Support group - Miscarriages

Thanks xbliss and roxyz
I've very happy today cos i finally saw my bb's heartbeat.. just a little red dot blinking leh...not like what xbliss have described with whoosing sound...maybe my gynae's equipment not good enough, dun have the sound system... haha

Then in a split second, he saw another heartbeat somewhere...and said he hope that its not a twin (also dunno why) but when try to scan again, cannot see liao... asked whether i got family history of having twin or not?

Xbliss, do you have a family history of having twins?

i got all day morning sickness... dun really have appetite to eat... cannot think of fish as want to vomit... anyway, i got 2 weeks of mc liao and tmr going back to work... dunno how to survive....cos during my mc period, i can sleep from 12pm to 4pm and sleep again at 10pm... this is my every day routine...

Finally gathered up all my courage to tell my mil liao.. if you all still remember, i say i will only announce it after my first trimester... but my hubby objected it say its not very no choice gotta say... hope everything will turn out well...

bb08, yay!!!! congrats!! continue to enjoy ur preg. time flies. soon u will b holding the darling in ur hands!

i dun have family history of twins, so i had a pair of identical twins. if got history, usually is fraternal. i know y doc is hesitant..cos twin preg r much tougher than singletons n usually born premature..i'm best example. haa..but dun give up. after some time i got used to it. i have bb bryan to hold soon.. for now the incubator holding him.

my tummy show v fast so we told mil once i saw the kit positive..i din wan to, wanted to wait til gyae confirm, but my hubby v kanchiong. luckily turned out fine. u will be ok too.

for now, eat v v well so bb can grow well. take leave to rest if needed. n pls be happy n positive. u n bb can do it!!
yeah, congrats to u, can see bb heartbeat.Take more rest. Now i am 11Weeks 6 days, but i havent tell my MIL.Don dare.. My SIL keep on asking me what i am dooing at home, coz i have quite my job since Aug. And i told them i din find new job, they also ask abt my cycle, whether back to normal or not. Actually really want to tell them, bt hubby said wit till sec trimester..

my Morning sickness on and off, 2 days ago i thought it had subside, but came back yest. i din puke, but no appetite and abit nausea ard 4-6pm..

Take good care of urself during work..
i had my mc end jul... had my 1st AF end sep...
i used OPK strips to detect my O...
19/10 (-ve), 21-24/10(very faint line)... till now the test line did not get any darker.
so does this mean that i already missed my O?
puppies.. what opk u use?
usually the seller would have a sample for u to do comparison of the darkness of the line??

it might help to know the type of opk, the day of your cycle before can comment further. if miss O should have totally no line at all.

wat do u mean by the type of opk? i bought it online...

the longest cycle i had b4 my mc was about 2 mths..
cycle range from 35-60days...
hi puppies, ur seller has a webpage that allows u to view and compare the results of the OPK e.g. this

Your cycle rather long and not very regular hor? do u intend to test everyday using OPK? i suggest measuring basal body temperature (BBT) too.. you can double confirm our ovulation using BBT on top of OPK. That way no need to guess.

Your cycle a bit long so hard to guess which day O. For e.g. mine after MC was 33 days and O happens on day 17-18. So i started using OPK from day 10 (KS lah me) and BBT will confirm the dip in temp when O. You can do a search online on how to measure BBT. then get a 2 decimal place BBT thermometer from guardian or unity pharmacy for less than $15 to start you off. good luck!
wanna check with you gals, did anyone experience spotting in the mid cycle?

i had D&C last june. 1st cycle came after abt 5 weeks.

2nd cycle came late on the 37th day then in the mid cycle, there's spotting.

3rd cycle came on time, but again spotting in the mid cycle.

anyone experienced this before?
COngrats on hearing your baby heartbeat. You must be feeling very excited! Twins are good but tend to have more complications than singlteton pregnancies, perhaps that is why your gynae is worried. But if really twins, just treat it as gift from God

I am the same as you too, First cycle normal, 2nd cycle came 2 weeks later and 4 cycle and mid cycle spotting that lasted 10 days till I see a tcm to tio my womb and stop bleeding. Everything back to normal now. Do not worry, after mc, womb still weak, might be good to see a TCM to bu the womb

I had my 1st AF cycle after my D&C in Sep and like you, am experiencing spotting in the mid cycle now. Went to my Chinese physician and she prescribed medication to strengthen my womb. Have yet to see result.

