Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks Christine and Mommytq. Can't help but have negative tot. Later going back gynae hope no bad news but my hubb ask mi prepared for the worst

Qin: yes.. I was so worried when i bleed a week ago.. And was prepared that bb was gone... Cos my mum also bleed when she had my elder sis.. But she say as long no cramp.. Everything is fine.. I had harsh i knew mine was no longer there..

But everyone different case... Dont worry so much...
worries only make ur body stress n it will affect ur preggy.relax...
since u going gynae, let gynae do the rest of the job.
Thanks bunnymuffin

I jus finish seeing Gynae. Everything ok. Gynae not sure about cramp jus mention it might be stretching of the uterus. I suspect I got urinary infection but Gynae say symptom don sound like. Any idea whether drinking cranberry juice help?
qin: congrats!! ur bb is fine!! so happy to hear that.... time being u cannot drink cranberry juice.. u only can eat yogurt.. u can ask for the cream to apply leh...

its safe to use the cream to apply during preggy..but u need to take it from ur clinic... eat yogurt will help... dont take cranberry juice...

its too acidic... drink more water and try to wash it frequently...

oh... so ur bb is growing up well! its a good news for u!! but still if u bleed stay bed rested... its safer! take good care!!~

but then still got phobia
what kind of cream? What the name of the cream? ya lo doc give mi 5 days mc for bed rest. But some days I will need to go work How I wish I no need to work
its call neoderm cream.

its pretty effective. im still using it now whenever i have any itch or infections.

i thinks its better if u stick to the 5 days mc... i guess u really need to put work aside for time being.. for your bb's sake... wait till everything is stable...

why not discuss with ur hub? i guess he will sure suppose u not going to work.. bb is more important now?
Good to hear that. Think best way is to bed rest now. Try not to walk too much or do house chores ie carry heavy stuffs.

No cranberry juice, plain yogurt is good like wat Christine says. Mayb ask ur Gynae for med suitable for Ur case.

Just rest, rest n rest. Dun think so much.

I use before this cream quite good. Hee but not sure now can use it or not?

U are right. Bb more Impt now but if I stay alone at home my mind will anyhow think Tt y my hubb say go work better. I think I will jus take 5 days mc see what my boss say.
Qin: i was given that cream during the first preggy when i had a infection. I got ask is it safe, doc say its safe.
hmmm.. Anyhow think is confirm one.. But keep positive.. Since now doc say ur bb is fine.. Then that shows ur bb us a sticky one! Dont worry too much.. Yup. Maybe are this 5 days, u see how things goes...

If 5 days mc still ask u work, then i guess u should quit.. But still up to you decision.

U can try reading up on things about bb at home. Write a bb diary! Write ur thoughts down, so when u write t down u will not think that much..

And let ur hub read it.. So that he understands how u feel.. Stress is an important role noe for preggy. U have to be completely stress free now..

I read somewhere online that stress can cause lots of problem during preggy. Even complications... Cos ur body may not be able to take it n mc may even take place..

Im very sure my preggy this time round is a bad one i got panicked easily n i look up on rubbish like, wat causes etopic n blah..

N i stress that i cant take watever watever food, i must onlythat oatmeal and drink lots of water. I was wrong when i started out the first step. Until my mum say eat watever i want first... But it was too late..

So relax... Eat wat u wat! But no cold food n drinks ba.. Eat food that is within the preggy chocolate! Can make. Really happy!

Ask ur hub take u out on weekends for shoppin or go by the beach.. Relax... Its a very good remedy for stressful minds..

Im so glad everything is fine for u.. Suddenly feel the touched... Its like finally we have one who is successfully preggy! Hee.. *hugs*
Thk u bluewaterz, christin, mommytq and coyote
Ya, hv been trying so hard n still no good news, very sad but will continue to jiayou.. Same for u gals k, never giveup easily..;)

Hi qin
Congrat to u.. So u hear ur bb hb? Happy n envy u.. Must rest well k n like wht the rest say, bb is more impt than anything else now..;)
joanne: must relax then got good news... i also super tense for the first try.. then no news.. 2nd try no news... until 3rd try when i say i sian liao dont want to force... then i hit jackpot... sometimes must relax abit... :D

but i still do it on my O days... :D still lie on the bed with legs up for 20 to 30mins each time after bd... keke

and i think that somehow works.. u can try! :D

My hubb weekend doing volunteer work after that he will go out with frens I am left alone at home jus like today. Nxt weekend he ask mi go back my mum place Coz he wanna go out with frens on Sunday. Haiz. Quite sad to hear this lo.


