Support group - Miscarriages

sorry about your loss. went i went through the natural miscarriage, i feel the contractions for the whole night, so my guess is 6-8 hours. it was so painful and regular i didn't sleep the whole night. come to think of it, the contraction pain i had is similar to labor contractions. the body expels it in the same way as labor too. i was both physically and emotionally drained and drenched in blood just like you. except at 14 weeks pregnant, there's a more blood and more intense pain.

the thing about men, they never thought about being a father or father again until the baby is born and they see it in person. otherwise, only women will feel like we're having a child (or another) child. it's normal for them to feel that way so rather than scold them over something that nature intended too, it's best to lower our expectation so that we don't get angry unnecessarily. that's why i love boards like this, only another women who has had miscarriages can give you the true emotional support that you yearned.

i think your cycles are pretty regular. variations in the number of days per month is normal. irregular will be, one cycle every few months, and then in a some months, u have two. i have long cycles, which means my chances of getting pregnant each year is always lesser. so my fertile time is always week 3 or 4 after my menses ended. i think generally week 2-4 onwards, just BD regularly, at least every other day, depending on hubby's sperm count. my recommendation is only valid if hubby's sperm count is normal. if he has below normal sperm count, BD every 36-48 hours. try BD in the early morning where his counts are largest after a good night rest. take advantage of the "renewed" bodily process after a good night sleep.

i, too, just experienced a chemical pregnancy. if anything, my positive faint line is even lighter than urs. i, too, have a blog.. but i do not want to stain my boy's blog with all my unhappiness. the onli entry there would be informing him of a possible sibling.

sorry to hear abt ur natural mc. but i feel that it's better to get it over with, rather than hoping for a miracle that wouldn't happened. i knw the best thing that this bb did for me is to rid itself off my body when it's not healthy. but many a times, i asked myself why it chose to give up so easily and not to give us a chance? <- contradiction in my words, i knw it.

i dunnno whether u had remebered me, i'm frm the feb'07 thread. but i remembered u for ur tense feelings when u went thr the spottings then. i'm glad that u managed to have a healthy bb after that.
sitting on the icepacks sound interesting.Rather than sitting on icepack,mayb can get those "water pillow",put it into the fridge then let hubby to sit onto it...

worth trying..
Nick: happymama
Number of M/Cs: 1
Month of Last M/C: Dec 06
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles: 8
Month of Delivery: June 08

Jia You to all and keep smiling, don't stress.
thanks bubbleteahut &amp; twinangels.
this cycle, I followed my TCM advice, that is to BD for 3 consecutive days following the detection of the
face on the OPK test kit. I am not sure if it is a good idea to continue 3 nites in a row, but thought I'll give it a try. Tonite is the 3rd nite....I will keep all posted on the results.
Dear twinangels,
I cried as I read your blog... I'm considering to start my own but it's hard... Be strong, my friend

Dear ddtan,
Am sorry to hear abt your loss... I believe your hubby really didn't know what to do but he phrased it wrongly... He should have said 'what would you like me to do / can i do something for you, etc" instead of so what you want me to do lah. Guys will really treat the pregnancy as a cell, a foetus at most, not bb... They won't understand that the bb is in us, growing in us... Am sure your hubby loves you and cares for you...

Hi Smurfy,
I was thinking if all went well, i should have been in my 9th week now, 25% through my pregnancy. Now I'm in week negative :p Was also thinking like you, if it were to end, should have ended earlier, but if it was already here, why not stay til the end?

Hope the success sharing from other mummies will motivate the rest of us here
Yeah, I am suppose to be week 8-9 but bb size looks like only week 6 and I have been bleeding for 4 days lost fair bit amount of blood until natural m/c. Pain is really like contraction during labour.. so when finally m/c and pain subsided.. it was relief for me for brief moment .. as I know bb is unhealthy to keep inside me for so long. My parents were worried if I could last until Sat after my training.... I was trying to tahan but guess my body knows better. Feel sad...about the loss and why I TTC for so long and yet still m/c.

I think my hb sperm count is quite low as he always complain if BD start early, he does not have much sperm to last the next few days until O day. He seem to need more days to rest and replenish sperm count. Or we have to BD close to O day as much as possible. Can TCM help to improve this ?
actually, after this m/c... hb also tired...his work is quite stressful and he seem to like only 1 child only (like his brother).
Not sure, after all this, if he's still keen to start TTC again.

