Support group - Miscarriages

hi noscon
I just read from the June 08 MTB about your condition and I'm very sorry to hear about it. Please do a mini confinement, eg bath with herbs in case body gets wind, drink longan with red dates, vinegar pig trotter etc. Those hot stuff to warm the womb. Unfortunately I didnt do a proper mini confinement which I deeply regret now as my womb took longer than usual to be back to normal, so please remember to do a proper one.

hi ah kat
Dun give up. We got pregnant before and can do it again. IUI should be better as they pick the strongest and most healthy sperm to inject into the womb directly

xbliss, please take care of your twinnies. They are so precious and I'm sure you made the right decision. Just trust God

wen and hoops, hope both of you are feeling better now. Let go and trust God and He will grant us our heart's desires.

thanks for your advice and consolation. can u guide me as to where to buy the herbs to bathe and how to cook longan with red dates and where can i buy these confinement food to eat? my mom just finished a heart operation and my MIL lives overseas so both cant advise or help me do confinement and this is my first pregnancy/miscarriage...

i have just finished 1 bottle of brands chicken essence but i dunno what else to do...
Hi everyone,

October 15th is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day, a day of healing and quiet hope, as we share the forever pain of parents who have lost a baby.

Participate in the worldwide wave of light by lighting a candle at 7pm on 15 Oct and keeping it burning for an hour in deep remembrance of our babies.
noscon, sorry to hear of your mc. have you visited a gynae to confirm everything is clean?

for longan red date tea, can buy red dates and longan from medical hall. remove seeds from afew red dates and together with longan and slices of ginger just put all in full pot of boiling water. simmer until half the water remains then can drink liao. usually i add abit of rock sugar. i also took chicken essence...but did not follow the other confinement stuff. i just try to eat more healthy food.

after my mc, i visited a Eu Yan Sang clinic and told the doc i had mc so he can help prescribe med. he gave me something to clear my womb and i'll be going back tomorrow to see what he gives to "bu" my body.

do take care and don't can find support here
hi noscon,

you can get the herbal bath mixture from medical hall. it is supposed to get ride of wind. its called 大风艾 (da feng ai). Brew with boiled water. there are instructions in the packet. i bath in it for 28 days. i was told that all water must be boiled. my husband will boil some for me in the morning.when reach home from work, boil the last pail before shower. dry yr hair after shower.

you can cooked chicken with DOM, ginger, sesame oil, some salt. i got sicked of dom flavour. i had alternate with rice wine, red wine, sakae..
usually, i bought kampung chicken. its better taste. half chicken can last for 2 meals.

a simple dish like fried rice with shredded ginger (fried till golden brown first), sesame oil, abit of garlic and egg..

or liver soup.. liver is marinated wtih rice wine, abit of salt, corn flour for 20mins.. boil water with ginger and abit of pounded black pepper . then add in the liver.. cooked for 1min only.. cover it for 5-10mins.

above are tips i had applied from a confinement cook book.

Avoid carrying heavy stuff during this period. keep warm too.
hi ah kat,

Dun give up, i will pray for u.

sorry to hear that, u can visit our archive to fine out all the confinement stuff. Meanwhile, do rest more, eventhough u din feel tired, but ur womb n body are tired, so let it rest.

after ur bleeding has stop, can cook dang gui with black chicken, once a week. U can add "danf shen" into the red date tea, to "bu" qi.I drinkk eat for almost 2 months plus.

Don expose to air con, and wear long pants at home.

How r u? Do update us ur BBs progress, worried abt u..
Hi Noscon,

My MC was also a chemical pregancy - don't take it likely although studies had shown that this is not as "damaging" as a "proper" m/c. Conduct more detailed checkup on yr body to make sure that u are not suffering from any other condition as well as make sure that all is clear fm yr system. You might experience some screw up in the next few cycles (depend on yr own body), so make sure you monitor and get plenty of rest for the time being.

You can email me at [email protected] if you want to talk more..

