Support group - Miscarriages

coyote >> I had my d&c first week of May. I'm not drinking the raspberry leaf tea, but I think quite a few of the girls here are.
Hi tethysea
Expected is like this... Do take care.. Will be over soon n i know that ma fan feeling..;( I hope mine come soon then i can really close this mc Episode...

Hi coyote
U can drink the leaf anytime after ur dnc..;)
Is it normal to feel backache after miscarriage? I realized I can't stand for more than 10mins. Wonder how to go work on Monday. Haiz...
coyote >> Get more MC? You should really rest before going back.

Joanne >> *hugs* It's good in a way, shows that body is healing itself. Hope yours comes soon too!

I have some brown dischrge today... Wondering if this is sign of af coming? This is my 4wks aft d&c....usu aft how many days aft brown discharge will af come in full force? Anyone happened same as me before?
It's been a week since my d&c. Still spotting, shd I b worried?

I've this headache since then, feels more like a migraine. Does anyone know why? I slept early @10.30pm n wakes up at 8am, naps abt 2 hrs in the day the whole of this week. But still got this massive headache. Is it due to the heaty confinement food n red dates tea? I still bathe n shower as normal. Coz I Sweat alot, ESP after meals.

Can I start exercising now? Feeling lethargic, even more tired than the period when I was preggie. Even after taking chicken essence can't perk me up...
felt so useless...
Hasn't BD tho, coz Gynea say no BD at least 2 months.
hi all mummy mrning i realy sorry to hear abt yr lost, be cheerfull n keep trying. maybe i can intro you my massage lady here to help u relax, call this no 83305461 (jenny) she will help u after you d&c.
coyote >> CD1 to 14 is the two weeks from the start of your period to ovulation (CD = cycle day). Because the tea can cause uterine contractions, it's best to avoid if you are trying to conceive (ttc).
My u/s pics are in the back of a drawer. (I'm thinking more of the cost of the u/s than the memories though :p I'll probably throw away when the next one comes along so I don't confuse all my pics.)

bunny >> I read online that up to 2 weeks of spotting is normal. Maybe want to confirm with your gynae?
i spotted for 2 weeks on and off...
2 mths is long wor, i hold off for 6 weeks.

i think the headache is due to the heaty food because my hubby eat the same food as me, he got headache after 2 days already
Hahaha... Ya, my Hubby is complaining y hv to wait so long.

U/s pictures - my Hubby kept them. Didn't scan them like I scan my #1 ones. I guess he doesn't want to see the pic n dwell on them.

Linggie then did u get them after eating the confinement food?
Hi ladies,

Need some support here. I M/C in 08 as bb heartbeat stopped at 8 weeks. It was a shock. Some bleeding and then doc says that the bb had stopped growing. 09, i gave birth to my ds and throughout the pregnancy, I kept spotting too.

Now, this is my third pregnancy and I thought with one m/c and a healthy birth, I would not be so unlucky again. But im spotting again and after 2 scans, the doc cannot find any fetal pole or yok sac - nothing. It's just an empty sac. I broke down immediately at the hospital, my heart aching and trying to tell me that the nightmare isn't repeating itself again. I wonder why? Is it because my body is weak or not healthy enough? Why do I have to go through it again?

The doc asks me to wait for the next u/s to see if the sac will show something but I know the chances are slim. I dread telling my family and friends about this m/c.

Anyome experience this? M/c then healthy birth and m/c again? Is there something wrong with me? Thanks
Hi gals,
need some advice you have any good gynae or TCM docs to recommend after m/c? I have just found out that i have m/c..thanks

Hi JoJo,
sorry to hear this..i have also recently received news from doc that i maybe m/cing..dont blame urself k, i know this is devastating but must jiayou to remain positive emotionally and im typing this, i too do not understand why this is happening to me and have been crying silently since last week (i dont wish to share with my friends as they may not understand what im going through)..nonetheless, there will always be that rainbow after the rain im sure...
Bunny- I feel more tired when I stay at home. Today went back to work feels more energetic. Maybe distraction helps. I feel the chicken essence helps, at least I have more strength to walk.

Tethysea-tks for explaining.

Jojo n pretear - all of us share ur pain. Ytd I boke the news to my mum n she insisted I must have did something hurtful to cause the loss. She is my mum n yet she is doing this to me. haiz.... I just have to tell myself the old ppl doesn't understand the science behind.

Pretear- why aren't u gng back to ur current gynae? I m seeing a Chinese physician at kang de mei. I followed her from thong chai, currently taking 4days of cleansing med. A wk later will go back to get med to jing bu.
Hi pretear,

I share your pain. Now Im just sitting at home and waiting, which is really testing me. Although Im trying to keep my hopes high, I know at the end of of this week, it's going to be the same conclusion.

coyote, is it possible to share with us your TCM physician? I think I will go and see her to bu my body after the d/c.
JoJo >> Sorry to hear that, I know the waiting part is very trying as I had spotting for almost 2 weeks before confirmed m/c. Just try to keep calm and don't stress out - if the baby is actually ok, stressing out is not good for it. Sometimes too early on the doc cannot see anything in the u/s, unless you go to a very experienced gynae. I had the experience of going to a less experienced gynae (about 23 yrs experience), cannot see anything, got lost during the u/s and misdiagnosed me as ectopic - then I went to another gynae w 42 yrs experience, immediately said it's m/c and not to worry, no complications.

pretear >> Sometimes it's good to stick to the same gynae, as he/she already has your medical records. Unless you feel something your gynae did you didn't like?

coyote >> *hugs* Yes the old people sometimes just don't understand... which is why I didn't tell my mil about anything at all :p My mother also in denial, said maybe I tested false positive.
after this MC, i will not tell my parents nor in-laws for the future pregnancies, they were very kind to me, no insensitive comment or so, just that it was very diffcult to share bad news with loved ones

get well soon ladies!
Jojo - My TCM physician is Dr. Chen Qiu Mei. She practices at:

NTU Chinese Medicine Clinic, tel: 65921732
Kang De Mei Health & Beauty P/L, tel: 65344131

Currently she is on leave, will back on Mon but her appts are very full.

