Support group - Miscarriages

princessleopard.. tks, really hope so..still waiting patiently for my first AF..

yaataa.. my tcm asked me to take royal jelly to balance hormones instead..

summernite.. tks for the encouragement!

I had bleeding from light to medium heavy on sat n sun n with cramps like mestrual but bearable. Till now still got light bleeding n light cramps. Duno if I had mc. Anyone miscarriage the same situation?
I went to the hospital on sat night for double dose injection n advise to take 3 hormones pills per day. Will be having checkup on this sat.
happymok, are you in your 1st trimester or? Your bleeding sounded like mine..i would advise you to go A&E to check/scan immediately this sat is too long wait..
taurus76 im taking royal jelly too now, just that be careful if you have any pre existing conditions like cysts, endo etc cos it'll make condition worse
Chrisl: ya, early prenancy stage. Cos told doc on sat Liao he told me to go c him on sat. So no point going to c him so soon s I dun have very heavy bleeding n pain. U mean last time u mc same situation s me? Not very pain only cramps? Then u got do dnc? Reali scare cos last yr did dnc becos of defect fetus during week 13. I din c any clots n greyish tissue.
i see.. last time i had menses like cramps and spotting then gradually became heavier and more pain by the day+ blood clots/ lasted from friday to early sun morning..then natural slided out no d&c..but since now your bleeding stopped then ok lor i suppose..just take care and not walk or stand too much..take care and hoping all's well for you
happymok.. hope everything is ok for you and hope ur beanie will stick ard..

chrisl.. tks, yup i read somewhere too about this before i took the pills as what my tcm told me.. i also read that w such conditions, there are some chinese tonics cant take.. like bak foong wan..
Happy mok, take care and try to do total bed rest.

Liang, I heard from my gynae it's common for menus to be a bit haywire after mc. Will be late or early. Maybe give yourself a deadline and get it check out by then?
mine only came 1.5 months later too cos the D and C bleeding lasted for 2 weeks.. did u factor that in? no worries. i just had a successful pregnancy.
happymok.. dont think so much.. rest and rest..

liang.. mine similar to sumernite.... my af just came 3 days bck.. it does depend on individual.. gynae and tmc told me its btw 4-6 wks.. if your af still not here, do seek help from gynae.. k.. dont stress yourself!
Haiz...went to c gynae this afternoon...confirmed mc..hav to wait for 3 mths to ttc mc is natural with dnc, so normally when will AF cum huh?
happymok, so sorry to hear that. Hugs~~

ur next AF should come ard 4-6 weeks later. Individual varies.

As for when to start ttc, some say 3 mths, but my gynae & tcm say so long as my next AF come back normal, then I can start ttc. So i start after my first AF. What they meant normal is that the flow is the same as the past, the number of days of flow is the same etc.

Taka care & rest well!!
sorry to hear that strong! yes same as princessleopard actually my doc said after 1 cycle can start already..but then some online says 3 months..but i think up to individual if ready physically and mentally should be ok to start..for me i'm starting 2 mths after..
i finally pick up my courage to write here. i am ivf patient and being diagnosed pregnant two weeks back. however, my hcg level was too low and even drop tremendously. hence, the ivf nurse arranged me to see doctor on the next day after my 3rd hcg blood test. the doctor said the fetus was not growing and i will pass it out as menses. i thought it will be a normal menses. so, i don't really bother or in the mood of waiting of menses as i was still grieving about my loss. two days back, my menses came..initially was stain and then follow by flow but not a full flow though. i was so in pain and have unbearable cramp. i thought taking menses panadol will reduce the pain and i have taken about 6 in total but in different timing and i tried to tolerate it till yesterday morning where i had not only cramp, pain but also numbness and cold feet. i felt like dying. i decided to go down to kkh (a&e) and was put on observation room while waiting for the senior doctor to come down. the doctor did some scan and pull out a blood clot tissue from me as according to her it was stuck inside the cervix. the blood clot tissue resemble pig liver (small size). according to her, it was the water bag tissue but need to be confirmed by the lab. the pain was relieved by half after the doc pulled out the tissue. I am still bleeding but not as pain as before. I was told to go back and see my doctor in two weeks. (still awaiting appt date and time from them). I hope by sharing this will give you some ideas what you need to expect next when your menses come for those don't need to go for d&c.

my questions now are :

1) my fetus was stopped growing on week5. do i have to do confinement?

