Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Nickel

Happy to hear from you as being a while i dint see u here.. Yes i start ttc once green light is given by gynae as i dint want to wait.. just like i am missing something and oso age catching up. Since i know the cause of my mc now, i will hope to try again one last time...

Xbiss.. will keep you in my prayer and also those ttc gals here.. GOD will answer to all our prayers, just the matter of time. Be strong and positive.

hi gals,

I have been wanting to share my good news with all of you for this is where I once share my heartache and loss but have decided to be v pang tang thsi round. Currently I am into my 14th week of pregnancy! This pregnancy is a total surprise to me as I was having haywire cycles after my D&C in late Feb this year. Gynae gave the green light to ttc but i could not detect rise in my temp and the only 1 test for o left from my previous use did not give +ve results either so that time i was telling myself to try the next cycle...little did i expect the gd news! It has not been easy since I confirm the pregnancy and for a period, I kept asking the question of how would it be today. Fot those who do not know, I lost my 1st bb at 9 weeks due to no HB. There was lots of mixed feelings everyday and in fact i was seeing my gynae every week for close monitoring. Thankfully, everything is going fine so far.

I really hope to have a happy and healthy bb this time round and am counting down each day. Though at the same time, I am experiencing some marital crisis which put me on some emotional roller coaster which I am v guilty as am not sure how it is affecting my bb. Anyway to all of you who are ttcing, i hope I can give you the hope. Baby dust to all!
Yesterday i cried again. I was thinking of giving my bb a name, that is the only thing i can do now as mommy (I know i am slow on this, partly cos i don't the sex of my bb. Was asking my hubby to join in the naming. He was very angry with me,"why dwell so much? It is doing you no good!!" I was very upset, cos he was not a good father when i was pregnant. Now the way he said it was way too heartless. I just told him off. Why he so heartless, after all the baby was also flesh & blood from both of us. And my baby is the closes to me than anyone else for 3 months.

In the end he gave in. He just don't want me to get hurt. But what he don't understand is, this is my way of healing. At least now i have no regrets.

My baby name is Isaac (Laughter). DOB/DOD 24 July 2007. Isaac, Mommy love you!!!! Thank you for being in me for 3 months. Mommy always love you.
Hi eunice dear,

Congrats!!!! Thanks for sharing this good news with us!!!!

Don't get upset, now you and baby are more important. Don't be stressed by your marriage. My hubby had some problem adjusting when i was pregnant. Just take thing easy, be as happy as possible.

Not to scare you, stress and being too emotional is not good for both of you. I had my miscarriage cos of being too stressed by work and small little stuff.

You angry/upset= baby having storm in your womb.

Take care
Hi Stefie

Is good to name you baby... i name my 2 bb that i lost too and also i get them a gift and keep them in a box. Is a way we remember them and in fact it make me feel beta...
Hi Stefie

Is good to name you baby... i name my 2 bb that i lost too and also i get them a gift and keep them in a box. Is a way we remember them and in fact it make me feel beta...
Hi Angie dear,

Thank you so much!!!!

I will keep his ultrascan film. And my gynae visits receipt. I will not forget Isaac but i will let go. Men don't understand what we went thro.

Jia you in your TTC
hi xbliss, i'm glad to hear that your condition has stabilised. please press on and stay positive! i hope that in 12 weeks, you'll be sharing lovely pix of your healthy twins with us here. jia you okay.

hi eunice, gongxi gongxi! i hope you'll have a smooth and enjoyable pregnancy.
thanks for cheering us up with some good news! i hope angela and the rest of us will also have good news to share soon too!

hi linda, haven't heard from you in a while. i'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling down. i hope you'll be able to pull yourself together soon. it's really not healthy to be in a depressed mood for long, no matter how difficult the situation seems; it can lead to clinical depression if left to fester and once that sets in, it can really ruin your life. i understand that it is hard for you to manage your feelings of confusion and incompetence on your own since your hubby isn't exactly in tune with how you feel, but do try to engage yourself in some fun/leisurely activities to take your mind off them or come in here to chat more often you started this thread and it has helped so many of us so let us do something for you too!

