Support group - Miscarriages

kit mum2b, i think my 2 preg v diff. first one nausea was bad.. surprisingly this one is rather manageable. first one bad breast pain..this one not so.

tks 4 all ur encouragement. i'll hang in there tho i cant wait for them to be out!! wonder how they look like.

xuanting, yes, its like amnio..except drain more. not so bad cos got local anesthesia lah..just scary cos i m v anti needle! normal amnio got anasthesia?


my gynae said if the Morning sickness very strong means the pregnancy more healthier. Last friday c doc, can c BB heartbeat, but we din put any hope too till we can hold the bb in our arm.

today i fell ok, no nausea and at least can finish the lunch,but it make me worried too, coz it happen to my last pregnancy, at first got Morning sickness, but it stop after a week. Then go chk up, it gone.. Hope this time can have a smoothly pregnancy. We din tell anyone abt this pregnancy, even MIL..

Wanna to ask, when is ur Morning sickness stop?Very happy everytime c ur post, very encouraging..
thanks for all your advice and care..I'm resting at home now. My procedure went on very well was over before I knew it..all thanks to GA.

I'm having some confinement food to get back my health..the nurses were saying miscarriage is more harmful to my health than giving must take care..

I'll build up my health again and try to have a bb next year.. I'm so glad to have great support from family and friends..

PS. Wats AF? *scratches head*
hi hoops&yoyo, glad to hear you're ok. have a good rest this weekend. af means 'auntie flo' which means menses like da4 yi2 ma1.

piggy_mummy, i guess it's hard to shake off the shadow of the previous mc. i hope everything will go well for your pregnancy.

hope to hear good news from you next week!
my nausea was mild n started abt wk 6.. chewing on gummies really helped. they ended by the time i move into 2nd tri.

dun worry too much. be positive. i didn't think i would be able to carry one, much less 2 for this 2nd round.. so i am already v proud of myself. hee. take heart. we can do it!
Hi Kit_mum2b,

You may also experience cramps during pregnancy when the uterus expands to accommodate the growing foetus - so stay positive!
kit, yar the cramps or in my case, pressure on the pelvic was quite significant . i used to have really bad cramps before my D&C, after D&C when AF comes no feeling except slight pain at ovary.. i felt so incomplete without the cramps for the first time but i thank god anyway cos i seriously dun enjoy them. haha.

The symptoms of pregnancy are so varied that i couldn't be bothered to treat it seriously after my D&C. just observe only. But i think there is usually an uncommon response that will signal.. for example in my case, 1 day before AF due, i had terrible giddiness when i woke up. That was the little clue for me.

Glad you are still positive. Dun stress. Eat healthy, stay healthy and the bb will come soon.
Hi gals,

m now into my 16th wk of pregnancy i still experience cramps and doc said is due to expanding uterus. at times, the side the ovaries part also ache.

Just had a scan and likely to have a bb gal.

agree with xuanting. is hard to shake the shadow of the mc away. every little symptom will worry me. esp after more reading and i know anything can happen any day. right now still trying to settle some issues with hubby so that i can concentrate on teh pregnancy fully....

piggymummy, we also did not tell anyone as well till much later.
eunice, very fast 4 months already! congrats! time passes very fast. I had problem answering even simple questions like when bb due, cos simply no faith. But i have learnt to be positive as it is helpful for the bbies as well. At least u can tell us here!
kit, HUGS! eat really, really well this month, so that you'll be in even better shape than last month when you ttc-ed, and hopefully bb will be in tip-topest condition when you strike.

eunice, how often do you see your ob/gyn now? hope the issues you mentioned will be resolved quickly and smoothly. is your bb bump very visible now?
hi all,
I didnt really have any mini confinement stuff.
I did went to see eu ren sheng. The powder they give to mix with water to drink is really terrible. Only after I add in honey, then its drinkable. I quite like herbal soup, but the powder taste is terrible. Still got 1 more week before my review.
being feeling some pulls at the ovaries.

