Support group - Miscarriages

seems like a lot of us there stays with in-laws..

shirley, mine is also permanent ! my MIL will stay with me forever, she wont move out from my hse de loh..act she say this sat wanna go my BIL hse to stay over cos she wanna see her grandson. but dunno bcos of what she say not gg there liao...haiz, i thot can enjoy er ren shi jie with hubby mah. with my MIL at home, she always like to pester my hubby and keep talking to him...sometimes also break our conversation...

piyobaby, so any idea when ur in laws will stay with u ? just bear with it lah. worst come to worst, close both eyes ! but i guess u have no mood to TTC liao right ? u always sound very cheerful leh, but now ur posting seems like a lot of fire..hehe. btw, i forget to ask u, did u sign up the package from dr woody ? i did not sign leh. but last visit after D&C, he did not charge me any cents wor..

hi cynthia, i know the suan suan feeling. if not we can happily announced that we are 2nd trimester one of my fren ask me do i want her maternity dresses cos she want to close factory liao..then i feel like very hurt, i tell her that i no more preggy leh what for i need the dresses right ?? i know she meant well to pass me her dress but mayb i too sensitive loh

porky...nobody breath a word abt the's like a waiting game! the timing is bad I guess and lots of buildups contributing to all tis frustrations...FIL talk bad abt us b4 & both are constantly complaining abt the location & mention of helping to prep tonic after D&C oso ...worst is im clearing my leave and had intend to nua at home enjoying 'temp tai tai' life but all plans dashed now! wasnt i glad that we are going away for dat short trip....not much mood to TTC but i was telling myself...they have oreadi disturb a large part of my life but when it comes to baby in concern...not going to be affected by them....

i sign up the pkg wif him but paid 1/2 far I have not been charged further unless it's medication which is realli nice of thing dat keep bugging mi thou...he dun offer hormone injection which supposedly work faster to sustain pregnancy...ask him b4 & he told mi the company no longer producing the jabs....
b4 i am married my standard for cleanliness is of high standard. But now i dun think is 50% of last time liao. Cos i have to bring down my standard due to my hubby family.

Those who are staying with in laws have to really close 2 eyes. It better for u all to stay together now then yrs later. For me my sil stay with me one the very 1st day. My MIL move in 2mths b4 i give birth to my boy. That time i got post natal depression and nearly jump down of the building.

B4 i give birth, my MIL will come into my bedrm during the nite. So my hubby suggest to lock the bedrm door when we sleep then my MIL can use keys to open our bedrm door. She say she worried dunno how am i doing. After i give birth she will just come into my rm anytime to see baby or even stand there looking at how i breastfeed my baby. So my breast is actually expose to her and my sil who like to watch me feeding my boy.

My MIL like to change without closing the door. My hubby saw a few times and just turn his head away.. I guess it there upbringing loh..Wat to do..
i understand how u feel. I am in the same shoe as you. ppl ard me are getting preggy.. IF i didnt lose my baby i am in 2nd trimester as well.

so envy hor when they can have baby so easy. My very own sis cant understand my feeling. Cos he get preggy real easy. She is a mother of 3 liao. and all her kids she plan to have then that very mth will strike one.. So envy.
piyobaby...u also go woody...i oso went to him for my lst pregnancy, but i nv done the D&C with him, i did with another gynae...i oso pay half for the package...

are u given duphaston to eat? its oso another type of hormones pills
wat u mean by the company no longer produce the jab? I have the hormo jab on my butt that time given by Dr Fong.
Hi, ladies,I'm new to this thread(I was in Oct mummies) but just went to d&C this wk.I miscarried twice overseas & this is my 3rd consecutive mishap.Still reeling with grief..My sympathies go to all of you as well.As this is the 1st time I am seeing the gynae here in Spore, I did feel quite clueless abt the system here.for example,despite my previous mc,my gynae didn't monitor my hormone right from start.I wonder if this is a standard practice?Also,DO ANYONE KNOW of a more kiasu dr. who SPECIALISES in recurrent miscarriages?feeling very desperate as I'm over 35 now & overweight(depression binging) though I am determined to lose wt b4 ttc again...
jappooh...can feel that it's realli tough for u to adjust...=) post natal depression is realli scary...luckily u are FIL & BIL oso have the habit of not closing the toilet door....=_="

littlemini....yupper...seeing dr woody...porky too....i was on duphaston for abt 1 mth be m/c which is expensive but no choice....from 3 times a day a tab each to 2 tabs each time...

