Support group - Miscarriages

i let the fan spin, din blow directly.if u wash hair,must use hairdryer to blow it dry..

i called my chinese senseh, she said can go doen to c her now if i want. so i will go down this sat..
Hi ladies,

i went to see gynea this morning and told him i'll decide by next week if i want to take up the 4 mth hormone jab to curb my endo. I have more or less decided and just wanna have abit more time to let it sink thru my brain.

This ttc journey is tough. My hb sperm no gd and i got endo. Gynea say right tube got abit of endo blockage so the jab will hopefully help to clear some. So sad, if really left with one tube then chance is reduce by 50%...
Hi ladies,

i went to see gynea this morning and told him i'll decide by next week if i want to take up the 4 mth hormone jab to curb my endo. I have more or less decided and just wanna have abit more time to let it sink thru my brain.

This ttc journey is tough. My hb sperm no gd and i got endo. Gynea say right tube got abit of endo blockage so the jab will hopefully help to clear some. So sad, if really left with one tube then chance is reduce by 50%...
i also not sure. Cos my gynea say endo could just be one of the reason for m/c. As with any m/c in 1st trimester, doc cannot pinpoint reason(s). So they tell u maybe only lor.
as for endo causing infertility, i think it is true cos for my case, the web block my tube.
Hi ladies,

I had a miscarriage last month. Did my D&C and I have my menses after 4 weeks. My menses was not as heavy as my usual menses and it only lasted for 4 days.

On my 5th days, it was totally clear. On my 6th days,I had brown discharge but I had fresh blood flow again on the 7th days. But it was like a one time kidn of flow and it stop for the whole day. Than it was totally clear for 2 days again and after that I had brown discharge again.

Any one here encounted this on and off kind of flow? Is it normal?
piggy_mummy.. eating too much tonic until put on weight is it? anyway, i din have that much energy after the MC. quite weak basically.. energy only recover after 1 month.. but the backache comes and goes..

no la, feel weak actually after sleep early like 10 plus, and tired easily..

i told my tcm sinseh abt the backache, she said because of the "QI", no gd, so have to "Tiao". now i am eating "tiao qi" and "tiao jing" medicine..
Hi all
I suffereed my first m/c last week. I was 7 weeks pregnant when doc told me bb heartbeat has turned weak. bpm was 60 instead of the normal 120. And yoke sac bigger than baby...We waited for a week and bb heartbeat stopped and I had a d and c told last Friday. Doc has given me 2 weeks mc to rest but i am going to work tomorrow.

All this while, I have been going outside and not eating proper confinement food, only used herbal water to bathe the first two days and had some black chicken with dangui. Other than that, still eating normally. Even thinking of going for some jogging to strengthen my body. Is it advisable ah? What food should we be taking?
I just found out about my mc 2 days ago. I checked by using pregnancy kits is faint +ve, then 2 days ago menses came. Some of you mention it is a chemical pregnacy. I have seen a gynae and was told its very common. Was given 2 days mc due to very heavy menses. But am not eating any confinement food . I was thinking, its so early, if i didnt do the test last week, i might not even know that i was even pregnant at all. Doctor also didnt say i need to rest or anthing. Can i start TTCing again after this cycle?
Hi Ms Pi, heard that chemical pregnancy is very early miscarriage so its fine to start ttc the next cycle... i din do any confinement too.

Hi Roxyz, im here too
Ms pi- i guess shouldnt be a prob to TTC right away. i had chemical pregnancy in last dec too. my AF came exactly one week late. i was tested over 30 strips and clearblue digital to confirm the +ve... still happily made appt to see gynea but who knows ended up with a bad news... its very hard to overcome it since the EDD is our ROM day..
Hi joline...
So sad to see each other here hor... but I'm sure everyone here will strike very soon! We must all stay positive and encourage each other more...

Hi Ms_pi
Me,alien and joline are here too... from e ttc thread.. sorry to hear about your loss...
Oh, Yup Yup.. at least it show we are able to conceive. We will soon strike again esp for you since u only TTC 2 times and i know u will be able to strike even sooner than me
yes, this is the only positive thing about it...and i tink this is wat keeps me from beaking down totally... its also wat my gynae keep telling me... i was quite surprised when my gynae shared with me that his wife had 2 m/c before conceiving their daughter then another 2 m/c before conceiving their son... so when he was telling me he fully understands wat im going through, i believe him.

Now duno dare to ttc or not.. doc advise wait 1 cycle... but also heard cases where people strike immediately after mc, tink im going crazy liao tinking of having a pigy bb...

how is ur ttc-ing? any news? Im sure we will all strike together
joline & roxyz,

i agree with joline. at least we are able to conceive naturally.. this is the only thing i feel happy for ourselves.. i am going to test soon le. *finger crossed and pray for me pls*
roxyz- pls wait until your uterus lining has back to original shape. if too thin when implantation occur, it might cause another m/c.
yes alien.. this is also the thing that worries me too...when are you doing the test? Hope to hear good news soon!
Hi roxyz, alien & joline
Glad that i am not alone. Was still happily discussing with hubby 1 week ago about baby stuff then suddenly got this bad news. I break down at the clinic. The doctor also encourage me by telling me at least i know i can concieve. Was hoping to have a piggy baby so was very disappointed when i lose it. Now thinking whether i should try again straight away after this cycle. Am worried that if i didnt rest enough, it will happen again..
i think even is chemical miscarriage, have to do mini a week. I had chem mc last year, that time don know anything, gynae even ask me to wait 3 cycle.i din so confinement at that time, but after 3 month, my body feel weak, backache, and body ache when the weather turn cold..i v.regret din take good care of myself after mc..


