Support group - Miscarriages

hi sashamama,
I know in my heart when I went to see the 2nd gynae that to prepare he will say the same thing plus my bleeding did not stop... so likely no hope.
After 4 visits to confirm.. I think I accepted the truth...i did my best and even the hormones jabs will not help me.

dear gals,
Just found out some interesting facts from my TCM doctor. Acccording to him, if "O" late, the chances of a sucessful preggie is not so good as the LH hormones may not be enough. Ideally, should "O" about mid-cycle. That is, if you have a normal 28 or 29 day cycle, "O" should occur on Day 14 or 15. All this information is making sense now. For my previous 2 preggies which ended in m/cs, I "O" late...on day 18 & 19 respectively.
I wasn't given oral pills during my first D&C. Instead I had the pill inserted to my vaginal. The nurse told me the pill will help to dilate and soften the cervix, which will not be so damaging and better for my future delivery.

Last weekend, I have gone back to my pil's place, heard from them, my sil also had a miscarriage recently. It was her first pregnancy.

Sometimes think about it, what so good about parenthood, from the day we get pregnancy, we start to have endless worries and anxieties. Without kid, I can have all the freedom in the world.
dear mummies

would like to join this thread for a while... brief intro..

About 2 weeks+ plus ago, I tested positive on a home pregnancy test kit. Tested a few more times over the next few days but all results were super faint type. Went to see my gynae on august 2 (Sat)…but gynae did not detect a sac during v-scan. Told me that it could be in early stages of pregnancy or bb is not healthy, that’s why there is no sac. Took another urine sample in the clinic and there was a faint positive line again. And gynae said it was not good coz the lines shld be even in color. She asked me to do a blood test to see the HCG levels and another on 6th August (Wed) as she would be on leave on Monday n tues.

On 4th august (Mon), I could not wait any longer and decided to seek for a second opinion. I see this dr Adrian woodworth that many mummies talked about. In his clinic, we did not see any sac during tummy scan but he claimed that there is thickening of the utheuras lining which is a positive sign of bb growing and he even measure 4mm for me. I asked him what I should done now and he just gave me 2 weeks supply of duphson to stablise the pregnancy and 1 wk of mc to rest. So I went home happily thinking my pregnancy is advancing.

On 6th August (Wed), I went back to my gynae and did the 2nd blood test. One hr later, the results came out, my HCG levels on Sat was 186 and it dropped to 136 on Wednesday. Gynae said this a chemical pregnancy, the earliest form of miscarriage. And told me that my period will come in two , three weeks later (more severe and more cramps).

I was devasted, I mean I seeked 2nd opinion and was expecting my pregnancy to progress but it happened otherwise. I cried n cried for the next two days.. And by Friday, 8th Aug, my period came..that’s the end, everything just ended like that… it’s like a roller coaster of events for me, within 1.5 weeks., so much thing had happened. I am angry with my hb for he told me straight off that I am not preggie when I showed him the 1st home pregnancy test kit (coz we just had a quarrel then). Somehow I felt that he’s the cause of what happened…. Coz in a way, we r a very different family (some strange things always happen n further more now is lunar 7th month). I oso felt disgusted with this dr adrian. I mean, he did not do any tests and just gave me some an-tai pills………n gave me false hopes
sashamama....sumhow readin ur post brought tears to heart was aching recalling the exact scenario I was in 6 mths back....guess right then I had cried for too long thus on the day of ops....I was smiling at ppl ard mi even my gynae...they muz have thought im a weirdo....pls take good care of urself & dun give up...try again when u are ready....=)

Aileen..sorry to hear abt up ur health and get ready for the next bb when u think the time is right...jiayou..=D
i want to ask mummies who had chemical pregnancy, does ur period comes that fast?????????? or is this the natural m/c that u girls have been talking abt??????????? i mean, it's not as severe bleeding n cramps as what's described in webbies n my gynae.. in fact, i had lighter flow tis time round. what's happening
hi pinkpixel,
My O day is also late this round - day 17 - 18.
My first gal was around day 14 but then my cycle has been irregular... sometimes 24, sometimes 28 or 30 days... but this is good info. thanks !