Try to relax. Sure can de
Jia you!! Ya today just heard bb hb. But I still having some pain or cramp near my pelvic area.
Qin: huh.. Talk to him abt this.. Its never nice for a hub to leave wife alone at this point. My hub used to anyhow run during my first preggy n i got so emotional n quarrel with him all the time.. N this time round my hub got so anxious.. Instead of me calling him all the while, he kept calling me to check if i was fine at home..

So let him know ur importance now..
Qin, am so happy for you!! *hugz* Do bedrest as much as possible. Work is secondary, Bb is for life. Since you've come this far, dun take any chance.

Sometimes, its difficult to make guys understand that we need their emo support and/ or even their physical presence makes a difference to us during this period of time. If after communicating to hubb and he still wants to engage in the social activities, guess its better to let him be. At least he made the arrangement for someone to be by your side. Dont be upset abt it, its not good for bb. Happy thots always !
Thanks Christine and Mommytq

Haiz I jus guess guys don understand, thinking away I took away his freedom. Weekday he accompany mi but come to Saturday and this sun he got his programme. Is quite lonely to b alone at home during weekend and especially I don stay near my parents. Weekday we have to work by time reach home already 7 plus. I zzz at 8.30pm so yearned he accompany on weekend than weekday. Haiz but he jus say I asking too much. Am I ???
Qin: no i dont think so... I even forced my hub to take two offf days in a weeks just keep me accompany when i was preggy...especially at this point when all the cravings will start coming in...and you ar given a 5 days mc.. Which most likely u have to stay bed rested...

Is really very boring...and somemore u have the fear of history happening again... Therefore... I feel that its like a sense of security when the hub is around ba...

But guys will forever think that, this will messed up their schedule, this will affect them this n that.. Blah blah.. Cos m hub works even on weekends.. He sells guitar so.. It has to be a 7 days job.. One off day per week.. Sometimes, his bosses go overseas for job, he has to work full.. Which really makes me upset..

Even now, when i am not preggy. Whenever he say he has to work i will be damn sian..

Tell him ba... Now u preggy he also dont want to accompany u... Once the bb is born he dont blame u for not accompanying him nor... Simple ma... I also told my hub thsi before...

Got bb le i will spend all my time on my bb... My hub can find his own programme if he feels bored on his off days.
qin >> Maybe he doesn't know how to handle the news of the pregnancy. Some guys are like that... so try to be busy so he doesn't have to think about it. Give him some time to come to terms with it, and be patient with him? Help him understand that he has different responsibilities now that a little one is on the way!
qin > maybe try talking to him how you feel and come to a compromise. like one day, say saturday, for both of you to have own programmes. you can go out with your girlfriends, do facial, pedicure, shopping, high tea etc. then sunday for family bonding time.
Thanks Christine,tethysea and may for your advice

May: now I dare not walk so much I try bedrest as much as I can so I never go out on sat or sun
except to buy lunch or dinner.
Last time we each have our own programme de.
qin > oh missed your earlier postings. yes you need bedrest as much as you can. for now, if he's adamant about going out, no point arguing with him. take care of your health. try to subtly hint how much you need his care during this period. sometimes men, they need to be soft-talked to. i feel if he wants to go out, he should at least make sure that you're well taken care of, someone should take care of your meals. if possible, he should pack or order lunch/dinner for you.

We don stay near parents nor relatives guess no one can help bah. Too far already. And if to go back my mum place she sure will have bad impression ma。Now can Onli take one step at a time.
Qin: oh... I do agree with may on one point that your hub should actually help u with your lunch n dinner.. Like my hub, he get ready my lunch befor he goes to work everyday...

