Support group - Miscarriages

KKH used to be cheaper in the past... However, their fees have risen to become comparable to other pte hospitals because their facilities are better. For pregnancies that are complicated, they have multi disciplinary teams to assist you. When i was at TMC last year, i had to be referred to KKH to see the specialist sonographer to have a better ultrascan taken.

I've also heard and experienced for myself the standards at KKH, which aren't very pleasing. Unless no choice, I wouldn't want to go there!

Chrysanne12, good luck! My test strips show that i'll be ovulating soon too. However, it's been barely 2 months since the D&C so i don't think i wanna risk getting pregnant with a weak womb, provided i can strike jackpot lah.

Just for info.. I was very worried that AF would become irregular or I can't ovulate after the D&C so i got test strips in bulk (paid about $15 for about 25 strips i think from Babydust's website). At least it can show the ovulation pretty well, it's just that very troublesome cos it's not mid stream tests. So for those who are interested and who may have irregular AF, this might be a more cost-effective choice as compared to the Clearplan ones they sell at Watson's which comes up to about $10 per piece. So far, i've only seen comments from a few pple that the test does'nt work at all for them, so i believe the pdt still does work for most. If the ovulation continues to be regular, i will prob start trying next month too.

Applemuffin, hope you are doing ok. Hang in there ok?

Hi Sisters,

Good news to start the week (for me lah)

My AF reported on last Saturday!!!! Me n HB were so happy and thankful that our prayers & all those who had prayed for us, had come true. So so thankful that it is not Asherman's Syndrome. Thanks to all the support, advices and prayers in this thread...keep me going during the waiting time. So grateful....

Will be seeing Dr Wong this Wed to give him my update and see what to do next. I dont think i will be going back to the TCM and Dr Fong anymore...we should be taking it naturally and slowly from now on....the whole ordeal taught me a valuable lesson..patience and not push TTC too is more or no bb we are v happy now...and we thank God for answering our prayers before valentine's day and our forthcoming thankful.

Sorry for the long posting...v happy u know!
Hi applemuffin,

Can sense yr happiness!
I was as happy when my AF come after inducing...

Yeah, for this month I am also taking it easy - not even using test strip..was feeling so much more at ease and less stress...sometimes we really need to take a break from TTC.

hi ah kat,

yeah v happy!
thanks for yr support thruout..
no need to go for op...what a relief!

must build up a strong body before ttc..i intend to lose some weight and take more vits before starting...but let nature takes it course...wont rush anymore...two lessons learnt...quite fearful now..

maybe u can ttc during cny n v day....should be more relax and in happy mood
Thk God ur AF is finally HERE!

I feel soooo relieve for you and thk God you didint go for any surgery or D & C.
Yup shed some fats and build up ur health wif vits, mind sharing wat brand of vits u be taking?

Hee..nw u in gd mood, we can arrange a meetup liao :p
thanks happyger

i read from other threads, some girls are taking vit e, i am also taking lor..
plus folic acid (must for ttc-sters)

can meet up after CNY..arrange for dinner...i am free most fridays..

Congrts you got it! Enjoy the days!

gals, my gyna said if you want to conceive must start taking folic acid to increase the chances of getting pregnant and also if you take vit b before pregnancy (don't know the no. i think vit b12) it helps to decrease vomitting when you actually get pregnant

my gyna is giving me nevramin said to increase the chances and also helps to strengthen the womb
apple.. good for u!! at least a kind of relief..

chrysanne, wish u success!!

As for KKH, personally i find them ok..
was there for my miscarriage, as a subsidy patient. I find the nurses quite ok..
Prior to my admission, I also didnt have a good impression of KKH also. Now I feel the nurses in the wards are over-stretched.. quite busy..
I can't say the same for the patient service staff in those specialist clinics though..keke
applemuffin, congrats! ur prayers are finally answered. i'm really happy for u. I believe my ovulation is over as i'm starting to experience pms syndromes. suddenly feel very depressed at work and with life. sigh. i've resorted to taking dark chocolate to help. Exercise has helped so much too.. i usually do about 2-3km twice a week now and feel healthier and more confident.

