Support group - Miscarriages

Hi, needed advice.

Just had a m/c, the sac was being flushed out as a big blood clot. gynae advised to let nature takes its course. i.e. no D&C, let nature flush things out.

Thus now taking antibotics. Experiencing some cramps. is this normal?

Hi Finding Miki,

Mine was a natural case as well - bad cramps for abt 5, what u are experiencing is normal.

take care of yrself - do no drink cold water this period, if need to, pls do a mini confinement to "bu" yr body.

hi findingmiki

sorry abt yr loss. think since yr gynea has suggested natural way of handing the m/c, then follow his/her advice cos D&C is v "siong" to the womb and uterus. no good....

ah_kat is rite...must "bu" yr body...drink alot of warm ginger, red dates tea, chix soup, not sure if you can take alchohol yet...if ok, then drink DOM and cook them with yr food...for me, i bath once every 2 days and always blow-dry my hair...also wore long pants and slippers during mini confinement. take care girlie...
Hi Finding Miki,

Actually it depend on how many weeks u are in when the m/c happened - like for my case, since it so early stage...i really only do a minimum mini confinement.

In any case, pls take care!

Btw, just to check with the ladies here..can anyone recomm any TCM? Am thinking of looking into that to "tiao" my body.

the TCM I mentioned is the following:-

Ban Choon Wah Medical Hall
Blk 154 Serangoon North Ave 1
#01-434 Singapore 550154
TEl: 62887439
Hi ah kat,

Sorry to hear about your loss too. Understand the emotional turnmoil that you had been thru.

My m/c happened at 5.5 weeks. Thus a minimum mini confinement is good enough?

Hi applemuffin..
Thanks for the advice.
How long is a mini confinement?
hi findingmiki,
most welcome
i had my mini confinement for 2 weeks the 1st time and 1 week for the 2nd time. I guess it depends on how long a medical leave yr gynea is giving you.

hi ah_kat, i am seeing Dr Du Xue Mei at Bukit Timah, there is a thread on her. U may want to read up. Good to tiao yr body...think for ttc, patience is the golden word...
My baby has cystic hygroma, a rare birth defect. I went thru CVS and chromosones were normal. However, during the detailed scan, it shows multiple complication that the bb will not survive this pregnancy. I am seeing my gynae tmrw to discuss the process. I know I am going to lose bb soon as there is nothing that I can do and I have already did my best to keep her but seeing so many complications..
BB is now 19 weeks, and I may have to undergo natural expulsion. Could anyone here advise me the process? Can I see my bb for the last time? how will they dispose my bb??
hi gal,

i am so sorry to hear your news. I hope sincerely that you are coping well for tmr's consultation. I understand your situation cos i waited 2 days before D&C, during the wait, feelings were strong ok! *hugs*
Hi gal - sorry to hear abt yr loss - rest well & be strong.

Applemuffin:can I have the addy for Doc Du Xue Mei? Heard abt her before as she was invited frequently to host program on radio. How is the feedback on her?

Findingmiki: Yes, the mini confinement depend on how strong/healthy your body are. For me, I did not do such much but just watched my diet, no cold drink and get plenty of sleep and rest.
Findingmiki, try taking chicken essence as well. Avoid seafood for the moment as well bah. Rest plenty, try not to exert too much strength or lift heavy stuffs at the moment.

Sorry about your loss gal, it will be difficult but stay strong. Do keep us updated yar? Will be praying for you..
gal, i am sorry to hear about the misfortune. I had a similar experience where bb also has some form of abnormality. Because hubby and I have a prior discussion to getting pregnant, we knew we could not afford to care for a special child and it so happened that i carried one. Without much hesitation, we chose to "abort" the bb too. I was at 15 weeks then.

You can def opt to see the bb, but do be prepared emotionally and mentally cos that image will be etched in your mind for a long time. The hospital disposes of the bb for you unless you opt to "give it a burial". In my case, i did not opt to see the bb and left it to the hospital for disposal as well. Cruel, but i din think i was able to handle any of that at the point in time.
hi ah kat,
Du Xue Mei's clinic is at Bukit Timah Plaza, 1st Floor. her contact no is 64637476. But I think Dr Du is now overseas and will only be back end Jan. You can try calling her. Yeah i also heard she is on Radio program often. I have good feedback on her. You can pm me if you like