May I know whch TCM did you go to?
Hi, Ladies
It's good to see there's an active forum on MC and all of you are willing to share your experiences, suggestions and advices.

I had my D&C last month and wonder when is the best time TTC. Some tell me 2mths while others suggest 3mths or later. Has any of you succeed in TTC after yr D&C and how many mths do you take to TTC?
hi Winnie
My gynae advise me to TTC after my 1st 3 AF cycles... but thru 'accident', I got pregnant only after my 1st 2 AF cycles... currently, i'm still ok as i can see my bb's heartbeat just a few days ago... we have discussed this topic one or two months backs, and some says that you can start to TTC after 1st AF cycle as studies have shown it will not affect anything...
hi winnie. sorry to hear about your dnc. Do take good care of yourself so you can have a healthy pregnancy when it comes.

I believe ttc depends on your body and emotional recovery? I have heard of ladies here who ttc 1 mth after dnc. Most of us will wait about 1-2 cycles for the cycles to become regular. I bingo-ed on the 4th month after dnc, which happens to be my first real try at conceiving and just delivered my boy this month. Don't give up. continue to monitor and good luck.
hi roxy and kiwifruit,
oh.. this means my womb is still weak? hmmm....

hi roxy,
which TMC you went to?

hi winnie,
hope you're recovering well.. take care. after my 3rd cycle, i've just started ttc. but not that i have spotting in mid cycle... am abit worried. might stopped ttc already.
hi kiwifruit and mspiggy
I went to see a TCM at BT Batok... see him about 2-3 times then my bleeding stopped. He gave me medication to strengthen my womb and told me my womb is still too weak (already 6 cycles after d&c) and advised me not to start ttc yet but I never bother and continue to try.... oops

hi winnie
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Please remember to do a mini-confinement (this could be one of the reasons why my womb was still weak as I didnt do a proper confinement)and take good care of your health
hello all
Initially I didnt want to say this as pantang but now I realised I must share my testimony to share God's grace and love for us all and let everyone know not to give up hope.

I'm currently 8weeks pregnant.
The past 8 weeks have been a nightmare and I've already been hospitalised twice. On my 5th week I had red bleeding and I thought that was it, am I going to have a second m/c so soon? I was admitted into hospital and when doctor scanned me, could only see a sac and no baby yet. Praise God, the bleeding stopped and I was put on jabs, medicine and MC for next 2 weeks. I went to see gynae again at my 6 week, this time, gynae actually detected 2 sacs! But only one of them had a baby inside, the other sac was a blighted ovum. I was devastated to hear that but I was glad God at least gave me one gift of life. Everything went well for me and at my 7th week visit with gynae ( I was seeing gynae weekly, burning big hole in pocket..) he told me everything seems ok and had no jab that day. Who knew that suddenly 2 days after my visit, I had heavy bleeding again... this time it was worst than my first one. I was just standing up when I could feel the blood oozing down my legs, by the time I did a ultrasound scan, I had already used up 2 pads all full of blood, much more than what I normally will bleed on menses. On the way to TMC, me and hubby were prepared for worst and I was tearing quietly. Actually we were both very tired already as we had tried our best but still nothing seem to work. At that point, I thought of giving up, cause I was having bad appetite, MS, bloatedness and I keep bleeding. Then I remembered my ultrasound picture and how my little peanut looked and I prayed to God to keep baby safe and for God to do his will and we will accept his will. My sisters were praying that God keep baby safe in His hands despite these heavy bleeding.

God heard our prayers and kept baby heartbeat growing strong despite the heavy bleeding. Gynae said mine was a case of threatened miscarriage and warded me immediately. It was the thought that everything is in God's hands that let me sleep peacefully that night. 2 days later, gynae did another scan for me and baby had grown to 1.5cm and had a BPM of 159 despite all odds and I was discharged. Till now I am still having brown discharge, but I know I am in the safe hands of our loving father.