women at our age so sad.. need to rely on so many things to make us happy.. and sadly, men is one of the not so important things on our list!
thanks crystal n xbliss..

xbliss, understand how u feel...i burst out in tears on sat while bathing my SIL's dog! Felt v sad cos her dog was quite sick and i got my AF coming...mixed feelings...

i am packing alot of activities this week, V day, CNY, holiday in HK....i feel that gals in this thread deserve a good break...give yourself a pat on your back...for the journey we have come so far and all that we have gone thru...despite all sufferings, life is still beautiful...

findingmiki, why not suitable? i wont take in large qty..just moderate..also taking dang gui after AF to bu...feeling tired these days...and this week no chance to packed with activities..hee...excuse!

yes folic acid does help reduce spinal defects in bb but also to help us to conceive

i think you better don't take different pills at one go, gradually introduce them to your body

my facial lady told me if want to 'bu' yourself after menses, take chicken essence with cordyceps, it is good for your womb, I checked with my gyna he said yes


it is particulary becos of the service that i'm thinking hard loh! my friend kena scolded for screaming during labour leh!

anyway, ladies, i introduce this book called "what to expect when you are expecting", it is a very good book for all pregnant and ttc women, it contains lots of information
hi apple..

"findingmiki, why not suitable?"
I read it from the PCOS thread that someone commented that some chinese doc ever commented that bai feng pills are not good for certain people. Thus i would advise to check with the TCM doc to find out first before eating..
oic findingmiki. okie i will check it out.

btw, i have seen Dr Wong today. He said all clear for asherman's syndrome
now to take blood test to get a clean bill of health..then wait for 2 more AF to start ttc if i want to. we are v happy n thankful the ordeal is over.

Happy Valentine's Day to all
ha ha ha .. agree agree... !!
Yesterday i received a email with richard gere holding a rose .... so happy with that.. And soon i send it to the gals in my office.. All of them are thrilled by that.. Sigh.. where are all the men..
Hello ladies, been some time since my last posting.. hope everyone is going on fine. do rest lots and strengthen your body for the next angel

Congrats applemuffin! hehe so happy for you!!

been busy lately.. hope to catch up with u jie jies sometime soon! :D hehe
yes yes, happy piggy year too! i've started ttc-ing too. Mountain loads of BB dust for all of us!! drown us in BBdust!!!!!!

Glad to see good news from u! Told u u won't be so unlucky rite....
I bet u can sleep and eat well now. Cheers!

Wishing all ladies here Gong Xi Fa Cai and hope our babies dream will come true soon....Good luck to the New Year! Old wan throw away, new one will come soon.
Hi all,

Guess we all bz visting - this thread had been quiet...So, hope that none of us met with KPO relatives that asked "stupid" question!

Hi Ah-kat,

I did kana the 'stupid Qns'. Initally i jus smile off, but when they keep on asking and i am getting pissed off, i jus shoot off: "NOT I DUN WAN, I JUST M/C RECENTLY'. Guess have to tell the truth then they will zipped off. Hope they will be sensitve and not asking the 'stupid qns' again. Otherwise, me really gonna ban CNY visiting still I have BB.
hi gals,

Happy new year to all!

aiyah! i didn't strick jackpot lah, having my menses now..but 1 hand help as i didn't get any cramps this time when i'm having menses so hoping that my hormones are getting back to normal

again have to 'work hard' after menses

Jia You! Sure can get preggie again. Stay +ve!


I Understand how u feel...envy and jealous rite! Imagine my brother have 3 kids, then my sister oso the 3rd one coming in March..them me leh 1 oso so hard to get.
Tat why go everywhere ppl always puzzle why ur siblings so productive then why u still dun have.
hi ladies, sorry to intrude but just want to write and hopefully lessen my pain.
I just had a miscarriage today and went for a d&c in the afternoon. Actually i started bleeding yesterday morning and went to TMC. got jab and asked to take duphaston. but unfortunatly still couldn't save the bb.
I'm so depressed and sad and to add to the pain, it's going to be my birthday in few days time. Initially i tot this could be my happiest birthday. sigh... i guess just wasnt meant to be.
Hubby had been very supportive though..he keep saying it's ok, we can still try for another one...but still i couldn't help feeling so sad. I don't think he understand how i feel.
sorry for my blabbering here. thanks for reading my post.
hi ladies, i got a question: my doc ask me not to take those chinese tonic drinks (those usually taken after given birth or after m/c. like tong quai) within these 2 weeks. He said can take after 2 weeks. Is that true?

sorry to know that... Be brave! try again when u r ready.
For the chinese tonic, there are people in this forum oso says that we cannot take this tonic as it will contract the uterus. After bleeding that start to 'bu' ur body will be better. But cos my in-law make those tonic for me.. so i got no choice but to drink/eat it.