Hi rox mouse & piggy mummy,
Thanks - I am just feeling low - seems that I had already done so much but every checkup w the gynae doesent seems to brought good news. It had been more then a yr since things happened and there doesnt seems to any improvement to my cycles...fedup

Thanks your advice. I will visit the gynae once the "period"/miscarriage is done. Did you visit one after the miscarriage? Cos I'm only 5 weeks, I dun noe whether I would need to visit one... What would the gynae chk for?

wow thanks for your tips. I will try to eat as much dishes outside that contains ginger(since I dont cook) and after my miscarriage is done. I will try to take liver. Is Dom good? what is it for?

You mean we need to boil buckets of water to bathe with the herbal mixture? Can I boil some water in the morning/previous night, come back from work, add in more boiled water to keep water warm, then bathe?

why must wear long pants?

Actually what is the purpose of drinking longan and red dates?

ah kat
I'm sorry to hear about the screwsup in your system. You have not got a proper cycle since when? Did u used to ovulate properly?

I will email you soon. Thanks for your support. Hope to be one to you too...

My mense/miscarriage will usu last for how long? Is this consider period? or miscarriage bleeding? So do I treat this as a period cos mine was a chemical pregnancy....

I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you ladies here who responded so promptly to my queries.....
sorry abt ur loss.
i guess the bleeding will last for abt a week or less. It just like menses. Everything shd return back to normal after that. U can just treat it like menses. can can start trying again! dun worried, dun give up k.
wearing long pants to avoid wind..

The herbal bath can bought frommedical hall, is a packet format, just boil then wait till warm then bath.
i think u shd go to gynae for chk up after the menses is clear, to make sure no infection.
Hi Noscon,

I had a chemical preg in july. Tested positive in end June, but lost it in early july, came as heavy meanse with blood clots.

You have to see a gynae and do a scan on tummy, to make sure the womb is clean. If all came out as menses then no problem, if not have to clean the womb. The menses/bleeding will last about 1 week like normal menses. I went to see gynae on the 2nd day of my bleeding as i got alot of blood clots, so after scanning, the gynae say nothing in my womb, clean already, so not need for d & c. So do go to see a gynae asap.

Btw after my chemical pregnancy in early july, I just carry on my normal daily routine, and was tested positive again in august.currently abt 14weeks pregnant. That means i conceive end of July, the same month when i m/c.

I want to encourage everyone here not to give up. nature has her way of taking away unhealthy babies, but if the baby is healthy, nature will give the baby to us.......

wish everyone good luck in ttcing.
thanks piggymum

ah kat
read yr link.... thanks for the info

congrats on yr pregancy...brought me some relief...

I think my miscarriage bleeding lasted for about 1 day. Is that normal? 2nd day not much bleeding liao.... did the doc ask u to wait a few mnths before ttc again? I'm afraid that my lining will not be thick enough if i ttc straight away. will the gynae be able to detect the thickness of lining?
celine, congrats!

noscon, ya...need to visit gynae to scan and make sure womb is least get a peace of mind. mine was a missed miscarriage so have to go for d&c as there were plenty of clots inside my womb.

red date tea is for general health revitalisation. most new mothers will drink this right after delivery and in our case mc. don't remember what it's good for exactly but i know the ginger part is to warm our womb and the red date to improve blood (i think).

actually mine bleeding for the chemical pregnancy in terms of volume also not much....just that alot of blood clots, all come out as clots, not in liquid form. That's why i went to see gynae....too many clots and too little volume.
gynae never ask me to wait...he say can start anytime.
hi noscon,

u r most welcome.

DOM is like herbal wine. my mil says i should drink some before going to sleep. its good for blood circulation,tonic... but i dont like the taste.. i used it on cooking food only

>>.You mean we need to boil buckets of water to bathe with the herbal mixture? Can I boil some water in the morning/previous night, come back from work, add in more boiled water to keep water warm, then bathe?

yes, you can boil some plain water in previous night. I tried boiling it with the herbal mix and kept overnight.but the herbal becomes v smelly.the remaining water is boiled with the mix on actual day.

