Support group - Miscarriages

Valerie: no leh.. I stay hougang.. I usually visit te temple once every three weeks.. Take a cab there n back.. Not very far though.

Or randam visits if im going overseas or like now im preggy, so i go there thank the god n ask them for some directions. Like wat to do.

Like example i ask if i can travel on the coming 11th july to kl by plane. By goddess of mercy says no. So i have to cancel it n let my frens go instead n just nice go gynae check. Dr say visit him in two weeks time also just nice ard the same period. I think quite accurate n i feel really blessed.

Coyote: i intend to start drinking after my check at the gynae two weeks later. Hopefully i wont reject them this time round.the previous one i drink i vomit. Its pretty bad.

Winnie: i think u should call your dr n ask. Its not very normal to see that happening. Usually cramps stay for a day or two after your dnc. Dont worry. Get well soon alright n try it again after your 2nd or 3rd af...

Like me.. I tried it after te 3rd af n now im tested positive. Although it will be a tough peggy for me as the doc mention. But still be positive. See your gynae if u dont feel ok. Never wait for too long, get it checked n you will be fine.

Christine - i also always go there or bugis to draw lot or when going pray for ping ann to and fro...but now i converted to catholic so nev go temples already... but i still believe all the gods are good!

my 1st af finally came already!!
....but not very heavy heavy as what mentioned by some gals here...first 2 days were spotting then 3rd got red. i dont have to change pad like every few hrs on 1st 2 days leh...i just changed pads like noon and evening it normal?
dear winnie, sorry for your loss.

valerie, all of us are different i guess, just have to monitor next cycle and see what happen.

=) dont worry so much! thats what i tell myself everyday
Hi Winnie, yes cramps are normal... some people will have for up to 2 weeks after the d&c. Don't worry too much and just concentrate on getting your health back. Stay positive!

Christine >> I pass by the Guan Yin temple at Bugis quite often, but my husband very reluctant to go pray cos he says if get a negative lot will become "self-fulfilling prophecy" (because you believe it will happen, so you do things that end up make it happen.)

Valerie >> I think count from the first day you see red... spotting doesn't count. Just monitor and see how?
Valerie: my first af also like that... Then two days Afer it became more but still ok. Very normal.
Just keep track your cycle if it comes on time every month.
Tethysea: i did get negative lot too. But i think on the brighter side. It maybe negative now but if u believe in it n make a change or prevent thinfs from happening, thinfs might change the next time round when u pray.

Im a buddhist so i believe in brig sincere to go to temple regularly. God will hear my prayers n do more good deeds.

My hub also seldom go temple one but i told him, our little ange
Will leave there must be a reason other than just a bad luck. Therefore we have to change our mindset, be more positive n be healthy.

Then, he went on to visit guan yin temple at joo chiat with me every 3 weeks.
thanks all for sharing, feel so comforted to find this thread. hb does not seem to bother. I miscarriaged at 8.5 weeks, bb heartbeat stopped. The placenta is leaking more and more blood into the uterus, till it is too much for the bb to bear.

i did not expect all these as previous pregnancy is alright with no spotting..

my cramping is slight, no pain just some discomfort.. been a week since my dc..
I was supposed to be about 6 wk+ last wk during first checkup but no heartbeat and bb was 5 wk size. in my heart i knew something wrong, further i started brown spotting 2 days before checkup..

then this week i started red bleeding, like menses day 3-4 kind. not much cramps, a bit on off but mostly no pain.

today's checkup revealed still no heartbeat and sac grew minimally so its a blighted ovum. doc said since i alr started bleeding, it will most likely be able to clear itself up without medical intervention so i'll be seeing doctor again next week.

just wish to know what the pain is like since i'm also given painkillers. my toddler saw my blood clot yesterday and said "dirty dirty". i dun blame my child since so young, but in my head i was thinking "this 'dirty' is your baby brother/sister".

i read stories of how people can see the embryo and sac when they pass. is it true for my case when it is so small? the sac measures abt 20mm today.. not sure if i can recognize... i did have blood clots on off since i started bleeding on tuesday...

heavy heart.. but i know, it's not meant to be and nothing i can do..

do i still need to do confinement or just take chicken essence?
Coyote: try gettimg sharon to help u with the tummy massage. It do help slimming down the tummy.
for me i do bed exercises at night everyday. To tone my tummy.

