Support group - Miscarriages

Sorry hearing ur lost.
Try to keep urself warm n drink LRD. It helps to improve ur blood circulation etc.
Duno isst the right time that u can drink DOM. Better ask a TCM before u drink anything.

Hi Cheryl,

I went to a Tcm to adjust my body back ..
Take good care .. Anyway, Tcm told me its easier to conceive after a chemical pregnancy .. Not sure how true it is ..
Hello girls, posted before few weeks ago. Now is about 3 weeks plus after my D&C, experiencing very bad cramps at night before bed time for the past 2-3 days, today it's unbearable when I was at work, even my hips feel painful. Anyone knows why?
I am going to see my gynae Tmr morning.

Sorry cannot advice. Dunno what causes that too. I do not have such problems. Good thing you are seeing doctor tml morning.

Take care!
snoppy : Chemical pregnancy is a very early stage of miscarriage that no sac and yolk is seen and it lost by itself like normal mense. Doctor told me that if i dun know i am late and test, i may not even know i am pregnant.

I did not really bu , just dun take liang food and no cold drinks. My MIL did make some soup for me. I also continue to take bai feng wang as that was the month that i started taking and i strike. But its just didnt stay with me.
Thanks for your advise. Personally I think is good to find out & clear the doubt. ..dun think is waste of $$$ as least you know the result. Hugz..

I think we have the same gynae as he said the same stuffs to me. Is he Dr Lee?
My 1st gynae was Dr Lee. After my 2nd pregnancy, I decided to change gynae cause I dun wish to be reminded abt my 1st miscarriage. However the 2nd gynae, hubby & I din really like her. In the end, we went back to Dr Lee to seek for his advise & perform D&C operation.

Min81, thanks for the link..

Piky,big hugz to you. I know how you feel as I had just went through the same suitation as you last week. Is good to seek for 2nd opinion if you think that your current gynae bo chap.
I also seek for 2nd opinion as my 2nd gynae couldn't give me a satisfactory answer regards to my HCG blood test. My HCG result actually went up a lot & baby grows slightly without heartbeat. She kept insisting for me to do d&c operation without giving a clear explanation. In the end, I went back to my 1st gynae. Be strong....
Snoppy> I wipe bath for 2 weeks.
Piky & Cheryl> Hugz. Stay strong.
Farni thing, right after the 'confinement period' the 2nd day I started my bouts of sneezing and got slight infection (green mucus). Is it bcos I started bathing? During the 2 weeks totally no sneezing which I was vry surprised cos I have sinus, sneezing is a daily affair. Now I feel a bit feverish. Just realised when I peered into the LRD tea pot, my maid felt lazy so the last 2/3 days of LRD tea all she never remove seed. Is this the cause of heatiness?
hugs piky and cheryl..

it might be cos of 'leftovers' in there or infection..not trying to scare you...but good that you are seeing your gynae tomorrow..
shoppie..could be dates seeds are heaty or also cold be you didn' drink enough water in these warm days..
piky & cheryl
big big hugz to you !!!! Don't lose hope!!
and eat plenty of Bu !!!

actually my TCM told me to cook LRD tea with Seedless Red Date... because Red date with seeds are very heaty

Looks like i have to give up on the ba zhen.. I had an allergic reaction after taking it a couple of days ago.. Actually when i was boiling it, it smelt and looked very much like what my tcm used to give me but it wasn't as bitter.. So i tot similar stuff didn't think much of it.. I added DOM.. Forgot DOM will make it hot and gulped the soup cos wanted to get it over and done with.. Felt like i had immediate sore throat.. Anyway, think the rash started about 15 min later.. Got worse later in the nite.. Lucky it subsided after i took med for allergy.. I have skin allergies so i always have some med just in case..

I'll just keep to LRD drink i guess.. Is it ok to add ginger?
Oh my, maybe u are allergic to one of the herbs, or is it dom. But u have drank dom separately before, right?

Yes, in fact, in my daily LRD tea, i added ginger for dispelling of wind and wolfberries for antioxidants

It sound like u put in DOM after the herbs is ready to dirnk. Is that so? I put in DOM 1 hour before I want to drink, and let it slow cook with the herbs.

Ya i only added before drinking.. Cos i tot more potent.. Haha.. But luckily the sore throat feeling subsided after like 5 min..


Yup don't think it's the dom cos i've already been taking it on its own for a week..

