Support group - Miscarriages

Windy> Hugs. I understand the disappointment.
For me, from knowing I was pregnant to becoming no longer pregnant was 3 days too.
It happens but don't lose hope. *jia you*
Thanks for the advice, I'll rest and be laze around at home then. Lifting hand weights should be ok yah?
Anyone can advise when it's best to drink DOM? Day or night? After/before food?

Hi Windy,

Sorry to hear that. Dun give up, keep trying. One day you will succeed!!


I usually drink DOM before bed, cos can sleep better...haha
But Dr Su ask me to add in to the medicine she gave me, so now i took it after dinner, together with medicine.
hugs for you tomomi, pegg66 and windy..
it's a very difficult time i know but try to think positive and tiao your body before trying again..

hi ladies..
i've just came back from my bloodtest for autoimmune disease..i almost teared when i talked to doc on my case .. now nervous about the results in 3weeks' time ..

i also did a Pap smear..a friendly ladies might want to do it too
Shoppixe, u start yoga oredi?? I still have some paint at lower abdomen after the surgery .. Not dare to exercise...
U recover so fast !
i went through that series of tests as well.. i know its a long wait though only 3 weeks, imagine he say he taking 19 tests, sending to 3 different hospitals for the different tests.. don't be disappointed , i actually walk out smiling after my rheumatalogist explained to me ... cos there are solution that is there to help ...
i also kept crying when my GP roughly explained to me, but things are not as bad when the specialist explain .. how come u will go for auto immune tests...?

hugs.. i know how u feeling as well..
I just need to share this. I have 2
miscarriages already due to the problem of my
uterus. I was kinda losing hope of having a
baby at that time, Until a friend of mine gave
me a kechara wish fulfilling chakras. She
said, I can wear it around my neck, use it as
bracelets or just keep them inside my pocket.
So I did exactly what she told me and after 3
months. Unexpectedly, I got pregnant again and
had a safe delivery. This might be an idea to
try folks.

i tried the method of adding DOM into Dr Su Medicine , which Dr Su also advise me to do so....
but i somehow feel that it caused me to be very awake... dunno why.... then tonight i stop doing so...

thanks for sharing
any idea where to get this kechara wish fulfilling chakras?


Big hugz !! we understand how you feel...
Don't give up.... jiayou
things will really get better... find a good TCM to tiao your body back before trying...
Jiayou Jiayou!! Dun give up hope.
Most imp is the mind set we must have, stay positive & dun give up.
Soon our rainbow baby will come into our life.

Recently my friend intro me a book of Law of Attraction.
It a very nice book that make my life turn more positive. As wat u think, will affect wat u recieve or happen in the future. Google search and u able to see more info abt it. HUG HUG!

Dom is to drink during the night time.
My previous TCM recommend me to mix with some warm water, bcos it can be quite strong to drink it alone. Maybe bcos i dun drink alcoholic. Hehehe! Some of the girls here does drink the DOM itself too.

Maybe different people react differently. I sleep better that way.


Havent see you for so long. Miss you!! Dun worry about the test results, stay positive!!
I know abt that ... Was been given by my boss last time ... He can't stop repeating .. Hahaha .. But I watched the DVD version .. But that was 6 yrs ago .. Not sure if it's the same thing ..
i just wanted to rest my mind about any underlaying reasons that might have caused my mc. Cos the last time i had a natural mc and no checks were done.

hehehe miss you too
Was busy being a supervisor for my mum's room reno and finally finished so now got a bit more time for pc work hehe..but still hv to do painting these days b4 7th mth (my parents a tad pangtang)

as long as renovation is started before 7th Month, it does not matter if it continue within 7th month....
i just completed my renovation last year... so i check about it already haha
princess..haha not so much to do after these 2weeks..just lotsa shopping to do after
i need to get red dates/longans/chinese herbs to bring back

i see jhw..but i want to quickly do quickly finish hehe...
U still in singapore? Good to hear from u again.
My renovation start a week before ghost festival, so no problem. But Eldery can be very pantang, they still wish the renovation will be finish before the ghost festival starts. Hehe!
I understand what u saying, my friend keep pester me to see the video too. Can't stop until I really watch it. Hahaha!

I wasn't sure Isst the same content that u watch 6 year back.
6 years ago I was still messing ard with my wedding preparation. Lol... But dun think there is any changes bah. Roughy shd be the same. *^^*
It time to give a good break.
Who knows, the more we dun care n it might strike. Wink!
That wat happen to me when we been ttc for years.
Snoopy> Slight pain from time to time.
Quite bearable. After reading here, Yoga also not advisable. Think I will really take it easy & rest.
Tried DOM last night, these days weather very hot... after drinking DOM, perspire until very jialat. *I don't sleep in aircon environment de*
Princess> I drank the small cupful... no dilution. Should I dilute?
Ladies> I just had my first real bath! Shioks! I feel clean.
U finish ur mini confirement? Congrat!!
Continue drink LRD, that wat my TCM keep reminding me. *^^*
Working hard for 1 year finally got it but end up is a chemical pregnancy. Like to take a break from ttc at this moment, hubby is busy too which I think not a good time to ttc.

If u r ok to take it straight, its fine but bit by bit. If not dilute them is ok too, personally, I dun take it straight as I find it too strong. I dilute with warm water when I drink DOM alone in the past.

How's everyone?
I think im coming back here soon...
Yesterday went for check up gynea cant find the bb hb anymore. Tml gg for a 2nd opinion with another gynea.. Haiz
I had my D&C with Dr Irene Chua almost 2 mths back. Very nice and experience dr. She was featured in the channel 8 medical program few months back
Hi Min81,

Did you go to NUH and do the check up before? Thx

Hi Piggy81,

How Dr Irene Chua fee like? How much is her D&C cost? Thx

One of my gf see Dr Irene Chua. She mentioned she is very nice lady, service very good. But did not mentioned abt recurrent miscarriage. My gf used to have threatened pregnancy, Dr Chua was her 2nd opinion and she saved her bb.
Really hope she can give me good news arghhh very sian to keep happening this kind of thing. My current gynea like bo chap aiyo
Why did not change gynae since you dun like her/him? Somemore your case is recurrent miscarriage. Earlier posts some ladies are talking about doing some tests to find out if we have any problem that cause the mc. Maybe you want to scroll up and have a look?

I have not done the tests myself.. After my mc, i have to admit that i'm afraid it will happen again.. If it really happens again (touch wood!), i will go there to get everything tested..
First get a new gynea that u are comfortable with.
For the test, maybe u can seek advise from ur gynea.
Share with him/her abt ur cases. Believe they able to guide u n show what can be done. Big big hug!! Stay strong...
the total surgical fees was less than 2.5k including anasthesia. First time consultation at $150
Will definitely look for her if i am pregnant again.
Pray everything is ok for you


Sorry for your loss.

If really want to tiao your body back, then visit a tcm is a better choice. Meanwhile, dun drink or eat cold stuffs. LRD tea is good. Avoid food that is liang, eat more food with ginger.

Take care and rest more.
