Support group - Miscarriages

Thank u ying..;)

Yeh... After finish my duphaston 3 days ago, my first af after dnc Finally here!!! Has been 7th wk = 50 days wait... One more cycle and can ttc again..;)

valerie, u can drink it after your D&C. But this tea must not be taken during your ovulation & 2ww while u r ttc-ing.
Hi ladies,

I had been gone for a week. Yes,went for a scan last wednesday n my gynae misjudge that i had a etopic preggy. But found out tt it wasnt it was a corpus luteal cyst on m right ovary n a tiny sac in my uterus.

I was so happy at first n went for a blood test on saturday to check on my hcg. N my result was all normal n ok on monday when i call the clinic.

But heartbreaking things happen again just two day before my next scan. Which is that im currently bleeding n having cramps quite badly. Went to anoyher gynae in tmc, n he said my sac wasnt growing. N high chance i am having a mc.

Its really a very heartbreaking news to my hub n i. We prayed so hard for a bb n a healthy one but everything turn out the other way.

I waiting for time to pass. Im going back to my own gynae tml at 9am. Although we know its. Really high chance of losing the bb. But i holding on to that small hope of mine. I really hope miracle do happen.

Im only 23 n i have to mc within a yr. Its really heartbreaking. My mil say if there is a tiger zodic family member at home high chance will eat away the bb.

And my elder sis is a tiger. I reall hope its not true. I visit te guan yin temple almost everyday ever since i was found preggy. But then.... Again, i still loss it. Anyone know where to chao du unborn bb? I dont intend to go back to te first one, its alot of money n my hub really spend alot of money on visiting gynae n hospital bills n taxi fare le. So hope to save a little money to chao du this bb.

I hope those who are preggy, have a sticky preggy. Mu hub n i will be putting bb making plans on hold. Going on holidays to really relax ourselves. I guess everything is fated. Hais...
Qin: sorry for late respond. I stay hougang ave 7, the florida condo. I stay with my parents. Hope u are doing fine now..eventually i didnt manage to keep my bb. It didnt carry on growing after the implant. Still trying to recover from the trauma n gong for another scan tomorrow but i doubt there is any hope. Cos im bleeding already. Maybe a natural mc will happen within these few days. Take good care.

Wish u all th best for this preggy. Im sure it will be. Very smooth preggy.

Sorry to hear that. Hope you are doing fine. U are young. Can try again when u are ready don give up. For mi I have been spotting and now on jab twice every week and everyday on hormones pill thrice. Hopefully everything went on well.
Qin: im fine. I think i really recover fast from loss. My hub n i decided to really play n have fun till our bodies are ready. Do rest well, all the best! Yup! I will try again once my body ready. Going for tcm to tiao my body.
christine, jia you!! somehow the mc makes me weary to try again.

even though i don't mop around the house feeling depressed over my mc, i do think of my baby at times, especially sometimes my #1 cosies up to me, i imagine the baby will look like #1 and will be mild and sweet tempered like him..

and i also keep thinking if not for mc, now i'll be one foot into 2nd trimester.. instead of a baby bump, all i have is a flat flat tummy... and my gynae said i still have 7mm lining to shed!!! but if not bleeding or spotting anymore means won't shed itself and need D&C is it? damn sian...

the only bright spark is my son now. he is the love of my life. ... the mc made me realise he really came a long way to be born to me..
La_mer: yup. Hmmm usually if ur lining didnt come off itself, u will need to go thru dnc in order to avoid any infections or complications.

Im bleeding quite alot n my cramp is very harsh.. Hopefully i can discharge everything naturally since its not even 5 weeks. my sac stopped at week 4.

Try takin raspberry tea leaf? It can help expel n help contracting the uterus. U are lucky u still have a son. Cherish him...
Hi christine
Hugz... Hope there will be a miracle for u today.. Else do rest well for at least 3mths before u try again.. I think u can go 居士林 temple to chao du ur bb.. Not much $ require.. Just donate according to ur heart.. Dod u go for various bt to find out what cause it to happen again.. Better do some investigation... Rest well gal n take some panadol if cant tahan the cramp.. Hugs again..
Christine - *hugs* you are still young, no hurry. Just take a break from all these and enjoy to your fullest. Who knows thing might just happen naturally at the least expected. Now most important is to take good care of your health.