I also felt this time, my hb not so keen to participate in this pregnancy like the 1st bb. I went for most of the checkups myself until the time when I bleed and need to see the gynae urgently. When gynae told us the possibility that is going to m/c, can see tears in his eyes too but he hide it. I asked him if he feels sad.. he said no as bb is still so early stage. nothing to feel sad. Sometimes, men don't want to express their feelings in words.. but thru actions you can tell, they still care.
Nick: L0v3
Number of M/Cs: 1
Month of Last M/C: Feb'07
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles: 3
Month of Delivery: Feb'08

be strong and take good care of your body~
Healthy + Happy mummy = Healthy + Happy baby^^
Hi sashamamma

Thanks for giving hope to everyone here...I have updated my details.. Alot of us all had mc, some even multiple mc,but all have gone on successfully to have little ones. So dun give up!!


Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08
Patricia - 1 - May 06 - 13 - Feb 08

Jia you to all. After my MC in May 06, i went back to my gynae every cycle to track egg etc and then did IUI for 3 times.. then conceive in Jun 07 after my church elder prayed for us.. finally gave birth this Feb. Press on. * We have started trying to hv a bb since 04.. lost count of the no. of cycles.

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery

Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08

Dear gals,
Be Strong, Stay Strong
Oh gosh.. His charges are really high.. hmm....

Hey gals... I went back to see my gynae last wed. He said he was thinking abt me; wondering why i nv return for a check up. Also told me not to worry cos the chances of me having a bb to full term is abt 95%. (Well.. didn't quite get tt in my head; dun really trust him anymore) Hah.. I told him abt the brown discharge and little bleeding on the 4th of Aug and asked him whether its my mensus or what? He said: " could be..." haiz...

As for my bb pathology test result. Bb was already degenerated(rot). Doc said bb wasn't growing that's why rot. There are no signs of cancerous cells. Erine test for Hcg is back to normal. (-ve on the pregnancy test kit). Did a papsmear but waiting for the test result. Hope everything goes well..

To all you gals out there who are still suffering from your loss.. Dun give up ya? I'm now getting back on track with life le.. slowly but i'm somewhere there le.. Still do tink of bb and feel sad but i manage to hold my tears..

For the sake of my future bb.. i've started to take folic acid daily le.. just want to prepare myself before I TTC again.. Really can't afford to go thru another loss.. (touch wood)... i want to stay positive and start preparing myself for him/her. I believe you gals can do it too, k? Jia You!
i took whole of 9mths to get preggy agn. have editted below. so be patient.


Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 9 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08
update wrongly.

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 9 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08
Nick: CryStaLZ
# of M/C: 1
Month of Last M/C: Dec 06
# of Cycles (Pregnant Again): 2
Month of Delivery: Nov 07

Jia You everyone! Dun give up!
tenq n sugar
yes i had a chemical pregnancy.. no D and C... this bleeding lasted about 6 a normal period.. in fact, this bleeding is less severe in pain and lesser blood than my normal period leh.. except there is lots of blood clots.. and one super big blood clot with small small clots inside.. (so i guess, tat's the fertized egg lor). maybe i have horrible periods bah? usually my pad is totally soaked within 1.5 to 2hrs during the first two days.

so how's ur HCG levels now and what's the results of ur gynae check?
Smurfy, it's risen to 1197 today (11 Aug it was 474, 9 Aug 328, 7 Aug 280) which means still not doubling or not increasing at the "satisfactory" rate. u/s done still no sac seen.

Doc says test again on Sun and if still not rising at "satisfactory rate" I can get an injection or D&amp;C.

If there's no sac, why do I need an injection or D&amp;C? Isn't it too early to decide?

I've been bleeding from 26 Jul till now... so it's much longer than your 6 days it seems. Initially I had some clots... now it's mostly red bloody. Enough to soak up a panty liner.

Smurfy, your was natural right? no injection required?
i dunno what's the purpose of the injection leh. my bleeding is like normal period... heavy for the 1st few days and subsequently lighter flow... it's like 3 hrs need to change for the 1st two days lor? ur bleeding seems bad.. did the gynae give u anything to stablise leh? U seems to have quite a lot of bleeding leh even though ur HCG levels is still increasing. For me, I did not bleed at all leh, until last week - 8 of August.. my Blood tests were done in aug 2 (186) and aug 6th (136)... and it was on aug 6 the gynae told me my pregnancy is not progressing n that i am expereincing a bio-chemical pregnancy.. then 2 days later, 8 aug, the bleeding starts... have u been switching gynaes? did he/she did a proper assessment? seems that ur baby is still fighting for a chance.... i dunno u r bleeding but ur HCG levels still increase?

yes yes, to answer ur question, my is totally natural... my gynae told me to go back 2mths later in early oct for a full gynae check to make sure everything's alright and includes pap smear..
smurfy, ya my bleeding has been quite bad. I have been gg to KKH and the way they do it is whoever is on duty sees u, so in a way I have been "switching".

