Support group - Miscarriages


today i ask my TCM, she ask me not to take Multivitamins.... hmmm , so Now i am wondering should i still buy the Kordel Bio Liquid Multi that Min recommended or not?

I too been lazy ard. Having done a exercise for while, but will start my engine by tomolo. Fats growing too. Bth to see my weight. Arg... Gain 2 kg in within 3 mth. No more excuse for us. Lol...

How did she manage to scold ur hubby? Haha!
I was also given 2 weeks medicine. I'm so happy n told Dr Su, finally I was in a 2 week medicine! She laugh. Every week report to her clinic, I think the fish can recognize me too. Haha!

Yeah man ! I used to see the same group of patients every week.... now two weeks, can No need to go too frequently liao.... imagine Bedok to Bukit Batok every week, really damn sian....

I told her my hubby say Miscarriage is my Fault, Not his fault.... She scolded my hubby say "请你不要再说这种话了,好不好??“ then she told him he need to take care in order to give healthy sperms to me, and that the medicine she give to him on monthly basis, is to Improve the Sperms quality.

Actually i'm not taking multi vit.. It's my hubby.. For me, i take vit c and omega 3 for general health, folic acid for ttc and vit e for my skin probs.. I generally try to eat everything in moderation.. I love food.. Haha.. All kinds of food so i guess all varieties are covered.. Certain things i go for healthier choice, like brown/red rice, wholemeal bread/pasta.. Since you're seeing tcm now, maybe wanna heed her advice.. If not, seems like there's so much to take..

Avocado, princessleopard, celestine,

For my case, have always been underweight.. Guess wat, in this 1.5 mth that i stopped work, i've put on about 3 kg!! I tried to put on weight since young but not much success.. I guess less stress when stop work.. That's why was telling avocado go into teaching for free exercise.. We run up and down stairs all day and also perspire a lot cos no air con in classrooms.. Haha..

i see.... i actually feel like getting multi vits for both me and hubby to eat.... but seems like TCM discourage, so for the moment, probably not getting any le.... Same as you, me and hubby taking Omega 3 for general health, folic acid for TTC....Our Omega 3 come with Vit E.... because it is a must to take Vit E due to the fact that Omega3 will somehow inhibit the absorption of Vit E, something of the sort that i heard of.... i also taking wholemeal bread every morning hehehe as well as brown rice whenever i got chance....actually i am quite disciplined when it come to food so i more worry for my hubby who are not as disciplined as me...

Oh i've not heard about omega 3 inhibiting absorption of vit E.. Lucky i've been taking both.. Haha..

I cook brown rice every weekday so my hubby and i eat together.. Maybe you cook that at home too so your hubby got no choice.. Brown rice or go hungry! Hehe.. But i mix 50% each of brown rice and white rice so not so dry.. You can also use brown/black sugar in place of white sugar..

Oh and i live in bedok too
Woooo!! It a wonderful feeling when Dr Su siding us rite. Haha!
She a lady, so she able to sympathy us more. Love talking to her all the time. Hehe!

Before I'm pregnant, I'm consider average weight.
Until I lost my bb, weight keep increasing none stop. Might be my age had slow down, or my hormones. Before I search for Dr Su, another TCM saying I was having water retention. Just encourage me to go brisk walk more to reduce it. After a few mth, I did reduce a few kg but mt wt bounce back once I stop. Haiz!

It could not be the fats inside us too. Might be the low circulation in our body n causing the weight gain. Do excerise more often. Jiayou!!

oh actually Dr Su never say multivitamins not good.
when i ask her whether i should take multivitamins, she say don't waste money. As long as i listen to her, keep taking tonics like ba zhen and LRD tea, eat the right food and take her medicine promptly... there is no need for me to buy a multivits, but folic acid and omega3 is ok for me to continue...

Then i asked how about my hubby... she said: "no need lar, u let him eat so much supplement he also cannot absorb, wats the point? anyway the medicine i give him already can help to improve his Sperms Quality and tiao men health in general...