Can I check with u gals whether do u suffer from cramps pain after your natural m/c.
I lost my baby last week. it happen so fast, without me realising it coz i was busy working all these while. I only realise that i had spotting for 5 days which i feel a sudden pain and the whole blood clot came out. i thought that i had very little menses at first. guess the baby should be 6 weeks by then. after that i keep feeling cramps. i am so worried about the cramps.
Hi shainegal,
I lost my baby last week too. Still having some light bleeding and cramps as well. It is best that you see a gynae to ensure that everything has been purged naturally. Else a D&C may be required. My doc also gave me antibodics to ensure no infections. Indications of infections is heavy bleeding. cramps is expected as the utersus is contracting. Do not drink alcholic stuff as it would slow down the rate of uterus shrinking.
Hi findingmiki,

for me, i aleady stop bleeding but still having pain. the doc suspect infection, so i was given antibotics. thinking of going for a scan.
Just had my d&C yesterday. The endo lining (2 cm) is too thick for comfort. Doc is suspecting that the hyperplasia has made a comeback. Does any of u has thick lining and doc did d&c to clear things?
hi findingmiki
i had two D&C, one to clear possible infection. what's hyperplasia? remember to do a mini confinement.

this thread is getting quiet...
hello ladies,

I oso had a mc in late dec... Bb no heartbeat at around 8 weeks... Oh ya applemuffin, how is the charges of Dr Du? And her medicine need to drink many times in a day? If working... how to brew the medicine?
applemuffin.. all busy with work lah. My work is killing me. I worked nearly 14 hours today and my back is killing me. Have got a bad backache after the D&C in Dec.. hai... how are you doing? induced AF already?

My AF finally reported today.. 36 days post D&C. Not too bad since my usual cycle is around 31-33 days too. Do hope it can remain stable.

I haven't heard from "gal" too. wonder how she is doing. i feel so much for her cos i was in almost the same shoes. The whole inducing of birth was so traumatic for me. "gal", do hope you are doing ok and do feel free to share here if you need support. *hugz*
Hi crystal,

PM me if you like to know more abt dr du. or u can visit the thread on her
During TTC period, i drank about twice a day daily. Need to brew the med over stove n fire...brew alternate day.

hi xbliss, i am ok but down with flu, cough n sore throat...sigh.. AF still missing in action. planned to induce AF using med 1st week of Feb. hope it will come....pray for me ahhh...
Hi applemuffin,

Thanks for the reply on Dr Du - so, did u feel any diff after seeing her?

Me just completed the inducing AD waiting for AF to come...hope yrs come w/o inducing as dont know was it the med or my own imagaination - feel so bloated and tired.
hi ah kat,

my womb area hurts after both D&Cs, aching crampy feeling...but after taking Dr Du's med, the pain decreases. my ovulation period also comes early than usual when i ttc. overall complexion also improve. In short, i feel good seeing her but bear in mind, her med is v v v bitter.

after AF induction med, got to wait how long for AF to show up?
Hi applemuffin, My womb area hurts after the D&Cs as well. Guess it is normal?

If anyone knows that it is abnormal, do let us know.

Hyperplasia in the thickening of the endometrical lining. Depending on the type of hyperplasia, some can lead to endometrium cancer.

Doc checked that my lining is too thick for comfort thus performed the D&C. Does anyone has such incidences where lining is found too thick after m/c but no hyperplasia ?
I am really keeping my fingers crossed right now.

usually chinese doc only encourage ttc 6 months after mc right? Actually i oso currently seeing a chinese doctor to strengthen my womb... Find that Dr Du quite ex but then think she had a gyne who work hand in hand with her rite?
hi findingmiki, i think cramps/pain after D&C is normal. I had them when i had my mc twice. gynea said it is cos the uterus is slowly shrinking back to their original size. Suggest u seek another opinion after u get yr report. sometimes it might not be as serious as it is..

crystal, my tcm encourages me to ttc within 6 months window period of D&C..guess diff tcm, diff school of thots. yeah dr du works with fong chuan wee gleneagles.
hi applemuffin,

Thanks.. I was worried as i have had 4 D&C before (to check for hyperplasia) but this is the 1st D&C that i did after a m/c.
And this is the first time that i felt cramps this bad.. so i became worried. Thanks for reassuring me.
hi findingmiki, my gynae also said i have hyperplasia, only when the reports came out after my d&c. was told that i cannot get pregnant within a year.

hi crystalz.. same thing happened to my bb, no heartbeat at 8weeks..

it's been 3mths =\

anyway, that day's dinner was cancelled. postponed til when huh?
Hi gina..

thanks for sharing. Not easy right.. are u feeling better now?

is doc giving u any treatment now?
able to share which hyperplasia? did doc elaborate? Did AF comes after the m/c?
hi ladies,
something new I learn of the medical term, hyperplasia
may I knw any symptoms of this condition?
Wat cuase it, so is hormonal dieases?

Cos after m/c, I want to know as many condition as possible to prevent or treat it..