Today was a more senior doc who saw me. He was quite rough loh, inserted the vaginal scope straight away and it was quite pain when he did that. Then because he didn't see anything, and I'm bleeding, and my HCG not doubling, he just say see the HCG on Sun, if not good progression then go for injection or D&amp;C. The best thing is they didn't bother to give me any medication. I also too confused at tt time to ask.

The injection is to terminate the pregnancy. But the thing is if there's no gestational sac why do I need to terminate my "pregnancy" if it's not even there right.

Some more he says the injection may cause side-effects on the next bb if I get pregnant within 3 mths.

So I don't feel safe. What if I'm still pregnant just that it's too early to see anything? If my HCG drops I still can accept it that i have mc, but it is still increasing leh!

I've made another appointment with a TMC doc on Tues. Will wait out and see how it goes.

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery

Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
CryStaLZ - 1 - Dec'06 - 2 - Nov'07
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 9 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08

<font color="ff0000">Please Add On To The List!!!</font>
Number of M/Cs:
Month of Last M/C:
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles:
Month of Delivery:

Dear TenQ,
If you're uncomfortable with your gynae, I think you should change gynae and show the new gynae all these data. The gynae is supposed to give good advice based on their experience. Is the injection to stabilise the waterbag, like duphaston? If it is, then the 2 decisions seem so extreme, either to stabilise or to d&amp;c? Hmmm...

When was your LMP? If bb is not growing at normal rate, it could really mean bb is unhealthy as what my gynae told me. Some girls hold on for a few more weeks but eventually when the body recognise that it's unhealthy, it will flush it out naturally, causing a m/c.

For your case, I believe you need professional advice, really. Take care and keep us updated ya? All the best!

After my D&amp;C, this is my 4th day bleeding, not too bad, just like menses, in fact lesser, with some slight cramps. I should be going back next week for a check
hi TenQ

You may be having an etopic pregnancy which means the egg is outside the womb... could be why can't see sac even tho HCG level increasing It's very dangerous, cos may burst fallopian tube if the egg is inside the tube. You really need to seek a good second opinion as soon as possible.
hi tenQ, i think the jab is to get rid of the pregnancy sac as i think the dr suspects an ectopic pregnancy (esp when your hcg is rising slowly). tat was wat my gynae told me when she checked my hcg when i had the chemical pregnancy.
i think the mummies have made a point that i had miss out.. when the sac is not detected, there is always a chance of ectopic and when the HCG levels is not doubling.. that is a possibility of the pregancy is not growing well. seek a good 2nd opinion on saturday mOrning... I think u have the Priveledge to gatecrash any ethical gynae now with ur condition. and give u a better diagosis and assessment instead of all our spectulations.. please go on saturday morning and dun wait until tuesday, pls.. with all ur know blood tests results... dr jocelyn wong is one of the better recommended one in this forum, she's from TMC.. ACJ clinic.. i trust my gynae after this experience though she's totally cold and factual (but her style works well on me this time round coz i want answers not consoling).. she's from TMC as well but TLC clinic and she's dr phyllis Liauw.

and no gestational sac does not means tat u are not preggie. ur HCG levels definitely indicates u r preggie and that means the egg is fertilzed by the sperm.. it is just that at what stage now.

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 9 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - 1 - Sept'07 - 24 april'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08

jia you to all..i had 1 chemical,1 dnc, finally after few 5 month, conceived and give bith to a bb boy on 24 april, so don give up..
Hi tenq,
Have u seen a gynae? Feel quite worried for you...U feeling better?
You may wanna try seeing Dr Woo Bit Hwa if you have not,he has a clinic at Tiong Bahru and another one at Punggol.
I switched to him from a very experienced gynae cos he is very friendly and gentle.
If you wan,pls PM for number.
Hi All

SOrry been missing for a while cos my laptop crashed... am waiting for HB to get a new one. so only got to come online today since its my first day back at work again.