2) when can we start the next ivf procedure? after my this menses or or next menses?

3) anyone can share with me about their experience on ivf short protocol? what are the pros and cons? i was told by doctor he will put me on short protocol for my 2nd ivf. date is unknown yet pending on my menses but never indicate which menses cycle he is looking at.

anyone feel free to chat can message me here. i am resting at home for a week.
Hey niko Michi

Firstly hugs for sorry you have to go thru this unpleasant incident..

I am also ivf-icsi patient, i miscarried mine in week 11.5, natural too. It sounds like your body is trying to push out the sac/plancenta and other tissues thus was so painful..i underwent almost same as you but only difference was i wasn't in hospital but at home so i got the 'lucky' chance of experiencing the bleeding and contractions at home with a shock..

But answering your questions:
1) It's actually up to you, while definitely it's better to do a mini confinement..well just to be sure..

2) I started 2 mths later (as in i had mc in feb then waiting for 2 AFs then will start FET in May) Actually my doc said to wait at least a month before starting. But to be sure i waited 2. In your case now, your bleeding now is NOT CONSIDERED a normal monthly menses. The next actual flow will be considered as your 1st AF after MC.

3) Sorry can't advice you on that as i have not tried any short protocol b4.. perhaps you can join in the other thread here:
to ask more, im sure the sisters there can answer you

Good luck!
Hi ladies..

Had a miscarriage about 3 wks ago.. I had conceived through IUI.. Foetus heartbeat was weak during week 7 scan.. Was sceduled for a repeat scan 10 days later but next day started to have brown discharge.. Saw gynae and was put on jabs.. Hcg showed good level.. 2 days later started bleeding.. Hubby rushed me to a & e.. Doctor asked me to stay in hospital for observation.. Still can see faint heartbeat.. On 3rd day, confirmed miscarriage when doctor pulled out pregnancy tissue stuck at cervix.. Tried to expel foetus naturally but couldn't.. Went thru d & c on 5th day..

Niko michi: i lost bb at 8.5 wks.. Went thru a 2 wk confinement.. No harm.. It's basically to help build our health back faster.. My gynae wants me to wait 3 mths before trying again.. I would like to go straight to ivf but doc would like me to try iui once more.. Haven decided yet..

Would like to check.. It's been abt 3 wks since my d&c.. But i still have brown discharge.. Is it normal? It was actually very little but i went back to wk just today and there was actually more brown discharge.. Wonder if it's cos of the standing and walking..
Hi niko michi, so sorry to hear that. Hugs~~

I think there is no harm doing confinement as it is meant to recuperate your body. Some range from 1 week to a month. I do 1 month confinement cos my MIL insist.

I think its better to check with your gynae when to start the next ivf. I am not sure if its the same with natural ttc.

Take care & rest well!!

Hi min81, so sorry to hear about your loss. Moreover its iui. Chances to conceive through iui should be something very joyful, so sad it end up this way. Is it ur first iui?

I had done one iui before but failed. I am thinking of going for a second try. Now on my 2ww, crossing my fingers that AF dun cum this month.
sorry to hear about that..hugs for you too..

i also had some brown spottings a few times after my should be normal cos of hormones changes n our body..or it could be your AF coming soon..just try to monitor and see..

i see you're in 2ww..all the best!
Chris1, thanks for your hugs and replies. Will check it out the other thread for short protocol. Sorry to hear about your miscarriage. Actually, I just called my mum to break the news. She is fine but she worry about me. I think i will be okay, I just need time to heal. My mum insisted me to do a mini confinement, so will buy all the necessary stuff tomorrow.

i am sorry to hear about your loss too. i will do a mini confinement as my mum insist. btw, i am not sure what is the main different between the ivf and iui. i think my doctor did explained before but i keep forgetting..old already...memory keep failing... anyway, the hospital nurse has called me today to go back see doctor on 2nd may. so, i will check with doctor about the short protocol and the next ivf schedule.

btw, what is ttc and af?