Had some cramps just now and logged off to rest for a while...feel so tired from crying and also physically tired.

I used to think that why have kids so early... but with my gal... though lots of worries and tiredness from taking care of her and working... hb and me feel so happy when we see her grow and laugh each day.. life not the same if without her now..
smurfy....sorry to hear of ur loss...wif no ill intention or siding of dr 1st visit did not show any sac via tummy scan / V scan...only thickening of uterus which could be due to early stage of pregnancy....I was too given hormone pills & MC to rest b4 returning for a 2nd review one week later...diff gynae have diff style of working or diagnosis...anyhow take care of ur health & do a mini confinement if u can ya...
my boy is also very healthy. i mean before i realised my pregnancy with my boy then, i even drank wine, eat raw sashimi, took a long flight. n he's born so healthy. sick for less than 5x in his 1.5yrs of life. i keep asking myself why is this bb so different? i stopped coffee, cold stuffs the moment i know i am preggie but nothing i did could perserve its life... i hate my hb for saying that comment and being indifferent when he knows that i am preggie this time round. the bb must have not want to be his son/daughter with him being so indifferent. i dunno when i want to try again.. but seriously i dun mind my boy being the one and only ..
I was given "false hope" too during my first gynae visit. Maybe because I had my first mc, I wasn't 100% positive about this pregnancy. As far as I am concern, till date, I am not seeing the bb heartbeat, this pregnancy still can't be confirmed. When I had my first mc, I kept on looking for reasons what I could have done to prevent the mc. I was angry with myself. I guess this is the part of the phase that I have go thru during the loss. My hb didn't understand my "grief", my mom told me that the bb didn't want to be my kid and this time, she even said, don't try anymore.

I agreed with u, my boy did give us joy too. Maybe I felt I am doing most of the things, my hb works late most of the time. As a SAHM, I am tired. Sometimes, I also worried if we have a 2nd kid, will our relationship be strained.
i'm a practical person lor, i feel that it's better to let go now, then a late m/c or even an unhealthy birth... u know, i think the best thing for the bb did for me is to let me have a faster end to everything. i'm 30 this year but i dunno when i will try again, i dun want to go thr this kind of heartpain again, especially when the hb is not supportive coz to him it dun even exist.

my hb oso dun understand my grief... he dunno how much i pin on for this one.. how much i bond with it..
Dear ddtan,
So sorry to hear about the same bad news from your 2nd gynae... Allow yourself to grieve especially the night before... Cry it all out, vent it all out, say everything you wanna say to your hubby and your bb... Then you'd feel more in control on Sat morning when you go for the D&C. I took duphaston to stabilise the waterbag for 4 days, in case I M/C naturally and need to go for emergency wash. Are you taking duphaston still? hang in there, we can both try again in Sept/Oct if you're ready...

Hi pinkpixel,
Am glad for you that some ???s in your head are cleared by what your doc said

Hi Stephy,
We would all have to go through this phase of depression and denial... Pls dun give up having a bb... I'm sure the joys of having one beats the freedom of having none... But we're all entitled to our own opinions, of course... maybe you're not ready to try again so fast? Also, don't be put down by what your mum said about not trying anymore if you're keen to try again...