Yeah man !!! i am so happy !!!
then my hubby don't dare to talk back at all...
he started to 听话 today le...
Dr Su also said I got water retention during the first week that i visited her... but at that time, i just m/c only, so she ask me not to exercise first.... but she say Concentrate on eating tonics will help us reduce Water Retention by alot.... Indeed !!! my tummy become SMALLER when i kept taking tonics, i even can wear those T-shirt that used to show my bulging tummy.... I didn't even exercise at that time...
That wat happen to my hubby too, dun dare to speak a words. Shiok!!
Now my hubby taking Blackmores men performer multi, it was recommend by his colleague whom wife just got pregnant after visiting Dr Su. Next trip, will bringy hubby along n ask if it really good for him. Think I shd start omega3 too. *^^*
Celest, u have to check if the multivitamins u taking now contain omega3 or not. If have, u no need to get a separate one le.

Though dr su say no need to take multivits , i still have the urge to buy leh, chamz...
I'm not taking any supplement yet. So think of buying ocean health fish oil. Saw promotion in unity n guardians, duno why end up buying EPO. Hehe
Spoke to my hubby abt the EPO, he still thinks that best to eat only during my AF to ovulation. Dun wan any problem anymore. Hehe!

Since Dr Su say it waste of money, then why still get it. I use to ask Dr Su abt royal jelly, she also say why waste the money. Just continue take her medicine n trust in her. We got to believe in her medicine, since already spend so much time n effort on TCM. Shd continue n trust in her.

I see. Then I will let my hb continue taking multi-vit cos he is too picky with foods. I dun think he is getting enough nutrients from the natural foods.
Ya, celest and princess...

But the.problem with my hubby is not being picky with food but eating too much junk behind my back...
When he accompany me to dr su, i will ask her to feel his pulse, even if he is not seeing her. Dr su always can tell that he still eat junk...
hi jhw,
what is LRD tea? i tink beta take multivitamin.Hb & me take multivitamin. But i take alternate days,or once every 2 to 3days.On top of that,i take probiotics,EPO & vitamin E.

I read few articles abt multivitamin & supplement.Can take if not getting enuff nutrient fr. daily food.But take in moderation.

hi ladies,
how u manage to ur hbs to go for sperm test?My hb only went once few yrs back.The result is normal,sperm qty is very good,sperm quality is so-so.Gynae didn't ask him to take any pill so he think problem lies on me.
my TCM advised me not to take fruits,raw food ,spicy food & gluniuous rice,coz my spleen not good.

but how to resist? I always muz take fruits if not end up constipation.
seem no one stay at west....all stay at north or east side...sigh...

no nid to worry coz my frd's hb who is GP,likes to eat potato chips n other junk food. They've a boy....

U know,my neighbour who is an indonesian,the couple is abt mid 30s,both of them smoke and they've two kids.They're also quite plump,nvr see them exercise.They really smoke a lot...Yet they've healthy kids...


LRD tea is Longan Red Date Tea... did you drink?
my TCM advised me to drink everyday until I pregnant..... you should try too !!! it warm your womb and somehow regulate our menses problem too... Best to use Seedless Red date to brew....
During Menses period, Change Longan to Black Sugar. Do give this a try ....

my TCM also asked me Not to take any Raw fruits, Salads, Yogurt, Fresh Milk, Soyabean, Cheese... All Must stop.... Cannot take Watermelon, Bitter gourd, Old Cucumber, Green Tea, Barley water too ..... But She told me, i can continue to eat Mangoes, Jackfruit and Durians... Durians are the best.... Papaya and Grapes, she say can eat Occasionally

ya i also realised some people everyday smoke drink eat junk still can get healthy children...
u see those teenagers..... anyhow anyhow also can shot gun... i wonder why we so difficult to carry baby to full term

I agreed. My bil & sil both very fat, ate junk & fried food everyday. They both smoke. But they can conceive every easily. Now, 2nd one coming.

Why we are so careful yet not happening?
no le,nvr time to lunch & dinner for son+hb oredi no time...sigh..