jappooh...dats wat my gynae told mi wor....but im aware dat other gynae still administer the jab...perhaps it's juz himself who stop tis practise...=)
sylvie...sorrie to hear of ur losses...**hugz**

wat i understand from medical papers is dat the guideline only require patients to perform investigations after 2 or more m/cs....i cant help on wat tests they conducted..vaguely rem it's chromosome to who is very much talked about in fertility no idea too....hope dat the others can help u wif it...=)
ya loh but now i ok liao lor have been staying with them for few yrs liao.

maybe is your gynae stop this practise.

i am not sure abt who is good. I do knw that there are these Dr handling high risk case. One of my fren have 2 mc b4 a successful one. When she was pregy on the 3rd time she was under a Dr who handle high risk case. Her 3rd pregy was not a easy one but manage to give birth to a healthy baby boy. I knw she was on lots of jabs and homo pills to support the baby.
hi ladies,

i'm new here and i want to share my story.

i had my first m/c end June 07 at 8 weeks. it started with spotting then the flow got heavier. the scan revealed the baby at the size of 6 weeks, it didnt have a heartbeat and it didnt grow. i was devastated. but we moved on and after reading so much about how common m/c were i felt slightly consoled.

we rested for 2 months and started ttc in sept. there was no news until 21st mar 08. i had a strong positive on the test kit. i was optimisstic that it would be ok this time round. but i was wrong. 4 days later, i started spotting again. having gone through it once, i knew what it was all about. i cried, i prayed and i wished for all the horrible nausea and heartburns and anything worse to happen to me as long as i can keep the baby (i dont have nausea except for sore boobs and bloatedness). but nothing worked. gynae couldnt find anything in the scan and didnt advise a d/c as the body was already expelling baby out on its own. i've been passing out small clumps of blood clot and yesterday evening, one huge clot was soiled onto my pad, the size of a 20cent coin. i think it could have been the remains of my baby. i took a photo of it to remember him/her by. this 2nd baby angel left me at 4 weeks 6 days.

my heart aches and hurts so bad thinking about my 2 baby angels. that i will never get to hug them, play with their little toes and fingers.

i need to know i'm not alone..that even after 2 m/cs, we can still conceive till full term... i pray and hope that there's no underlying problems with us..

my period has stopped after 3 days.. started on tuesday and now it is clear. do u think we can start ttc again? i know its better to wait another cycle but i really do not wish to wait..

appreciate any advice here..

thank you all for listening..
hi furrypaws,
i am sorry abt your losses..hug..hug..

i understand your fear cos after my MC i also do not knw wat will happen next time.

I have a fren who have 2 mc b4 she manage to carry the 3rd one to full term.

As for can TTC again it good for hynae to give a green light..
furrypaws, so sorry abt ur losses. lots of hugz. I can sort of understand the strong desire to ttc & fierce determination to compensate the losses.I did just that after my 1st mc.However, it's best 2 check with gynae which gives some piece of mind but ultimately, if you feel you are ready, YOU ARE! There are many women who did bear healthy babies after multiple mcs (which is what is keeping me hopeful too!

**Jappooh, thank you for your info.I am wondering if you can share who are such doctors.I dun mind the jabs or whatever pain I have to endure to see me thru the next successful pregnancy. Thank you!
yup jappooh....dats wat i thought too cos i heard abt the frequent use of jab to stabalise & sustain the foetus....tis is sumthg which shake mi from staying put wif him.....
furrypaws...**hugz** i was overwhelmed wif emotion while reading ur post & it brought tears to my eyes....i was juz toying wif the idea to pack & keep away the BN maternity clothing I bought but neber get to use still keeping my pregnancy kit tucked away in the bathroom....although I felt that I have got over it and can talk abt our angel wif ease....I have not had the courage to peep at the u/s film till now.....