Hugs to you too! All the best for your 2ww!

My mum also insisted me to do one month but i will adjust along the way because one month seems too long for me and i am not sure whether i can tolerate heaty food and herbs.
Thanks Chrisl & niko michi for your well wishes!!

niko michi, while doing the confinement, do note changes in your body if u r worried about the heaty issue. My body is quite heaty type, so when my MIL insist on one mth confinement, i really dun think a need to do so long, as we din go through childbirth. 2 weeks into the confinement, i start to have sore throat & unexplained headaches everyday & no amount of painkiller can treat the headache. I told MIL about it but she ignored. Till I start to have nose bleed & firmly told her all the heaty foods & drinks are too much for my body to take it. Then she stop cooking the confinement foods. I saw that most ladies do 1-2 weeks confinement only.

Hi Chrisl, how's things on your side?
Hi princessleopard
im ok..waiting for my 2nd AF then starting on my new ivf-FET cycle
Tad excited yet can't help feel a bit jittery about things...i keep telling myself --positive thoughts positive thoughts

I think i will adjust my meals. Actually, I am cooking for myself including buying all the herbs for shower. My parents not in Singapore while my MIL didn't mention anything nor visited me. I guess she don't want to make me feel upset, so they give me some space to breathe and calm down.

I went to wet market this morning buying all the necessary stuff for one week with my husband's help. Luckily, my mum pass me a confinement book last year. So, i just browse and cook accordingly to what i can eat for the first 7 days after miscarriage and take note of the little little things that my parents' advise me thru the phone yesterday.

I hope this will be enough to help my body to recover faster. I am thinking to visit Chinese physician this weekend just to check everything okay and need any adjustment. To be frank, this is my first time to seek advise from the Chinese physician. Any recommendation?
Btw, can i check with you all something? I still feel tired as before means when i was pregnant, i will sleep around 8.30 p.m this normal? I don't have any dreams. When i wake up. it will be in the next morning as usual around 8.00 am?
hi ladies

i miscarried on 1 march and am back to give a status update! am waiting for 3 cycles before trying, but cos i bled on and off, dr asked me to monitor the whole cycle.

i spotted quite badly and then got AF exactly 4 weeks after mc. throughout, i tested opk neg. AF lasted about 7 days. 4 days after AF ended (CD11), i bled again. think hormones are totally haywire.

this episode of bleeding lasted about 4 days. tested positive opk on CD 22.

all in all, i think my body is still in adjustment mode. can't wait for 2 more cycles to pass!

i didn't do a real confinement post-mc, but had pig stomach soup and red date tea (my fave!!
Hi niko michi, I see that u have to do confinement urself. Try to rest more in between as now ur body is still weak. Feeling restless & fatigue is normal till ur body gets back to normal.

As for tcm, I know a lot ppl went for "branded" ones. But I went to Chung Hwa clinic at Toa Payoh cos my bff recommended. She had been ttc for many yrs & she got conceived after rounds of tcm there.
Hi yaataa, dun stress & think too much. Just take care of urself now & rest more. Hopefully ur body will adjust back sooner.

Take care!
Dun mind to share ur tcm add?
Was thinking of visiting a tcm to unjust my body back.

Few weeks ago, I'm having spotting after my first menses ended.
Went back to see my gynea. He scan my womb n say everything is well. Spotting could due to my hormones, which he give me some hormones pills. After the medicine ended, next day my spotting starts again.
Hi all,

I'm in a dilemma now. I mc-ed last mth at 6 wks after seeing bb's heartbeat. My 1st AF came this mth. Was given the green light by gynae to start ttc.

However after my mc, I also went tcm in an attempt to 'tiao' my body. The physician's view is that I should never attempt to ttc anytime soon. According to him, my body is too weak and thus I will only produce unhealthy eggs. My womb is also too weak to support a baby. Thus if I get pregnant, most likely will mc. And if I mc a 2nd time, my body might become so weak that I might never get pregnant again. Upon hearing this, I am devastated. He didn't tell me how long it will take before I can ttc again, only that it will be very long (at least a yr) and I had better banish any thoughts of having a baby now.