Weather very hot le...if drink LRD will make our body even hotter?? do u boil the LRD wf rock sugar or normal sugar?

teenagers r young,so their eggs & sperms r fresh.I remem when i was young,i could swim in AM,shop the whole orchard road in PM,pubbing at night....Now,cannot a bit oredi breathless...haha...

hi princess,
i tink ur bil & sil no stress....I realise Malays conceive easily...See they eat all the fattening food such as nasi lemak,mee rebus,kuih..But they give birth as easy as ABC.While we try A to Z methods,still cannot..heehee..
true true,my TCM also asked me take durian/jackfruit..but these fruits make my breath so smelly le...but good to take more if wanna scare away those salesperson who always pester me to buy their insurance/investment plan..heheh
I never put any sugar because red date already quite sweet le. maybe try to drink at least twice a week for your case?...
Actually, my friend tcm ask her to eat more high calories food... good for ttc fertility issue... now u mentioned , maybe it is true...

Probably. They ate very fatty food also. But I do not want to end up like their sizes and weight leh. sil not stress, but her hb very stressed to support her tai tai life.
hi all ,

i am new to the forum ...

i had my miscarriage in march/april ...

i do understand what u all feel abt ppl who smoke who still get healthy baby... Cos before i am pregnant with my first boy, i am a smoker, in fact i smoke for a few months during my pregnancy before i really stopped... my boy is healthy and my pregnancy is rather smooth.. though i got bad sleeping habit.. and i am always exposed to 2nd hand smoke ( cos when playing mahjong, every one is smoking inside a aircon room though i am not smoking .. ...)

but this miscarriage, i am a non smoker for 2 yrs plus , stopped drinking , better lifestyle and not exposed to 2nd hand smoke .. always question myself abt ' why~' 'why will it end up this way '.. but maybe its all fated ...

till today i still cant get over it though i must put on a strong front ... cos my brother's wife is pregnant also, and her pregnancy is only 1 week before mine.. so i will always be reminded ...

i went to pick up yoga 1 month after my miscarriage, it did help me emotionally wise..

Wah so qiao, didn't know we're same age too


I use black sugar for my LRD cos it has warming properties.. I add it to my raspberry leaf tea too.. Wherever possible, in baking and cooking, i prefer to use brown/black sugar.. Unlike refined white sugar, they have molasses (by product in the process of extracting sugar from sugar cane or sugar beets) added back in.. Molasses contain potassium, calcium and other minerals.. Besides being healthier, i also love the full bodied flavour
Hi tomomi,

Hugzz.. Sorry to hear about that.. I had my miscarriage early april too.. Concidentally, my hubby's brother's wife also got pregnant a week before me.. I understand how you feel, especially now seeing her in her third trimester..

It's good that you're leading a healthier lifestyle now.. It shows you're really trying.. Take a good break before you start ttc.. Hugs..
nono.. i had a healthier life before the miscarriage.. that's what make me worse.. did tell my hubby that maybe i should jus start smoking and drinking again ( i am just joking with my hubby ).. its only that after the miscarriage i choose to pick up yoga ..=P

i actually helped them do the shopping for the newborn which will due in october.. thinking on the bright side.. as least their is fine =)

Ya i guess everything is fated.. I had a healthy lifestyle from young.. Haha.. And doctors tell me i'm healthy.. So i guess it was disappointing for me to try so many years and not succeed.. My sis-in-law is overweight, picky about food (don't eat many veg, don't eat fish, etc), drinks, older than me, but got preggy few weeks before wedding.. I'm the kind to polish up my frirnds' dishes cos they like to pick out bean sprouts and peas and stuff like that.. Well, looking on the bright side, i conceived once with iui, i tell myself it means i can conceive
Any SOP on when after miscarriage or surgery then can exercise? I feel like jogging again... right after "mini confinement"?
Hello ladies,

I had just done the D&C operation last Saturday. Actually this was the 2nd time. The first one was done in November last year. Not sure whether this is due to my age which i am 35.

However my gynae keep telling me not to give up and try again. My hubby believed this is fated n not due to age.. Glad he has been supportive all this while n my mummy has been taking care of me during this period.. Both of them are my pillar support...

could it be due to that after you started to eat healthy, and you happen to take all the "liang" food... According to TCM, liang food cause womb to be cold ... did you happen to frequently take cold fruits? green tea? barley? or some liang cha or old cucumber soup kind of thing?