FYI, I had a dnc done in Mar when baby heartbeat turned weak in my 7th week. I am not a strong Christian and I kinda treated God like a vending machine, ie only come to him when I needed him. But I am hoping that through this miracle baby, my walk with him will be closer. My sister once told me about her friend who told God that if He ever gave her twins, she will come back to church and she really had twins. I was just thinking in my heart, God will you give me twins as a sign too to let me come back to you, but I will be contented with just one. And before I knew I was pregnant I had 2 separate dreams, first one that gynae scanned me having twins and the second dream that I delivered only one child. Only when gynae really scanned me with twin sacs then I realised the dreams were probably God's way to tell me he knows my heart's desire.

Womb bleeding is very dangerous especially in 1st trimester as there is the likelihood that the bleeding will just wash away the sac and baby. But despite all these heavy bleeding,baby is safe and growing strong and I know this is only possible because God is keeping baby safe in his hands

Sorry if I sound so long and preachy. I still have a long way to go and everyday I'm scared of having bleeding again but I feel more peaceful in knowing that I'm leaving everything to God's will.Just wanted to encourage you all not to give up and God will grant you your desire soon
Thanks mspiggy and kit_mum

I'm trying to be more guai now, I suspect the first bleeding was caused by me carrying my dog and the 2nd one was caused by carrying a comforter. Now I do not even dare to carry anything now.

But till now, me and DH still very apprehensive abt this pregnancy. DH dun even dare to touch my tummy or talk to baby for fear that it's a false hope, and each time we scan, he will breathe a sign of relief everything is ok. He is very worried I will break down again. It is tougher for everyone here as we all have "scars" and it's made worse this time for me by the heavy bleeding. But I'm staying positive and hope you all stay positive too and don't give up hope. Trust God that He has a time for everything and He is preparing the perfect one for us.

like u, i am not a strong Christian, but each time when i know God shows his miracle on other Christian, i will cry, becoz i know God never "fang Qi" us.

U have to take more rest, did doc ask u to bed rest?
roxyz, i am touched by your testimony. i went through a similar route, and i want you to continue to be strong.
Bryan and i have done it and so can you and bb.

I can understand your worries. After my dnc last year, i told myself i will NOT do any housework at all.. in the end, i also had to do some to relieve myself of guilt cos i staying with PIL. But, after some times, i had to stop as i knew it was not wise. So i totally stopped, heck cared and concentrated on the pregnancy. It all paid off. Don't ever try to do any housework. INstead, get all the bed rest (and bed rest means lying horizontally on bed - i did this for the last 7 weeks of my 27 wk pregnancy and it really stabilised) Be disciplined in your bed rest. Go on leave if you need. Last but not least, come here and tell us all about your miracle as much as possible. I will update you all about my miracle bryan often too!
Hi Roxyz

Thanks for sharing your testimony with us.I certainly can empathise the apprehension and anxieties both your hubby and you are currently facing. Do stay positive and get as much rest as possible. Pray that God will keep both you and your baby safe. Take care.
roxyz, thanks for sharing this with us. who would've guessed that you actually had to deal with so many things while you were here comforting and sharing tips with us; we really do have many tough cookies in this thread! please rest as much as you can; i believe in bed rest too after hearing xbliss's experience. for the next few months, you and bb must come before all the nice-to-help-out and should-do things. take good care and stay positive ok? hugs.
Thanks Xbliss! Yes I am supposed to be on bed rest but I move about occasionally to surf net, watch TV etc. Just reminding myself to be more careful in my movements and not to carry heavy stuff. I am not strong but I have a strong God and baby is strong and we will remain positive
Please come in here and share more miracle stories of baby Bryan. We need more good news here

Thanks so much for your encouragement, piggy mummy, kiwifruit and xuanting. We are staying positive and leaving everything to hands of God. If I am leaving baby to my own hands, think I will have collapsed long ago from anxiety. But I'm holding on strong to God's promise that he will keep baby safe and I hope that you all don't give up too. Hope this testimony will encourage you all to stay strong in your faith and that your heart's desire will be granted to you soon! Baby dust to all!!