He can cook simple dish, especially healthy meals.. Lots of veggies... Or actually can do catering... Deliver lunch n dinner...

Then u dont have to walk to buy your food... Quite tiring leh...

Thanks. Mmm but my hubb need to work so for lunch I need to walk over to buy, no choice leh unless I order delivery
then hor delivery got min order somemore
lately me and my hubb quarrel a lot over freedom issues too, guess really have to let him have all freedom bah if not keep quarreling also no good for me. Everytime I feel agitated I feel crampy as well. Now bb is my 1st priority nothing else matter. Nxt week going for checkup, I feel so scared Coz my prev mc is week 8. Praying hard. Unlike those who gt no mc before, they go checkup happily but I go checkup with a fear in my heart.
good morning ladies...

qin i know what u mean by going for checkup w fear... thats why i am afraid to even think of trying now..

i think i jus got my first period after miscarriage...

last day of spotting during miscarriage about 10 July, sac etc suspected passed out on 4 July, red bleeding started 28 June. we attempted BD on sunday 24 july and now period? very dark red kind.. so weird.. its only been 15 days since i last spotted/ bled. is this expected?? sigh i feel like my body doesnt belong to me anymore.. no control over it
oh n i started charting a bit.. temps v low less than 36.4 thats why i totally din expect i would get my "period".. online all say must be at least 20 days after bleeding stop then its considered a period. should i call the doctor?
La mer

U did d&c? That time mine din stop spotting and it become more and more. So I went back to Gynae. Gynae say might b due to leftover blood nt being escaped thru the cervix on time. Cervix close fast and not all blood will b able to escape thru. As long there no blood clot it shld b fine. U can also go Gynae there. Think she will give u med to eat to stop the bleeding.
La mer > to be on the safe side, better call the doctor and seek advise.

Qin > can order 1 week trial tingkat, though it may cost a bit more. when i was feeling unwell, hubby bought lunch back during his lunch hour and eat with me. or he makes sure there's food for me at home. bb is your priority, no point arguing with him and make yourself angry and upset. rest well.
Qin: i think the freedom issue leave it aside ba.. U cannot get angry now.. Well, after your bb is born, he will really know wat is call no freedom.. Bb will be ur 24 hr on call duty le...i guess most of the time guys will change after they see the wife give birth.. When u give birth.. Force him to go in n see...

Then he will know ur hard ship.... I had as much fear like u when i went for my check up... N each time is like a rollercoaster ride to me...

When doc say find no sac.... My heart drops... Then he say suspect etopic.. Drop even more.... Then in the end... I mc... My heart dropped out from my mouth...

The feeling is so unreal... Hais... but still rest well..

La_mer: it maybe due to ur bd.. Should not be ur period... It should be some left over blood n ur bd it eventually open up ur cervix a bit at the point n it passed out...
dont worry....

Ur bleeding should not be very heavy.. Should stop in a day or two.. If it continues, then its better to see ur doc..
la mer - after 20days then considered AF? Mine was less than 20 days after m/c spotting stopped. Mine was ard 16-17days and AF reported. It is just like normal AF of 6 days.

Do monitor for a day or 2 and if it doesn't seem normal, give a call to you gynae/clinic. Or email him for advice.
Hi all

I am still patiently waiting for AF after my D&C since mid May. Was told by gynae eta end Jul... super long wait
Hi gals, found this website while browsing..think quite useful and informative ..

im also waiting patiently for my dust to all

Hi qin,
congrats to ur bb..meanwhile rest more and take care. learn to love urself and haf happy thoughts k..happy thots, happy baby later when he/ she borns right;p Jiayou
Thanks for sharing Pretear, very comprehensive info !

Babypom, ya.. am waiting for time to fast forward as well. Can't wait to close off this episode and start fresh again.

Qin, hope you are feeling better now. Sometimes the pregnancy hormones will wreck havoc, keep cool babe

Christine, have you went to the tcm ?
Mommytq: oh i went yesterday! Hmmm... The senseh say my kidney pretty weak, n due to my sinus problem oxygen cannot flow down to my fetus. Thats why i mc.