I dont have any symptoms for my preg. I read that some doc will give hormones pills for initial stage. Does it really helps in the growth of the bb?
hi Eunice,
very happy for u, 4 months liao.. My next visit to gynae is 2 more weeks.I feel Very long...very anxious to see BB.
The shadow of MC really terrible..Eventhough we can detect BB heartbeat at week 6, HB and me din feel Happy, he even don dare to look at the ultrasound print- out.
My appettide getting better, may b because now got home cook dinner and lunch. But i feel nausea at night ard 7-8pm, morning still ok. Do u have any Morning sickness during ur first tri. I ask my sis, she only have Morning sickness during second tri.
actually quite worried now, coz my gynae told me is better if u not feeling well. But these few days i din feel like vomitting, only sometimes feel nausea.
hi all, i had my evacuation done recently due to bb no heartbeat around 7 weeks. was pretty devastated coz i had ttc for 4 yrs and this pregnancy was the result of my first so-iui procedure. thought i was lucky but apparently not. i have a boy already 7 yrs and wanted very much to give him a sibling.

my D&C experience at KKH was traumatic coz firstly they couldn't find my veins to insert the drip and I ended up with 3 huge bruises after failed attempts. next i was made to wait in the op theatre (on op table) more than an hour coz my gynae was doing another procedure. the docs/nurses were nice and tried comforting me...guess i was really unlucky lor.

hopefully, i also went to Eu Yan Sang and took the powder med...and i agree it taste absolutely awful. i have always disliked herbal stuff so it's even harder for me to swallow. which branch did you go to? this is the first time i'm seeing a tcm doc so can't tell if doc is good or not.

i also dun have much symptoms for my pregnancy so maybe my hormone levels too low to sustain it. gynae did prescribe hormone pills and also gave me the painful jabs on the thigh but apparently can't save the pregnancy. so i guess we have to "tiao" our body to be stronger to prepare for next pregnancy.

congrats to those who are are an encouragement! i also heard that when you have MS, it's indication that your hormone levels are bear with it and the discomfort will be gone soon.
hi wen and hopefully, glad you 2 are taking some form of "bu". Err.. i quite like the tcm powder leh! maybe cos i imagine it to be worse.. or the ones i'm taking now during pregnancy is not as bad as the one you are taking. I think i will go back to see them after my delivery to tiao too.. so i may experience that horrible medicine you talk about.

wen, i'm sorry that this had to happen esp when you have ttc for so long. I do hope you feel better soon and can start trying again.
Hi wen..sorry to hear your bad experience in KKH..I had my evacuation done last Thurs at SGH..the nurses and docs were all very nice. The moment they pushed me into the OT..they're all ready to do the procedure. The nurses were still trying to joke with me to cheer me up. Unknowingly, my face must have looked nervous.
Hope you're resting well too.. God bless..
Hi wen,
I thought nurses in OT should be more experience in getting the right vein to poke.
My next preg I dont think I want to go back to KKH, cos both my preg ended there. So a little phobia.

Me also 1st time seeing TCM. I went to the Tampines branch.
xbliss, For me I think is the 'lu rong' (deer horn), that makes my powder taste so horrible. If he want to continue give me the powder, I going to ask him to change the 'lu rong' to something else. I dont like those deer or goat horn stuff. I know my powder got some ginseng, I like ginseng and 'dang gui'.
Hi all, thanks...i am feeling better. it seems my gynae is quite high in demand (he's head of KKIVF or something) so it's just my luck.

hopefully, ya...i also thought they should be skilled at poking the veins. they did comment maybe i'm feeling cold and nervous so veins constricted. no choice leh...i might go back to KKH for my next preg coz i worry pte will be very ex if c-section or problematic. previously i had c-section for my boy.

last time i conceived my boy easily and had a very smooth pregnancy. however i am the bo-chap type when it comes to confinement. so maybe my womb is weak now due to poor confinement done previously. now i think it's very important to do a proper confinement.

hoops, my evac was done last Wed and i'll be going back to work tomorrow. haven't gone to work since 13-sep when i was warded for bleeding. i spent my days at home watching travel channel and surfing the internet...if not for the miscarriage, it was actually quite enjoyable ;p

i also take this time to think over what i have to do going forward so i can conceive again naturally. i have irregular AF and my sis recommends me to take "bai feng wan". anyone has comments on this? any side effect?
hopefully, i'm impressed that you even know what's inside your tcm powder! i tried asking the physician but he decline to comment! my mother in law who is rather skilled in identifying chinese medicine also cannot figure out what's inside through smelling. We were trying to see if it was worth it paying $7 a day for 2 pkts. hehe.

piggy mummy, i only started tcm when i was 20 wks, i.e. when diagnosed with the transfusion problem. I am anti tcm all along until this lady from another thread shared with me. At that time, so desperate cos the bbies weight were not good so i tried everything including tcm. Thankfully it worked out fine. The TCM doc said that TCM is meant to nourish the placenta to send more blood and nutrients to the bb, so i was more assured.