Piggymummy, hope your pregnancy is proceeding along fine. Now should be 2nd trimester already?

astromum, 1st menses will come about 30 days later... same as normal period. But for some people it might be different as hormones not regular yet. Do not worry about irregular 1st menses.
hello to the mummies to be,

baby bryan is officially over the 1kg mark today! whoopee! He is doing really well and increasing his ebm intake slowly. There is still a journey to go at NICU and later special care, but we are hanging in, visitin him twice a day to encourage him and also bring the ebm.

Roxyz, yea, occasional movements if fine.. we cannot be paralysed for whole day or else also not healthy. try to lie on the left as much as possible as it encourages bloodflow through the whole body, that is, if the position is comfortable for you.

Mandy, there are many causes of M/C.. you may wan to do a search online. M/Cs are nature's way, some say, to prevent a pregnancy that would not have worked out. Of cos, some M/cs are caused by ourselves.. i guess the more common ones are overworking ourselves, trauma to the body, and probably some hormonal reasons. hard to pinpoint. You should learn to take your next pregnancy carefully and rest more.

i read from some website saying pregnant women cant eat soft cheese, may i know can we eat the normal cheewe we bot fr NTUC and the cheese on the Pizza topping? coz i juz eat hawaiian pizza without pineapple. worried now.thanx
hi piggy_mummy, found this info abt cheese. hope it helps.


Which cheeses are safe to eat when you're pregnant, and which aren't?

Anna McGrail answers:

Cheese is an important source of protein and calcium for pregnant women but certain kinds do need to be avoided. Pregnant women are advised not to eat soft, mould-ripened cheeses, such as brie or camembert, and blue-veined cheeses, such as danish blue and stilton. This is because these cheeses are more inclined to allow growth of bacteria, such as listeria, which can harm your unborn child.

However, thorough cooking should kill any listeria, so it should be safe to eat food containing soft mould-ripened or blue-veined cheeses, provided the food has been properly cooked and is piping hot all the way through.

In healthy adults, infection with listeria can cause a short-lived flu-like illness. Pregnant women, however, can be hit harder by listeria, for the same reason you are more susceptible to everything during pregnancy: your immune system isn't working as well. Symptoms usually develop several weeks after exposure to the bacteria, which can make it hard to pinpoint exactly which food made you sick. Symptoms may include fever, chills, muscle aches and back pain. Doctors diagnose listeria infection by swabbing a sample from your vagina and cervix and checking your blood. Antibiotics will treat the infection. Newborns can also be tested and treated.

Listeria infection in pregnant women is very rare in the UK, only affecting one in 20,000 pregnancies. Provided you avoid foods with a high risk, you are very unlikely to be affected.

Unpasteurised cheeses imported from abroad or made by small producers are also safe to eat in pregnancy provided they are made from cow's milk and are not mould-ripened or blue-veined. The Food Standards Agency states that listeria is present in these cheeses in very low numbers and they are therefore not considered a risk during pregnancy. On the other hand, unpasteurised milk (from any animal) is not considered safe. In the USA, pregnant women are advised to avoid feta cheese because of the risk of listeria, but the feta cheese sold in the UK is considered safe to eat during pregnancy.

Cheeses which are SAFE to eat in pregnancy

Hard cheeses:
austrian smoked, Babybel, caerphilly, cheddar, cheshire, derby, double gloucester, edam, emmental, english goat's cheddar, feta (if bought in the UK), gouda, gruyere, halloumi, havarti, jarlsberg, lancashire, mozzarella, orkney, paneer, parmesan, pecorino (hard), provolone, red leicester.

Soft and processed cheeses:
Boursin, cottage cheese, cheese spread, cream cheese, mascarpone, philadelphia, quark, ricotta.

Yoghurts, fromage frais, soured cream and creme fraiche -- any variety, including natural, flavoured and biologically active -- are all safe to eat.

Cheeses to AVOID in pregnancy

Mould-ripened soft cheeses:
brie, blue brie, cambozola, camembert, chaumes, pont L'eveque, prince jean, tallegio. vacherin-fribourgeois, weichkaese.