But True, Sometimes, it is fated de..
if it is fated to be mine, it will be

i have a friend also preggy same period as me... going to give birth in Oct/Nov liao...
i cannot imagine the day she invite me to her baby shower.....


Big Hugz to you !!
you can always talk to us...
do a good confinement starting from now, and try again.. don't lose hope !!!!

actually after my miscarriage i found out i got ANA positive ( really long story if u wan me to explain the effect ).. was being referred to a specialist and took a series of test ... he actually took 9 tubes of blood at one go and put me on 19 blood tests.. cos they are worried i got some auto immune stuff, and under the auto immune 'family' , 4 of it will cause miscarriages / kill the baby ... one of it is lupus ..

i am glad that everything came out fine , and even if it develop into one, i know how to deal with it .. though blood test result came out fine, the specialist started me on baby aspirin or 'regulate' my blood since i wanna conceive again.. medically wise, me and hubby already did our best to find the cause and see what we can do ..

no la... food really not a problem unless i spam on those 'liang' stuff after i know i am pregnant .. haha .. the funny thing with me is that.. i am always able to know i am pregnant jus 1-2 days after i miss my period ..

my miscarriage is a chemical pregnancy.. the baby did not grow well... HCG was 70 when i first got to know i am pregnant, then 1 week later when i test i only got 189 ... i was been tested cos i keep having pitching pain on one side till one day i cant take it , having 'cold sweat' while eating .. went to TMC and they called my gynea down .. scan nothing, and blood test result is really bad since its only 189 ... gynea warn me that miscarriage might gonna happen ...

she did explain to me, some pregnancy are not meant to last cos there is some problem ( mine was one of them ) .. it already happen the day we conceive ...

U mean 2 weeks after mc? My gynae ask me to wait 1 month. Even after 1 month, I ask her. She say start with slow swim first. I cannot even start cycling. Cos back then I only do these 2 sports. I dunno if its coincidence, 1 month after mc, I run after my niece for a short distance, my spotting came back heavier than usual. I think better take things easy first.

Sorry to hear about what happened.. Hugz.. Take good care.. Did your gynae suggest that you go through any tests?


Glad to hear your test results came out fine.. How did you find out you are ANA positive? Did your gynae ask you to go through any tests cos of the miscarriage? I had asked my gynae, but he said usually it's not done for 1 miscarriage as it's usually attributed to chromosomal abnormalities..

Don't think there's any SOP.. But i actually waited till i had my first cycle which was 5 wks after mc.. When that ended, i started on brisk walk, did that for a mth before starting jogging.. 2 weeks maybe a bit too soon? Are you still spotting? If still spotting, then maybe better to wait till it stops..

my gynea did not ask me to go for the test.. to gynea, miscarriage is really common unless we have recurring miscarriages.. then they will consider to ask u to go for it ...

since young i have a problem with my joints, my joints are forever flaring up for nothing .. blood test yet no result no reason no cause~ in myth since 5 yr old i tink .. during my last pregnancy, my joints flare up so badly i cant even use my wrist to buckle my bra.. my mc made me really weak, even 1 week after , i was been told that i look grey .. =.= thats why i went to a chinese dr and she sugggest me to go for the test ( i went to my GP to test again ).. the same test was been done by my gp 5 yrs ago and it was fine .. ana falls in autoimmune family which are things like tyroid, RA factor etc etc , my mum got RA factor .. thus the specialist i see is a rheumatologist ... he was been referred after i told my gynea that i had ANA positive ...
I dunno how to swim/cycle... So jogging has been my main exercise and it helps me to perspire. TCM doctor say I don't perspire enough, no good for my body. Jogging also helps me clear my mind. Although emotionally getting better, but I still cannot talk about it without choking/tearing.
I'm still spotting though.
I was thinking of continuing to drink DOM after the "mini confinement". Is there a "best time" to drink it? Morning/Just before sleep?
Thanks for all the advice!
Peggy> Stay Strong! Keep your hopes up!
My mummy has been cooking the confinement food to "bu" my body. Actually I am afraid to try again but still hope to have my own baby.