and also to the others who are finding it very hard to cope with your mcs, allow yourselves time to grieve, but if over time, you feel that you not only aren't quite as able to cope with your feelings, but are also having difficulties carrying out simple daily activities, please think about seeking professional help. it can be very difficult getting back to a normal life once you cross that threshold. if you feel that you may be "at risk", please seek professional help before things get out of control.

i'm sorry for sounding like we are all raging loonies here, but reading some of the recent posts, i feel that some of us may actually benefit from speaking to a counsellor. sometimes, it may not be the mc per se; the mc may only be the trigger of some other long-standing issue and counselling may actually help put all that in perspective too. i hope that we can all stay physically and psychologically healthy as we leave behind the shadows of our mcs and prepare to ttc.
Hi stefie2104, i am also thinking to name my boys, as the night b4 my water bag burst, I was choosing the names for my boys...but things happened so sudden...
I also will put all my twinnies ultrasound pictures in an album as memorial album to my BBs.
I always tear down when i saw them showing stunt in the could 2 little healthy BBs just leave their mommy like that....tears down again....

don know is a good news or bad news. as i mentioned here i got brown discharge for a week and i thot my AF coming. But it din come so i test. and +ve. I pregnant (4 weeks), saw doctor 2 days ago, scan alright, but have to c doc again 2 weeks later to detect heartbeat.

but just now the discharge turn from brown to abit reddish. I call doctor, he increase my "an tai yau" to 3 times a day, n c him tomorow...

If this time nt success again, i have to go tru another dnc, after my last dnc (this year march), both of us already "kan kai", but i don expect things happen again. Since i have brown discharge, i already know it is not a gd news. But doc said discharge during pregnant is ok, but nw abit red color, me worried again..
thanks for all the well wishes. I know my journey is not over yet until the day i hold a healthy bb in my arms. esp after all the reading up after the dnc and learn that any thing can go wrong any week any time. I can only tell my bb each day how much i want him/her.

also know being too emotional is no gd as i tend to feel the stretch in uterus when i get too emotional. being trying to ctrl but many times fail to keep my cool....v disappointed with my hubby that in time like this, he is not able to stand by me...but put me under more emotional stress

piggy mummy, i also had spotting in my 1st 2 weeks and was on lots of progestrone both oral and application. m still on oral since. each time i had any discharge or spotting, i panic and would call up / rush to clinic for injection / scan. the 1st few wks were crazy as i would drop my work and rushed off to clinic. don't worry 2 much and limit movement. gd luck.
hi piggy mummy, please rest and try to minimise your movements till the discharge goes away. please don't lose hope yet, my friend had fresh blood spotting (sometimes in blobs even) several times during her pregnancy but still managed to carry her baby to full term. take care and all the best for your check up tomorrow. hugs.
I have dark brown spotting too for 3days (during my suppose period date).
Tomorrow is my scan for heartbeat.
Hope is good news.

Actually, i was looking at a foreign website, upon hundreds of posts, only 1 who didnt detect heartbeat at first decided to wait and eventually she gave birth to a normal girl.

I was wondering if really still cant detect heartbeat tomorrow, do I have the choice of waiting again, or being strongly advise to go for d&c immediately?
hi all,

Thanks all for the encouragement. Actually now i realize all these not beyond our control..Yesterday just accidentally switch to channel 53 (scv), and watch a programme which discuss abt an artist who had kidney cancer, and he described abt how he coop with the disease, how he suffer the moment he knows abt the disease. After that i realise that, as long as we got a healthy body and can always spend our time with our love one, then i feel better..

And i also have to learn to let go and let God to make the decision for me. Try to rely on God in this matter.
hi ladies,
good to login and see good news

for those who are preggie, do take good care, if possible, rest more and move less...and keep a happy disposition...

my AF reported two days earlier this month...
but of coz we didnt ttc that hard..will put off ttc for a while...concentrate on work..guess when ppl say, must relax then will strike is true...i hope that will work for me too...learning to take it easy...even though age is catching up..but learning to feel positive despite seeing more n more frens n colleague getting preggie...guess it is all in God's timing...
just wanna seek yr opinion since the topic of changing jobs/getting preggie. is it unethical to get preggie within 6 months into the new job? after 6 mths on the new job get preggie ok? what's the law on it? entitle to maternity benefits if on new job and preggie after 6 mths and before 6 mths? Anyone can help to advise.
hopefully, i do wish you are like your nick.. HOPEFUL! of cos u will see the heartbeat! i have been telling myself to be positive despite the complicated pregnancy now and the babies can respond, ok? a happier me leads to happier babies, which is like a positive cycle ultimately. Don't give up. For my previous pregnancy, the bb showed up late in ultrasound too.. about 1 week or 2 weeks late. so dun be too worried. it does happen.