Sashamama - thanks for compiling the list! it really is a booster to all of us here!
the mummies in my regular thread... more r preggie than not preggies.. instead of talking abt our toddlers, everyone's talking abt their pregnancy now
.. n there is this mummy, who is preggie 9-10wks.. going to get rid of the bb this saturday, coz it's by accident and it's her 4th ... how i wish i'm the still preggie one when compared to her..

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Manuka_Chan - 1 - Mar'07 - 1 - Jan'08
L0v3 - 1 - Feb'07 - 3 - Feb'08
Patricia - 1 - May'06 - 13 - Feb'08
Angtay - 9 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Chewwy - 1 - Oct'06 - 7 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 &amp; Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - 1 - Sept'07 - 24 april'08
Roxy - 1 - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happymama - 1 - Dec'06 - 8 - Jun'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 &amp; Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08
eunice72-1-Feb 07 - 4 - Mar 08

my gal is now 5+ mths. my 1st pregnancy ended with dnc cos no heart beat detected at 6 weeks. i conceived after the dnc when i least expected it. so to all of u out there, jia you
hi sashamama...
it's been 7 days since my miscarriage and dnc. Bleeding has stopped since this morning. Will be going back to work tomorrow. How are you doing back at work ?
I still think about the M/C sometimes... the loss of bb...and feel sad and depressed esp. when I am alone at home.. hb at work and my gal with MIL place.

Also feel a sense of frustration and anger that this has happened.... and really envious when I see moms with their young babies...

I have not talked to my MIL since it happened .. hb explained to his family. Only was able to share with my family and hb...and only my boss knows. Just don't feel like talking to others about it even my church friends (whom we meet every Friday and Sundays) as I know probably they will not understand my pent up frustration and feelings except the gals in this thread.
My church friends are all blessed with 2 kids and came so easily for them... so to certain degree I feel really left out and envious (feel so guilty for feeling this way).

Hope to leave this behind when I bury myself with work tomorrow.
Take care to the rest of the gals in this thread...
ddtan, I went to see a chinese physician last night and she said, if the pregnancy is not going well, better to let it go and start over again. Really felt better hearing that. And it started to make sense too.

PJ, thanks for asking. This is to update on my situation.

I went for follow up on sunday (KKH) and today (TMC). In both cases my HCG lvl has risen to 1808 and 2800 respectively.

However, scans still show no sac in uterus and no obvious signs of ectopic. I also have no sharp pain but am continue bleeding. Bleeding now is like menses.

Doctor also finds it unusual not to find a sac at this HCG lvl and suggested to continue to monitor my blood level and scans on Thurs. Looks like this is a test of patience and endurance.

Wondering if those who had ectopic history can share with me your experiences:
1) Do you know of any doctor who is specialised in this area?
2) At what week and HCG level did you discover the ectopic in your scan?
3) Any one who has been advised to terminate the pregnancy without seeing an actual scan that confirms it is ectopic? i.e. simply coz it cannot be found not in the uterus and yet the HCG level shows growth?
4) How did you terminate your pregnancy? was it by surgery or an injection?
Hi Gals,
I have a question. I am about a week past ovulation. been TTC this cycle. I am just wondering if it is safe for me to go swimming?
hi gals,

juz had my d&amp;c done today. Last week, I was still hopeful because when I was about to give up, gynae detected the heartbeat. Went back today, bb didn't grow, instead shrink in size and no heartbeat. So decided to have it washed out today.

I have opted for the chromosome test, only will know the result in 2 - 3 weeks time.

I guess after 2 rounds of mc, I will stop for a while and try maybe sometime next year. 2 mc in 5 months have really drain me out emotionally and monetary. How I wish govt can look into people like us who has ttc and failed. Not only giving perks to those who had given birth successfully but also to those who had tried but failed.
Hi Stephy - *hugs* like you, i was hopeful when i heard the heartbeat but who knows just days later, bb started to collapse.. if i had gone back later for check up, i guess i never had the chance to see the heartbeat. anyway, im really sorry to hear your loss. its very very heart breakin to have to go thru 2 MC in 5months, i went thru it just this month too.i sort of brainwash myself to try to forget that i was pregnant. the truth of a 2nd MC hurts too much. u try to take good care and rest well. *hugs*
hi stephy,
hugs*** so sorry to hear what you just went thru...pls take care and rest well.
I wish the successful moms who manage to conceive after M/c can share what they did after M/c ... like did they go to see their gynae to TTC and advice or TCM to tiao their bodies before trying... so that we know what approach to take.