Glad to have this forum to support one another... Din tell my in law this time as dun want to get them disappointed and will be very stressful when we meet up...

Hi tomomi,
My hubby has asked the gynae to check whether both of us are healthy before i start to conceive again. But the gynae think is unnecessary. Maybe I will get my gynae to do the auto immune test . May I ask how much did u pay for it.?

I think its better to wait a while more. Till no more spotting. Perhaps start with brisk walking instead of running. I think running too strenuous.
try yoga if able.. really helps emotionally ..

jus go to a gp will go, its the test for testing arthritis( things like RA factor, ana, gout etc .. )the chinese doctor wanted to find out something else but instead, i got to know abt the ANA cos its part of the test... abt $100 can settle , go gp will do .. unless something is really wrong, thats when u go to a rheumatologist ... the detail testing cost me a total of $1.2k at first visit.. cos alot of tests are been done .. ( but luckily i was warded so i claim insurance .. and the visit after that can be claim in insurance as well .. ) =P ... u do not need to get ur hubby to test ....

no point getting tested in a gynea cos they will charge u high consultation and the test they send to the lab is the same ... i am sorry i am unable to tell u the stuff in details .. its too complicating and so much alien medical terms which i can never ever remember the spelling ...

some may consider me as tink too much after my miscarriage thus needing to go through so much trouble.. yes i spend a lot on these test which some might find it a waste of money also ..but i got no regrets... i really got no regrets ... and i find it very well spent.. cos even if its not related to pregnancy, i know one day i need to see a rheumatologist as well .. i jus wanna know what is happening.. even if nothing is happening, at least i know there is nothing happening ...
What i heard from my TCM, Now is not a good time for u to do any harsh exercise. U got to wait till u totally clear from ur spotting. Ur womb is still under shock aft the D&C which need a long time to rest it. Jogging might harm ur womb. So best, allow ur womb to rest til no more spotting.

Peg66 & Tomomi,
Sorry to hear abt ur lost.
If we really wanted to know the cause of each MC. It can be super complicated. Only way is to do Tons of blood tests.

At first, we did wanted to know the cause of my MC then was told by my Gynea. He will never recommend me to go for it. Unless i MC more then 3 times *touch wood*. He told me, his wife MC twice too. Now they already have 3 wonderful child aft they learn how to let go and relax their mind n body. Sometime it all abt our lifestyle that we had. Stress and pressure is mainly the cause factor.

Glad you had the tests done.. I don't feel that you are thinking too much.. I don't think any of us here will think it's waste of money to go through tests to find out why we mc..


I think since you're spotting, maybe you wanna wait before exercising.. I believe that if you're still spotting, it means body still in process of healing..

I agree with tomomi that yoga is good too.. I picked it up 2 mths after mc.. Just remember don't do during menses or when spotting..


NUH has a panel of doctors who specialise in investigating causes of recurrent miscarriages.. Not sure if you and your hubby wanna go for any tests.. Here's the link..

Hope it's useful.. Rest well and take care during this confinement period..
Sandra: Hi dear still cannot PM u wor.. U have to go to Profile, Prefernce, then untick Do not send me "Private Message" e-mails from other board users, then i can send u PM
min81 & shoppixe,
agree with min not to do during menses.. so if u really gonna start yoga, try do it after u stop spotting.. reason cos , yoga might stimulate certain points which make us bleed more.. i am glad i found a great yoga teacher...
min81, where is ur yoga centre?

ya, they always say unless 3 times .. i also agree with what u say .. probably for me is a bit different cos i experience bad joint pains all along .. thats why test are needed .. plus mummy got RA factor ... so my risk are higher since tested out to have ANA positive..

hi ladies,

i had tried for a year and finally got +ve test last month but it didnt last at all.. after 3 days i started spotting and end up its a chemical pregnancy. Now everything start from point A again.. going thru the trying and seeing mense come really makes me feel so moody.