I read ur story and sorry to wat happen to you
Be strong as I know it's not easy cos spiritually,mentally and physically will be tired as all negative health condition happened...
However, we are women of Faith and strong being,
we will overcome and there will be rainbow after the rainy storm
Hang on dear
Hi Applemuffin,

my AF finally report today!! It came 4 days after I stop the inducing medication but qty very little...

Discussed w hubby and decided to stop TTC for one plotting, no charting for one cycle...
Btw, I saw yr email - thanks...will KIV Dr Du maybe the nxt cycle then go c her

How are u now?

Hi, just to share a little more about hyperplasia.

The full name : Endometrial Hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is a condition that occurs when the lining of the uterus (endometrium) grows too much. It is a benign (not cancer) condition.

However, some hyperplasia can/might lead to cancerous condition.

Who Is at Risk?
Endometrial hyperplasia is more likely to occur in certain women. Those most at risk are women who:

- Are in the years around menopause
- Skip menstrual periods or have no periods at all
= Are overweight
- Have diabetes
- Have polycystic ovary syndrome
- Take estrogen without progesterone to replace the estrogen their body is no longer making and to relieve symptoms of menopause

The most common symptom of hyperplasia is abnormal vaginal bleeding.
i.e. my own experience is spotting rather than menstrual flow.

There are three types of endometrial hyperplasia:
- simple hyperplasia (cystic hyperplasia),
- adenomatous (complex) hyperplasia
- atypical adenomatous (complex atypical) hyperplasia.

If left untreated, this can lead to endometrial cancer.
Can read more here ..

My own experience had been -
Diagnosed with Complex atypical 3 years ago.
Before that i did not have real menses for a year. It was spotting all the time.

my prevous gynae gave me provera to help. This is actually giving the progestone that i lack.
For the 2 years that follows, I was taking provera to make sure that menses come and D&C at very 3 months interval. Each D&C is performed to check the cells from the lining.
Things improved then.. from complex atypical to simple complex.. to normal ..

Then the medication stopped. My condition is back to simple and complex hyperplasia. This is the time when i realised that I would need medication to stop the condition, to ensure that i have menses each month.
Hi findingmiki,
no worries, we are all here to support each other and hopefully with what we had gone thru, our experiences can help shed some lights..

Hi gina,
think nanz still trying to pin down a meeting date for all those interested to meet up. maybe we can do it during CNY week?

hi ah kat,
congrats in a way
at least now u can start afresh..
good that you have decided to take it easy for 1 cycle. maybe will strike again when u take it easy
my AF hasnt report yet...its been almost 2 months now..i am due to take induction med this week on 1 feb...and wait for 1 week for AF to come. Do keep me in your prayers....i do not want to go thru another D&C to insert balloon!! v scared...
Hi Gals,

Have not been dropping by lately as was feeling rather 'depress' last week....Anyway, I have seen my gynae on sat and was told I am recovering well as my D21 blood test result was good and show tat I am ovulating as per normal! My 2nd AF also reported at D32....Gynae say I can start my IVF thawed cycle if i want to. But told her I will put this on hold first as I hope to let my body has a longer break and may strike natural leh. Next week, I will be going to Taipei and bases on my current cycle, my O days will fall during my tour hope can 'make in taipei' then. Wish me lucks!

Apple, my warmest regards to you and may ur AF come after taking the induce medication. Take care!
Glad to find this support group.
I lost my baby 2 weeks ago as heartbeat stopped.
Went for a D/C and still in a lousy mood.. but life still goes on. Back at work to immerse myself not to think about things.

Gynae asked me to go for a blood test 4 weeks after D/c. testing 6 different items.. anyone knows or experience what the tests are for??
Hi Nanz,

cheer up
sounds like your health condition is good so striking natural should come soon. Enjoy yr holiday in, shop and make babies..
thanks for yr wishes n prayers...i also hope to see the light soon. meanwhile, i am keeping myself busy and try not to think too much.

hi sunrise, sorry abt yr loss. hope u are doing yr confinement and recovering well.
u can ask yr gynea what checks is he planning for u. what i did was blood test to test for thyroid, diabetes, chromosome defects, lupus lining etc..check for abnormalities in parents and the aborted foetus.
Hi Sunrise,

We all have been thru tis 'shit' and understand how u feel now...yes, good to keep urself occupied so tat u will have less time to think abt the matter...a short break will be good too if you can spare the time.

I was only ask to do a blood test at D21 after 1st AF to test for ovulaton. So guess u have to check wif ur gynae wat is the 6 items u are testing for.

Meanwhile, u take care and do have a healthy diet to nurse ur body back.

