supposedly Same EDD for our BB which is in Jan 2013... really dunno how to cope when that time come.... I hope i can be preggy before that time too, so that i have something to occupy my mind...
Jia you... our rainbow baby will come back !!!
Piky ,

Ya .. Those anti bodies .. But only 4 kind will cause miscarriage , one of them is lupus (SLE) .. And he also mention there is one more which cause Harm to baby's heart ..
( but according to him, all got solution , so not to be scared )

I tested after my mc , cos Tcm ask me go test .. Found out I got Ana , and above normal ESR .. Told my gynea and she refer me to rheumatologist .. Then the rheumatologist put me on a series of blood test .. Luckily all those that might cause miscarriage I don't have , but still need to monitor closely cos I got ANA ..Jus hope it does not develop into those .. That day he told me is abt 10-20%? Am happy the last test show my ANA went back to negative and he ask me to consider it as a blessing, not many will go back to negative .. That's why he feel that I am at mild stage .. Only after I received all the blood test, i started on vit d and baby aspirin .. Then he told me to at least start baby aspirin first , at least by the time I conceive , I already started a few weeks of the medicine .. That's why I did not try soon after my mc , had everything done and check then ttc .. Gynea side say once realized pregnant , go down and take hormones pills from her first .. Then see her 2-3 weeks later .. and if baby is not doing well or growin not as fast as it should , the rheumatologist will then add in the jab .. ( the rheumatologist jab is different from the gynea's jab )

Actually mc to them is very common , 1 mc does not mean there is something wrong .. Is jus that I got joints pain since young and mum got RA factor .. And my last mc i am in great pain due to swelling of joints .. That's why I went through the tests ..
Tomomi, don mind i ask where u did ur blood test?? sorry if i ask too much as i got really little info about this anti-bodies. so next week i go back for my review i can ask my gynea TIA.

As what some mummies said, both occasion will clash so it is good that she tells you before and not attending.

Last time when I got married, one of my sil was pregnant then she served me tea ceremony and a few days later she had a miscarriage. I feel bad and not sure whether is it clashes. And during tat time was not easy for me as due to pantang a lot of stuffs cannot be done till both in laws had much conflicts. Glad that now we are ok. So in order not to clash best is to avoid.

Me too. My colleague's baby will also be born in Jan like me. EDD is 12 Jan whereby mine is 7 Jan nearer to date when we congrats him will feel the ache but he is very sensitive and will not talk abt his wife pregnancy in office for my sake. I appreciate it. To forget this date will be tough as I got a twin cousin who birthday is that date and at first was so happy to be on the same day as them as they are also born in the year of dragon 24 years ago. Seeing pregnant women makes me feel that if not at this point my tummy should be like this size and feel heartache but no choice since god decide to bring the baby I just have to accept it and move on.

And recently I just received a news that one of my cousin is pregnant and I will have to face her end of Sep. Will just skip the topic I hope.
Thanks tomomi actually im under nuh did their testing half way and get preg think i have to continue their testing
Consultation with the doctor they will ask all history andcheck our cevix. then they will tell u to do some blood test and scanning before u see them again

some blood test do after ovulation (they will tell u CD wat to come)

scanning will be on CD2
Jhw ,

Total $1.2k .. Abt $1.1k is the test .. Total 19 blood test .. But all I claim insurance cos hospitalised .. All blood test .. My doctor don't check cervix cos my main worry is auto immune stuff , thus I went rheumatologist instead =)
Thanks tomomi for your info on vit d, I'll check with my Gynae

Hi piky, I have that same kind of feeling too. Feels happy for people but on the other hand feel so miserable for myself..Hugs.
Oh sisters, can I check ah... I went for scan with my Gynae today to check if everything is cleared. Dr says I ovulated alrdy. Isit too late to bd now?
Princessangel, v scan to check if my uterus is cleared. N today just nice is cd13 n my dr said I ovulated n even point out to me where my egg is...

Do you think its milk? Is your breasts engorged? How many days after mc now?

My breasts start to gorge a few days after d/c, then milk start to ooze out. I had to take medi to stop the milk production. Though not common but it does happen. Our body thought we have given birth cos bb not in our body, and it proceed to the next step which is breastfeeding.
Princessleopard, ya is milk but i din have any angorged feel -.-" its just happen when i hug hb n slp suddenly my clothes wet think i press against it thats y leak. Can just leave it? Need to let gynea know?
I just did a ultrasound n V scan to see my egg.
I'm now in clomid, so I'm requires to scan during my Day 12.
But due to some reason I can't make it on Day 12 so changes to Day 13. From there Dr also told me how many egg I have n show that I'm ovulating. Dr told me to start TTC now.