I thk u shd do a mini confinement, coz after dnc, body will bcome weak..i am doin it for 2 weeks...
hi piggymummy, nope i din do any confinement coz I don't know how to do. i did not mention anything to my fam about this except my hubby. So....

Roxyz, initially i wanted piglet too, but i realise how important it is to me to have a healthy baby. Even if its a mickey or even if baby is born in the year of cow, im fine coz they are our kid. We want the best for them. This cycle not much chance, and also i don't wish to conceive too for this cycle coz i have eaten quite alot of medicine. I don't want the same to repeat. But once i'm well in my next cycle, i will take one more cycle of clomid and will see how again. My Gynae is Dr Adrian too and the last visit, he wanted me to complete 3 cycle of clomid before going back to him for review. but i stop after taking one cycle and who know i stike during the cycle i did not take, but........

Alien, yes, i hope its a good news for you
cross my finger too and will pray for u
Pls rem to share with us once its confirm!
roxyz & joline,

i tested +ve since 8dpiui. today am in 10dpiui. the test is getting darker each day. i am very hopeful for this cycle but am scared it is a leftover hCG in my body which i took 12days ago.. i can show you guys a pic if you wan to see
hi alien, i saw the pic u have posted at TTC thread
yes, stay +ve and we shall continue to pray for u...

by the way, need your advise. Based on my BBT, i have ovulate twice w/o clomid. im still hesistating if i should take clomid. Actually i do not want and i called up my gynae last cycle if its possible to go back to take blood test to check if i ovulate when i did not take clomid but he wanted me to complete the other 2 cycle coz more eggs will be release and chances of conceive will be higher. if still fail to conceive, will schedule for further checks like any blockage of tube, hubby's SA test. The first time i went to check i wasn't ovulating coz that period i was stressful over my wedding and cycle is so short, only 17days. now im back to normal, and wondering if im those who can ovulate by myself every month. yet doc doesn't want me to go back for test coz he said that im already Ovulating with the helps of clomid. what should i do??

listen to your body. if your BBT showing a thermal shift and stay high for the next 9-15days, i would say you hv a ovulation cycle. dun take clomid for unnecessary. do you wan to show me your chart?
hi roxyz,

your experience sounds a lot like mine - 7 weeks, then finally no heartbeat. my older folks tell me to stay off the usual after d&c - seafood and anything else chinese believe is 'du', for at least 40 days (??) as the uterus is raw after the d&c and these foods may cause swelling of the wound. my mum even tells me 100 days...??

think you should take it slow and not do any exercising immediately after d&c. my doc said can start after about 2 weeks if your review is ok, but to take it gradually and start with walking and swimming.

you need few more days to confirm the thermal shift. FF usually change our O date in 4-5dpo. are you first time charting?
hi alien, not the first time im charting. FF has not been changing my O date for the past 2 cycle coz my luteral phrase quite standard, 14days. temp will hang around there and only one huge drop from DPO 6 onwards and ard DPO 11, temp will slowly drop and by DPO14, a drop to 36.4+ mean AF will come that day. that's my pattern... except my last cycle, DPO 14 still high, 36.9+... +ve HPT on DPO 15 and DPO16 AF come when it drop to 36.4+
joline- since you can ovulate w/o clomid, why dun just stop taking it and hv u/s every cycle when near to O, eg CD11-CD14? monitor follicles instead of depends on clomid. are you going to do D21 test to confirm you hv O-ed?
hi alien, my gynae said no need go back for u/s since i have O. and also doesn't want me go back for blood test... so im thinking of going another gynae but read alot of different gynae comments and till date no idea which one is good. u went to which gynae? to check on follicles is through u/s or viginal scan? what is the different between these 2 scan?
joline- i done my IUI with thomson fertility ctr. my outside gynea is DR. TC Lim fr Tanglin Shopping Ctr. follicles can only check thru vaginal scan. the ultrasound scan is only for preg women bah i think.
his charges slightly expensive than those neighbourhood gynea, but the queue if definitely shorter. good environment (big enuf) and frenly nurses (alot of nurses there). his charges $100 for consultation and $50 for u/s.

i find him very experience and he is a christian with very kind hearted. my DH was happy i found him actually. i just switched to him after the loss.
joline- he is gentle, patient and very frenly. talk abt this, i start to miss him already... he gave us abt 20mins counselling that time we visited him. such a nice gynea i ever met
oh, ok, that's good... Mmm, do u think i should drop him a visit tomorrow? Can i have Blood test if i visit him tml based on my chart?
your could be too early for D21 blood test. wait until CD21 since your cycle is on the 'normal' range. bring your charts to show him as well. he is someone recommend his patient to do charting
Hi cassie
Thanks for the advice. Dun think Im up to exercising also. Since the pregnancy was avoiding exercise.. now feel breathless easily though m/c already...

hi joline
Your gynae is the same as mine. I havent seen Dr Adrian yet also. Supposed to see him last week but been too busy. Will probably do it this week. What does he say during the follow up visit after d and c ah?
Yeah loh, Dr Adrian seldom talk hor... dat time when he told me heartbeat getting weak and I broke down and cried in front of him, he didnt console me but did give me some tissues. Think he's used to this already. And his consultation is always very short. I'm also thinking whether should I change gynae or not. Are you using him for fertility treatments too?

hi alien
Share your good news here and give everyone hope!

Hi roxyz,
Thanks..yeah. After reading all the m/c stories. I really think all i want now is just a healthy bb. Dont care what animal or boy or girl..
Came back to work after a few days break and learn that a colleague is pregnant. Cant help it but the good news make me even more sad. Cause we could have been pregnant together.. Guess i am just not as lucky.. Hopefully i can get pregnant again soon.