Wen, sorry to hear about the IV drip thing. I have phobia with all kinds of needles and cutting procedures but thankfully twice for my admission into kkh so far, they did poke properly. I never liked kkh cos of the long queues, but sadly i just dun have "fate" with thomson cos one ended there and the current one also have to transfer to kkh to handle. But what i do know is for practical reasons like you quoted (high risk pregnancies or expected costs incurred), i would go back there for my next pregnancy (if there is!).

Many ladies here have tried tcm and other stuff to help in conception. U can try reading the archives.
me too...impressed that hopefully knows what's inside her tcm powder. the doc also did not disclose to me when i asked.
maybe I shd take TCM to rebuild my health too.. my hospitalisation leave is about 2 still resting. My hubby got me a jigsaw puzzle to fix to keep me occupied while he's at work(one of my fav pastime but due to work, it's been awhile). You are right, Wen..if not for the miscarriage, it can be enjoyable..
I'm still working from home so as not to get too much backlog when I return back to work.

Due to my existing health condition, I have to be extra careful..if not, complications.

Just wondering...may sound abit crude..when did you gals regain your sexual activity after D&C?
hoops...ya maybe you can consider tcm. i used to be anti-tcm coz i really hate the herbal smell/taste. but due to this mc i decide to give it a try...anything to help a smooth preggy next round.

instructions given to me by KKH is no sex for 2 weeks after D&C so i follow lor.
Hi all, thanks for the well wishes

Hi Xuan ting, I used to see my doc every wk till 1st tri and then wil be once a month thereafter. The weekly visit was v assuring as that's when i am sure bb is fine. Now still not so obvious if i wear 2 piece. If dress then a bit obvious which I also find it as good as telling the world the news.

Hi Piggymummy, understand the anxiety to go see the doc and see that everythng is ok. I tought I would cry when I first detect BB's HB but perhaps due to nurses around, I did not. Ya did not feel the joy as much cos of the prior experience but at times I tell myself must let go to enjoy this experience no matter what. My MS is worse than last time. It used to affect me at lunch and dinner and now into my 2nd tri, at times i still cannot eat well esp dinner if too tired at work. Will not vomit unless brush teeth but that er feeling is there. There was a period i was v v tired whole day and was told could be due to the hormone treatment etc.

Hi wen and hoops, take good care. we are here to encourage each other. even now i don't post on other thread except this one. i only resume BD abt 4 weeks later mainly b'cos hubby afraid i not ready.

anyway if the 1st pregnancy was successful, this week would have been my 40th week. so kind of sad but yet v grateful for this 2nd chance. the loss cannot be replaced but it does help to soothe the feeling. this bb is so impt as it is also b'cos of her that me and my hubby trying 2 work things out in a more constructive manner.

so to all of us here, we must jia you!
thks..eunice72..u take care too..

All these abbrevations are so cute..wats BD? *blur look*

I guess all of us share a similar story..tats why we can relate to each other so easily..let's all not give up..keep well!
hi mtbs, good morning. glad all of us still positive. eunice, i also count my angel's birthday all the time.. it's part of the grieving process. i will make it a point to say a little prayer and remember him on the day he left and his estimated birthday. Also to tell him he got 2 cute little brothers now still in my tummy. hehe.

haven't seen applemuffin, angela, roxyz here for some time. hope you doing ok and do come here to chat
hi xbliss
I am here
Still come in here to read the thread but just never post. Glad to hear twinnies are doing well... just hold on for a few weeks more and when you hold them in your arms, everyting will be fine!!

HI Eunice and piggy mummy...
Glad to hear everything is going well for your pregnancy. You all are giving us hope! Can I check which week did your MS start?
hi roxyz, so glad to see you here. I do hope you have been doing well. started ttc already?

At my check up yesterday, doc informed that they are keen to deliver me at 28wks or slightly after. haiz.. so sad.. bbies will very rather premature. have to hope and pray they dun have to end up with many health issues. mean time, i am trying to eat more and buy more time. whoever tells me pregnancy is easy next time, i sure whack their heads. But i am not giving up. U all too mustn't.
Hi xbliss,

did the doc tell u the reasons for wanting to deliver d babies at 28wks? do u see yr doc weekly now? keep us posted of yr progress and take care!