U may want to try Thong Chai (free clinic but Q very long)'s infertility group. I have been seeing them for a year till Dr. Chen moved to private practice.

linggie - I also tell my hubby next time I shall tell no one. Not even him...haha

Will the pregnancy bump go down? How long does it take to go down? My bump is still here, sometimes I will think really is gone meh? Sob.
linggie - Im trying to keep my hopes up but sixth sense is telling me otherwise. Now I try to occupy mysef everyday and not think of it. I will go crazy if I dwell too much.

coyote - thanks. I heard about thong chai before. Maybe I'll try Dr Chen when she comes back. I also have a bump. I know how you feel. We look preggy but actually not.
coyote/Tethysea: currently im not going to any particular gynae at the moment coz went to KK O&G directly..wana find someone who can follow me thruout..sighz everytime i go back is a different gynae...thought of going straight to private instead
pretear >> Since you planning to stick with one throughout, maybe want to decide on a hospital that's convenient for you too
E.g. mine is from Mount E, but delivers at Mount A too, which is near my workplace.
Fairy, I have a copy of the 8 days but didn't manage to spot her mentioning abt raspberry tea. Where is it exactly?

The baby rompers that hubby ordered frm overseas arrived ytd, very sad upon seeing them.

My bleeding seems to stop, hopefully everything is well n my body will b better than b4.
Hi Fairy,

My hormones have gone hay-wired after M/C and until now, I'm not sure which is my CD1 and 14....

I'm due to an operation to do a lyproscopy because of my adeomyocis problem. it involves cutting some muscles off my uterus.

Anyway.....not planning for #2 until at least 6 months to a year after my operation. I'm not sure when I can start drinking the rasberry tea; even now.

can advise me? Thanks!
coyote >> My gynae gave me the go ahead after my checkup one week after my d&c. Basically they need to check that cervix closed, then it's ok. (I read online that after d&c 2 weeks cannot have sex, so I played safe and waited.)
Have hope
Those rompers will come in handy when your baby comes along (soon, hopefully!)
hi all...
I did my D&C on 15/apr.... and now im still awaiting for the arrival of my AF =(
It's been 2months... but still no news.... is it common?
Or shld I go to look for my gynae?
haiz.... sad!!
Tethysea - how did your gynae check if your cervix has closed? mine never checked till so detail..she just u/s only..i even asked her if need to take hcg level to make sure no more left over hormones or whatever...she said cleared already inside.

I had sex 1st time abt 4-5days after d&c (i dint know must asbtain for at least 2 wks cos my gynae dint tell me anything and i dint read online then) then i have only abit of spotting...
I had lost it last Wed and my gynae asked me to see him in 2wks time to make sure everything is clear. My appt is next Fri, so will see him and see how.

Bunnymuffin - how come ur appt is so far away?
I dunno. Appt was given 6 weeks later. Now already 1 week plus... So sian have to wait so long.

No spotting now since my d&c on 7 Jun. But having bad backache and pelvic feeling achy. Is it becoz I carry my boy?
Bunnymuffin, I tot my bleeding stopped ytd but evening time came back again. Haiz.

I am also having backache. Maybe carrying ur boy add to the ache. Tmr I am asking Sharon to come over for massage, hopefully I will feel better.

Can call ur clinic to ask for gynae for earlier appt? Why need to wait for so long?
Yingoinkoink,yes it's possible, some waited 3 mths b4 their AF came. Some had their 5wks after d n c. I waited closed to 11 weeks, but after tat, my cycle became shorter n shorter.
My d/c was done in Jan, 1st cycle came after 25 days, same goes for 2nd cycle. Then 3rd cycle came later on 32nd day. Nw waiting for the 4th cycle but till nw 38 days already still dun hv. Tot I might b preg but tested negative. Anybody experience such long delay after 3 cycles??
Bunnymuffin >> 6 weeks seems a bit long. Maybe your gynae want to see you after your 1st AF over? Some people actually wait until after the first AF to have sex.

Valerie >> I think can tell from the u/s? I'm not very sure how they tell also, maybe its the shape of the uterus. But they can tell that lining looks different = cleared lar... As long as your gynae never say have infection, should be ok.

Precious >> After d&c the hormones probably went haywire. Or maybe you were stressed at work this month? A lot of things can affect cycle length.
Valerie >> My first AF was about 6 days, which is my normal cycle. I think I'll wait another cycle to make sure period is back to normal before I try again.
congrats yingoinkoink, I never tot I will congrat anyone for their arrival of AF....hahaha.. To me now, it seems to be closing of a sad chapter and start a new beginning
it is a new start!
i been spotting for ard 5-8days after my menses for my last 2 cycles...dun think i want to ttc till this spotting stop

Yup, my next Gynae visit is so far away...

Btw, my spotting stops. So how do we start countdown for AF, from spotting stops or day of D&C? Can't wait for AF to comes... Needs to see AF to tell myself it's gone... Coz still feel BB is there when it's not! :'(