Lamer: so sorry to hear abt your loss. Be strong ok? U will feel cramps like u are having menses.

Your bleed is fast. I only started bleeding 3 weeks after bb detected no hb At week nine. N i only found out at week twelve.

U have to go thru a confinement cos te heavy bleed will somehow hurt your body in some way.

Rest well n find someone to talk to if u feel bad inside. Keep yourself occupied n be positiveso that u will recover well n start trying again soon.

Or u can talk to us here. We are here for you.
La mer - *hugs* i went for gynae scan 3wks ago when I had spotted. Scan showed bb heartbeat has slowed down, I was given a jab n asked to go back in 3 days time. I had a very bad feeling. The next day, bleeding was on full force and I had terrible cramp. Couldn't even sit, had to lie down. I even vomitted n feeling giddy. I believed this was the day I lost the bb. Next few days cramps n bleeding weren't that bad anymore. By the time I went back for a scan, gynae said the bb had expelled out naturally. I didn't see anything usual from my bleeding. Nothing resemble the fetus tissue. Gynae said only left linings to be expelled so no need d&c. So from the day I m/c, my spotting lasted 2wks. Within these 2 wks I had my TCM med to cleanse the system n post-natal massage. On both occasions, some jelly-like tissue were expelled out so my guess they are the linings.

Both gynae n TCM sinseh said early stage (my case was 7 wks) no need confinement. But sinseh said if I want I can drink some red dates drink n chicken soup. Only think my sinseh requested was not to catch a cold. So I make sure I dry my hair after shower n put on long-sleeves + long pants at work.

My experience is my energy level had dropped a lot after m/c and my back ache was bad. Sinseh didn't give jing bu med coz I was still at cleansing stage. I took chicken essense n I really feel it helped. During my leave at home I will try to cook my lunch like pork with ginger n sesame oil n rice wine. Some days I cook herbal chix soup. Other than that I juz eat normal outside food. I also took huiji waist tonic.

Now at 3 wks I feel my life is back to normal. I am taking sinseh med to jing bu now. Will start to exercise soon as my tummy didn't go down.

Sorry very lengthy. I think this is the first time I write my full story here to share.

Christine - I tried sharon's massage once, does that means I need more sessions?
La mer - to answer ur pain question. On my peak day, the cramp was worse than meanses cramp. But still bearable, I didn't take pain-killer. Just that i needed to lie down to ease a bit of the discomfort. At wk 6 my bb measured 5mm, I don't know how big was the sac.

Everyone has different body system, so we may experience different things. In any way, do take good care of your health now. Rest if need to, grieve when want to and move on when ready to. Jia you!!!
Hi Christine
Thks for sharing.. So envy u.. Now must not eat too cooling food k.. Eat healthy, rest well and stay relax..;)

Hi Larmer
Hugz... Got to count ur blessing that u no need to go thru any operation to remove ur fetus.. As any operation will hv a risk n takes longer to recover.. U may experience cramp these days.. Is normal.. If cant take it, eat panadol k.. Now dun take cooling food, try eat food with ginger n red dates tea will do..take care..
Coyote: for upcoming, her visits will be more like maintaining your uterus. Which i think is good. U should try twice a month. So when u are preggy ur uterus are more ready than anything!
Hi Christine
May i know how frequent u try her massage before u bfp? Till this cycle too? And one month twice too? I feel diffcult to arrange her come since working daily.. And she dun work on sunday so u usually asks her come when? As need many hrs if got wrap..;( Thk u.. Btw, did u drink raspberry tea?
Joanne: hmm...for this ttc month i did not look for her.but before that from feb on wards i look for her twice a month. N keep my wrap on for around 3 hrs. I usually ask her over during weekdays cos i dont work. But if she really cant make it she will come on. Saturday noon.