And she say my lower body pretty cold and upper body is heaty.... So i ask her wat is my main problem,

She say high chance is my sinus, virus infection in my she treating my sinus now.. Then once sinus ok, treat my kidney n uterus.. She say 3 months dont get preggy... Take a break.. But if i happen to be really preggy i have to go back to her immediately, she will help me save my bb from mc.

Her medi is those ready pack... N in capsules. My medi add up 40 bucks but is a week supply...

She say my body inside alot of "wind" i have to avoid chicken, cold food n drinks n cannot eat spicy n Sour food... Hais... All my fave. Spicy, sour.... All cannot eat..

But i think she is good ba... Cos my hub's fren also go see... N hit jackpot bb come out healthy... When seeing the doc, but when she try for another one without the chinese doc help, she mc again... She mc three times then go see this senseh.. Then successfully.. Also within half a yr preggy...
Yup sure! The add is:

Koo cheer yui clinic
Tanjong pagar plaza blk 1


U have to call to make appointment. Cos her slots always full house...if i am not wrong, i heard the nurse say this week fully book... Only after friday got slots... My appointment is next monday morning... My hub also seeing her...

She say my hub too heaty also alot of wind, his liver super heaty... So ask him to be treated as well...

She is closed on wednesday n sunday n public holidays.

Mon, tues, thurs n fri: 10am to 6pm
Sat: 10am to 4pm..

Usually waiting time is about an hr.
Mommytq: yup. She mention, sometimes what the gynae dont know, in tcm we will find out for u...she say no need do tests on blood or what... Use chinese medi to help u.. It always better than taking pills n hurt the liver...

But its a long road for me to recovery.. My sinus is like with me since i was born.. To cut it off need alot of time ba... Hais...
Long awaited AF is finally here! Having light cramp now

First time in my life I am so desperate and "welcome" AF to come
babypom; i understand how u feel, cos that was how i feel the first time i mc... after dnc... patiently waiting n then ended up anxiously waiting....

never love af so much like before.... hoping it comes on time every month....
a good start for you!!! jia you!!!!
Thanks Christine

I got so worried and anxious after reading most got their AF ard 5 weeks but mine took almost 10 weeks

Hope will be regular for the next one then I can try again

Jiayou jiayou !!!
Babypom: wah... Urs is really a very long wait.... Dont worry... It will be regular already! Keep positive mindset!

I also waiting for my first af to come... Had a natural complete mc about three weeks ago...

So still waiting... =) hope it comes soon! =)
babypom >> Congrats on your first AF! Heh. Yes, it is like that for all the girls here... we understand
It's a new start!
tethysea, are u here?

Btw ladies, just wondering if it is normal to have 1-2 days of browm spotting before real AF comes (red col)?
Hi Valerie, I think your cycles after will take sometime to get back to normal. The spotting is old blood... shouldn't be anything to worry about.

I'm feeling very troubled... I'm preg after my first AF, a bit too early I felt, not enough time for body to rest. Started to have spotting from 6wk and really panicked, but went to gynae and saw hb, and bb also growing fine. Taking jabs and meds, plus one week bedrest. Today I'm supposed to be 8w5d, but my ultrasound still shows 8w0d and bb is same size since Saturday. My gynae says not to worry cos sometimes the angle will cause a difference in size and there is still hb seen, but I'm really scared.
Also still having spotting, and don't really have much symptoms even though now is supposed to be the peak of the hormones.
valerie - its normal for me, i always have that before my actual AF.

tethysea - *hugs* can understand your anxiety but since gynae has assured you do trust him/her and everything will be alright.
coyote >> Thanks... Sigh. I googled, today should have been 2cm but it's only 1.6cm - angle difference can be that much? I blame myself for being blur this morning and never ask my gynae indepth... now totally distracted and cannot work. Going to see another gynae just for u/s next week... I think my gynae will scold me for being kanchiong when he comes back.

tethysea - Size varies I guess, some fetus maybe smaller than others but equally healthy. I think as long as the hb is going strong, shld be alright. If gng to any gynae will make you feel more at ease, just go loh.