1 mix is sufficient for the bath.during this period, i did not even condition my hair. i ration the water for shampooing and bath.(had short hair)
good luck!

sorry to hear that u need a d&c. hope you have recovered well from that...

how long was your bleeding? Mine lasted like 2 days with the 2nd days a bit here and there... Ganbatte!!!

hi noscon,

mine was like heavy for the 1st day with alot of blood clots, 2nd day onwards not much already...just a little everyday.

i think u go see gynae to scan ur womb make sure its clean. That's very impt for own health and next ttc.
Hi all,
Went review at KKH last week. the MO said can try anytime, dont have to wait for few cycle. she said the lining of the womb is not affected by mensus. I dont know should I try now or wait for 1 more cycle?
And congrats celine!

Ah kat,
you have been on TCM since last year, did the doc say anything abt health improving?
I just finish the 2nd week dosage. My last visit is that my condition is still the same. Weak heartbeat and low blood.

how is xbliss now?
noscon, thanks...i guess i've recovered. bleeding stopped and during last week's review, my gynae says womb is clean and can try anytime.
hi hi! i am finally back. disappered off forum cos i delivered last friday at 27+5 to my twins. My smaller twin didn't make it, but my big one is still in NICU. he is 925g and doing really well.

I am happy to be a mother at last though i still qualify here becos i have 2 angels now. Would like you all who are still trying hard to know it is possible. It was a tough pregnancy and tougher journey now but i have learnt so much from it and now can share my joy with my little boy. Of cos, for now it's both joy and sorrow first.

In the mean time while a zillion tasks have to be done, i am still taking time to come here to post to offload and grieve with you all. i just read michelle's post about oct 15.. din know there is such a day.. but now that i do, the day is set at such an appropriate time for me.

To those trying, jia you!

i can't catch up on the posts but i think i see a few new nicks. i'm sorry about your experience but i would like to tell you to press on. I'm also doing confinement now after c-section which is terrible so i totally identify with your experiences. come here and "talk" it out if it helps to make it better for you.
very glad that u r doing fine and u r finally a mother! although feel sad that one of the twins din make it, but i'm sure u have given us some assurance tat we can be a proud mother soon. take care and update us on ur bb boy ok
Hi xbliss,

CONGRATS!! Do take care of yrself and show us pics of yr angel when you are ready.

Noscon, pls do see a gynae to do a checks - we can only share experience here but not everyone will have the same for me, I am still TTC despite the chemical preg was last year and still no news...

Hopefully, that's the trouble. I dont see improvement (shorten cycles) nor do I see any side effect (unlike the western med) - so, oso dont know how...
Hi xbliss,

Sorry to hear about the loss of one twin. However, I am very happy that you are finally able to hold your little one. Congratulations! Wishing your son good health and that he will be out of NICU soon. Take care.
Hi Xbliss
I'm very sorry to hear about the loss of one angel. But I'm glad you have a strong baby to hold in your arms now. God will take care of all our little angels and I'm sure your little one will grow strong and get out of NICU soon
hi xbliss,
Congrats! and very happy u know that finally u have become a mother!!

Take care of urself ans hope ur BB will be discharge from NICU soon..
xbliss, congrats! you must be so so so tired now. i'm sorry to hear about your smaller twin. such mixed feelings... but press on for your bigger twin's sake ok? do you get to go out to the hospital to see him?

thanks for sticking to this thread and sharing your journey with us. i'm sure many of us feel very encouraged by your experience.

kat, i think maybe you need to see another tcm practitioner to hear what he/she says about your condition, just for a second opinion sort of thing? maybe it'll be good for you to take a small break from ttc to gather some energy before you begin to try again too. i know it must've been very tiring and stressful for you so far. hugs.
hi, thank u all for your wishes. i'm definitely hanging in there for bb bryan. there are times i need to "offload" and cry and i will come to this forum plus the preemies thread. then i will feel a zillion times better after that.

xuanting, i really wanted to share here to give hope. it of cos hurts cos now i have 2 angels (one is 5 mths and one is newborn) but i am also blessed with a cute ang moh looking son (his hair very brown like me!)bb bryan is doing well in nicu. i can't carry him cos he is so fragile and has tubes and IVs all over, but i can put my hands through the holes in his incubator to touch him and talk to him.