Hi roxyz, thanks. actually before i tested +ve at 4th wks, i was feeling exceptionally tired and i tot it was just work or me coming down with flu again. so i guess the ms sets in rather earlier this time. the er-xin feeling and not able to eat well was quite immediately after that at 5-6 weeks.
hi xbliss, that's two more weeks or less away only?! are you prepared le? which hosp will you be going? heard that lots of mothers who foresee some extra care for the bbs usually opt for kkh cos of the better bb facilities and lower charges. take care and prep yourself mentally ok. i hope things will turn out the absolute best way for you and the bbs! jiayou!
Hi all,

havent been posting for a while - a sad news to share...doc juz confirmed that I am not ovaluating even on max dosage clomid...a bit loss now as dont know what is the next course of action that I can take....
hi wen & xbliss,
The chinese doc told me roughly whats in the powder. Thats the 3 ingredient that I know of, the rest is dont know what is it. I got 3 pack to drink per day. It mades me very dread meal time at first. But now getting use to it. So its more of ok drink for me now. And the doc said I have weak heartbeat which I didnt know before.

xbliss, have more rest! Dont worry.

you got 2 week hosp leave, I only have 1 day! As I insisted on discharging on the same day after evacuation. The nurse said only MC for that day. I thought they are pretty mean to do this to me. I just dont want to stay another night there.

Hi girls,
my mensus came just 1 week after the bleeding from the surgery stop, is it normal? I only going for my 1st review tomorrow.
kat, i also don't respond well to clomid so my gynae recommended so-iui. it resulted in a miscarriage so apparently this doesn't work for me as well. now i hope tcm can help. did your doc recommend next step?

hopefully, your tcm doc quite helpful leh...mine never say much. think i will see the other doc in the same clinic next round. btw, i'm also going for my review going KKH?
ah kat, dun give up pls. go ahead and get second opinions, try tcm, and even old wive's tales.. this is wat we do when desperate. but trust me, it works when u want it badly. But of cos, dun overload the body. i be praying for u.

i just discharged from kk against doc advise.. long story but basically i feel the bbies are ok but the docs wanna play safe. i do hope i made the right decision. so confused now.
Hi ladies,

it has been long time, i log-in.

Things are looking much better now. Hubby will only go to KUL once every few weeks.

Work wise taking it much easier. No point work so hard for lousy company. Just do what i can.

I am having 2nd AF, this time round seem much more. Lots of blood, is it normal? My menses seems shorter too. Now my timing changed 34 days per cycle. Last time was 39 days.

I have get over the MC. It is not easy, i just kept myself busy. Spend more time with hubby.

Ladies do take care. The MC will make us much more stronger
hi hopefully & wen, how did your review go? hope everything's fine.

hi xbliss, did they want to keep you on bedrest there till delivery? is anyone with you at home?
xbliss...hope there's someone to take care of you while at home.

xuanting, thanks for your concern...gynae says my womb is clean so given the go-ahead to try anytime. however i'm still spotting on and off and also have some liquid discharge from nipples (this seems weird without bb ;p) which he says is normal.
hi wen, glad to hear that all is fine for you. how long more will you be taking your tcm? i've been on mine for almost 5mths le.

kat, are you alright?
Hi all..hope everyone's well.. I've working from home these days to keep myself occupied..somehow, still feel abit upset about the m/c...

For don't know what reasons, I seem to be more vulnerable and sensitive...feel so bad when I get abit emotional. My poor hubby will try his best to pamper me despite his work stress. Gotta keep praying and trust God...
xuanting, I finished my first batch tcm med liao. currently not taking any. this weekend will go EYS again to see the doc and maybe try acupuncture ;p

wow 5 months...i took one week cannot stand oredi coz i hate taking med. i was hoping max 3 months for next dosage but see what the tcm doc say lor. also more sensitive..will tear easily but only when alone coz dun want family to worry. have faith and we'll be able to move on together
Hi xuanting, xbliss and all,
Sigh - dont know wat to say?? Have been feeling down - that's the thing - I have not stopped on TCM since the M/C last year!

Not very keen to do IUI as my system seems already very screwed up - afraid that this will make it worst...I am just sianz