applemuffin, usually benefits are given upon completion of probation right? must check company policy cos it varies. i don't think it will be a problem after probation then. In fact, it is not ethical for them to fire a woman who gets pregnant.. some women have actually complained to MOM before and got their compensation.. of cos the company will say that the staff's work no good lah. so just ensure that you work well and all should be ok.

piggy mummy, u are so right. we are not in control. I have also learnt to let go of my fears and worries everyday that i am on bedrest. it really doesnt help a single bit. of cos we are all humans, it's ok to have such feelings, but we need to move on after that! stay strong!
hi gals,

so glad to see good news again! congrats piggy_mum and eunice! take good care and stay positive ok? everything will be alright..
i hope will be my turn soon!
Yes.. have law that state that only can claim maternity benefit after 6 mths of working.. but if u get pregnant within the 6 mths, I think should be fine.. cos u will be working for ard 1 yr first before u really get the maternity leave.

eunice72 & piggy mum,
Take care. I am preggy too after 2 m/c.. still working hard.. dun be like me, went thro so much nervous break down and hide at home for 1-2 mths and I only dare to announce pregnancy to my friends recently at 20 week.
hi all,

Thanx now staying at home (like last pregnancy), cant do anything..everyday wake up ard 11 am, taking breakfast, watching tv, and watching tv again, sometime take a nap..cant do household, cant cook as well..

will c doc next friday to check heartbeat.
hi piggy_mummy, are u on bedrest? i hear that besides going to the toilet, you aren't even supposed to get up and walk around. please take care ok.
piggy mummy, i learnt my lesson on bedrest. when i started going on hospitalisation leave 4 weeks ago, i was not disciplined.. then the condition of the twins got worse. 3 weks later, i was determined to be disciplined, to the extent that i only lie on my left or back when i get sore.. and the twins' condition improved finally. must be disciplined ok? it will do you good. try not to move around. Now my bed is like my workspace, got everything on it, water, remote control, papers, laptop. It's very tiring but nothing beats seeing the good outcome. take it easy.
i think it is better to take safer options like lie in bed most of the time and avoid doing things as much as possible. For me, cos the pregnancy was so complicated, it helped me emotionally that i didn't have to think about other things. take it easy piggy mummy. remember that on top of physical health, mental health is very important for bb too.
hi piggy mummy, no need to be paranoid. i also sit up to surf or eat but try to keep it short. i try to lie down most of the time.
when is next doc visit?

hopeful, how are u? hope you and bb are doing well.
hi xbliss,
it didnt grow afterall, so no heartbeat. the scan shows the sac was the same size as previous scan. The next day I admitted in and does evacuation of womb.

Feeling a bit lost and sad and angry. Dunno what I m angry abt...
Its alright, I will be fine. Just feeling weak now. After finish medication from hospital, will see TCM.
Saw Eu Ren Seng clinic near my house, do they give chinese medicine in pills form? or give prescription for Chinese medicine?

i don not have appetite to eat, but do not vomit also, juz feel like my mouth got bitter feeling.izzit because of the hormon pills?One day i only eat 1/4 of my meal, like dinner, i always din finish it. Any advise on wat to eat to avoid such feeling?
hi hopefully, i understand how you feel. I lost my first at 18 weeks and had to go through birth induction. There's a whole range of emotions to experience and i think it is good that you take time to feel them.. let it out and it will be better. I didn't have anyone to cry to so i came to this forum. I started seeing eu yan sang when complications arose 4 weeks ago in my current pregnancy. It was recommended by another lady in this forum who had the same complication as i do. It has been 4 weeks plus and the babies are still going strong. They give medication in powder form which you need to mix into water to drink. It is individually packed and very clean. The medicine is a bit ex.. at $7 a day though. I personally feel the babies have grown quite a bit after taking the medication.. dunno is it psychological effect also lah!