Hmmm.. I actually drink raspberry tea on n off for my ttc month. I drink it after my af comes n stop a week before my ovulation period n stop drinking until i see if my next af cames.

But for the first 3 months of af i drink it everyday. Three times a day.
Wow Christine, u drink so much of the raspberry tea? I put in the office n will drink once per day.

Joanne- I got Sharon to come on sat 8pm, and it was done by 45mins and i left the wrap on for 3hrs b4 I go to zzz.
Lamer, I lost my bb last week. Very sad. My gal is very disappointed as she is looking forward to have another sibling.

But let's be strong and try again. Jia you.
I see coyote..;) thks for ur advise.. But if just after dinner, can massage ma?

Thks christine too.. How i wish she can work on sunday too.. Think i can try on weekday night too..;)
Wah.. U drinking 3pkt a day? How abt during ur ttc mth, oso 3pkt a day? I oso drink only one pkt a day.. Maybe not enough..;( maybe all these help u bfp again sooo soon. Am sure ur this bb will be a healthy well..

Hi winnie
I try only once too.. Is good but time flies, very soon finish..;)
Joanne, I did it after dinner. Had my dinner at 7pm n massage at 8pm, I feel it's ok. That's the only time slot Sharon had for that sat. My advice is book earlier.

Winnie, I like the massage very relaxing. The lemongrass oil she used on my tummy made me farted quite a bit after the massage. The pressure is just nice for me. I hate ppl who use their mighty strength, ouch
Joanne: cos i tried to maintain my monthly af to come regular every month. But during ttc months i drink it only after af n stop before ovulation period starts. Only a pack a day.

Coyote: haha i read the instruction on the box of the tea n says drink 3 to 4 times daily to maintain. So i go with it.
Hi Christine
I see... U buy those loose tea leaves type or those already pack ready? If ur af last one wk is already 7th day, then u drink but u mention u stop one week before ovalution, which means u only drink on 7th day for one day only????? Abit confuse and wonder during ttc month can drink or not leh.. Oh, btw, u realise this leaves really improve n help u in regulating ur period? Whts ur cycle per mth? As my af always around 40days, really hope it can improve further..Thk u gal for ur advise..

Hi coyote
I see.. Now i understand least u got one hr rest ya.,;)
Oh i bought the ready pack. Parkway parade got sell. Got oe organic shop beside the korean supermarket. There gt sell.
Say my af starts on 25th or 26th every month. So i start drinking from there. Then my af ends on 30th or 1st of every month. And my ovulation period will start on 8th or 9th of every month. So i stop from then. Wait until the next cycle if it comes i will drink if no i will stop like now.

It did regulate. My cycle is 32 days now le. N i manage to push my first af after dnc within five weeks. Cos i dont get very bad pms after drinking it. Very mild cramping n no sore breast.
Hi ladies, thanks for all the words of encouragement.

Right now i'm experiencing some cramps. like period cramps. actually i did not really feel any pain since i started bleeding on tues, jus occasional mild discomfort so i was still trying to make myself believe baby is ok.. although i also know... i know exactly when i conceived since i tracked my bbt, so if the baby measured small, obviously something already happened..

i tell myself i can overcome the pain, after all i did deliver my first child without epidural

jus have to look on the bright side. i tell my hubby now i can carry my son with no worries.. he's been very sticky to me since tuesday, when i started bleeding. i cried in front of him and hubby, and hubby told him mama is sad, hug mama, and he really hugged me. he's only 19 months old.

i feel sad when i picture the baby is probably going to look similar to him if all had gone well..

i was asked by doc to try n see if my body can take care of itself without using D&C too, cuz i already started bleeding, which means the body should be knowing pregnancy is not making it.

last night i only slept at 3+ am.. and i usually go to bed early..