I would suggest that u consult a gynae or ur current gynae to check if there is a need to conduct any investigation on the m/cs cos the int'l medical guideline is to investigate when there is 2 or more m/ to ttcing again....i would say to listen & go wif ur heart...=) currently reading a book titled To Full Term ~ A Mother's Triumph Over Miscarriage by Darci Klein....highly recommend the book as the poor author whose premature dd struggle for 7 weeks in NICU....met wif 2 m/cs....forced to give birth to a pair of twins at 20 weeks....i am not done wif the book where she shared the journey of her 5th pregnancy.....
Hi sylvie,
i do knw KKH have dr handling high risk but i cant remember his name. As for my fren gynae i can check with her then get back to u. Her gynae is at Gleneagles.

are u staying at CCK? Actually i was is thinking if i preggy again whcih gynae to choose. Currently i am with Dr John Tee from KKH. He is a very good gynae just that i dun like the system at KKH. Cos like i bleed i was ask to go to the 24hrs clinic and the nurse refuse to help me contact john tee..They doc on duty didnt give me any med until i request for it.. But after that my bleeding get worst and i went to Dr Fong Yang and was given the jab though still end up in miscarrige at least i knw i haev done my best.

Did consider Dr Adrian cos he is at CCK.
jappooh...yup staying near yew tee....wat abt u?? dr adrian is not bad but one thing u may have to consider is he dun administer hormone jab....
thanks ladies.. i really hope each of us will have a happy and success story to share eventually.

tomorrow i will be going to a TCM in Jurong East rec by a friend, they say u have to start queueing at 4am in the morning! they start clinic at 6.15am.. geez.. i stay in the east, it means i'd have to wake up real early.. but for the healthy bbs ahead, i must persevere!
i went to the tcm at jurong east before. took her med for about 9 mths, towards the end, I had bad gastric pain, that's why i stopped taking her stuff.

I wouldn't say her med is bad, at least it helps my constipation which i used to have. But, after i stopped her med for a few months, I was conceived with my first kid, so dunno whether is it her med that help or is juz my luck.
Hi all,

I'm having my dnc this baby did not grow.

I've 2 girls.. 3.5yo and 1.5yo. My first pregnancy was smooth. But the second pregnancy, I had bleeding and spotting on/off til the 12/13th weeks. And this 3rd one, ended up in a missed abortion.

If this pregnancy had been successful, he/she will share the same birthday as my eldest girl. ALl their birthdays falls very very close together.

Now, I hope I don't start bleeding before the procedure. In fact, I suspected that I may have lost the baby days before my appt today.. cos I felt the loss of pregnancy symptoms.
hi furrypaws,

sorry to hear abt ur not sure if that clot is the remains. i had a lot of bleeding as well. and my clots can come up to a whole palm. but at that point of checkup, my baby was still safe.

Can anyone share what is supposed to be done after the DnC surgery. What we need to eat and what not to do? n what does 'ttc' means?

i'm not sure what is the proper procedure, but i had confinement food for about 1 week. Everything remains as usual juz for the food.

Thanks ladies.

May I know what to bring? After the news, I didn't even ask the doctor anything. Only know my procedure at 5pm, admission at 2pm, insert tablets at 12pm, no food/drink after 11am, checkout at 7pm. Do I need to bring anything??
hi bride0712,sorry about your loss. The nurses would help you with sanitary pad. But,for me, i prefer my own usual painkiller and pad.U might also want to wear socks for the surgery. take care and rest well.

btw, who is your gynae who take care of you for your 2nd pregnancy? I'm new to spore gynae system and wondering if there is any gynae who looks after high risk pregnancies.I've had 3 crying non stop though....
hi bride0712, sorry to hear abt that...guess nthg much to bring, just bring along jacket with u and wear pad with u, just in case there will be abit menses and mag to kip urself occupied by waiting...