Dear Smurfy,
Am sorry to hear that it's been such a difficult time for you and there's much frustration and angst in you. It's unhealthy to feel so angry towards your hubby though in your case, he should have been more understanding... Maybe a good talk with him would help? Let him know your deepest emotions and seek support? I'm sure he'd provide... it must be not easy for him too... Pls take care... Actually my hubby also told me mine is not bb yet, it's a cell... He said that to comfort me, not to deny the bb... Eventually i told him the night before my op that no matter what, it IS a bb, a living thing that did grow in me and it's not just a cell. He then understood and just held me as i cried... Maybe your hubby is also trying to comfort you in that way?
u r not the only one.My hb oso told me tat it just a cell.My mum asked me not to try anymore,just be contented to hv one.Seriously,i am sick of all these words.

it seems tat my hb could nvr understand wat i've gone thru,despite he was with me for the last two DnC.For my 2nd DnC,i was so pissed off when he asked me if i nid him to come to hospital after confirming my bb was gone(no more heartbeat)

I oso hv told him many times tat the bbs were once with me,inside my tummy...the bbs hv a heartbeat..i once scolded him for not being understanding wat i've gone thru.To me,i'll nvr forget abt the m/cs.I scolded him of he can so easily to forget abt everything.Then we always ended up quarreling bcoz he'll say in this case no pt ttc again.I hate it.I feel he is a coward.Everytx when things happened or i nid his support to solve prob,he'll just ask me to give up.

Now,i don't care abt my hb.I just let him tak care of his own health coz i am reali tired.
Hi Pinkpixel,

ur TCM dr is right. Its seems that if cycle is the norm 28 days but one ovulates very late that cycle, another factor is that egg would have gone past the prime state and if fertilised, it could be less than ideal. Hve also read in some studies that if the egg is fertilised during the last tens of mins of its useful life (12 to 24 hrs afterwhich it disintegrates and passes out body), it is also less than ideal. So for the ttcing sisters here, its best to start ttcing a few days before the pending ovulation to ensure that there are sperms at the fallopian tube already waiting to catch that falling egg at its freshing state and not only ttc on the O day itself.

Hi Smurfy, for my first preg, when I showed my hb the test stick which also showed a very faint line, he also said that I am probably not preg and I knew that he said not becoz he did not want the bb but really becoz guys are often very matter-of-fact. To them, preg is only confirmed if the test line is as dark as the control line. So there is a chance that ur hb might have felt the same and I am sure he would hve wanted the bb. Pls do hve a gd talk with ur hubby and let him know how u r feeling. Its very impt to straighten this or there will always be a knot in future. For all u know, ur hb might be secretly crying when u r not looking becoz I hve heard a lot of cases when hbs hide to cry becoz they don't want their wives to worry abt one more thing.
Avocado, hey, happy to know that u do not want to give up. Of course ur mom probably "xin1 tong4" u suffer but don't be affected by what others tell u as u r ultimately the one giving birth. Mostly likely ur hubby also xin1 tong4 u suffer but just don't know how to put into words and simply say give up as its the easiest explanation. But really, continue to stay strong and positive for a better future!
u r still very young.Did gynae mention abt what cause chemical preggie?
I oso hv stopped drinking coffee,hv plenty of fruits n milk during my 2nd n 3rd preggie,but the bbs r gone.As compared to my 1st preggie,i drank coffee n tea even during my preggie n my son is healthy too.
Well,each preggie is very different.
I've been noticing u keep giving encouragement n advices to the ladies in this forum.U r indeed a nice lady.
U r right.Probably my mum xin tong wat i've gone thru.She accompanied me for my two DnCs.I tink it is oso not easy for her to see me going thru two m/c.
I am oso a SAHM n was once worried tat having a 2nd kid might strain our marriage.I oso hv engaged maid twice but it didn't turn up well.
Furthermore,after two m/c,i was once very depressed n loss..and almost wanna give up.
But I keep telling myself to b strong coz i wish my son grows up with a sibling.To do tat,i nid my hb support too.

I still feel tat u shld seek a 2nd opinion.I once read fr. this forum tat a lady who went thru multiple m/cs later found out she has a scar in her womb which interfere with the implantation of the embryo. They may be formed after a uterine curettage (after an abortion) and can be diagnosed by hysteroscopy.

I mean,it is nt necessary to do a detailed chk such as chromosome testing which costs a bomb, however, can do a simple test to chk the womb n ur health.Physical illness or health prob might cause recurrent m.c such as diabetes,antibodies,etc...