La mer - when is your next gyane appt to check on the lining? I will think of it everyday, not on purpose but somehow it happens daily. And my big tummy is constantly reminding me...haiz...
Sorry to hear such news. *Hugz* you're still young, can always try again when you're ready. Take gd care of yourself now and rest well.
Christine, take care *hugs*

Qin, you take care too. Don't stress. Did your gynae give you mc to rest ?

Ying, the nurse never call u to chase up ?

La mer, am sure your no.1 is your best support and consolation now. Jia you ! Don't give up.
Thanks ladies,

Im back from the gynae, saying i had expel the sac n everything seems to be ok. Doc say i had a complete miscarriage. N advice me to go to a specialist to check on my hypertension. Cos he suspect is my hypertension. So going for the appointment next tuesday.

Now changing my diet to pure vegetarian. Hope it helps my hypertension.

My sac stopped growing at week two of conception n i was suppose to be 6 weeks. But he said my fetus did not developed at all.

Im more relieved now actually cos my hub n i finally found the root of the problem. And hope everything turns out well next tuesday.

Joanne: yup we called n checked le.. My hub will go down next week to do the donation.

Yes I was given 5 days mc to rest at Hm. Now every week need to go for checkup to see bb gt grow or not.
Linggie: thanks. Just to ask, how do i know if everything inside had been expel out of my body? My gynae say i am left with a lining. The rest had been expelled. Is it suppose to expel so fast?

Im still having bad cramps. But my bleeding is almost ending. Its not very heavy since the start. And i dont know if my cervix is closed anot...

Although my doc say i had a completed miscarriage. But i read online daying i still have to be careful of any infections.

My gynae also mention my corpus luteum cyst is also gone. It was suppose to be 22mm big. Today scan everything gone. Its like, a dream. Its like i am going for a normal checkup.

My gynae say usually take around 10 days. But i only day two... And everything seems to be coming to an end... Im afraid i am not expelling the rest of the lining.

Do i have to do any confinement? And must i really be bedridden for at least three days?
Christine, is it normal to be left with the lining? i thot all must be expelled out? since my gynae said i still have 7mm.. going to see him next mon. i really hope i dun have to do d&c to remove the lining..

decided i prob wun start ttc until my cycle becomes more predictable. recently cut my baby's bfing frequency again, hope it'll help.

i used to have so good memories going to tmc everytime for #1.. now sian to go there..

somemore last year i kenna a disease that changed my life.... forever.. cant believe i'm so "unlucky"
i just started taking red dates longan tea yesterday since the spotting stopped. then also bird's nest/chk essence..

i have no option to be bedridden despite MC. cuz still have to take care of my baby... seeing him and being with him makes me feel both happy and sad..

i offered him longan from my longan red date tea.. and taught him to say "longan". he pronounced it as "long kang". really made me laugh..

christine, did ur gynae ask u for another checkup to ensure lining is expelled or cervix closed?
Christine >> Oh dear... I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Good that you and your DH are keeping positive mindset, and now that you know what's the possible cause the next one will be healthy and strong! Hope that it's third time lucky for you!

Qin >> Hope you have a sticky sticky sticky BFP! Rest well and take care!
La_mer: sorry to ask but wat disease. Is it curable?

Hummm... My gynae only say wait for 10 days. If after that still have pain and still bleeding non stop, have to go back to him.. Other than tat its fine leh..yesterdsy when i wipe i saw two big lumps of blood clot. But since my sac is all out i was thinking that might e the lining mentioned. I eventually tear down.

Now goingto thorw more money down for tcm n specialist on my hypertension.. Hais.. Really is drain pocket.... I also drinking red dates longan n ginger tea since yesterday..

Planning to go for cervix cancer jab. Sinc cant ttc now... The jab some more need three months to finish all dosage.. Going back to my gynae to do the jab sometime next week or the week after.

Hais.. Hopefully everythin will be better the next time round...two mc is not easy i guess.. Tot will have a new yr dragon baby... My whole family super excited about it some more... Bt now all gone... Dont wish to ttc again until my body is all well. Suspect that my uterus wall lining not thick enough to hold my bb yet... That means three months af to ttc again this method dont work for me! But i had the 5 th cycle then hit jackpot de lor...

