Support group - Miscarriages

hi ladies,
my first cycle after m/c is here. It is the third day already and still very heavy. Is it normal? Heard that the cycle shd not exceed 7 days, is this true? any experience to share?


Flow after D&C can be up to 14 days. However, it may not be like normal menses flow as in u may experience flow today but you may jus be dry or just experience spotting the next day. Bascially, depends on individual body. You may look at our past postings on this issues in the archive forum. It should be just 1 or 2 mths back where we have share info on this matter.
hi all,

i will be doing D&C this coming saturday, coz bb no heartbeat at 8 weeks.This is my sec mc since last year May, but the first mc just my menses late for 5 days, and i take urine test it shown +ve, but did a HCG bld test, the HCG level already drop to 5, so doc said let the menses come, no prosedure done on that time

I am very worried abt the D&C procedure, may i know izzit painful? and do we need to do a small confinement like eat confinement food straight after D&C? And When to eat chinese herb to "BU" our body?

My second worried is do we need to do a infertility chk up like sperm quality chk?coz me and hb normally try ard 4 months then conceived, but only the foetus din grow heathtily inside and no heatbeat. Izzit normal?coz my HB thinking of goin for sperm chk, coz if really sperm quality no gd, may b need few month to eat medicine and at the meanwhile i also waiting my body to recover, then no need waste time.

After my MIL knew i have to do D&C, she very sad and cry.. i felt very sad to let them dissapoited..

Really need advise.
sorry piggy mommy...wish you didnt have to go thru strong on sat ok..they will inject u with anesthetic so that u will go to sleep during the procedure. U wont feel the pain but after 2-3 hours, u will wake up...maybe feel cramps-like sensation. Then can go home liao. I recommend confinement. I ate fish, ginger, red dates alot, avoid alcohol and chix essence. Shower alternate days with herbs, always dressed warm with long pants.
hi piggy mummy, so sorry you have to go thr tis as well. i am still having my mini confinement so let's recover tog.

dun worry, like what applemuffin mentioned you would not feel anything at all. Is like memory loss as far as the procedure is concerned and the whole procedure would be over in 10 mins though you will still be sleeping.

btw applemuffin, why no alcohol and chicken essence? I hve been taking them leh. anything no good abt them?
Hi Chrysanne12
thanks for yr advice. yes been going back to my mum's pl v v often when i need a break from all these, so is a v good suggestion. but at times i dun want to get my already v worried parents more worried. So it is also for them that i try to stay strong esp how my mum cried with me b4 my D&C. can feel her heartache for me just like how i feel for my unborn child.
hi piggymummy,

Please be strong, i have also recently been through second miscarriage and also ' kan kai ' after second miscarriage.

I ate vinegar pig trotter, fish, sesame ginger chicken, red dates etc. After you menses stop, you can start to 'bu'. cook black chicken with danggui, it;s really good. or you can go to tcm to get some herbs to 'bu' yourself. i take fish essence instead.

Applemuffin, where do you get the herbs for shower.
piggy mom, dont eat dang gui during confinement cos it will cause uterus to contract and more bleeding n cramps. alcohol also has the same gynea said so.
may i know izzit really need to do D&C to take the foetus out? coz heard that will hurt the uterus lining and womb? can we just wait the mc occur naturally?Now i am nearly 8 weeks, will do D&C this coming saturday. My gynae didn't tell me the pro and cons abt D&C.
Does anyone here didn't opt for D&C?
for my first miscarriage occurs naturally a day before D&C but my gyane advise me to still proceed with D&C as he is afraid that there might be some left behind which will cause cancer down the road.
hi piggymummy,

didn't your gyna check you again after your first m/c..i heard that even if you let miscarriage occur naturally it is still good to go through D&C to clear any 'leftover' stuff inside..if not can cause another m/c or some problems to the uterus in the future

anyway, stay strong this will take time to heal emotionally and physically..u can pop by here to let out your feelings..we are here to support each other in these times

hi Eunice,

hmm, why don't you then take a day all by yourself and go somewhere to think abt going to the beachside..
if you feel talking to your hubby is going to be stressful then maybe try writing a note to him tell him your feelings and your differences..

I spent my CNY in hospital whereby I delivered my baby prematurely through normal birth at 22 weeks after the water bag bursts, despite being on ventolin drip for 3 days. This is my first pregnancy after around 4 years of trying to get pregnant. The baby was moving when it was born, however baby doctor deemed it too early to be saved and I just watch it turn motionless. I had a D&C the next day after. It is definitely not easy for me and my husband to get over it, at least now feeling better than initially. Hopefully pain will fade with time.

I had light bleeding after and today after 2 weeks, still have some spotting. Got experience slight cramps initially, maybe uterus contracting.