this morning, i felt nostalgic for when #1 wasa few months old, and went to see his vids.

hope i can give him a sibling soon, he looks so lonely to me sometimes.
coyote, gynae said sac measured only 19mm. no embryo can be seen i think.. in any case, heartbeat was never detected..

its strange how women have the feeling.. one week after i found out i was pregnant, i felt not pregnant. i only had sore boobs for a day or two, felt tired for the 1st week, after that not really anything. no morning sickness at all, no aversion.. and i jus felt something was strange.. then i started spotting.

the week i started having a strange feeling should be the week the pregnancy stopped progressing.. so i was only preggy for like 5 weeks..n spotted on 6th week, bled in the 7th..

before i tested positive, i dreamt of a baby girl. i was so happy, because with my son, i dreamt of a baby boy very early on and it was really a boy..
Coyote: hmmm... Sore breast, a little nausea is comong in, super tired. Back ache n neck ache. Always hungry dont know bcos due to my small intake of food or what. Cos i no appetite but do feel the hungry.

Had been eating wheat grain every morning. My hub will cook a bowl of it for me.

Keep visiting toilet but can be due to my large water in take. Had been pretty worried recently.

Cos i had not pass te week six margin. So had been buying a preggy test kit to check if my lines are getting darker.

It did got darker somehow today after three daysback from gynae. Praying hard that everything goes well. No cramp no spotting. Hopefully it stays that way thruout.

Trying to do some slow walks for 15 mins everyday. My gynae gave me progesterone tablets. Dont know what is it for.anyone knows what is the effect of taking it? I read online is to help to prevent abnormal bleeding. Does it help to prevent any other things?

Trying to stay calm n happy. Hub has been with me to encourage me everyday. I eventually loss 3 lbs in two days.. I was so shocked but gain a pound today.

Hopefully this will be a smooth n healthy preggy. Hope my bbdust luck can pass ard to all.
Hi all,

I just did my d&c this week. It was very traumatic as I only discovered my bb heartbeat had stopped on the day I was supposed to do the Oscar scan (wk 11). I totally broke down in the hospital. I don't even have any symptoms up till the day I did the d&c.

Gynae said usu it's just not a good pregnancy, normally they can't explain why. But I feel so guilty- not sure if it's cos I carry my bb gal, drink coffee, have cough, there are just so many what-ifs that I might have done that could possibly "save" the pregnancy. Or maybe not.

Someone was asking if anyone mc, preggy, then mc. I did. But my first mc may not be considered a really preggy, cos I tested positive, but ard wk 5, i had bleeding, then tested -ve. So too early to even detect sac etc.

Was very thankful I have my bb gal last yr cos I tried for quite some time. This yr, jus before my bb gal is 1 yo, I found I'm preggy again. Was really happy cos I only tried once, but the happiness was shortlived.

I really feel very scared about the trauma. But I do really hope to have a healthy 2nd child.

Christine - congrats and hope to catch your bbdust. Think u ask if any food to avoid. Based on what i research, generally, shld limit caffiene, avoid pineapples, even papayas (at least for 1st trimester). Of course no raw food, alcohol. Chinese herbs - no dang gui.
Thks so much Christin
Guess i must learn fr u to drink 3cups a day..;) may i know which floor at parkway that u bought? And how much per box? As i think i going to finish mine..hope it will help to regulate my cycle too..;) u rest well n think positive k.. Always tell urself that think so much oso no use, stay relax is most impt..;)
Hi bluewaterz,

I feel exactly for you. My bb heartbeat stop the day before the scan. I was not feeling very good about this pregnancy as there was blood in my uterus and I got no pregnancy symptoms. I kept flashing back memories to recall if there is anything that I had done to cause this mc. Did I not rest enough etc? It is just too painful.
I got this bb at first try too. Same as you, I am very scared too but I really long for a second child. I will build up my health first and jia you again.
Joanne: hmmm..its at te basement. Just behind the choco shop. Opposite choco shop is sell bak kwa de. Ah... Ard cold storage that area.