By going thru such health screening,it is oso good for both u n ur hb,to know ur health conditions n manage it beta,not necessary bcoz of ttc...etc...

regarding chemical pregnancy, it is actually quite common in early pregnancy. will not know if we do not use the pregancy kit to test. we will take it as our menses come late. I had one chemical pregnancy last year too. tested positive with a faint line but about 1week plus later, my menses came with alot of blood clots and cramps. consider as a natural m/c at the very early stage. I didn't even went to see gyane yet as I thought it will be the same as my 1st pregnancy, thought of waiting for 2 weeks then can see better.

But will not hinder conceiving. I m/c beginning of the month, but I conceive in the same month. Now my baby is about 4months old already.She is my 2nd girl. My 1st girl is 2 years old.

for all the mummies here,
Persevere, try to be stress free. When I was trying for my 2nd bb, I was very stress with TTC, maybe sort of affect the quality of egg. But after my chemical pregnancy, I let nature take own course, stop using ovalution strip to test my ovalution day, and stress free, i conceived, cannot believe it myself also.

Jia you to all!
Dear Persona,
Thanks for yuor encouragement. I've added you to this list to motivate the rest of us

Nick - Month of Last M/C – Cycle# (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Persona - ?'07 - 0 - Apr'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - Mar'07 - Oct'07 - 6 - May'08

Can more mummies come back to share your success pls?
Hi Sashamama,

I had 3 MCs on the Apr'06 (6weeks), Nov'06(17weeks) and Jun'07(21weeks)... I was then concieved again on Aug'07 and now i had a beautiful 4 months old baby girl.

As mine is due to cervical incompetent, so a cercalge is perfome on me at week 12.. I delivered @ week 35+6 due to high blood pressure. During then my cerlcage is removed.

All the mummies here, please dun give up.. i know is not easy. I dint give up and keep trying. You will be there soon also.. Jia You
Sashamama and rest,
don't be dishearted. till tdy, i still think of my 1st lost. back then i was trying very hard to get preggy agn after my MC and was abit stress out cos i can't let go. i knw it's very hard to let go of the past until u preggy agn. cos i have been thru it. even after preggy will have phobia.

p.s. my user acct was created after my mc, cos i came in here to get support from other like u here. but i seldom post. reading thru others post helps too.

Nick - Month of Last M/C – Cycle# (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Persona - ?'07 - 0 - Apr'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - Mar'07 - Oct'07 - 6 - May'08
redtea - sept'06 - July'07 - Mar'08
Dear Leslieanne & Angtay,
Thanks for your encouragement. I've added you two to this list to motivate the rest of us

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - ? - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
My period of gloom is a lot worse than some of you here. I've been to this board to give encouragements before. In short, I've had a total of 5 miscarriages back to back in a period of 3 years from 2003 to 2006 before I give birth to my first miracle baby naturally. Then shortly after, I got pregnant again without even trying. Such is the gift from God. There's always hope if you believe. I used to keep track but not anymore. It was traumatising and pointless so this is my estimation.

Melissa - 5 - #1 - Sep'06.

Mine is a bit historic lah. But I thought I just drop by to encourage the newbies that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - ? - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Divine - 3 - Mar 07 - 7 - July 08
Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery

Corynn - 4 - June'07 -2 - May'08
Read some of your stories here and I can understand how depressed you were. I felt bouts of depressions during those time too. I went all the way to hating every single pregnant women and women with children. I hated my sister, I hated my in-laws. I even hated my own mother who bluntly said, she has no problem conceiving all four children of hers. It's like rubbing salt in the wound. If i think about it, I'm still angry inside even though I've had two healthy children already. I feel like women who has had miscarriages are never understood. That we do feel the pain of loss. It's not just the loss of the baby but a loss of part of ourselves.