I am in my mini-confinement now. Got eat chicken soup with some dangui and some of my dishes got cooked with white rice wine daily since my discharge.

my first mc happen naturally, gynae did gave me antibiotics for both husband n me.The first mc is very early, only 5 days from my last menses doc said no need to do anythg coz the body nt yet to prepare for pregnancy.

coz i read from other thread that some of them reject dnc.coz i worried.
Hi piggymummy,

so sorry that you have to go through this. Be strong..women are made of steel.
After my m/c, i do a mini confinement of 2 weeks. I eat pig stomach soup with pepper, ginger with fish, sesame oil chicken. Also drink lots of red dates cum longan hot drink. Every morning, i also drink brand essence of chix. I think all these helps cos when i went for check up and back to work, people say my "color" looks good. My mum say it was important to "bu" enough during this window period.
Hi Chrysanne, thanks. Had tried b4 not so successful but thinkin of trying again as is easier for thoughts to flow since less talk back from him....

Hi Piggymummy, they are right. my gynae told me back then that if i were to wait for natural mc, it can be v bloody and might cause me more pain and complications and in the event mc is not complete, would still need to do D&C. As such during that few days b4 D&C, i was put on hormone pills to 'prevent' a natural mc.

this period is v painful and difficult to go thr. no words can ease the pain but pls do know that you are not alone. we all feel yr pain....
hi summer. dun worry. i can almost say i understand what you went through. I also lost my baby days before x'mas. somehow the fact that it's a festive season makes the loss even harder to accept. I can see you are taking good care of yourself. Don't ever give up cos none of us here have. Is there something that doc advised you to do/not to do in next pregnancy given your situation?
may i know if doc only give me 1 week mc,so i will do a confinement at home.But my MIL said 1 week nt enough to recover. May i know how you all do the confinement while working.Coz working place got aircon,and may eat outside fd for lunch..

Hello Summer

I am sorry for your lost. My heart goes to you as i went thru the same as you last nov06. Waterbag bursted at week 17 and i have to go thru indure labour too. BB still have heartbeat but is jus too small to survive. Time will heal, trust me. But our bb will always be in our heart and we will not forget what we went thru. Rest well and try again. Dun give up.

If you need someone to talk to, can msn me at [email protected]
hi applemuffin (applemuffin),

i saw ur threat on infertility, so may i know for my case, do my HB or me need to consult gynae abt the fertility prob?coz we did conceived after try of few month, but wach time doc said the foetus not healty so the body reject.May i know is noemal gynae can check this prob or we have to consult special gynae who treat fertility problem?
Hi piggymummy,

You can talk to your gynea and see if can get 1 more week to rest at home. I felt 1 week is not enough.
I did not take seafood for 1 month. So when i went back to work, i choose food with veg, fish or meat and no seafood. I also bring red dates and longan frink in a flask to drink for 1 month.
Hi Piggymummy,

Yr 1st M/C was very similar to mine - I tink what u shld do now is to get yr body back to good 1st, since u are able to conceive so fast after the 1st m/c, dont tink u have any fertility problem.

Before the m/c, did yr menses come regularly??

ya,after the first mc, my period came every month, but in the beginning not v.regular, like late 1 week, 8 days.But after 4 month, it regular..why?

last time after first mc, we already wait for 4-5 month b4 try again.. Now have to restart..
Hi xbliss and Angela Lee,

Thanks for your words of encouragement. We will try to conceive again after recovery.

For my case, doc say reason is unknown for the prematurity.

I can see from the thread that there are some who have went through a few rounds of miscarriages. Can imagine the rounds of pain and disappointment.
Hi Ladies,

sob...sob, i went to get my lap result and discovered i got endometriosis. I am very upset now. although doc say its a common illness, i am in a state of confusion and disappointment. Shd i go for the 4mths injection (once a month)? heard it will disrupt menses cycle and this would be worse if i am ttc? anybody have experience to share? sob..sob...
Hi rest_relax

Is your endo serious? If not, can you just leave it? You did manage to conceive with endo, so perhaps its not that serious.

My colleague has endo yet she is also v fertile.
juZ did D&c, dox said will review me in a week. May i know does amyone here go for xray after a month a d&c? coz my gynae said have to do a wonb xray to chk got any scar in the womb and have to chh any abnormality that coz the miscarriage.

May i know problem such as endometriosis or fabriod can chk tru bld test or womb x-ray? Thanx
Hi rest_relax,

You went for laparoscopy and doc discovered you got endometriosis? After clearing off the endo during lap, usually docs would recommend 6 months of injection to kill off any leftover endo left which is not visible during the lap. During these 6 months you will not have menses.