Blue-veined cheeses:
bavarian blue, bergader, bleu d'Auvergne, blue shropshire, cabrales, Danish blue, dolcelatte, doppelrhamstuge, eldel pilz, gorgonzola, manchego, romano, roncal, roquefort, stilton, tommes, wensleydale (blue).

Soft unpasteurised goat and sheep's cheeses:
chabichou, pyramide, torta del cesar.
hi piggy mummy, i guess xuanting has the answer! i was told all our cheese are safe.. unless you have an appetite of a British, where all kinds of cheese make their daily diet! SG pple do not take those weird cheeses so i guess should be ok.

and fyi, i took a lot of pizza during pregnancy too!
hi xbliss,

reali hapi to know that that your bb boy is doing well..very soon, you will be holding him and hugging him..keep us update about his condition k..
u also must take good care of yourself during the confinement leh, rest well k..


me have been feeling quite down recently, perhaps the feeling of losing my bb is still so strong. i always thought i am okay and have move on but still the feeling just sink in..
my bb is suppose to be delivered in Nov and i just cant help but miss him so i wish i can turn back the time.
i lost him when i was 5th month and i have been thinking of him so much.. people around me keep telling me to move on but......
i understand that all of us have went through this sad incident and i dun mean to bring up our sad story, perhaps i just want to vent it out..
my friends who are nov mummy and all getting ready for delivery, maybe that the reason i am feeling so down recently..
thank for being my listening ears..
hi nickel, i understand what you are going through. i also lost my first at 5th month. I lost my second recently as i delivered one twin still born. Everytime i see bryan, i get reminded of my second twin.. wonder how good it would be if i had both and esp since they are identicals, they look alike..

We will all go through a rough patch whenever we hit anniversary dates, e.g. the day we lost our bb, the day that marks the supposed birth of the bb, etc. It's ok to feel down and to cry. I love to come up here to read and cry cos i can't do it elsewhere. Though we dun get to see them, there is a bond and a life that we miss. Take your time to grieve and dun bother about what others say. It is better to grieve properly now than later.. we can accept it better. Do whatever you need to do for your boy, whether it be making a journal, a blog, some rituals like buying flowers or your own religious rituals if you have any. November is coming soon.. you will only feel worse, but being able to grieve properly will help you to recover better later. For Bryan's one month old mini celebration, i will be remembering his small brother too. My best wishes, nickel.
Hi Nickel...

I undertand how u are feeling right now... My edd suppose to be 5NOV and the bb suppose to be my bday present as my bday is 04Nov... is ok to let it out. But do look forward .. i am sure another is on the way... have faith.

Hi Roxy

Congrats.. take care and do rest more. Sometimes things happen when we take things for granted... god bless and keep us posted. cheers!
hi angela, how are u doing? believe this should be a busy period for your hubby and urself cos of the exams? Do take care and come up here to chat more often.

There are many good news here. Do we get to hear yours anytime soon?
me feeling sad recently too... cos some of my colleaques going on their maternity leave already... see them so happy to wait for the arrival of their bbs... i look at myself... my bb suppose to be deliver in jan... near my birthday too... now i think of my birthday i feel even sadder..... dunno why......
i have bought a saliava ovulation kit from online... hopefully it won't make me so stressful (BD alternate days during my so call fertile period, my cycle is super long... so hard to know when is my ovulation)... hopefully i can have good news to share here...
Hi ladies,

been a long time since i log in. kind of busy with work and some personal did not manage to read all the posts.

congrats to xbliss, roxyz, bbo8 and celine!

xbliss, u are so positive and strong and bryan is such a brave fighter!

piggymummy, hope you are doing well.

I m into my 2nd tri and waiting eargerly for the day to carry my healthy bb in my arms
just started buying bb stuff as was holding myself back from buying previously as was not sure

kit mum, know that feeling...have been thru that many times. even though i am pregnant now but when the edd of the 1st bb came along early oct, felt really down as well. but of course i am v thankful for this pregnancy and pray for each day to pass safely. so you must jia you and stay healthy. i was rather sickly after the MC then and that added on to the stress during the initial stage of this pregnancy. so must take good care of yrself.

to the rest who have just joined this forum, we understand what you are going thru. please take good care of yourself. my gynae told me to continue with my pre-natal vits back then after everything cleared.

jia you to all and we would hear more gd news from everyone here soon
Dear gals.. long time no see.. miss chatting to all of u, esp xbliss, roxyz, kit_mum2b, piggy mummy, xuan_ting, eunice72... how is everyone...? Big HI!!