Its $9.60 per box i think.ard there the price.

Thanks forthe advice i will try to relax.
joanne/winnie- thanks for the encouragement. Ya, let's all look forward. In the meantime, hope all of us can build up our bodies for the next pregnancy

The thing is - there seem to be a lot of recommended things to take, eg folic acid, multivit. Really not sure what are the Most Impt things. Even for men.
Bluewaterz: the most important thing for men is selenium. They need it to produce gd quality sperms n to increase sperm count.u can get it from gnc.
Thk u christine..;) me now on my way to parkway to buy since stock run low if need to drink three pack a day..i bought at $9.90 per box fr naturework. Wonder is it the same type of box that u bought at parkway..;) thk u gal for ur advise..;) when will be ur next scan?
La_mer: hmm... Onions n tomato. Especially baked ones or those in pizza. Can get you hub to eat more pizza. Haha.
or do some home made vegetarian pizza. Add lots of onions n tomato.

Joanne: yup its the same box same brand. Hmmm my scan in two weeks time... Very anxious yet excited.
Thk u Christine,
Hee.. I just bought 4 boxes at the four season organic market at PP.. I buy online at $9.90 + $1 delivery fee last time n now cost me $9.70 at the shop. Lucky i stay nearby pp..;)
Good morning,

High five Joanne..I bou 1 box from PP yday too!

When shld we start to drink and conservatively for how long?
Hi Valerie
Hi 5..;) not sure ur status now.. I start drinking anytime since no ttc yet..;) one bOx can only last u for one wk if drink 3 tea bag per day.. Shd hv get more..;)
Joanne: thats great! I am visiting the guan yin temple like every week now. Going there later since my hub is off today. My hub sis is gettig married this weekend, going on to pray that guan yin ma can proect my child from harm.. Heard that it not good to clash two good ocassions together. Bad for the baby.

More over by weekend my bb only in week six... Thay worries me more. My mum did told me to avoid when te bride in coming into the house wait till everything is over then can come out of the room. If that is the case i feel like not even attending it. Forthesake of my child but yet im her da sao dont be there my mother in law sure super angry.
Bluewaterz- *hugs*. Do rest more and take gd care of your health which is more impt now.

Christine, do take care and don't get too tire. Rest more. Don't think u can avoid the wedding right? The bride needs to offer u the tea also. Does ur MIL know that u r pregnant?

I bot my raspberry tea leaves from fairy. It comes in loose form but a big pack for $7, I think I can drink for months.

Just did a search on selenium, share here:

10 Selenium Food Sources
The selenium content in foods depends on the concentration of selenium in the soil where the crops were grown. The following foods are generally considered good sources of selenium:

Brazil Nuts
Sunflower Seeds
Fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon)
Shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops)
Meat (Beef, liver, lamb, pork)
Poultry (chicken, turkey)
Mushrooms (button, crimini, shiitake)
Grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats)
Coyote: hum... My mil knows but she is those not "ban tang" kind... Esp. Towards me. When it comes to my issue she will say cannot ban tang but when it comes to her daughter or son she must ban tang over certain things.

So unfair to me nor... Thats why i always get my hub to speak up for me. Esp. This time round if really must avoid the wedding i will not go... For the sake of my bb.
Coyote: ya lor. But this time even if really will quarrel i also dont care le. Cos u dont know if anyone at the wedding is preggy. Or my sil herself is preggy she dont know. N two bb will start fighting. Either one will survive nor, this myth had been going ard for a long long time.

Also cannot dont let my sil see me. Hais.... Really is the "right" time.

coyote - thks for your comfort.

Christine - i tink up to individual to see if u ban tang. If u really don't feel good about it, just explain to them so at least they can "understand". Personally, I'm ok to attend wedding (but only if close relatives etc).

When I preggy with number 1, I actually attended 2 weddings. But I'll not go to attend funerals or to hospital to visit the sick.