5 cycles le still cannot really suspect other things le... Hais..
Tethysea: thanks... Yup.. Getting treated rather than leaving it the way i am n may cause the third mc... Dont want le.. Next yr still dragon yr ma... Maybe got hope? Haha... My hub say rest for half a yr... Try again when we are ready... I was too impatient i guess..
Thank you everyone. I will take care and maintain positive Tot. My hubb say I prone to depression Coz I keep worry. Now go back for scanning always close my eyes dare nt see at all. Hopefully everything goes well.


U take care and ttc when both u and Ur hubb is ready. Go for short trip to relax
Long time didn't come into this forum and "see" so many new faces. Hello to all and best wishes in the ttc journey. Jiayou!

Christine - Sorry to hear the sad news. Hugs and take care. You mentioned about lining not thick enuf. It also didn't cross my mind about the lining part too. Anyway, I went back recently to see my ivf dr and he suggested doing a procedure(SIS) to check that there is no lining problem after dnc. I am doing after my menses for this mth. You may want to check with your dr?
Christine: hugs to u.. Don't think the tiger family member eat bb away, my elder sis is also a tiger, she also never "eat" us away? But my#1 is a tiger, maybe he "eaten" my little dragon then mc? Go pray, i pray for u too. So u are born in yr88? Me too.. Very few youngsters want babies nowadays, u can do it!
Yup after this mc i'm also scared history will repeat itself again for next preg.. Hai.. It's been 1 wk + after d&c and having some bad cramps these 2 days.. Hopefully it's fine.

Dear all, let's jia you!
Dana: but my doc suspect is hypertension problem... I am going for a check witha specialist this coming tuesday n see what he says.. If everything normal then i guess i really have to get my lining checked....

Dragon: yup. I visit the temple at joo chiat every three weeks. I also dont believe tiger eat away bb. My elder sis also tiger... I dragon... Nothing happens also.

I wanted a child of my own since i was 18. And plus my hubby is 11 yrs older. If he is as young as i do i will not want bb so soon.

I dont wnt my hub to be an age of grandpa when the first child is born... So far i had two mc.... Which is like doc still dont want to do the check...went to another gynae at tmc.. He also say dont need to go for any checks...

He say just keep tryin since im young. So maybe i change my lifestyle abit now... Stick to vegetarian meals now. Do exercise... Lucky i did not gain any weigh during this preggy....

I am born in yr 88. I really wonder what is the problem with us. How come will mc at such age...

If ur pain continues, must go back to ur gynae n have a check le... I suspect my lining after my dnc last yr scar my wall... Will listen to dana to go for a check after my appointment next tues n my bleeding ends... See what my doc says... If he really dont want to do it i will want to change gynae le...
Christine: young is young.. A lost is always a lost, we all know that having another one will not replace the lost one.
Yah cramp was quite bad recently till i took painkillers..
U have fb? Check to see if have any prob? I have gynae review on next wed..
Dragon: fb? Faebook ar? Ya lor... Bu dnc shouldnt have such cramps leh.. I remember mine was almost no cramp.. I didnt take painkillers also... Hmmm.. Let u gynae do a good check for u. U will be fine

Yes i agree with u.. I loss two.. And its really heart breaking to see preggy woman now too.. Hais..
christine, its a disease that has changed my face and appearance forever... and i'm not even 30 yet..
i was also telling my hubby abt u, its admirable ur so young and ready for a kid.. sometimes it feels life is unfair in that the most deserving people often dun get what they want easily..

so ur gynae said as long as no bleeding its fine? cuz when i went for last gynae visit, still bleeding quite a bit.. 2 days later v light spotting then no more.. that means its normal?
Christine: yup facebook. Me too, i keep thinking that why the whole world except me can have a healthy pregnancy? Seeing newborns also breaks my heart.. Want to change gynae already, i swear for next preg i will ask for hormone jab every wk and take the hormone pills and folate. Let's make a sticky bb!
La mer: disease change appearance? Sorry to ask, there should be a cure? Hai i remember u from feb 12 thread too right? Jia you i believe everything can be overcome.
La_mer: oh dear... Does it affect your health? Hmmm... I guess i really hope for family life ba.. Cos i dont have a very cozy family since young... Lots of quarrels n misunderstanding.. Although i have got an elder sis but she totally hates me...