I have been super duper busy with my work for the last few months.. have overlooked my health and well-being..

My EDD was supposed to be this week, I m sad and could not help but thinking about what it would be like...

I was trying very hard to ttc in aug/Sept, but no good news for me yet.... i charted my temp, BD religiosly, my friend gave me some ovulation kits... i was so stressed out and I even went to Guanyin temple to qiu qian.... then my hubby say told me to relaz, that he would want to go with me to a trip in NZ for our belated honeymoon... so i thought perhaps I should jus stop trying for 2 months till after the trip... i m feeling less stressed about it, but i really can;t help thinking about it, cos my work revolves around babies too..

the last time i was preg, i din know I was and I went on a short trip to attend my friend's wedding in Indon, and i was still helping her with the video and her wedding and i was jumping from bed to bed to help her change, take photos, take videos etc... this time i hope i dunno if it would affect my preg if i become preg b4 the trip?

anyone here travel during the first trimester b4? I heard its safer to travel in the 2nd trimester?

also my gynae advised that I should do IUI if i dun get preg by end of this yr... now i m even contemplating doing IVF.. never thought that one day i would resort to this but I may just wana try... anyone intending to do IUI or IVF here?
Dear all, I was back reading the posts, and just learnt about the newest and the latest!! Hi BBo8, Ah_kat, Celine and the rest.. Hi!!

Hi roxys Congrats!! I m truly truly happy for you!! Wish u a smooth pregnancy throughout!!! don't care about what other people say k?

Xbliss Congrats! And I hope u are doing well I am not sure why but I became really emotional as I know u lost 1 angel I will send u and your bb Bryan all my best wishes.. as for the lost twin, I will also send him my love and care

And for the other gals here hang in there, and have faith that things will turn out right

Hi irene, good to see your here! i know you all very busy, but i continue to post hoping that you all can read when u come in.

I do hope you can really relax yourself, that's how i conceievd both time round, when i stop thinking of doing it for the sake of making babies. But of cos, timing must be right! Irene, i suggest u get the cheap ovulation strips online.. less than $1 per strip. It really helps that u dun get too stressed up figuring out when you ovulate. The strips were a breeze for me, i just test at work. no need to guess.

As for travel, i suppose it's out. Pls dun even think about it at all when you are pregnant, esp all of us here in this forum with history.

I have a colleague who went through 3 rounds of medication and finally got pregnant. She couldn't conceive for over a year. If she hadn;t she wouuld be scheduled for IUI already. Got hope one.. keep trying, try smartly.
irene!!! i missed you! nz is a very beautiful place; i'm sure it'll do both you and your hubby lots of good.
try to take things easy and rest and eat well every few days although you are busy, ok? when do you intend to go to nz?

xbliss, do you have the website for the ovulation strips? how long more does bryan need to stay in the hosp? will he be back home in time to celebrate christmas with you? i can just imagine how exciting it will be for you already!
Hi Xbliss and Xuanting, so nice to hear from u!!! I miss u too!!! Thanks for being here always, really truly deeply appreciate..

xbliss, how's yr bb bryan doin?

I tried the O kit my fren gave me couple days ago, mayb its bcos its expiring this month, so it din reflect my O, I can;t be not ovulating this mth mah... anyway, i do intend to buy the online o kit.. like u say, try smartly.

i dun think i can call off the NZ trip in Jan, cos hubb is really looking fwd to it. i dun wana disappoint him. meanwhile we still BD like usual cos he say its ok even if i get preg. i think he actually think its ok for me to fly even thou i m preg. what's more, he has not pass his driving yet, his next test is in end dec. if he does get the orange triangle, and if we do a road trip, i would be the only one driving !! i wonder what would happen when we get to that...