I know exactly how you feel... after TTC for 6 mths... hb and I were so happy to hear good news that another bb coming (my first gal is already 3 yrs old).. but good news did not last long, after 2-3 weeks, came the bad news of bleeding and suddenly m/c (happen so fast).. I am also coming 35 this year and I wished I had not delayed my TTC my 2nd child until so long... hb not prepared for 2nd child and his job retrenchment so we delayed till now. Don't give up ... give yourself a longer break, maybe see a TCM doc to tiao your body and some advice on when to try again..

I still feel frustration and sadness now when I think about my loss... my MIL called me yesterday and told me to be more hardworking and cook more tonics to tiao my body, also told my hb that she will not help to take care of my 2nd one if really there is. In my heart, felt so sad... and hb even told me to give up,and just have one child.
I told him that I will find a way to take care of my 2nd child (even if I have to quit my job), find a nanny, maid or ask my mom etc. if I will to successfully have another bb. MIL words brought me down to earth and my heart really sank.... realised that my hb and me have been living a unhealthy lifestyle... eat out too much.. I hope to change the way we live now... eat more healthy.. thinking of visiting a TCM doc for advice on how to tiao my body before TTC next bb..
jiayou gals!
hi tenq,
You can try these few gynaes Lawrence Ang, Peter Chew... I think they are all good gynaes for advice on your situation instead of seeing different doc each time you visit KKH. It's probably good to see them soon since you have been bleeding for so long.. may not be healthy or good for your body. Take care !
Hi stephy,

I understand how u feel to have lost 2 babies in 5 months. Me too.. earlier in last dec, i lost my baby because the brain was not developed. The doctor had attributed this to a lack of folic acid. So, after that, i had deligently took my folic acid and, to our amazed, i was conceived again in May.

Well, 9 weeks into my pregnancy, the scan showed the same thing, the baby's brain was not developed again!!!... after waiting for a senior consultant at KKH to confirm the scan at 12 weeks, i went thru another abortion at 13 weeks.

The recurring rate of 2 babies in a roll having the same problem of this is only 3%, and i was soo "lucky" to get this. and the fact that i've been taking my folic acid each day dint help.

Well, stephy, what i could say is, dun give up and keep trying..

I already have a boy who's coming to 2.5 years old. My mum was pretty upset about my 2 episodes of abortion and I heard her telling my hb that we should just stop at 1 child. But frankly, i will not give up, and i will go find out why my body couldn't absorp the folic acid i took and get some tests done.

after that, i really hope to try again and i'm sure there'll be a healthy baby coming along.

hope we'll encourage each other here, do our best to keep our bodies healthy and try again.. no matter how hard and tough it is.
Hi Stephy
A big hug to u.I can fully understand how u feel coz I oso went 2m/c in the past 5months; one in last Dec, 2nd one in June.
My bb wasnt growing well,though the gynae detected a weak heartbeat ard wk7.
Yes,the chromosome test will be out ard 3wk time.I oso opted for chromosome test for my 3rd bb n found out he has triploidy.Again,it was a random error.
I can understand hw u feel(sorry to repeat again)..i oso decided to stop TTC n let my body rest fr at least 6mth,then probably ttc again next yr.I just console myself...mayb this is a bad yr for me.Things will b beta next yr?hopefully....

Hi Aileen,
how r u? My 2nd m/c oso hurt me so much...I always feel very unlucky to go thru 2m/c..sigh..
Avocado - hi! im feeling better already.. i think i can still put on a brave front because i am 'forcing' myself to forget bout the 2nd MC. Deep in me, i still think bout the MC and the lost babies when alone but when HB and DD are around, i got to brush it aside and be the normal wife and mum again. like you, we decided to rest for 6months before TTC next year. HB even told me we should just have one kid,or if we want another can always adopt. of course, i will hope to bear just one sibling for my DD, thats all i ask for now though i would love to have 3 kids. yes, i can never imagine why we are soooo unlucky to be the chosen ones to go thru 2 MC within such a short timeframe. and its so coincidental, 4 of us here - you, me, stephy and babythad went thru the same roller coaster of 2 MC in 5 mths... i certainly hope the 4 of us will go thru the next smooth ride together and have a healthy pregnancy...
hi ddtan,
don't blame urself.Me n my hb always hv dinner at hme(except wkend),hv regular exercise..yet,still ended up m/c twice.