So i didnt enjoy my family life.. Therefore i am craving for a family of my own.. To really love my child n give the best i can.

Like my mum say... She dont understand why ppl want to do abortion when we ladies over here are craving for a child of our own so much.. She feel that its unfair but i believe there is a reason for all this mcs we get...

Dragon: yup i have... I did take hormone pills this time round also.. But still dont work.. I still drop it.. Doc also feel puzzled why i still mc when he give me hormone pills to take...

My mum say i have to be bedridden the next preggy... She say my uterus not strong enough to hold a bb... Hais... My cousin's wife also like that she mc 3 times n the 4th time she totally bedridden till she give birth... Less walking more sleeps... Haha...

I think really much have healthy eggs n sperms... Change lifestyle n diet... I changed my life style but not my diet back then... Now change all! Hope the next time round works...

Yes... We shall all have a sticky sticky preggy!
Christine >> Has your husband gone for check up? After all it takes 2 to make a baby... maybe get him to start on some multivitamins. Both of you "bu" together?

My dad is tiger, and he didn't "eat" me or my siblings what?! And we are both domestic animals some more, LOL. Strange superstition.
Tethysea: ya lor.. My hub havent but intending to... I am suspecting my uterus got something wrong... Intend to go for cervical cancer jab n pap smear after my whole mc episode ends this week...

He got take leh... But he very not regular....
Christine: like u, i wanted to have my own children since young but somethings are not meant to be.. Kind of sian, i have this relative, she's preg now, every wk she will come back, i hope im not being to bad here, feeling that i will be affected by her, i go out every wkend. Not sure if i should feel this way, but can't help to think that my bb went to her
haiz! All in all trying to avoid her but she's been trying to "meet", just met her for a while before i brought bb out. Sigh! Can't even say out loud ask her not to come every week not offending her or anyone else.
Christine, i was on hormone pill and jabs for my #1, jabs work faster but needs to jab weekly? Yah bedrest, i also want to bedrest for next preg. Find an easier job, not like current one one man's show myself.. Add me in fb? There should be a test on whether there is hole in the uterus that leaks away bb one.. I also want to change my diet but my hb doesn't want
Dragon: yup sure. Your email? Hmm.. But my gynae keep say dont need test dont test... Unless i had the third mc.. Im like.... Wah lau... Dont so lousy mouth leh... What third mc....

Anyways, my hub n i decided to take a good break for around a yr before trying again...

N going for tcm... Bu my body.. My mum say i too weak.. My uterus too weak n cold to hold a bb.

I not working but i am in charge of house work at home... Somemore i exercise everyday.. Keep strict diet.. Eat supplements.. But still bb gone.. I dont know is my problem or is my hub's. Cos he dont exercise and his diet not as strict as i do.. But he do take supplements..

So i wonder if problem lies with him... So both of us need to go tcm bu our body... Hmm.. After i do my jab for cervical cancer i will go for a test ba...

But my hub n i intend to save money on holidays than all the mcs n doc visit.. Cant claim at all.. For this preggy... Only within 3 weeks, we spend almost 700bucks... On taxi fare, hospital clinic bills n gynae bills... Really is alot...somemore my hub working only... Hais.. Hard on him..

Ya lor.. Jab works faster for hormones.. But my doc.. Hais.. If only he was alittle more careful with me... He focus so much on my hypertension nor! My mum got hypertension when she had me also nvr take medi... She was so pissed when she heard that the doc say is my hypertension which cause my mc...

Going for specialist on tues.. Another burn on the pocket again... But still hope everything is fine... Your relative should be sensitive enough to know tat u will feel bad when seeing her.. She still like that... Hais... That is very bad.. Ignore her ba... Its not worth getting upset due to her happiness.
I am spotting again despite jab twice weekly and hormones pill. I feel so down. Did everything I could already but still have spotting. Haiz
Ladies, I'm currently going through my 3rd mc ... after plucking up the courage to try again 6mths later after my 2nd mc ... i still mc again ...

I was tested positive not too long ago and been taking hormone pills and jab twice weekly. Every toilet visit and toilet wipe is a stress for me. I thought all is going well since each wipe is clear.