Anyway my details were incomplete. Here's the corrected version:

Nick: Melissa
# of M/C: 5
Month of Last M/C: 26
# of Cycles (Pregnant Again): 1 (i have standard long 37-days cycle)
Month of Delivery: Sep'06
nick: celynlee
# of MC: 1
month of last mc: july 07
# of cycle: 1
month of delivery - aug 08

i understand that its very painful to face any miscarriages. but must believe and hang on. you will be able to have your own children. have hope.
Nick: mulberry
# of M/C: 1
Month of Last M/C: Feb 07
# of Cycles (Pregnant Again): *sorry i don't understand what this means :p*
Month of Delivery: Aug 08

Dear ladies,
don't give up. and most importantly don't stress. Try to maintain a positive outlook (i know it is difficult but try your best) and this will help in your TTCing. Jia you!

wanted to add my voice of encouragement too... had two m/c, first one around 6 weeks, second one around 10 weeks (heartbeat just disappeared). Took me three years of trying before successful delivery of my first son. Now my second boy is 3 mths old. Both conceived "naturally", although i went thru TCM for 2 years at Thong Chai, and also saw a fertility expert Dr Suresh Nair. Strangely, it was when i got so fed-up and disappointed and gave up and stopped seeing both doctors, that i was blessed with my first son. Second son came as a surprise - i didn't expect to be able to get pregnant again so easily. I think the TCM may have "tiao" my body better and given me better eggs. Anyway, my details:

oldmum - 2 - mid 03 - Feb06 & Apr08

Like Melissa said, there are miracles... Was also very depressed during the years of trying, and refused to attend first month celebrations cos they'd just make me cry. Also quarreled with my own mom, cos she would make insensitive remarks, as if we weren't already trying our best.

One "silly" suggestion - friend of mine, going thru same heartache, said she read somewhere on the internet, that making the hubby sit on ice packs every night can help cool down his sperm and increase chances of conceiving. Her hubby was pretty cooperative and so was mine. They also took cold showers instead of hot baths, and wore boxer shorts instead of jockeys. Apparently heat will distort the shape of the sperm. anyway, both she and i have two kids now... so no harm trying if hubbies don't mind... i doubt there is any scientific basis to this but sometimes you just hope.
that's not a silly suggestion.. coz sperm will not thrive in hot temperature.. so guys are recommeneded not to have long hot showers, saunas and steambaths... but quality of the sperms? how do we control this? since most of the m/cs occurs in first trimesters r due to chromosomal defects?
Nick - sexyaqua (1 etopic 01/07 & 1 M/C 07/07)
July 2007 M/C – 2 months later Pregnant Again
Month of Delivery : June 2008

Don't give up girls. I tot I wasn't able to give birth again after the etopic coz i am down with 1 tube and have numerous fibroids. When I was pregnant in July I was so happy but turn out m/c. A simple procedure was done to remove the fibroids and I was pregnant 2 months later.

Now i have a beautiful 2 month old daughter...have faith yah. Most importantly....NEVER GIVE UP!
Nick: icy
# of M/C: 2
Month of Last M/C: Nov 05 & Aug 06
# of Cycles (Pregnant Again): 9 mths of rest using TCM, pregnant at first try.
Month of Delivery: Jan 08

Don't give up and keep trying! Relax, dun be stress up is the Key. Gambatte!
talk about fibroid. i didn't know i have fibroid all along but my gynae didn't think it's necessary to remove. it was there throughout my two pregnancies so i'm glad i listened to her and didn't switch gynae else i can't bear to go through under the knives again! i had waaay to many D&C already.

nothing is silly when ttc. i remember days when we try all sort of things just to make sure i produce the best eggs and hubby produced the best sperm. we completely changed our lifestyle. he cut down smoking, gave up riding his bike, changed to boxers, while i take care of my diet, try to stress lesser and yes lying down 30 mins after BD..aiyah u name it i tried it all. i went through natural miscarriages as well as D&C.. aiyah all kinds of procedures.. clomid oso i tried..tcm oso tried..malay massage oso tried..jamu oso tried.. hahaa.

in the end what keeps me going is the IRON WILL and NEVER-GIVE-UP attitude. so girls, thanks to support groups like this you will make it!
hi smurfy

quality of sperm can sometimes be helped by TCM i think.. my hubby did the TCM along with me - drank all the evil-smelling brew to improve his sperm quality. it improved a little bit...