as for tcm, actually i would like to recommend eu yan sang. i visited them in my 5th month of pregnancy when we found out about the transfusion problem in my twins (which is a very serious problem), and this eu yan sang doc Leow at Tiong Bahru (who also has a pair of identical twins himself) gave me medication which i felt was the life saver cos the twins grew v well after that. I never believed in TCM but this one changed me completely. I plan to have another child and will def go to him when i am ready by then (of cos not so soon lah.. need to care for bb bryan first).
xbliss...congrats! you are a strong have a good rest and keep us updated. hope Bryan will be able to go home with you soon.
Hi all
Haven't popped in for quite a while liao...
first of all, congrats to xbliss... i believe you will be the best mother to bb bryan..

I have a good news to share with you gals too... i'm currently abt 7 weeks pregnant liao... Just to recapped my history... i had a D&C done on the 2nd July and after my 2nd AF, we striked...

this time, i'm very careful with it although still got brown discharge in the 5th week... given 2 weeks of bedrest...

For those who are TTC, baby dust to you all..
Good Luck!
hi bb08, very good news from you! but i know how you feel cos of our "scars". Would like you to know that mummy's emotional state is very important to the bb, so keep yourself happy and positive. This is also what you all told me all throughout my pregnancy and see, i made it!

I watched a lot of comedies and my fav shows and laughed out loud when i was happy even though worry was constantly on my mind then. And bb bryan is a happy bb. He grimaces now and then when he is poked by needles in NICU but other than that, he seems to be this bo chup happy bb!

As for bedrest, pls treat it seriously. It really means u should be on the bed, preferably lying on your left side almost all the time if it is unnecessary for you to walk. Dun underestimate the importance.. i believe this helped to save bryan for me too.

Lastly, nutrition in the first trimester is very important. How are you eating now? Any MS? Even if got severe MS (which i hope you don't!!) you must eat, and eat nutritious food. What i did previously was to split all the meals cos of the poor appetite, so i had breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner and supper. When i started this routine, the bbies really grew!

I do hope you have a smooth and easy pregnancy and we can see your bb's pic up here in May/June next yr (dunno if my counting is right!)!
Thanks xuanting and xbliss

xbliss, you were right, keep on worrying abt etopic pregnancy when haven't see the sac.. then worrying abt no heart beat now... this coming mon should be mt 7weeks 6 days, by rite should be able to see the heartbeat liao ...pray pray..

This time MS very terrible...happens all day long... but doc says the more terrible it is, the more better.. so i just take it lor

I'm not a fussy eater, last time one dish for eg noodle soup can last me for 3 meals but now cannot liao... feel like eating instant cup noodles now...haha
congrats!ya i agree that not easy for us to go thro this, exp we have "scar"..But hope u will happy always so that the bb more healthier.

xbliss, and all MTB,

may i know what kind of fish and fruit we cant eat during pregnant?
bb08, yes that's the way to go. Be positive! sure can see heartbeat and a powerful one!

i dun see MS as being a indication of pregnancy health.. with my twin pregnancy, i was having it much easier than the previous singleton.

If you have to eat, then eat! i also craved for instant noodles a lot during pregnancy and i ate it! of cos i made sure i balanced out by drinking lots of water and eating nutritious food. dun cut on your vitamins.. go on fish oil capsules, calcium, n watever multi vits ur gynae gives.

piggy mummy, i'm not a very traditional person.. so all these is mother in law tell me one.. she said no cooling fruits like watermelon, pineapple and papaya (jaundice). But i tink it's ok to eat in moderation.. i even order papaya juice to drink sometimes cos of constipation. However, i think should avoid acidic ones. My mother in law swears that fruits with red skin are good and improve iron levels.. for eg. the plums.

Fish i not so sure but i know u can get info from searching website. What i know is avoid those high in mercury like tuna and shark. other than that, i think fish is good. Too bad i hated fish during pregnancy!
I also hated fish now... cannot stand the smell...but no choice gotta eat abit...