piggy mummy, it's ok to take small meals, dun have to finish all in one go. my mother in law keep complaining i dun eat alot.. when i buy packet food, i only eat about 1/3. But, i make up for it by eating all throughout the day.. so my schedule is like breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea break, dinner and supper. Do pay more attention to the type of food you eat. i try to eat healthy stuff like cereal bars, soybean milk, etc. Of cos, on naughty days, i will snack on junk food lah. You do need to eat or else the bb cant put on much weight. At times, i really dont feel like eating, but i will force myself to eat something small.. i do see the results in terms of bb's weight. Must try ok? Maybe select a drink you like and take with some biscuits?
hi everyone, hope you all had a nice rest over the weekend.

piggy_mummy, hope all went well at your check-up last friday too. rest well and take care!
hi everyone. it's been a little quiet here. all busy? i do hope things are working out for all well. happy mooncake festival! one day we will all get to celebrate mooncake festival (complete with musical lanterns!) with our little ones
ya ya,... i agree...
now is my 2ww... actually din bd very actively.. cos hb not co-operative, now he got gastric flu..., so i din force him too...
been very warm nowadays.. can't stand the weather...

xbliss, how long more to go??? u take care k..
did u take BBT during ur ttc period?? i have been taking my BBT recently.. BBT quite high 36.68, 36.73... i hope it will remain high throughout... but din experience any sore breast... so might not have good news... i remember i had it the last time for my 1st preg (end up MC in the end)... sigh
I'll be going for my D&C tomorrow..after losing my bb on Monday evening... wonder what that procedure reading up.

Hoping it won't affect my future plans to try to conceive..
hi hoops&yoyo, please rest well after the procedure. it'll be good if you can get some of the stuff for mini confinement, like red dates and longan to brew tea, and some ginger to cook with your food. do come in here to chat anytime too. take care!
hi hoops&yoyo,

The ops come with painkiller. it will make you think that everything is alright since the pain is a merely mense cramps. some even go back to work on the next day.

dont be deceive by the painkiller. as what xuanting said, do a mini-confinement.

it takes the gynea 15mins to clear the stuff. but it takes a few months to heal the womb.

take care..
hi hoops, i'm sorry to hear about your situation. i hope the procedure was ok? important thing is to rest well now. It won't affect ur future plans, dun worry. like what xuanting says, can try some mini confinement to give your back the energy. if u are not believer of this, then maybe some multi vits? it will help you to recover faster and try. Do come here and chat if need.

kit mum2b, so anxious to bd uh? my case also like that. hubby not cooperative. in the end, i ground him from bd until the Big O day. hehe. well, at least i learn to be more relaxed and enjoy lor. It so happened that the first cycle i charted (4th month after induced labor and dnc), i got pregnant.. but the best part was.. i started charting after ovulation so i had no idea what is my pre ovulation temp. But my post ovulation temp is about the same as those you quoted one week after ovulation.. and it continued to remain rather high. i got a BFO one day after menses due with no symptoms at all except for bigger breasts.

I am currently in my 25th week and the complications are still around but has stabilised. If the condition remains like this, i have a higher chance of carrying the twins above 30 weeks. If not, i can deliver anytime lor. I am not giving up, so you all mustn't too. It's very tough carrying 2 cos heavy.. and with the complications, i have alot more excess amniotic fluid which is heavy. I have had 2 rounds to remove excess fluid already. Very terrible process but i'm not giving up!

for all ttc-ing and those pregnant, hang in there!
hi xbliss,
is it true that every pregnancy experience is different? i got very sore breast the first time i got preg... but this time, i got no sore breasts... just might be like urs... a little bigger than normal... (but also can be pms too...) sigh...i realise that my tummy is bigger ..u know the love handle area... (dunno is it just simply fat...)
is going to test next week if my menses dun come... wish me luck!
hi kit, i've heard from many mommies that every pregnancy is dif. when is your af due?

xbliss, is the procedure for the removal of excess amniotic fluids the same as that done for the amniocentesis test? does it hurt? press on ok, the longer the twins stay in your body, the stronger they will be when born. are you mainly on bed rest now? ren3 until they are born ok?
hi xuanting, my af due next week tue... my cycle super long... 37-42 days... today is 37 days... no sign yet... temp still high.. so anxiously waiting...see tml temp got drop or not...