Also, hormonal support was very important for me - for my two sons, my gynae gave me crinone and utrogeston from the first moment pregnancy was confirmed and all through the first 12 weeks... i think they really helped stabilize my pregnancies. At the same time, i drank the an-tai medicine from TCM... so it was really double support.

yes i remember the lying down 30 min after BD, and legs in the air to help the sperm flow down better...anything also do.
Hi all encouraging mums,

Thanks for very much for all these true life accounts and encouragement. Sashamama, ur call for the list is yielding very long and encourgaing list!

Avcoado, heee.... am not doing much to help, just giving 2 cts worth and I gather that even if I can't hve a bb, I still want to be a more constructive being to share info and I really really hope in this world there will be fewer mcs and more bbs. From the list that Sashamama is gathering, there is still a lot of hope.

Melissa, u hve really gone thru a lot. Ur story maybe can written as a book to encourage pple!

Nick - # of M/C - Month of Last M/C – # of Cycles (Pregnant Again) – Month of Delivery
Melissa - 5 - '06 - 1 - Sep'06
Icy - 2 - Aug'06 - 9 - Jan'08
Angtay - 1 - Sep'06 - 10 - Mar'08
Joteohl - 1 - Jul'05 - 25 - Apr'08
Persona - 1 - Aug'07 - 1 - Apr'08
Leslieanne - 3 - Jun'07 - 2 - Apr'08
Oldmum - 2 - Mid'03 - 20+ - Feb'06 & Apr'08
Corynn - 4 - Jun'07 - 2 - May'08
Kaka2606 - ? – Jun’07 – 2 – May’08
Piggymummy - ? - Sept'07 - ? - May'08
Roxy - ? - Mar'07 - 6 - May'08
Happysnowflakes - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Jun'08
Sexyaqua - 2 - Jul'07 - 2 - Jun'08
Youpi - 1 - Jul'04 - 6 - Nov'05 & Jul'08
Divine - 3 - Mar'07 - 7 - Jul'08
Celynlee - 1 - Jul'07 - 1 - Aug'08
Mulberry - 1 - Feb'07 - 6 - Aug'08

<font color="ff0000">Dear mummies who are keen to share your success to motivate us, please fill in your info in the template below and I will update. Thanks!
Number of M/Cs:
Month of Last M/C:
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles:
Month of Delivery:

(Feel free to share more of your story too
Hi gals,
In case you're wondering why so many mummies come in to encourage us, I went into all the Jan-Aug'08 Mummies threads to request them to do so. I'm very grateful to the positive responses. Let's hold our hands together and get through these difficult times with strength and hope

Dear Sashamama &amp; all successful mummies,
Your experiences are really encouraging. Even though I am already in my mid-30s, I will still continue to try and not give up.

Dear bubbleteahut,
I use the clearblue ovulation kit and I only start to TTC on the day the
face is detected. Maybe I should start couple of days earlier?
dear sashamama,

thank you for the positive encouragement you have been giving to the mommies here. really hope more will be added to the list in time to come. hopefully i will see my name there too. thank you for your sweet gesture.

just to share about my Ovul experience.. for my 2nd preg, my O was about the 15th day, but spotting came 5 days after period was due. i only enjoyed my pregnancy of 5 days before i lost it. i suppose that was what you would call a chemical pregnancy.