But ... the worst happen, I started to bleed ... rush down to A&E yesterday... gynae says she's not hopeful ... within the next two days, the body should flush out everything ...

I keep asking myself why, I already did everything I can in preparation for this pregnancy and did everything I can to sustain this pregnancy and yet ...

My husband says not to try anymore ... he says he scare my health cannot take it ... but I really want to give my #1 a sibling ... Whenever #1 asks for a sibling, I feel sad and that I'm a lousy mommy ... why does it seem a breeze for others while I'm here trying so hard to have a smooth pregnancy...
Qin: but ur bb still fine? Spotting sometimes doesnt affct the bb? Rest well... Everything will be fine...

Mommytq: so sorry to hear about your loss.. i also mc and its the 2nd time..i also dont know why such thing will happen. Did wat we cn. Eat pills.. Rest well..

My hub n i also come to an agreement. If a 3rd mc happens, we will not try anymore..your hub is right... Your health may not take it... I fine out that if i carry on mc... My health will really go crushing down...

My hub is fine being childless.. As long as i am healthy... I was so touched... He said he was so concern about my health than anything else... Not having a child is not the end of the world... So him n i had come to a conclusion... We will save money for holiday trips than all the money go into mc surgery or doc visit...

Maybe its all fated to have your #1 only?u may not know... Maybe try again in a yr or so... Im taking break n going for tcm to strengthen my uterus... After tcm treatment n i still mc... Then i will put a full stop to it le... Although i am still very young but if i am fated to be childless.. I will not force to change my fate.... Hais...

Another bad yr for us? Hais... U rest well.. I already finish expelling my sac n lining... Still mild bleeding... Hopefully everything is fine....
mommytq >> So sorry to hear that. Do take care... at least you have a #1 already! Must shower him/her with extra love cos he/she didn't come easy...

qin >> I read that some people just have spotting throughout the pregnancy? It doesn't always mean that something is wrong. Keep a positive mind, hope everything goes well for you!
Thanks ladies ...

My no 1 is really a gift.. I might really be fated to have just her... Been on tcm and done tests to get clearance before trying again ... But still can't make it ...

Do I still need to do mini confinemnent when the body auto
expel ? This the first time .. My previous have to go thru dnc ..

Qin, do rest. My gynae mentions spotting is normal. Stay
positive. I know its kinda strange coming from someone who is going thru mc .. But jia you !
Mommytq: i also first time do natural expelling of sac previous also done dnc.. Butmy mum say the most important thing is to avoid wind going into the body.. Try to only bath once a day.

Dont drink cold or eat cold stuff. Avoid spicy food for now.. Fruits ad well only can eat apples that isnt cold.

Currently i am drinking dangshen, red dates, dry longans n ginger tea.. I avoid water as much as i can.. Only drink it when i eat supplements.

I think our uterus isnt ready for a bb to come in... Or its still scarred from the previous dnc done...

Today is my 5th day of expel, bleeding is alot alot lesser but still see clots at times.. Whenever there is a big clot coming out i will have harsh cramps. After that ok...

Try to be bedridden for a week. No heavy chores. I tried cleaning my room just now.. Just a bit of pushing my bed, i bleed again... Now only dare to sit dont move le...

I agree with u.. Some spotted but bb is fine.. My mum bleed when she had my elder sis. She bleed like a normal af... But iwas a good news that my sis was safe n sound that time.. So sometimes, bleed may not bea bad thing... As long no cramp.. Then there should be no problem...

Mommytq: may i know which tcm u went to? My hubby's friend went for a tcm.. Go for treatment for i think months n succeeded in a preggy after 3mcs... N got a bb gal but after she stop n try naturally, she mc again...

She did acupuncture N took the chinese medi... N she say its good.. So i going over to try out tomorrow. My hub friend suffered from uteru wall lining too thick.. Cant hold bb also..

Hopefully this one last try for me works... Too tired from all the mc n doc visits... And always bad news come back.. Hais...


Sad to hear abt Ur loss. Do take care if Ur health

My spotting come with some cramp occasionally. Don know y. Nw I can Onli wait for my Gynae visit on this sat hopefully can hear heartbeat.

Wonder how come ppl can just get a child so easily whereas
we wan so much to have our own flesh and blood yet it seems so difficult