this is wat i done when i hv my d&c last yr oct...
Hi littlemini2,I'm local except I'd been away for a long time but just came back.I'd my other 2 mcs overseas & so didn't know abt confinement aft uk & us, there r special clinics which look after women with multiple mcs.but I cant seem to find one here & most gynaes do not claim to specialise in high risk pregnancies.feeling so helpless & dun really know who I shld get help from...thank u anyway...
Hi, Japooh, thank you in advance for all your help. is ur gyne Fong chuan wee in gleneagles who did give you jab? A fren told me most gynaes here dun give jabs.quite confused... is advisable to do a mini confinement & as to how long it shd be done it's subjective which could be 1 week to 1 mth....keep away from plain water & drink red date longan tea to keep ur body warm...take more ginger & sesame oil food....if u can take some tonic to 'bu' ur body....=) ttc = trying to conceive...

bride0712....remove all ur nail polish if u have any....if u wear contact lens...would have to remove them...keep all ur jewelleries at home too....the hospital will provide disposable panty for u to change into so if u are bleeding u might have to brg ur own pad..they provide socks too..basically dat sum it up...the procedure takes onli abt 15 mins or so....take care ya...=) gynae dun give jab but i do hear of many gynaes that still do so....
hi low, take good care of ur health after D&C. best to avoid wind and direct fan blowing at u. eat lots of ginger and sesame food.

bride0712, sorry to hear that u lost ur 3rd child. which hospital will u be doing the D&C ? if TMC, dun need to bring socks cos they provide. but i feel is better to bring ur own pads cos the pad they provide is super uncomfortable...the moment i wake up from my D&C, i only can feel a stupid thick pad stuck between my thighs, then i tell the nurse that i wan to put on my own pad loh. nothing much to bring liao..i will not ask u to bring any books cos i know sure have no mood to read wan...ur mind will keep thinking what is gg to happen later on...everything will be over very fast. take care and do a mini confinement after u went home.

piyobaby, i did not remove my toe nail polish leh. hehe. the nurse also never say anything leh.
porky...she did ask...i have toe nail polish on too...she take a look at it & say never mind....but duno why cant have it on....=)
the gynae who give me the jab is Dr Fong Yang. His clinic is at tiong baru. I go to him cos my fren help me to see which clinic is open at that time. THat was to 1st time i see him as well.

As for my fren gynae is Prof Ng Soon Chye in gleneagles.
hi,jappooh,thank you so much for ur help!would go and check them out.

btw,my fren in uk told me her 1st bb is due despite more than 3 mcs. So, all gals, do not give up hope!
hi,jappooh,thank you so much for ur help!would go and check them out.

btw,my fren in uk told me her 1st bb is due despite more than 3 mcs. So, all gals, do not give up hope!
u are not whcih CD now? Any chances this mth? I think this mth i gone case liao..So my last hope of 08 baby is gone.
jappooh..i oso din test wif OPK...onli arga wif online predictor & observe mucus....dun think too much ba otherwise stress dun aid in tccing oso...**hugz**
i ma upset cos usually i on clomid i can see the white clear mucus.. This mth i didnt get to see loh.. Dunno is i too busy didnt notice or i really dun have.. I knw stress dun aid TCC but i find it hard to control loh.. And now + my work not happy also..

Everyday the only happy time is when i ma hm with my little boy..

i am not sure on the chances of ectopic pregnancy. Just knw that if someone have a extopic pregnancy b4 then the chance of having it is higher..
Hi gals,
today i have experiencing cramp feeling on my stomach.. i am just on at CD22. AF gg to report so early?? Anyone same as me??
hi ladies,

i will probably be going for my d&c soon....SAD! i only have my waterbag with no sac. will go for my last scan on praying for miracle to happen. i really hope miracles do happen....haiz

Can i juz check after the d&c, how many days of mc were you all given?