I have also heard of pple do did not go thru injections at all, probably those belong to very mild endo.

Hi piggy_mummy,

I had D&C. Doc did not mention anything about Xray. I believe my doc will just do ultrasound scan.

Fibriod is visible through ultrasound scan. Endo can be visible or not visible through ultrasound scan depending on the doc's expertise.
Hi Curl,
Doc say mine endo is stage 2 classified as mild. There are 4 stages in endo. But since discovered endo, so have to treat it liao.

Hi piggymummy,
Fibriod can be discovered thru V-scan but not endo. Endo is suspected thru symptons like pain during menses etc. To confirm endo, the only way is to do lap.
Just like summer, when i did my D&C, doc just do a ultrascound scan later to confirm its clean, there was no x-ray.
my doc did show me other patient's ultrasound who got fibriod. He din mention anything abt curious only.i did vaginal scan 3days before Dnc(to chk bb heart beat) but doc din say anythg abt my womb..Now i was given antibiotic to eat and doing mini confinement now. During this period, can i eat cheese?egg?

May i know after dnc will bleeding rite?May i know how long does the bleeding take?me today still wearing pad.

May i know who are christian here? coz i am reading some christian healing book, it does encourage me to have faith in GOD..thanx
I ate cheese and egg during mini confinement. My mum say ok to eat so i just follow. So far so good. I bleed for 3-4 days then keep having light bleeding and spotting untill end of 3rd week - total 22 days from D&C date. My period came 10 days later and last for a week. I read from the web that waiting from 4-6 weeks after D&C for the first period is normal.

Hope this helps.

thank you for your info.May i know this period can we walk around at home or must sit and lie-down on bed?

my MIL cook confinement food for me, and she ask me drink 2 bottles of chicken essence a day(morning and nite), and drink little bit of alcohol(the type women drink during confinement--i think is call "nuo mi jiu" before sleep..
i drink a lot of reddates n "gou ji zi" drinks..very nice taste.
Hi ladies,

how are you all doing? been away during the cny week.. then bz with school. hope to catch up with u all soon.. hugs to all..

I walk around, sit and lie in bed. I think ok to walk and sit to exercise and move. i also spent alot of time sitting up facing the computer to do work. But i nap for an hour whenever i feel tired. bottomline is not to over exert body.

2 bottles of chix essence daily sounds alot. I took 1 every morning. Depending on body, it may be too heaty for me. Did not drink alchohol directly, just put in food with chix or meat. Oh, i also bath with "white rice wine" - add together with warm water and bath - for two weeks. Will get ride of wind and protect the body from "dampness".
so u bath every day? i din bath, only use the herb water and towel to wipe the body..c can tahan wash my hair once a week or not.

at night u sleep with fan or without first i sleep aithout fan, but can stand it,too HOT!!so i use fan but just to let it spin..

rest_relax_forever,u went for laparoscopy? is doc suggested u to do laparoscopy?what is laparoscopy and what abnormality can be detected tru tis test?
I bath everyday and wash hair alternate day (blow dry immediately) cos i cannot tahan.Yes, i let fan spin at night cos also cannot tahan heat.

Yes, i went for lap. doc actually suggest lap even before i preg cos i can't conceive after trying 3 years. Then we stop discussing when i became preg in Jan. In feb, after i m/c, this subject was bght up again. Lap check for 6-7 things, like block fallop tubes, endo, cyst in overies and so forth. That's how my endo was discovered. And doc say maybe endo contribute to my m/c or so difficult to conceive in the first place. Now, i have to see how to curb the endo and then ttc again. All these test still cannot explain why m/c, only possible causes but it can help explain your health and give it a throughout check. But doc was nice and patient lah, he say we have to take it step by step and elimnate possibilities and think of the future plan. No point trying to find answer for m/c.

oh,,so u start work liao? i don know whether can apply one more week to rest at home..coz no mood to start waork and the air-con environment in working place. So now u start ttc liao?Who is ur gynae?Actually my gynae asked me to do xray a month later after dnc, i quite worry abt the xray..
Dear piggymummy,

Can you give me yr email address? i sent you infor abt my gynae to you.