Okie than i can add ginger.. Cos so far i've only added wolfberries and black sugar.. Read on another thread that it's good to drink black sugar with ginger drink.. So i was thinking it'll be easier if can combine all

I put DOM in earlier to let it brew with herbs longer, tot will have better result.
But I read from other thread before that they add hot water in DOM trying to remove the alcohol content in DOM, so that they can drink during breastfeeding.
Min81, Princess,

Actually i tried both method before.
1. adding DOM 1 hour before drinking and continue to boil
2. Adding DOM after boiling, and straightaway drink...

i feel that both feel the same to me... maybe different body condition.. i feel that my body become colder after miscarriage.


How About you try for Once, Not Putting DOM at all? just purely drink Ba zhen....
Maybe it will get better?

ya hehe, actually my LRD consists of 4 ingredients
1. Red dates
2. Longans
3. Ginger
4. Wolfberries.
During Menses, I will Change Longan to Black Sugar as advised by my TCM. She said Best to take Black Sugar during Menses, and Longan on Normal days.... Red Dates --> Choose Seedless one, because less heaty.
how was your visit with dr irene? any good news?
i can go home after i woke up and able to eat and also after dr irene's visit after the op. The d&c process is very fast.....heard less than 10min. Good thing is minimal bleeding after the operation

Ya, I agreed that different body react differently. Dr Su asked me if I drink LRD tea, I say yes but alternate day. Cos I tried everyday but too heaty for me. She say its fine so long I drink. And I can used the same recipe throughout the month, no need to make changes.


How is your visit to Dr Chua?
Yes, I'm visiting Dr Lee. *^^*
I use to visit him at Mt A, but due to the terrible carpark there, we change to his another clinic ard woodland. Much more easier to reach n not so much ppl. He got more time n slowly explain to us. Hehe!! He really a great Dr. During my D&C, he ensure eveything is well taken care of. He allow me to cry out until I managed to calm down, while alot of his patient still outside waiting. He a very caring Dr, glad that I found him.
Jiayou!! I lost of speech. Big hug!
Need to let out ur pain, u can share with us here.
On the leaves, I was given 2 weeks but I'm sure if u wan longer, ur dr will give to u.

I was given 2 weeks HL at first, then my spotting did not stop by then, so I was given another 2 weeks. So a total of 1 mth. If u think u need more rest, I believe gynae can give you the HL.
Sorry to hear that.
Dr Irene will ask how many days you need but I told her only 1 days HL as i did the D&C on friday and had the weekend to rest. You have to find a dr that is good to do the D&C as my mum said a not so good dr will make ur womb worst after the d&c
I feel so much better drinking the LDR without seeds... These days that is the only water I drink i think that's why get heaty so fast. Now at TM waiting for my follow up. Hopefully i dont get freaked out seeing the wound... Everyone it's Friday! Raining heavily wor, rem keep warm ladies!

Longer mc should not be a prob.. Doc at nuh gave me 2 wks.. When i went for follow up, he asked if i wanted more leave, i said ok and he gave me 2 more weeks, no questions asked.. I think it's not just the physical recovery.. They are willing to give us more leave to rest emotionally..

Take care!
Min81, your nuh doctor very good. My kkh one give me two days and i have to keep going back to extend. I ask for one week, they even ask me why i still need, still feeling unwell meh. Then i extend another week, tat female gynae give me black face and say if u need, we got no choice give u. Really sickening. Never never go kkh. The docs there are unsympathetic one.

Oh wah that doctor very bad.. It's very troublesome to have to go back and extend cos gotta travel so far when already not well.. Then when you preggy better not go back there.. Or you go to the private suite.. I heard the doctors there are better and less waiting time.. When i was preggy at my 5th week that time, my gynae just gave me 2 wks mc straightaway and extended it at subsequent follow up, so that can rest at home.. My friend at TMC also.. Her gynae just gave mc straightaway when she preggy.. Must look for understanding gynaes who know how anxious we are cos of our previous experience..
My girlfriend whom give birth to her first bb, also had terrible moment over kkh. While waiting for her contraction, the nurses treat very harsh. On half way of delivery, she scream in pain. There a nurse scolded her n even commented, why she in bed enjoying, she dun scream that loud?! But due to her half way of delivery, she keep her cool bcos she dun wan anything wrong.

I will never throw myself into any gov hospital for delivery.
Also notices that female medical ppl tend to be more harsh toward us. While I'm ready for D&C, a female anesthetic dr attend to me. She asking me, why do u need to stay for a night? I say that Dr wanted me to observe. She laugh at me loudy, I was so piss but I endure cos she was attend to me. Then inside the bed, she again ask me the stupid Q. I stare at her n told her, anything go n ask my Dr, who was at time washing his hand. Laying at the bed n staring at the huge light, I was so scare n sad. She poke my hand for the drip, she couldn't find any blood out from me due to my tension, she asking, why am I so scare? My mouth drop! I stare at her n told her, it my first baby n my first D&C! She smile at me n look away. Shorty I was put to sleep. Horrible!!