Not sure how true it is when they say the egg is 'healthier' if you ovulate mid cycle. my case proved it otherwise.

i'm confused again this month as i detected my O around the 18th day. very strong indication on the cheapo test strip (usually very faint) and also a smiley face on the clearblue Ovul kit. my period is suppposed to be due tomorrow, given my 28 day cycle. but unfortunately, i can feel my mense coming. the familiar cramping and backache.. although i know preg symptoms also similar but just not too hopeful..

i finally did up a blog on my 2 previous m/cs although i wanted to start it only when i am past the first trimester for the next child.. as i did not want to be disappointed halfway and end the blog.. but what the heck.. just wanted to document it so that i can one day share with brokenhearted mommies here that we all too will have a precious bundle in our arms one day...

u can start reading from bottom up if u like.
hi pinkpixel,

TTC on the day the LH surge is detected should be fine as the LH (hormones) will surge JUST before ovulation, which means the egg may not have been released yet. but it can also detect the LH on the way it is going down after the Ovulation.

but as a general guide, just TTC 12-36 hours after the O was detected should be fine.
Hi Pinkpixel

Yes, what twinangel said its true. But in addition, if u want to be failproof, as a general rule, healthy sperm can survive up to 5 days in friendly cervical mucus. So if u have a 28 days cycle, can still to ttc on day 11 rest one day for sperm to regenerate, day 13 and day 14 (likely o day). Of course continue to use ur ovulation kit and monitor but if u want, can start 4 days prior to most likely o day. In that case, u maximise ur chance and also give a chance for the very healthy sperm to fertilize a very fresh egg
For a 29 days cycle, probably start on day 12 and ttcing on alternate days. Count accordingly for longer cycles as luteal phase stays the same. But don't abandon ur ovulation kit if u use to to pinpoint ur ovulation. The starting early is to ensure u have healthy sperm waiting to catch the egg.
Nick: Chewwy
Number of M/Cs: 1
Month of Last M/C: Oct 06
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles: 7?
Month of Delivery: Mar 08

Don't give up, keep trying and have fun trying.. don;t stress yourself. Jia You!
Nick: manuka_chan
Number of M/Cs: 1
Month of Last M/C: Mar 07
Pregnant after How Many Menstrual Cycles: 1 (after my D&amp;C)
Month of Delivery: Jan 08

Agreed with Chewwy, dun give up! Jia You!

hi sashamama,
On tuesday night, I started having very bad cramps... on early wed morning around 2am to 4am, cramps started getting so bad, I woke up to take pandadol and at 4.30am, could not sleep the whole time as pain was so bad... I woke up and saw my shorts covered with blood..

Went to toilet immediately and out came a number of blood clots (big ones) and my whole pad was completed full of blood. I knew I must have miscarriaged already... clean myself up... pain started to subsided slightly after that. Woke my hb up and told him the whole event... he actually passed me the what you want me to do lah ??
So pissed off... told him tomorrow go with me to see gynae for d/c... and went back to bed with my gal. Never thought he can be so unfeeling about it and he went back to sleep like nothing happened...
Early wed morning, brought my gal to my MIL place to take care and he drove me to TMC.. Gynae did a scan and told me most of the sac and all is already gone .. only left some tissues that he need to cleanup.
Sad and depressed... went thru the d/c as what you described. I did it in his operating theatre in his clinic which I am glad I did.. the nurses are very nice and comforted me all the way.

Decided to go to my mom's pl to do mini-confinment and rest for 5 days till this sunday. Glad I decided that... my parents and bro consoled me. Mom cooked mini-confinement and tonic for me... told me now must tiao my body well to recover.. I stayed far from my mom's place so I really missed my mom's home cooked food and comfort of my parents nursing my feelings back. Brought tears in my eyes when I felt the comfort.. Hb though not good in words... thru his actions.. he stayed with me and brought my gal to see me yesterday night..

This morning, started reading the posts all of you posted really encouraged me. Please do share your conceiving methods which are really useful.
Thinking back... I have irregular cycles and always find hard to pinpoint when my O day is.
Cycles can be 24, 28 or 31 days. So we should BD 3 days before O day and 12-36 hrs after O day so quality is ideal ??