Maybe u observe first. If it get worse, then see gynae and get the medicine. Mine was very unconfortable cos breasts very gorged and milk leak very frequent.
Thanks Celestine. My scan shows I only got one egg. Hope it's not too late to start trying n really hope to bfp ASAP. My bbt seems to go haywire also
it was 36.07 before O then 36.14, 36.10 and today 35.99!!!! How come O alrdy will drop ah? I've never go so low till 35. Something before de.... Boohoo
Xie Xie ni... Now I'm trying not to stress myself over ttc.
Strike is a blessing, dun have then hv try again.
It my 2nd dose of clomid, this round Dr wan me increase my dose. The 1 dose, my egg was too small. Guess due to the pressure I'm having during the period. Haiz! Jiayou!!

Not very sure abt BBT wor. Did u use the BBT on a same time every morning? U can't walk or move abt before u test wor. Sometime BBT will goes haywire if we didn't sleep well etc too. I try BBT for more then 1 year, didn't strike. The moment I stop the BBT, i strike but sadly was MC. So I chose not to use BBT anymore. It will only give me pressure n tired myself.

Since ur Dr already saw that u are ovulating, dun care much anymore, u shd TTC now. Jiayou girl!!

BBT is kind of stressful i admit, when i MC i knew it right away as my temp drop after i tested positive. So now i dun take BBT too.
Celestine, ya I took bbt first thing in the am every morning without moving ard n at same timing. Oh last night I didn't sleep well... Mayb that's y my bbt siao siao. Anyway good luck to u dear... Dnt mind me saying but I heard clomid not v good will cause thinning of lining so Dnt take too much. Hope u strike this round!!

Hi windy, I Dnt wanna take bbt de cos its first cycle after mc so I took it to monitor O n c if my cycle got go haywire or not
Oh yes!! In morning I wanted to rush for toliet yet still need to endure for the bbt. Totally torture. I can't make myself go thru it again. Hehe! The more we relax our body, we might really ovulate better n higher chance bah. Jiayou!

Thanks for ur wishes! Need that lot.
I'm close monitor by my gynea while I'm on clomid. This is my 2nd dose n finally it does work better then my first round. I wouldnt continue the clomid for more then 6 round. Hoping that it works, as it really took me 2 years to conceive the previous time. I dun wish to wait another few more years. Im not getting younger n my parent is aging. Haiz!! Jiayou all of us!!
Thanks, im aware of that.
This few day im having small cramp, Dr say is bcos one of my egg is ard 2cm. Rest of them is abt 1.7. I was so amaze that it can grow so big. Dr say it a good result, which higher chance of conceiving. So far i still dun dare to pin any hope, if my AF arrive i might cry.

It's good to stay calm and relax on this, the higher the hope, the more disappointment. When I took clomid last time, the more round I took, the better the result. But dun go more than 6 rounds every time. No good for uterus lining. Taking clomid really have chance for twins, cos when I took them, I will have 2 big follicles. Cramps is very normal esp when the follicles get bigger. The follicle can go more than 2cm, I usually get to 25mm to 28mm. My last iui was worse, got 4 follicles on the right, left ovary decide to take a break that month. It cramp like hell, and feel so heavy, cannot even walk properly on the day of iui.
If one does not have cramps during ovulation, does it mean our eggs not big enough for conceiving? Sorry because i dont know much abt all these... but i nv take notice if i have cramps during O or not. Probably dun have
Long time no hear from u here. How u? *^^*
So are u saying between the 6 cycle of clomid, I shd rest for one cycle in between?
Yes, the more hope, the more I get disappointment. Trying to stop thinking n relax myself.
I see i see , thanks for your explanation , princess..

Last night, from facebook , i suddenly realise four of my friends who got married later than me were pregnant... one giving birth next mth... wow, its like whole world getting pregnant except me tt kind of feeling...tho i m happy for them... at the same time, feeling sad bcos i am supposed to be pregnant too.. got to jiayou soon..

Been a busy week at work and rushing my course assignment.

Should take a couple of mths in betweem the 6 cycles. But of course hopefully no need to go up to 6 cycles. For me, I did not complete the 6 cycles, I think I stop at 4th, as I am ovulating on my own. Why I took clomid back then was cos I suddenly stop ovulating on my own.

Clomid is no good for long run as it thins the uterus lining. If need to take long run, dr will change another medicine for u, which does not thin the lining but its very expensive.

Good luck!!!

Hi girls, may I know why is it recommend to take clomid? Will gynae recommend to take? My previous MC i conceive about 4 months. Should I request to take it too for my next try?