Thanks that my Dr was very caring.
He keep at eyes at me until I was awake aft the D&C. He came the next day to ensure I'm fine, he do all the paperwork for us n pass me the MC to me himself. He even ask a priest whom happen to be at the hospital n pray with me. My hubby n I was touches by his care.

Oh dear that sounds like a very bad experience.. Was it at kk?

I was given very good care at nuh which is also govt hosp.. I was actually warded for 3 days, d&c on 4th day cos really confirmed bb couldn't survive and a pregnancy tissue had already slipped thru cervix.. Before the confirmation, the nurses and doctors really took good care of me and told me they'll do their best.. 1st nite i was at b2 ward cos i tot since my employer can subsidize, but changed to b1 ward from 2nd day cos i'm private patient, my doc can't come to b2.. Even at the b2 subsidized ward, the ward doctors and nurses were very caring.. On the 3rd day when confirmed miscarriage, a nurse came in with a box of tissues for me and held my hand and comforted me.. 10 min later, a gynae specialist nurse came in to comfort me and help me talk thru it.. She shared with me her own experience too..

After the d&c, my doc came to check on me and asked if i wanted to go home to rest instead of staying at the hospital.. He got the nurses to bring me dinner.. And told my hubby will be good for me to get good rest at home instead of at the hospital.. When i was discharged, the nurses came to help me remove the drip and the plasters on my hands.. Was very sticky, so they took quite a while to slowly and gently remove.. I thanked all the nurses as i was leaving..

That's why my hubby and i decided to stay with the same doc and hosp.. Cos we want the subsidy for ivf, so still need to be at govt hosp..
Celest, min,
As i was reading ur posts n writing this, i was really filled with hatred n anger... if ask me to list all the bad things kkh did to me, ten days also cannot finish..
I cannot forget the doctor who laugh at me when i alsk her whether she is confirmed tt i miscarried. And the doc who refused to give me mc at well as those trainee nurses who poke my left veins and right veins and tell me they cannot find the right veins and got to give up, their mentor came and told me she got no choice but to poke the back of my palm or the vein near my wrist area because her trainee made a blunder with both side of my veins at the elbow there. And she even dare to warn me tt it is going to be painful.... she did not sound sorry at all. She made me sound like i m the one at fault.... and they are all foreigners.... no offense but are u sure our country really imported the right talents?
I also don't have very good experiance with the o&g at Kkh .. The gynea's attitude is jus ~ not caring? Thus I told my hubby Next time I rather spend $350-$400 for my gynea to come down and check me as a out patient.. Kkh gynea seems like jus working for the sake of working .. They don't seem to wanna answer our question properly .. Haiz .. Though gotta admit they are cheap when u see them after office hr ..
Actually not only gynea from Kkh , some private gynea are really not caring as well .. They like to throw the responsibility to the patient .. Last time when I am pregnant with my boy , the 3th month down syndrown blood test I got a 1:52.. He wanted me and my hubby to go down ASAP ... Then say this and that .. When asked him what to do .. He suggested the 3rd month placenta test .. Then when I say okie .. He say the test might cause ur baby to be born deform ! Then he mention the amio test at 4th month ... But keep emphasis how serious I am .. Trust me , I cried the whole night .. From 2% I thought it's okie till he talk till I felt like my 2% is like 200% .. Hubby is so worried I might even end up with pre natal depression before I am able to last till the 4th month test .. But managed to change to this current gynea which is able to give us a better picture of what is going on ..
Princesslaopard how much is the chao du? hows the procedure like? how many days do u need to be there too?

sorry for so many question. Thanks

where you stay? i registered for a Mass Chao Du for my bb at Wan fou Lin (in bedok)
The Chao du is on 9 sept. I may be attending and bring some milk along. Now, u can still register...Cost is $50

Alternatively, u can try Singapore Buddhist Lodge.
Their Chao du also in 7th mth but i am not sure if it is closed for registration...
Cost is $30

Otherwise, u could also check any nearby temples, most temples got mass chao du ceremony in 7th mth


Oh dear, who is that gynae? care to share?
really unprofessional leh.
I am not going back to KKH anymore, gonna go to a good Gynae next time round... my friend recommend me Dr henry cheng in bishan