You can go back to your gynae to ask for 1 more week, say you need more rest. I have not started ttc leh cos did lap last week. Like what i mention in earlier posting, i did not do xray, just a scan will do. I donce know what is the effect of doing xray so soon. If not comfortable, discuss with gynae is best.
hi piggy mummy, wonder if u remember me, I was in a similar situation as u in week 7, fetus size too small. Since i'm here, i think u can guess what's the outcome as well, after seeing my baby's heartbeat for 2 weeks, we couldn't detect it at our last checkup at week 8. My dnc is scheduled on this Friday.

sad to say, this is my 3rd mc, my previous mc a year ago was similar to this. As much as i feel i should not, i'm developing a phobia for this. I've been trying to get fear out of my system. I am reading the book, Supernatural Childbirth and together with the bible, it does help me to be less fearful. At least I know that God did not make women barren and all women in the bible give birth to healthy babies(even at ripe old age). I'm going to prepare myself well, physically and spiritually, for my next pregnancy. (Sorry if I'm ranting away)

I've been visiting this thread for 3 years now(cos of my past mcs) and have seen many ladies graduating from this thread to give birth to healthy babies, I believe one of these days, it will happen to all of us as well. Jia You!!!
Hi summer,

I can imagine your pain and agony. I lost my first boy at 24 weeks also and had to deliver him naturally and go thru dnc after that. My bb stopped moving and when i went to gynae to check, his heartbeat has stopped. When i delivered him, his umblical cord was twisted hence he had no blood supply. Why it became twisted, how it became twisted, till this day i dunno. Gynae also had no idea. It was a 1 in 1000 accident.

Now for the time being please take good care of yourself, build up your body again. Only with healthy body then you can think of cenceiving again. Try not to think too much.
hi divine,

ya i remember u. I have been prayed for you. I don dare to visit that thread coz it let me think back the whole process of pregnancy.Do u go to do any chk up abt the mc?coz my gynae said if 3 times mc, have to do bld test, but i din ask what kind of test they will do..
I asked my gynae is the mc due to infertility problem?He said it is not infertile, coz we can conceive but only happen that the foetus nt healty, but gynae cant explain what is the cause..

may i know how long have u been ttc?
piggy mummy, i did my blood test when i mc the 2nd time and my results turned out fine, no thyroid problems or antibodies that may reject the fetus. He can only deduce that it may be due to the fertilisation of an unhealthy egg or sperm. He suggested going for genetic testing this time round to see if me and my hubby's genes are compatible and if there are any chromosome defect.

I'm not really sure if i want to do that as it seems like most of the time, the results will turn out fine..I've been trying for 4 years and had an mc every year...your gynae is right, we dun have a fertilty problem, so ivf or iui are not necessary for gynae says we can only keep on trying and he has many patients that suceed only after multiple mcs, he says that the greatest obstacle is when we stop trying

I'm going to put all this behind me and concentrate on building up my health and faith for the rest of the year. there are plenty of positive examples here, mummies who had multiple mcs and went on to have healthy babies, they really give me plenty of of hope...

Though i may sound really positive but part of me is feeling really miserable...but really, all we should do is look forward...
i understand from my gynae that chemical pregnancies and early miscarriages occurs in 1 in every 4-5 women in singapore. sigh. after this whole incident, i told hubby i will not let my future children be doctors or gynae cos it's so depressing. imagine seeing all of us here in one day. the only good thing is we are still going strong. and for me, lucky that i have always been quite disconnected with my true self and my emotions.. else i dunno how i would have survived.

divine, your story gives me hope. and i definitely will keep trying.

piggymummy, my throughts are with you. Do take good care of yourself. For me, gynae gave me 2 weeks medical leave as i had a DNC. Apart from some slight cramping and discharge of blood, there arent' much "symptoms". i resumed sports 1 month later and am trying to keep myself healthy and happy by doing all the things i missed badly when i was pregnant. i get some backaches on some days but other than that, i think i'm stronger than before! i haven't taken any medical leave for nearly 3 months which is rare..

Now i still got some spotting, it already 4days after dnc. How many days ur bleeding stop?
i also have backache after my first mc, then i went to consult tcm, the senseh gave me some medicine for ard a month to treat the backache..


ya, after this mc, i really need to turn to GOD, let HIM to decide for me. Sometimes we need to let go, let GOD to take over..

BTW, because my gynae asked me to do an xray a month later from now, to c have any scar due to dnc and abnormality of my womb. I asked him can the xray tell the reason y the mc will happen,but he din give me a clear answer. So i asked another gynae (i seen him b4 in my 4 weeks pregnancy), he said i can go for a blood test to check, but my husband no need to do sperm check..So it confused me, don know wana go for a blood test before next ttc..
What is the genetic test?izzit blood test?
does anyone of you have bloated stomach after D&C. Ate alot of ginger and vinegar pig trotter already but why still have bloating stomach

i think a scan should be good enough to see if the uterus has recovered from the d&c, that's what my gynae does, u may want to check with yours about the x-ray. the blood test that i took before only check for antibodies, thyroid problem and if u are diabetic. The genetic testing checks for chromosome defects. I think if u are worried, go for the blood test first to make sure that you are healthy.