I am already in my 30s. I can't afford to wait too long. Should I get a 2nd opinion from another tcm? My gynae didn't run any tests after my mc since it was the first. I also got pregnant on my 1st try. May I know if anyone else has experienced this? Or am I the only one with such an unfavourable tcm diagnosis?

Will appreciate all advice.

i felt sad and sorry for you that you have to go thru this..

But i strongly suggest you to actively go to other tcm docs to just listen/seek another opinion..don't just settle for 1, try 3-4 if you can..and well it's a TCM doc so i suggest another professional gynae in addition for some scientific advice thru scans and tests to up your chances.

You might also want to try taking some multivits and also royal jelly to help with the quality of egg production. Oh and you can also try acupuncture to improve egg production as well.

Well remember, 1 tcm doc's advice is not 'death sentence' lor i feel (no offense to your tcm doc)..btw, im in my 30s too..

I am sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs**

I am in my late 30s and same as you, I am kinda desperate to have a baby before approaching 40 as I don't think I will be trying after 40. It is high risk to get 'mongloid' babies means down syndrome child. I don't think I have mental preparation nor financial capacity to take care of this risk.

As posted earlier on, I had my miscarriage recently and I was told by the hospital to go back do urine hcg test and see doctor as well on 2nd may. My 2nd IVF will be scheduled on June but I am not sure whether I will be going for it because I have another concern whether my body can take it or not. I am still a little bit weak although my dh keep mentioning I am very strong and recover very fast..maybe because of his support and my supermum who call me almost everyday to remind me eat this and that and also take note of things I cannot do. Really appreciate for supportive family members.

I also get some TCM contact here so will be going to check it out during this weekend as my dh super busy. My dh's colleague has recommended a TCM clinic near Tiong Bahru Plaza but his friend can't remember the exact name. My dh will decide which to TCM to see later so i will update the thread here.

Now I am still in recuperating at home and doing my mini confinement but my mini confinement will be extend to 40 days now. Sighs..

Princessleopard, chrisl

I think my mum a bit kiasu. She keep mentioning about my childhood asthma and I was weak compared to the rest of my siblings. So, she said you better take this chance to charge up yourself. Since you can be a queen at home now, please make sure you sleep on the bed, cook when necessary and also eat on time, wear socks and sandals at home. No hairwash and shower when neccesary with the herbs. No laptop on the bed and can only listen to music. She is kinda funny but i love her very much. She is my best friend. I try to write out whatever she told me over the phone and she keep repeating and repeating to make sure her message all go thru my brain and stay as long term memory. I feel like I am a little girl again.
cosi*bb, I agreed with Chrisl. u should go for other opinions before coming to a conclusion. Dun feel devastated yet. Since gynae and tcm instructions differ, seek for more advice, ok?

Take care, dear!
niko michi, so glad that u have a supporting mum, how I wish my mum can nag at me now. She had passed on 5 yrs ago. And my MIL is very conservative type, so she find all reasons to blame me for the mc. I cant explain to her what happen, cos bb's heartbeat just stopped.. It's so unexplain. But she always have her ridiculous sayings.

I am so glad to have u ladies here supporting one other.

Plenty of baby dusts to all!!


Hugs..Sorry to hear that your mum had passed away 5 years ago. Actually, my mum and me live distant apart but we still communicate thru phone. Occasionally, we will argue too over little little stuff but still we know that we love each other very much.

My MIL just told my husband asked me not to be upset over this mc. She said everything is destinated in life. However, ever since I mc she never visited me. I am not sure whether she disappointed or upset or give me some space. Anyway, I am okay with it. Maybe because due to my own character, I can bear pain alone but I need time to digest and heal. So, I just make sure I eat well and cook whatever I like. I find that I love a lot of confinement recipes especially rice alcohol ya..being cooking for myself this few days using gloves..try to keep less contact with water..

Over these few days, I have been exploring on adoption option. I am not giving up on trying naturally nor thru ivf yet but just in case. However, I have strong objection from my dh. So, most probably won't be going ahead.

I hope you will be coping well with your MIL. I know some of my friends have nonsense MIL but unfortunately it will be part of your family no matter what happen. So, try to bear with it and focus on yourself. Sometimes, things need time to improve especially bonding...not easy definitely but that is part and partial of our life.