but anyway, i do not have the feeling that i would get preg soon, dunno how to explain, jus a weird feeling that i won;t get so lucky in the next 1-2 months... mayb bcos i been really stressed out at work, to the extent that my breathing is out of sync and i feel breathless most of the time. i really have to get going for my yoga classes, and i hv said it a thousand times but i still hv not gone yet!! I am so disappointed with myself.. sigh.. and i been putting on fats ard my tummy, i need to get rid of it... omg, i m so grumpy!

xuanting, do u wana get the O strip too? i also wan. u wana combine purchase if buying from baby-wishes? There's also some people selling it on the sporebrides forum, should work the same right? i might wana order mayb 10 to try out first.. or do u wana combine and we buy 30 pcs? I can buy then post 10 to u.. i tk 10 and gv my fren 10. I email seller to check stock first, pl check it out the post, its 70cents/pc for 30pcs or more.

gd nite, sweet dreams.. i hope to dream about my bb... few days ago, i dreamt that i was 8 weeks preg after reading roxys's post..
thanks for the info, xbliss.

irene, i'm thinking of getting the strips too. let's combine our purchases! how long will 10 strips last?

i think you will love nz. jan will still be winter but nz has very mild winters so it'll be very nicely cool and breezy. but i wouldn't encourage you to drive if you do get pregnant before the trip. it'll be way too taxing.

i actually feel very encouraged with the good news and baby dust some of us have been spreading lately; i'm not supposed to ttc yet but i somehow feel that maybe my turn will come soon too. i've been taking my tcm for close to 6mths le. just so looking forward to the day when my tcm practitioner says, "xuanting, very good. can start trying now!"
Hi Irene,

NZ is a beautiful country. Perhaps you may conceive there! (My baby was conceived in NZ when we returned in May this year). I lived there for many years (my husband is from NZ). Jan/Feb are the hottest months of the year (it is summer) but the weather can change unexpectedly if there is a southerly change (winds blown from Antartica) so do bring along a light jacket. Do be careful on the roads too, as it can get very winding and narrow in some areas. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information on NZ.
oops, thanks for the correction, michelle. i kept thinking that it was during a mild winter when i went in dec once. it felt like an autumn elsewhere, actually. i really, really love the weather then.
hi irene, my hubby and i also postponed our NZ trip cos we wanted to try for a bb. Felt that bb was priority given my bad history. Sometimes it is really good to take a break, so do hope you can fully benefit from it. But if u really do conceive by then, i think it's unwise for u to go unless you plan your schedule in such a way you have lots of rest. Maybe don't book your flights too early in case you can't back out if you do conceive. First trimester is considered unstable and you shouldn't take a risk. I believe your husband will be happy, whether it is going to NZ or having a bb?

Now that we have bryan, we thought we might bring him there when he's older, like 5 or 6 yrs old. For now, we are just targetting nearby places like bintan, and also disneyland in a few yr's time! sometimes, it's like the 2 of us reliving our childhood.

bryan is doing very well in nicu and has put on a good amount of weight. We do hope his growth will continue to be smooth and stable like this, and he would probably be home by December before christmas. All our family members are very excited to have him home before christmas!
Xuanting, i am sure that day will come soon... keep up the spirit!!

I dunno how many days to test per month, I would think probably about 5 days to be kiasu? say, u use 5 per month, then 10 should last u 2 months.
I hv dropped the seller an email and pm, but no reply yet. Pls let me know how many pieces u wan. perhaps no need to buy so many la, mayb within 2 months u can strike leh?? Btw, I am referring to the one at Singapore brides, not the babywishes one k? ..Michelle, I think the link u provided is from the same seller..

Hubb and I are really looking fwd to the nz trip, we are gg to start booking soon. a nurse friend who used to be a midwife told me that at colder weather, easier to conceive, I hope its true hehe, but it wont exactly be my O period, so I shall jus let nature takes its course for this trip

Michelle, Thank you for your offer and advise if u dun mind, I might check with you on some stuff about nz, hope wont take too much of yr time, but mayb I should pm u if there;s too many qns, so wont hog up here For now, would u know does singaporean need visa to go nz?? Also we are starting to read up on nz my hubb is the more nature loving kind and think we should only go to south island as we only have about 12 days, but I thought I wana do the glow worm which is in north island, is there one at south island too?