Sorry to hear abt ur loss. I think ur hubby do understand how u feels and he may feel as sad as u do oso. Is juz tat he couln't show it as he has to act as ur pillar and be strong for u at this stage. Moreover, we women tend to be more expressive and for men usally they are more reserve towards opening up of their feelings perhaps due to 'egos'. So do have confident in ur man, am sure he do feels how u feels.

BTW, i oso start taking Chinese Tonics after d&c. Usually i heard alot of ppl immediately take chinese tonic after D&C as well as those who have given birth. So not sure why u gynae ask u not to take. Didn't u ask him why? Anyway, some gynaes are sceptical abit TCM stuffs.
Hi mulberry, *HUGS*.. i been thru the same thing.. just that mine is conceived on my bday itself.. *HUGS*.. cry all you want.. do remember to stand up after that ..

Now.. to answer your question.. my ex-gynae told me that after D&C avoid specific tonic like dong gui, red dates, korean ginseng for 2 weeks. The reason is 'cause these would encourage bleeding.

My current TCM doc says to avoid liqour as it would prevent the womb from contracting.

Thus I avoided dong gui, red dates, koren ginseng, liquor.

You will experience bleeding for a few days and some cramps. The cramps is 'cause the womb is contracting.

According to my TCM, which is contrary to normal practise.. she says that there is no need to do confinement as long as the m/c is before 3 months. However, as most encourage, my mother made me go thru a mini confinement.This is to build your health back.

No matter what.. do continue to take your folic acid.. it is impt as it helps to ensure the next pregnancy is normal.

Generally you can start to try again after your mens come. Then again.. it depends if you would like to start so early and what your gynae say.
hi all, i'm back from bali. had fun shopping and bargaining! retail therapy always works!

mulberry, sorry to hear about your m/c. Don't worry about intruding us here. We have all been through that, some worse off than you. Stay positive there.
Yup.. agree with xbliss.. it is not at all intruding... we are here for the same purpose.. to be with one and another.. to walk this difficult journey.
Dear Mulberry, sorry about your loss. It's been very long since i last posted here. My first m/c was just like yours. At 7weeks got bleeding, then admitted to tmc. No heartbeat found despite 3days stay in the hospital. Heartbroken and both me and hubby cried for a day.

but 2nd m/c was even more devastating. lost at 25 weeks due to incompetent cervix and 8 months has past i am still asking why such thing happen to me. Of course time plays the major role in healing.

So u take your time to recover but more importantly, since u have done d/c, let it be top priority to bring your womb back to shape. d/c is very detrimental to our womb and cervix.

Yes, i agree with the rest that only TCM can help to strengthen our womb.

Meanwhile, confront the sadness, talk abt it..we are all "ears".
Hey gals,

I am back! We spent almost the whole of CNY in, eating and more shopping n eating! Now thinking hard how to lose weights..hee..we "escape" the "why no bb" save hongbao $$ too...hee...
V day was good too...we had a romantic dinner at botanic garden...but dont sit outdoor if u go there...alot of mosquitoes!!!

New Year, New HOPE....hope this year will be baby boom for all of us here...

thanks nanz for yr support thru-out..

mulberry, sorry to hear yr strong girlie...take good good care of your health...we here all understand how u feel...take yr time to grieve...but always remember that there is light at the end of the tunnel...keep walking...keep pressing on...dont give up...

sisters, now that i have my AF. Can I start to bu my body? what should i eat to bu?


Ur AF finish? Try eating the bai feng huan from EYS recommended by Angela.

Oh yes, I learn from my IVF buddies that chicken juice is good for us oso, but me have not try making it.