Me going for a week. Check with Angela abt the gathering better. She is the organizer tat time. Or u may also organise? Me lazy in coordinating leh. :p
Hi applemuffin,

No worries Af was missing for 71 days lor..and came 4 days after I stop the medication.yrs will come - actually if until now still dont have, y must u wait till Feb 1st leh?

sunrise, i think it's a TORCH test.. which test for a series of infections that most commonly affect pregnancy. Toxoplasmosis, Other infections (like herpes, Hep B, syphillis, chicken pox), Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex virus. I had one done too.. On top of that, i was tested for blood sugar. It's a pretty simple test.. just draw about 2 small tubes of blood.

Nanz, hope you really do make in taipei!

Applemuffin, take it easy lah.. i have reverted to my old lifestyle of sports like jogging, badminton and squash to keep myself healthy. Really taking time to enjoy all that i couldn't for the past 6 months.
findingmiki, i smsed my gynae for the exact term but he hasnt get back to me yet. Was in a half daze when he told me that he was "more concerned" abt the hyperplasia thing in my report. Can only roughly remember that he said it was the thickening of something. first thing that occured to me: was it MY problem that caused my bb to leave us =\ else why cannot get pregnant within a year (though not in a hurry to have a baby but nevertheless....)anyway, AF did come normally after D&C, as usual every month. No medication was given to me though.

Gynae scheduled for another checkup 6mths later which is in June. To monitor or something. I suck huh, didn't even find out or listen properly to what he was saying, only know how to cry =\

Thanks for looking up for the info coz i tried searching last time but the info was overwhelming, didnt know which was which. Somehow i don't think i fall under the "most at risk women". =( How lucky can i get..

Sunrise, get plenty of rests and have tonics and stuff to prepare yourself for the next sweetie's arrival. Do drop by when u are free, we're always here to lend a listening ear..

Have Fun Nanz!! hope u bring back lotsa goodies that are MADE IN TAIPEI (a bonus if it is Made By Two, In Taipei hehee)! Travel Safe! =D

Apple, you have my mental support! Muacks! *Ai de gu li!*
hi ah kat,

dr wong from NUH wants me to wait till 1 Feb to start med. He said to wait for full 60 days for it come naturally. anyway two more days, no diff to wait lor..

hi xbliss,
i have also started gym..taking it easier now...not so hard on myself abt bb-making anymore..twice bitten...v shy..

hi gina, thanks for the mental support...good to know i can always come to this forum to pour out grievances...
Hi Gina,

My previous Gynae did not want me to try too when i was first dignosed with Hyperplasia.

He gave me medication to ensure that my AF comes. (background, 'cause my PCOS is so bad that i need medication to induce AF). And those medication will not allow me to get pregnant.

After 1.5 -2 years, after the hyperplasia made a comeback as SIMPLE and COMPLEX hyperplasia, he wants me to clear the condition for another 2 years. He wants to implant a IUD that would prevent me from pregnancy and tat gave me the progestrone that i lack. Upon hearing this, as I am already in my mid 30s, I switched gynae as i felt i was getting nowhere. When i went to my current gynae, he thinks otherwise. He knows this condition well enough. He said that as long as it is Simple hyperplasia, it is okay that i try. He first injects to make me to go into menupause for 3 months. (this bounce the system to sleep). Then he starts me on the fertility program to get me pregnant asap. For each cycle, he monitors the lining closely. The normal thickness is 7-8mm. The idea is to get pregnant asap before the condition makes a comeback.

An update:- my report is out. The m/c is not caused by hyperplasia. I am clear this time. i.e. no hyperplasia. However, gynae did warn that it will comeback anytime as long as I have the history of atypical complex hyperplasia. Monitoring is needed at all times. He wants me to get pregnant asap to avoid complications.

3 years back, when i knew that i had hyperplasia. I was searching the internet high and low for information. Desperate is the word. Despondent is the word as well.

Then I realised that my previous gynae does not have a good knowledge of the hyperplasia condition. I felt he lacks the knowledge to help me to get pregnant with that condition. I lost the confidence and started to seek for second opinion.

Its been a year since i switched doctor, engaging TCM help as well. Guess it did paid off, though i had a m/c, there is no recurrence. I am only relieved that I managed to keep my womb.

I do feel ashamed for losing trust in both the TCM and my current gyane for a while when my mind really wonder wild. This experience taught me to have more trust in them.

So gina, Don't fear.. it can be managed.

Many hugs, as much as you need them.
hi gals,

finally started on med to induce af. med given is called dydrogesterone. any gals had the same situation and were given the same med? i will be taking the med for next 7 days. Hope af shows up soon.

Hi applemuffin,

I was given Norethisterone 5mg for 7 days.
As I have the history where AF needs to be induced. I did not want to take chances this time after the M/C. Gynae agreed and he asked me to start taking this medication about a month after the D&C.

AF would usually shows up 1-2 days after the medication.