As for the fish oil capsule, i read from somewhere it contain AA ( A???? acid) which is harmful to the foetus... so be careful abit...
i think if you take the brand neurogain very safe. that's what another forum mummy told me. plus i double checked with gynae. u can ask your gynae too.
me also hate fish now, lastime i eat fish almost everyday..

i believe papaya can cause one skin become yellowish. Coz my MIL eat paapaya everday, her skin become yellow, but she stop it for a month, then skin color better..


how is BBB bryan now? u still in hospital?
piggy mummy, yar, a lot of old folks believe papaya can cause jaundice in bbies. I checked with my eu yan sang TCM, he said it is ok if we eat in moderation. But of cos there are so many fruits available.. if you dun feel good about papaya, then dun eat.

I was discharged on Monday already. Been resting at home since then and shuttling to and from kkh. BB Byran is doing very well. Now only on oxygen.. once he gains weight and goes off oxygent, he can graduate to the special care. :D then after that can come home already!!
Hi bb08,
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you. Hope everything works out for you this time. Unfortunately for me, I haven't got good news to share.

So wonderful to hear about Bryan progress. Take care of yourself too.
congrats! so nice to hear good news here!
but i haven't got any good news to share yet... sigh
but its ok, i'll try hard (me alone donesn't do the job actually... hehe)
take care gal!
Was told by my sinseh that if you want to ttc, ML on day 12, 15 and 18 (counting from day 1 of your AF)

This time no spotting for me liao but still cannot see bb's heartbeat yet (7 weeks)...mon will see the gynae again and hope i can see it... me still dunno how does the bb's heartbeat look like... am so worried again...
bb08, heartbeat is reflected through this line on the screen that will be bouncing up and down and you will hear the whooshing sound.. u know like movies.. where the patient's heart is monitored on the screen and got up and down?

Don't worry.. think 7 wks still ok not to see heartbeat. do come back with good news on monday. Remember to stay positive. You will see it if you want to see it!!!! keep that in your head!
thats very cute...really wanted to see the heartbeat so much...but i heard some gals already can see the heartbeat at week 6 liao...

btw, i thought you supposed to do your confinement? how come you can still travel to hospital here and there... though i know you will miss your bb bryan but you must also take care of your health..
am up to do my milking.. tired tired but i am happy bb bryan got milk to drink.

confinement? hehe.. i am a total failure in that. my mother in law nag until she wanna cry already. i forget to wear bedroom slippers, i go kkh in berms and short sleeves, i shampoo my hair, i sleep in air con and sometimes plus fan. Broke all the commandments liao, but can't be bothered. I know my body well, during my last MC at 19 wks, i recovered v quickly and in less than a month, i was out for a lot of sports.. that really built my body up! i guess it's different for everyone.. for me i like western medication so i will be taking multivits after my antibiotics finish. then i will start brisk walking (cannot do ball games now cos of c section) and after that shopping! ha! bad example here, but no choice! i wan to see bb bryan everyday and will not want to miss any of his small little milestones!

hi bb08
Please avoid fish oil capsules. (yu gan you capsule) They contain something that is not good for pregnancy. And avoid watermelon (my mom swears by this one, when she was expecting me, she took lotsa watermelons, then I was borne with alot of gas) papaya ( jaundice) and also pineapple. Eat more fish and vitamin C during this period and break up your meals into 5 small ones instead of 3 meals.

Don't worry, Im sure you will be able to see baby heartbeat in next gynae visit.

Xbliss, you are such a modern mum
But you are right, babies grow very fast and we wouldnt want to miss any part of their lives. Yesterday I saw my friends's baby who is now 2 months old. So fat and chubby and so active, keep kicking his little tiny legs. And he grew so much in 2 months, till 7kg now. Babies really grow very fast and we wouldnt want to miss their little milestones.
Baby Bryan will be out of TICU soon and you will be seeing him every second of the day very soon. But in meantime, please take good care of your health and do a confinement too, just in case. That time after mc I never do confinement too, so my body took a longer time to recover... learnt my lesson...