Similiarly, if i've a 2nd child,my MIL oso will nt take care.I don't blame her coz she is getting old(she is in late 60s).In fact,i feel very grateful tat she tak care of my son well.just b contented wf wat we've,n wat our inlaws can offer.I mean,sometx,i oso feel very loss when my MIL n mum couldn't help me as they can offer to our elder bro.wat to do?tat's the disadvantage of being a younger child.'s a good idea to tiao ur body wf TCM.Our bodies r very weak after each DnC.One DnC is equal to going thru 3 pregnancies.I'm seeing Ma Kuang to "bu" the "qi" for my body coz i frequently fall sick after each DnC.

Hi Aileen,
me too..i oso hope tat we could finally go thru smoothly for our next preggie.I is scary to tink abt going thru the preggie but i always believe it is no pain,no gain.
Nw, we hv to rest well,eat well n exercise to keep our bodies fit.There is always rainbow after rain!
hi gals,

I tell myself i don't want to shed anymore tears, i need to be strong as i still have a son to handle. Life still goes on.

I went to the sinseh at jurong east this morning. I have gone to her before i had my first son. She said my pcos is still exist. Hormone not enough to carry out my pregnancy. After talking to her, I am feeling hopeful again.

So I am going to take one step at a time.. save enough money and prepare for the next "war".
Hey Gals..

After tryin to be strong for so quite some time.. I thought I really managed to get over it.. But, here i am back to tears again.. my heart is bleeding.. it seems like i've burst the wounds that i tried hard to sew back. This time.. it hurts real bad.. i duno how to sew back the mess.. i'm such a failure and disappointment. I tried so hard but yet i failed. Hb not back yet.. 2 weeks le.. Been alone at home all these while. why muz he go when i need him so much?

At work, seeing my colleagues' stomach growing each day is a contant reminder of our bb.. Still managed to hold back my tears in office except once when i went down alone to a corner and cried... Its not her fault but i just hate the feeling i'm getting!!!

Can someone tell me why is it so hard to get over it fully? I'm really trying so hard to not think abt it but it seems to be an unreachable goal. Efforts seems wasted...

When can i stop crying? When can i stop feeling the way i do right now? I'm starting to hate myself..

i am trying to overcome my grief, in the day time , i have housework to keep me busy, but at nite, i couldn't stop thinking that my bb is gone. I kept telling friends that I am ok. I don't think it will go away, the pain will be forever in me. But yet, we still have a life to move on. Time will heal.
Juz after i posted my message earlier.. i received an article from a gd fren.. she told me to visualise bb in front of me as i read it. Then tell bb all i wanted to. I did feel better aft reading it.. here it goes..

Losing you was such a hard thing to go through
You brought such joy to my life
And I will always love you

But God loves you more than I will ever understand
He reached into my womb and carried you up in His hands
For it was His perfect plan
To save you from a world of sin that you will never know
A world that Jesus died for a long, long time ago

And I know that sin is not the only thing that you will never know
There are other things that kids like me had to suffer through awhile
Like bullies in your classroom who call you names, but it's just for show

Also, no mean teachers for you, my child
For I'm sure God has taught it all
No scraped knees and band-aids, for you will never fall
You will never have peer pressure, like smoking, sex or beer
No starving yourself, comparing yourself, of feeling that you're fat
Satan's lies have no place in your life so you don't have to worry 'bout that
No bad dates, spouse complaints, or long, hard tiring job
You work is perfect-praising God all day and singing His songs
Never will you see a life filled with war and hate
For up in heaven there's perfect peace that right now I can't relate
No sickness, no pain, no sad good-byes, no tears coming from your eyes
And most of all, you will never have to watch a loved one die
For God, your Perfect Father, will never leave your side.

And although I long to hold you in my arms and see your smile,
I know my pain and emptiness will only last awhile.
For I know that God is perfect, all-knowing, loving and true.
He took you home to be with Him, for He wants the best for you.
And even though I still ask "why" and feel sad every day
I know a time will come when God will bring me home with you to stay.

And when I'm finally there, what a reunion that will be
For face to face, I'll see my perfect, heaven child
Who is truly God's gift to me.

Ling - that is really a nice piece of message.. though we never will know why God let it happen, but surely he has his purpose. i know what you mean cos i also have got pregnant colics around me and it hurts to see their tummy growing day by day. i always get reminded and tell myself i should have been bigger now had i not lost my #2 and due in a months time.. sigh, but still we got to move on for God has greater plans for us. hang on Ling, we will all fight the race together
